HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-06-06, Page 4'will be inserted at new low cash rates Bost artd-F+►tsad. Coming Events. Etc. -••.E'er word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week % Gert Sid week,.. Minimum change. drat tasertalo», 2b Oeen% Each figure,initial and abhrevaeiion counts as one word. )4u Memoriam Notices--% cent per word. lldinimum, 60 Copts per week - ,y be directed to e. Box Number. cssue of The Huron Expositor, der 10 coati genin additional per week will be charged if Vls in above orris are net paid by the B'sttMg4sry snhkanpiwes ekidsimertwedkhnee heof 41 e en- 4`,40tloa .Sales. Notices to Crediton3, Etc. --+Babes on application. Wanted • TVG•O eieNe-AGES 3045, WANTED FOR kitchen„ help. Two • young boys wanted i'er soda fountain. Apply in person at �EN[JS RESTAURANT. or write Box 767. Go erich_ 38344 Poultry pQULTRY-I CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS in 'flatly Chicks or Started Chickens at moderate prices; cull your hens satisfactorily and pay the hast market price for all poul- try. GEORGE WA?.KF,R, Hensall. Phone 119. 3829x6 For Sale I]LANTS FOR SALE -TOMATOES. EARLY and Late. Cabbage. Cauliflowers, Peppers, Huckleberry, several varieties Petunias, choice Snapdragon, Zinnias, Asters, Pansies; many Other varieties. A. L. PORTEOUS, one block west of Hospital. 3832x3 For Rent R00MS TO LET -RECENTLY VACATED by John Beattie. See MRS. D. REGELE in the block. 33834-tff Help Wanted Notices CONCRETE SILOS. CIS'TEQiNS A N D walls should be erected now. See HUGILL BROS., Contractors, Phone 34-616, Clinton. 3834x1 NEW LOW PRICE - BADEN ELECTRIC fence chargers. 59.00 up. Local repres- entative wanted. Write J. C. STAPLETON, 132 S. Victoria Street, Sarnia. 3833x2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL +ice NEXT MEETING OF THE 1 tY .ON County Council will be held in tthe"Conn- oil Chambers, Oonit House, Gederich, com- mencing June 10, 1941, at a p.m. ' All accounts,. notices of deputaions and other business requiring the attentio-r of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 7, 1941. N. W. MU-jiRR, County Olerk, Goderich, Ont: 3333-2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fecM.-Mr. Harold Taclson has been in- structed to sell by public auction at the resi- dence of - the late. Elizabeth Parke, in the VF.Tlage of Hensall, on Saturday, June 14th, at 1 p.m., the following: 1 electric radio bab- mnet: 1 New Perfection coal ai9 stove and oven ; 1- kitchen stove. nearly new and pipes copper bailers` 1 day bed; 3 kitdhen chairs: smallleaf table; 1 dining suite, table, six chairs, buffet: 3 mocking chairs: settee:" two chairs; 1 Singer sewing machine; kitchen clock; 4 beds, springs and Mattresses:' two dressers 2 washstands: . sealers : kitchen utensils; dawn mower; .garden tools ; 1 run 9x12 feet; 1 Congoleum rug 9x1.03, feet:. 1 Coagoleum rug 711,x9 feet: 2 small tables. Terms -Cash. ESTATE OF LATE ELIZA- tBETH PARFCE: Wm. 'Parke Executor: Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer. 3834-1 AUCTION SALE By VIRTUE OF THE Landlord & Tenants Act 1937, R.S.O-, 'Chant. 219, and amendments thereto and the rights therein contained. the undersigned auc- •tinneer has been .instructed to sell ail the goods, and chattels to be • found on 'the prem- •sesknown as Lot i3. Petty's Survey, of the. .3'Aftage of Hensadi, at 2 p.m. sharp, at Hen- - sail, on Saturday, June 7th, 1941. including the following. articles:' A general stock of hardware consisting. of paints, oils. nails. holts and general shelf ,goods,, electric light fixtures. sheaving and countess, tools and machin, also shoe and harness makers boots, furniture, 2 Ibeds and springs, 1 dresser, 2 cupboards, 2 stoves,, and a number ' of pipes. 6 kitchen clhairs, 1 arm chair, 1 step ladder. 1 secretary's dcvk rind other article; too num- erous to Mention. Temps -Cash. GEORGE C. PEITY6, Landlord; Frank Taylor, Auc- tioneer. 3834-1 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household EffecM, at the residence of Mrs. J. H McClinchey, John •StrCat, Sea - forth. on Friday. June 13th. at 1 , p.m: -1 oak dining arm table: 6 dining rooa"i chairs; oak sideboard : writing desk -bookcase com- bined; 2walnut settees; 6 leather chairs; 1 Victrola; 1 music cabinet; 4 small tables: 1 oak bedroom site•; 1 toilet set: 3 odd dress- er ; 2 washstands; 2 beds ; springs, 2 mat- tresses; aytress; 1 feather Mattress : 1 electric table lamps 1 mantel clock: 1 fall deaf table; 2 kitchen rabies; 6 kitchen chairs: 1 glass ca3iboard:. 