The Huron Expositor, 1941-06-13, Page 3r, daar, : C iere's a 44Ang
qu , O*0rw, eAa7
ma.)y, to snake JalMs and IMMipe, #
Out perfect•;everyttime, No at 'ding'
Over a 'hot stove for: hours the; Way,
our.,grdnd!lnoti}ers did. Grandmother,
would never have dared approach the
Jam?, and Jelly Mniging season, with the
confident manner of the modern home-
maker. The use of fruit pectin," h s
eliminated the hazards She had to
•coPe with. . She would certainly think
the short -boil method Sheer magic.
and remember how •discouraged she
was when after hours of work, ber
favorite recjpe dddn't4quite come off.
So with the use of fully ripe fruit
and accurate measurement of ingredi-
ents your 'success is assured. The
element of 'dwlbt has been removed
and 3h a short time that would have
raised grandmother's eyebrows in
amazement ,you'll view with pride
those blessed little jars which are so
indispensable for adding color to
meals -twice blessed in their double
purpose of being both decorative and
good to eat.
(Odntinued frown Page 2)
form of a \miscellaneous shower for"
Miss Phillips. . The 'numerous gifts
were wheeled in, in a doll carriege,
by little Glenyce Bainton, and Jean
was, obliged to :pen them, 6o11"ri'ng
whit% she very fittingly; thanked those
present for 'their gifts and • kind
thoughts. A delightful lunch brought
the eventing to a close. --Blyth Stan-
dard. ,
Leaving Town
Mr. R. E. Shaw has secured the
agency for the C.P.R. at Alliston, and
will leave with his family around the
end of June. Mr. Shaw has been the
agent here for'the past eleven years,
and prior to ythat° was agent at Au-'
THE whole family will welcome, a big, luscious berry pie baked
with Robin Hood Flout. 'Strawberries, blueberries or any of else
current fruits may be used for a filling. It is easy to bake pies. If
-you have an ice box make a quantity of dough and you can have
fresh pies daily. Mrs. Wicks says, "It is a joy to bake bread, pies,
or any other baking, when, you have a dependable flour like Robin
Hood. I wouldn't think of baking with aipything else." • ,
Recipe: -2 cups Robin Hood Flour, sifted, 1 scant cupshortening,
Se tsp. salt. Enough cold water to make a very stiff dough. (Use as
little water as possible).
ossi e), '
Recipe Method: -1. Sift flour with salt. 2. Cut shortening into flour.
3. Chill. Roll out and cover pie dish..
4. Fill with berries, sprinkie,two table-
s oons flour .mixed with two table-
spoons sugar through berries. 5. Bake
in hot oven (450°F.). In ten minutes .,
reduce heat to moderate and bake
evenly until crust is golden brown.
Thousands of women like Mrs.
Wicks depend on Robin Hood? for
everything they bake. This .famous.
dependable flour makes baking a joy.
Next time you need flour, buy Robin
Hood.,At.local merchants everywhere. •
- Sincerely,
Robin Hood Flour
Melled hoof Waahed Wit
The March of Science
globe in ink. Around the base of
the globe are two circlets , of
coloured pins. Each day, a pin is
selected with a head -coloured to
indicate the intensity of radio
disturbances. that day. This pin
is inserted 'in the outer row op-
posite a fixed line that represents
the; present day. The pin that
was in this hole, representing the .
intensity of radio disturbances 27
days ago, is moved back to the
inner row. In this way, one can
see at a glance what relation sun
spots have had to radio disturb-
ances during the past 54 days.
Eventually, enough data may be
secured to .enable accurate pre-
diction of serious sun storms.
Furthermore, continued efforts
are being° made to discover the
exact source of the disturbance.
For this purpose, Bell Telephone
Laboratories have , for some time
been using the Coronaviser, ' a
means sof studying the solar
corona by viewing it through an
apparatus similar to television
It is known that long wave
radio is not so strongly affected
by solar disturbances as short
wave, and that increasing the
power of the radio channels by
concentrating them into a narrow,
beam reduces the static to, one-
fourth • the former volume. If
accurate prediction of "the dis-
turbances can be .achieved,, these
precautions can be taken' in ad-
vance of is serious storm. The
radii and telephone channels can
be kept in operation, let Old Sol
rage as he may.
