HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-04-11, Page 87r7717,7',i7-7- r,7 IiI4C0hattele 2.7c 25c ..t4 • j4g NS • ;. 25c .pws coca& 15c, 26c OREEM meandi 'TOVATOES—Large cans • 3 for AMA BISCUITS 3 pounds MACH CAA* WINDOW CLEANER—Bottle NAP POWDER 2 Tins & SOAP '.10 lame 43XFDOL—Large• Package IVORY SOAP—Large Each 4liffe30—Large Each HAWES' LEMON OIL Bottle HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS Tin MASTER'S POIaLTRY STARTER—Cert. 22c 26c 25c 15c 25c 39c 23c Sc 22c 25c 59c We have -opened a Government Registered Egg Grading Station. A. C. Routledge PHONE 156 , INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE ii440empot,,,,,14 4 MrS. 4,1MoNanghtini, 'of 'Pnaeromitb, wish to ,annoonee the ongagoment 0 their only daughter, Irazel Mary Mae. t mr„• Rerbe,rt Wilmer Harrison, (gay son of alls: and Mrs. William 3. Haul - sour of MoKilloP, the Marriage to take Place quietly' ORM the middle ofApriL WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Honey to Loan on First Mortgages on improved Farm Property. Number of desirable Dwelling Proper- ties for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 • Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 4> -0 S. T. Holmes & Son ° 4all'ani4Or9 ilis/r WS *9 SfeLany npameri eileerth 1401 1M Graeae% death /4 ,va9. .t<tult mer 24r; Orassie was in iSisSIS ter a few dap 4g,pQmpanied by bie, *rat 014' OM. je eueltiaeali hla One -dalighteati Mr. Alogiaar• of Vaneelnier, HIS On- 1illiam, was killed in Frances Death of Mrs. - William Govenlock. --The death, occurred at Scott Mem- Oriel Hospital on Wednesday evening of Margaret Van Egniond, Charles - Worth, wife of Mr. William C. Goven- lock, of Egraoadville. Mrs. Govenlock was taken suddenly ill ou Tuesday when she was taken to the hospital where she passed away the following evening. She was a daughter of the late Alexander Oharlesworth, one of the earliest business men of Egmond- ville and Seaforth, and had, spent her whole life here. Surviving are her husband and three brothers, Mr. Leo Charlesworth, of Owen Sound; Mr. Charlesworth, of Toronto, ands Mr. H. Charlesworth, of Niagara Falls. • The funeral will beiheld from her late 'residence in Egmondville on Saturday at 2' p.m., followed' by in- terment in Egmondville cemetery. • • Died in Vancouver". --Mr. Walter H. Graseie, a native of Seaforth and Pio- neer Vancouver jeweller, died in that city on Friday, April 4th. Mr. Grassie was born in Seaforth 82 years ago. As a young maps he entered the jew- ellery business here and in 1882 mov- ed to Port Arthur. Four years Jater he went to Vancouver where he es- tablished the jewellery business which became one of the most suc- cessful 1d the city, and which he con- ducted until his retirement a few, years ago, when he Was succeeded by his son-in-law, Mr. Prank B. McElroy. Both Mr. and Mrs. Grassie, who was• a daughter of --,the late William Fowler, Huron Road. Tuckersmith, we well .0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 400 Main Street, Seaforth 0. Charles Holmes' residence, 0 • Ooderich Street East. Phone 0 O No. 308. Ambulance Service -0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent. 0 Night calls—Phoine 308 0 0 Day calls—Plione 119 0 0 Charges modes -ate. 0. .12-37 000000000000 00000000O000 0 0 H. C. BOX 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Licensed Embalmer - 0 Ambulance Service 0 Hospital Bed , 0 with" adjustable rachet oper- ated spring for rent 0 4 Night Calls Day Calls 0 • nee> Pho 175 Phone 43 0 t: 12-370 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 000000O000.00 ' o • 0 c. J. A. BURKE , .0 0 Funeral Service o 0 Dublin : Ont. 0 0 Night Or day calls: Phon.e 43 r 10 „ <> <> .. • •C• 000000000000 57,574-E THE SECOND DIVISION • COURT County of Miran Office In. the Dominion Rank Build- ing, Seuforth. Office hears: Tues- day, lirmsday, aid Saturday, 1.60 pan. to 6 P.m Saturday evening, 7.110 graft. to 0 lean. • E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purrehase of the lalflUrtunee business of areas & eir, md the addition al their sompa 41Ms to our previous facili- ties made; us is give unmeshed service in en times. SEAFORTH : ONTARIO WWI Notice! • All accounts owing by the Seaforth Athletic Associa- tion should be forwarded immediately to HARRY STEINBERG Treasurer, Seaforth. • Merchants and others are asked to please co-operate in order that the Associa- tion books may be closed. • Death of Mrs. Robert Devereaux— The death occurred on Saturday even ing of Johanna McGrath, wife of Mr. Robert Devereaux, and one of Sea- forth's oldest and most esteemed real - dents. ales. Devereaux, was a daugh- ter of the late Michael McGrath and was born in Soarboro in 1863, but the greater part of herlife had been spent in Seaforth. Forty years ago she was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Devereaux. The funeral was held on Monday from $t. James' Catholic Church, of which she was a devoted and active member, when Re- quiem High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Hussey, while Rev. Fr. O'Lirowske, of St. Columban, gave the address. Interment was made in St. James' Cemetery, Ole pallbearers be- ing Messrs. J. F. Daly,. J. M. M•eMil- Ian, P. J% Dorsey, J. J. Cleary, Devereaux and. William Devereaux, and the great number of spiritual of- ferings. testified in large measure to the high esteem in which she was held in this community. