HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-06-06, Page 1r• Elphty.-second' Year • --Whole Number 38134 • Victory bowl. Scroll Is Signed by R-Lelads of Ever H_u r o 1'1 Municipality •- • 0 • • Over Seaforth reached its Victory Loan quota of $62,000 early on Tuesday, and' by Wednesday was $12,000 above. Less than ,half the town has been canvassed. During this week a committee will judge the stores in Seaforth, and the winning store will compete for the county prize. The judges are Mrs. E. C. Boswell, Mrs. J. H. Bose and Mrs. G. C. Brightrall. Canvassers in, McKillop and Tuckei`smith have been active since Monday and are rapidly reaching _their township quotas. In Tuckersmith the first bond was bought by Mrs. James . Sproat early . Monday morning. • .'i -•. 9 • • • TORONTO MAN : PURCHASES HOTEL Queues Hotel is Sold To J. C. Ward; Possession in July. T. D. O'Neill, proprietor of The Queen's Hotel here, announced this week that he had sold the property to J. C. Ward, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill and family* will continue to reside in Seaford]. The new own er will obtain possession early in July. The Queen's, the oldest„ hotel in Seaforth, was purchased by Mr. O'Neill from the•• Stephens Estate in 1935. Mr. O'Neill sold the 'hotel; he said,' in order to havemore time to devote to the lumber . business: During re- cent sufnmers he has spent Consider- able time at this work and was' en- gaged in it prior to eoming to Sea - forth. "I don't want to leave Seaforth. Both I and, my family like it better than any place we have ever been," he said. • First Broadcast From Seaforth This week, for the first time in the history of: 'Seaforth, there is going to be a broadcast from the town. This Saturday night, the microphones and perfortn•ers of the CKNX Bain Dance are coming to Seaforth to put on their broadcast. • This ..favourite program, of district listeners, will be broadcast rigtht, from the stage of Cardno's Hall, . where lo- cal fans will be able to go and seal just how it's done. To enable Iisteners to actually see. a broadcast put on, CKNX has been touring the country with the Barn Dance, broadcasting from adifferent town hall each week. The visit to Seaforth has been held over until the fine weathereto- a _as. possible to take it in. The broadcast starts at eight ^o'clock and lasts am hour and a half. • Grandson Filled Ian .Plane Crash A newspaper"despatch from.Cavea- dish, Prince Edward Isltand, under date,of June lst, says: "Two members of the Royal Calla dian Air Force from Mount Royal, Quer, LAC. B. L. Robertson and • LAC. G. M. C. Fletcher,• were killed' in- stantly . late • today when'•their train- ing plane crashed and burned here. "They were stationed at the Serv- ice Flying Training School in Sum- mersiide, P.E,I, "The Harvard trainer in which the men were flying plunged' to earth in a field near a beach where several people were bathing. Before any . of the onlookers could reach it, the plane Wier'iri•te- learre5.____ __ "Observers sa,#'d; ' the,. p ams - nircled low over .the beach and water several times before' •craahisg. `• The plane was cdrapietely Wrecked, eye -witness- es . said,, even. 'before ,the fire started. Sheetrock Plaster Board for Wail_ andCeilings :. For making re airs and for 40-" .l.tlm ', CL Motor Cavalcade Makes Tri- umphant Tour of County On Wednesday. JOINS LOCAL PARADES IN 17 CENTRES 'Huron's Victory Loan Scroll reach- ed Clinton Wednesday evening after a 250 -mile trip in whish the signature of the head of every municipality in the county had been placed on it. 