1 electric washer. Eureka; 2 elec- tric irons; 1 booster; dishes and kitchen utensils; linoleum 12x18; Froolenm 14x9; bed- ding; linens; blankets; 1 Singer sewing me- daihe.; fruit jars, mocks, etc., garden tools. Terms en Furnishings --Gash. Prnpetty---Of- fered far sale rat dame time, frame house on John Street, 7 rooms, furnace, hard and soft. water. First class condition Terns made known day of sale. Property subject to re- serve bid. MRS. J. H- McCLINCHEY, Pro- prietress: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 3834-1 Notice to Creditor's NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THEESTATE OF EUNICE A. LEATH- erland. AH persons havingi, claims against the estate sof Eunice A. Leatlierland, lame of the Town- . ship of Tuckersmith, in the County "of Hur- on, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of April 1941 are her by notified to e send in to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of June, 1941, fen particulars of their claims with affidavit Droving same. Immediately' after the saki •last mentioned date, the assets of the said state will be lis WANTED -GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. APPIY ?to Box 259, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 3828-tf Lost and Found DOG LOST --ANYONE KNOWING WHERE - abouts of a black Cocker Spaniel, female, answering to the name 'of "Pe},*gy," kindly notify T. J. SHERRITT. Phone 91 r 3, Hensall- Reward. 3834-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY 1Ht, undersigned until 12 o'clock, noon, Sat- urday, June 7th, for ,the sale of the hangar situated on Sky Harbour Airport. For garticula}a. see the County Clerk at the Court House, Godericb. Ont 1 -N. W. MILLER, ' County Clerk. 3833-2 Card of Thanks MRS ALEX M. WRIGHT AND FAMILY desire to thank the nethbors and friends for the many kindisesses extended to them during their recent sad bereavement.; also to thank those who sent flowers and loaned ears. • 3834-1 Births CHAPMAN - At Mrs. Paterson's Nursing Home, ,,Bensall, on Friday, May 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman, of Hay. a daughter. ..-.. WILSON -In Toronto, on Wednesday. May 28th, to sir.' and Mrs. Harry M. Wilson. 1023 Pape Ave (tee 'Beryl Drummond), a son -.Michael Wayne. RYAN -In Scott Memorial Hospital, , Sea - 'forth, . or$;:1.May 20th. to Mr.'aad Mrs. Joseph Ryan. Walton. a son. . DALRYMPLE- Ln 'Scott Memorial Hospital: Seaforth, on May '31st, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Garnet Dalrymple, a daughter. MALO�;EY^ In Scott Memorial Hospital. Sea- fort ea- forth3j.lon June 4th. to'Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Malo ey, McKilhop, a son. SM ALE -At Mrs. Saundercock's Nursing Home,: Hensall; on Monday, June 2nd, to Mr. and "Mrs. William Seale, a son. VARNA Mrs. Woods, of St. Helens, accom- panied by ber daughters, Mrs. R. A. Barber, of Fergus and Mrs. A. E. Tyson and little 'Jackie Tyson, of Geraidton, were the guests of Mrs. M. Reid on Monday. Mrs. Broadfoot and son were the guests of Mr. George Beatty, Sr., on Sunday. Tire many friends of Mrs. John Rathwell will be pleased to know she has been' able to leave the hospital and is convalescing at the home of her son, Fred. . Change in church service:. Instead of evening service, the hour of ser- vice in St. John's Anglican Church will be at 1.30 on' Sunday, June 8th. A new flag pole has been erected on the township hall. The first flag - to float was in honor of the King's birthday. Tuesday. Julie 3rd., '2 All you salvage is required in Var- na, before June 15th, so gather it up and have every• available article of metal, mattresses, bed spring's..gram-' ophone needles. records, brass, toll-'. per, lead, zinc, old rubbers and shoes, bottles (which may be handled in pa- per flour sacks). cork (if ever so small), rings and rubbers of sealers. old love letters (extract the love). and old porcelain. Let Hitler have the paper in gun wads. Get every- thing ready. Don't forget to bring all these things before the 15th, or have them ready when the truck calls," tri uteri amongst the parties entitled there- to. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of sill others, and the undersigned will` not he liable to any person of whose 'claim the undersigned shall not then have 'autide for the assets so distributed or any ilOirt thereof. DATED at Se:earth this, 30th day of May, 3941. ELIVilliR D. BELL, Administrator, Drrtstels, Ont 3834-3 Popular Stallions I=A Orel i:E AGAiN (24337) Etrrolmeht Iito. 1.261 been gated tee bee i Clydesdale stock tri Crib Ott .Field Dass by mein of Asractfidtirtal Casts and has won more gad kl l ilbaa8 any Clyde horse in Ontario.. 