The Huron Expositor, 1941-05-30, Page 4p,egmrmi'U, • Tut u moxpoS"l,'."li `yl,,it 1 • • €i, ,E1ds will be inserted at new low cash rates ted. Last and Feund. ,Coming Events. Ete.--Per ward: let we 1 Cent 2nd week 'Ya Cent 3rd week Cent Isliuiutum charge, first insertion 25 Genie Each figure, Waal and abbreviation counts as one word. .,'Tiuttika, In Memoriam Notices -.4 Dent per word. Minimum, 50 ,cute Per week. :OW Map be directed t, a Box Number, care of The Huron Expositor, ter 10 cents Cents additional per week will be charged if ads- in above class are not paid by the htrarday night in the week in which the ad was res Dirt!a,Marriages and Deatbe 'inserted free of charge. 4u04o0 Salts. Notices to Creditors,- Etc. ---,Bates an app1icatiom- •-r, t, Wanted Farm Stock For Sale 'I'irANTED—INVALIDS W.HSEL CHAIR IN I 1 R to YY good condition. Give full description and EARL Price. Box 264, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 3833-1 Poultry POULTRY—I CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS + in Baby Chicks or Started Chickens - at moderate prices; cull your hems satisfactorily and -pay the best market price for all Poul- try. GEORGE WALKER, . H,ensall. Phone 119. 3829x6 • Notices NEW LOW PRICE — BADEN ELECTRIC fence chargers. 89.00 up. Local• repres- entative wanted. Write J. C. STAPLETON, 182 8. Victoria Street„ Samna. 3833x2 •?.TOTICE—ANYONE NOTICING A SWARM J.` of bees, WALLACE ROSS, Apiarist, will payaccording to size of sw-arm. Phone 1354, Seaforth. • 3832-2 WOOD SHAVINGS FREE—QUANTITY OF wood shavings wb8dh you. may have for taking them.away, suitable for bedding, stab- ling insulation, etc. For a short time only. JOHN BOSHART & SONS, Seauforth-, 3832-2 PROCLAMATION — CIVIC HALF HOLI- day: .Having been petitioned by a ma- joratry of the Buss Men of the Village of Brumfield, 1 hereby proclaim Wednesday af- ternoons, from 12.30 •mon in the mouths of June, July, August and Septemaber, 1941, Civic rtelf Ramey., except when a legal holiday comes on •.the day before or the day after a Wednesday, and 'respectfully request- the oiti- zens'to observe the same. JOHN K, CORNISH, Acting -Mayor. "God Save the King." 3883x1 COURT OF. REV ION Township of .Tuck smith rrHE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF 'FUCKER- :>mith will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assesemernt Roll of 1941 at Town Hall Seaforth. on Saturday, June 7th, at 2 pm. All appea5v must be in the hands of the Clerk on or before. Monday, May 26, 194E Interested parties should govern themselves accordingly, D. F. - McGREGOR, Clerk. 3831-3 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY _COUNCIL ' an, NEXT MEETING OF iiia HURON Ceunty Council will be held in the Coun- cil Chambers, Ooart House. CJoderieb. com- meneing June 10, 1941, at 2 p.m. All accounts, 'notices Of deputainns and other business requiring the' atteatioe of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 7, 1941. N "^W, MILLER, County Clerk: GaderSch, Ont SALE—FIVE-YRAR-OLD COW, DUE freshen in two weeks. Apply to PAPPLIE. Egmondville, 3833x1 + r Auction Sales AUCTION SALE—A PUBLIC AUCTION sale will be bdld at Cloverdale Farms. Creation, on Wednesday, June 4th, of 30 pure bred Shorthorn cattle, fully accredited and blood tested; 23 hoice feanales, 1 to 3 'years of age, and 7 good bulls, 10 to 14 months of age. For catalogue, write to W. C. F. oESTRICIIER, Crediton. or R. M. PECK, Zuriob. 8832-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects, of the late Elizabeth Parke, in the Village of Hensall, on Saturday, June 14th, at • 1 p.m. Terms—Cash. Estate of the late Elizabeth Parke; WM. PARKE, Execu- tor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 3833-1 Help Wanted HELP WANTED—KITCH,N,N GIRL. ALSO waitresses, for London summer resort. Good • wages. Apply to 483 Dundas Street, London,. Ont.. Phone Met. 1608. 