HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-05-30, Page 1trk4c .Ma Elghty-second. Year Whole Number 3633 -4" "\0101411MPSO MRS. GLENN WEAN IlEADSSOUTHHURON DISTRICT W. 1. Kippen East Institute Leado In Amount Raised For War Purposes.. EXETER CONVENTION Kippen East Women's Institute raised $711:0e for patriotic purposes during the past year, according to re- ports presented to the annual conven- tion of the South Huron Institutes held in) Exeter on Tuesda,y. All In- stitutes within, the district reported substantial increases in this activity. Borne 125 members attended the con- • vention held in Caven Church. . The' elletrict president, Mrs. Glenn MacLean, of Kippen, who was re- elected to office, presided. The morn- ing eession opened with the Institute Ode, followedwith "0 God of Bethel." eRev. D. C. Hill, pastor of the church.; gave the welcome and was replied to • by Mrs. J. He, of Zurich. Aers. F. W. Morkice, of Crediton, presented the auditors' report, and the report of the 1940 ,eonvention held at Hensall last year was given by' the secretary •Mrs. Emmery Aithner, of Crediton Mrs. Glenn MacLean gave a brief re port and thanked the ladies for the splendid Cd -operation in the project of making jams and jellies for the sol- diers overseas and eeported that over 2,000 pounds had, been ina,de.. Splen- Town'sVictoryLoanQuota Is Less Man Quarter Amount Raised in 1919 • • • •1 • , • • Welcome A number of Seaforth merch- ants, together with merchants in other towns throughout Ontario, are co-operating this -week with premier M. F. Hepburn and the Ontario Travel and' Publicity.Bur- eau, in extending an invitation to citlzehs' of the UnitethStates to visit Ontario -during the week of Jtine 28th be July 6th. Their in- vitation appears on page 3 of this issue and in order that it may reach as many American citizens as possible, subscribers are asked to co-operate and to foiward their copy of this issue to -a friend in the States. Should you wish addi- tional copies -fee this purpose,they , will be mailed from this office up - wrapping and postage. on .paymentefiive rite _to .cover 0 • 0 • • • OFFICIALLY OPEN LOCKER SERVICE did reports by the secretaries of Cred- Large Number Inspect New Ron, Exeter, Hensall, Hurondale, Kip - pen East, Zurich and Seaforth disclos- ed much progress accomplished dur- ing the year, each.braneh having raii- ed more money for war work tban in the previous year, with Kippen East W.I. topping the list, having raised •$714.00. Standing committees reported as follows: Home Economics, Mrs. M. -Beckler, Hurondale; Health and Child Welfare, Miss Beatrice Manson, Zur- ich; Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries, Mrs. A. Morgan, Hurondale ; Legislation, Mr& W. Caldwell, Kip - pen; Historical Research, Miss L. M. jeckell, Exeter; Community Activities and Relief, Mrs. Rufus Kestle, Huron - dale; EducationeMrs, A. Crozier, Sea - forth; Peace Education and Interna- tional Relationship, Mrs. R. Simpson, eCippen; Publicity and Current Ev- ents, Mies B. Manson, Zurich. Miss F, Durnin, home economics coach, Dungannon; •outlined, the work of the junior program. Mrs. Frank Kling, of Seaforth,, favored with two beautiful solos, "My Sister and I" and dI Love & Lassie," with Mrs. John Mc- Gregor accompanying 'at the organ. At the non banquet periotic toasts were given: "The King, Canada and the Empire" by Mrs. Paul' Doig,, of Seaforth, was responded to by sing - tie "There'll Always Be An Eng- land"; "Our Armed Forces" by Mrs. Glee* MacLean; Kippep, was respond- ed to by Mrs. Rutus Kesel& of Hur- ondale. • "Our Canadian Homes" by Mr. Alvin Moir; of FLurendale, was replied to by Air& .Laweence Wein, Crediton. AtIrse,O'Dveyer and Mrs. J. Tueeitheim, of Zurich, favored with a lovely piano duet. At the afternoon session commun- ity singing was enjoyed, directed _by Mrs. Goulding, of Exeter. Speakers included Miss G. Getty, department representative, Toronto, who discuss- ed the 1941-42 project, making the most of vegetables, to be held in Exe- ter later in the year. Greetings were -given-bee-Aire& E.Adreenr-Seenianr -chairman, and Mel FeeV.I. representa- tive, .Mr& H. McCree, Sarnia, gave an interesting, address. 