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•41 4
' 4
You Will Appreciate Their Grading
You Will Appreciate the Prices We Are Paying
• "Chintz Cottage," a- three -act
comedy, will be presented in Cardno's
Hall .on Friday, April 25th, at 8.15
p,m., under the auspices of the Young,
People's Society of First Presbyterian
Church. Part of the proceeds in aid
of the British War Victims' Fund.
• Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Nnstasvey, of
Hamilton,- and Miss Margaret Patrick,
of Toronto, spent Easter with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Montgomery
Patrick, in Tuckersrcuffi.
• Mrs. E. Hill and Mr. and Mrs.
j. Cunningham, Georgetown, were
the •holiday guests of Mr.-- and Mrs.
Claire Reith.
• Mrs. Beverley .Christie and to
daughters spent the week -end at her
'home in Moorefield.
• ,Mr. Gray, principal of the Palm-
erston• Collegiate, and Mrs. Gray,
were guests this week at the home
of Mr. arid Mrs. M. McKellar. Miss
Margaret .McKellar accompanied them
to Lindsay on Tuesday.
• Mrs. Jas. Kane and. Mrs. George
Raney, 'Mitchell, are guests of their
sister, Mrs. Charles Dungey, at Thd
• Miss Madeline Smillie, of Toron-
to University School of Nursing. was
the week -end guest of Miss Dorothy
• Dray'. J. Burrows•is spending the
Easter holidays in Niagara Fallsand
St. Catharines.
• Mrs. F. D. Hutchison and family
will be in Seaforth Thursday, April
24th, to assist in sale of household
goods on Friday.
• Mr. and Mrs, Clayton 0. Martin,
of Englehart, spent the Easter vaca-
tion with friends- in this. vicinity.
• Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wade, of
'London were guests of Dr. and Mrs.
NC M. Stapleton.
• o Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wright, of
Toronto, visited Mrs. R. M. Jones ov-
er the week -end.
• Mr. Rowan Lindsay-, of Detroit,
was' an Easter guest at the home of
Mr; and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop.
Pilot Officer Allan T. Johns and
Mrs. Johns and infant son visited
with Mr. ana Mrs. Lorne E. Lawson
and Mas. Robert .Lawsen recently.
Mr. Johns has been in Vancouver, B.
C., for the 'past nine years. They
came home via Transcontinental .Air-
lines to Malton airport.
Mrs. John E. Busby and Miss Shel-
ley are spending the Easter holidays,
with Mrs. Lawson and Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Lawson.
Mies Don!elda Adams is spending
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Adams., -
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne E. Lawson and
„Mrs. Robt. Lawson spent Sunday:with.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johns and. Mr; and
Mrs. Howard 'Rams. of Tuckersmith.
W. A. Holds Easter Meeting , 1
The 'Easter meeting .of the W. A.
Was. held at the church on Friday,
April llth, -with the president, Mrs.
M.. Adams, in the chair. Following the
gl limning exercise the minutes were
read and adopted. Mrs. Addison 'gave
ta report on Red Cross work. Mrs.
Adams expressed her thanks to the
young people for the splendid done-
fdtm of $10 for each -group to purchase
• material for Red Cross work. Mrs.
C'harles Deter, leader of Group 4,
then took the chair. After singing a
dayisans Mrs. Britton offered Prayer.
Kay and Anna Britton then favored
with a -duet, accompanied by Miss
Edith Britton,. Rea,clings, were given
by Miss Vtole, Dexter and Mrs. E.
Adams; a solo WAS given by Mies
Edith Britton accompanied by Mrs.
John Nottingham and Mrs. Lindsay
gave a splendid message. on "The
Resurrection of 'Christ" Lunch was
Thankoffering Meeting of W. M. S.
The Constance W.M.S. held their
aster thanikoffering 'service -in
church Sunday evening. Rev. Menzies'
inspiring Easter message on "The
Young Man in White," .was based on'
Mark, chapter 16. The choir sang a
selection, "Frain Glory to Calvary,"
and Kelso Adams rendered a seise -
phone solo, "The Old Rugged Cross."
At the close of the service the page-
ant, "At the Feet' of Jesee," was
presented. the • parts being taken as
follows: Mary, the Mother of 4Tesus,
Mrs. Menzies; Mary Magdalene, Mrs.
C. Waldon;. Salome, Mrs. G. Addison;.
John, Mr. Wm. Britton; Peter, Mr.
Bill Jewitt; James, Mr. Alvin Dodds;
A Centurion, Mr. Ros's McGregor.
This lovely Easter pageant was well
received by .the congregation and was
an effective portrayal of the resur-
rection morning..