15Yr Akre soaker . of 114t at nln 7, efibbert odd will resalbialhl• digt4t et to • 0ligt 0 far two ZURICH The Huron -Perth Beekeepers' con- ference held' at Haberer Bros. Apiary here on Tuesday was a successful ev- ent. Delegates were present from many points in Western Ontario, To- ronto and Quebec. Problems pertain- ing to the honey industry were dis- eussed and addresses given. to Gold Medalist, Mr. Paul Hess, of town, won the Angus McMurchy gold medal in feurtb year in law at Tor- onto University and is receiving 'eon- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. H. Swartzentruber have movedinto part of the dwelling owned and occupied by Mrs. Mary Asan' Trnemner. During the heavy thunderstorm one night last week the drive abed on the farm of Mr. Ray Fisher, south of town, wastruck by lightning, but the pre which resulted was broughtunder control before muchdam a was done. TJie new„ telephone office being er- ected int Dagliwocld .-1 rt fib M by Milfl _ taipal° Telephone Systerd will soon be ready for the roof. . Ur. Thomas Kltlmpp has the eon<tract. O11 Monday forenoon the caxtilraign'' 'fir the' Victory, t ' wasWad iltailiehed for Hay To'a nahip by the raising of i(l an Ad ses'i ci l ngs 11i;i iit �l the "o'`w H lir parr:€ e'r'e, 'WHE,11131tij QSi beim and Rev. G. Heckendorn. Mr. Merles Fritz was the purchaser of the first bond in this village. The village was filled with visitors from the U.S.A., over the week -end. Many were here from Detroit and otherintsi po in Michigan, No acci- dents were reported owing to the heavy traffic on the roads. A number of local men have start- ed a fishery plant at St. Joseph. A boat has been purchased and arrange- ments' are being made to put in nets and other equipment. Mr. Quint Hess, of Kapuskasing, is visiting his home here for a few weeks. Mr. Ed. Reichert has the founda- tion for his new 'home completed and the carpenters will start on the erec- tion in a few days. MANLEY Miss Mary Brall and Miss Nellie Desborough, from Detroit, and Mary McKay, from Seaforth, were visitors in our burg list Saturday. Mr. Stephen Manley; of London, is spending his vacation with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley. Mrs. John Murray spent the week- end with her sisters, Mrs. G. K. Hol- land in Dublin, and Mrs. J. F., Mc- Mann, of Chicago. The weatherman has failed to bring the rain promised, which is so badly needed, but the early seeding is pro- gressing favorably. McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler and M:r. and, Mrs. W'm. Koehler and son, Manuel, spent Sunday with Mr: and. Mrs, Andrew Steinacher at Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Regele spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Fish- er at, Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoegy and son, of Kalamazoo, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hoegy on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs: John Aiken and Miss Mary Aiken, of near Milverton, visit- ed with 'Mr: ,anti Mrs. Chas. Eggert on Tuesday. and Mrs. Henry Koehler left on Tuesday for Saskatchewan on an ex- tended visit with their two daughters in Regira and vicinity, Mrs, Gordon Muegge, of Galt, spent a few days at the home -of her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiterson and Mr. Leslie Weiterson and children, of Detroit, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggert on Sunday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egger. and Miss Delia Eggert recently visited with Mr. and Mrs, Norman. Morenz at Willow .Grove. CROMARTY Mr, and Mrs. Kathy, of Brooklyn, made a 'short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weitzman and family. of Niagara Falls,. New York, spent the week end among their many relatives here. Mrs. R. G. McKay, of' Prince Al- bert, Sask., arrived at the borne of Mr:,and Mrs. James Scott and other relatives to spend a few weeks. Mrs. Cooper, of Hensall, visited with Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. Mc- Donald. Mrs., John Young and family, of Granton. visited with Miss Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKay and lit- tle daughter, June, of Hensall. visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKel- lar. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen have re- turned front a -motor trip to Brace - bridge and other points -north.. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, and family, of Detroit, spent 'the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCul loch. The baseball game between Crom- arty and Russeldale was played on Tuesday evening with a score 'of 12 to 4 in favor of Cromarty. A very enjoyable evening was spent on 'Friday at a banquet theid in the church basement given by the mem- bers -of the Young People's Society, who were losers at a recent contest. The basement was decorated With red, white and blue streamers and flags. The tables were also beautifully dec- orated and' laden with all kinds of good things. The members of sessid i with their wives, were the special guests and sat at the head table, and along with Rev. Peter Jaraeson and Mrs, .Jameson and took part in the program of toast speeches. . After some singing of the company, a toast to the King was given by T: L. Slott who was toa.atmaster for the evening: As a response all arose and sang the National Anthem. The toast to Our Church was given by Rev. Peter Jameson and responded to by James Scott. The .todst to the Y.P.S. was given by James Hill and the response was given by Miss May Hamilton who. GEM ELECTRIC FENCER CANADA'S ORIGINAL SELF- CONTAINED UNiT • Complete with Batteries, Ground Rod, 50 Porcelains, 4 Corner Spools, 50 Leather Washers, °'1 Gate Hook and Spring, Instruction Sheet. Handy Sturdy Weatherproof Economical PRICED AT $18,50 C.C.M. BICYCLES -_.w, ---a 4ccessor e The sigki biey le fold each boy and;• girl E 61 19 is -president of the society. The. toast to the winners was given by Miss Wil- ms Wallace and. Yra.e responded to by Mrs. Cliff Millet, A toast to the guests was given. by John Wallace and retjponded,i,to by Thomas Oliver. These very instructive speeches were interspersed with musical numbers. Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. Quance sang a, duet. An impromptu mixed quartette made up of Thomas Scott, Sr., Frank Stagg, Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. Quance Tendered a selection very well. The guest speaker was Ross McKay, qt' Heneall, who teaches the, Cromartyl school, and who gave an excellent address stressing the im- portance of teaching the youth every- where the greet principles of dem- ocracy. His address was greatly ap- preciated. by all, After some general singing the meeting closed by Rev. Peter Jameson pronouncing the bene- diction. ST. tOLUMBAN Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. • Klein, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs.. J. J. Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kale; Mrs. Wm. Fortune, Detroit, with Mr. 'Jahn Lynch and Misses Anne and Teresa Lynch; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Downey••a.nd son and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Downey and daughter, Mrs. Biggar, Detroit, with relatives here; Mr. and Mrs. Basil Byrne, Detroit, with relatives in Dublin and St, Co- lumban; Miss Evelyn Melady, London, and Mrs, Joe O'Reilly, Shakespeare, with their father, Mr. Frank Melady; Miss Anne Jordan, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan. CONSTANCE Miss Florence Taylor, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Taylor, and also her brother and sis- teren-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor, Mr. Walter Windsor, formerly of Kincaid, Sask., and now of the R.C. A.P. at St. Thomas, spent the week- end with Mr., and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt anti Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Jewitt. Friends of Mrs. J. Ferguson will be sorry to learn that she is under the doctor's' 'care. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Cunningham and family, of near Auburn, atl'd Mr, Henry •Adams and daughter, of Londesboro, spent Sunday, at the home of • Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dex- ter. - Mrs. William Britton, Misses FIe:en and Edith Britton and Mrs. J. C. BaCkacilelt gone after using RIAVIACA''S they give quick and .use surd relief, . RI ALPS A.G.GEf RE$tfl.T81• MIDDLETON'S Hensall Britton, of - Clinton, attended the gra- duation exercises at the University of Western Ontario on Thursday when Archie Hoggarth received. his B.A. degree. .The Sunday School of Constance United Church intend holding their anniversary and' bird and flower Sue - day, on June 