'The district dele- gate, Mrs. Use, A. Patenson, of Hen - pall, gave a. splendid report. Miss Ethel Clark, of Kippen, favored with a delightful organ solo, and Mrs. H. Sturges& of Exeter, with a vocal solo. The officers eelected for 19'41-42 were: Hon. pres., 'Vine Arthur Rum- ble, Hurondale; pres., Mrs. Glenn Mc- Lean, Kippen; vice-presidents, Mrse Bufu'r Keeele, 'Exeter; Mrs. Melillo Oesch, Zurich; Mrs. R. J. Moore, Hen - sale sec.-treas., Mrs. Emmery Fah - Der, Crediton; assistant, Mrs. LeWein, Crediton; federation representative, Sirs. A .Rundle, Eexeter; alternate, Mrs. G. Glenn, Kippen; district dele- gate to convention, Mrs. F. W. Mon, lock, Crediton; auditors, Mee. H. K. pilber and Mrs. G. Zwieker, Crediton; ' • 1 Modern , Equipment. •• At Creamery. Seaforth Locker Service which has been under construction at the Sea - forth Creatnery for some weeks, was officially opened on Friday evening. During tihe preceeding three days a largo number of interested people from Seaforth and the district exam- ined the modern equipment which fea- tures the new 'service. The guests were shown through the plant by Mr, C. A. Barber and members of the creamery staff. who explained in de- tail each fa.c.ility. A feature of the opening ceremon- ies was the drawing of lucky attend- e-Ace-teal:els, byMayor John The prizes were won as follows:— Large locket-, rent free for 1 year, Mrs. Wm. Cameron, R.R. 4, Seaforeh; smell locker, rent free for 1 Yeii, John L. Malone, RR. 5, Seaforth; pro- cessieg of one complete beef, elorace Wilbee, Seaforth; processing of one complete hog, Mrs. Addle Cdlelough, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Lady Golfers $62,000 is Amount Set For Seaforth; Tuckersmith is $46,500, and McKillop's Quota $50,100. CANVASS BEGINS NEXT MONDAY Seaforth' s Victory Loan quoia is $62,000, loan headquarters announced this week. According to S. G. Mullen, locel chairman, the 1941 quota is less than a quarter of the amount sub- scribed here in the 1919 Victory 1 an, At that time 327 Seaforth citi ns purchased bonds totalling $257,100. The .canipaign opens on Mond y Morning, June 2, and canvassing wi continue for three weeks. Tuckersmith, where the loan or ganization iseheaeed by Edwin Ches- ney, has a quota. of $46,500. McKfl- kip township,: under the chairmanship of J.M. Eckert, is asked for $50,0.00,, Other quotas' •in the county are as follows: Ashfield, $56,200; West Wawanosh, $38,550; East 'Wawanosh, $29,750; Col- borne, 436,200; .Goderiele $159,000; Goderich Twp., $41.250; Grey, $61e 850; Turnberry, $31,700; Wingham, $77,350; Howick, $86,150; Morris, $50,- 250; Brussels, $22,750; Hullett, $41- , 400; Clinton, $65,750; Stanley,. $46,- 000; Blyth, $18,40(); Hay, 171,750 ; Hensall, $19,650; Stephen, $71,450; borne, $49;300; Exeter, 857,900. • Hullett Unit Has • Open Meeting A well attended ()pee meeting of the Hullett Unit of the Federation of Agriculture was held in the Commun- ity Hall, Londesboro, on Friday eyeu- ing. Following a few re -marks by the preeident, W.j. Dale. the • following programe was p,resented: Duet be- Elva and Betty Snell; a Polish' dance by the pupils of S.S. No. 9; songs by Cowboy Lloyd, and his guitar from U.S.S. No. 1.1„; drill by _the, puteile 9f •Nd. evirdirs-•eelectioe. ley •"Mr. Arthur Colson; recitation by Kenneth Brigbant; solo- by S.S.