HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-05-30, Page 8A.U4A1WWW0WMW. fi ' 'Okl-ItttAff#gAT.-1r1 Glass Cup ti4oUrv,-all tor gitraSt*Ig.'S BISCUITS lbsi. ,.34c 25c 19c •• -AEWPORT WHEAT FLUFFS • With Glass KIPPERED HERRING Tomato Juice; Tin FLOWERDALE TEA Isltme better; half pound LONDON HOUSECOFFEE half pound ,LIBBY'S PQRK & BEANS Tin , GOLDEN BANTAM CORN • 4 Tins 1tc c 27c 5c 25c 'APPLE - STRAWBERRY JAM 45c 4-1b. Tin JELLY POWDER 25c 5 for IROWNTREE'S COCOA 15e, 25c Each CASCADE SALMON Large Tin OLD CHEESE Sharp—ib. aTAR AMMONIA 5 packages 1ec 25c 23.c HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS Tin 59c TWO -ONE WHITE SHOE CLEANER—Bottle " 15c CHAN FLOOR WAX 59c Tin !MASTER HOG CONCEN- TRATE—Cwt. $2.50 A. C. Routiedge PHONE 166 INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, • _ REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Stoney to Loan on First Mortgages on improved Farm Property. *lumber of desirable Dwelling Proper- ties for sale. WATSON & REID' REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : • Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN,ALL LINES OF INSURANCE O 00000000000 o S. T. Holmes & Son 0' O FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 Main Street, Seaforth O Charles Holmes' residence, 0 Goderieh Street East. Phone 0 .No. 308. '0 Ambulance Service 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. . 0 Night calls—Phone 308 Day calls—Phone .119 . Charges moderate. o 12-37 0 000' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 H. C. BOX FUNERAL SERVICE ..°0 Licensed Embalmer . 44> Ambulance Service, G Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable, rachet oper- ated spring for rent. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 ....ePhone 18 • Phone 43 0 0 12-37 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 <> <> 040 <> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • J. A. BURKE 0 <> Funeral Service Dublin : • Ont. 0 Night or day Calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 <> 000000000000 3757-tf THE SECOND DIVISION CQ,URT County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Maki- Setaforth. 'Office hours: Tues. dad'. Thursday and Saturday. 1.30 Prill,• bo 5 pm.; Saturday evening 7.32 WM. to 9 pan. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN 'insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES *he purchase of -the insurance 'IrMiness o Hays and the addition Of their eoanyatories o ou previous fateili- thAs enables us to give unexedled service in all 1in5s. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 10-37 frHE McKILLOP MUTUAL WItg INSURANCE CO'Y. • IMEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH,' ONT. 01410ERS: Itno7.4 Lendenboro - Pres. fl. Arehibald; Seaforth - Vice -Pres. rtOn Reid; iSetifoith See.-Treas.• ,•oudesbo#POPORS: Lro: fleorge Odliagetk t. J. re - Ott: Meet troadfoot, If. Aleitarider Malwing, ',Prank mcarego, il:tandefi ILA, 2, RAI 61ilbaldt, ItrIt. 4, iiii Ai 0* te lagvitat Alia, Wm meet—The "NO- mves mospital Aid, of Scott Memor- ial Hospital will meet on Thursday, June 501, at 3.30 p.m. iu Carnegie Lib- rary. Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Moore, West William Street, Seaforth, announce the engagement of their sec- ond daughter, Marianne Rose, to An- gus MacLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. MacLean, Egmondville, the mar- riage to take place about the middle of June.' Receives Queen's Degree.—At the recent Convocation of Queen's U ni- versity, Kingston, Ont., William John 'Ferguson received the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mining and tMetellurgical Engineering. Mr. Fer- guson is the son of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Ferguson, formerly of Seaforth. McKillop W. M. S. Meets. — The regular meeting of the McKillop branch of the W.M.S. of First Presby- terieu Church was held on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs, J. L. Bell. in Hullett, with a good. attenSance. The president, Mrs. Hel- en McMillan, was in the chair. Mrs. R. N. Darranee had charge of the opening prayers. Mrs. T. W. McMil- lan read the Scripture lesson. 