3832x2 WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work- Apply lo Box 259, EXPOSITOR ••OFFICE,, ` 3828-tf • Tenders Wanted TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY .THE undereiened until 12 o'clock, loon, .Sat- urday, June 7th, fbr the sale of the hangar situated on Sky Harbour Airport. For prarticulars, see the County Clerk at • the Court (douse, Goderich. Ont. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk. 3833-2 For Sale pts SALE—OUTSIDE PUMP WITH CYL- inder; also new Screen door. Apply to GEORGE REEVES. Seaforth. •- 383351 PLANTS FOR SALE—TOMATOES, CAB - bare. Cauliflower. Peppers, Celery. Five kinds and colours in Petunias, Asters, Zin- nias, Snapdragon, Scabiosa, Verbenas. Any Sor evening. ALBERT BAKER, Railway treet. 3338x1 1DLANTS FOR SALE—TOMATOES, EARLY ere! Late. Cabbage._ Cauliflowers. Peppers, Huckleberry, Several varieties Petunias, choice Snapdragon, 7,iranias, Asters. Pansies ; many ether varieties. A. L. PORTEOUS, one block West of Hospital. 3832x3 Births 3833-2 HOWE-=1n Scott Memorial. Hospital, Sea-• forth, ,an May 27th. to Mr. and Mrs. NJ - Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MOIR, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the estate of Alexander Moir, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron,, Physician, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day a of 'September, 1940, are required to send par- ticulars of the same to •the undersigned Executor or bis Solicitor duly verified, on or before the 31st day of May. 1941, after which date the assets of the deceased well be dis- tributed having regard only to the claims then received and ignaring all others. DATED at the City of London, this 13th day of May, 194E EGBERT FABER, R R. No. 1, Hensall, Ontario Executor by his Solicitor 9 5 E wan:. K C Canadian Bank of Commerce Buildiirg, Dundas & Richmond Streets, Landon, Ontario. 3831-3 Popular Stallions J. T. FALCONER R.R. 2, Dublin Phone 1.7* 24 CLYDESDALE STALLIONS Will stand for service season 1941; three Imported Stallions and one Canadian bred. 1.' ,"flir. PRESIDENT''—Bred by Stephen Taylor, Kirkhill, Morayshire, Scotland. Sire, "Via Count Laeelles," and out of the prize winning mare, "Xirkhiil Charm" by "Deride - /6th Qninten." 2. 'THE BRAVE SCOT" --Bred by Wm. Brown, Creltditon, Renfrew, Scotland. Sire, "Craigie Wiaalot." and ont of a "Drunni- crtas > mane. '3. "WOODROW"—Bred by Ed. Nicol, Clif- ton.. Mmit et:h, Englaind. Sire, "Craigre Air- man" by "Craigie Excellence" Six times champion at the .Glreag'ow Stallion. Show and other numerous prizes. 4. "SATISFACTION"—Bred by J. E, FaI- goner, Pandit*, Out. Sire, 'Terrs Gaiety"; dam, "Queen of the Roses" • by "Dunmire Sparlding Hope" by the 847.000 borne "Baton of BueMyvie." These last three horses— Terms $15.00 if blares prove in foal after Jarman. 1, 1942. No service fee down if Mares come to bairn, Kiat if we have to track Mesas mileage wall ;be -charged., These are sill high class home and have been winning et .on Hie leading Fairs, such as the Royal, Toronto and the Chicago International, and all proven foal getters. The Preli'iden4" aid "Satisfaction" were Champ -arid Reserve Cleiampiona at Sea- ford* d. Clinton Spring Fairs. It pa"Ya to breed q l the best, and the best is not any o 8tod lF3Bor 8. ,psirticuiara apply toee akii FAVORITE AGAiN (24337) - Enrolment No. 1961 • Hes been rated 12s 'best Clydesdale stock beige "in Ontario on Pield Days 1ry men of the Atoka/tool Ulnae a'e. and baa won more red ' tieketts than any Clyde hmse in Ontario. Het a&nil for the season of 1941 at Coyho fol ,• . docs non 7, Ribbed.and -will !,targe ii tkaikw fill? a• reatio'nable d etanbe to $ sin ` c' lid iietlr. 