HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-05-16, Page 4• Try: 1HA EXPOSITOR ` r to et/ Ads will, liner td "a:t new low cash rates liroded. Logit tit; .`'l'e ud, emitter Exidsts." c.—Per word; isweeweekCenteCe a>,a, wee $ . 'fa cent hMinitttum ataarge;`first . *partible, 25 Cents Each figure, initial and.abbeecaition counts as one word. 0,44 Thank . In memoriam Notices --1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Elluserirlea may be directed to a Box Number, ware of The Huron Expositor, fur 10 cents exam. ce;lte additional per week will be charged if ads in above class are not paid by the , SattPsday night in the week in windla the ad was run. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, action 'Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc.—antes en application. For Salle Farm Stock For Sale LAMBS FOR 'SALE—Early Tomato and pox SALE—THREE PURE BRED YORK Cabbage plapts. Any day or evening- sows. due to litter in one week. Apply AIitT BAKER, Railway Street w WILLIAM CUDMORE, Seaforth. 3831x1 3831-1 FOR SALE—OUTSIDE TOILET, IN GOOD condition. Also lieu house about 8 x 10. Apply BOX 2&1,5aatorth, 3831-1 FOR SALE-4E0.1K PENS IN GOOD CON- dition, at eessonab prices. Apply to ANTEDG1RL FOR GENERAL HOUSE HOMER L. TIMMY, Exeter W — eter R.R. N. 1, or work. Apply So Box 259, EXPOSITOR Phone 92 r 8, Zurich, 3830-2 .OFFICE. 3828 -ti Help Wanted Roo SALE—MoOLARY COAL AND WOOD_XVERIENCED GENERAL—GOOD WAG- -• range. 6 lids, reeervoir, hot water heater, E ei. small adult family; Toronto home. AP - in good condition. Apply to MRS. F. S. rely by latter, giving full " particn•1®us, to SAVAUGE, John Street 3831-1 ROOM 61L 67 'lunge Street, Toronto, Ont � j Olj. SALE—FARM IM PLEMENTS ; WORK • - 3$30-,�. F°4 'horse, 2 sets double harms and cream -separator, MRS. J. KNUCKLE. PLANTS FOR SALE—CHOICE TOMATO and Cabbage plants; some ready to set out, Apply to THOMAS M. GRIEVE, Eg- aiortdvale. Phone 664 r 3, Seaforth. 38313d RASPBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE -12 FOR 60e ;, 50 for 3e.00; Strawberry Planta, Senator Dunlop and King Wealthy (late), 50c for 100 at the garden. WILLIAM COL- LINS. R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 616 r 42• Clinton. 3828-tf FOR SALE -1 ONLY NO. 4 MASSEY-HAR- ris wide -spread low. manure spreader, in good condition; 1 Massey -Harris hay loader, drop ,head. in good condition; 1 set 3 -section 26 -tooth lever barrows. I•,ternational, nearly like new ; 1 International 13 -disc fertilizer drill. oommpleite, m good condition ; 1 Deering 12 -tooth cuitivalbr;, 1 Massey -Harris 13 -tooth cultivator. Apply E. MOUSSEAU, Kippen Garage. 8830-tf Property For Sale FOR ,.SA1.7+• — DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, with four nacres of land, in Town of Sea - "forth. SERVICE STATION—At Holmesitilie. (hear Goderich), Apply E. D. BELL. Sea- forth, Ont. 8830-2 FOR SALE—A SUBSTANTIAL 9 -ROOM residence on North Main Street, with 1 acre of land. Attractive terms. ,Apply to M11NRO—In Scott Memorial Hospital,' Sea - H. G. MEIR, Seaforth.. 3828-tf forth, on Saturday, May 10th. to Mr, and Mr,;. Duncan E. Munro, a daughter—A2ena Fal izabeth. SUTHERLAND'••-ln. Seaforth. on May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Sutherland. a son. - Wanted WANTED—CARETAKER AND GENERAL handyman for Scott Memorial Hospiital. Steady employment Applicants to state age, qualification- and Salary expected. Address applications to THE SECRETARY, SCOTT ME51ORIAL HOSPITAL. 3830-2 Poultry 1V ctut.LOF row. 'R .jses $28,52P (0011tinued from ''age 1) Subscribed Quote Including pledges % $950.00 $500600-- 650.00 500600 -`65.0.00 57345 750.00 826.14 1,050,00 934.25 1,250.00 861.15 1,450,•00 2,032.77 850.00 1,235.92 850.00 707.80 800.00 814.86 875.00 773.82 1,250,00 771.53 800.00 1,028:15 650.00 119.55 850.00 703,35 575.00 ' 532.55 675.00 906.25 1,000.00 1,252.58 ' 4i and Mrs.. Wm. Koehler a.ni,1 Mr; and Mrs. Jerry Doerr spent Stinday attending. the Evangelical Church con ference at Tavistock, Mr. and Mrs, Wes.' Fisher and . the Misses .Viola and Muriel, of Fuller- ton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele. Friends on this line will be pleas- ed to know that Mrs. George Hoegy, of Grey„ who has been seriously ill, is now improving. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koeitl?er and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Munn with Mr. August Eggert, who is not in the best of health. Messrs. Elmer and Harvey Koehler of Galt spent Sunday • with their re- sr'eetive parents. • RUSSELDALE On Tuesday evening some 154 neighbors and friends gathered ;n Russeldale hall to extend congratula- tions and good wishes to Sgt. and Mrs- Wm. Burlingham on their recent marriage. The evening was pleasant- ly spent in dancing with the McNicol orchestra providing the music. Dur- ing the evening the young couple were called forward and presented •with a 38 -piece of cream and red trim gran- iteware. The address was read by Bert Crombe and Jimmy Grinney and Orville Kell presented the gifts. The groom, in a few well-chosen words, thanked them for the splendid gift. The following is the address: "Dear Bill and Millie: In honor of your re- cent marriage your friends have gath- ered here tonight to congratulate you and to extend to your our warmest regards and heartiest good wishes for a long happy married life., We know 1 that the ever -ready spirit of helpful- •ness that you have both displayed, in the years you have spent in our midst will assist you in making your life to- gether a successful and happy one.. If needs be that we 'must„ part for a time the shall look forward to 'your happy return in the near future. We honor you. Bili, for your stand for freedom and right and pray the Heav- enly Father to keep you safely and speed your return unharmed to the One who has taken her place, so brave- ly at your side and who, we pray. may also be stistained by the same Almighty hand. As a slight token of our affection and good wishes we ask you to' accept these gifts and may you always have abundance of life's tem- ' oral blessings-. To fill them as you use them, inay loving ,thoughts. of your Mt. Pleasant and Russeldale friends season every dish, and may. health, prosperity. and happiness at- tend you every step of your journey 'together. Sincerely yours, Harry Cor- nish, Bert Crombe, Mrs. R. Parkinson, Lila Grinney, Orville Kelland•, Jimmie .Grinney, Keith Fraser." POULTRY—I CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS in.' Baby Chicks or Started Chickens at moderate prices.; cull your bens satisfactorily and pay the best market price for all Poul- try. GEORGE WALKER, Hensall. Phone 119. 3829x6 In Memoriam 'J MEMORY OP R. ROBERT HOGG, I E who died on May 16, 1940: Life's greatest gift—remembrance•" 3531x2 —A. Births Notices MONEY TO :1;0A N— 53,000.00, FIRST mortgage, an good farm. Apply to JOHN ELDER, Rensa111. 3831-2 ELECTRIC FENCHit—I STILL HAVE r'Iia ale Electric lIhe agency fthF or sc+g e arm Fence, the world's largest seller. Still leads in economy and operation Five year guar- antee. Fullequipment on • hand. ORVILLE WORI4BIAN, Kippen,' Ont. Phone 11 on 77, Hensall ' 3829x3 COURT OF REVISION Township of Tuckersmith ritBE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 'OF TUCKER - 11 smith will meet as. a Count , of Revision On the Assessmenit 03.821 of 1941 ix -76447i Ball, Seaforth. on Saturday, June 7th, at 2 pm. All appea8s must be in the bands of the Olerk on or before Monday, May 26, 1941. Interested parties should govern themselves' accordingly. ' D. F. BIcGREGOR, Clerk. 8831-3 NOTICE A SPECIAL MEWING OF THE MEMBERS of The Hay Township Farmers' Manual Fire Insurance -..Company will be held in the ',Town Bali, Zurich, on Saturday, the 17th of May. 194X. at 8 o'creak pin., for the purpose of considering , a resonatien passed at the re- cent Meivention_'for_,_ he ;Muttra1 Fire Under- writers'. Associartian' recommending 'that each Farmers' MutaalI Company •contribute 3% of its surplus as at the 31st of • December, 1940, to a fond io be ]nliiwvt as THE BRITISH AIR FUND. which s, to be . forwarded • to the I Prime &neater, Abe Han. Winston Cbffichr'I., to be used at his discretion for repairing war damage to farms and villages of Great Bri- tain or for any other purpose. And further. 