'The minutes were read and adopted. Dur- ing the business discussion it was de- cided' to thold a strawberry tea on the preeident's lawn on the second Wed- nesday iu June. Mns. Hugh lack, Pres- byteriel president. gave a compre- hensive and informing report of ,the provincial convention in' Brockville, at which she represented the Huron Presbyterial. Northside Y. P. S. Meets.—The reg- ular meeting of the Northside Young People was :held Tuesday evening, May 27th, with Mi. Sant Scott piesid ing. After the singing of the opening hymnt"Abide With Me," the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Miss Maxine Lawrence, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting ..vhich were adopted as correct, by Miss Alice Hudson. fTie businessWasthen dis- cussed and Mr. Sam Scott welcomed the junior young people. Miss Alice Hudson, social convener, then took charge of the meeting. "God Save the King" was sung. As it was the final meeting for .the Young People, the Junior Young People had been in- vited. Miss Patricia Bechely sang a. solo, 'There is An Empire Back of the Union Jack," accompanied on the piano by Mie Ernie Clarke. This was much enjoyed by all. Miss Ethel Storey gave a reading, "Mania and the Rumour." Mr. Ernie Clarke gave a beautiful piano solo and Miss Mar- guerite Westcott read the poem, "Col- ors of the Flag." These numbei s were well rendered' and enjoyed im- mensely by all. A social hour was spent in playing gam -es, holding cou- tests and a grand lunch. Ice cream and cake were served. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —Norttheide United Church: -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., guest speak - ed, Mr. R. H. Champion, Toronto; 7 pm., The nainister; subject, • "The, Macedonian Call"; Thursday, 7.45 p.m., Prayer Service. St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. R. P. D. flurfotd, D.D.—Whitsun: 11 a.m.,' Rev. H. M. Elston; 7 p.m., Rev. H. M. Elston; Sunday School at 10 ant St. Mary's, Dtiblin-9.30 a.m., Rev. 1-1 M. Elston. Note change of time fee the service., Whitsun is becoming the forgotten festival just as the Holy Spirit is often spoken of as the forgotten truth. "Yet Whitsun is one of the three great Christian festivals 'and stands on the same level as Christ- mas and Easter. On Whitsunday we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early church (Acts 2)— the spirit of Jesus who takes His place and brings His power into the lives of His followers. Why not cele- brate this • festival by being in the House of God on Whitsundaye, First Presbyterian Clatircli-Sunday School at 10 a.m.: Morning service: The Sacrament of the Lord's Super will be observed at thsi service; ev- ening service, "Resting on Certain- ties." Preparatory service Friday ev- ening at 8 p.m., when the guest speak- er will -be Itey.S. Kerr of Brussels. - Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Death of Miss A. G. Dorsey.—The death occurred at her home, Victoria Street, on Sunday, May 25th, of Miss Agnes Gertrude Dorsey, following a protracted and painful illness of 18 months. Miss Dorsey was the second daughter of the late John Dorsey, one of the most widely known pioneer business men of Seaforth and district. She was born in Seaforth where she received her education, and where practically her whble life was spent. For sixteen years she was secretary in the office of the Ogilvie Milling Com- pany in Seaforth, and was a most capable business executive. In 1921 she sustained serious injury to her spine in a fall, but after being con- fined to bed for two years she recov- ered and enjoyed comparatively good health until eighteen months ago, when she suffered a recurrence of the trouble, and on Friday last sun Tered a heart attack from which she never rallied. Mies Dorsey was a de- votut member of St. James' Catholic Chu,rch, and also a member of bite Catholic Women's League, Altar So- ciety and Seemed Heart League. Slid is survived- by two sisters and one brother, Miss Mary Dorsey and Mr. P, S. Dorsey, at home, and Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto. The funeral was held from the family home on Tues- day morning to St. James' Church, where the funeral mass, was solemniz- ed by Rev. Father T. P, Rummy. In- terment was made in the family plot in St. Columban cemetery, the pall- bearers being Messrs. W. J. Duncan, J. M. McMillan, W. N. DevereauSE, John Devereaux, Louis Dorsey and Harry Fortune. Hold Union Meeting..