HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-04-25, Page 8eet t lf!! N1ONS 25c :;.$000RN,—Sratall :,. ' letTABOB SEEDED BEINZ cmpo JOHNSTON JOHNSTON GOOD CLOTHES ISCR,Lt4, NASTER'S EGGS • • -15C, Or. - 25c - GE MARMALADE 25c 4 Gans 25c COFFEE 27c Half pound RAISINS— Loose 15c Per pound CATSUP .5c saw. WINDOW CLEANER loe le per brittle GLO-COAT 59c One-third pint Free WAX One-third pound Free.., BROOMS 25c Each , LINES 19c, 35c Each RUSHES 15',20 25c At et,"1 CHICK STARTER to is one of the best Cwt *a GRADED WHILE YOU WAIT A. C. Routledge ' PHONE 166 INSURANCE, INVESTMENT . 7 i REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES • OF INSURANCE • IMOney to Loan on First Mortgages on Improved Farm Property. Number of desirable DWelilng Proper- - ties foie sale. 1 ; • WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor , Phone 214 „ : Seaforth .4 SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE i • i 0 ° S. T. 0 FUNERAL 0 O • Main ' 0 Charles 0 Goderich 0 No. 308. 0 Ambulance •0 Adjustable 0 O • Night 0 Day 0 Charges .0 0 0 <> 0 1 2 GO 0 0 0 , Holmes & Son DIRECTORS c 0 / 0 i 0l 0 0 ,_. 0 ° 0 0 '- 0 i 0 c 0 0 0 0 II d 0 d 0 11 le Street, Seaforth Holmes' residence, Street East. Phone Service hospital bed for rent. cells—Phone 308 ealls—Phone 119 • moderate. .0 la -al 0 <> 0 0 <> <> <> . • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 <>• 0 .1., H. C. ItOX o' FUNERAL. SERVICE • 0t1 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 IN 43' Ambulance Service 0 0 • Hospital Bed • 0 eb 0 with adjustable rachet oper- 0 " 0 • ated spring for rent. 0 0 Night Galls Day Calls 0 " 0 • Phone 175 Phone 43 0 ti e E 0 ..r, 42-87 0 :. 11 <> 0 <> 004> 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0 J. .A.. BURKE 0 0Funeral Service 0 0 • Dublin : Ont. 0 0 Night or day calls; Phone 43 r 10 0 4 • <> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 5757-tf 51 w 11 R fx a 14 e tc ir. et V( st bb • j0 te at Pi br •sy a 111 of 101 fel IV( ha le Ki fel to] sel 00 tle Sh er, Att fal ing gr4 las in ee tie. shi MP ',121` "Iie . .1„ THE rSECOND • -County Office in ing. Seatarth.. • day. Temeday to 6 Dail, OD di Pall. E. C. Insurance • the' purchase of Bays & their demesnes ties enables 'erode* in SEAFORTH DIVISION COURT. of Huron the Dominion Bank Build- Office hours: Tues. and Saturday, 1.80 p.m. Saturday OVOrtifDel. ' SAC per. CHAMBERLAIN Agenda's - Seaforth ANNOUNCES of the lintitlzenas business111 Meir, mad the, addition of to our previous facili- us t. wive unexcelled all lines. : ONTARIO, is-st '• . THE McKILLOP'MUTO‘ FIRE INSURANCE , . HEAD OFFICE Wim. Kinnt, iiii„ R. Archibald, keytott4,6 Reidy • , • Vilgit e " WOifiliart '''' ,0` ' 1, . ', 'f&PtIAGreger '''' .* • iiN iii4 4,.;,', V AL CO'Y. , - — SEAFORTH, ONT. ' °PACERS: tondesboro - • Pres. Seaforth - Vice -Pres. SeafOrth - Ste.-Treas. DIRE0'1"ORS: e Id; , ndesboro; George b eget, ; E. 1. TM- Met Dr*dot, it th;'.. Ale/ander hteEning, tat. iti., .,t, ',',:, le ' '.' '' :Tglea? ..t,i;'n;••...7• • is,onnw, OS_Ljj Sattiertley.„•APril Wt. TatIker Fraticia Moyle, tze. itMrelage of1140 Prances O'Geaely to Edward Fratiois• Kidd Len- on, of Westraount. Quottoo, was nol- enutized: aind Mrs. Lennon will reside at 1,591 Chometly St., Montreal. Died: in $tratford.—Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves received word on Tues., day of the death of their grandson, William, Neeley, which. (matured, in Stratford General Hospital, following several weeks' illness,, from spinal Meningitis. • He is survived by his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neeley, and a young brother. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurforde11. a.m., "A Salute To Eug,land”; 7 p.m., "The Church, Its Rise and Purpose"; Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Marys, Dublin -2,25 p.m., Sun- day School; 3 p.m., "A Salute to Eng- land." Northside 'United Church: Rev, H. V. Worktua.n, Minister -10 a.m., Sun, ay School; 11 a.m., "Salute to Bri- tain"; subject, "The Motherhood of Millions"; 7p.m.. "A Prophet's Patriotism"; Prayer Service, Thurs- day, 7.45 p.m. (Infant Baptism, Sun- day, May 4th). First Presbyterian Church—Sunday School at 'In a.m.; morning subject, 'The Heart of the Empire"; evening subject, "The Best Wine Last"; mid- week meeting, Thursday at 3 Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. eept Death of Miss E. A. Leatherland.— Eunice, Alberta Leatherland, daughter of the late Robert Leatherland and Laving Wood,. passed away. at the home of her ' niece, Mrs. Gertrude eon, in Egmandville on Apr.)] 17th, atter iso extended illness. She was born in Kingston84 years ago, and moved with her parents and family 8 years ago to the Township of uckersmith, to the farm now occu- pied by Mr. Peterson, and has lived in this, vieinity ever since. She is snrvived by three sisters, Mrs, Janes and Mts. • Govenlock,. of Vancouver, and Mrs, John McGavin, of Tucker - With. Three sisters and two bro- hers predeceased her some years ago. Miss Leatherland was a mem- er of the Northside United Church. private funeral was held from the esidence of Mrs. Gertrude Keen on pril 19th. Mr. Workroan, of North - de United Church, and Mr. Gard- ner. of Egriondville, officiated. In- erment was made in Maitlandieenk emetery, the pallbearers being Ja.S. Ulan, John Doherty, Wm. Arcchibald, . P. J. Burrows, -Dr. Harburn and F. S. Savauge. Mae Lane Auxiliary Holds Thank- ffering.—The Mae Lane Auxiliary nd the W.M.S. of Northside United, huroh held their Easter thankoffer- g meeting in , the basement of the hurch on Monday evening, April 21. rs. P. J. Bechely opened the meet - g with Hymn 187, "Christ the Lord s Risen Today." Mrs. G. Hoggarth d in prayer. Miss R. Fennell, presi- ent of the Mae One Auxiliary, con- ucted the business, first calling on rs. E. Lawson, president of the W. .S. to say a few words of welcome the large gatherin:g. Miss S, Wood ad the minutes of the last meeting, hich were approved. The Commun- y Friendship Group reported seven - en calls, and the treasurer's report ao read.' The offering was taken by iss M. Ferguson and Mrs. H. Stein - erg. Circle 4 led by Mrs. A. Mc- avint then toOk charge of the rest the meeting. Hymn 84 was sung, We've a Story To Tell To the Na - cons," follow -ed by prayer by Mrs. . H. Close. The Scripture lesson, 5th -chapter of John, was read by rs. P. B. Moffat. Hymn 94 was then ng, and Mrs. F. J. Beoltely favored th a Welsh hymn, "Easter Week." ev. H. V. ' Workman introduced the eaker of the 'evening, Rev. W. 0. oulston, missionary en furlough one China, who gave 'an interesting count of missionary work in North onan in war time. Miss A. Lawr- ce moved a hearty vote of thanks the sneaker for his inspiring and etructive address'. This was endors- by Mrs. E.. B. Goudie. The first rse of the National Anthem was Ing and Rev. H. V. Workman closed e meeting with prayer. Presbyterian W. M. S. Meets.