This' combat with such a re -
Mete and seemingly irrelevant
foe as solar storms illustrates
the very 'wide front of gall 'Tele -
Phone ' operations and research--
gall with a view to protecting and
improving Your telephone service.
On several occasions, not . long
ago,' Herr Goebbels' propaganda,
broadcasts became jammed, the
sweetest symphony programs
sounded like jitterbugs jams,
trans -atlantic cable and wireless
channels were silenced, telegraph
machines wouldn't send anything
except the letter V, and some
long distance telephone calls were
held up for hours.
The cause of all this. disttirb-
ance has been traced to tornadoes
92,830,000 miles away -on the
surface of the sun! Old Sol sud-
,denly becomes more apopletic than
usual. The streamers of his
corona flare angrily into space.
-Colossal iehirlwinds Whip the
flames to incredibly high tem-
peratures. Huge spots, each about
30,000 miles m circumference,
.erupt like boils on his pudgy
• .cheeks.
Like a gargantuan garden
spray, the rotating sun rains
-electricity upon the planets. The
earth's magnetic poles in the
Arctic and Ahltarctic regions at-
tract this tremendous flow of
.energy, creating Magnetic storms.
Enormous sheets of electric cur-
rent race back and forth in the
earth's crustae :The Northern
Lights radiate more brilliantly
than ever. Compass needles twirl
crazily. Electric communications
suffer a "black out" while the
bombardmeht is at its height. •
Naturally, " telephone engineers
are very much interested in Sun
storms Among theirastronomical
devices IS a glass ha "(that re-
sembles a ti magic burgs c 'tat: This
• globe i rota ed: b gclockwork
once in about 27 da, the period
of rotation of the S, n itsee "b1ach•
day, photographs are 'en of
the sun t roan,- and ti 'c' • u�
.spots disclosed are narked On the
-r N o. 6 of . a sales prepared b911. G. 06)0,1
„' 14 Bell Telepbone Company of &outdo. �f..l[
tib I t Op 11.
•,014 Re!1hkpa 1� ._
«K, h l R . you IsaIe
fa maw*. /twee eat
tmfe tirf of wide, Mines
!lamnyourrag bona iihr
year liver itis out a Toe be-.
stsmadi sed kidneys can't
w 4 l tltl {�llr
baeksdi , d Ocyi'dr gged Crit ail the trine. ,
Forov1r35yeavalbotiiagds ham weir**
saief gam Ibese side wi h i rui +0411.
So an yew *nit. Try
as* Waal &ted bow, yawn feel oaa
�aew.Rarern;•ha y spin. ?5c,
■ RU ITIVT S iott f Seolhr
W kly Review' ::sof levelopments
41e „pc, N f tmtte Front :
1. gni then cOilitjngent of pilots
' trained under Brit o COmmonweaalth
Air Training Pox,. arrives in Great
•Britain from tlanado.
2. Fares of sol diers, sailors and
airmen travelling oa leave to be ex-
empt front traneportgion tax.
3. Budget ftscreases In . national de-
fence tax adopted by Commons, Other
Midget proposals under consideration
by the House in Co'uunittee ,of Ways
and Meana.
4. Unemployment Insurance
comes into operation July let.
5. Subscriptions ' yto Dominion of
Canada non-interest bearing certifi-
cates in April totalled 3179,,106, bring-
ing total sales to $6,403,634 as of
April 30th.
6. ' By sOrder-in-Council, erection or
extension of plants, installation of
equipment, construction or repair of
building prohibited' except under lic-
ense issued hy Priorities Officer, De-
partment of Munitions and . Supply.
