HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-04-18, Page 47- 11 --" '.7".--- 1.11­7� 1,� - .1 , ,:� �,:11­:",! � 77�,7�, , ;� ��, . , 11 � I 7'-, �,(:�,',-�-­," �, T � 1 � , , I , , �. � � �',`, I ,'.�,� ". I I o, �4�� *, i�', 1;1-,, " , ��:, ,�.I� ": �,:",��:-�"7-!,7,7,17,:7�'7,��,: , I . , I ,��' � � I I , I I , I �� .,�, ". P I 1 " 1. "o , , , , , 'i ��_,, '. . 6 I � ,P� �, �� , ,,,'�' ,, �,,,, ;�f I'�� �_,: . �� , � � , 1_ �; � I �.�, � . , , I ,,, - , ,�, .1 I'll ��, li'� �� , �, ,i� " I � .:,�� 1� I.. :; :�, �Iof 1; " �, I '1'�;,I�, , �, . � 11. 'r, '1� "T, ,.� I", 1 ­ ,� , �, � ,, .�, , I';" . � � 1� : , � :;,�7 ,1! I , " : .. � , . 1, , '. �. , � ,, �� �i'l I 1:��il 1, , 1, . �� , � 1� I , ,7 � � 1, I . 11 '11. "I ""', I � . . � , ,, , , I � " . 11, , I. 11 -, �, : � ; : Tt'! � . . , � , i, , I 1.i� " , 1� P �'11, . " � I �:. , I 11 , � " , ,, ,,:,� � i I ,� � . . . . ­ . 1. , , ,,� �, ,, .�;� �, , . . , � , . � I . � 'I', "' � ,� ,� , �,',i _ 1� P, " " , � , , � , i � " � , , ", ;:d , , _ , ,, , , , :. 1�: ; I , , !�,�, �: ': . '': . �A.' " , 1 I �', :_, ,, i , , ,�,r . :, , �. , � I . :,I;! , ,1� ", :, � .. I . : .�� . - 4, , ,; . I.", I.", . � � ! : . ��, ': . 1 , . 'i�, 1� � , , " I ,, �, , � - I � 1, . � , : , "' , ` �, �, .. . . I I I..- I , , � . � r � . . � :,� , � , ,., I 4. � - , , , � I I . � , - - � I � � , ,,�.:: � I % , . , 1. . I I i I . . :" . I I I � i , , , " ��, I . , . .. :1, � � I t , .,. . - .1 . e� . � I , , ." � - . ,., . , ; I 1 t. , , I , J , �� I 11:1, � ,� � . I I . I I I I . .�, - . . I � � : I � I I � i i . , , . . I I -� ,__,�,T,09 � ,., I'll IA".. , I 1"-:P,1 , i , ". � I 11� 4 .1, R111RI 191�, � , 1.�, __1 P_ 0 1 ­.. ,Ill I iq I P'll - 1.11 - -11-1.11 ;`­... 111, �.."'',�l-..'�Illi.,""Iill-lir-sli.,".qltiii I . . . ­ .1-11-1 I "I- - 1. .1. I I I . ' 1''.. � I - #­ In Final Game I #a v v V. ��e Sp 410,11'a . - � ___- I.. I - _­% . I � . , ". "il - " - " -1-1-11111-1111111.1 .... .. �­ ",'I.- rt­­�­­­­- ",;�: ,.,. ;,�.- I . ., . ,� .� I . o" , � � s ", , '',;,.,�-�'­':�, ��.,` 7 , ­,,�� , ,! .i� 7" ,7 y ,1%1_�, �. �. "I" �,�' � �,,�, � ,-� I '­­ � i ­:_ ',-�,­,�, ', 11 I" — ", . � I",, I - �: :,�,�'�,. I ,� .,� - ''I -d', , �, � I ., I., " � .. -11 . '', ... 11 "I ­,� 11 �1.1.��­�i­,�.�,�,I�::� 11 11 � � ,: . �1. .� 1 :::7. 1 � I 11, I , . -110- .�� I ,,� . �: I . 1. .1 I . I ,� I I �, 4._1", I I 1'.1 " I W, , ,; � 4 I 11 � 11 � IL , q F P'', ,- -_ - ... � I.....","", _­­, ­ . .11, ; "" , '"'"'"',-""..�'..�1.11�ll,"-,��,,�.�,4 .... .,;­ "' #' ­�,­ ;;­�;, ­­"; 'I'; I ­; -.1'.. 11 �.,�;. I � � ,J, W. gowem wo bink, Joyut a.44 Sam X0W40,*,,-V,*#0_.0M1'*r' . I avo ALer mmge V , , � � . I ' carnations. 3-ror traveUtng the lirlde the quartette. were Rev. W� WOr. WW " A ' ' . W#s QW -P, tu MAVY A#A�d goat, navy A. gag]Larea, A. Y. X*0X0TVj 440, , 1444 white acawatles, and twin S11- J es Beago."gb" The end. men,�Very � _ Irl I R. R. w, ver foxes- Prioli' marniage the'bride ,, d4letop, 069%e Ueao,'Wal- " 1,, �!",''�,i�' ���, "'11'. �;��­,� "' "', " "'j" �,�, ­Jll�� . I � -11- ­ . -?T , . ,� . � ,* 1� �� Wl�, ` 1416��,�� , — ��.-. -� ,�� : : ��1�11;,�'A"�,1�4*, , -, -,�;��,�,..,-�.,i)�',W-'!��-..,.,;"W,:.:�,,,,,��,��-"�,.�,,% ,A ? , .., �-,���-,.,Ii,'.".,,�"',��.,�-, . - ,, , ," , %� !fm,', ,� " , - , '!,, - was popular asststant at the Exeter ter Spelle6r. diu4e BIOWeg, JIM' VAX- � , I _,�,, , "s, - L .. ..... ... 4" 0%" I"--- � �, �� '-;._'41-,-,',r , , I � � .. .... �� �.,,, " " *',� , ; i, " ,!, :��;�:���,���,J!��,, ''�'�,l ,�'.�!,��,!f, - I � 11 ". , 1. . 1. "� "' 0*0*0,,�: be hmrted low - 5�gj, �� :.-__...11_1. -, ­ ----,- --­-:-.."", ", ,,g,,,� .1. , �-W- g�, pq.� !�� '. .,,!�."gj,. .1� --�; "'R,., -� � ��,,� ., -"'g ,-,,�pg' ��, � .� %�e� . . � % - . .. 1�% '� 1­­1.1?111 i'l, gl�?,k,� _,�::Z; �g.Y�Ajk� , -1 ,,�g R! Z'1�1'.O .11.1,11­­_­&�,; . post pffice. I . kins, Ted Oliver,, T. J. Sberritt ard. Manley Jinks. Novelty ac,to were Vr& t ,`!� 41;��,j,V�,,, �,�`� , L vilt at new . ash nta -. , -, " - F"PR-.11.111"M �;417s`_ �.� I- 11111,i!��,�:,. ­ � Reigns,— special parts being __ __ ___ , ___._­­__ -z 1.1 - ,' _� ;, -, "' �Ltql 'Ift , , �, , , IN , . 1.�,,.,.. �,��, 4 *, i , I I , " I 1W 1',111�111'i I . 1, I L.".1". F*Wsa. coofts layintK mr,rgw '11 ��V%* I �. 11. �."-�� , , .; F, I '.11-1,1.1 , .. - Rrp . . ..... ,N ., '11,11 , I , .101", " E Funeral ,of Mrs. Parke sented by Walter Spencer and. Ulagde _ � - , I . I , , r 14 4*4 I , WW42 I I I "I _11��,� ­,� , "L' , m M:, 14 I I � I , -.'-''-"It I I I - I " 1 ,.'.'1;:-5*:!!., ,�4 ,!�,-,,;��,,��:!!9, -11 , I 11 , . - =1111.1% 'Ift "M , 1� The funeral of the late Mrs. Jack BloweB; solo, *%W. aoues", 01auft A -� . Ist weolc ...... __ .................. I Q�� .. ""' ''q- .. . I ,� j, - ,11. IT, . 1. I I � i , 't, -_ . , . I 2ad weegc ............ � ............. Dent '�"";�'��'�r�'ll-�-''�,.,.;.�, � ­­ � : t I j�t',`,, Mtt.� "?� wom .1.0;:M,".., �.""4",�.,',I�%-,,�;.t�,�.,,, F";' "­1�1 ... ­ '. ��"'­t­!'�'.T, ,,,�l� :,"'I.,oii�Ni "" '�' Parke, whose very sWpu death on, ' Blowes, featuring Bjll�r Campbell; . by the end men, '#AiWt 00 � -19,4,)��, '-,�:--�: '! I i I zXd wo* ..................... � ...... Ck=t I i . 'P,�`,- !� 'i�,I'��,7 , 'j, �:, .. , ;'R��.'.­:'�:.- j:,%j�j;::::1.�r 4� �t�11�`- , . �,fw ,..;;, - I ...? N WE '..."' ' - "�' N. - o,'gq,�,� '.' ��'�­ , �,.'-�il' '. Wednesday Of Las week shocked� the s6lection , :, � [Ruilaum, cha.m arst Uimn-ti.m. ..... 25 Cents �' - , 1. ,��. :��,�,':',".'�&.�:� '' �' � � , '61 , , . L� I ,f'�, �'�,"_' ,­';­; ,­,: -`��` -, , 1'4-�,,-( ...�;" � , " `�' ;:i u neighbaiirood, was held from -hole Sweet," featilring Ted Oliver. , TAft - � y 11­111­Wq.V'. "r, � . :, o.., , 1, � _,__ �, , . , 11!�� ftUM l0j5ti;4 4jpqA j&.%)�� ca� 1W =e �� I , �`,11,1,�'i,, 1 ," � ., , , , 11 I - " , I ,# �� '. "",�, ..,;,; , ­.­, , - ; . i�'T I �...@.,�`i,,� . ". 