—A sous note predominated at the Eas- ✓ thankoffering meeting of the sen- '"W.M.S. held on Tuesday afternoon 3 o'clock ie the school room' of rst Presbyterian Church, which was fight with yellow daffodils and for- thia donated by the Barbara Kirk - an Auxiliary. The president of the ron Presbyterial Society, Mrs, gh Jack, presided in the abeence the president, Mrs. T. B. Goven- k. The opening prayers were of - red by Mrs. 3. C Greig and Mrs. II Gillespie. Mrs. Charles Aber - rt -gave a Bible reading. Mrs. J. Bell led in prayet. Mrs. Frank ing sang a solo accompauied on the no by Mrs. John McGregor. "Eas- ," Mrs. Jack remarked, "is a time members to take stock of them - yes and their many blessings, tem - al and 'spiritual, and return a tit- bit of what God gives us to Him." e then introduced the guest speak - Mee A. 13. MacDonald, of St. rye, provincial welcome and w&. e secretary, Who •gave a stimutat- address which was an urge to ater endeavor in, fulfilling Christ's t request. As a stimulus"to faith the future triumph of the -Cross ov-' the swastika and the rec�hstruc- n the world, on a better beetle -noted that thotigh the lights of edotn and religion ate 'being Aptir , there is a more vital oInVelt ellen Gentnatly than fel' Many geaetn- es btt they, are holdiag Ineeithgs" • reitA ,; Thdi%iieett •260,00 Mere Cpples oft ties ow sold there, than df nttleev,.meilOPOW *eke 31roropro- hoe Ida ti4Witaitt. IA* 'thit aff i6tittof 4)(006114-0. 00' 1 sa1, prQat Plume. p9, NPT ovgactic 'nos Nevva ! uvri Biro MATCHES 3 Boxes 25c PURE LARD • Priuts 9c PORK 4%. BEANS—Libby'e 17c 29 -oz. tall tins; 2 for.... - JAM STRAWBERRY or, RASP- BERRY -3$ oz. Large jar ' 25c ROYAL YORK TEA at old wy price; lb ' i FOREST CITY BAKING an,„ POWDER -,-.5-1b. Tin.... '0Uli DUTCH SETS—Real quat 25c ity; 2 lbs. CORN STARCH 7 lbs 49c SEED OR TABLE POTATOES Ontario Irish Cob- $1.15 biers; per bag. ROLLED OATMEAL 20 -Ib. cotton bag 70c RINSO 24cLarge Pkg and 2 Sunlight FREE with your mail Coupon. being brought into Russia and more of the people in secret are copying and memorizing' it for themselves. The offering of about $61, received by Mrs: Harry Stewart and Mrs. T. Swan Smith, was dedipated in prayer by Mrs, James Kerr. On motion of Mrs: Helen McMillan and, Miss Lena ' Graham a hearty vote of thanks. was tendered Mrs. MacDonaldfor her THREE -ACT COMEDY 'Chintz Cottage' FRIDAY, APRIL 25th 8:15 p.rn. CARDNO'S HALL SEA FO RTH Under auspices of Young People of First Presbyterian Church. Portion of proceeds in Aid of Evening Telegram British War Victims' Fend. ADMISSION - 35 CENTS Body and Fender Bumping&Repairing We have special tools and, equipment to handle any job. An expert workman in charge.' OVERHAULING Valves Ground Any make of auto re- conditioned and put in • first-class shape. All Work Guaranteed • WELDING. Anything in metal re- paired. • Awiassori Bicycles Repaired J. F. DALY SEAFORTH CAR SPECIALS 1 Willys De Luxe 1939 Sedan - 1 Willys De Luxe 1941 Sedan 1 Chevrolet 1941 Coach - 1 International ye Ton Pick-up—a real truck fer your job. See -- J. E. Hugill & Son Car Dealers PHONE 34 - 616 - SEAFORTH 3828x2 1 BUS TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daly 8:25 a.m. and 5.15 pm. Leaves Setsfdrth for Goderiels: Daily except Sunday and hol., 1.06 • p.m. and '7.40 p.m. Sun. and W., 1.05 p.m. and 9.20 p.m. Oormection at Stratford for Toronto, HamOton, Buffalo, Londatti, Detroit, eltavistock, WoOdstock, Brantford. Agouti — Queen** Betel, Commercial Hotel, i)iek Batas • STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES • 4•10\\6";91/41DEREMOVAL DISABLED ANIMALS Phone tolled to Misnumber 219 MITCE1tL WIIIIAM STONE SORS JD •thgalY adtlr0Se, X.4407.4 Vf.',44,korFed the, Apul•ia OOMInittO MAO Dui Core ireiiereihiPnf1,01*, 41.4 ,T• ChM Ppriapir*, .Kirkman 49x111 ry WO- ehankOffering Meet- ing ef tho 1:01tbara ,,Kirlonan iary of Mat Presbyterian Church was beta ou „*IIES4ta,Y eVOning. The meeting was copetted ' by the pond,. dent, Miss Hoes, who alSo•coutlucted the business part of the program. mrs. J. Gorwill,t leader of See potothy Douglas group, who had charge Of the progrant, occupied the chair far the remainder pf the evening. Mrs. Dale Nixon; ave the Bible reading and Mise Elder, the Glad Tidings PraYer. Mrs. Gorwill introduced. the guest speak eri Miss Dorothy Douglas, who for twelve years was on the mis- sionary steff of the ' Presbyterian Church, in Formosa. Miss, Douglas, whose home as in Luclinow, returned to Canada early in this year as the Japanese Government forbade any foreigner engaging in missionary wk in Formosa, Miss Douglas gave a .Very vield and interesting picture of dile Island of Formosa, the schools, colleges and work done by the doc- tors, teachers and pastors. The Jap- anese had made the work very diffi- cult during eecent years and Miss Douglas said they could only be lik- ened to the Germans in their treat- ment of a conquered country. Miss Douglas spoke of the Leper Colony and the work that bad been done .by done hy Dr. Qushue Tay*, who is now in Toronto, for he too had to leave his chosen work. A native doc- tor is to carry on the work in the colony. Indeed native teachers and preachers are ready to take the place of the Canadians in all the fields and while it is a disappointment to the church to have to call home their missionaries, it is a cause for thank- fulness that the work can be done by the native. Christians. Mrs. Mc, Kindsey moved a vote of thanks to Nies Douglas ,for her Inspiring ad- dress and Mrs. J. A. Munn added •t� the pleasure of the meeting with her vocal solo. The offering amounted to $55.62. LOCAL BRIEFS. • Mrs. J. D. Colquhoun, of York - ton, Sask., is a, guest at the (home of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. • "Misses' Lola and Joan Govenlock, of Waterford, were theguests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. • The Holmes -Nixon, group of the. Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church intend i holding a baking sale on Saturday, May 3rd, in the Mac 'ravish. store. • The play, "Chintz Cottage," will be given in Cardno's Hall oh Friday eveneng, April 25th, under the direo- tion of Mr. D. L. Reid, and sponsor ed by the Young People of' First Church. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edge and son, pf Toronto, were the., weekend guests of his rather and sister, Mr, H. B. Edge and Miss Josephine Edge. • Mrs.. W. ,,1;" Rintoul and Mr. Reg inald Rintoul were in, Toronto over the week -end attending' the funeral of the late Rev.: G. A. Rintoul, R.C.A.F. Chaplain, wane 'died suddenly there bet week. • Miss Asm4l, of Toronto, was the week -end guest of Miss Ella -Elder. • Mrs. Willihm Wallace, who ,:has been spending ,a couple of weeks at the home of her uncles, Messrs. G. A. and Thomas Jackson, in Egmond- ville, returned 'Wednesday to her flambe in Calgary., • Among those • from Northside United Church attendin.g 'the