Building and machinery for use in
primary industries, farming,, logging,
mining;' fishing, exempted from lic-
ense as also are dwelling houses.,
Apartment houses, however, subjeet to
license. Permits not - necessary to ex-
ecute building repairs not exceeding
32,500, nor for installation of equip-
ment of which installed cost does not
exceed $5,000 nor for new buildings
cost of which does not exceed 310,-
(Objective of order: Conservation
of foreign exchange; control of de-
mand_ for labor, new facilities and
materials nbcessary to war effort;
postponement of such demands until
post-war period in order to maintain
employment and economic activity at
that time).
7. Contracts awarded by Depart-
ment of Munitions and Supply during
week ended May 9th numbered 3,007
and totalled' 315,464,830.
- 8. Aircraft and shipbuilding lead
the list. Marine Industries Ltd., Sor-
el, Quebec, gets a shipbuilding order
of $2,592,000; Collingwood Shipyards
Ltd., Collingwood, Ont., one of 31,-
296,000. Under the dread of aircraft,
the largest individual item is Air Min-
istry, England, 32,5204)00. The Ford
Motor Company of Canada, Windsor,
been for eleven years. Many friends
in the district will learn of the in-
tended departure of Mr. and Mrs.
Shaw and family with regret -Blyth
Standard. o
Triplets Born
Mrs. Gordon Grey, of Owen Sound,
last week gave birth to triplets. The
babies passed on. • Mr. Grey is a cou-
sin. of Mr. F. L. Davidson and the
MacLean family of town.-Wingham
Advance -Times.
Graduated From Clinton Hospital
Am -wig those who graduate from
Clinton Community Hospital Thurs-
day is Miss Jean Herd of .Belmore.-
Wingham Advance -Times. -
On Permanent Duty
Capt. Elmer D. Bell, of Seaforth,
Adjutant of the 21st Field Brigade,
R,C.A., which has its headquarters'
here, has been taken on the perman-
ent staff and ,is at present doing duty
in Walkerton. It is- expected that
he will take up residence here in the
near future. - Wingham Advance,
Times:. •
Brussels Goes 'Over the Top'
Brussels had reached their quota
of 322,000 in the Canada War Loan
by nooli of Monday. The reports of
the canvassers showed 330,000.00 by
noon of Wednesday, (this amount does
not include that taken, in by the local
bank). It is estimated that 25 per
cent. of the total will come from this
source. It is expected that Brussels
will at least double their quota be-
fore the end of the campaign.. Brus-
sels may be a Scotch community, but
when it comes to lending our coun-
try money for the -'defeat of Hitler
and all he stands for, we are right on
the job. -Brussels Post.
Prize For Decorated Window
The window" of E. D. F'ell's law of-
fice was awarded the prize for Brus-
sels windows decorated in connection
with the Victory Loan campaign. The -
decorating• was done by Miss 'i. Low-
ery, of that office. The window car-
ried out the idea of the money of the
country being converted in Victory
Bonds and- these in turn producing
planes for our fighting forces. The,
judging was done by judges from an-
other town. Congratulations, Miss
Lowery'' It must have been difficult
for the judges to make a decision
for many of the merchants had fine
window displays, which were worthy
of praise. -Brussels Post.
Provincial Constable Arrives •
Provincial Constable Frank Fox,
newly -appointed 'sed'ior. officer and
high county constable for Huron
county, arrived ,from Welland on Sun-
day and already has taken over his
new duties. Constable -Fox is at pres-
ent _staying at a private home, hav-
in been unable as yet to secure a
house here,-Goderich signal -Star.
Three Airmen and An Old Car
An automoble of ancient vintage
burned up on No. 8 highway, one mile
out of Godericli, early Saturday morn-
ing, and thereby hangs a tale. It is
reported by police who investigated
that three R.A.F. airmen had purchas-
ed the car in Mitchell only a few
hours -before for a sum running into
three figures, paying a substantial
amount down. They had . ridden a
shade over thirty miles when the ma-
chine went up in smoke. The fire
was said to have been caused by leak -
ng.. gasoline falling on aired hot -mani-
fold. Not being` accustomed to Cana-
dian regulations, the. English airmen
'had' neglected to secure either a trans-
fer or owner's license or a driving
permit Police say that. too many
"old crocks" of automobiles are find-
ing their way to the airports via the
fancy figure route.--Goderdch Signal -
Two Goderich Boys Qualify As Seals
Boys who frequent the water are in
the way of adventure, and two Gode-
rich lads had an experience last Sat-
urday that they will not soon forget,
The two bpys, ,Fred Dowker and Billy
Macdonald (son of "Skipper" Bill
Macdonald), both" in their middle
'teens, 'had been out salting all after-
noon in a 16 -foot skiff when stress of
wind and sea got- the better of them,
the boat upset, and they found then -
selves separated by a mile or so of
deep, cold water from .the nearest
place of safety, the north breakwa-
ter. -Goderich Signal -Star.