7;1:f& � - , , ...... . ;,Nil ZI..;, _f, - '�;'�%!::� .1. I :,i- ­ 4,�A,�,�,0�.,�:,.�'r:,; ,, � -� �_ :., �: :, ., " ... : L",.V. . __ � 1, ­,._ . iher late retaidened'on Saturday. April tap dancing selections W, Me daue - 4 -�";,����"":;"".�;�,,,',;�',,,,-*���'��,,�,. ,*.� �_ ,, lu xet� Noatim-4 cenz per W=4- minnuma. " JpLuts per veelL � -, � L' � 31 ' 1"""" " .' == , 3ip*;r �kp dkevU4 to a RQx Number, ca.ft of The EN=A Fogmsitur. tar "", . , 18 omts ... IM, L-1-1-1- .A�t,'� - - - F",��'If�t:.,P��:T7*-', ,4 ,�:,; .,�.�;'.;.. ­' �. .. �r ',.'�,v'.,��:�;',. , ,;;�, " ...��'­.,�; , R I I _. �;­,_:, �11 12tb, at 2 p.m., and was very largely ing trio, Joyce Broderick Elealaw 1 Cook and Betty MicIrle in costume 0, 0­1,,§�,�, �,,,�,�W�,��".'��,(14 ­ . "' . . I . I � i, _-` . :0 - L, � , .. ". � _ .1 " `_ "n " " 111101�114 attended, many coming to pay their , Brodedek. � � , .". , i,�`i3,�`,4"�;;"� , ,##O " . F*Z. r .; L r wook vn,U be eh=zftd .7� odftialw Iff a& in 616fte dam am =at vaid by 0* 7,f*' _p,4;&_y 1..�', ,..� � .�,'.'-" . L ­­./. r;,p-_,-y.. I.:;�. 1.�. t. ;,"�:,;I: �'. ,­­ ',� 1, I �. og" '-1 ­,-.i.W_ 11 1p ­mg ."'g,'' �4_: last tribute to one beloved by all. Of - ' and directed by Mrs. R. . 0 was an added feature and 04orad --z sl�01" _.. - ,111,:, - ", �:,�*�,�,�,�'l.'�,,�,'�,�����,f"�� ��, , =WU !a the .wk in wbUih tbe ad -.,w r- 11 Jftg*A ftee . .1 . `�.L" ""c'. , � - , ,`.%� Lf�,"_ . :, ­�,i ..­:.�'.',,-�:! Z. � ..­;,� , .��.�, " ,:;!v , -�. .,�'.,-� , ��; ,:�_ , , I _�, , ficiating was her mii-d-ster, Rev. R. A. * ' ' The grand gr t hit ftalle 'Wig ea 1'j��'�'L '.1 "' 3Uza�iWes mul Deaths smerted of dhaTge. i . ,"'L ' I , - , I '*,Z�,� T". ". ", . ,,��.'� - . I.: L.,� , ' , "� ';j�., . ­­ - , . '.;:1:...,:.1 ,�� -N ;, -�--`,.,-::: �. , - , _;,.' �.__ _k, .. .1� ,;�,�Z�YTKI�11.1�A _11M.','1,'1, . , � M.' - _ ­ , �I.M-1-.k I I .. , Brook, ,who preached his memorial "She - A "TherW.11 Always oBe An Englanxt" , :,�ill -,Yv,s,�,�i TF �. �;, 41,p-­bli�r . 1, . �-., I I... I .4, . �, I i . . .11 , 11.11.1111-11154! � %,�,.,.:��,!..�,,,,,..,,, .,­ -,." . "�.­ `-�,-- � - . - ­"�-:�, � _ ;5 .:,x,f,*­.a address on, bath done what she president, spo Rev, 'R. A. Brook, ll;e, . 1,��11111. � ".0"'.- ", 4 , �� �1,�,,V!�-,,"'i:; 1, - . I I. y For Sale For Rent ::::::.. i, Propert I .,,�., _ , , , , , , ,::,�, " ..'�,.,.]�`..'.. - , It,- ,--.4.,.'1_1. '1.A%- ­1.r_ . . ... � " ", , ." . .. I. ... ".. ­ :��: "; P,I .1 . , . "I., I ... I - , -�',�,Ir',�,'.,`-'.�i��-- -Q, ­­�V,. '2.,,??,n'1,.-N,9­11�: could " ,payittg hi&h tribute to the life , i on the work accomplished, by thel"_ I �r,"�k�,J,1, ". �,,� p ,� , . , I : ; : - ,. pl�� . , - , . . ". N :::::: 1� , ". . . q , ;11� ,... I .;!� _ ��_""_�­ -, �,�%,-,T-; - . �, . , . ,,j.�,%Ilr � �%. ­- '.. , ,; ', of t he deceased, that she lived her - Cross. The stage decorations lit cot q .'� ' ' �','11;; r - , �` , _�i` , _* � S,�A 5-�Od5iED ERAME COT- SMALL GARDEN IN :.. . 1 FOR RENT- SFA_ ­ I , ., . ..%FM";��'�:fflM� � ., i .. . . _. .1 : � pg .--;--.,%r_-1-- . � _1 . ­ - t � ,� ,:, , '' mffl,'. religion in her daily life, doing kind - or schemes of red, white ,and bps& , I * I I ., ,� : 1-1 -, with tnnt& bain. One 14A ,uL K,ng f, -Lr,. Fall PAow6d- Apply to Box 25,6. ! . _­ rlii­ ­­,.:�i_,& i. . ­ . �.. ��, . .. . ­­ �, _a� ,,,, 11 I . . " ;:T 11 , ,e " . '' ly acts. She spent her last Sunday on i were much admired sad were arralarr k ' �,�,,',i�,',;,,.,',�,'.` ._.__;.�_.:. I ,�, , &41-* tior qoick sz,Ie.- Appily to JA31ES A. EXP4JSY!'OR. ....... - I 117 16-1-1 M.ri-A �,,, .- - '­­ . .... ";.;. W . ,� ,*a.,.­.,­,,1,g�.; ,­.- ,,, , " � ..., ­ * , ;X . - :;:''- I . .� ,-V1 ._`: � I .��,�­� �,.�;r,M.'_ -1, earth attending communion service, ed by Mt -9. M. G. Drysdale, Miss Inor- , ,�;�,.�' �, , ,� ­ 'q . ,,J��%��',,,�;, , 14r ?A .RSON, Hems $�L : I i - ­ ­ I I - ­... —.-.- __ I -_ . .,,.''..'�"...r..,'�.�"..,.... :�'� ':,'.,;1,,.'1r,".1: , �'I'% �?al,.F,: f. .1,1 .0 , ­ ��n_ , " -#--..- . T'.1:1 --l". ._._� ­,,,�X,`�,Q r - ': �..�T�4,:"",�gX was always in her place in the church -, - oi ce Welsjb, Miss Beryl Pf4ff 411d IL p . " ` I �, , rlMi" , ,!oi "I -A",�,, . FOR SAILF-MAME HOUSE. MODERN evnv St Weat, Seaforth- I � emitmot*, Godehzh Help Wanted 1.*,�i.. ,. . " , �*,�; -­i;:,�." ?"??g .. . ,,-,.i:;i,-,: . , ��.::2?,<12; , , ,;-. ;'.�,�.,:,:,.���'f���.,*�,<�.,,,�,�'.i..i:: "" I I ` 2i and more than willing to do her, part, and that when in conversation with 4�. I Middleton. Bob Hes8 directed the 1i I I :�, T, `Tp,i.��,­ , I 1" A,pxg,v Box Z>74, EXPOSITOR. � , I I - ... 1--l'- � �i',�i',,��P�%,**,�, -�����,i",,,'ii',��.-M"��e*,����',, `�.O� -,. _ �, ,::,�:f4%2e1.W! ,`_�$�,. !1 " �R,;z.',e,!,0?" I her minister she stated that. when her- lighting effects. Benson Stoneman ae- conipariled very ably at the piano. -1� ,,,, p , , I .I, __ " �Gl'rl � �U?741d � WANTED- ,EXPERIENGED COOK, GEN- f�r fami�y . I - a day theit- 3MMIlry time came. she wished to go sudden- I Two gallons of syrup were donated , , v��,,, ,: , z 11� 1 t--.:. of three adulr�. _Qman i .""alt'. 1`�'L �-2Lg�L- to capable persom- 1. ____ - - . ; M�Ai&­_ .. . ,,.,;,�,�",.:�*",;,?,!.,.�,qg�� '! , .,; ..., 1. , I ly and not be a burden to any oDe,. ' b- Herb. Kercher and Alden Jarrott I L ,-,,, � � . ��i�� - �, I IVIltS, RAMS_-'�Y, 137 Riddht Sknt-z South. , . . . . . .. Auction Sales . Lona,,r. Ormano. U25=3 .. � ) By special request, Rev. Mr. Brook and Dr. 1. G. Smillie sang a beauti. 1� a - lid were won by Thos. Kyle and J, . B. McNaughton. ,%W. . i -o,� . � ful duet, "The Old Rugged Cross,' , I I . ��,v �_ , , I I AJI�D - .7 _____�.