HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-05-02, Page 8as u 17 JLT(PLER ONIONS 5c .P0614. SETS are scarce GLAD i'oLI BULBS per dozen ,25c 15c 2'5c 25c 27c 10c 15c 59c 10c 25c 'GRAPE FRUIT 7 for CODA BISCUITS 2 As. OUR OWN BLEND COFFEE half pound POT LATCH PEAS lb. CAPO WiNDOW CLEANER .Bottle JOHNSTON GLO-COAT Tin TWO -IN -ONE SHOE POLISH Tin 5 PEARL SOAP, 1 HANDY AMMONIA WOODBURY SOAP 4 cakes • VERY BEST STOVEPIPE ENAM E L—Bottle TURPENTINE 1 I Pint Bottle 19c 25c 25c CAUSTIC SODA—Loose Ib. 1Oc ER—None better 5T CRwTt• A: C. Routledge PHONE 166 INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Money to Loan on First .Mortgagee on Improved Farm Property. Number of desirable Dwelling Proper- ties for Bale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 40000000000"0 O O S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 O - 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth 'f O Charles Holmes' residence, 0 O Goderich Street East. Phone 0 0 No. 308. O Ambulance. Service O .0. Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O. rent. O O Night calls—Phone 308 0 O Day calls ---1 hone 119 O O Charges moderate... O O 12-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 000000000000 O O. H. C. BOX 0 Oi .FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O • Licensed Embalmer 0 ;Ambulance Service O Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable rachet oper- 0 ated spring for rent. 0 Night Calls ' ' Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 © 12-87 0 O O 0 O 0 O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral Service O O Dublin Ont. 0 O Night or day calls: Phone 43r10 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 3757-tf THE SECOND DIVISION COURT County of Huron Office in 'the Dominion Bank Bnitd- iag, $eafor8h- Office bens: Taw. dry, Thursday and Saturday. 1.80 'pita. to 6 p.m. Satur4av evening,' 7.30 p a. to p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the pnre.hase of the insurance business ad Rays' Sc Meir, and the addition of their tenmenles to our previous Omni, ties ambles us to give unexcelled service in all lines. SEAFORTH - ONTARIO 18-87 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL E INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD — SEAFORTH, ONT. Op'F'IC11i:S ; Knot, .Londesboro - Pres. } Aithib'ald, Seaforth - Vice -Pres. teittitt A. Iieitt Seaforth - See.-Treas. QF., ,`... HE TOWN 71Alw n n'a Hospl#el Aid To Meet. - The • �VlaRien's Hospital Aid will meet hi; Carnegie Library Hall on Thurs- day, May Sth, at 3.30 p.m. Plan Important Meeting For Minis- ters.—A joint meeting of all the min- isters of all the, denominations re- presented in the County of Huron will be held in the Presbyterian Church in Clinton ou Tuesday, May 6th, at 2 o'cloek'•in the afternoon. Matters of vital interest to all ministers will be discussed, and -papers presented. All ministers are cordially' invited. Transferred To Norwicah,—Captain J. Edmiston, of the Salvation Army, who has been in charge of the Sea - forth coils for the past eight months. has been transferred to Norwich and will leave this week to take over his command there. Besides conducting the Army services successfully, Capt. Edmiston was also interested in com- munity 'affairs and co-operated with the ministers of the town in union services. He will be succeeded by Adjutant' Bishop of Essex. •r Seaforth Gbrls Attend W. A. Ban- quet.