15th. There will be a children's choir. HENSALL See the new range of Tip Top Tail- ors suit samples at Goodwin's. Blue Boys Present Concert Hensall hall was packed to the doors Wednesday evening when the Blue Boys of Port Albert, by kind per- mission of Capt. G. P. Robertson, pre- sented a musical program consisting •of choruses, quartettes, duets, solos, comedians, skits, ete. Rev. W. Weir introduced the boys, while Sgt. Grant was in charge of proceedings. Miss Florence Welsh, of Hensall, acted, as accompanist. Some of the number by the chorus included "Lock. Lomond," "Annie Laurie," "Clementine," "Molly Malone," "Old Black Joe," "When. Day is Done" and closing selection "Abide With Me." The' event, one of the highlights of the season, was much enjoyed, interspersed with colorful comic scripts, jokes. black -faced com- edy at its 'best. Throughout the ev- ening the community singing directed 'by Sgt. Grant and ensemble was an added feature. The . Hensall Senior Institute served luncheon to t -h e troupe at the conclusion,. Eighty dol- lars was. realized. Mrs. A. T. Douglas, of Hyde Park, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Vair, of Toronto, visited at ,the home • of ,Mrs. John Johnston Wednesday last. .On Sunday, June 8th the sixty- fourth anniversary of St. Pauls An- glican Church will be observed. Spe- cial speakers are: 11 a.m. Rev. Canon W. A. Townshend, Diocesan Commis- sioner; 7 p.m., Rev. Dr. Hurford, Rec- tor of St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth. There will be special music, and ev- erybody welcome. Mrs. John Passmore and son, Ger-1 ald, and Miss Irene Douglas will at -1. tend the'igradgatiell. ce1'eumonaes of Mr, Robert Passmore to be held at the Toronto University on Friday ev, ening, rube 6th. Campaign Opeen The Victory LoauCaxpaign offic- ially fs -ially opened Monday morning at 8,45 a.m. for Hensall and 'Hay Township when the ,school children assembled at the Hensall Town Hall and cere- monies were held under direction of Dr. A. R. ,Camipbell, dhairman. Under the direction of Mr. Sam Rennie the school children sang "Onward, Chris- tian Soldiers," followed with prayer by Rev. W. Weir, minister of Carmel Church. A splendid address was de- livered by Rev. R. A. Brook of the United Church. During the singing of "0 Canada," the flag was raised, the flag which is a pledge that Hen- sall and Hay Township` will sub- scribe their quota, ReeveR. A. Shaddick ,purchased the first bond, and' during the singing of the national anthem bells and sirens were sounded and bombs set off in charge of Mr. Orville Twitchell, �iUa++el�s hry �Y %47 Let me show you the proof. Then place your order through. me. No writing. . No money orders. No bother. Personal a t t e n t i o u -- prompt delivery. THOMAS DICKSON Seatord* W M. STAPLETON Dublin ALVIN W. KERSLAKE Hensall. Canvassers for Hensall are Donald McKinnon, Peter McNaughton and R. 3. Paterson. On Tuesday the Kent Regiment paraded through the village on their way to Goderich. "CKNX Barn Dance" will be broadcast from Cardno's Hall SEAFORTH Saturday, JUNE 7th • This is the first time there has ever been a broadcast from Seaforth. Don't miss this op- portunity to see it! G., OVER 20 ARTISTS STARTING" at 8 O'CLOCK ADULTS - 25c CHILDREN - IOc 1 Get into the battle against Hftlerlsm--Enlist Now!, , This is Canada's fight—and YOU are Canada. Everything for which,, yoi1 have worked and planned—your life, your horne—are threatened by the fiendish attacks of the Huns and though we toil in the factories toproduce weapons with which to crush them, these weapons are useless without MEN. • The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Medical, Ordnance and other branches of • the Service. The Army is prepared to teach many trades, and to train you to efficiently handle Canada's weapons of war. n Go to your nearest District Recruitibg Office. Find out about these Units; how they work, what they do. See just where you'll fit in. See where any pairticular skill you possess Can best be utilized. Then join up' for ACTION. t Apply to . Nearest District Recruiting Office or any local Arnow y if %dr for ACTIVE .SERVICE. RATES • Of PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodi_ ing, Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. EXTRA: (1) Rater varying from 25,E to 75O' ger for skilled tradesmen While >rr, played. (2) Dependent Allowances, rn Cash: $3S -to wife, $12 each pep. month for 2 children only VI dependents per soldier.