______ _ __ AUCTION SALE OF M'%LxlTUJKF I 3504L�ebold Bff�;et,, 1,eknginx w fliv,44j,y . . '-145. Poultry .. --I 1. � :. with Miss Greta Lammie at the piano. The floral tributes were many and Death of Gordon Bolton I , �i. ., 1","'l- Faysv_- on Sanirday, Apr.] 31,01- Gh­ .. i I .. I I - with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W- ding "diriner ;was served at the home �i: terfi,_,W t�Eute; radio: ,i�nglg ,,.K,m �zlhl­ as -.d - _- -- - --- - -- — . I ;,, .. I - lovely showing the high esteem !n The death took place on Wednes- ,, . � , , _ ,jil . , " , _. " eb-,-_k=. lamm 1-uflet; �. � kW 0 EGG .. - -J -'YLa eabir'et- -! lmhr!�"J-; H:`;;'3�`�" C -A--' PRICE-' : P� F a S I I � I— I . .. . I � I . ..... I 'which deceased was held . The pall- � day, Apr. 16, of Henry Gordon Bolton, a ��. 11' I 11 rug3s - ell&-zric stove: C,Aemaa �.pa. -�rDn i , L I - Pault -y. SPENCE'S PRODUM � , , . I I .... I -111, .. ,� �, ­, I ,�,g­lli,, �, :��W " bearers were Joe Haga;l, Morton Fl- highly respected resident of this dis- I � , - .... - --------------- -1�1 . I— . - bedroom tiu-tt�,: i�yv.&-uz� �4x,±; China , Pb.n�.-,O-W. *Wes, 3826-4 "I Til_z�iri,�,_=d_ . _Vtax� _11.11;_-,�.Oi�� I � an - MIMM- -I ,.;,; ., , -W . ., ,4 .. I......, I-- ... . �, " z 1. 111. flot t. Allan Douglas, Jack Soldan, We]- triet. He -passed away at the home ? - t:�, . I ��. ,� ... . - ---'--- ­­ ­ .. ___ . itles. Te-=� iCash, MISS L_ W W343H. I - I —, __ — - Exemu.n* Ra�<6d ... -`,�`,.f *,:.'� -M , i, . , . g,ft; -.111P.9 .,,.' ,,� 'M , ­."'.." ".1 . . * , ,:�"._"­M' �,Mr .- ,.Vz lington Elliott and William Soldan, of bis- daughter, Mys, G. Clemas, Lon- I , , ,.., M,AV az�4 H.* rO",167LER, ; , Jackson. Auctioneer. ?��?7-2 i Wanted I .. . ,.,.,,,,..--., ., .."4 _1� ­.��,�,��.,,, i The beautiful floral tributes included , don. Mr. Bolton had been ill for sey- ��� , ", 1 . - i - gg,--f, , ,._ I_- ,z�,,�:;. .. "', Mor �4`1::.;.. �s �-­ . a--wreath---from�- --the Parke_ famLly; eral weeks, arid part of that time he � - 1. - , "' I "" — CLEARING AUC71ON SALE OF HOUSE-, WASTED-CATTLF, FOR PASTURE. Ap- . 140id.GoKXis Priday� Aprij eit L30 -_.�-:;.;� �..;; I I . �'_11' i .. . I, sprays: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Douglas, Hyde Park; spent fiF'St- -Joseph's--Hosvitali�--hav­ - ing two He ­' ,. I - qn- _'15oh, ; DOIG, AcR. 3. Kippen. . , I pn- WILLIAM 0 u i !! :; I ;- �;. I ; .,.- . �. I :., �.. Mrs. John Johnston, Miss undergone operations. was I ` , . 11'1.141�t , , , " r, _�rket au,d Jarvis � I 1: 0"' T; I ;_�!kleet`s, IoT ,PT,-v:,e 6L7 r 2� 399-7xl : � I *7 93 . ­ .. ".. . , "".: 'r, I , �, ,,, �: -, -, ., z� � . ", I .�. , ii , -, ,. . - ,- ,. Margaret Johnston, Joe Hagan, Miss in his 6�th year. His wife was fpi-m- I ". !,-,;� . I WANTED *T ONCE IED MiDDLE 1 --REFIN - K,,.,-,�,,;"...7,,.,-.,",,,,DT-rl,,,,,4, : - 1-1 . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . � . ,_ - .�: ��,,. , : ­`:,; . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,"'g.� - - Annie Fuirk, Mr. Allan Douglas, Loa- don; BUss Norma Douglas. H -yde erly Mi ss Mary Ford, of Hay Town- 1 $ ship. She is left to mourn his loso , " , � 4_,,,,��, 1 � aged. kind. truaworthy housekeeper I � �. I honor of her daughter LUIU Whose � I 11 mamiage was a smart event of last residence in that city. -Prior to -her 41111�,� . , . ,,,mPa,T)1,,n for Prv*e�zant lady� Real hc4ne: The flaal game on -Friday ni lit J-!rard, a corner, after Cy Proctor lid , '1�e puck has just passed the goal 2 dreasere: etand; I bed � Park ; Mrs. H. Vair, Toronto; with a family of.five daughters, Mrs. � K.: � . ,�� turge mirror; .abb , wn..,em ien"6. Address BOX 2K, paeked full of shots that nr��g;bt j 't Axnaineter rug;- �o=Oletmz rag, st9ndard and ! I I Exeter. Ont� v�as � I S 7-1 laaw a vaT�ery of books, An- - ave easily been b table h Sbowm a ove . just missed, on a breirk-away �n , po, elleher,,is down on the ice. 't. � last period. Goahe Kelleher had been I Hubert No. 2, Draper No. 1, and Proc- MTs. Soldan amd fa.mi 'ly, Wm Lemon and family, !Euchre Club, Heirsall Spellman, Kitchener,; Victoria, Toron- I to; Mrs. G; Clemas, London; Maude� � . 1,y_, " _­ I ., � ,,,, clyl�,; electric .. goals. . eluding a cvmpleO encyclopedia; x,kkureL --; 1 1 WA_N-I`ED--1-A WOMAN FOR HousE_ are two 'of them. In the upper pie- ind,f,­ drawn out of his net. In the bottom I tar, �Tiir right, are the Seaforth plav - ' United Ch ureb, neighbors andfriends. I Norma and' Elva, also of 14ondoix 1", *,' �a�e cupboard; toible linens. plain I - '71.in, as E -1a a* po�­ible- Apply to' Lure, the puck is shown skidding'to-I bedding, and drapes; fumey chin, . . pictirre another close one is shown . I ers. iCourtesy Beacon-HerWla).' Following the' service the cortege Many friends will regret to learn of . f, " 11 � %�, q I ,­,, � curtains . . able I,.. 2�'8" EXPOSITOR OFFICE. I and glass db5h,m. i dimner mot; kitchen t I �.,Iaim iars; working toob I 1 39V_1 � . . � I - ' proceeded to Exeter cemetery wh7re burial took The sympathy of his passing. The funeral will take , f, place on Saturday from his late rezi- lg1 I � . �. . ;, . and utens&; gem ' ( and seoonji�band Jumber. and numet�us - CV_ — -.-------, . -.—=7= 1 - ____ tarticles. Terms-AGasb.. MRS. F. D. HUT . I spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. HolY week services were observed F. Manns I . - in the.three week. place. the corn unity is extended to mem- dence at 2.30 p.m., to MeTaggarVa Rev. Wim. Weir, Hen- � ,� , I q I I SON - Pro�rieh," I - ; 13ATold Jackson, . For Sale I TUCKERSMITH local churches last Mr. Mrs. W. J. White, LOIL- 'On bers of the Parke family and the cemetery. of � .;,. � .11. 1. , , 31 ti'aneer. I I I 400000� —.i , an,a Of Tuesday evening at St. Paul's U"11, were Sunday, guests 'with Mrs. Anglican Church Rev. M. A,' Hunt Johnston family in their very sudden . loss sall, will officiate. I I I ?! . 1, ", . __ - _� - A'UCTION SALE OF 11OL:SEMOLD, E�-.: FOR SALF-FA-P-M IMPLEMENTs: WORK Mrs. _,�ndrew Pe -11 and Master DOT'- I R. Bonthron.� spoke. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and Mrs. and sad' of one so beloved by everyone, 'who times . �- . I 1�11_1.