—The annual Diocesan banquet of the Girls' W -A., held in Cronyu Memorial .HalL, London, on Tuesday, April 29th, was attended by Ahyvonne Moore, Marion McGavin•, Audrey Mc - Gavin, Lillian Southgate, Barbara Best, Ruth Pretty. Kathleen Holmes, Shirley Oldfield •and Jean Hurford, chaperoned by their leader, Mrs. A. W. Shaw, Mr" T. Jackson and Mr. E. C. Boswell provided the cars. Miss Nora Gladstone, an Indian girl train- ed at St. Paul's Indian School Blood Reserve, gave an address on her ex- periences when she attended the cor- onations of Their Majesties, Sing George and Queen Elizabeth. Presbyterian Y. P. S. Meet. — Mi•. Clare Reith, president of the Young People's 'Society, presided over an in- teresting meeting on Tuesday even- ing, when Miss H, L Graham read sev- eral of her poems, including one, "The Set of the Wings." the -inspiration for witioh .. she received from a sermon preached by Rev. Hugh Jack, During the business period it was decided to give $25.00 of the proceeds from the play, "Chintz Cottage." 'to the Even- ing Telegram British War Victims' Fund. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Frank Kling and Miss Alice Reid gave a chapter from the book, "Goforth in : China." The meeting closed with "God Save the King" and the Mizpah benedictiona, H � Sermon Subjects Fbr Next Sunday. —Nerthside United Church: Rev. H. V. Workman. Minister -10 a.m., Sun day School; 11 a.m., A children's clay service; Infant Baptism; Junior Choir in charge; 7 p.m., "The Parable of the Wind"; Thursday,- 7.45 p.m., Prayer Service. St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev, -R. P. D. Hurford; D.D.-11 a.m., "The Way of Salvation"; 7 p.m., "The New Paganism"; Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's, Dublin -2.25 p.m., Sun- day Scbooi: 3 p.m., "The Way of Salvation." McKillop Charge—Duffs, 10 a.m.; Ethel, 11.30 a.m.; Cavan, Winthrop, 2.30 p.m.. Reopening of Sunday school at D'uff's' after church and at "Bethel at 10.15 ani. -Rev. James Wilkins, B -A., of Ashfield, -will preach. Conn gregational meeting on May -6th ,at fi. 'p.m.—R. W. Craw, Minister. First Presbyterian Church—Sunday 'School at .10 a.m.; morning subject, "As Gqd Sees Us"; evening service, Rev. .Tames,Dickson; returned mission- ary from Formosa, will speak. Mid- waek meeting .on Thursday at 8 p,m. '='Rev. • Hugh Jack, Minister. • Kilo*" TRS desnio . ro; George iC(Ji�tliagtlkl ;; :... ,Tre- 1 f+It><, Alex l3roadiVet, #, ' ' ale arldor litekeeing, -anti Molxrogar, It.It, 1Iei�atltller; ft:•:ly.., '•FW:h4 •.,, . 1tS'-: Northside Y. P. Meets.—The regu- lar weekly meeting of the Northside United Church, Young People was held on Tuesday evening, April 29th, with Mr. Sam Scott presiding. The meeting opened' with the hymn, "Day is Dying in the West" and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni- con. Miss Maxine Lawrence, secre- tary, read the minutes of the last meeting which were addpted. as cor- rect on 'motion by Miss Jean - Smale. The business was then discussed, Miss Isabel Forrest, devotional convener, took charge of the remainder of the meeting. The hymn, "God 'Moves in a Mysterious Way" was sung,'follow- ed by the Scripture reading; Psalm 40 read by Miss Edna Rohfrietsch, and Mr. Jack "Stevens led in prayer. The topic was made up of short read- ings from ,poems of Canadian poets. given by Miss Jean Smale, Miss Ethel Storey, Miss Barbara McLellan and 'Miss Isabel Forrest. The hymn, "0 Jesus, I Have . Promised" was sung and the meeting closed with the Miz- pa"h benediction. Died in Saskatchewan.