170 entleeize the Board of Directors to take such actmu in the matter as the meeting may - designate. HENRY: C. BEAVER, Preeidemt. HERBERT K. EI.LBER, Secretary. DATED at Crofton, May 6, 2941. • 3830-2 Nice -'-to Creditors e• NOTICE TO CREDITORS LN THE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER MOIR, DECEASED - A5 persons bating clams against the estate of Alexander Moir, late of the Towna3tp of Hay, in the Courety of Huron, Physician.. deceased, who• died on or about the 12th day ',of September. 1940. are required to send par tiiculars of the same to the undersigned Executor or his Solicitor duly verified, on or before the 3lst day of Islay. 1941, after which date the assets of the' deceased wr"Il be dis- Itrsibated having rested only to the claims then received and ignoring all others. DATED at the Cita of London, this 13th day of May, 194RGECORT FABER, R.R. Na: L Hexad, Ontario Executor by his Solicitor K E. WFeI$ KC., Canadian Blank of •Comtneree Bui1dh g,. Dander; & Richmond Streets. London. thalamo. *831-3 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED RV Wit COUNCIL OF T CSBE M1TH, ems: 3.. To iwa090y • Vibseir to operate,.',erneber eget Wiese *Tame 5n 04 a Wu,. enn2rottor i» eiteesio stAi i d uteri; Tesamsiriv fits stgaiii4 ilii s* Sind ire trrr lame ;cine -dear Bee. fSoililtma tv wire* FMB • TAED. " • Z. tan los tv. ?nr91i *ewer },o tyerste ,risl,Y$+. arta Anne {Sine as titres veilb Wt. radii ebeeeitg'un legetemkeIg crusher. Garel iter to agate ¢trice 4" 1 i13+0t72, t. '" ,elz$ r sop fqr mooing rand ae1 its axe ZelitdiaMOW. dor tttdlcrny onnvel rat Cut mane r old fes. ,sieo "mine ;per oat' o ,tt ie. reeds -ell tier rr�nctb- , biVei aT 140 r4x; lee mai? till,oeual n�•id' Deaths SPROAT• -ln• Seaforth. on Wednesday, May 14th. John Sproalt aged 90 years and 1 month. • GR'_t1?,TELL--rn Tuckersmith. on Monday, May 12th, .lanet Ross, beloved wife of James D. Gemmell, in her 79th year. McCUTCHEON-11) Regina bn May 12th, • Elizabeth Dynes, widow of the late David McCutcheon; and mother of Mrs. Hugh Alexander, of McKi17bp. WINTHROP The W.A. and W.M.S. iiet at the home of Mrs. Calvin Haien on 'Wed- nesday, May 7th. with the president in the chair. After singing a hymn, prayer was offered by Mrs. Toll. The roll call showed 22 members present and was answered by a verse on "Mothers." Mrs. Williall Dolmage brought -a very interesting report on Mission Band work from the Presby- terial held at Thames Road. Church: Mrs. Hillen then took charge and the Scripture reading was taken. by Mrs. Gilbert ' Smith. - Mrs. Robert, McFar. lane -and Mrs. William Church, dele- gates to the Presbyterial. gave very interecting ° reports. A Temperance reading by Margaret Habkirk was much enjoyed. The topic was ably :taken by. Mrs. Ross. The meeting was closed by ail repeating the Lord's Prayer, after which the National An- them was sung. ROYS Mother's Day was appropriately re- membered in Row's Church on Sun, day. Rev. Mr. Mair took as his topic, "The Motherhood of God." Mrs. ••Jno. Hodgert, "of Thames Road, always a welcome soloist here, sang "The Hymns My Mother Sang." Others helping in the service were Mrs. Jno. Hocking, Norman Dow, Billie Hock- ing and Marion Christie. .. At this service the sacrament of Baptism was administered to Mary. Irene and Bruce Gordon, children of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colquboun; Ken- nethSinclair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns, and to Mary Helen Jean, little daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Erie C. Dow. An interesting ,feature of this service was that two ladies, Mrs. Wm. Dow and Mrs. James Do*, great grandmothers of three of the children baptized; were present. The Mission Circle met at the thome of Gladys and Wilma .low on Satur- day with a good attendance. Doreen McPhail had