920 Kcs. 326 Metres
Friday, .Tune 13-9'4F a in., "Our
Family;'; 11.15, "Cecil & Sally"; 7
p.m., Joan Edward's; 8.30, Gulley -
Saturday, June 14-8.05 a.m., Break-
fast Club; 9.30. Kiddies' Party; 6.30
p.m., Chealey Sport Interview; 8.00,
Barn Dance.
Sunday, June 10-11 a.m,,., United
1Church; 12.30 p.m., Howard Bedford;
1.30 p.m., Melody Time; 7, Angli-
can Church.
Monday, June 16-5.30 p.m., Kid-
dies' Carnival; 7, Deep River Boys;
7.15, "hlb & Zeb"; 8.30, Ranch Boys.
_Tuesday, June 17-7.45 a.m., llymn
Time; 7 p.m., Two Pianos; 8, Captains
e of Industry; 8.30, Harold!" Pym.
Wednesday, June 18.9.45 am., Our
Faultily; 8 p.nli, Sewers Brothers;
8,30, Clark Johnson; 9, Lottis-Conn
Thursday, June 19-8 a.m., froward
Bedf rd; 11,45 ant, 1l'as^hion Olitb; 1
vane, The llo elleirts,
9: �rdo! 4p 80roo0 ca1pes Or 5i
400;0(10 dpzew egg received .by pe
01417.40d0PtO Board i roll iiitinh ;
istiry of . Food Orderinn1 ' . to
sale§. Oftauadzac eggs to'Britis1
retry s n January cas
Total 040 sales to Ministry' were
356;000 Capes.
10. DominionWeal'and r-
an CRa�,. C4
Iteration . to extend, ltd' facilities at
Sydney, N,S., materially. Total goats
involved run to several millions.
(Extensions undertaften to Meet in-
creasing demand for steel in Cana-,
dian munitions program, more espee
iaily to meetgreatly 'enlarged ship=
building: program of Department, of
Munitions and Supply).
11. Announced that steel rolling
mill will be in opeeation in Vancou-
mer within a few months.
A Weekly Review' of .Developments
On the Home Front
1. First three days campaign for
Canada's Third Victory Loan Yield
subscriptions totalling over $107,000,-
000, which is well ahead of schedule.
Loan objective: $600,000,000. Terms:
Ten-year, 3 per cent, issued! at par,
payable on maturity at 101,+ yielding
3.09 per cent. to maturity; five-year,
2 per cent., issued at 99, payable on
maturity at 100, yielding 2.1$ per cent:
to maturity.
2. Commons Committee on war ex-
penditure recommends greater use of
civilian clerks, both officers and other
ranks, for routine work in Defence
Departments of Army, Navy, Air.
,,3. Commons Committee to investi-
gate Defence of Canada Regulations.
recommends establishment of three-
man advisory committees to replace
one-man bodies now hearing appeals
of persons taken into custody under
the regulations.
4. Conscientious objectors, Men-
nonites and_ .,L oukhobors whose con:
puisory militarytraining has beet'
postponed are .to be required to ren-
der three or four months labor 'ser-
vice. They will be subjent to such
further labor service as may be re-
quired in the future.
5. Government price for cheese
raised by .6 to 1.6 cents a pound. On
minimum of 112,000,000 pounds to be
exported to United •Kingdom in year.
enring March 31 increase will cost
government $1,719,000.