—The Wonidn's Missionary Society 'and the Barbara Kiritreen. .Yontig Womewe Auxiliary ef trat Presbyterian Church held a, jeint, meeting on Tnedday eVenhig, 1Vrt4. Sack, who attenaedL theatonal eotirroutien of the organi2ation at reeentlY, gave utOgt fri- rstth report of the meeting's, in her bright and Intorionl. tmir arm Inelt gAve the highlightn of that 00,W *eaten, She Olt& the 010001:36,80%, •intoiett ,tho 'eft44tia- hi4, Aitoltioc! 'NtS410 in , raciOliea4itatitRImMg WAY. elgilIV Pea her intere t i,j. the Work of wok ,en in the h. and the Panne, Set6catrine Wn op. was an - tither , er. She, toe, ressed the iMpont4nce o women's, oris ozj I ev- ery walk in UN .and niM'e especially in thatof the church!' Mz Jack spoke of the privilege she felt it was :to be for even a short Uwe with the reissioneries who were at the meet- ings. Some were going beak after a vacation horne, to their fields; others were at home because conditions in some of the fields prevented their do- ing any work,, and they were just waiting for new nelds. No matter what the conditions, each one was eager to be at work again ter the Master's cause. Dr. Barelay, Moder- ator of the Presbyterian fChurch, wee there with his message of encourage- ment, and many others who had giv- en of their time and substance for the missionary, work of the .church. Interesting reports from the organiza- tion officials and Presbyterial secre- taries were given arid while the so- ciety had not reached the allocation for the year, the giving was some- what more than that of the previous year, Mrs. Freeman and Miss Ross presided over the business part of their respective societies. The Scrip- ture reading was given by Mrs. J. G. M.ullen and the Glad Tidings Prayer by Miss Olive Laidlaw. Mrs. E. A. McMaster added to the pleasureof the nieeting with her vocal solo. -Archibald - Blyth. — St. Andrews Church, Guelph, decorated with snap- dragons and lilacs, was the scene of a wedding on Satuaday, May 29th, when Miss Florence Mary Blyth, of Woodstock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blyth, Guelph, became the bride of Lieutenant, Francis James Moffat Archibald. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Archibald of Seaforth. Rev. David H. Marshall officiated. Flying Officer G. A. C. Web,b, of London, played the wedding music, and Miss Lois Far- rell. of Woodstocknaang. Given in marriage ley her father, the bride wore ,a gown of white embossed mousseline de sole, fashioned with a bouffant skirt, basque waist, yoke of marquis- ette and small train. Her finger-tip veil fell from a coronet trimmed with pearls. She carried a shower of Rap- ture roses and lily -of -the -valley, and was attensled by Miss Kathleen Start of Woodstock, in orchid net with in- sets of lace, and headdress 111 orchid taffeta trimmed with mohair. She carried a Colonial bouquet of Joanna Hill roses and forget-me-nots. Mr. A. W. ,Archibald, of Tonento, 'brother of the bridegroom, was groomsman. For- mer brother officers of the bridegroom who had been stationed with' him at Woodstock, Major H. J. Price, Lieut. J. E. Cooley, Lieut. T. P. Richardson and Lieut. H. G. Keene, formed the guard of honor. Mr. C. G. Sherwood, Sismans Scampers The Ideal Summer Shoe For Men and Boys ! ELK (Trade Name) UPPERS "WINGFOOT" OUTSOLES CORK INNER SOLES New Loiver Prices $1.49 to $2,29 Willis' Shoe Store SEAFORTH Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND * * •SINCERE THANKS! May :24th was the Biggest Open- ing WI ILis 'TIPPING AND 111-S- CAS- CADE RHYTHM. ORCHESTRA were superb ! • • DANCE TO HIS GRAND MUSIC EVERY SATURDAY-. —Surf Shop and Bathhouse Open— "CATALINA" showing of new Swim Suits. . • EVERYTHING AT GRAND BEND IS LOOKING SWELL - Electric Fencers QNE OF THE HANDIEST FENCERS ON THE MARKET Priced from $8.75 3. uSpD 1"ENCER—Used one season. WHEN YOUR RADIO GOES OFF -- just call 834 r 24 and get the best of service. BERT McSPADDEN WALTON 3832x2 Jack's Shoe and Harneis Repair SEAFORTH "Your Shoes Made Like New" 0?ANOVA( .4) of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS 1° Phone tollectto this numbers 219 miToilsm . 