�� . fects at �;he --reside-nee an Market Street� hor�e, 2 ,set- double harme,,s and cream, nje Bell visited in London during the . . i I Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Geiger, Of Middleton favored and at all wil] be long, , . __ ____ .1 . - -1 ,�111 r , , � ..' r � � lttvar"('� . 2�111S. J. KNrCKIX. I holid'ays. . Seeforth, an So-turday, Aprij I'At,�. at 2 p.m.: 1_ _ _ ___ ---.-- 1, with a pleasi g -ere X n London, m ,raster guests at the duet. Wednsday Rev. W. Weir was I i7emembered in the, hearts of everyone by ber kind deeds 'arid I i I . I,- , � �, a dining table and 6 ,chain: I kruffet; I 11- SALE- NV�CKER BABY BU(;r,Y IN Mr. and Mrs. Lennis. Seaman and ing ro,5m. sui-e. � ' FOR 5 -vie-_,,; I haR rack; 41 r,�CK- Geiger residence, the speaker the United many I her %weet . I � 11RAYCHICKS -- I t .. .1 ��. I r -i vu,,d ,� ,�dltior_ At�ply to B;Jx 2157, i family, of' Kitc,hener, were guests of eis.; I leaihier dhair, 13 ped.t,stal�;: I chock and I " , ' t i guest at Miss Helen Glenn, of London-, vis- Church. A� quartette composed of I smile. � I . , .. :*,,', . , �;".: Gtand -, 2 Axm ii6tt-r'nu-,; s=14 ru;�s; 1 Ky I EX POS 11TOR. � �8274 j ,11 r, and,,'.N Irs., Robert McGreg i _______ . - - .or .and ' d I ite(,l with her parents, Mr. an. Mrs. Mrs. Maude. 14edden,,Miss Ruth Brook, Hold Easter Services , � I . . I . . � 11 I �, .. .1. 1. 11. I Quebec rsmzll bed; a numl,e,r of talb?e;; I . 9. plz,t� rnil� 2 maaai;rw'ho1d6r6; 2. .w. Tleei, B131 1,I)l NG. -.30 BY I5, I familY d'Tr�ng the week. ' ' FOR S-kLE- FRAME 5 -,. J f(, -t d,uV,:P '�-,ar,led. Apply lo Box 2, Mr. Edward Phippen, of Toropto I Georg,& Glenn, for Easter. - W. 0. Good -win and Harry Horton, Grace _ With -lovely weather '.. v � .. � 7 � I ; , I F,,�d4l i I I I a w6rdrobe; I 1)(�l z-nd spriuz-,�; I Mai,hali . . 1. IiUP I 2 dres,em.; - -1-1-N EXPOSITOR. " - Visited Mrs. F� Mrs. Harpole was visited ov- sang "Beneath the Cross of Jesus." ' prevailing large I T a * - I I . 11 . A. . ; I TfeaTher tick; I stand� , -'�i­'-xl , with _Mr. and Towns- Inattreso . I * �' i � ­.. . ... ___ .. ___ er Easter by her daughter, Pearl, Of Thursday' evening Rev. R_ A. Brook I I congregations atteryded Easter- . i I 1. ' I 0 � ., " , ... .. *�re­n; � ; I end over the Easter week -end. co , '10 x 9-4 . Lvixes; I �rpet 6weeper: I wringer: 2 wash � FOR SALF_,�FPAME BrALDING - . . . London- preached at Carmel Church and a I services in the t4ree local churches .. , I � ,:: � tulx end -.Ata,nd i I fl-jur barrel; I d4nnpr ser ' ;, ',­�a�­ - i 3,-ur,-fi,,Y_ Tend,, wi.1i I Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and ' 'and Mrs. Mary Brown is being visited y I I , lovel duet was rendered 'by Miss on Sunday last, At the United Church 'con- cantata presented in' , the United, � . I . 1. - -en; - I-. �-i - ' y -;' -S Hattie. il,imoge), I oig _�to,� and o, I 6jngj�- , �,�, r�­; up _11�e 1. 1943, TITKER. ANS�z( .Mary T-unne,r­risit- f�N!171=i sys,rFii. Mx ! ter, - -s. Jack Wilson_11-cue . I Hoggarth and kss Mabel Rev. R. A. Brook, the minister, . , It I -ymum seviinz machino, I .'�lt:',ZICI:'Al,'I'EI.El-'Ii(D.',;E,. 1 ,,(�� , burn,�r oven: .1 a4 1 Mr, and Mrs. H. Crich on Sunday. 5. K_ C,;rniib, S,z,-Tr,eui� 1127-21 , . OVSLratford. . . Workman, the title of their selection ducted -both services, in the morzing I I ..., . .- ". I irrmfiqx beard: I �et Lwdrwm dW-,e­, � I (?I, -C- . . Mr. F. Whitmore. _Mis-,i Beryl Car- I law�n il _ - - ____ . hose ­ --- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Isbepherd. of being "Alone." speaking on "The Easter Garden." Why w1i letters and sarld � 17 . . .: � 11 tric lamp arid eleL-rric llx-ures: i Lt, a ­ rd wo<A : - � "Oh `kLEE ­ JiORSF �STALLS. POSTS-, ­ nd 'Misz, Johnson. the teachgrs Of and reel; abowt 2 coni,� Vt- Mixed , k - ��- " T h Mi*, oronio, were Easter guests,wit The choir sang "Jesus is Risen," solo- I orders? Order Yom Bzw I ... I the district .v,,-nd and c�d2r; 6jl,envarv: li,qeris; bewiling; ! -Imbk­ ?-i plankirv. Apply at; � I are at their respective ' Mrs. James Smillie. ' Carmel W. M. S. Meets ist, Mr. Carey Jo�-rrt. At the eveniln- " d1rough- zov_�Sl aftwtic" "I � 1. . I,- dishe� -, cr,z,ck,: sea.len � picture,,: xa,den QCEE , N' , '; HOTEL BARN, S,mforth. � home.,� for tbe Ea,pter vacation. I , ; , ,and .. ' Miss Amy Lammie has returned to service the choir comprised f 6 . 2' � . pra-pt defivery. I �,,. I :, I I tr��,)h_� ga­pcmt�r's totA�; stpp JaiMer. Tprm�. I I 3�2-,.I --Cash, ROWRT DEVEREAUX. Propri-tor: i. ___ ­ __ ­ I I —11 � Windsor 'after a pleasant visit -with The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter- voices, under the leadership of W. 0. �. SALE- EUJ LDENG. r,o FEET-LONG1 114,rold Jack�on, Auctioneer. 36,_/7x I i Foll�- - fan Church held their Easter thank- he2 mother, Mrs. Agnes Lamrnie, Goodwin, Presented a beautiful can- THOMAS DICKSON . Seaforth )I -, . , -,� I 20 feel v.,ide, All t,,n�ue and gronve4l."q ­­_ i Junl""�:% 4D.Xrt"er has '�irth�?r u,e for �",. � HENSALL Greta, ano .Miss M. Hunter. offerieg in the school room auditor- . tata, "Joyous Bells of Easter;" which included .WM. STAPLETON - Dublin .��, 1. � ­ ,,ni� I 1. ' ?S�,!,� x�-a,�npb;,-. WALLACE .1-1. -11-1 Mr.' and M.rs. W. B. Cros� motored ium Thursday afternoon. April 10tb, I the following numbers: Op- ening "Now . . . , . .1 1. � -ang - dies' Spring AUCTJO-l" SALF_ IMR, HAROLD JACK�iQN; 135-3, S*�tfarth. 3,r-7-1 , See the new x -e of La � to Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday last with Mrs. R. � Y. MacLaren in, the ( . . chorus, is Christ Risen": ALVIN W. KERSLAKE - Hensall 11 �, I . . ­ �vv� been in�-,ru,.-tel to bell by publ�� au, ---------- ----------- — 11 -s a r, Dresses. Men's Suits I �lioc id House spending the Easter vacation with rei: I chair. The opening lryum , "The Day baritone solo, "Into the,Woods," Dr. I I I Iq I , . 