HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-05-23, Page 4f'. • FO Tax ROO'N EXPOSITOR 10 MAY 23, 1941, sifiedL Ads. sashed 'Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates ''tl}`A40. Wanted. Lest and Found. Conking Events. Etc.—Per word: let week 1 Cent 2nd week ' % Cent Srd week 444 Cent . Minimum charge. first insertion 25 Cents • Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cara of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices-�1 cent ,per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. • "Eagerirles may be directed to a Bpx Number. care of The Matron Expositor, der 10 cents Ten cents addjts' sal per 'week will be changed if ads in above elms are ,not paid by Vie 'Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run. Brirths, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Salta, Notices to Creditors, Ebc_—Bates on application. Notices Lost and Found MONEY WANTED --$2,500 FIRST MORT- gage, an splendid farm_ Apply Box 262, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. ' 3832x1 NOTICE—ANYONE NOTICING A SWARM of bees, WALLACE ROSS, Apiarist, will /MY according to sire of swarm. Phone 135-J, Seaforth, 3832-2 WOOD SHAVINGS FREE—QUANTITY OF wood shavings •wretch you may have far taking them away. suitable for bedding, stab - insulation, etc. Fior a short time only. JOHN BOSHAR.T & SONS, Seaforth, 3832-2 DOG LOST --BROWN AND WHITE TER- rier; answers to "Tippy" Anyone know- ing of its whereabouts, Phone 831 r 32, Sea- for'th. 3832x1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE—A PUBLIC AUCTION sale will be held at Cloverdale Farms. C realm, on Wednesday, June 4th, of 30 pure bred Shorthorn cattle,• fully accredited and blood Meted; 23 twice ,females, 1 to 3 Years of age, and 7 good bulls, 10 to 14 months of age. For caga0 ogue, write be W. pEGISTRATION CARD LOST—REGISTRA- F. OESTRICIIER, .C.rediton. or R. D;. •i t tion card do small brown purse, lost on PELK. Zurich, 3832-2 Main Street, Seatbrth, on Saturday night last- Finder please leave at Expositor Of- CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM five_ MILDRED DIETZ, Kipper, I Stock and Implements. Mr. Norman 3832-1 Tyndall has ipstrueted the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 46, Concession 1, London Road, on Friday. May 23rd, at one &slick sharp. There will he no reserve since the pre,prietor has sold his fawn as the site for the • new Olintan Air School. Terms— Cash. NORMAN TYNDALL, Proprietor ; Harold Jackson, Aactioneer. 3832-1 SANITARY NOTICE MR. THOMAS KYLE, SANITARY INSPEC- tor, twill make his rounds of inspection of the Village of Hensall during the week of May 26, 1941. Our citizens are asked to govern tenemsdlves accordingly. By order. THE BOARD OF HEALTH James A_ Paterson, Secretary, • Property For Sale accompanied by his mother, Mrs. R. McKenzie, of Hensall, for Vermillion, Alta„ where, they expect to spend the summer Months visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Cameron, of Sarnia, spent the week -endo with the Misses Sarah and Mary Fee. L.A.L. E. Normi.nton, of the 11 C A,F., Mrinnin.g Pool, Toronto, visited with his wife and family over the week - en d. Miss Margaret Tudor, of Dundas, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor eyee the week -end, , Mrs. ere Yke,s of 'Clinton; spent a day recently, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks, end other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook visited with their son and daughter-in-law, \dr•. -and Mrs. Harry 'Cook of Windsor. Mrs. A. J. Hummed returned home to Millyille, Pa., on Friday last after attending the funeral of her late sis- ter, Miss Ellen Ford. This is the sec - 1d time within a month that Mrs. ummell has been called here, the first time to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, Mr. Gordonlton. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Whiof Lon- don, spent Sunday With Mrs. R. Bon- ithron and Mrs. L. Simpson. The many friends of the very popu lar Bob Hess will regret to learn is ill at his home , here, but we trust that with the very best of medical at[ention he is receiving that he will respond quickly to the treatments and have a speedy recovery. Hold Anniversary Services Successful anniversary 'services were held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday last, splendid con- gregations attending both deits of worship, Lovely .tulips and lil.aes adorned the church. The guest speak- er, Rev. Ross Adams, B.A.; , of Pater- son Memorial Church, Sarnia, and one of the younger ministers of the Pres - 3332 -1 . by-teriarl Cburch, contributed very �forceful and encouraging discourses at pRreside VILLAGE OF HENSALL P $ALE—nce onA NoSUBSTANTIALMain Streets-withRoots1 both services, and was listened to rth 11.1}41] much ) acre of Sand_ Attractive terms, Apply to pleasure by the, congrega- Court of Revision H- G. MEIR, Seaforth. 3828-tf tiaras. Mrs. B. Lawson, of 'Clinton. 0 NOTICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Al Court ,of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Herman for the year 1941, well ;hold its fust meeting on Monday, May 26, 1941. ,at 8 pm_ JAMES A. PATERSON, • Clerk_ DATED at Hensall. May 15, 1941, 3832-1 Poultry , guest soloist for her morning selec• !non sang -Open the -Gates of the Tenl- I pre"; vIrs. Andrew Dougall, Miss Mar- garet Dougall and Mrs. Malcolm Don- pOULTRY–I CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS gall favored with a well -rendered trio, in Baby Chicks or Started Chickens at "Tiny- Way, .0 Lord:' Contributing to moderate price; ; cull your kens satisfactorily and pay the best market price for all poul- the musical portion Of the ei°ening try, GEORGE WALKER, Hensall. Phone I service was Miss Margaret Dougall in 112. 3829x6 a vocal sole. singing "Abide With COURT OF REVISION � !le " k mixed quartette composed of Township of Tuekersnith gel Miss Irer.•e Hoggarth, Miss Mabel p ip Wanted Workman. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF TUCKER- Mrs. Andrew Dougall favored With a ELP• WANTED—KITCHEN GIRL. ALSO smith will meet as a Count of Revision selection; Mrs.: Jas. Bonthron sang a on the Assessment Roll of 1941 at Town Hall. v-iiYre,ses, for Landon summer resort. IdeLigl]tluI solo, "Some Time." Rev. R. Seaterth. on Saturday, lune 7th. at 2 'Pm. G`.�ndun,od aOnt, Phone Met.ges. Annly to .1608. rias Street, A. Brook, 02 the 'United Church, and All appeals must be in the hands of the 3832x2 Rev. D. C. Hill,..Caven. Presbyteria•r Church, Exeter, assisted at the even- ing service. Death of W. J. Mitchel! Word has been received here of the death of William J. Mitchell, who passed away May 11th in a hospital at Vermillion, Alta. In his 70th year he was born- in Centralia, second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mit- chell, who 'milt the first home in Ceti tuella. He' attended school at Huron - dale, Seaforth and Goderich high school, Ottawa Normal school and Stratford Business College. He taught school at Drysdale, Carlock and Mc- Kellar. While teaching in the latter school he married Miss Mabel 'Thomp- son, a school teacher there. Forty- five years ago, together with his wife wee -hes since passed away, they took up homesteading at Frobisher, Sask. Por 25 years he was manager of the ITeyn-ood Lumber Co., paymaster of the grain pool and official auditor of school books. He was a member • of the I.O.0.F. and Orange Order. Sur- viving are five sons, Fred, Vancouver; John and Ivan, Levey, Alta.; Lorne, Wainwright, Alta.; Wm., Belleville. and one daughter, Mrs. R. Jorry,•Ver- million; Alta.; two sisters, Mrs. Em- ma Wood, Fillmore, Sask,, 'ani Miss Marissa Mitchell, Hensall. The fun- eral was held en •Wednesday, May 14, at Vegreville, Alta„ School For Enumerators' C. V. Pickard, census commissl er for Huron -Perth, held a school U f instruction in Hensall Town Hall on Friday and Saturday. Those who at- tended were the prospective enumei - etors for the townships of Hay and Stanley and: the villages - of Hensall. and Bayfield. 