•Emerson Hesk; school chorus by . No. 2; solo by Wee Britton; dance- by Jean 'Gib- bings and Shirley Rapson; solo by Betty, Craig; musical selection by Frank Longman and, H. Plunking; duet by Mrs. Irwin arid ,Bobby. Mr. W. L. Whyte was .present and spoke briefly on his views of the Fed- eration of Agriculture and ,some of the -pitfalls that should be avoided. Mr. J. M. Eckert, ex -Warden 'of Hur- on, gave a short addrees. Mr. Hugh vice-presaient of the Colborne nit, gave a,..v.ery interesting address, ointing out that, although farming 'is he greatest industry in Canada, quite ften farmers themselves de not peak of. their own industry with the pride that they should, or of the place farming holds in our country. He al- so dwelt on the nbalanced economic situation' that exists today. Mr. R. J. McMillan spoke' very briefly onthe possibilities of co-operation. A vote -of thanks to these s.peakers _yedhydlelneAlex McEwing and seconded by ".Bert meeting closed- with "God Save the King." , • • C.W.L...Club Has 0 ourneyp u Lady golfers opened the season of- ficially on Wednesday when a tdurnae ment arranged by the Chairman and Vice -Chairman and the Captain 'and Vice -Captain. The, putting and approaching event was won by' Mrs. Frank Sills, and for second prize, Mrs. 'J. A. Munn and Miss Norma Jeffrey were tied, with Mies Jeffrey, being the lucky one. Re- hm -Mg -the- genies n delightful- -lune was served. Mrs. W. C. Barber and Mrs. E. C. Boswell and Mrs. J. E. Keating and Miss Nornifte Jeffrey will be in charge next Wednesday. conveners of standing committees -- Education, Mrs. Paul Doig, Seaforth; home economics, Mrs. R. Simpson, Kippen: health and child welfare, Mrs. L G. Smillie, Hensall; agriculture and Canadiaa industries, Mrs. A. Morgan, Freewill; legislation, Mrs. P. W.- Mor - lock, Crediton; histmicel research, Miss L. M. Jeckell, Exeter; commun- ity activities and relief, Mrs. W. D. :Bryce. Zuvich:, peace education and inteenetional relatiolfship, Mrs. Wm. Doig, Kippen; publicity, Miss Bea- trice Manson, Zurich; war activity, Mrs. J. A. Paterson, Henna. The 1942 convention will be held in Seaforth. nni r sary The Fortieth Anniversary of the Ordination of the pagtor, Rev. R. W. Craw, will be celebrated at Caven Church, Winthrop„ on Sunday, June ist,,and on Monday, June 2nd. SUNDAY * Divine Service, 3 p.m. (S.T.) MONDAY—Social Supper, 6-8, 'to belollowed by an excellent programme. THE PUBLIC WILL BE VERY WELCOME! 0 Pot -Luck Supper ' Tld.er C. W. L. Euchre and Bridge CFOs were brought to a close Tues- day evening by a pot -luck supper which was held in the Parish Hall. About 50 members were present. The hall was beautifully decorated with searing flowers and' in the centre of the hall was a 'table Onvehich was placed a three-storey cake 'with 21 candles, to represent ,the el years Inception, of the C.W.L. in St. James' parish. The first president was Mrs. Joseph Keating (deceased), then Mrs. F. Sills, Mrs. D. 'Shanahan, Mrs. J. F. Daly, Mrs. W. J. • Duncan, Mrs. T. Melady (deceased), Mrs Lea Fortune, Mrs. Jas. Devereaux, Mrs. F. Dev- ereaux, Mrs. -Wm. Devereaux, Sr. Each past -president had to come for- ward and light two candles oh the cake to represent their two years in office, and they were also presented with, a corsage of flowers. The Mese dente Miss Alice Daly, was then Pres- ented with a bouquet of flowers, by Miss Loretto Faulkner. ' After supper a business meeting took place. It was moved that Mrs. Jas. V. Ryan be made a life member of the C.W.L. in recognition of her work In the League for the Red Cross. It was decided to cancel the monthly meetings during the summer. Miss Margaret Kelly, program convener, then took eharge of the meeting Which included community singing and games. The evening