04 tNGEROLL, WILLIAM STO IE SONS LTD Ross j. mat Phone 8 SLIGAR-4granulated or 75c Ws- I PUFFED 'WHEAT Quaker; pim • 6c CANNED BEEF HELMET Tin 16c APPLE JUICE reputed; gallon; each''...43c TOMATQ JUICE reputed gallon; each .. ,43e GRAPEFRUIT JUICE repUted gallon; each PREPARED MUSTARD el in. reputed gallon, each.. FIP Illu Sweet RELISH PICKLES ega, reputed gallon, each Sweet MIXED PICKLES— - reputed 'gallon, each ...011ie, JAM—Apple, Raspberry or AK.‘ Strawberry; 4 -Ib. Tin SERVEX CLEANSING TISSUE, 400 sheets, pknl9C Your Shopping Centre of Toronto, and; Mr. R. R. Archibald, of Seaforbh, were the ushers. "Blyth - wood Farm," home of the bride's par- ents, was the setting for the reeepe tion. The bride's mother wore a gown of nave printed sheer, match- ing het and corsage of deep red ros- es. The bridegroom's mother also wore navy, with corsage of deep red roses. The bride, using a silver sword cut the wedding cake. During the re- ception Mr, C. R. Blyth, brother of the bride, playedselections on the bagpipes. Later, the bride, a gradu- ate of Woodstock General Hospital, and the bridegroom, a graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College, left for Brockville, whore -the latter is at- tached to the Eastern Officenn Train- ing Centre. For travelling the bride wore a smart printed heather rose suit trimmed in navy with navy ac- cessories. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mr*. George E. Ferguson, Miss Jean Ferguson and Mr. Russel Ferguson, of Toronto, were holiday visitors with the Misses Ferguson, Sperling Street. • Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKindsey and son, jimmrie, spent the holiday week -end in Ottawa. • Mr. Thomas Sills, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, spent the week -end at the .home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sills. • - ,4•01 • Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brightrall end son, Donald, spent the week -end in Blenheim. • Mr. H. G. Meir has sold the resi- dende on North Main Street, where he has been living for Some time, to Mr. George Mowbray. • Mies Pearl Lawrence and Miss Maxine Lawrence spent ,the holiday week -end in Toronto. • Mrs. Robert Smite is visiting in Chesley. • Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Kling and Marilyn spent the week -end in Meg- aeti Falls.. • Mr. and Mrs. :Claire Reith were in London this ween. • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and Miss Nancy, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of Mrs. P. Reid. • Mise Mary Denholm, of London, sent the fCneek-eied at her home here:, • Miss Helen McLean and Mr. Jas. Grant, of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of -Mi. and Mrs: K. M. McLean. e„Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell, Miss Fer- gus and Mrs. J. A. Munn spent the' week -end in Ottawa. • Mr. Then:las-McAdam, of Mount Forest, spent bhe week -end in town. • Misses Margaret and Betty Smith' of Toronto, spent the holiday week- end at the home of their parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. .e Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGavin and Mies Lois spent the week -end at the hatne_of _MT,S—...21.d.G.aV114:4.131291W1 Twiss, in Barrie. • Miss Merle Keating spent the week -end Willi Sarnia friends. • Mr. Ronetld McKay, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. H. McKays • Mr. and Mre. Allan McLeod, of Port Huron, were week -end guests at bhe home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Box. • Mr. and Mrs. David Ryckman and family, of Pollock, South Dakota, bave been the guests of IVIrnand Mrs. F. R. Parsons and other relatives in this vicinity. • Miss Ada Whatton: of Toronto, was