'Death of John Stacey Mr. John Stacey, well-known resi- dent of Cromarty, passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday. May_ .1.6,hfollowing_a_. short._ ill- ness. ll ness. The deceased who was in his 84th year, was a successful farmer in the community where he Lived "and Farmed ,many years, and was engaged in threshing, and while engaged in that occupation had the misfortune to lose an arm. His wife, the former Christena MacLaren, died some years ago. His family consist, of his daugh- ter ,Mrs, Worden Miller, of Cromarty, with whom he made bis home; one sister, Mrs. J. A. MacLaren, of Sea - forth, and two sisters' in the West. 3831-2 Funeral services were held from the home of his daughter with burial in Staffa cetnetery, The Late William James Hackney Funeral services for William James Hackney, of Hebbert Township, were held ,pn Thursday afternoon, conduct- ed by Rev. W.' Mair, Thames Road United Church. The deceased, who was in his 81st year, died very sud- denly early Tuesday morning last. He had been in fairly good health when' he retired for the night. His sister, Alice calling him for breakfast, was sho.Citeci Eb discover him dead in bed. 'He mad his ,home with his brother, Thomas, and sister, Alice. Dr; F. J. Hackney, of Centralia, Washington, is a brother; Mrs. John Cole, Exeter, and Mrs. Smeathers, Detroit, are sis- ters. Burial was in Staffa cemetery. Death of Mrs. John McNaughton Mrs. John McNaughton, prominent resident of Tuckersmith, passed away on Saturday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence 81111111e. a mile north of this village on high- way No. 4, where she had come Iest Sunday to visit with her . daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smillie, when she was stricken with a heart seizure, but despite every- thing that could be done fn medical science, Mrs. McNaughton passed on to her great reward. The former Su- 'rsan Turner,: sire 'was in her 68th year and bad spent -all her married life in Tucke to thu She Will be mtich .lniss- e'd in her hili a by her husband and ttiMAly'.-+'i,Iere she wits a kind,wife and devoted mother, and her iieighbors and friends for wholn She was always Willing to e;rtelid'a helping hand. She as , beloved by e'feryb e and *As a Wither of the WWI tik hut fBIuce- 11 1d iiicWrrvifig ate , er htitabaidd I , id come Webster,, "t oil to11 ont;r; thiee Clerk on or before Mondays May 26. 1941. I.ntereeted parties should govern themselves accordingly. D. F. McGEEGOR, Clerk. 3831-3 Notice to Creditors - NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MOIR, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the estate of Alexander Moir, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Physician, deceased,who died on or about the 12th day of September, 1940, are required to send par- ticdlars o6 t9ce same to the undersigned Ernecutoe or his Solietiar dilly verified, oh or before i*e 31st day elf May, 1941, after which die thesassets of the deceased veil/ be dis- til told having regard only to the ,C)aims then received and ignoring all others. DATED at the City oil ' LSnden, this 13th da¢' of May, 1341. EGBERT.FABER, R.R. No_ 1. Hensall, Ontario Executor by his Solicitor ' S. E. WEIR; KC., Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, ,Dundas & Richmond Streets, London, Ontario.. Tenders Wanted 'XT ANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply ,to Box 259, leXPOSITOR OFFIOE. - 3828-tf WANTED—RELIABLE GIRL FOR GEN- eral house work in family of four,. Ap- ply to Box 263, EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 3832-1 For Sale PLANTS FOR SALE—TOMATOES, CAB- bage, Cauliflower. 'Peppers, Celery. Five kinds and colours in Petunias, Asters, Zin- nias, Snapdragon, Scabiosa, Verbenas, Any day or everting, 'ALBERT BAKER, Railway Street 3832x1 QTOVE FOR SALE—COAL OR WOOD range; cheap for quick sale. Apply to E. GEDDES, John Street- 3832x1 PLANTS FOR' SALE—TOMATOES, EARLY - anal Late, Cabbage, Cauliflowers, Peppers, Huckleberry, several varieties Petunias, choice Snapdragon, Zinnias, Asters. Panic,; many Other varieties, A L. PORTEOUS, one block west of Hospital. 