11'. � tiqn at 1�)t 24, Cone,,.s�:ion 1. liibhert, on No. FOR SALE-QUAN'TITY OF GOOD Cl `EA N n,l Hats. at Goodwin's. , ­ fknown I il atives there. .� lof Resurrection," was �.ung, followed L G. Sirrillie: duet, "O Jesus Crucj- � I - I _ � . , ,� � ; 8 H;g,+.way, adjoinTina St. CcAvAikan I Governmpnt --,Y-,xded tim�thy seed: abio a I � the Pat Flannery farm), on Tuesday. Apnl , i -i an *,;. . as - ­ ,�f rol ,+),er. Ap;-Ay to GEORGE , 22, 1941, at 1.30 the fol!owin.4: On'e 12-PI'Pf.il R.R. le (1inIon. or Ph�)ne 541 24. : Dr. Jennie Smillie, Miss Margaret The minstrel show will be present- with prayer by Mrs. Hannah Work- in Zurich Friday, Apr'. Imart. The Scripture reading, Matthew fied." Miss Florence.,Welsh and Rev. R. A. Bro�k; quartette. "Beneath the I TIME TABLE 11 ... , p.m., r binder; 3-6*y,�tion harrow�; wagon; st4-1 )ard S-eorth. 3827-1 ,. Sini'llie. Mi85 Emmeline Smillie arid ed on _.h. 'made loc- . 28, was' read by Mrs. Jean Manson ' Cross of Jesus." Mrs, Maude Heddbn, , - . I I ". 1. .� ml]er; I 2-furrc,w ri,li�w plow; one 14urr,iw ­ I Miss J,Pan SmilL,e, all of, Toronto, - TARD 0. 1. riding plow: 2 wa,lk�ng plov,ob: I Ideal Gi.nt SEED OATS FOR SALE- -VANGT. ,,..,,., -e , -,v.itb Mr. and �� .e) ­end fzuests 6 44ot ,ieed, drill, 13 hoe: I culli- A, C. 'No, �3. Erban Early Alaslia. ! 'Elder. Arrangemerits are being ally to entertain four members of the and the roll call was answered with Royal Air Force stationed at Port A)- an Easter message. Mrs. J. Cairns, ,,f Miss Ruth Brook W. 0. Goodwin, and Harry W. �Iort�n; chorus- by' the CHANGES 1.�: .� . mower cut, and , . . -,,) ' Mr�-. John I "The I,vliss 11 ,� I , ,zator; I scuffier; I cutt,er: 1 bugigy; 1 h%y I App��, J, v,% THONip§ON, or Pbone 3i ; bert each w-eek-erid. Those who_ de- Brucefield, favored with an appropri- oboir, Master Sleeps," I . -1, . , loader; 1 hay fork. car and rupe� I fann;ng cr 921 Seafo-th. . 3826x2 ; Mr. an& Mrs., Keith Hillier, of bon- " " sire the privilege .of entertaining one ate solo, "My Saviour Paid My Ran- Mary Goodwin .soloist; choir chorus, .. - � ;7 -1 , . 2nili; 1 hay rack; I get double harne_�,; 2I,'. __ 13etu jsing)e harnt_�b; I kmay* rTake; I �� we4eb - PRIVATE 6A.IZ - THE FOLLONVING. don, were recent guests with Mr. arid Mrs. -. L. t Mi -ekle and familv. or more of these guests at so*me time sorn,:' Mrs. W, A. MacLareii, at the 'to 'Mrs., R. "A Song of the Bells':; women's chor- "Ring, Happy I �EFFECTIVE . SUNDAY, APRIL 27,1941 .1� " , scales, 2,000 113,��; and other articles wo num.- el-nels are k_,ffered f,)r immediate ,F � iaie� - trans- piano. Y. MacLaren gave a and those who are willing ' us. BeUs'?; soprano solo ' , �� .� erows to men,tion. Termr--Casb, At tne' Oak dining row�i table: ,,ak ,livanette; oak Mr. ard Mrs,. LesAer Fisher and p6rt �hem to or from Port Albert, are re2ding on "The Risen Christ." Mrs. , "Bells of Easter Day," Mrs. 1. G. Full information from A&nt* - i I 1� same time and plaae there wil) be offered for jil)r-,iry, tAble;.Ireplace m.awi�-!: sideb-ard an -1 farrily and Mrs. Roy Palmer and� Car- invited to register with the town D. Park contributed a prayer and Mrs. Smillie; chorus by hoir ' - , 0 'All,luia! lj��. :., sale the farm. co6risting of 90 acres. more Tnirror: Wilton*rug; Quebec kitchem ra;nge; o1j,," all of 1.1 'Indsar, were Easter vis- or lesB. .. Terms on farm made known on chafr�: ice box: Lim.oge b na ,avarien , o i : P tea clerk, JarrWs A. Paterson_ as soon as R. S,'mpson spoke oil "Kindness', in , . � , He is Risen," I * so oist, Mr. Carey I CANADIAN NATIONAL . .. , "I �;. .. da,y of sale.. D:,R. K R. ROSS, Proprietor;,, uet: ,,a;-nuTt se­��e: oety-e: force - purnp; itors with Mr. and -Mrs. John Fisher. . ' , possibl�. a very interesting manner, followed JOY11t; men's chorus, "Christ the Lord 'RAILWAYS .. �� � , Harold Jack,.an, Auctioneer. � .1 :&826-2 drxP--,: P,,�L�: 7-n�: 2 tabl-: ,electric dome; Mr. Morris Tudor, of the R.C.A.F.', � . .11 . 0 . i The Huron Preg,byterial of the W. with prayer by Mrs. W., A. MacLar- is Risen Today"; double chorus, "The, _�! 0 ,� . I , : � I .! .; I 2, lv.�-n �.t,at�; Hu,13on seal coat� toilet eeth:- St. Thomas, arid M-iss -Margaret Tudor .1 . ______ _,___________..__ , dec*ri,; iron: antioue clock; cro,clLs. ,Apply r r- A N�. S. will be beld in Thames Road ell. The closing hymn� "Take Up Thy I Song of Triumph." �5olojsts, Mi s& Mary . I . ­ I I � I . . � 11 Notices eo­_&_e!t_ i to JOHN J; BRODERICK . 0"2-.-1 0 n , I spent Easter wiba their Mr; Mrs. United Church, Tuesday. April 22nd, Cross ' and the Lord's, Prayer in uni- Goodwin, T. J. Sherritt; final chorus, "Jesus . . , .11 I. 1. , I . parents, and Stan Tudor. ' at 9:30 a.m. and'1.30 in the afternoon. son concluded this very fine Easter Reigns,— special parts being __ __ ___ , ___._­­__ -z ,.� . I . - � Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, Lois, , Miss S. Smythe, out$tanding home meeting. 'Mrs. taken by � Hedden, Miss Ruth � I I ..�'. ". . E LFI, -TMC T-TNCES.- YOUR CHOICE OF ', I . , Card of n-fanks' - J;ickie �Lnd Jean visited, with relatives , - missionary, w -ill be the guet speak- .�, . I I ,. Noakes 131*00k, W. 0. Goodwin and Harry " - li�e makes; also t�ar ,-heels, c -quip. -I .' ­�,', -vith 30 z V�, tireg; .Tl�) a few cal,e� AV- . I . in Glencoe on. Friday. er. Anyone ,wishing to attend please , 1,Siemori - Horton. I MR: JOStPH' ROACH AN -D FAMILY DE- , � I I - - ,. m iply DALE NIXON. F+;.a,- 661 r 4. Mr. and, Mrs. Murra 9willie, of y -their ilames with leave Mrs. C. Cook A lovely, Easter wediling-took place - At St. Paul's Anglican Church Holy I. .3427-1 I ", . " ­ Fi-e to expr(-r, their sineere appreciation of rb� Many a,�t,5 of kindness ext-nded to Toronto. were Easter guests with i Miis,s Je.