the week -end guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. W. C. Barber. • Miss Frances Houston spent the wee's-end with the Misses Ida and Eva Love in Toronto. • Mr. and Mira. Roy Grummett, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin, Grummett and son, Robert, and Mr. J. Grummett, of Dun- dalk, were the week -end guests of Mr and Mrs. J. Grummett, of Harourhei. • ' Mr. K. C. Beattie, Delhi; spent the week-en.d with this mother, Mrs. F. R. Beattie. • Mr. Lloyd Hoggarth, Camp Bor- den, was a week -end guest at the borne of Mr. A. F. Muff. • Mr. Allan Gardiner, L.S.H., and Orville Duffiel•d, L.8.11., of Listowel, spent the week -end with the latter's aunt, Mrs. W. H. Montgomery, of Sea - forth. • Miss Mildred Shinen, of Toron- to, was a holiday guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shin- -en. • Mr. Glen Somers', Camp Borden, spent the week -end with his mother here. • Mr. and Mr's. W. Hauck, of Kit- elaener, were Week-encl guests at the home of her acrents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol • Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Reid and Sob, Ronald, of Hanailtem, Were- holiday goeste at the Moine of Mr. and, Mra. M. A. Reid. • AlArafttrik Jnehni litaeon,- DistIgItts Mara „Med Sables Chandler, Port.Albert, wero weekend pea& at the ,lionte of Mi and irs M.twat% • ME told Itobert 0; Willis!' and fitoilY, 'A:V.6MA Were hogifast guiato at the ttobie• Ws Mr. :WIllfdt Or; tnit lifie.-11: BOW • 1141s0,_ Stewta.rt, Icttnoarl oinp, event tho heliday weekend at the _honie of lien patents, Mr. -and Mrts. Harry Stewart. it Mr. Gordo= Scotty.A-rraY Service. *aiming 'Corps', Ghatilain, spout the week -end at the horde of hie part, Mr. and Mrs. James T. &Ott, Rox- boro. • • Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of iihnevale, wend week -end guests at tlite home of her parents, Mr: and Mrs. A. p. Seett. • Mrs. George Hills and Mise Ria Hills,%of Toronto,' spent the week -end at the Hills' home in Egmondville. • Miss Bess Grieve, of the Chat- ham Collegiate, spent. the holiday week -end at tibe-horue of her parent, Mr. and Mrs, T. M. Grieve. • Mrs. W. G. Edmunds, who has been visiting her son, Dr. Reid Ed- munds, Brantford, has returned to her home here. • Mr. Aldie Eckert; R.C.A.F., Tren- ton, and Miss Bessie Eckert, on the teaching staff of Brant Townshin, spent the week -end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, in -McKillop. • Miss Mae Sullivan, of Galt, was the week -end guest , of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cleary.an • wii Mrs. Roy Oke and fam- ily, of Hamilton, spent the bolidae week -end at the borne of his father, Mr. William Oke. • Mrs.N, Huffman, Frank and Paul- ine, of Woodstock, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester -- Henderson in McKillop. • Dr. F. Harburn left this week for. 'Carberry, Manitoba, to Visit his bro- ther, who is seriously ill. • Mr. and 'Mrs. George Thorne and family spent the weelt end' in Coiling- woed and Owen Sound. • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hildebrand attended the Deichert reunion in Zur- ich on Sunday. • Mr. Robert McCartney, Canadian Postal Corps, Ottawa, is spending, a. few ,days leave at his tome on the Mill Road. • Miss Patricia Southgate, Toronto, and Mr. W. E. Southgate, Jr., Army Training "Centre, Kitchener, spent the week -end at the home of their par- ents, Mr., and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. • Mrs. E. Reid, of Stratford, spent the week -end with Seaforth friends. • Mr. Stann-Dorrance Spent the week -end in Ottawa. • Miss Jean Watson, R.N., Strat- ford, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson, Egmondville. • Mr and Mes.-E..Mole and' daugn- ters were in, St. Thomas over the week -end. • Mrs. E. H. Close, President the Seaforth Branch of the Red Cross, was in Stratford this week attending the zone meeting of the Red Cross Society. • Mr. and Mrs. Murray Savattge, 1Vir. Hansen and Miss Moseley, of To- ronto, were holiday week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Savauge. ' • Mrs. Jason Ellis and family, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Storey. ; • Mrs. Clifford Broadfoot and little son Neil, of Hamilton, spent the week end With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyndall, in ,Tuckersmith, .