3832x3 PLANTS FOR SALE—CHOICE - TOMATO nal"' and Calebag'e plants; . some ready to set out: Apply to THOMAS M. GRIEVE, Eg- mpndvelle. Phone 664 r 3, Seaforth. , 8831x2 TENDERS WANTED T Y rlflb COUNCIL OF TUCKERSMITH. as tol lows : L To supply lower Mo operate nvsber and place gravel id the bin, contractor to supply all necessary help and belt; Township i» supply crusher, oil and grease for same lend .drat• .,line.. Contractor to state PRIDE PER YARD. ,. 2. Contractor to furnieh plower to operate crusher, and drag dine as above with belt and assist in oper,a'ting crasher. Contractor' to state price PER HOUR ,-.--, TN LOVING ,MEMORY OF MRS. AUGUSTA 3. Tender, too for rooving, and setting nD S. Chambers. win 22, crusher, Staf;E price_ passed away May 4. Tender for trucking gravel at flat rate 1940; Per yard np to six miles, also price per yard We mise her when we need a friend, mile over sax miles. 5. Tenders alho will be received for crush- ing and trucking gravel up to six mile; and Price' over srx rnraed.i a irsrd' mile, all gravel TT(1R SALE -1 ONLY NO. 4 MASSEY-HAR- 1 rise wide -spread low manure spreader, in Rood condition; 1 Massey-H'ar-tis hay loader, drop 'head, in good condition: 1 set 3 -section 25 -tooth Stever barrows, International, 'nearly like new; 1 •International 13 -disc fertilizer dril•I. emerplete, in good condition; 1 Deering 12 -tooth cultivator; 1 Massey -Harris I3 -tooth cultivator, Apply. E. MOUSSEAU, Kippen Garage. ' 3830-t£ In Memoriam On her we always could depend; She cheered us in sickness and soothed. our pain, God grant some day well meet again. to be crushed to pass through one -inch sereese. , °n. George, and Family. 3832x1 Appeoxinmtely 2,000 yards to be taken from MeLean's pit and 3.000 yards to be taken from Aberhart 's or Doig's pit All contracts mast be completed under the direction and supervision of the road superintendent and bo :the satisferetion of the council. All work to be conndeteei by November 1, 1941. A bend or certified cheque for $100 will be required for guarantee of faithful perform- ance in all cases the lowest or any tender will net necessarily be accepted. but success- ful tender mast meet the approval of the dis- trict engineer. Tenders to be opened on Mon- day, May 26th, at 8 o'clock p.m„ in the Town Han, 5t- h - D. F. MeGREGOR, Clerk. Card of Thanks MacI REN.--14IRS. ED. C. GLEN, W. A. and R Y: MacLaren wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them ,9m• the recent passing of their another, Mae. Robert MacLaren- Spe- cial },hanks for the beautiful doral tributee,,,• and to the Rev. Mr. Weir, pallbearers and those wino loaned their oars, 3832-1 R. JOHN MCNAUG8FrON AND FAMILY wish to..express to their many friends and neighbors their deepest apprediation for the k2ssdness and sympathy shown and the beau- tiful floral tributes given during their recent sad bereavement- 3832-1 O NEED SUFFER from scabbing pain, USE Ask your druggist for Popular 'Stallions J. T. FALCONER R.R. 2, Dublin Phone 17 r 24 CLYDESDALE STALLIONS Wi11 stand dips• service seadon 1941: three Imported Stallions and one Canadian bred. 1. 'THE Keri SIDENR"'—Bred by Stephen Taylor, Kirkbi ll, Morayshire, Scotland- Sire,, "Via Count Lacelles," and oat of ilbe prize wiarning mare, "Kirkhill Charm" by 'Mande- , deltic Quintenr-;' 2. TBE BRAVE SCOT"—'Bred by Win. Brown. Craightore 'Renfrow,,,Seotland. Sire. "Craigie' Wi,aalot" and out of a "Drunni- erloss, Radiant" mare_ 3, " WOODROW„ "—Bred by Ed. Nkat, Ctif- •sok Monpetb, England_ Sires.,. "Craigie Air- man" by "'Grande Excellence", Six time; ob' }*pion at the Glasgow Stallion Show and other numerous prizes. 