00 4+0, iIsutre : $25.00 for two th me °Artie . t VaptiOrt, Owner ' e + Malt itoq, a' - ti8$2-12 i k son Howe: Cromarty, a daughter, , KARGIS— In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, on May 28th: to Mr. and Mrs, Er;ne<t Ramis, Seaforth. twin sans !tine still born). .KYLE ---At Mrs. Pa'terson's Nursing Home. Hensel/ on, Saturday. May 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kyle, of Hensall t. nee Olive Brock)', a son. Deaths DORSEY— In Seaforth on Sunday. May 25th, Agnes Gertrude horsey, daughter of the late John Dorsey. McLEOD--Alexander J.. age 73 years, at St. • Vincent's Hospital, Indianapolis. Beloved —husband of Magdalena McLeod., brother of William 'McLeod, of Port Huron, Mich.; Mrs. Effie Modeland. vtf London, Canada. Funeral from the •late hbme,,718 E. Orange St, Friday, 8,10 a.m-; Sacred Heart Church, .Burial St. Joseph's cemetery. WRIGHT -In Tucker-mith,..ou- Tuesday.- 2,th, ATecander Maitland Wright, in his 57th year. CROMARTY The first baseball game of the sea- son was played Tuesday evening be- tween Russe]dale and Cromarty, the score being 2 to0 in favor of Crom- arty. STANLEY Death of John McGowan The entire community was shocked when the sad news was passed around on' Saturday morning, May 24th. that John McCowan had passed away. Mr. McCowan had been ailing for several months but had been feel- ing some, better until recently, when he was taken to the Clinton Hospital and operated on Monday, May 19th. Mr. McGowan. did not seem to gain strength after the operation and the end came early Saturday morning. The deceased was born on the 2nd concession of Stanley on the 4th day of October, 1873, on the farm where he had spent all his life. He was :a Presbyterian in religion and a staunch Liberal. He was married to Ella Grace McGregor in May, 1902, and bad a family of three sons and three daughters: Mrs, James McDonald, of Brncefield; Mrs. Albert Batt, of Stouff- ville; Jahn, on the farm near Bruce - field; Alice, who died in !-_infancy; Frank, of Brucefield, and Kenneth, at home, and three grandchildren. Be- sides his wife and family he leaves to mourn his loss, one brother, Dun- can, of Roxboro; two gasters, ' Mrs. James .Bryant, of Roxboro; Mrs. Mary Mcl ay," of H'ahliltorc', and a Bost of friends. The funeral vas held nn Monday, May 28th, frees his late resi- dence with . the Rev. Mr. Andrew, of Clinton Presbyterian Chuureh, offkolat- ibk the. rtytrlaf ie Were laid to teat in ttie, tanfltrplot ill Baird''s, cefno fety, 'KM a very '1a'trge foldoiirl'og'r or iflel7dJir..iiii Y-,'iiingligfiltanc ss wiliedt ididited til s at r ,t"esiaect and Igith sltl ,. . li ance Wei e Mr. and Mrs. Albert Batt of Stouffville; Duncan MoCowan and family, and Mr. and Mrs. James Bry- ant, of Roxboro; Mrs. Maly 'McKay and daughter, Julia, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Janes Bryant and daughter, of St. Catharines; Mr. Hugh McGre- gor„ of Detroit, and a number of rel- atives from Blyth. The pallbearers were Messrs. Harvey Taylor, Arthur Caldwell, John Pepper, Hugh Gilmour, George Baird and T. B. Baird. WALTON A quiet wedding took place at Duff's Church Manse, Walton, on Saturday, May 24th, when Elizabeth (Nettie) Smalldon, youngest daughter of Mr. Harold R. Smalldon, was united in marriage to Mr. John Ford, of Wel- land. They were attended by Robert Smalldon, brother of the bride, and Miss Ruth Brendill, of Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Ford left for a motor trip to Welland where they will re- side. Mrs. W. C. -Bennett received, word this week that Sgt. W. C. Bennett has been promoted to Staff ..Sergeant in charge of the Military Post Office at Petawawa. Mr. ,Ralph Traviss, who has spent the past two months at Palmerston, has returned dome. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphries and son, Will, and Mrs. M. Shannon spent the week -end at Windsor with their daughter, Mrs. Jas. Humphries. Mr. and Mrs,. Chas: Nichol and fam- ily, of Toronto, silent the week -end in Walton on, business. Mrs. J. Patterson, of Seaforth, is spending a week with Mrs. W. C. Bennett. • HILLSGREEN Mr. Vifiliiam Reichert has returned home and is steadily improving. Mr. ; R .Robinson, of Stretford, is visiting friends in this community, Mr. Roy Goodwin, of St. Jacobs; .Mis Grace Gowing, of Glen Allan, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson, of Kit- chener, and daughter Phyllis, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson. Mr. and Mrs: J. Baker spent a day in London ,recently. Rev. E. F. Chandler, minister of hipper and Hillsgreen churches, has I accepted a call to Parkhill. There is no service at Hillsgreen while 'the different preachers are being heard for a can. - Mr, J. Cochrane, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his brother, Allan Cochrane, and sister, Miss Edna. HENSALL Goodwin's have just received a ship- ment of White Shoes: See them soon. A musical program will be present- ed by the Blue Boys of Port Albert by qiird pez:nrission of Group Captain l P. B. 'Robertson, Town Hall, Fiensall, Wednesday evening, June 4th, 8,10 p.m. Admission: Adults 25s, Chia !iren 15c. Proceeds for Red Cross. (Continued from Page 1)• 'week -end. Mr. Russell Kyle, who has a..good eesitiee at St. Catharines, was home over the week -end: Mr. and Mrs, Geo. rollick were vis- iting 111 London over the week -end. Mr. Byron Kyle- is all smiles these days. A baby boy has come to his house to stay. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toronto, visited with Mr. 'and Mrs. Peter Mc- Naughton on Sunday. • Honored By Businessmen W. J. Crawford, well known Ripley businessman, who after 50 -years last week closed, his store, was honored on his last night in business. He was p;esented 'with .a' gold -headed cane, suitably engraved, by fellow ,merch- ants. as an expression of their ad- miration .for him, The occasion was of an informal nature owing to the fact that Mrs. Crawford has been critically ill for the past few weeks. Mr. Crawford' was deeply impressed and voiced his thanks in a most en- thusiastic manner. At the same time a lovely basket of flowers was sent to Mrs. Crawford by the business men. accompanied by their best wish- es, Mr. Crawford, a former Hensall- ite, is a brother of Mre. J. B. McLea', of Kippen, Hold Anniversary Services • Successful anniversary services were observed in Hensall United CfiuJ STS Sullriay _hall with splendid - congregations at both services, the church being lovely with profusions of summer blooms. The guest speak - ea Rev. C. V. McLean, M.A., Ph.D., of Dundas St. United Church) Londoh, in The morning spoke on "Inevitable De- tour" and in the evening, "The Burn- ing Bush." He was assisted at the evening service by Rev. W. Weir, of Carmel Presbyterian Church, who withdrew their evening service for the occasion. The choir in the morn- ing sang "Trust in Him," soloist be- ing Mr. Goodwin. The male quartette composed of Messrs. Claude Biowes, -W. O. Goodwin, Harry Horton and Dr. 'I. G. Smillie sang "Scatter Seeds," and in the evening "Forward." The choir's anthem was "Open Our Eyes.". Mrs. John Elder had the misfortune on Monday evening while performing some household duties, to• fall and fracture her right arm. It is to be re- gretted as' Mrs. Elder some months ago 'fractured her left arm. Her many friends trust she will improve quiek l,y. The many friends of Elgin Johnston, son of Mrs. Jas,, Johnston, of the vil- lage, will regret to learn while work- ing on the roof of the 'barn at Mr. Jack Elgie's, had the misfortune to fall some 1R feet. X-rays taken at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, re- vealed a fractured leg. Word has been received here of the death of Hugh McConnell, a former well known district man, who died in Kindersley, Sask., in his 77th year. His widow is the former Miss Amelia Nott, Funeral services were held from St. Paul's Church .witfh burial in Kindersley cemetery. Misses Irene Douglas, Norma Cook; Ruth Brook, Dorothy Dougall and El- va McQueen! Oattended May Day exer- eiiles at Alma College, St. Thom ,s. Miss Golriie Cross of Hensall, a stu- dent there, took part in the exercises. 