—The Swift Current, Saske, Sun makes the fol- lowing reference to the death of the late James T. Dodds, a native •of Mc- Killop township, and 'brother of the late Robert Dodds, of Har:purhey, and cousin of Mr. Thomas Dodds, of Mc- Killop: "One of Swift Current's best known and respected old time resi- dents, James T. Dodds, passed away at Spokane, Washington, on Monday, in hie 77th year. Former Clerk of the Court ,for the Swift Current Judicial District, he had been superannuated 'and only last fall left for the Vest •ceast to enjoy his retirement. He had recently undergone an operation in a Spokane hospital. The body is being brought back here for bur'iial, arriving Wednesday morning. The, ftnn- erail will be on Thursdeafternoon' g'er,:ity dees 111 I noir C,hurob at yr di'+cloek. tt.He is survived by two dang1itersy ,Mrs. J. L. S'ecarrd, of l •poky atter Was1n; aarl Addrey'r who Well wit ,hem, also odt tbretliers, Anlrew 4t *toga; Peter Alierr l4; Ceti., fro Ja w; (iltiitiba, itt l'ot'th 1)ako= f i %'dI'leig, it . Augeieia, 'i'ht99hl , e` i0' ▪ M ' 064 had i',1a04 a, worry foa t all m i 4lyt sit t *tt O foto, . tsacitei''s, cart'ying ou for somue . yea?:s. In 1915 when the judicial tiia$.riet 'w'lls formed he became clerk of the, court and Neal registrar, holding that: poei, tion until superannuated be the fall of 192$: He was a homestead inspec- tor from 1907 to 1911. Prior to 1915 he was for a number of years secre- tary -treasurer for the Swift Current public school and collegiate boards. After his superannuation be still car - lied on in the public weal, and serv- ed several terms as a member of the school boards ,and for a wihile was al- so truant officer. He was a long time staunch member of .Knox Church con- gregation and acted in various capaci- ties on the church board for yeare, and \vas honored for his service here Ahen he left for the cgyat, He be- longed to the LO.O.F, lodge in Swift. Current for many- years. had held all the chairs and was a past Noble Grand of the lodge, which also hon- ored his long time membership when he left the city. He was an ardent curler of the earlier days and active member of the club. Mr. Dodds was also a charter member of the Rotary Club. for which he acted as secre- tary for 'several terms, and .a past Ohancellor of Knights of Pythias lodge..The passing of "J. T." as he was popularly known to so many, will be regretted. He left his imprint in the life of Swift Current, his service to community and fellow men being more .pronounced in the earlier days than since his retirement." RoO. J. Sproat Phone oU>gl VALUES TILL WErP4ESDAY, MAY fith CHOICE TOMATOES 23.c 2 Lang$ Tins CARNATION MILK 3c `' Large Tin - PORK & .BEANS, Aylmer� 1 C 2 15 -ounce Tins BLUE BOY COFFEE 33c 1-1'b. bag �7 SHREDDED COCOANUT 19c ONTARIO IRISH 0013- ell s 1 C, BLEBS—Bag 'WW SERVEX CLEANSING TISSUE 00' 2s... - 10C 400's.... 19c_ 9_ PUFFED WHEAT • 16c 14 -oz. Bag JAVEX—Makes 1 gallon G 1 J'c Bleach; per bottle THESE TEA$ STILL AT OLD PRICE Rondeau, Black or Mixed, Ib. 75c Arrow, Ib. 65c Royal York, ib. 74c Flowerdale, Black only, IIx85c WHILE OUR PRESENT STOCK LASTS! Mrs. William H. Pyper Dies. The death occurred on Thursday morning last at Scott Memorial Hospital where ment being made in Maitlandbank she had been taken three weeks ago cemetery. Re"v, H. V. Workman, of of Mary Laura Barnett, an esteemed Northside United Church, officiated. resident and wife of William H. Pyper. . A patient sufferer from arthritis and a heart ,condition for some years, Mrs. Pyper had been confined to bed since the Sth of last January. Born in Logan Township she came when a young girl with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Barnett, to Seaforth where she was married forty-nine 'years ago to William Henry Pyper -who_ survives her along with a family of four, John Pyper, Toronto; Mrs. E. Hillebright, Hamilton;'and William R. Pyper and Violet Irene Pyper at home; a grand- daughter, Ethel. Hillebright, Hamil- ton, also a sister, Mrs. Earl Cadaret, and two brother, Edward and Charles Barnett, all of Seaforth. The