�n Murray. arrq provision will.be madd for'them. on , Satur -day, Ap��ril 12th, if'10.30 a.m., v Communion 'N as administered at the I �� yo R -, I OTICF_-WILL TAKE �N - CA:M,E. , ��'!­ I Ngraea by month t, sea�w;n. Drilled .,,I]. , I th�m during their *:ad b,rmvement. and a.Iso' for 'I"'.ver�I.,;pi6tuAl bvuquetR .nd cir�, . �Mr. ,Roy MacLar�n, "of. St. Cathair- The I.O.O.F., 223, of flensall ,and surrounding district will observe their at the Lutheran 'Parsonage, Zurich, when' Rev. E, Tuerkheim officiated ru"il it service. For the evening . ' 9 service Rev. M. A. Hunt preached a � . , JOE RILEY, R.P_ 1, Glintnn, or P�xmeT 2 .,�ft " . . .1 .. ,3827xl __ ines. sperit the week -end -with his wife- 122nd ,,Zp)�ersary on Sunday evening for tbe marriage of" Frances -Annie, very appz�oprja:te sermon in keeping , , . I � .� .1,826-9- , , 1 s4i. Seaf.it�. ��_, . . ' ' and little son, Donald- I 'tlaine next, , ill attend divine service eldest d - I � aughter- of Mr. And Mrs. E. G. with the occasion. For their anthem __..­___­-._­__ - ­­_. . Memon*am . 1;!.T� ' �, I FU`R_N7iTURF_-RE�AIRING_ REFINISHING I Misses Emily- and' Hoskins, of St. Cat'harines, �pent iti Herisall.. United Church, Rev, R. ' ' A. Noakes, of Hensall, and , Leaton the eb ir, with,.Miss Ethel Clark,.or- 9 , . ,,. I r .. � and upholster�ng. C4istom biAt furniture . .In I I the, Easter A. Brook will address the brethren- 'Slem6ri- of Kitchener, youngest sori ' ganist, at the San "C rist . console, 9 h ,.�, . of quality. Prompt �Lmd Courteous s I ��,, � . ervice. bolidays with friends here. I At Heirsall United Churpb beautiful of" .Nf r. an,d M � rs. Conrad Sidarron, of is Risen," soloist. � Mrs. R. ff. Middle- .. . — ' I �. . A� ZIMMDUMAN, John Street- ' P, -VIN III 1,0 - G MF.MORY OF MPUS. AL,EX Ingmm. who April 15, 1912: At a reception held in the hall here Easter flowers were placed at the . 40 ug I Zurich� The lovely y u br de wore ton. Easter flowers were in profusion � I a825xz 11 rp,wed away 'T -r remembf-red by Huomnd, So -,i and to � full ,house, Mr. and '.Nli�p. Edgar chancel in memory of the late Mr. a smart navy blue ensemb le an d ,and much admired. I 1. 1��-, To FARIIERS --A QUANTITY OF EARLY D2uVIn'teM" I I -----`----­­- - ----- Wurm, a recent bridal couple, and the' former --Nlj.ss Grace Willert, and. Mrs.� Thomas Wurdock by the . matching accessories. She carried a . At Carmel Presbyterian Church ' ,� Alaska Essex -grown sped oa.tti. FuM .line �­ t4 seeds. Cal Phone 41-91, Hensall. IN LOVING -NMVIORY OF MRS. HENRY were pre- F�4,nted with a handsome Campbell family oKoronto, and beau- bouquet of Madam Butterfly roses, Rev. W. Weir occupied his own pul, %rmss or � , . W. E. BUTT:, Kippen. 438,25-3 G,jldi.ng. Gevrw. B,til and Hanyl,) Twitchell: stove, Mr. Gerald, Campbell doin the honors. tiful flowers in memory ,,of the late The attend -ants were Mr. and Mrs. ,pit. For hi',-, morning theme he spoke '01, "Facts �, . - __ �.it, . I - a day theit- 3MMIlry 9 Ifurdark orch6s'tra furnishedAlime mus- Mrs. Jack Parke, -whose sudden death tragic. La-wrence Badour, of Zurich, Mrs. Ba. ot-the'Resurrection," and 14 for hlr� I �, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY nwnei ar� Kpoken. I hour ic for the dance, last week was'so dour wearing a clover even'Ing subject. Significance ". �� , r TELP? , I., FARMERS! Do YOU - NEED I IF an they aro in ourd thouahbo., Three iinlw '-in our fr4-ndships chain, are arid a very enjoy- able time was spent.' Miss Goldie Cross, of Almia CoUege, coat and hat and carrying a bouque i of the Resurrection." The choir, un- der .. 1� , so, leave -Daly'F. Gar-ure. brokm St, Thomas, is spending Easter week of A-morican Beauty rosep. The wed- the direction of W. A. 9acLaren, � I your m2me ai , I stating the kind of helper needed and the . They hav� xuie from our rni&t . Mrs. Mary Brown, very prominent r'. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W- ding "diriner ;was served at the home with Mrs. J1. Mui -dock at the console, ,�, � . vvag�W 310u will pay. � Bbt not from our bearb�. I 'R. and beloved citizen of this village, � . B. Cross. of the bride's parents in Hensall to render6d splendid anthems. Fbr their ?,. I ) � , Farm Helper -s!, Do you went wm* _,et --Ever rornembered by Mrs. J. Twitchell. I quietly celebrated her Stith birthday Mr. Jack Murraf, of Detroit, was an the immediate relatives., Tlle home morning cbritributious they rendered . ,I 11.15 have -rour uanu- age and the -waves You ,.: expect at her ,borne 01, Thursday _o, last Faster visitor his -with father, Mr. decorations were in pink and white' "Eas,ter� Morning" and ,,Why Weep- . .—.—.-- __________.,_ , ,z.- I There is no charge fore this "rV . im. . � Births Week. . I Mr. I Peter Murray, and sister, Miss Han- streamers and spring flowers while ,9st Thou?" soloists, Miss Irene Hog- ., I . . J. F. DALY. Seaforth, � � I . . . Harold Hedden has enlisted for - nah Murray y- -the bridal tab]6.' was attractive' co= karth and Miss Margaret Dougall. . :, Chairman Agriculture Committee, �' active service and at present is sta- .1. . ed with the wedding cake and b For Weir evening anthem they sang, . Chamber of Commerce. � . '3826-2 JOYN4T-At St. Jos,eph'e Hospital_ London, em Fri4ay, April 11th. to Dr. and Mrs. tinned with the Artillery at London. Hold Troussegu Tea I of pink and white tulips. Mr. and "Rise, Glorious Conqueror." 11, I ­ - Hs .to�-nt, of London� pi daughter ' Mrs. Alice Joynt and son,'Dr. W.m. '., JoYnt, Mrs..F. Lindenfield was hostess At Mrs. Noake's, who both hold splendid - � I V:� I ,BYLAW 140. 8, OF 1941 , YCF-At Mrs. Saundereo%*r e , Nursing HoMc, Hen.Ml. Saturday, were in, London recently. a delightful trousseau reception in positions in Kitchener, will take up Minstrel Show is Success' 1. I , "�, . . OF THE I on April 1?th. to-- Mr. , oral Mr,. Luce, of Zurich, a daughter. Mrs. Gambrill and daughter, of Lon- don, viisited Miss Jea-n Murray at her. honor of her daughter LUIU Whose � I 11 mamiage was a smart event of last residence in that city. -Prior to -her . Hensall town hall was filled to ca- ll 1�1. �1'1 Town -ship of McKillop . SHARPE In Clint". 