Mrs. Mary Lindsay and granddaugh-
ter, Lucille Munro, of Florence, visit-
ed Mr. .and Mrs. Peter Lindsay on
Wednesday. '
Mrs, Wm. Clarke is at present vis-
iting her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Borrett, Toronto.
Among these who spent the holi-
day With their parents were: Miss
.Ethel Dexter, Kitchener; Miss Doris,
Lawson, London, and Jean Anderson,
Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.' ,Oliver
. Mr. William Britton has disposed oi.
his farm; lot 7, con. 7, to Mr. Fred
Hudie, of Bayfield
Mr. Milton Moore, of Kingston, Vis-
ited. his brother, Mr. Wm. Moon, last
week -end.
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BeattY1 40 eon, RIR., of Code,
140i, called Friday on friends in the
village. +,
Mr. p. B. Woods, of Torenito, paid
a short visit in the village Saturday.
During Rob+ Week iservices were
held in the Anglican and ignited
.g.hurches. Rev, -John Graharna, Rev.
J- Peters, Rev. Marten, Clinton, and
Rev. Mairs, Thames Road:, conducted
the services.
A large number of the young peo-
ple attended the wedding -of Miss Mar-
garet Walker, of Brussels, on lVfonday,
April 14th, when she became the bride
of Mr. Robert Kirkby, Walton. Con-
gratulations, Bob, and we welcome
Mrs. Kirkby to our community, wish-
ing them success.
Mrs. W. C. Bennett spent the week
end, in Rockcliffe with her husband.
Miss Mary Humphries returned on
Tuesday to Windsor after visiting at
her home over the' Easter week -end.
Mr. Ken Murray has enlisted in the
flying corps. He has been engaged
in Wingham in the sash factory for
the past three years, and js holiday-
ing at home before leaving to begin
his duties on April 28th. He is the
son of Mrs. Alex Murray,
Mrs. Ken Rutledge and daughter,
'velyn, are at present vissfing her
mother, Mrs. Charles Drager, for a
few weeks.
Mr. Archie Drager, wife and daugh-
ter, Dianne, of Galt, spent •Good Fri-
dayswith his mother, Mrs..Drager.
Died in Guelph, on April 14th, Robt.
Douglass, son of the late John and
Mrs. Douglass, 6th Line, Morris. He
was 55 years of age and leaves a wife,
formerly Agnes Knight, of Morris', and
eight children: John Douglass; man-
ager of the Airport, Goderich; Helen,
James,. Agnes, Robert, William, Don-
ald and' Evelyn, all of Guelph. The
funeral was held at Brussels on Wed-
nesday, April 16th, to' the family plot
in Brussels cemetery. , •
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,Flovida; ,whene '140, glpeht the wia
Mr. Wm. Hart has 'purchased, the
property front Mr. Nelson Reid, re-
cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Gras -
Mr. Roy Dowson, -held an auction
sale Tuesday.
Mrs.. J. Moss,op was a guest at the
hortie of Mrs. M. Ball and family, of
Clinton, Sunday.
Dr. and- Mrs. Harvey Reid and
daughter, of Toronto, spent the holi-
days with the former's mother, Mrs.
M. Reid..
Mr. Elliott Chuter spent Sunday at
the ,parental home.
A meeting of the junior farmers
was held in the hall Monday night.
:Miss Rena Johnston. R.N., spent the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and'
Mrs. W. Johnston.
Mrs. Connell has' returned home af-
ter spending several weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Marks, Toronto.
Mr. Wm. Fee, of r•Henisall, in com-
pany with his sisters," Sarah and
Mary, called at the home of George
Beatty, Sr., on Friday.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Har-
vey Coultice was held from her late
residence Tuesday. The remains were
taken to Forest for interment in
Beechwood. cemetery.
Mrs. A. McConnell is spending the
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A 4 Seaforth : Phone 141
The Late Mrs. Joseph Roach
A particularly sad funeral was held
at St. Columban on Tuesday morning,
it being the funeral of Mrs. Joseph
Roach. Mrs. Roach was formerly
Catherine Murray, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray, of
McKillop. She was married to Joseph
Roach. twenty-three years, ago where
they lived for a number of years on
their farm in Hibbert one and a quar-
ter miles west of Dublin, later mov-
ing to St. Columban. Mrs. Roach died
in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
on Saturday afternoon, leaving a
baby of two weeks old, Left to mourn
a great loss and burden is her hus-
band' and fourteen children, eight boys
and six girls. One daughter died a
few years ago: The funeral was held
on Tuesday morning at 9.30 a.m. Rev.