funeral took .place on Saturday, April 26th, at 2 p.m. from her late residence, inter- THREE-A'C.T COMEDY PLAY "Chintz . Cottage" in Walton .Community Hall —on— FRIDAY, MAY 2nd Preeented''by the Yqung People of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, and spon- sored by the Red Cross Unit of Walton. ADMISSION 35 CENTS EVERYBODY WELCOME Jack's Shoe and Harness Repair SEAFORTH "Your Shoes Made Like New" 4111111w111111MIImo HOME Baking Sale Under auspices of . Holmes-. Nixon Group of Ladies' Aid -Of First Presbyterian, ,Church, on SATURDAY, MAY 3rd AT 3 P.M. in the MacTavish Store Body and Fender Bumping &Repairing We have sjecial tools and equipment to handle any job. An expert workman in charge. OVERHAULING Valves Ground Any make of auto re- conditioned and put in first-class shape. All Work Guaranteed WELDING Anything in metal re-, paired. I3icycles Repaired J. F. DALY SEAFORTH of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone • tolleceto this number 219 MITLgLt WiLLIAM STONE S LTD LOCAL BRIEFS • .FlyingOfficer Henry Boswell, of Carberry, Manitoba, was a guest last week at the home of his brother. Mr. E, C. Boswell, Manager of the Domin- ion Bank. • Mr. Jo% Sills, Superintendent of the Greyhound Bus Lines, Baltimore, M.D., was a guest last week' at the home of ,his father, Mr. G. A. Sills. Mr. Sills; who is a well known' Sea - forth old boy and athlete, came over to attend the Victory Party tendered the victorious Seaforth Beavers, win- ners of the Intermediate "B" Hockey Championship on Thursday evening last. 1 week's trout 1lshing 1p, the ngrth ooun, try." •. The : M,Mbiere of the .Canadian Girls in Training of k'irst reabyte •- Ian Church: Iteldt 'a pot -leek supper,. at the hog of, Jariet Hanley to TUelt+' ersinith on Tuesday evenings, , • Miss . Mae Whiteman has moved'; into her apartment in the Royal Apart- meats. • Several .members of the Girls' W. A of St. Thomas' Church attended a :banquet and convention in St, Paul's Cathedral, London on Tuesday even- ing. The guest speaker was an In- dian girl, Miss Nora Gladstone, of Cardston, Alta. Those who attended were Audrey and Marion MoGavin, Lillian Southgate, Shirley Oldfield, Kathleen Holmes, Barbara Best, Ahyvonne Moore, Jean Iltirford, Ruth, Pretty and Mrs. W. R. Shaw. • Lieut. Frank Kennedy, Camp Bor- den, spent the week -end with Seafortit friends. • Mrs. W. W. Mains and family, of Port Nelson„ spent the week -end with her father, Mr. H. B. Edge and sis- ter, Miss Josephine. • Mr: and -Mrs. Nor-rhan Habkirk, of Detroit, were the week -end guests of Mrs. Robert Habkirk. • Mr. and Mrs. William Legg and son, of Goderich, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McGavin. ` • .Mr. and Mrs. William Sparks, of Kincardine, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mole. o Miss Treva Bennett, of Mitchell, was the week -end guest of Miss Jean Dungey. e Mr. Frank Sills was presented with a pen and pencil set and money belt by the staff of .the Duncan Shoe Factory prior'to-leaving for the R.C. A.F London; • • !Mrs. W. 'Morrow, of Fergus, is a guest at the home of her mother. Mrs. James Sproat. • Mr. J. P. Bell, who recently pur- chased the brick residence on John Street; from the Hinchley estate: moved his family here from Toronto on Wednesday. • Miss Agnes Purcell, R.N., of To- ronto, was a week -end guest at the. home of her father, Mr, Thomas Pur- cell. • Mrs.