HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-05-30, Page 5Y less A 30, 1941,. ADURO Pressure Water System will do the same for you, if that problem be lack of running water and sanitary conveniences in your home. Outside pumps and toilets belong to the past. In every r . home running—water should be available at the turn of a faucet. Likewise, a modern Emco Bathroom is necessary for the health and happiness .of your family. A modern • Duro Water Supply System will irnish the water and make it possible to install an Emco° Bathroom. The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals. per hour, complete with 25 gal- Galvanized Tank 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only and $ 86 00 For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower; Toilet and Lavatory with13 "7.00 trimmings costs only (Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra) Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as $ 84.50 Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable life-long service. Thousands of satisfied users prove their worth. They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation. Can be purchased under out' Easy Payment Plan. For' Sale By FRANK KIjING PLUMBING. TINSMITHING. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ,. Shop at rear of Ferguson's Hardwar PHONES: Dav '6� Night 128 241 EMPIRE' BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London ,Hamilton • Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver School The Week At the, Seaforth Collegiate Institute (By Harry. Scott) The regular 'meeting of the High School Junior Red Cross was held Tuesday with Lois McGavin in the chair. Helen Moffat read the min- utes of the last ,meeting and Hazel Anderson seconded their adoption. Any girls wanting April or June cop- ies of the Junior Red Cross Magazine were asked to give their nanies. Haz- el Wilson took up the collection and the meeting adjourned. 8: * Mary Duncan, president of the Girls' Athletic Association,; presented__. the_ US CAR • 1940 Chev. Sedan 1939 Chev. Coach (Very low mileage) 1938 Dodge Sedan 1938 Pontiac Coach .1938 Chev. '.Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coupe 1936 Pontiac Coupe 1935, Dodge Sedan 1935 Chev. Coach 1934 Dodge Sedan 1932 Ford (B) Coupe_ 1930 E'ssex Sedan 1929 Ford (A) Coach 1929 Oldsmobile.,Coach 1928 Whippet Sedan • .TEALL & .HABKIRK. MOTOR SALES CHEVROL,E!-- OLDSMOBILE, DEAL IS Seaforth 'bone • 141 We . Sell the Beet "'8uperte,llttr crests awarded for the volleyball ser- ies to, the girls who were present at every single game except one during the series. There -were but five mem- bers of the winning -team, the Horn- ets of Grades XII and XIII who earn- ed their crests. These were Betty Matthews, Audrey M•cGavin, Maxine Baynes, Isabelle McKellar and Lois Wright, * * , k The' girls' softball series commenc- ed on Monday after four with. the Bombers_on_Posing the Tigers, .only_ to be defeated 31-12. On Wednesday night the teame of Grade XI and Grades XII and XIII played a strenu- ous game with the tearer from Grades XII, and XIII emerging victorious in a 23-11 score. * * '1 The boys of Second Form handed a team composed of boys from Third, Fourth and, . Fifth Forms a real -drub- bing in a softball game on Tuesday 'n'ight, lacing them 29 to 12. The team from the combined forme, however, clo not think. that Second Form can win again, and so have challenged them to a re -match on Thursday af- ternoon. Frank Golding, of hockey, basketball and football fame, was knocked out of the box for the losers. * The sale of War Savings Stamps was greatly improved this week, $18.75 worth being sold. Mr. Ballan- tyne pointed out in - assembly On Thursday_ morning that this was an increase of nearly 108 per cent. over last wee when only $9.00 worth was sold. Next week, he said, he would have $20.00 worth at the school and hoped he would have to send some one to the post office for more. rIlftNrr CONN The eoncerFte " poured by Mian Helen, I Helerittou,,'music director. at' •g uiondville, Walton! and. I4ondesb.oro re, spectively, were. a leQided eucoee both from a niusilcaf and financial, stancboint. The proceeds, from the three converts amounted to $111,33. The expenses were $18.25, nnaliing the net 'proceeds $93.13, all of Which was donated to the Red Cross