Father 0•Droweici chanted the Re -
mem -a Mass with a very large teen-
ber of friends and neighbors present
at the masa. Burial took place in St.
Columban cemetery, Rev. Father
O'Drowski officiating at the burial.
The pallbearers were Joseph Murray,
Thomas Murray, Matthew Murray,
Patrick Jordan, Patrick Maloney' and
Wilfred Feeney. Mrs. Murray was a
great. home -worker, had a host of
friends and will be greatly missed in
the conemunity, but particularly in her
horne. The Sympathy of this com-
munity goes out to Mr. Roach and his
The local tinherraea. are Oatehillg.
good hool$ at Perch and herring late,
ly. -
Wedding bells are ringing In the
village this week. /
Mr. Chas, Widcorabe returned ti),
the Village on Saturday front Wind*
where he went the last•four eatinthia
Mrs. Trout and son, and, of De-
troit, Spent the WeeleendIn their Cot-
tage here.
Miss Jessie Metcalf, of Detroit, 0
spending the holidays with her.
mother here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MeLareneand
two daughters, of Port Elgin, spent
the weekend with Misses Maud and
Joe Stirling.
Miss Betty Gairdner, of Toronto
University, spent the week -end with
her mother, Mrs. R. H. Oairdner.
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis, of Toronto, vise
ited Mrs. N. W. Woods over the week
Mr. Walter Grierson and Miss Rubie
Fisher, of Waterloo, .apent the week-
gnd with Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Grier -1.
son having spent the past two weeks'
here accompanied them home.
The Anglican church ladies held a
dinner in the Orange Hall on Tues-
day evening of this week, which was
enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Quarry, of
London, spent Tuesday in their corns
rnedieue --et:miner-home on the Hfllsr
Miss Alice Drouin and Miss Fere-
ette, of Detroit, are spending the holi-
day week in their cottages. -
Miss Anna Drouin, of Detroit, is a
guest of Mrs. John Howard this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Houston 'spent
the past week with their daughter in
Miss Betty Reason, of London, is
visiting MrseGairdner this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler spent
the week -end in Stratford.
Miss Margaret Aikenhead, of Lon-
don, visited with her parent's, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Aikenhead.
Mr. ;arid Mrs. R. McKenzie and fam-
ily' of Detroit visited with relatives'in
the village.
Mr. Wm. Simpson and son, of De-
troit, visited his father, Mr. C. D.
'Mrs. C. Halstead and sdn, of Strat-
ford, are visiting allrea.nd Mrs, T. Ti.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Dufort. and Mr. C.
Wilsonni and daughter, ,01 Toronto, vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan.
Mr. L. Robison and Miss Ella Rob-
ison, of Thames Road, visited Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Wheeler on Thursday.
Miss Irene Snider spent Easter at
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunlop, of Chats-
worth, and Harry Dunlop, of London,
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott.
Mrs. John 'McIntosh and little
daughters are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh. ,
Mrs. (Dr.) Wm. Swan and family,
of Hamilton, are visiting ata the home
of Mr. James Swan.
Mrs. A. Moore and' children., of Eg-
mondville, spent the week -end with
Mrs. Mary McKenzie,
Mr. Hartley Smith and friend, of
Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. and
'Mrs. H. P. Berry.
Miss Grace Dalrymple spent last
week in Stratford.
Seeding has begun, in this vicinit''.
A 'number of the friends from this
vicinity attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. John Parke in Hensall on
Saturday. At one time she and her
late husband resided, on the farm
where, their see Clarence is now liv-
ing. It is only a few weeks since
Mrs. Parke was calling on •many of
her former neighbors and friends
around here. The heartfelt sympathy,
of this community is expressed _to
the sorrowing ones.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Ed. Stelck is much improved in
Mrs. Sam Hey spent a few days, in
London at Easter time.
Mr. Lloyd Jeffrey returned to , his
home from. Kitchener,- where he has
spent the past few weeks employed.
He is now hel-ping his father with
the' seeding.
Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Finlay, Eliza-
beth' and Mr. Wm. Finlay visited rel-
atives at Kincardine and vicinity.
The W.M.S. meeting was held on
Wednesdays evening at the parsonage
in Varna.
Mr. Elmore McBride is. all smiles.
A little girl is brightening their home.
Miss Margaret Lave, of the Parr
Line, spent a few- days with her aunt
and; uncle, Mr. and Mrs!. Roy Me -
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks visited
with Mrs. Manson.
Mr. Arthur Finlayson, teacher in
Blake school, is holidaying with his
parents, Mr. anal Mrs. James Finlay-
son, near Kippers, during Easter week.
• .