came to a close wifh ."God Rave the King." PATRIC/ ,,C RALLY ATTRACTS LARGE CROWD 4HENSALL War Servic0 Committee Sponsors guceessful Program. NEWS OF HE.NSALL • - Friday evening, May 23rd, was a gala night in Remelt when ,hundred'e of people from the district and eue rounding towns attended the Military demonstration and rally held here and sponsored by the Hensall War See vices comm4ttee, featuring the R.C.d. Band and units of tihe Kent Regimeat of London. The evening commenced with a parade along Main Street, fol- lowed by an 'exhibition of military training. Lieut. Howard Hemphill, of the Kents, and son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill, of Hensel'', spoke during the evening. h doll donated by Mr. T. C. Joynt realized $52.00, was won by uth Scott, of Baneehekl, Lois Hen- clerson drawing the lucky ticket. The table made and donated by Mr. John Zuefle, went to Donald Williard, of Hensall, and the pair of pigs donated by Mr.'Elgin Rowceiffe realized' $100, and went to efr. Wm. Chapman, of Hay. Mr. E. L. Mickle throughout the evening did a rushing busieess selling tickets on the pigs. Rev. R. A. Brook, president of the Hensall branch of the Red Cross, di- rected part of the peoceedings. Bingn. under the auspices of the Canadian Legion with Mr. W. C. Stone master of ceremonies, games of chance and skill directed by members of 'the War Service committee, report business ..very brisk. Bud Howland and his 7 - piece orchestra of London furnished the music for the open-air denting, which concluded in the Town Hall ow- ing to the intense cold. Mr. and Mrs, Clare Tuckey and family, from London, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner and family from Zurich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle on Sunday. Mr. Roy Kylei of Tihmens, visited with his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Thos. Kyle, over the holiday. Mrs. Alice Blackwell visited with •Mr. and Mrs. DavidDignan dyer the , (Continued on Page 4) FirstCht*chA'a' s Anniversary Rev. W. A. Cameron, D.D., Toronta, general secretary of the Board- of Mis- sions of the Presbyterian Church in• Canada, was the guest speaker at the spring anniversary in First Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday. The• center of theentrditorium Was occupied by the Seaforth .Girl Guides and Brownies and their ,leaders Who attended the morning service in ea body, The rite of baptism was also administered by Dr. Camel -on to Howard Merton Rick. son of the minister.' Rev. „Hugh Jack and Mrs. Jack. and Paul Arnold Mc- Master, son of Dr. and Afts: E. A. eitc- Master, • Dr. Cameron in his sermon made a strong -appeal for the, work of the church at -home and abroad. The choir, under the leadership. ef M. 11: Rennie. sang at both services. Miss Marion Mason, of Blyth, and D. L. Reid sang solos. Will Hold Weed Meeting Aeweed Meeting open to all intef- ested and especially the weed. inspec- tors, township road superinten,dents, rural reeves add deputy reeves, the county engineer and school insPec- tors, has been arranged for IThurs- day, June 5th, at 2 p.m., to be held in the Agricultural Board Room, Clin- ton. Dr. W. J. Stephen, Toronto, will discuss the administration of the Weed Centrol Act, the eradication of weeds and brush by means of chemi- cals, and will also "demonstrate spray- ing with a power sprayer for efficient weed killing. Mr. 