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —Northside United Church: Rev. H. V. Workman, Ministere-10 a.m., Sun- day School. 11 a.m.,"Easter Message and music, subject, "Mietakens Sup- positions"; 7 p.m., "Resurrection in Retrospect"; Easter music by the choir. Welcome to these Services. Good Friday at 8 p.m., the final gathering of the Passion Week ser- vices at Northside United Church. Speaker, Rev. W. A. Bremner. St. Thomas', Church: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford—Good Friday, 11 a.m., Rev. H. V. Workman; Easter Day -a:- 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., "The Easter Sun Rising7 p.m., "The Place Where the Ldtd Lay";' -'Sunday Sehoel at 10 a.m. ;St. Mary's. Dublin—Good Friday, 3 p.m:, ,Rev. H. Jack; Easter Day, 3, p.m. The Rector. McKillop Charge—Easter services': Duffs, 10 a.m.; Bothels11.31) a.m.; Cav- an, 2.30 p.m. Welcome to all.—R. W. Craw, Minister. First Presbyterian Church—Sunalay school at 10 a.m.; morning service: special Easter Message and. music ; evening service: The choir will pres- ent "The Crucifixion." Young People will entertain Goderich Young Peo- ple Tuesday evening. — Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. RADIO Repairing. An expert radio repair- man will be at our shop every Tuesday and Fri- day. 4 Let us know if your Radio needs repairing. We will call for and de- liver it. If your Radio'is equip- ped with push-button tuning arrange now to have it adjusted to the new Wave4engths. RADIO LICENSES ON SALE HERE J. F. DALY- Telephone 102 S/EAFORTII THE McKILLOP MU!IIJAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. MEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. "Ny Wm OPPICERS; ltnox, Lefidebbero - WOES. W. R. Archibaldeaforth Viee-Pres. Akirt011, A. Raid, Seefettli - SeeeTaettle. DiRl:CCTOR,S: Nvngata n�Z LoodeShotroll Merge t�dhage1 E. S. Tre- Alex Broadfoet. aibAnc tr; lia • 121410„, LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. Jack Hotham left on Sunday to take a position in the Lambton- Kent Creamery at Wallaceburg. Pre- vious to his departure the was pres- ented with a leather combination set by the staff of the Seafortih Cream- ery, where he has been a valued em- ployee for several years. • Mr. Westman Hudson and Miss Alma Leslie, of Toronto, were week- end guests- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. • Miss Helen Crioh, of Goderich, spent the week -end at her home' hese. • Mrs. Norman McIntyre and little 'son. of Owen Sound, are guests at the home of her parents•:. Mr. and !Mrs. Harry Stewart. e Miss Ross, of Sarnia, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Reid, o Mr. Thoinas Gillespie, of Toron- to, spent the week -end' with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. • Ma. and Mrs. Harry Steinberg spent the week -end in New Ha-mburg. -* Miss Fleuracheutz, 'of •Egmond- .SALE, CANDY A ,HOME-MADE ,AETICLES • SATURDAY, APRIL 12th Please Come WITH THE CROWD TO THE EUCHRE AND DANCE in Winthrop Hall WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 In aid of Evening Telegram British War Victims' Fund Lucky ticket will be drawn for blankets. • MANNS' ORCHESTRA Admission 25c — Lunch Served \\,,k ckLaYI WI • A FULL RANGE OF ICE CREAM BRICKS, ROLLS, PIES AND EASTER NOVELTIES HUNTS' CHOCOLATES will prove to be the perfect Easter -treat! Be sure to take a box home for the holiday week -end. Easter ICE CREAM, Top off the Holiday Dinner 'with a Dessert that everyone likes — a big dish of Delic- ious Ice Cream. Walkerside is' unsurpassed for Excellent Quality! PHONE 51 The Tasty Grill SEAFORTH --- in — MacTavish's Store at aap.m. • Under auspices of Edelweiss - Rebekah Lodge pmeeeds In aid of • War Work Funds. • HOT SUPPER Under the auspices of the Mc- Gregor Group of the Ladles' Aid of -First Presbyterian Church, on FRIDAY, APRIL 18th IN THE SCHOOL ROOM , at 6:15 p.m. EVERY -BODY WELCOME ADMISSION - 25 CENTS vine, is spending some weeks with her sister, Mrs, William Powell, in Toronto. • Miss Bella Watson, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with friends in town. , • Rev. Mr. Matthews, son-in-law of Rev., R. W. Craw, of