6. Increase announced- of 75 cents
a hundredweight in price payable for
bacon at Canadian seaboard. Increase
raises price of Grade A No., 1 size -
to 3G' cea is
e.ost of living
7.007a .p0e0r3 .' .4ruiitfi e
ai dz $4X3,300►'
400 -in 'March, 19411.
10. Pallor sales of wholesale 'trail
ing .establishments ;in. (a•n'ad'a.:.'gained
13 per eet►.t. in April saver March and
23 'per cent. above the volume:
of `business transacted in, April a year,
11. Contracts awarded during the
week ended May 23rd, by the 'Depart-
ment of Munitions and Supply num-
bered 2,833 and totalled $64,389,540..:;
(U.S. orders for $11,158,465 top the
list. - A' land transport order for $1a
391,233 gees" to the Ford. Motor Co.
of Canada, Ltd.). ,
4 cubs (2 lbs.) berry juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
8 cups (3% lbs.) sugar
1 bottle fruit pectin.
To prepare juice, crush tlhoroughly
or grind about 3 quarts fully ripe ber-
ries. Place in jelly, -cloth or bag and
squeeze out juice. Squeeze anfltl aii906 �`+3G
juice from one medium lemon. Afea- t
sure sugar and juice into large, Saba!
pan and mix- Brirg to a,' boil Ove
hottest fire and at once. add :fruit peri
tin, stirring constantly. Then bri„
to a full rolling boil and boil 'tar
one-half _ minute. Remove from
skim, -pour quickly. Paraffltr. -and) of
cover at once. Makes about 12 • glass-
es (six fluid ounces each),.
Why Use A "Sissy
Chronic constipation has to do
with the colon or large. intestine.
Unless the large bowel is thor-
oughly emptied from ' time :to
time you become a victim of
chronic constipation and poisbning
of the system which may result in
colitis or other serious disease.
"Mild or "sissy" laxatives merely
cause a movement of the bowels
without effecting athorough clean-
ing out of the colon or large bowel
For this reason you are misled into
thinking that you are doing all you
can to overcome a constipated and
poisoned condition of the system.
Those who know Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills appreciate the
value of .a real medicine which
not only effects a thorough-cleans-
horough cleans-ing of the colon or large bowel but
also arouses the liver and kidneys
to activity in filtering poisons from
the blood.
,Once you have proven the merits
of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Piiis
you will never return to the use of
"sissy". laxatives. Keep regular by
using'r. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills once or twice a week.
Make no mistake about it ... This is your , call to duty ...
Canada's Freedom is Threatened ... You are needed now
Canada's great mobile &army, equipped '
with all the finest weapons of modern,
mechanized warfare -tanks, armoured
vehicles and guns of every calibre ---
stands ready to your hand. Join it
N O W L Be a vital. cog in ' this fast-
moving, hard - hittiung- FIGHTING
machine. Join up in answer to Can-
ada's call ! Join up and smash the
Hun ! -
Canada's Active Army needs men for Artillery,
Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks,
Infantry, Transport & Supply, Medical, Ord-
nance and other branches of the service. The
Army is prepared to teach many trades and
to train you to handle Canada'd'•weapons of
war efficiently.
Go to your nearest District Recruiting'
Office. Find out about these units;
how they work, what they do. See just
where you'll fit in: see where any para•
titular skill you possess can - best be
utiljzed. Then join up for ACTION! .
Apply to
Your King and country' need you! The
jeall to duty is ringing clear and men
who love Canada and all this great
Dominion stands for, will need no fur-
ther urging; It's time for ACTION;
for all -out effort ! Our future, our
homes, our faith, our freedom, are at
stake! There's no • room for talkers or
skulkers ! YOUR hour, the hour of
the FIGHTING MAN, is here!
$1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging,
Clothing, Medical and Dental care pro-
vided. Dependent Allowances in Cash:
$35 to wife, $12 each per monthfor not
more than 2 children. A soldier with
wife and 2 children collectively, receive
a total of 399.30 per month. EXTRA:
Rates varying from 280 to 7U per day
for skilled tradesmen while employed.
Nearest District Recruiting Office
or any local Arnumq