'Jas. Laughland, Guelph, will discuss effective and economical weed control measures during war' time. Sheetrock Plaster Board • for Walls and Ceilings For making repairs and for new work on new buildings. N. CLUFF & SONS Seaforth Plans To Welcome Cavalca Coming Here Wednesda Unit From Kent Regiment Will Spend Day and Night Here and Participate in Program. DECORATIONS TO BE -FINLSHED THIS -WEEK When. the Huron ,County calvacade bearing the Victory. Loan Scroll, reaches Seaforth about .4;e0 next Wed- nesday afternoon, it will be welcom- ed by a parade that will include a unit of the .Kont Regiment, 'D' Com - mine Middlesex and,. Fluren, Seaforth Highlanders Band, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and the S.C.I. Cadets, a meet- ing held late Wednesday evening to arrange for the occasion decided. Sane Victoria Day a large type bomber has been crossing Canada carrying a. Victory. Torch. Stopping briefly at principal cities, local offic- ials are completing 'scrolls which, with. ' the Torch, will be kern to' Eugland, • and on Dominion Day will be present- ed to Prime Minister Churchill, who • in -turn will present .it to the King as • a token ,that Canada will "Give us the tools." -The Huron County Caval. cade has been planned to tie in with • this NatiOnal. Torch program. Leaving Goderich at noon the par- ade will touch all northern centres and arrive in Seaforth from Brussels ' it 4,39. At each point, the scroll will he signed by the head of the local municipality. The cavalcade will include cars car- rying loan executive and county offic- 18.1s, and at.each stopping point a car will join in which will be local of- ficials.. The cavalcade ends at Clin- ton about 9.45 Wednesday evelaing. Ceremonies are being planned in the larger centres. Meeting Wednes- day evening the Seaforth committee arranged a military demonstration by the unit of the Kent Regiment C.A.S. F., which will commence ati pen. on Mete Street. This will continue until shortly after- 4 p.m., when the parade will form to welcome the calvacade. The "parade will proceed to the Town Hill where the scroll.will be signed by• Mayor Cluff, Reeve Dorranee of McKillop, and Reeve • Whitmore of Tuckersmith. During the afternoon there will . be selections by the Sea- le -Cite Ffiglilentreis Bend. The eaval- eerie goes from Seaforth to Exeter and southern points in, the county, ar- riving in Zurioh at 7.45 p.m. and in }Jensen at 8.15 p.m. The unit of the Kent Regiment will arrive in Seaforth Wednesday morn- ing, and will comb at the Lions Perk until it leavee town Thursday morn- ing., The Special decorations" committee expects that all Seaforth stores will bo fully decorated by the' week ed. The committee is now arrangiftg for petinants or flags on each of the light stahchirds along Main Street, .and these will be in place within a day or so. as will be the twenty -foot thermometer which will be pieced on the Town Hall tower, recording day by day sales of Victory Bonds. • Car Stolen From Dal3r's Garage Police are seeking a Ford V-8 green -ecetch,...etolen, from the J. F. Daly garage Friday,dili- Eieelrhad-beendetor, • ed. The lieeese number of the car is 38X79. A tall stranger wearing a red -checked shirt and bareheaded, entered the garage at 12.30 noon on Friday. The car .was not missed un- til 7 p.m., when the police were noti- fied. County' Constable Helmer Snell im- mediately notified police throughout the district, but no trace has yet been found of the car. • RED CROSS NOTES • The Redi Cross opens fund to aid bomb 'victims In Battle of Britain • . ymir dollar becomes two when turned into material aid through hard work of a million Canadiat women working in every town. Every dollar you give to the Red Cross fund becomes two dollars in goods by the time it reaches Britain, What can you do for the Red Cross' Fund for British Bomb Victims? _No amount is too wall. For every gift you make is doubled by work. You miry send your money to your local Red Cross Branch, or you can mail it to the Toronto Headquarters, Cana- dian Red Cross Society, 95 Wellesley St. With your donation be sure to indicate that it is a