Huron Presbytery and W.M.S. in , Thames Road Church ori Tuesday were Mrs. J. A. Westcott, Mrs. K. Webster, Mrs. F. It. Parsons, Mrs. E. Lawson, Rev. H. V. Workman, Rev. W. A, Bremner, Rev. C. C. Keine and F. S. Savauge. • Mr. Douglas Stewart, son. of Mr: and Mrs. Berry' Stewart, left • this week for Kellam, Alberta, where he will have charge of a mission station for the ,summer months. • Lieut. Frank Archibald•, of Wood- stock, spent the' weekLend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Archibald, in Tuckersmith. • Mr. and 'Mrs. E. E. Smith and family, of North Bay, were week -end guests at the Crich home. • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pollard are spending a few days at the home of their son, Mr. William Pollard, , in Sebringville. • Mr.e'Rby Butt and family, of Holmesville, have moved to the resi- dence on North Main Street, recently vacated by Constable A. E. Jennings. • Mr. RollY Stewart, • School of Practical Science, University of To- ronto, is spending the-tholidays at the home of his parents, Mr. 'and. Mrs. Harry Stewart. • C.S.M. Fred, E. Willie sang over the radio ,from Val Cartier Camp on Monday evening last. • Mrs. Gordon Hays and daughter, Mary Patricia,, of Detroit, are visiting her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. C. Eckdt. • Miss Mary O'Neil, nurse -in -train- ing at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. T. D. O'Neill, • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bender and son, of Kitchener, were visiting Sea - forth friends this week. • Mrs. T. E. Herron and Miss Mar- jorie, of Torotato, were week -end guests at the home of Mrs. R Deur- • less -Jones. • Ms. Oscar Neil has returned to her home here after spending the winter in Toronto, • Mr. and Mrs:, Dalrymple, ¥r. S. Hannah, Mr. Henry Hoggarth and Mr. , McLaren were in Cromarty Monday last'atteriding the funeral, of the late IVIr.:4Toggarth.• • Mimi AlieePtlevereaux, of 'PorOn- to, was the %greet of her mother, Mrs. Frank Devereelive last Week. She was aceampanied baek to Toronto by Miss Jan Devereaut, Who,spent the Week- end in Toronto. • Mrs. William BaIkwill, of ter; spent the ieek-end with her daughter, Mrs, 14 8, Milliken. • Mr. Clare , Camp Borden, visiteCtifi*,tlie veelt-erid Avitb,_hip pooritk T.f:t. and Mrs,. Way, in Tnelteiiit# and his sisters, nutrterd.etriai•Mistperpfatoparinud; juntro.p.. Pfareld Shirray4renaall; •Mr. ,Atiti* !Orden, iieth -titt4ap Alp pi -r to, Mt, .goltiut • C$ tti� inty: rik, •Iteetin tie 'RQYaC 0011,4401,4' 40.4 Welt, Was prQ,p4..qte0 t9 the rank .0 ftgt $ergetiAt On April 7t11, at Ca Borden, • grp. Margaret Pergna0h, of aw lel,mwa5. guest bi *reek at • Amine; 0; My. and•IYIrs: Ernest GeddeS • MI* J. W.- Snaw, sP�i •Shaw and Mrs. Wilkilant jackeen, Clinton, and Mr. and 1Vire. 94, gth and datighter,, of Toronto, Were gueat last we* at the home of Mrs. Re '1.1078. • • • Rev. W A. Routs:ton, raissionee on furlough from China, was here thi week visiting his sister, Miss E81 Roulston,' R.N. • The pupils of the Seaforth publi school are practising for a concert t be given on Friday, May 16th, In th Collegiate Institute anditoriuret. • Mr, and MrS. J. M. Eckert at tended the funeral of the late Mrs Joseph Troutman, at Formosa, on Sat urday last. • Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren and daughter, of Cromarty, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McLaren, over the week -end. • Miss Frances Friel and Mr: W. C • Taylor, of Tpronto, wee guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Devereaux last week. e • Mr. J. F. Daly was in Toronto op. Wednesday .attending the annual meeting of Elderado Mining ;Company. • Mrs. R. S. Evans has returned to her home here after spending the winter in Oshawa. • Mr. Robert Devereaux left this week for Windsor, wthere he will visit his sister, Mrs. John McDonald. • Mrs. L Hudson spent the week- end in Toronto visiting her son, Mr, Leonard Hudson, who fractured his leg in stepping off a street .eurb last week. • Mr. Andrew Little has returned to his home here after spending the winter with his son in Brantford.' • Mr, and Mrs. George Reeves were in Stratford this week attend- ing the funeral of their grandson, William Neeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neeley of that city. • Mrs. Harry Steinberg was elected Presbyterial Treasurer for the Buren Presbyterial Secjety of the United Church at the meeting held in Thames Read Church on Tuesday. • Mr. G. W, Hill, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his family here. • A number from L.O.L. 932, 'Sea - forth, were in Stratford on Wednes- day evening, visiting the South Perth Orange Lodge. The South Perth Lodge will celebrate the 12th in Sea forth. • Mr. F. J. Sills has joined the R.C. A.F. and reports at London oh Mon- day. a c 0 BRUCEFIELD • The Red Cross Society received word that they had received the $25 prize in the Shoulder -to -the -Wheel contest put on by the Canadian Coun- tryman in the.month of March. The society raised $200, besides all the knitting, sewing and quilting that was done, We are indeed Proud of our society. • ST. COLUMBAN The following 'Visited with friends at Easter. and ' week renewing: Mary O'Connor, -Bamberg,- and- Rose 'O'Con- nor, of ' Clinton, with Mr:, and Mrs. Daniel 3. O'Connor; Mary Morris, bt Merlin, with her mother;::MiS. WB1: Morris; Irene O'Sullivan, St. Clem, ens, and „Mary O'Sullivan, London. with Mr. and Mrs. James O'Sullivan; Fergus Melady, df London, with his father, Francis' Wady, and -family; Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan, of Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs. • Terrance Flannery; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pope, of Kitchener, with Mrs. John Dalton; Charles Malone; of the R.C.A.F., with his raother,,,Mrs. John Malone, and - family; .Barbara and Ann Christopher of London, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Downey; Ann Jordan, of Detroit. with Mr. and Mr. Frank jordan; Mary O'Sullivan, of London; with Mr. and Mrs. James O'Sullivan. • • A, program and; social evening is being held in the parish hall on Frk day evening in honor of St. George. Quite a number are taking part in a programe, which will, be followed by a dance. Five dollars is being given away in several door prizes for lucky ttickets. . Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flannery are „tegying„„lo _Stratford. Miss Catherine Flannery, of Toron- to, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Williarh Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Klein, of Detroit, spent Sunday with friends. Mr. and. Mrs. 4:Joseph Moylan, of Kitchener, visited •'Mrs. Peter O'Sul- livan over the week -end, Miss Eileen Dwyer, Stratford Nor- malite, is spending the week teaching and observing -in the school in .H1h- bert. High Mass was offered in honor of St. George of England in the parish on Wednesday, April 