4. ''SATISFACTION"—Bret) by J. E. Fate goiter, Petrone,' Ont. Sire, 'Torts Gaiety"; darn;"Queens erif• the Roses" by "Dunmire Sparkling Hope" by Pre $47,000 horse "Bar'on of ;'Snehlyvie," These drat three horsea- 1+n'1ms $iii -00 of mares prove in foal after Ja lmary 1, 1942. No service fee down if Marts come to bars, but if we have to truck titan nlilseee will 'Ire char jed. These are alt Ii glr daag clshoes rid have been winning et OR the ,Idadil* Fame sea as the Royal. ' Toilettes' atnd 'tl>'e IL"hi slew -International, and ell eleven: iiottt getters, "1ro6 Piynddetrt'' aanti 'eSOB:faction" Were Chiersi m nrit4J ei2 fl+° Cbisurplons at Sea- t`tii'tlf siiiieSietkileiemeet; Pans, it pays td bf,c+ed es f b the best la eteany am* ttn J. 0, Melee d5n1al atnelc ii CiilTi l?I r� LY DS.lby of ....kW.krr...Yr itYtere i odt1"wli1's Dave yllst received; a ship: furls inert Of 'Bite }aloes, Seethem soon.• 394`}, at , •k ensai 'Minato*conctude(1 their' nim 1 (3rles of . ooitaerte last l+ rlday • eveil When thea lappeared• at Ailsa Yr rig e iidi s s ll>d • were. resell}' „ecu:xr i. iSitision. • trr. ,m MR J. D. GEMMELL AND FAMILY DE - sire to thank the neighbors and friends who extended many acts of kindness during their recent bereavement; also to thank those who sent flowers anti loaned cam. 3832-1 Births SMITH—In Hensall, on Saturday, May 17th, to Mr. mord Mrs, Alfred Smith (nee Mar- fraret Kennings), ,,twin daughters. BOWEN At Mrs. Godbolt•'b Hospital, Exe- ter, to Mr. end Mrs. Albert Bowen (nee Alice Higgiins),.a son—Wayne Albert. GOVENLOCK--In Scott Memnn,iat Hospital, Seaforth, on May 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas B. Govenlock, MhKfllop, a sem DA'VIDSON—In Meitillop, on May loth, to Pte. Ralph sand Mrs. Davidson, a son, JAMIFSON--On Huron Redd Welt, on May 19th, to Ma. and Mrs. Arnold Jamieson. a ann. • TAMAN--At the Oeaeral HAspitai, Listowel, oh Wednesday, May Slat, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman (nee Mildred McDonel1 of Hen - sail), a daughter. Both well. oismrslimmer Deaths A DISON : In Detroitt, Mich., on rsday, May 15th, Dr. Arthur Stewart Atkinson, ii ii,S., aged 72 yam. Qi IMACAPS. .D$LVGGI&TS NAME HERE M'IDDLETON'S - HENSAI,.L Bruceffeld•; Tena, at home, and Mns. Clarence Sinhlllte, Hensall ; an d two sister, Mrs. Frank Cole- man, Hensall, and Mrs. B. Keys, Var- na, and two brothers, John Turner, of Clinton, and Harvey Turner, Stanley. Funeral services were held "on Mon- day, May 19, at 2 p.m. from her late home on the 2nd of Tuckersmith, and were very Largely attended. Rev. Mr. Bremner, Seaforth, officiated, with Rev. 11. E. Wright of Brucefie)d Unit- ed Church assisting. Mr. Sam Ren- nie sang "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," an appropriate solo, Burial was in Baird's cemetery. Death of Miss Ellen Ford The grim reaper of death has again visited the community in the passing of Miss Ellen Ford, who passed away at the home of her sister; Mrs. Gordon Bolton, on Tuesday morning last, who prior to a few days' illness had been in her usual, health Some 18 years ago she suffered a slight stroke which left her in a nervous condition. She was possessed with a wonderful dis- position, kind and thoughtful, always willing to help others, and was what might be' termed a peace -maker at heart. She had hosts of friends, was loved by all, and cher passing will be mourned by many, and her memory will live long in the hearts of all. She made her home here with her sister. Mrs. Anne Berm, after the passing of her ister, the late Mrs. R. D. Bell. Surviving are , four sisters, Mrs. Anne Berry, Mrs, Gordon Bolton, Mrs. John Bolton and Mrs, H. A. Hum - moll, of Millville, Pa. The deceased was a member of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church etere for over 30 'years. A private funeral was held from her home in Hensall oil. Thursday at 2.30 p.m., was very largely attended. and was conducted by her minister, Rev. W. Weir, who paid fitting 'tribute to the life of the deceased. Mr. Weir also sang a beautiful solo. "'The Old Rugged Cross,'3 'rhe floral tributes were lovely and many. The pallbear- ers were Harry Horton, Jas, Broad - foot, R. Y. NLacLaren, Watson Wood, Wm. Buchanan and Thos. Welsh. Bur-, ial was in McTaggart's cemetery...At- tendin•g from a distance were Mrs. H. A. Hummell, Millville, Pa.; Wilson Berry. manager of the Guarantee Trust Co., Toronto; E. T. Berry, man - lager of Guarantee Trust Co„ Wind- sor; Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Spellman,, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clem - as, Kitchener,; Misses Norma, Alda, and Maude Bolton, of the London Life, London. Death of Mrs,, R. MacLaren Mrs. Robert MacLaren, highly esa teemed Hensall resident, passed away on Saturday afternoon at the home of her son and' daughter-in-law, Mr. and eIrs. W. A. MacLaren The deceased who was in her 79th,ear, although not in the beet -of health for the past year or so, was as u- ual until a week or so ago when she took suddenly a-orse, confined .td her room under ..the doctor's care,:•but despite all that loving care could do for her she pass- ed peacefully away, The former . Mar - g'aret Dougall, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and' Mrs, Wm, Dou- gall, of Hay Township, where she was born and continued :to reside until af- ter her -,marriage to the/ late Robert MacLaren, a very noted horse fancier, who died suddenly some years ago. Following her marriage together With ;her husband . they farmed very •suc cessfully on the 'farm on highway No. 4, a half -mile north of Hensall, before taking up residence in Hensall, Where they lived for many years until 'the death of Mr. MacLaren, Mrs. MacLar- en making her ,home' with member s of her family. The deceased was of a very fine Christian characterand very highly thought of, She was a faithful member of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church and always attended ser- vices when health permitted. She was a life-long member of the W.M.S. and an active worker in all church organ- izations, and will be much missed by members of her family and host of relatives, neigbbors and friends. She is survived by two sons, W. A. Mac - Laren atxd -R. Y. -MacLaren, of Hen- sall; one daughter (Mary), Mrs.. E,. Glenn, of Clinton; ,one brother, Wm, Dougall, of this village, one son. John paid the supreme sacrifice in the last Great War. Private funeral services were held from the home of her son, W. A. MacLaren, on Tuesday, May 20, at 2,30 p.m., conducted.. by her minister, • Rev. W. Weir, who paid fitting tribute to- her life. Following the service the cortege proceeded to Hensall ITnion cemetery where buriat` took place. The floral tributes were exceptionally beautiful and many. The pallbearers were Dr, A., R. Campbell, W. R, Dougall, Donald Park, T. J. Sherritt, James Bengough and John Carmichael, of the police force, Lon- don. The draw for the lucky winners of the two quilts donated by Mrs. I.. Jar - rot and Mrs. G. J'acobi for which tick- ets are being sold by members of the Hensall Senior W,I„ will be drawn at the picnic to be held at TurnbuTl's Grove Wednesday': June 18- All mem- bers selling tickets are requested to have their tickets disposed of and handed in before that date to Mrs,. Eric Kennedy, coevener- All proceeds are foe., war work. Donate $106 To Red Cross ,, The Marathon Bridge Club met it the home of Misu' Florence Welsh on, Friday, May ill. Miss Katie Scott, the secretary -treasurer, gave a summary of the high score for the season as follows: Mrs. Stan Tudor and her siibstitiite, Miss Sally Manson, with a High score of 313,800; second ,high, Mus. W. O. Coothvin, 36,690; highest indiAlduai score," Mrs. H, 0, Lawr- ence, 5,890, Oneundred dollars was handed, - in to Mt, H. O. Lawrence, treastlrer of th',,Remail, branch of the Canadian BeCross, to be 'used for Red Class pa sea, leaving a bar- anee tlni 'hand. es Emma Johnston, -president, annoutteed the' next meet- ing to be held a, '`the hbnie -of Mrs. T. J Sherritt on Friday e'vening, ;`May 30th. Mr, Robert Pan more, of Toronto University, ,Who has been spending a NW` Has with this parents, Mir. and Mrs. John' Passni e, left un' Tuesda y for the Orville Mission Meld. Where t* will 'take tilittlge, for the d'ufnmer Dlotltlinc " lea' Mlh t,ti Beta S ftt Ittiol'epar' sek atlending t e gra0404 ex - ercises at the St. Mary.'