donation to the Red Cross fund for British Bomb Vic - tins. The Red Cross Fuad for British Bomb Victims Oils. Who will an- swer? • • • • • - • UnderVITay Workmen of the Huron County Road Commission have the paving of the Brucefield-Seaforth portion of the Mill Road well under way, the continued dry weather having facilitated and speeded up the wore. The paving, which has been mooted for a number of years, was approved at a -meeting of the Commission .about six weeks. ago. 0 • • 0 BAND CONCERTS COMMENCE SUNDAY Enlistments Have Cost Highlanders Many Players. The opening concert on the anuual summer- series of the Seaforth High- landers Band will take place on Sun- day evening in Victoria Park. The band is under the direction of -Band- master E. H. Close. Since last. spring the band has lost fiftee nmen by enlistment and remov- al from town, but as a result of thor- ough practise during the winter Months the men on hand are in a posi- tion to maintain the excellent reputa- tion whioh the organization. has. earn- ed during recent Years. The program on Sunday' wile, in-. elude the following, numbers: "0 Canada"; march, "Banqueters" by G. E. Holmes; Sacred March; overture, 'Silver Crescent" by E. Russell; erttire, "Royal Pageant" by George Barnard; march, "The Commander," by W. H. Kipfer; sacred. overture, "Joy to the World' arranged by C. L. Barnhouse; overture, "The Sky Pil- ot" by A. M. Laurens; marsh, "The Victor," by K. L. King; overture, "Haut Monde" by H.' A. Vandercook; "The Maple Leaf"; "Rifle Britannia"; Hymn; ."God Save -the 'King:" • • Tennis Club' OpensSeason The Searorth Tennis Club officially opened the tennis season here Wed- nesday night by holding a local toune meta. Luncheon was served in the club house after the .matches. The resultsof the tourney were: Marinie Sclater and Stuart Wigg, 4; M. Vincent . and 1. H. Weedmark, 2; Theresa McIver and Stan Dorrance, 4; Helen Brady and, Jack Elliott, 2: Ken Keating and John McKenzie, 4: Edna eteinberg and George Hays, 3; Helen Brady and I. H. Weedmark, 6; M. Vincent and Jack Elliott, 0; Mar- ion Scheer a.nd Stan Dorrance, 5; Dorene Regier and Stuart Wigg. 1; Thera Mciver and I. N. Weedmark, MUST BORR "WHY cA Proceeds of Canada's 1941 • Victory Loan will be used for two purposes,- to help, finance Canada's War Effort; . and to render financial assistance ed •• -e Great Britain. . .-- . • Hon. J. L. llsleye ; Minister of ance, in his recent budget address'. • estimated that in, the current . fiecal year the Dominion Government would . have to raise about one billion dol- lars be way of borrowing - Of this amount, the major portion will be for the purpose of financing Britain's deficit in her balance .og pay- mente 'with Canada, arising "cat- of huge purchases of supplies and muni- tions in Canada. For the current fiscal year British purchase e in Canada will reach ap- proximately $1.5 billions. Of this basis it ,is estimated that Britaines. deficit in her balance of payments with Canada will total approximately 11.1 millions, In order that thereemay be no stoppage in the shipment of vital supplies which Britain is buying from Canada, the Dominion Govern- ment has undertaken to finance such proportion of the deficit as Britaia herself will be unable to meet by the transfer of gold or UnitedBtates dol- lars to Canada. "The deficit in the •balante 'of pay- ments," which Canada has undertaken to finande, means very little to the great majority 01! Canadians. To put it sirnply, Great Britain has, insuffici- ent Canadian dollars with which to pay for the supplies slie wants from Canada and, the Dominion Government has undertaken, to provide these dot - lats. By buying Victory Bonds Canadians will be -providing aid to Great Bri- tain over and above the assistance be- ing given by the Canadian Navy, Army and Air Force. • They will be 61.Ydrig, ...Prentee .,Mbeistenee,Won Churchill "part of the :tools" he re- quested and which have beep. ordered from Canada. . • The cost of Canada's War Effort in this fiscal year is 'estimated at about $2,500 millions. Or this amount $170 millions .has been allotted to the Navy, $667 millions to the Army, $387 millions .to the Air Forpe. In addi- tion, Jena/ming Britain's requirements in Canada Will take $900 millions to $1,150 millions. .