charge of the meeting. She also gave a splendid reading, "The Little People of England." Mary F. Scott played an instrumental. The afternoon was spent in quilting a crib quilt which had been given by Mrs. Bert Russel for patriotic work The next 'meeting in duly will be held at the home of Doreen and Win- ziifred bicP9tail- , Nir, Wm. Adair and Harold liwain, of Monkton., were Sunday) visitors wet Mr. and Mrs. John Dalrymple. +s. Wm. Bailie and infant son ane' at the honie of het' parents, Mr. and s G. W. Grant. Mr. and'Mrs. Campbell Dow, Sr., .and litthe granddaughter Shirley, and Ml; Mid Mrs. Lawson Kearney lett '"sl'Ne i4 owningfor Eastern Ontario. afg Clifford'Mina Urania, .A.tad scAtit his parents, Mr. .3,, Thor. . Clillbrdt has re- flonored by the' Ontario'' his part fit the ca .tun driv . • rw+t`eRough spent kiat.i y 14ii3!',-Staaalai IIENSALL- Good'win's have just received a ship- nient of White Shoes. Seg them soon, Municipality Ashfield Colborne Goderieh Twp. Grey Hay Howick Hallett o McKillop. Morris Stanley Stephen ' ,A Tuckersmith Turnberry lisborne - E. Wawaniosh W. Wawanosh Clinton Goderich Seaforth Wingham Blyth Brussels Exeter .Hensall Huron County Council 2,500.00 900.00 1,000.00 250.00 375.00 1,000.00 350.00 Incomplete 87.5 ,.. _ .110 88 69 140 146 83 102 88 62 128 Incomplete 83 93 134 125% 3,218:28 128% 1,550.33' 173 2,070.00 207 250.00 535,57 1,762.40 568.00 4,000.00 $28,529.00 *Includes $104.00 collection at Huron Rally' held in Seaforth. tui ' iaviag tleSilred hie services for WS anniversary OCC(1404). Special Wilde will co, ntriblite to the warship Of. they dajd Mrs. XI. . C. LetlIMOri, of Clll tttin, Will be guest soloist 'at the morning service, An has been customary for many years, the United .Church •is withdrawing its evening service' so that its members • may join -their friends is observing this milestone in the history of Carmel Church in Hen- sall. Hensall United Church congirega- tion will Hold its anniversary services on Sunday, May 25th, and the guest speaker for the day will be Rev. Charles V. McLean, Ph.D., of Dundas Street United Church, Loudon. The Arnold Circle of Carmel Church inet in the basement of the church Monday evening and observed their annual, birthday party. Miss Sally Manson, president, Was in the chair. The guest speaker, Rev. W. Weir, gave a most. interesting 'address on "Women and Th7ir Relation To the 100 Gospel." Miss Jean ,McQueen pl;esid,• 143 ed for the prayer and the Scripture reading was given by Miss Irene Hog - 176'/4 garth. Mrs. Charles Forrest favored 162 with a pleasing piano solo, and• the Misses Lois and Marion MacLa •ren. • gave a delightful• vocal duet. Follow - 142%% ing the closing exercises lunch was served. Churches Mark Mother's Day Many churchgoers thronged the churches here on Sunday to share in the special services arranged in hon- or of Mother's- Day. Chancels were brightly decorated with spring flow- ers and the choirs joined the services singing songs dedicated to mother- hood. At the United Church the Sun- day school students assembled in the auditorium of the church to join with the-_ congregation for the special mother's service and to bear their minister, Reel. R. A. Brook, in a spe- cial- message fitting for the occasion ,The cliiid•ren of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Faber received the rites of Baptism. Mr. R. J. Moore, an associate . superintend- ent of the Sunday'sehool, presided for the Mother's Day program which in- cluded Scripture •readings, Matthew 20:20-23, read by Ruth. Hess, and St. John 19:25-27 by Ross Kennedy. Mr. Edison Forrest; Sunday school secre- tary, presented a splendid report of the organization; Miss Dorothy Dou- gall gave an interesting story, "The Quest. The choir rendered an appro- priate anthem, "Mother." At • Carmel • Presbyterian Church Rev. W. Weir occupied his own pul- pit taking for his subject, "Christian Parenthood." Greta Jean, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff and Patricia Marie, infant daughter of Crediton; Mr: and Mrs. Jack