4)n April 15th: to Mr. and 1irs. A)vin Sharpe, twins - son and home on F'riday. Thursday. ',Mrs. H. Sturg-ls� and.Miss . marriage, the bride was presented ' with a Trilight table lamp from the pacity for the annual Hensall, mln- �;�` BY-LAW TO RAISE $5.000.00 TO AID A daughter, M r. Eric Kennedy, of Pontiac, Mi�h., Nellie Garmichael directed to the tea employees of the firm she is employ- strel sbow on' Tuesday and Wednes- e� in the construction of'0e, &totw, or,tirn- ,� RODIN N -In Swft MernoriAl Hospital, on Spent Easter with his wife and family. room where ,Mrs. 0, A. Martin and ed with. I day. Sponsored by the Chamber of '. ber drains. ,, The Council of the MunicipaliW of the April 14tb, to Mr. and � m. n- V Cecil RON eon. of Brussels, a 'Fan. Mr. Paul Sedden, of Toronto, js� a Mrs. Page presided at the tea table ' Commerce, the procee4s- went to the ,�� " Township of NcK*Dyp, pursuant to .the pro- I I ­ . guest of Robert and Douglas Cook, which was attractive -With lace cloth, I Floody - Lindenfield . Red Cross. Mr. E. L. Mickle was mag- I "I �!: . I . vis56w of the Tile Dradinage, Art ellaift as Mr. Lloyd Ortwein, of London-, spent yellow tapers and mauve iris. The ter of ceremonies, while Mr. Sam Ren- I _.__ . ----.--- - . - � .11 i followst Deaths . . Easter with his grandparents, Mr, tea room assistants vfe�e Mrs. A. O. A lovely. spring wedding was sol- nie directed a chorus of 40 men whictl - � �` I 1. Th0 the Reowe way from thae to thne, - , , 'I,: , subject f# the p7ovibiam of ft& by4sAr, . and Mrs- J. W. Ortwein. .. Miss Ejjlo�t, Xq!s. W. R, .Gould,ing,,Mrs. A. emnized in James St. United Church, Exeter, Thursday, loth, sang as their numbers throughout the " " evening, Sfwanee River;' ROACH -In SeaforM on Saturday, Apri� 12, I borrow on the dradit of the Corvoc�atton 'of ,Shirley Hedden, of St. C-atb- E. Wfuerth and Mrs. Jean McTavish. April ,the Wing s T141, the AaQ Municipal" wuch sum qvA exceed- �1(,: Catherine Mui-fty, baloved wife �A Joseph . arines, Is the guest of Miss Lenore Mrs. R. Snell, Mrs. R. Moffatt, Miss pr pal lue, S being Lulu Pearl, daughter Over the Navy," "The Wise Old Owl," �TT,,� , ing In the whole $5,000,00. as may be deter- ',"'�,*,i�� mined by the Council, Roach, in her 44024year. . Norminton for the Faster holidays. Helen, Penbale and Miss Eileen Snell Of MT. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield, of Ex- '.'Barlcley Square," "Carry On," "Old i.10 and n2ay in nzanner " -1,;� boM=tter provided, fasue aebwetures of the ' I Mr. and Mrs, Win. Simpson and son, were In charge of the bea utiful gifts, et�r, former, Hensill residents, arid Black Joe,�' "Carry Me Back to Old . WINTHROP ' ' 24", 11 101, a�i4 Corporation in such sum ft the Coun- ,i,�,��, Billy, spent Easter -mth. Mrs, R.. Bon- linew and china. The trousseau was Norman George Baxter Floody, only Virginny," "Roll Out the Barrcil,�O "Shine . ��,, hot- cil ma7 deem proper for the an%Dunt ise . tbro n and Mrs. L. Simpson. shown -by Mrs. M. R. Cudmore and son of Mr. and Mrs. David Floody, of Till the Lights of Lon -don I Farmerm are busy on the land. �,,,$'�, rowed, wM gCoupow -aftached as i7rovided in I .R,��, " SecHon 4 of the said Aft Dr. 1. G. Smillie as�sjsted with the . Miss Mary McKal&. 'Miss Reta_ RO-W,P- Blyth. Rev. Arthur Page officiated. Shin.'e Again," Song, "Ida," Sam -Ren- :': P: . I 'Ip, j . 2 That when the Con=!] oball be of opin� Mrs. John GlIbes and baby IR� re- cantata presented in' , the United, and Miss Eva Pearce were In charge Given in marriage by her father the nie .and ensemble. The soloists were ,��,,, ton' that the ,,%*Akathon -of. my pemon �,,�" tO I O)qrA ,w-- for the — of turned 'home from Scott Memorial Church, Bfucefield, Friday evening,' of the register in which a hundred ,oharming bride ,wore a gown of white U T. J. Sherrift, Dr. 1. G. 9millie, Carey . . ­ � . �, . , . I . I � I I . , I . V . I . o " I 1 4 , A I � i I I � I . � . . . 4 1 I I .1 I . � . I , # 0 � , I ,�;.�,'� Hospital on Monday. Mr. G1 April lith, under the direction of -Mr. names were ingeribed'. s eer WALLL LU11 8111FL aMU Light bodice , � I %�,14:. Ilies spent I . ­ , � 1, il* a t0e, stone or timber drain should be -,4,Fu U_ � ?-4 � I . F, I t � jj-�,, ��&�., wranted in whole or in part 4he -Conwil , �,j.)��", � =20, by resolution, direct the Revve, to asxw Sunday and Monday with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton and 0- -erillie- Mr. J. Passmore, who has been. in Mhe Misses Edith and, Lillian Me- Ewav� of Kitchener, are spending this u.--, ed oldro. Kier tulle veil of shoulder length fell from .. '1,1011 ... 11 debMb2res as aforMaid, and to barrow 3 i' " 'the family Spent Sunday, -v�lth Mr. and 'very poor hqalt,b for some weeks, was - week at the home of their brother a 8hirred halo, and she carried a ,�'�!',:,. � IMM -not fteeeding' aniount svplied for. U41�1,i and may lend the mme. 4b the avoteast om , Mrs. Lon Sparling of Gorrie. able to edJoy a car ride on Saturday and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. shower bouAQuet of -white rodebads ,.,;, , rl;,,�,, *a wmpletion of the draiizave work. Nurse Isabel Bettles, of London, last. Mr. and Mrs. P"smore receiv- McEwan. a -nd s*eet peas. Miss Maud� Bolton, I 111.1� I 3. A o0ohl wantal ,rate nhhll he impmed., spent the week -end, with her parents, ed beautiful snapdragoile for Easter . � Dr. Murray Fisher and daugliter of London, as bridesmaid, was in ,,, . ��'r,',.,,: IW1Qd and eoffeeted -ovei, =W above O" '�'v` I � ,'; I , ,�� . rates upon the ImM in resvftt of wltieh the Mr. I and Mrs. Theron Bettle , S. from inembers of their'. family at Gloria, -Miss Eleanor ,Fisher and, di,eavienly blue sheer fashlo d sim!Wr ae %i,.