,,. SI!I • s e'••
The farmers are all busy seeding'
and hope the returns will be better
than last year. The fall wheat is
picking up since the ,grow,th has start-
ed. It was delicate after the snow
left. •
Messrs."Dan and 'Steven Manley, of
Lendon, spent Sunday with their par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley.
The many'friends of Mrs. Thomas
Purcell extend their sympathy to her
on the death of her sister, Mrs. Jos.
Roach, of St. Colurnban.
Mr. and Mr. Con Eckert, of Sea-
forth, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
William Manley last Sunday.
Our teacher, Miss Anna Beer, is
spending b:er Easter holidays with her
parents in Fullerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler and
daughter, Jean, of St. Catharines,
called on Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Ferguson
over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and
daughter, Margaret, attended the fun-
eral of •the late Mrs. Wm. Govenlock
in Egmotidville on Saturday.
Mr. and - Mrs. Churchward and son,
Pte. John Church,ward, of London,
spent the week -end at their cottage.
Mr. and Mts. Jas. P. Ferguson, of
London, spent the week -end with hie
mother, Mrs. Margaret Ferguson.
Mr. Donald Murray left last week
to meet the steamboat at Port Col-
borne which- he will sail on for the
William Orr and. Lloyd Westlake,
Of Acton, Spent.the Week -mid at..their
homes here.
Miss Verne Westlake, of London,
spent. the week -end with her parents,
„Mrs and Mrs. Walter Weetlake.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kendall and
babe, of Illnifra, are holidaying with,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ws R., Jew -
The ?bung people of Kippen Vv1 11
hold anniversary services on Sunday,
May 18th.
The Rev. C. Sinclair Jones, of St.
Andrew'e Church, Watford, will
preach at Kippen and Hillsgreen. next
Sun de y, April20th.
Mr. 'and „Mrs. S. Baird; -of London,
spent the week -end with the latter's
father, Mr. R. J. Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey and Miss
Irma Ferguson visited on Sunday at
the,home of Mr. and MTS. Enos Herd-
man, of
Miss Isabelle Alexander, of Shed -
don. is 'spending the Easter vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and
Dorothy spent the week -end with the
former's eister, Mr. and. Mrs. S. Bow-
en, of Sunshine.
Miss Norma Pybus, of London, vis-
ited over the week -end with her gran
ited ever the week -end• with her
gran.dmother, Mrs. H. Ricker.
Mise Etta Jarrett, of Toronto,, is
spending the vacation with her
Mother, Mrs. I. Jarrett.
Miss Doris Alexander, of London,
spent the week -end with her parents',
Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander.
Misses Kate and Dora Dalrymple,
of Stratford, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple.
Mies Margaret Cooper, of Toronto,
spent the' week -end with her mother,
Mre. W. Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor and family,
of Stratford, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs'. R. Dinsdale.
Joseph Nagle has returned home af-
ter spending the winter Mouths 4.
AL forMerehighly respected resident
of Dublin in the' person, tg Mrs. Mary
Mills, 'died in Toronto . SaturdaY
following an attack of cerebral
• • , , ' . ,
IPA illPelOP.
New SONak#and M
in fanny angf.„09/0,p4"-deal'
250' to ,
New designs in
19c to 500 YARD
Smart neW orris/ale In Silk Nets,
- 45c to 715C
YARD „„.
Paired ..Curtalui,
Tuscan Net and Fillet Net in Cream,
White and Beige
Prpair • .. • . 8c to 93.50
--Lovely New Design in Silk Paired
Curtains, at
,per pair • $2tO$4
New Frilled Curtains •and Martha
' Washington, style
Curtains ate pair $1,.tO-$2:95
Chintz, Cretonnes, Shadow Cloths and
Novelty Draperies in all new shades
and patterns
Yard 25c to $1.50
Ready to Hang Overdrapes
Ready -to -hang Overdrapes, complete with hooks.
Come 8 feet long.' All colors.and patterns. Per pair
Good Values in Floor Coverings
See these new modern patterns and colorings,
in the various qualities listed below:
4 -Yard Wide L $4
inoleum YARD
3 -Yard Wide Congoleum $2.YARD
2 -Yard Wide Feltol 59c YARD
2 -Yard Wide Rexfelt 70C YARD
1 and 2 -Yard Wide' Oilcloths.... 00cSQUARE
Congoleum Rugs
Spring 1941 Patterns
3' x
6' x
eV:50 , 7V2' x 91 .
x 91.13.75 0 x 9, $7.85
9s -. ,. $5.25 9' x101/'
9'x 12/ ....$10.50
See us for Felt Paper and
Linogrip Cement
tewart Bros., Seafort
thrombosis. Mr. and Mrs'. Hills were
prominent citizens of Dublin for a
period of about thirty years. Mr.