Camp- bell, Mr. ancliI Mrs. Harold Beayer, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Camp- bell and family, of Hay. Death of Percy Henry Reynolds Word has been received in Hensall of the death on April 12th of Percy Henry Reynolds, of Moose Jaw, Sask., sen of 'the late W. H. and Mrs. Rey- n.olds' of this village. Death came with tragic suddenness while at hi`s work, as supervisor of the erection of a new airport in. Swift Current,. Sask., for the contractors. The Bird Con- struction Co. Ltd. He .had been talk- ine to the foreman just after work commenced in the morning, when he complained, of not feeling well, and collapsed a few minutes later. A doc- tor was called immediately, but ef- forts to revise him were futile. Mr. Reynolds was in his 60th year and is survived by his widow and seven chil- dren: Mrs. R. A. Baker, Empress, Alta.; Mrs. T. A. Getty and Miss Given, Moose Jaw; Miss Frances, nurse -in -training, Winnipeg ; Maurice Reynolds, -Edmonton, Alta.; Henry and Fred, Moose Jaw. Mr. Reynolds was,. born in, Hensall and )went to Moose Jaw about 40 years ago. • Three sisters and one brother also survive: Miss Amy, Mrs. T. G. Robinson and William, of Hensall, and At the annual meeting of the Ten- nis Club, held here in the Town Hall, Miss Gladys Passmore was appointed president; Miss Sally Manson, secre- 1ary-treasurer; Donald Joynt, Carl Swaim and Robert Sangster, grounds committee. Death of Mrs. T. G. WiJson Word has reached here of the sud- den death of Mrs. T. G. Wilson, wife of Dr. T. G. Wilson, of Bay City, Michigan,- who passed away in the hospital in that ;city on. Wednesday last following a week's serious illnesee although she had, not been in the best. of health for some time pasta She was the former Bessie Munn, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ales Munn. of Hensall; and wag 'born .on"' the Munn homestead two miles and a half southwest of Hensall. She re- ceived her earlier education., at S.S. 10. Hay. later attending high school at Exeter. She was very well kntown here, and her death at a comparative- ly early age, being in her 47th year, is to be regretted. Surviving 'are her husband, one son Eric, two daughters, Margaret and Betty: three brothers, Flying Officer J. A. Munn, of Ottawa; Clarence, of Aylmer, and Robert Munn, of Hensall. The funeral was held from Bay City on aunday:' At- tending from here were Mr. and Mrs: Robert Munn. • Campbell - Wurm A charming spring wedding of wide inter -est took--pla€e- at the .1.1nited Church Manse, Hensall, o,n Saturday, May 1fit'ii", at 3 p.m., when Rev. 4. A. Brook officiated for the marriage of Edith Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wurm, of Hensall, and toy Gordon Campbell, of St. Cathate ines. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Camp - bel of Hay: The pretty young bride was gowned in floor -length organza over satin, blue shoulder, length veil with gardenias. Her flowers were Talisman roses and baby breath. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Syd- ney Taylor, of London, wearing floor length pastel pink muslin D'.Swoa, trimmed with blue velvet bows and matching accessories. She carried a Colonial bouquet. Mr. Gerald Camp- bell, brother of the groom, was best man. Later a wedding dinner was held at the home of the bride's par- ents with thirty guests present, the bridal table being centered with the wedding cake. white tapers, in silver holders, and daffodils and tulips` com- pleting the decorations. Serving were three girl friends of the bride, Miss Clara Geiser, of -Crediton; Miss Ortha Schi1be, of Zurich, and Mrs. Melvin Moir, of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell will take up residence in St. Catharines. Out-of-town., guests at-, tending were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warm, of St. Catharines; Mrs. Syd- ney Taylor, Miss Marie Grieve, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Ph e titled Willis number 218:NI TOfVLL Mrs. F. A. Demorest, Regina. Funeral services were conducted . by ' Rev. Geoffrey