in their re- spective districts. Mr. and Mrs. J, Nottingham and Mrs. Ben Shell visited with •friends in Harristan on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs, Wien. Britton• spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Miss Beulah Woods, nurse -in -train- ing at Clinton Public Hospital, is nursing her aunt, Mrs. Montgomery, at her home. The men of Constance United Church held a bee on .the chinch grounds on Thursday, repairing the roof of the church, also putting up a new fence east of the church. Sutter & Perdue, of Clinton, remov- ed the deck of the spire on Constance United Chinch on Wednesday of this week. They are putting on, a galvan- ized flat roof and so the last of the spire which stood as a symbol reach- ing towards Heaven, has been remov- ed. KITTEN Large congregations greeted. the visiting ministers at Kippen last Sun- day. In the morning the Rev. E. J. Volland, of Oxford Centre, preached, and at the evening service the Rev. S. E. Stevenson, of Millbank, took the service. Next Sunday morning Rev, A. M. Grant will preach and in the evening Rev. Charles Cumming,, of Norval, formerly of Walton, will preach. At the close of .the evening service a congregational meeting Will be held for the. purpose of calling a minister. . Misses Adelaide and Margaret Mur- ray of Toronto andfriends are guests at the home of Mr. and M;s. Jas. Mur- ray. 1VIisses Mary and Evelyn Murray spent Saturday in' Goderich. The Kippen East W. I. held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss M. McKay on Wednesday, May 21st, with a good attendance of Members and visitors, The meeting opened with community singing; Mrs. Glen McLean gave a short talk, on some of the important items in "The Farm- er." Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Mrs. R. Simp- son and Mrs. J. Finlayson were ap- pointed delegates to the annual con-. vention in Exeter. The roll call was answered in full, it being "an old house furnishing or implement in use today." A quartette consisting of Mrs. C. Stoneman, Mrs. C. Eyre, Mrs. G. Slav - in and Mrs. Wm. Cole rendered two fine selections. Miss M. McKay gave the history of their farm, and Mrs. F., Kling, of Seaforth, also -.rendered two fine solos. A skit entitled, "An Old - Fashioned Quilting Bee." was• given by Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. G. McLean. Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mrs. W. Workman and ,Laura Tremeer. The meeting was closed with the Lord's Prayer and a social half hour was,.. spent.•,.. •,... ., :...::,.•- ..- -- b The Kippen East W.I. will hold its regular meeting. on Friday, June 6th, at 2.15 p.ni. at the home of Mrs. Robt. Simpson, when the guest speaker 'will be' Mrs. Robt. Cameron', Hensall, on Canadian. Authors." ' Donations for boxes for ,overseas will be gratefully accepted. The regular• war work col- lection will be taken. Scouts - Guides On Thursday, May 22nd, the Guides and Brownies went •on a hike. After lunch many outdoor games were play- ed, espetcially.softball, which was en- joyed by all. A treasure hunt was al- so enjoyed, the winners being .Edna, Igallop, Peggy Trapnell and Lenore Habkirk. The Girl Guides wish to thank all those who so kindly donat- ed on- Cookie Day, which made it a big snuccess., The amoupt ireceived' was $42.68. MANLEY EGMONDVILLE The regular mleeting of the Kg- mondvflle young people's society was. held on Monday evening with Mr. Gardiner as president in' the absence of Gordon Finnigan. Hymn 402 was sung? after which business 'was dis- cussed. 'lihe meetings will be discon- tinued 'Until fall. Plans w'ere discuss- ed for. the young people's anniversary on Sunday. June 15th, and a play on Wednesday, June 18th. Mr. Gardiner took charge of the devotional period and led in prayer. Miss Marion Wal- lace read a letter from Mrs. Wilford, a native of Blyth, who is now a mis- sionary ivith her husband in China. After Hymn •313 was sung ,Miss Mar- ion- Wallace read an article -en -"Quints Go To Church," and i11r. Gardiner conducted a quiz program. The meet- ing came to' a close with singing the National Anthem and repeating the Mizpah benediction.. 