�,��; ,�!�.� � �, �,,, ,oaid money,iihaIll be borrawed, sufficieta f6r Eleven ladies of. the Circle met at 14ramilton, which are being much ad- mother, Mrs. - P.* Pisher, of Gravell, to the bride's with quilted bolero and turban. Her flowers �,;��::"'­: , fte PaMeftt of the -primipal -.vnd lintierest - ,�.,�,,', � - the boTne of Mrs. Russell Bolton on mired, burst, and Miss Lois Moffatt, Bruce. matching were a ,�� �, "'. 1. I vrovfdW .by the Aot ;;­%,� Tuesaay afternoon and quilted and ..., Mr. Jamea Campbell,, son of Dr. field, were Easter'guests with Mr. nosegay of roses, sweet Oeag and for- �`, ,;�, Pamed the 7th &Y of AT;r11. 1941. I e i. 11 1, I I X. R. DMRANCB, ReVe I finished two quilts for the Red Crbss. and"Y&M A. R. Campbell, has enlist- and Mrs. J. M. XcEwan, get,me�nots in sbades 6f blue and ,.,;,..'�' ��,'; 41,` ." . V,�!­ !,� XONN KtNAY, CleTk. We are sotry to bear of Lee Dol- ed with the Highland,Llgbt Tn-fautry, hUgg Kay Drysdale, of Sa-rula vis- 'with pink. Alvin Linaenfibld, brother of , . 11�lt ,1�1:,� , , , � . . . mage being under Ore doctor'., ­ -, at'Londou, and was hom46 via-Iting, his .ited over the Easter w6eik-end the bride, was, gromnsimom. The ush- "i "; � X , , � - .1 I � V, I . NiWee Mr. Irwin Trewartba has bought the TrarenM and brothers-fo,r a three days' " her parents, M,r, and Mrs. .0, M, Dry - � 8 - ers were Gordeti and, Kenneth Lyon, ,.'­,:��,., .: I . , 1:.";1,;�,". lfjiifl�f-0'14� ,af 4u- 106_16J� �* lw�&Llw_ 100 -acro farm of Mr. William Trewar- leave, -d-hle. 0 . . cousins of the groom Mrd V. ­ r4_1 _. � - . I I I ; � � � . I , ' '. Seaforth Monument Wokk I 8 � (FORMERLY W. E.L CHAPMAN) I , , I Opi�ated by ' . CUNNINGHAM- and PRYDE . I ' ' . ". Your are invited to Inspect, our stock of - I CEMETERY MEMORIALS I Y$ and SATURDAYS - - . See Dr. Harburn for aPPointment any other tinle,_ Phone 160 ' - . Box 150 1 EXETER . Phone 41 . -1. ­ , I . � . I � - 1 '4. L' q . � , , :�� A , " , r" . Take mottod thAt ,06 aWo is a trme � Ena, who Intends enlisting. Mf. 4UQ Mrs. marry uOOK, 01 w3ad- Mrs. H. McMartin, of St. Ca ar- d tig was e console aud plu3- P "", ; t � �,. , ,, Mr. Fergus Bullard Undervireut at- s6r, were Easter guests with Mr. and ines, is visiting with Miss An-mle 6d softly during the raeremony, also I - I ____ . ._,I,� � -of 4 13*-I�W WAC -d by the Munkival el".. , -_ I ,_.,* 1. , taccompanying Mr.'Arthuf- Wddleuilas, I I � ��',!,`,"".,' � -60 or 1"'T' N 6f %,",g�jov I a1% *e ith Othet log Operation ' Toronto Ckean- Mrs C, Cook. - Moore. I I . I 14. I � I " I 'T"Olng as well ,as I . " I:, ,,,�,* ,,� laity 10 A04!194? -oa' it *e*&m *td iiy- erat RosWtal and Is ( iWiss Mary Nem*bffl, '0i London, The Y.P.U.. of the United' Church the soloist, who sang "Through the I I � ­� , - iw.6 I I ft ,01A * ,�"-Jl " , , , ii,10 I 0 thr � I ,, - I "L ,, � i .3 'to F!#? P " 6 'it- dt,l can be �xpeeted, , ,sReut Masfer with her parents, -Mr. will observe their 4mmlvemary on Sun- YearW' In splendid voice dIlAft the , �,�N,­. , " ", 4 V I t 6 1, � 6 qyz % uqv# 4q, ,*�16* -of 4TW Dead and Disabled Anupals " . � `,�� 11 ,,, nerept qzwho nio-st,*qV& astli* of- Mr. Russell has purohaged a teat& . and Mrs. A. W. E. Re"hill day, April 97th. R'O,V. 0. Rackendoku, stgnlng'�of the register. Followft, the� . I I I 1 ;4'' v: " i I � ,,, . . gvatigelldal 0hureb , Zuilch-, 'edremony the weddiing reeeptlon#vw . � , " Kvfla; " ft, I ,,,,,��,, 3�F,., " , , � . it om to 0*4 ;16 Old* r6r, Of horses. Mr- afid Mrs. J, D. Mebanga, of Of the b 10", , ". �, 1��`, 11 11 I IV. *fw� ? , ,��,,,. I 4 , 111--hK Wdow a. i Mr. Alld Wig. Poster Betwett diid 1,6ndoli, and Reeve Geo. Armstrong, will be guest spo*ker for the do, held at the Central IVA& -Mkig & REMOVED PRO Bafty I , I :1..� ��.�',�,,'�: , ­ �? 11 111014�, 4 i ' 7' . I � 5 '11, 16 11 I . '1101�- family, Mt. and Mrf4. Peter Tdo Lindenfield received, the ga"'ita weaml , / ;, ;,li "I' , ��Xf,� . ; ,�L ,�L ,,�:. , ,�L W, *_Mh ,6s* titnith viettorg foll6v - n1litg, ift a govo,A Of gold -ler blue cf6be 4ml, ','� r�, ... *01,061 * The sit; ,Nftij TV111m, Aillistrong, Petty nud. Jeall� of Vith W usib by ,t] . � I I !, 00 e _y q* oholr. The ": Trdwattha a I Monday, ,Atiql PA, ... ,6�, ,:- �, - aud, family a -ad Mr..,#111, H0 townswo *�re 1PASter 71rtI 6 0HO"a b0l.LECT: SEAFORTH 11S s , ,. � 11 . '41'j " ,-� ,� j ., , . . - I "';: il I ��11� �,��, 11. 11 4.1 spent 9,5fidusr with Mr, "d U�o, 0,66., With M,T9, Al" 131*han,au. 111w e:48 Uitlitdd brgidered in ndvA sbwrt h0y. �and � I �. ., I � � L " 'L .. b 'im, #16a zgoft, .. I I I . ' '" . I i"J, , , 11 9r. s,04 mt# Vnillao, "ve 'r - I , I ,:. ..,. ". ww';� I , .1. so ., D"WO'"M-D � 11 ,.!. i-:, - , I . � I I . lwbro . . ", , I ,��, I "N" I �, 9411 1%" ? t"11111 , , ,I ., , A(wor Me ilby- Alid Vil Aft U,4� y1&61jtPd dfdr, the Odster, holid'apt with I peas. The groob* tAM& W" , in " __Ij� _k wh1,f6,b.%t and, cor�4go 'of .Pink sweet t � ir � 1" the Y*�'� fin��IAII, P 6 .�.1:',,�'.p�,��b,�!,�,, " ,3 1 ,,, ­. AV, Chultb N 0 ,� u CUo IN CAN I , '1�11111 ' , 41 V1 ", � , T , pl��, 1"'.AA�' , Ifek r I U _ADA, M., . , � " , , it# ", " ��!" I . � �1;11 � �� _;O - , 1 �­'; , , , ­,.,M.th,# f,'61glit � - k, . .. . ;,', �1� I .I - �, I., "I " , th Wh _ I fi a 'fo� 111, I "I', el'�N �� 1, " . ,,,, ,.� I � �� rroronto. , _ �64 6io�lr i"e .t , 4nd or-Ifited. silk raln'g,otp oh,-, . I I . ,�!� 0 V_ �., 11 � ­ , � �. ,',L�'�_­­ ��,;, I - , 'jtW,e­ aro n , q U d navy � ,1 . . � . I � :IP'll""I'411. "; ­`�'�,'� 17,rt'�fl�: .". IL,'".1 . �. , � �,�',,, ­ , ,%804 (090,411t, gdeard, - . ) , iar. a -rotmt,% W nd�� aevi,blo,,)iaV�, hitt Vith &6ft ,of 1*64. - . a 4 �,��:'-', , ,,1 I 11 i . 61 . . . al ; .. ..... . .... ­1� __­` ­­ �' ­ ... L I . _. I -11 I . 1, I - I—" ­ - I .11 ­ 1.11 I - . �11. ... . 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