'Wee Betty Redden, of lhindas, is the guest of her gra1 dlilot'her, M rti•. C. M.'Redden. • Mr. acid Mr's. Lloyd Paesronor'e and dail;;tliter, Adinia, and Mr. and Mile kb. Pfassidore, of Deihl, visited' river; the 'tn,, l fiefel With: Mi"{y VOA' dtrs., jitto. Paso, e14AAQ 'cMOV7IwVl4Y A/L n1Ae 1%Ysl'JI� end with hie ,l?Orbeta, Mr. and Mrs.. John. ,l'assmoae, Mrs. Lorne McNaughton and daugh- ter Mae, spent the. week -end' with her daughter, Helen, of Toronto. Mrs. Chas. McDonell and grand daughter Patsy, visited in Listowel on Sunday. The winner of the lucky ticket Ore the quilt made by the Hillsgreen Club and ,Which realized the sum of $62.00, went to Mr. Harold Cook, of this vil- lage, one of the leading merchants. Dr: and Mrs. B. A. Campbell and son, Keith, of Toronto, spent the week end at their summer home. here. Mr. and Mrs'. Ferris Oarltelon, of Scbronberg, spent the holiday with the former's mother, Mrs. K. Cantel - on. Mrs. Roy MacLaren and little son, Donald, spent the week -end in St. Catharines. Mr. -and Mrs. 'Harold Shepherd, of Toronto, and Miss Hazel Smillie, of Atwood, visited over the.. week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smillie. Mr. and Mrs. , W. E. Redden and daughters, Betty and Marie, of 'Dun- das, and Herb and Lloyd Redden, of St. Catharines, were visitors in Hen- sall over the week -end. Mrs. Redden, and daughter, Mona, who have been in Hamilton for the past four months, returned home with them, Mr. Casey Hudson, of Listowel, vis- ited This parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson, fora the 24th. Mr- and Mrs. W. B. Cross have re- turned home from Cleveland, Ohio, where they were attending the fun- eral of a sister of Mr. Cross. Mr. Ray Paterson, of Toronto, vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson, over the holiday. Miss Mary Hemphill, of London,, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer were visit- ed over the week -end by their daugh- ter, Miss Mayis, of Toronto. Miss Pearl' T3arpole, of London, vis- ited. over the week -end with her mother.' Mrs. Grace Harpole. Mr. Lorne EIder, of • .Galt, visited with • his 'parents, Mr. and 1Mscs. John Elder, for the • week -end. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. of •To- ronto, were week -end visitors •with Dr. axial. Mrs., Smillie and Miss Jean Murray. W. C. T. U. Meets Exeter-Hensall Union of the W.C.T. U. held their May meeting in the schoolroom of the United Church on 'Thursday afternoon with a splendid attendance. Mrs. Christie, of Exeter.' was in the chair and a hymn opened the meeting, followed with the Lord's prayer, Series of prayers' were giv- en by Mrs. sinks, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Pearce and .Mrs. Christie, and the Bible, lesson by Mrs. W. J. Pybus. Mrs. W. Cook contributed a splendid Paper on "An Appeal To Mothers on Child Training." . Mrs. Jas. W. Bon- thron e`ii:ng "Does Jesus Care?" and Mrs. W. C. Pearce spoke on "Nar- cotics." after which Miss Hoggarth gave some true life stories relative to the subject. Miss A: Consitt was ap- pointed , to make arrangements for Rowers to be sent to 'Miss Harknell, la former 'past president of the socie- ty, who is seriously ill 'at her home in Exeter. A picture of Francis Wil- Iiard, a. gift to Miss Harknell, was ex- hibited prior to being sent to county unions. I., The Red Cross Society will be ship-' , ping at the end of the week and the 'conveners will be glad to' have all finished work. so that they Can send off their full quota All our. work is urgently needed. ' 'rhe executive of the Bible Society met in the council chamber of the Town Hall Tuesday evening, May 27, with all officers present, together with a splendid turnout. Mr. J. W. Ort- wein, an active member of the Bible Society and president for a number of years, was re-elected president, and Mr. J. W. Bonthron, secretary-treas.. Iter. Arrangements . were made to hold special services in -the three, lo- cal churches this coming Sunday morning, June lst, each minister to present