'the rails we had last week was Werth a million dollars, but it was 'absorbed i10 . quickly that a 'weekly* 'Shaver would be welcome, but :the {;irk s'easott nail IJeskin : weed killer, 'the root and corn gr'bun4 .is working Up, ilt surnnter fallow fashion, and the tt1 blight to bring a isurniilielr crop. retail is A! Malay tto' tAwt# ;fid voxoty, tended the de ►Q#04t,: a'1 on 'Friday teyeAU&' Q. ta'rn$1y :r l P 4. > a *0 4'44 at tb home ot,11r. a40Mr1, 'eter Peicher'tt, Jr,,. > lttrti .biner Thy', '►ver tate week; ext<d, aesides tb.e parents of Mr. antd•' Mrs. Deichert, morohere of the family from 'Seaforth, l a e1d, Torouto, ;x- ` eter and Zurich were rpreaeat. Mr. Win. F. lotiriiison, who ,was awarded the-ton.trad''t,oP crust'in'g and trucking gravel of to. the .township roads for 1941, is mailing -good pro- gress in the work and many of the roads have. already ree,eived a coat of crushed! material. • The. 'holiday passed off: quietly, many of the ',citizens being out of town for the day. Among 'the visitors in town over the week -end were the following: Mr. Harold Stade, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. R. Kalbfleisch, • Detroit; Mise Gertrtude Tuerkheim, Toronto; k Mr. Daniel Smith, Clinton.. Mrs. Ivafr Willert spent the week- end with her husband at' Trenton, where he is a member of the R.C.A.F. Mrs. Geo. Deichert was painfully injured .in an auto accident on Satur- day night which took place on High- way 84, between Hensall and Zurich. Her many friends • will be pleased to hear that she is improving. A car owned by Mr;. J. W. Merner was badly damaged on Sunday night when the driver lost control on the hlighway west of town and the car randed in a' nearby field. None of the occupants were seriously hurt. The many friends of Mrs. Win. H. Hoffman, of town, who underwent a serious' operation at Clinton Hospital' recently, will be pleased that she is slowly recovering, and has returned to her home., . BRUCEFIELD Save your rags, bones, iron, rub- ber, papers, steel and all scrap. -The Red Cross wants them. • Look for an- nouncement later. - Mrs. Phinney, of Detroit, visited her mother, Mrs. Margaret .McKenzie. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott, of Lon- don, visited at their home here. McKILLOP The VIi.M.S. land W.A. of Duff's Church, McKillop, held their regular monthly meeting on 'Thursday after- noon, May 22, at the home of Mrs. F. McKercher, with Mrs. A. Watson pre- siding. Hymn. 388 was Bund, followed with prayer by Mrs. Watson. The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. William Storey. The roll call and minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Miss Vina Murdie and Mrs. H. Lawrence brought in- teresting and instructive reports from the Presbyterial held at the Thames Road Church. The meeting closed by singing "God Save the King," after which a dainty lunch was served by hostess and committee. VARNA Death of Alexander M. Wright The death occurred late Tuesday afternoon at his home on the Mill Road. Tuckerswith, after a protract- ed illness, • of Alexander Maitland Wright, a well known and esteemed. resident of this district. A son of the late Charles Wright of 'Vic'Killop, he was born in that township in 1885 and was married in 1913 to Miss Lily Henderson, daughter of George Hen- derson of McKillop. After their mar- riage they settled on his farm on the Mill Road, Tuckersmith, Where they have since resided. Alexander Wright was 'a menriber of the Bruce - geld United Cliurch amid an enthusi- astic football • player in his younger days, being a member of the Bruce - field Rover Football Club. Surviving beside his widow are four sons and two daughters: Gordon! Wright, Clin- ton; Arthur, Morley and Alan, Alice and Muriel at home. He is survived by four brothers: John Wright, Bruce - field; Robert Wright, flullett; James Wright, Windsor; William A. Wright, Seaforth, and two sisters, Mrs.• Wm. Hill, Stanley township, and Mrs. John Riley, Brussels. A brother, Charles Wright, of McKillop, and ' a sister Miss Jean Wright, predeceased him The funeral Will be held from his late home on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock followed by interment in Maitland - bank ‘cemetery. Holiday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley, of Denfield; Mr. and Mrs, Warder "and baby, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Austin and baby, of Seaforth, guests of Mrs. Austin and family; Miss Beatty and little Billy Laythem, of London, with the form- er's mother, Mrs. L. Beatty; Mr. and Mrs. Argo and little son, of Toronto, at the home of the latter's parents, Mi. and Mrs. McConnell; Mr. C. Ad- ams, daughter and son, of Detroit, guests of the fornier's uncle, Mr. Frank Weekes, at the home of Mrs. L. Beatty; Mrs. McAsh, of Brucefield, at the home of her° son, Mr. J. T. Mc - Ash.