• Mrs. J. Patterson: is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Bennett, in Walton. • Mrs. McLaren, Miss L. McLaren: and Mrs. McCormick, of Niagara Falls, were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forrester. • Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Crawford, of Stratford, were Sunday -guests at the Thome of Mr. and Mrs, M. McKellar, • Mr. Alastair Wigg, R.C.A.F., Fin- gal, is spending a few days leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Wigg. • Meesrs. E. L. Box, Andrew Cl - der and Ken .Reid, of tile Pciblic Conamission, were in Clinton oa Tuesday attending- e Safety Confer- ence. • Mr. William Hogg has been ap- pointed caretaker of Scott Memorial HosPital, BRUCEF• IEth Mr. and Mrs. J. It Cornish spent the week -end in Sarnia. Mr. C. D. Simpson visited friends in Petrolia. adee and Mrs. C. Halstead and son spent the week -end with Mr. and Mr. T. H. Wheeler. The. June meeting of the W.A. will :beeheld enennuesday, Jene nrd-enlatice: change in date. ' Mrs. R. Dawson visited her par- ents in Inwood. Mr. C. Cornish spent the week -end itt Myth: Miss Grace Datrynap e, of Stratford, visited her home hert. Mrs. Frank Strang , of Chatham, spent ithe week -end with Miss D. Swan. Mr. and Mrs. E. McAsh, of London, SPENCE'S Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry. Phone 170-W,-Seaforth Ogent.. Theatre Seaforth NOW PLAYING Gene Autry itt "THE SINGING HILL" Gene Autry blazes an amazing, trail of six-gun •exeitement and a two-fisted adveuture. Mary Lee • MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Lupe Velez Leon Errol in "-MEXICAN SPITFIRE OUT WEST" ON DOUBLE BILL WITH— "MELODY; FOR THREE" - Starring Jean Hersholt ) as Dr, Christian. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Charlie Chaplin in 111HE GREAT DICTATOR" Paulette Goddard Jack Oakie THE GREATEST 'COMEDY HIT OF ALL TIME! Coming — "TIN PAN ALLEY" - • • , • .• • •I and Mrs. McDonald and Miss M. Me - Ash, of leensall, spent the 24th with Mrs. Margaret McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. B. Shouldice visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson on Tues- day. Miss E. Grainger, of Goderich, spent Sunday at her home here. Now, decent forget to save every- thing you have; we want them. Now is the time to help, as you never helped before. isionasolosstgoonnos FOR TRUE ECONOMY e st High aus e • • True Temp Refrigerator • The only Refrigerator that automatically adjusts' itself to changes in kitchen temperatures. • When your kitchen gets warmer, TRUE -TEMP automatic- ally lowers the freezer temperature, When the kitchen grows cooler, TRUE -TEMP automatically allows the mechan- ism to remain "off" for longer periods, so that the food tem- perature will remain at the point you select. This spells a saving in current cost. • Tie purpose of a refrigerator is to protect your food . • and efficient food protection demands Constant food tem- perature. That is why it is vitally important to see that the refrigeratbr you select is equipped, with TRUE -TEMP . . . the only cold control which automatically maintains constant food temperatures . • and one of the many exclusive ad- vantages which Westinghouse owners enjoy. WESTINGHOUSE Dual-Autorizatic Refrigerator Come in and examine the many other advantages you can obtain by buying a Westinghouse. 'Boshart Eiectrjc PHONE 75. : • • SEAFORTH ,-• • WORTH COMING MILES' TO SEE ! The Boosters Club Present R-ACES.- at Seaforth Wednesday, lith CHAMPIONSHIP 1 01 EVENTS. 1— JL 12 - Admission Mt Grand Stand and Autos Free -USE ENAMEL.. thiglii-gloss finish fer all suriacesinsideofoutside. • 2 sparkling colors.. 106% PURE PAINT Far all outside homepaint- ing.'Gives greater protec- tion and lasting beauty. NtaGIOS 14111-Gtoss • A sfilfa:tyll , 17shet e finish for wok tali gs › ow" 6; and woodwork. S 0' 1' e ns.,t,tene ,t.tt eieettenne•,,tn'etterte:,