$ Hospital in that city. .Mr. Daniels, wlio has beer.i serious- ly ill in St. Joseph's Hospital, Loddon, is improving slowly and doing as, well as can be expected, his many friends will be pleased to Learn. Death of Robert Stewart It is with sadness and sorrow that we are called upon to chronicle the Passing away of Mr. -Robert Stewart, son of the late Robert+ Stewart, of Hensall, formerly of Usborne and •Tuckersmitrh, Mr. Stewart was taken to Byron Sanatorium some fourteen months ago in the interest of his health, and bore his sufferings with the greatest of Christian fortitude, but in spite of all that medical aid and care could do, on Friday evening, Ma,y lith, he answered the call of his Mas- ter and entered into rest. Mr. Stew- art farmed a' couple of miles from Hensall, but owing to the strain of work quit farming and moved to Sea - forth. He was a devoted husband and father to his family, also a true friend and neighbor. He Ieaves to mourn him 'his loving wife and son, whose sincerest sympathyr of the community is extended to them, also brothers and sisters, Duncan and John Stewart, Mrs. Thomas Elder, Mrs. William J. Elder and Mrs. William M. Bell, Tile services were conducted by his min- ister, Rev. Hugh Jack, of Seaforth, who made reference to the deceased and gave a very beautiful and touch- ing discourse. Rev. Jaok was assisted by Rev. Mr. Weir of Hensall. The funeral was held from the home of Mr. John Stewart, brother of the de- ceased, after.which the remains were taken to Hensall Union cemetery for interment. Relatives from a, distance were Messrs. John and Frank Smart and Kenneth, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sage, of Stratford; Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Ross, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Hollyman, of Blyth. The pall- bearers we -•e Messrs, John Wood, John Pepper, Peter Moir, Wm. Wood, Frank Smart, of Detroit, and Frank Lamont, of Seaforth. i DON'T FORGET TO COME» .70 HENSALL Mil i tary Demonstration AND FROLIC Friday Eve'g., May 23 R. C. R. BAND Open Air Dancing to Bud How, land and His Orchestra -from London. —All Kinds of Games and Fun— ADMISSION — FREE (Sponsored by Hensall War Service Committee) leallellilleinelnensmemsgssesor t Running Water is an Everyday Necessity' in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water,.mndes pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water, sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and ham ness, are not available to your family. The cost of EMCO Bathroom,' Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings- t>r very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our' East Payment Plan. - EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give year* of 'satisfactory service. • A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as • (S $84 50 Moll and iron ptpe and fittings extra) is $86po THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above, has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour. With 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor, it costs only FOR SALE BY FRNK KLING Plumbing - Tinsmi thing - Electrical Supplies Shop at Rear of Ferznson's 'Hardware Phone. ]Day 61: Night 128. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO..' LIMITED. LONDON. ONT. mg BAMILTQN TORONTO SUDBURY WINNIPEG VARcOUVBR PROCLAMATION Whereas the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada has proclaimed that a Victory Loan of $600,000,000.00 is needed to carry on Canada's War effort and that' the co-operation of every citizen in this Dominion is needed; Whereas, the Prime Minister of the 'Province of Ontario, the Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn, has further requested that Ontario munici- palities assist in even way possible to obtain maximum results in t minimum time; I hereby request that all citizens, companies, manufacturers, retailers and vendors, of the Town of Seaforth, decorate -'their places- of business and residences; prior' to May 24th and that such decorations remain displayed until the successful conclusion of Caaa's s 'War Loan, drive. JOHN J. CLUF', :Mayor. `cod '$'avt the Vin +r et, A