`R. M. Jones was in Toronto over the week -end attending, •'the Wright -Honeywell wedpling, • Mr. Tom ,Sills, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, spent the week -end at the home of his • parents, Mr. and .'leirs. F. S. Sills. o Mr. Alex Wright, Mill Road, who has been 'seriously ill for some days, was taken to Toreato General Hospi- talon. Wednesday. evening. • Miss Kay Robertson and Miss 'B Marg. ond, of Goderich, were the .week -end guests of • Miss Helen and. ;Miss .7anie Moffat. • • Mr. William Elcoat has returned to his home here after spending the winter months. in Toronto. •' • The Young People of First Pres- byterian Church will be entertained by Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, on Monday evening pext. • Dr..T. William A. Greig, of Bridge: port, Nova Sdotia, is a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig. - • Mr. and ^Mrs. 'Gerald Stewart, of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of his parents,- Mr. and , Mrs. Harry Stewart. , • Rev. Hugh Jack and Mr. J. G. Mullen were in Hamilton this week attending the Presbyterian Synod. • Mr. and Mrs. William Pinkney and family, of Hamilton, were week- end guests at -the Pinkney home, God- erich Street West. • 'Mr. H. G. Meir has purchased the large brie residence of Miss Gil- lespie on North Vain Street. • Mr. Wallace Ross has erected a large frame building on his property, North Main Street, for use in his apiary business. • Mr. Fred Eckart has sold his resi- dence' in fEglnondville and intends moving to Dublin to reside. • Mrs. C, l't. Somerville and Miss Jeanette Wilson; of 'London; were week -end guests at the home of Mr. J. A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Wilsons. - • -Miss Map' Reid, of London, Is visiting et the`- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Reid. '• A7r. and 1t4rs. Hugh Sproat, Mrs. J. Sehocker, 1trs. It Vekete and Mrs. R. Glinske, of:'Detroit, Were here '.title. week visiting' their father, Mr. Olin Sproat; who Is. Ian •verb` poor health at Present. • Mrs. Henry- Stain, of Mflv'erton, is a guest dt the shahs of her son, Mr,; it; H Sad tk , , ' • Dr. slid 'Mrs ; IL •lel'. Brovotle , of Orinisb7, rWer •: estd this treek at the im of• iW. Jr W. Itehttle, • 1t t Ldol t'cI `i ttdsdn, ot" Tor�lfstd� i6 v1eltingt#Cuba o$ hil,r�eln, lt&t agi3 �si*e�1ttYdbkt ' ',• . doth ye- ; jo g d,a KIPPEN Mrs. James Wright returned vhom last week from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. George Few, who has joined the Essex Scottish at Windsor, spent a few days at his home over the week -end. Mr. Wm. Youdel, of Tiverton, has come to stay with his daughter, Mrs. George Few. and will manage . her farm. We welcome Mr. Youdel to the community. CONSTANCE'- Mr- and Mrs, Winston Wilkinson and daughter Anne, of London, visit- ed Mr. and" Mrs. William Britton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson visited Mrs. D. Churchill, of Clinton, on Sun- day. • Mr: Wilfrid Milison, of Druner, vis- ited his aunt, Mrs. P. Lindsay. ` Mrs. P.. Lindsay and Mr. Wilfrid Milison visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Broadfoot on Saturday. Miss Esther Hocking, of Staffa, vis- ited. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor on Sunday. • Miss Doris Lawson, of London, vis- ited her parents, Mr, and .Mrs. Earl Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan and daughter, Manion, of London, visited Mrs. Henrytilaylor, Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Taylor and 'Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. , Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. Mr. an•cl Mrs. Leo Stephenson and sons, Donald and Billy, and Miss K. Logan, of Blyth, motored to Toronto on Sunday. Miss Helen Britton attended the banquet in London held by the ladies of the North Star Lodge for the gradu- ates of the University of Western On- tario of 1941 on Wednesday evening. • Mrs. Gordon McKellar, of . Toronto, spent, Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson. VARNA Mr._ and Mrs. George Foster, of Windsor, paid a flying visit to friends in the village and vicinity on Sung'; day. The W.A. of St. John's Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs, M. Elliott on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. John McConnell and sister, of Pittsburg, have been renewing ac- quaintancesin this district --for the past week. Mrs. Dodsworth and son,' of London, spent Sunday 'with the former's mo- ther, Mrs: Smith, and 'Mr. Dennison. They were accompanied by Mrs. Rob- inson of London. Miss Mary Galbraith and Mrs, Ada Reid, of Seaforth, called. on 'Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gal- braith The many friends of Mr:• Ed. Steph- enson will be pleased r to know he is recoveeing from an attack of pleurisy at the home of his niece, Mrs. Nelson Reid. PROCLAMAT1ON! CIVIC HALF HOLIDAYS Having been .petitioned by a ma- jority of the Merchants and Business Men of the Town, I `here- by proclaim, Wednesday Afternoons From 12.30 noon in the months of` May, Julie, July,. August, September and . October, •'1941 Civic Half Holidaysexcept when . a Legal Holiday comes within the week, and respectfully request the citizens to observe the ,same. JOHN J. CLUFF, Mayor. "God Save the King" nt Th NOW SHOWING ROY ROGER§ ,ABBY. HAYS "CARSON CITY h Ill►?' MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ef',rth BETTS DAVIS HERBERT IiiIARSHALL "The Letter" JAMES STEPHENSON a GALE SQNDERGAARD Maugham's dramatic triumph 'becomes a screen classic. - e. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY -- Double Feature --- GEORGE O'BRIEN VIRGINIA VALE iit, Stage to Chino Blazing guns and blazing courage in a thrilling action picture. — ALSO'- r " Remed For Riches Y WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST 1, . t r BINGO ! E1GO! Saturday Night, May 3rd, 1941 Proceeds Queen's War Victim's Fund Our Aim $100 and Over. Usual Gcod Prizes PLACE—SEAFORTH ARMOM IES No Admission. Special.Draws: Donations Gladlp Received SPONSORED BY CANADIAN LEGION 156 " It All Depends' On You"—Winston Churchill. ,This space donated by Canadian Legion 156 vi 1 a • WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA Going Daily — May 17 - 28, 1941, inclusive Return Limit - 45 days. -, TICKETS GOOD IN— COACHES at fares approximately 1%c per mile. TOURIST Sleeping Cars at fares approximately ]%c per mile. STANDARD Sleeping Cars at fares approximately 1%c per mile.' Cost of Accommodation in Sleeping Cars Additional, BAGGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points going and returning. Simillar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada ' During Same Period. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations, and all infor nation from any Agent. ASIC FOR HANDBILL - T-118 FANADIAN NATIONAL • Citizens are requested to make a prompt and careful clean-up of their premises and have them made rid of rubbish, and free from all other condi- tions that might prove to be either a fire hazard or a cause of ill health. TheSanitary Inspector is now making his an- nual rounds. Ourpeople are also urged, by well -kept lawns, freshly' decorated homes, cultivation of flowers, and other suitable measures, to co-operate in making our Town attractive to tourists, guests and other non-residents, and a source of iiride to ourselves. (Signed) THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH THE LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE 00V°PUREi PAINT For, flo tsidelode n to in. ,,Gives greater protec lion wand lra$tin benuty. SEM► C1psT ENAMEL o, C° sent ary;'Iyo nr4� for:. tlp1 +vain,, tollirres and dworka 4t -s