'Warden James Leiper signed the • scroll in Clinton, officially closing, the cavalcade tour which during the day visited seventeen different centres in the county. At every stop the oavalcarde was given an enthusiastic and impressive welcome.. Unable, to . have a. l gm•1?er bear the Victory Loap Torch to the county, officials decided to make this special trip with !a Victory Loan scroll. Each official signing the scroll „did so knowing that his municipality would back •llim to the limit and send the Huron Cdunty quota in .the cam- paign away over the top. The scroll, when+ • signed by all municipal offic- ials, was made ready to be; forward- ed:in company with others in Canada to Prime Minister Winston•.:Ohurdhill as a symbol of the Spirit of Cana- dians who 'are anxious to. back mili- tary effort with the necessary money. Those taking part in tne motor cav- alcade of ;decorated autot`hobiles were the Legion Color party bearing the Victory Loan Scroll:.N. W. •Miller, county clerk,. and. Warden James Lei- per, representing the county;" J. - D. Thomas, Chairman of the Victory Loan Executive; with . Hugh Hill, of Colborne Township; Mrs. D. J. Lane, Chairman of the Ladies' Committee; George W. Schaeffer, of Goderich; Dr. J.' H: Barnett, of Godericah; Rev. A. C. Calder, of Goderich; W..L. Whyte, Chairman of the Cavalcade Couimit- tee; John Pattison and Geo. Mason, of Wingham, in a special sound truck, and members- of, the press: At each stop a car representing that municipality joined the procession. Leaving Goderich sharp at 12.25 af- ter an impressive ceremony in the Square, the cavalcade visited) Dunegan- rran; Auburn, Wroxeter, Blyth, Wing - ham, Gerrie, Fordwich, Brussels and reached Seaforth at 4.45. 'Following the ceremony here the official party was served a buffet supper and pro- ceeded sogeh, p-rt•iving int Exeter at 7 p.m. Here Reeve,. Tuckey, of, Exeter, and Reeve Passmore, 'of • Usborne, signed the scroll and accepted a loan pennant indicating that thee village hail reached: its quota. • ....At Crediton. and Dashwood enthusi: astic crick -de greeted the • cavalcade, Reeve McCann, of Stephen, signing in Crediton,' and Deputy Reeve Raz in Dashwood. Typical Zurich Welcome ' 'The procession was' given a typical Zurich we'rcome when it reached -that village at dusk. Hundreds of school children carrying torches and scores of decorated cars joined the cava- code which paraded to the scene of the ceremony at the main in -teepee - doe, - Reeve George Armstrong, of Hay, following the signing of the pledge, told the large crowd that Hay would keep the torch burning until victory is won. lienal!, .too, arranged an impres- sive parade and ceremony which was -held ,at_the Town Hall. • • Brucefield was e- Tfeert:-st here the scroll was signed by Reeve Watson, of Stanley, before a crowd of several hundred people. Ross Scott, chairman for Stanley, led the audi- ence. in the pledge.. " ._ , • Huron Old Boys Church Service Several auto loads of members of ^h•e Enron Old Boys and Girls associa- tion cf Toronto motored to Oakville on Sunday evening and attended div- ine worship in Oakville Presbyterian Church. Rev, Dr. R. C. McDermid, formerly of Goderich,. and for several years past minister of. St. Paul's Pres- byterian Church, Toronto, has recent- ly taken over the duties of minister at Knox Church, Oakville, and preach- a- splendid sermon. After the ser- vice a social hour was spent in the basement where refreshments were served :by the ladies . of the eongrege- tion The members of the Associa- -:tion- presented Dr. and Mrs. McDer- mid' with a walnut coffee table, and an address was read by the•president, A. G. Smith, while the imhuedtiate. past president, Dr. 'S. G. l+ erguson, made the . presentation: Short addresses • were also given, by Messrs. Robert McCt•cath, Walter AT -Buchanan. and J. A. McLaren..De. Mctiermid made 4ra fitting reply. • The next gathering -of the Huron Old .Boys' Association of Toronto will be their annual picnic, which will be held in Section 2 of the Ekhibltion Greends on' Wednes.d'ay afternoon, Julie 48, commencing at 4 o'clock. Ev- erybody come and bring your basket. Both men were dead. when help lived .6 , :LAC. Fletelier, whoseborne is in Montreal, is a grandson of Mrs. B. M. Williams', of Stratford, and a great grandson of Urs. S.. Boyd,'of