a Bible sermon in an appeal to the Bible Society which is doing suw ch ondet•ful work. :Canvassers were appointed and will call at your home in the near future. The , Late A.r`chibald Towers The .,{Leath. took place of Mr. Archi- bald Tower's on Wednesday, May 28, "at the home of his sister, Mrs. Sam Ross, of Exeter. He was born at Cromarty and' was the son of the la - Mr.. and Mrs. Wen'. Towers of Hens 11. He was unmarried. For a time he farmed at Cromarty and then went to Exeter where he farmed'Tor some time. Retiring two years ago he went to live with bis sister. He is mourn- ed ourned by five sisters: Mrs. Donald Park,, Hensel]; Mrs, Hockey, Mitchell; Mrs. Margaret White. Hamiota, Man.; Mrs. Ann McCurdy, Kirkton, and Mrs. S. Ross, Exeter. Funeral arrangements have not as yet been made, but bur- ial will be made in Staffa cemetery. Mrs. Andrew Love, who has been in S't. .Toseph's Hospital, London, is somewhat improved: ' Miss K. Drysdale, of Sarnia, was a • fie.„tfateatieid Wda 1•f, Alt ` 30, 19419.'. GEM ELECTRIC FENCER CANADA'S ORIGINAL SELF- CONTAINED UNIT • Complete with Batteries, Ground Rod, 50 Porcelain's, 4 Corder Spools, 50 Leather Washers, 1 Gate Hook and Spring, Instruction Sheet. Handy Sturdy - Weatherproof l Economical PRICED 4T $18,mo C.ClML wet -cues and Accessories The right i,)ikytio for each boy , .: sad .girl. AL1 irorrtt an and Torch Ceremony SEAFORTH, Wed.; June 4, at 3 p.m. • A Unit of the Kent Regiment of London ,will present a Military Demonstration on Mair Streeet, followed by the' reception of the Huron Victory Loan Cavalcade, which will ,reach Sea - forth at 4.30 p.m. MONSTER PARADE WILL INCLUDE ARMY AND MILITIA UNITS, BANDS, OFFICIAL CARS, BOY SCOUTS, GIRL GUIDES AND S. C. I. CADETS Impressive Ceremony when heads of Local Municipalities will sign Scroll at the Town Hall. • Seaforth Highlanders Band in Attendance Everybody Welcome HELP FINISH THE JOB guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presby- terian Church met in the school room .auditorium with the president, Mr's. Jas. A. Paterson, he the chair. Mrs. J. afeEwau and Mrs. R. D. Bell's group arranged the meeting. Mrs. Malcolm_ Dougall, Mrs. Andrew Don - gall and Miss Margaret Dougall fav- ored with several, muSical numbers, which were much enjo2sd. The meet- ings for July. and August•will be with- drawn, and the June meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mrs. Percy Campbell's group: Keep the date in mind, Wednesday evening, June 4th, in Hensall Town Hall, when the Blue Boys of Port Al- bert, by kind permission of Group Captain P. 13, Robertson, will present a musical program consisting of chor- uses, quartettes, comedians, etc., spon- sored by the Hensall Red Cross. This gives promise of something 'very out- standing and everyone attending is assured of a real treat. There are 25. members In• the troupe. All proceeds are for the Red Cross. Mr. W. E. Foster has had the ex- terior of his handsome dwelling on Main Street freshly painted, making a fine appearance, • One of the local residents picked a dish of lovely ripe luscious straw- berries from their garden in the vil- lage on Saturday,' May 24th. "Every duty, well and honestly done, is a contribution to victory." THE PRIME. MINISTER OF CANADA. HiG (LIGHTS IN YOUR LIFE LINE Whenever something unusual happens in your life, ahtl'ost automatically you reach for your telephone to tellfriends about it. Graduations, engagements, weddings, promotions, birthdays, anniversaries •-- at all such happy times your telephone helps spread the good news! You find people turning to the telephone with confidence, because year after year it has become more unfailing, more dependable. Cables have replaced open wires2'Re- peater stations have supplanted earlier devices, enabling one to hear as distinctly. scrolls the continent as across the street. That is why in war time the telephone f plays so vital a part in the national effort. k: __ iese_n7 1•