Glover, and interment was in Moose Jaw cemetery. Diath of Miss Ellen Ford We learned with regret of the sud- den passing,of Miss Ellen Ford, high- ly esteemed resident' of the village, who , passed away suddenly early Tuesday morning at the home of her sister, Mre, Gordon Bolton, of Usborne Township, where she had been on a visit. She was born in Tuckersmith and was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.' John Ford, and following the death of her -parents had made her home with her sister, Mrs. Anne Berry, of this village, and from whose home a private, funeral was held o11 Thursday afternoon at 2.30, with Rev. W. Weir conducting the serviee. Bur- ial was in McTaggart's cemetery. Fur- ther particulars will be given in. next week's issue:'. Will Observe Anniversary Rev. Ross Adams, B.A., of Paterson Memorial Church, Sarnia; will be the visiting minister at Carmel Presby- terian Church Sunday next, May 18, when that congregation observes its anniversary. Mr. Adams is one of the younger ministers of the Presbyterian church and the session of Carmel con- gregation count themselved fortunate N.` orrung ensall C. R. WILKINSON, R.O. O PTHALMIC 'OPTICIAN Wingham will be at W. O. Goodwin',a store ev- ery 'Tery 1st and 3rd Tuesdbya in the 'month, fOr the purpose of testing eyes and fitting 'glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been). properly fitted are specially recon. mended to consult me. Hours: 1O a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone Hensall 16 for appointment. 3677 of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, received the rites of 'Baptism. Scripture read- ing was read by Miss Norma Sang- ster angster and Sandy McArthur; a duet was rendered by Andrew and William Dou- gall, "God Bless Our School Today,€" and' a quartette composed of Mrs. 'Chas. Forrest, Misses Lois and Mar- ion Maclaren and Irene Hoggarth sang :"God, Bless Our Mothers." At the evening . service the minister spoke on "Stray Sheep," and the choir sang• the anthem, "Sweet and Low." At Se Paul's Anglican Church Rev. M. A. Hunt, Rector, conducted the service at 7 pan. The choir, with Miss Ethel Clark at the organ, sang, "My Own Dear Mother," the soloist being Miss Emma Johnson. Rev. Hunt de- livered an9tappropriate address. Mr. Johh Cowan,and"daughter Ella, and Mr. and Mrs,. Jamison, of Luck - now, visited with Mrs. Alex Buchane an and other relatives on Sunday last. Bray Chicks are real money- makers. I can prove it. Place ,u your order here. 100% five de- livery guaranteed. THOMAS DICKSON Sediarth WM. STAPLETON Dublin ALVIN W. KERSLAKE 4- Hensall This is Canada's call to YOU! Men are now wanted to man theguns, tanks, armoured units; all the implements of modern warfare which' the factories are producing in mounting volume. It 'is a different war this time. When we licked the Hun before, men were recruited here to train in England, to fight in France. Now you are 'recruited and trained here; then 8 Overseas to join ,tie stalwarts hold - Ing, battle positions on the shores,44 d' Englatnd, oir wherever the call demands, The Canadian Active Armi- ' requires men for Artillery, Engineers, Signalri, Ar'inoured Cars; Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Nredical; Ordnance, and other branches of the Service. The Army is+prepared to .reach, -many trades; and to train you to efficiently handle Canada's weapons of war. Go to your nearest District: Recruiting Office. Fisndi out about these Units; how they wbr ,i what they do. See just where you'll fit, in. See where any particular skill you.. possess can best be, utilized. Then joint up for ACTION; RATES OF PAY IN T'I'LE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging, Clothing, Medical and Dental owe provided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying from 25# to 75# per dap for skilled tradesmen while employed. (2) Dependent Allowances in Casb. Apply to Nearest District Recruiting Office - or any local Armoury .DE PA IRTM ,N r 't14 A f"r: • s 6 41. rr 1.1.9N�A'L' DEFENCE rN: air � 4 ,., i 1 • •