• It will be notecrthat the biggest in- dividual item is financing British pur- chases. This is made up of repatria- tion of securities and credits. These represent the method whereby Can- ada enables Britain to secure goods without having to pay Canada any. cash: By this means Britain is abie. to' Mil' from tanatlian factories war goods made by Canadian workmen. Every bond purchased will mean • more wheat. bacon, cheese flour, gene, ships and mechanized equip - 4; Edna Seinberg and Jack Elliott, ment for the Motherland. Dorene Regier and Geo. Hays. 4"; anTd$hie3t0q.0ius,octotreLfbourt,thtatbahte all and Stan Derrance, 4: --Edna Stein - Marion Sclater 0; Theresa McIver ' is quotas should tCLuntee MofinHimuruomn berg anti Stuart Wigg, 2- Stan r- be over -subscribed by at least 100 per ranee and Jack Elliotte4; John le- W.eetilnedle 1; Hel- en Brady and George Hays. Vincent and John McKenzie, 3. • Rev. a W. Craw Ends Ministry The 40th anniversary of the ordina- tion of Rev. R. W. Craw will be ob- served at special services to be held in Caven Church, Winthrop, on Sun- day, Mr., Craw is retiring from the active ministry at the end of the con- ference year. 'rhe services on Sun- day commence at 3 P.m - On Monday evening a supper is be- ing held at six oclock and this will be followed by an excellent program. The public is cordially invited to at- tend both the service on Sunday and the social event onMonday. • Lions Welcome Governor The fortnightly banquet of the Sea - forth Lions Club was held on Monday, evening at the Commercial Hotel with President. Lion J. A. Stewart in the chair. District Governor C. H. Ben- nett, of ?arts, addressed the club on the subject of Lionlsin end service, and presented inem,bers of the club with 100 per cent. attendance buttons. He referred, particularly to the re- cord of Lion J. M. McMillan, who has completed ten years of perfeet at- tendance. Lion H. G. Metlt watt the War Savings Stamp draw. cent, and as a result the objective for the Counte of Huron should be •11,, co,esideredeos---$21-600,000.,„: • Next week all. Canadians will a very, real Opportunity of demon- • eld strating their loyalty and it is believ- ed that once again all Canadians pi:11 • l prove willing to make sacrifices ra- ther than submit to defeat and slav- ery. Next week every Canadian will be asked to lend to our Governmnt ev- ery dollar available and this plea must be answered •fully and quickly. President J. A. Stewart requested the members to decorate their homes and places of business for the Victory Loan campaign. Lion H. G. Meir expressed the ap- Preciation of the club to District Governor Bennett for his visit and President J. A. Stewartipresented him with a pen and pencil, as a moment() of the occasion. Words of Inspiration THOUGHT A WEEK FOR A PEOPLE AT WAR "I am not saying that- the world does net need a new or a changed Order. Be1 if does not want an order made by a people who spit oh religion end encourage treachery. itt the home, and col:arta totture, and bring about unneeeseary dea,ta new order •bas'el Ott, the old- est fallacies aed ernelfiete known to Man." Siee.Pleeild Oatapbell, MiniSter et the tiV, iskntallakgitY Washingtoo, eleeeleeeedeeeethe • 41' le rg ',egia-q;„161d4„Uilthii •