Seaforth,. .atlfde*elt.kiiteviel to many iht •Seaforth, as he had visited, at the hope Of `Mrs. Bev oyd ery year and was iu'to'wn. Winter. .Seaforth Exceeds • + lit r S. cro11-'' • Mayor John J. CI1ff (right) and J:• • G. Mullen, Chairman: of the Victor Loan Committee in, Seaforth, are jub- ilant as they discus's 'the showing Sea - forth ort is Making in. the th campaign. The photographer: caught, trhera in . -a happy erthey arne a had exceeded its quote -early on t e second .day of the campaign, MCX�ULLOP CHURCHES y HE'.N S A L- 'LEAD S HONOUR REV. CRAW mood just aft le d th t Seaforth DOMINION IN WHO IIS RETIRING h OVERSUBSCRIPTION Minister Ends Forty Year Service This Month: : SPECIAL SERVICES Large congregations on Sunday gathered at Caven Church, Winthrop, to celebrate the' anniversary of Rev. R. W. Craw's fortieth Year in the: Christian ministry. Visitors were present from Lueknow, Fergus, Dor= ehester (all former "'pastorates) and Seaforth. The church was beautifully decor- ated for the occasion with peonies and iris. The choir was ably assist- ed by a .quartette from Northside United Church, Seaforth. • Two' beau- tiful hymns' ,were -rendered, by the quartette, "Jesus. Lover of eii;y Soul". and "The Lord's 'My Shepherd." Miss Margaret Habkirk of Winthrop church sang a solo most. acceptably. _Mr. Craw"was assisted at the pulpit be the Rev. E. F. Chandler, of Kippen, W. A. Bremner, of Seaforth, and his brother-in-law, Rev. H. J. Ueen, of London. Mr. Craw chose as this text Acts 20:24. The sermon took the form of a memory trip back over his 40 years. Of Christian service. He began With hisown boyhood home in the Manse • (Continued on.Page '6) • Seaforth Races On Wednesday The Ontario Boosters Club, support- ed by horsemen everywhere , in the Province, will give a high class race meet in Seaforth, Wednesday, June lith, at 2 p.m. The club was formed to support and encourage race cen- tres with good tracks and to encour- age racing at its best at the lowest admissioij. Seaforth fans will see four races, 12 events in all. The local co»iuiittee, John F. Daly, -R"ayr toi'men and D,- Wilson..11ame. hada the track resurfaced and every- thing is ready, for the inauf'ural meet. Mr. Hal. B. Watson, well known sports writer, will start the horses, and the new barrier system will be moved from New Haepburg to be us- ed here for the" first Unite, • Many notables of the' harness horse sport will be on hand. It will be at Seaforth that Ohappy. Chapman, "the Little Giant of the Sulky' who has, the largest string of champion pac- ers and trotters! in Canada, will start his 1941 season: Admore Grattan, the pacer that won at New Hamburg May 2 th, and trained over the Seaforth track, will also meet Winston Grat- tan here. Two trotting races for square gaited trotteree will feature the high class ' programme. • Seaforth, Man Composes Sorg RED CROSS NOTES Following is a report of the work done'bythe local Red Cross for the month of May: ' . Knitting -133 pairs socks, 11 pairs seamen's, 44 • scarves. 11 helmets, 2 pairs mitts, 13 pairs rifle mitts, 12 pairs' flying mitts, 9 -v-neck sweaters; 12 turtle -neck sweaters. Total, 247 articles. Women's Auxiliary;. Knitting — 6. scarves, 5 pairs ankle sox; Layette— palm bootees, 1 botihet, 1 jacket. Hospital Supplies -8.4 khaki hand- kerchiefs, 12 surgical •towels, 4 suits pyjamas, 8 pillow cases,; 7 bed jackets, 10 bot water bottleieeeters. - Total, 125 articles'. • Civilian Clothing •For Britain -14 blouses, 9 coasts, 9 pinafore dresses, 2 blazers, 4' boys' suits, 12 pains girls!' pyjamas, 3 pair:; boys' pants, 18 boys' shirts and 1 boy's blazer. Quilts -34. The salvage drive in town is still incomplete. 