• Mr. C. C. ,Pilgrim has returned af- ter spending a week with .friends and relatives. An interesting event took place Saturday afternoon when the pupils of Varna school met tp celebrate Mas- ter Johnnie McConnell's birthday at the home of ,his grandparents,' Mr. and Mrs. A. McConnell. The brilliant part of the program was the fireworks in the evening sponsored by, Mr. Argo, of Toronto. Bring along your salvage metal of all kinds—rubber, cork, leather,' wool, rags, silk, Cotton, gramaphone needles, marrow bones (to make glycerine), in fact any bones, and- almost anything you could mention. Please tie paper and magazines in bundles; do not roll. is Dr: a'nd' Mrs,' B. A. 'Campbell and daughters, Jean and Dorothy, of To- ronto, spent the holiday •at the hoine of Mr. Jadob Dei•Chert of town. Members of.,the local branch of the Women's Institute 'were ehtertthied at Exeter on Tuesday by the inembers of the branch in that to'litL . Mr. Keith Westlake, of Stanley Twp has beet taken. in a'S a ipar'taler in the undertaking '•busiltesa of W. 11, iToff- man, Mr. Westiuke comes highly` res ea„blended and is a •gradtiate from a ill fit.' �igtilbi3ho9. TUCKERSMITH , The Tuckersmit+h Ladies' -Club will meet at the home of Mrs -Wm. Pepper on June 4th. The roll call will be. a question box for which each member is to take a question. •. CROMARTY Through the Mitchell Patriotic So- ciety the members of the Cromarty Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church contributed a lovely layette to be forwarded to the war sufferers iu Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns, of Bruce - field. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dow and Mrs. T. McIntosh attended a patriotic con- cert given by the people of Walton. Ross Macdonald suffered a broken arm while playing at No. $ school on Monday. Mrs. Tufford, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of her sister, Miss M. B' Currie: Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McDermid, of Clinton, spent Sunday with Miss Currie. Mrs. Jas. Fulton and son Murray, spent the week -end a tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar and DOES THE TRICK Ask your ne1ghbertt What Bray Chicks did for them. Then gee me for prices and delivery dates.' THOMAS DICKSON WM. S i'APLETON A01W W. 'KM 8LAR1 , .Hensall and TAILORE Regular to $25 Values MAN- TAILORED SUITS $16. 11 You will rush right in for these fine men's wear English Worsteds, English Tricotines and Serges. Pin stripes, chalk stripes, light greys, ivedium greys, Oxfords, navy and blacks. Every Suit in this excep- tional sale has the maticulous tailoring, fit and finish you expect in high grade tailor,mades. All sizes. Greatly Reduced to . . - 16.88 GREAT CLEARING OF WOMEN'S - Spring Coats Don't miss this golden opportunity 'to get that New Spring Coat you've wanted! Every coat in the store goes into this two great sale groups. Fitted or Swagger box back styles, trimmed with scarf, flower, col- lars and piping—.Jl-wool English boucle and imported coatings in beige, black, navy and soldier blue. :Sizes 14 to 46 in each group. 14.88 to 17.88 All Children's Spring Coats 1 Every coat in our Children's Depart- ment goes into this Sale. Sizes 3 to 14 years. All colors rta DISCOUNT Stewart Bros. Seatorth Mr. and Mrs° John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Miller, of Stratford, visited with Mrs. S. Miller. Mrs. Neil Gillespie is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott. - 'Nit.. and Mrs. B. O. Maciinnald vis- ited with Mrs. Macdonald, of Brussels on Saturday. The usual annual gathering of the McKellar and Lamond clan to the number of sixty, was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wallace on Saturday, May 24th, and ail report a pleasant time. DUBLIN The ceremony of crowning of the Blessed Virgin took place at St. Pat- rick's Church on Sunday evening. The Sodality members preceded by the flouter girls carrying roses. marched in procession around the church car- rying 