23rd. Miss Mary Doyle, of Detroit, is spending a week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Doyle. In response to the appeal for a na- tion-wide salute Britain, Mass was PROCLAMATION! CIVIC HALF HOLIDAYS Having been petitioned by a ma- jority of the Merchants and, Business Men of the Town, I here- by proclaim Wednesday Afternoons From 12,30 noon in the nichiths of May, June, July.,, August, September and October, 1941 , Civic Half Holidays, except when a; Legal Heliday corned Within the Week, and rett.pectftilly reatietat the', Oliftefis to pkWprvpth,e sadk Cttrer , atibd , • qTHE SUNT ZN PLM, W,AGON TRA • Monday, Tnesclay,, WedneSday Sir Cedric Hardericke Freddie Bartholomew Tom' Brown's Schooldays" The tilm version one of the world's famous novelre 44 NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "Carson City Kid COMING — DOUBLE FEATURE "REMEDY FOR . RICHES" and • "STAGE TO4, CHINO" BINGO 1 BINGO! Saturday Night, May 3rd, 1941 Proceeds Qucen's War Victim's Fund Our Aim $100 and Over. Usual Good Prizes PLACE—SEAFORTH ARMORIES No Admission. Special Draws. Donations Gladlp Received , SPONSORED BY CANADIAN LEGION 156 " It All Depends On You"—Winston Churchill. This space donated by Canadian Legion 156 celebrated by Rev. F. J. O'Drowski on Wednesday morning, April 23rd,, feast of St. George, and patron saint of England, in thanksgiving and in-. tercesseen for the success of the Brit- ish cana. On Friday, April 25th, the C.W.L. are holding a' social evening in the -perish hall when Rev. F. 3. O'Drowskl will deliver a lecture on St. George. Mie and Mrs. Maurice Melady spent Sunday with the latter's; mother, Mrs. M. Flynn, Hullett. CONSTANCE The Junior Red Cross Society of Constance school will hold a euchre and dance in the .Forresters. Hall on Friday, May 2nd. Mrs. P. Lindsay spent Monday with MFh. George 'Wheatley, of Clinton. Mra. Dave Millson and- son, Ross, and Mrs.' Pollard spent Monday with Mrs. Glazier of Clinton. Mrs, Nottingham, Mrs. B. •Snell, Mrs. J. Hugill and Mrs. -W. Britton .at- tended the W.M.S. Presbyterialt,meet= Mg held at Thames Road Church on Tuesday 'of' this week. • ' Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson, ' of Strat- ford., spent a few days with her par- ents, Mr. Jas. Hugill, during the holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pinch have mov- ed to her home on concession 7, east of highway No. 4. 1110mmIllailESIMOMMEINIW Jack's Shoe and Harness Repair SEAFORTH "Your shoes Made Like New- ,avitts Rolled Have your lawn roll- ed with a heavy power roller and -note the difference. SEAFORTH LAWN BOWLING 'CLUB Leave orders at the Post Office, or call G. P. SILLS, Phone 38, Chairman of Grounds Committee. • 8827-2 Potatoes WILL BE Higher BUY NOW ! No. 1 Certified Irish Cobblers_ • Per Bag $1 No. 1 Certified Green Mountain_ _Per Bag si,25 No. 1 Prince Edward Table potatoes. Per Bag $1.10 .25 SPECIALS -,ONE WEEK Libby's or Clark's Pork• &.etic Beans-20-oz.:.Tins; 31er LIU Oder or Big Bath Soaps • 5c- 6 Bare P & G or Pearl Naptha 19c Sdaps--5 Bars Our American Blend Coffee en,,, • •.-Fresh ground; pkir ib.0141e- Pard Dog ot Cat Food 19c 2. Large Oxydol or Ivory Snow--er 1 Large Ripso, 2 ,Stirilight qa,„ ;Soap--...A.lr for..,. • 1.04i 'With rour *Ins° CoUPeel. 24c Eat CardnO's1.,ead 7cLoaf Try Our Ddiciou$ Fruit Loaf, onk Jc For Flavour and Freshness ' Our Cracked Wheat and ,B Brown • Bread at Regular Price •••••1•1 t;Arki:;1601;V '4,1 • ttt A