'A full account will be given at a later date:. A collection _through McKillop .andTuckersmith has been organized aid will com- mence•in McKillop on Thursday, June. 12th, and in Tuckersmith on. Tuesday, ,Tunic 17th. . Please have your m•ter- ials, ready for the driver when he calls,. The following' are matters of inter- est arising from an exectitive meet- ing of the 'local Red, Cross held on Monday, June 2nd: Further word has been received re- garding -the Red Cross Fund for Brit- ish Bomb Victims, that any money re- ceived for this.. purpose will be re- tained by the local Red Cross Society for buying material to make clothes for the bomb victims. A refresher bourse in nutrition is being given in Toronto the last week ugur • yozre-witherelegxee_from a four-year university course in house- hold science or with •a diploma from A new song entitled; "There's A Sweet Song in the Summer Air," com- posed by Leo Hagan, of Seaforth, had its debut over CIXNX, Wingham, last week, and received much favorable comment. Mr, Hagan has Chad the song copyrighted' in order to protect his interests in it. The Words are as follows•: There's a sweet song in the summer Stir ;• As I paddle down the smooth ribbons of ,blue, - As I climb the mountains rare, I've xfever quit dreaming of yott. There's a sweet song in the summer air, Wee down beethe ol'd waterfall; There's a dear sweetheart waiting there, As the shadows flicker On, the 4. 'There's a sweet song la the summer air, *herr skies above are ature'lbh1e.; 'herd's a; 1735:ee% song in the summer At# 11'he l .ts d love,,060g to mot. Village Turns Out 100 Per Cent. to Welcome Scroll Cavalcade. RECEIVE 3 PENNANTS Hensall stands highest in the Do- minion 1n point of oversubscription •above" quota„ it was claimed at • the ceremonyt which the loan scroll was sighed on • Wednesday evening. The village has subscribed $4.5;000.00, while its quota. is $19;000.00. d to e� w nd H ber thos• quota and these were raised below flag as the ceremony concluded. "It is fitting that as we entered here that we should be greeted with , torches, ymbolie as they are of vic- tory," Mr. Thomas said: "The object we have set ur- selves is much higher than the ta," Dr. Campbell said in accept) the pennants. "You may assumthat e we will .be looking.for.more pennants be- fore very long. • Unit From Kent Regimen in Camp At Lions Pork,' Takes Part in.: Parade M Seaforth. LARGE CROWD SEMS CEREMONY Seaforth .and district gave the Hur- on -Victory Loan cavalcade a -spontan- eous reception when it reached here Wednesday afternoon. The parade formed on North Main Street and proceeded to the ,Town Hall,;where the ceremony took place: Led by the Seaforth„ Highlanders j Band, it included the ,Boy Scouts, Girl I Guides, S.C.I. Cadets, unit of the Kent! .Begin:tent, Clinton Kiltie' Band: and 'D' Company of the Middlesex -Huron Regiment Arriving at the Town Hall the various units formed a hollow square. Charles . Holmes :was parade marshal. County Chairman J. D. Thomas spolte,.briefly, 'as did Mayer Cluff of Seaforth,. Reeve N. R. Derrance of McKillop and Reeve S. Whitmore of Tuckersmith. The scroll was then sdgped and Rev. A. C. Calder• led in prayer, followed by the National An- them. ' The members of the cavalcade were then entertained at a buffet supper in the Commercial Hotel. Prior to the arrival of the caval- cade, the unit of the Kent Regi- ment carried out manouversi on Main Street before • a large. crowd. • Will Represent Lodge: at Toronto 'w'ith 100 delegates from all parts of Ontario 'in attendance, several branches of the Independent Order of Oddfellows will hold their annual sessions in Toronto during the *eek commencing June 16th. Mr. Elton B. Goodie will represent Fidelity Lodge No. 55' of Seaforth. The LO.O.F„ was instituted in the City of B&ltimore, Maryland,; on April .26, 1819, and ,the Grand 'Lodge of - Oa tario was instituted at Brockville on August 23, 1855. The Rebekah or lad: les' branch of the Order was founded 88 years ago, and the Rebekah Assem- bly of Ontario was established in 1891. • Plan Township :Picnic at Park The newly -formed Federation of Agriculture Units of Tuckersmith'and t elefelliopi are co-operating to hold a t WHAT IS,' 'IT •WORTH,TO Y01 Wlxat