'the banner and singing hymns. The crowning took place at the altar or the Blessed Virgin. Rev. Father Cook, of London. gave a very inspir- ing address. Four new members were received into the Sodality. Mrs. W. Mothers was a recent hos- tess at three tables of Five Hundred. Prizes for highest scores were won by Mrs. E. Bruxer and Mrs. T. Brown, while the travelling prize was award- ed to Mrs. J. V. Flynn. Dainty re- freshments were served by the hos- tess, assisted by her daughter, Miss Doris. A very appreciative and representa- tive audience enjoyed the play, "Dora Dean," presented' in the Zion Church basement under- the sponsorship of the Zion Women's. Association. The Characters were members of. Carling- ford Y.P.U., ansa deserve special men- tion for remarkable talent. , John E. Molyneaux has been suc- cessful in obtaining all his subjects at Toronto College of Education„ and is spending his vacation with his par- ents M.r. and Mrs. Thomas J. Moly- neaux. Mrs. Mary Cronin has returned home after spending two weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Elizabeth Nagle spent this week in London and attended the Eucharistic Congress at St,, Martin's Church on Tuesday. Mise Rhea Roney obtained a high standing in all her' subjects at Strat- ford Normal, Which. eliminates the eeessityi Of writing the mal 'eifani. Sttiittlliy}l to ,linitis , Recent visitors: Pte. E. B. Tyers, Toronto, and Mrs. Tyers with Mr. and .Mrs.. Frank Evans; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. O'Grady, North Bay, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; 'Mrs. Blood and Miss Alice McAleer, Detroit, with their sister, Mrs. Pat 1 3 an•; Ins Lucille McGrath, nurse -in -training at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curtin; Miss Lil- lian' Miles and friend, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, Kinkora, with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flanagan; • Paul Givlin•, Loddon, with his father, Jos. 9ivlin; Mrs. E.- Longeway 'and son, Edward, Galt, with' Mr. and • Mrs. Frank Kenny; Joseph Evans, student of Philosopihy at St. Peter's Semin- ary, Londpn, is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Catharine Ev- ans; Miss Genevieve McCarthy, To- ron'to, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarthy; Miss Rose Feeney, of London, with her mother, Mrs. Kath- leen Feeney; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Han- ley, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hanley; Frank Krauskopf, Toron- to, with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krauskopf; Private Clarence O'Reilly, London, witdl his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Reilly; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue. Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux; Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGratb,.Ilderton, with Frank McConnell; Mr, ant -airs. ,John, Kenny, Detroit, with Mi•. and Mrs. Frank Kenny; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kayn, of Chatham, with Mr. and Reg. Kayn, Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coyne; Joseph and Clay- , Windsor, with their mother,. Mrs. - A. M. Looby; •,Father John Jordan, Imlay City, Mich, with his-mother,Mrs. Teresa Jordan.' Mrs. Mary McGrath is spending a few weeks in• Kitchener. James Jordan, Jr., spent th.e week- end in London. • Me. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney ,and sons, Louis and Elmer, attended the Eucharistic Congress at London on Tuesday. BUS TIME Leaves Scaforth for Stratford: Daily 9.25 a.m. and 5.13 > DM. Leases Seaforth for Goderich: ,Daily except Sun.lay and hol., i.05 qrm. and 7.40 p.m. Su and Hol., 1.05 'p.m. and 9.20• lana. nne,tion st Stratford for Toronto, li 1.1ton, BulSalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock, Wnnd_stdck, BrvntforcL Agents Queen's Hotel, Commercial Hotel, Dick House- STRATFORD - GODERICH; COACH LINES Seaforth Monument Works (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) Operated by CUNNINGHAM and PRYDE Your are invited to inspect our stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS See Dr. Harburn for appointment any other time — Phpne Box `150EXETER Phone' .Dead and Disabled Animas REMOVED PRO PHONE COLLECT: SEAP0111 H' 16 ,„.01 DARLING ,AND CO. O',CANADA*, r a ;Is