Hills conducted a hardware business'
having built his own store and resi-
dence. He was also treasurer ot the
Township of Hibbert for many years.
After his death in! 1931, Mrs'. Hills
moved to Ottawa to live with her
daughter, Mitis Ruth Hills. Four
daughters and one son, Thomas, sur-
vive. Funeral services were held in
Toronto and interment took place it
Staffa 'cemetery on Tuesday,
Word was received by MichaeleMc-
Carthy of tbe death of his brother,
Daniel McCarthy at Kilaloe laet
Mrs. W. Mathers entertained at
two tables of Five Hundred on Mon-
day evening. Ladies' prize for high-
est score was won by Mrs. M. Nagle
and gentleman's prize was awarded
to Wm. Curtin. Dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess. ,
A horse owned by George E. Hol-
land placed in a trailer for transpor-
tation, became weary and lay down.
A crowd of men hastily suinmonedl
managed to release the animal with-
out injury.
Visitors over 'tlie Easter holidays
included: Sgt. andMrs. J. New-
combe, R.C:A..O.C., i1 baby, Toronto,
and, Lieut. Frank Stapleton, C.A.D.C.,
'Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. William
Stapletot; Mr. and Mill, Ralph Dill,
Stratford, Miss Marion Dill, London,
•and Kenneth Dill, Xing, 'With' their
pfireete, Its. and Mrs. P. Dill: Mir,
Genevieve Feeney, Toronto, and Miss
Rose Feeney, London, with their
mother, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney;' Mies -
es Mary and Margaret Fitzpatrick, of
Detroit, with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. Fitzpatrick; Miss Mary Giv-
lin and Paul Givlins London, with
their father, Joseph Givlin; Joseph
Maloney, Termite, Mr. and Mrs. Mich-
ael Maloney, Kinkera, and Mrs. M.
Nigh, Seaforth, with Mr. a,nd, Mrs.
John Walsh; Miss Mary Dorsey, Lon-
don, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Dorsey: Mrs. Heffron, and Pte.
Lawrence Dillon, London, with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dillon; Ino.
E. Molyneaux, C011ege of Education,
Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Moleeisaux; Pte. Clarence
O'Reilly, Chatham, with his paretrtS,
Mr. and Mrs: Wea. O'Reilly; Pte. Dal-
ton Burns, Hamilton, and Miss Kath-
leen Burns, Mitchell, with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns; Miss
Jean Burns. London, with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns; Mr.
and Mrs. James Hanley and son, To-
ronto, with Mr. and Mrs, W. J Han-
ley; Frank Krauslcopf, Toronto, with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis,
Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs. ,Edward Mc-
Grath, Merton, 'with Frank MeCona
nell; Father J. A. Feeney, Lontlim,
with his ,eisters, Mrs. john Meagher
and Mrs. Dan Costello; Miss Isoreen
Looby, Lethal, an Louis Loehr, of
Iltrindser, With their i.other, Mrs. A.
LedbY: Mr. and Mrs. Linytt
4nrich, With Mr. and Min. 'P. J,MOW.
WWI; Miss Itelen London,
is vacationing with her aunt, Mee
Lucy liVceids; Miss Genevieve Max'
thy; Toronto, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. McCartby; Mr. and Mre.
Earl Hubbs. Toronto, with Mrs. C.'
Stapleton; Miss Irene O'Rotirke, To-
ronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph O'Rourke; Mr. and Mrs. Then.
Holland, Windsor,. with Mr. and RM.
J. V. Flynn; Mr. an -d Mre. Fattest,.
Reynolds, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Carpenter; Mr. and•Mrs. Mir"
per, CarlingfOrd', with their daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. O.
McConnell in Detroit; Miss Florence
Smith in Walkerton.
The following teachers and stUdelitis
are spending the Easter vacation
their respective homes: Miss Ver011aa
ica Molyneaux, Zurich; Miss Florence'
Smith, Ripper; Miss Gertrude Me -
Grath, Kitalsener; Miss Peggy' ,Me-
Grath,- Bamberg;- Joseph Carpenters
Chatham; Miss Irene Donnelly SIMI
Miss Kathleen; Stapleton, Stratfts1111
Business College and Mary 114V- '
arts, Stratford Norixtal.
The followingCoovaiAatia,Ps'
place one ,Sunday between a anal
emit .;;;;,,,,rwiorti:felnie.::htoh6liatli2est.ht:rete,nitip,:re,t4f
hie 'wife.
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