is it worth to you to be a ' free • man' -or "a free woman in a free land? • As free citizens we are facing one greatest crisis. Many, of our people are offering their lives in the battle for freedom, and now we are asked to lend one money to back them up - There is no doubt in our minds . about the worthiness of the cause for which we fight. We all know that the men who' are . in • the front line of our battle have to be supported, We must , give then tanks, planes, guns, am- munition and all the technical ;equip- ment necessary to enable them to stand up .against ''the. long prepared armies of the dictators., This ,takes money which we on the home front must supply., Every Canadian' has to face the personal responsibility of subscribing to Canada's Victory Loan. Cnadians can be counted on to put 'their shoulders to the wheel when they understand the need. It isa need not only to help in the defence of Britain but to stop the aggressors)- before they reach across the ocean.,• Make no mistake about it, if the dic- tators are not stopped, tlfen all that we hold' dear in life will go down be- fore them. "The success of this Ioan is not on- ly to be measured by the amount of money subscribed,' but also by the large number 'of individual invest- ments by people of modest means and modest • income. By subscribing in • large .mail nbers we denonstrate hon solidly Canadians are behind their sons and brothers in this war. The larger the number, the more widely will purchasipg power in the form of interest be distributed among every day people in all provinces. .The :more widely • the Victory Bonds are spread among our people -the more easily we shall meet any problem's of the future. Ht;lre in Huron C.ounty we have raise asked to $1,300.000 as .our quota, Dig deep into yottt•-'savings. and buy Victory' Bonds. Wear ,a 'Vic-. tory Loan button to show that• you zre not just 'looking at- the war, - •hut that you are right in the war. field day for .all farm people of these 1 townships at the Lions Park, Sea- I • . iorth, .on Wednesday. June 18th. Corn-, ,mittees to take .charge of -program•, i refreshments, sports, etc., have al- ready been appointed,. Commentingon'-"the picnic, Ken Jackson of the publicity committee, said the event would be both unique and profitable. . At this time farm people are urged to do two things, Mr. Jackson said: First, to put a ring around June 18th on the calendar and plan your wdrk so that you can all be present; sec- -enrl,__watch...next .week,'s, paper for definite information regar'di'ng program. Macdonald Hall, Guelph, is eligible to take this course. Anyone .desiring to do so, please get in touch with Mrs. E. H: Close. Attention, Sewers: Will all ladies, who can sew please come down to the eii-ci -Crow-work--reams on Thutse (Continued on Page 5) • �ing'ts Birthday Wicket Service Monday, June 9th, is the King's birthday and is officially being observ- ed as a statutary holiday. However, since the places of business will not apparently be closed, wicket service up to 12.30 will be given. Mails will be received and despatched as usual;'-aceos'd-ing to an anrrounee- ment by Postmaster C. P. Sills. Huron County .Victory Loan Organizatidn. 4 • Mehlf rs o�' �the Huron County Vidor..Loan br rizati n were cautgitt the ph.gtirTeetpier rrpnt o eadtlt On Monday aftel9ioon as, they checked up on the - - .,,,iY. • progress of- thec.ampaig .,. itir .SlinWrReitt te'.Ii.gtreru.p . ..i,above yla r e »,.: right. Jaotes es;,,lister, VioewahairMan; t.:" Whyte,, ViteLClet+ nt 4 ihtcoi5 .gityst. ter, 3aoretaNy4,,.S4anting7 let to,,iilht, d. S. ztorrve,Wtrrotj County .George,F.l ,. Gh rr nar, _Ci}pi1°' fet il'a!did,,:Uillia+i§:t:eietantBeoretaryr it,,W..lk,he,,0,1141a n ti 060,'.,•a , i}i4i i h.��% tr iri:. fee:' Y. 'ie:care,~G . helty CoWiirtfttucaTMCostelor AlfredWkes PdK,.ibiiy:rrmit#e: Mayo, .Eirorvl of Q o,M.tit. d eirl Jarky, AeiaaOigatizer;; Doi„Cattl bell,artnAtir, fGoder cit srneeli lion .