McKillop, who underwent an operation in Scott Memorial liarspital recently, was suf- ficientlyrecovered to return to bis homein Sarnia this week. • Messrs., E. B. Goudie, J. Hille- breast,' Dale Nixon and Graham Kerr were the guests of the Clinton Lions Club at their banquet last week. • Mr. John Carmichael, of Chelsea, Michigan, was a recent guest at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Campbell, High Street. • Mrs. Harold Frost and, daughter, Misr Ruth, and Mrs. Howard Burgess of Flint, Michigan, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Frost. • The McGregor Group of .the Lad- ies' Aid will serve a hot supper in First Presbyterian Church on Friday, April 18th, at 6.15 p.m. • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen were in Toronto this week atteradirigethe fun- eral of the late J. W. F. Mallagh. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinkney and little daughter, of Toronto, spent the week -end with relatives in town. • Mr. Cyril Flannery, of Windsor, spent the week -end at his home here. • Mr. W. C. Sutherland, R,C.A.F., Trenton, spent the week -end with his family here. • Captain Basil Dtmein and Mrs. Duncan, of Toronto, were week -end guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and aars. W.J. Duncan. , • Mr. add MI's. Glendon Christie, of Dungaencel, are •visiting relatives here. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and son, Douglas; Mrs. Hartman and Miss Dorothy Swan, of Welland, were week end guests at the home pf Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Messrs. J. E. Willis, C. M. Smith, C. E. Smith, I. Hudson, W. R. Sthaw, Homer Mellon and A. W. Dick were in Owen Sound.on Tuesday attending the Seaforth-Paisley game. • Mrs. William Wallace, of Cal- gary, is a guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. Thomas Jackson, in. Eg- mondville. • Mr. Alastair Wigg, R.C.A.F., Fin- gal, is spending 'a few days' leave at the home of his parents, Mr.. and Mrs'. F. W. Wigg. • Mrs. John McDonald and son, Mr. Charles McDonald., of Riverside, were here over the week -end attending the funeral- of the late Mrs. Robert Dev- ereaex. . • The many friends of Mr. H. C. Box, who bee been confined to his residence for the past two 'months through illness, are pleased to see him out on Main Street again. • Miss Lola Hastie, R.N., of the Scott-lVlemerial staff, is spending a few days at her home in Listowel. • Mrs.' A. Zimmerman and three children will spend the Easter holi- days at her home in Stratford. Seaforth Monument Works (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) ' Operated by CUNNINGHAM and ,PRYDE Your are invited to inspect our stock of • CEMETERY- MEMORIALS • SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS See Dr. Harburn for appointenent any other time — Phdne 150 BOX 150 - EXETER Phone 41 _ Yr, frrea 63Q th 4Oved naCttedOnded; that Iktatlea. CglaaaalaYbe004Taalfat thee' va* ,Nm*ttee. 'Moyed,' "terPi.t%let4t:Jletlu'adtlirc4-geierit*': each lodY t1111)4 4 Plate, 0 FOPOI; and tvidiatevep eise she wishes, loped potatoes to. 'be served. These: will be, cooledlay the ladea near the ; Church. Later it Wee deoldedi to serve' slipper as a pot-luoIS supper iu bu,ffef 414. S. Meet0 The Egmondville W.MS. held its regular meeting in the Manse on April 2.'" The meeting yap presided over by Mrs. Gardiner and opened by singing Hymn 101 and prayer by the . president. Roll call was responded to by 20 members and two visitors. alms' McMillan, gave the treasurer's report, which_ was ver y encouraging. Mrs. .Keyes, temperance con,vener, gave a, reading, "Can't Drinit a;nd Win." The visiting committee reported bad roads. Mrs. Watson, Christian Stewardship and finance secretary, gave an item wan systematic giving. Miss Cameron and Mips Charters were chosen dele- gates to Thames RdadsPresbyterial on April 22, and it was suggested that Mrs. Simpson go as Mission. Band Leader. Mrs. Britton, of Constance, gave a very inspiring address with loads af spiritual food and truthsi bronght home. A vote of thanke 'was tendered Mrs. Britton. The worship. service followed, led •by Mrs. Gaxdin- er, "The Way of Love to Victory." Hymn. 748 was read alternately and Hymn 556 sung. The meeting closed by prayer. Lunch was served and a social half-hour enjoyed. Dead and Disabled Animals ittiviovEn PROMPTLY PHONIC coLLEdt: atiroEttil its Exatot DUBLIN BRUCEFIELD Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe: Mr. and Mrs. William Mc - Clinches, and Phyllis, of. Hobnesville; Willard Zapfe of R.C.A.F., London; also Mr. Gould Alavastor, of London. Misses Ina and:..Ellen Scott spent the week -end with their mother, who has been ill, but we are glad to say is some better. Miss Doris Dutot, of London, spent the week -end in the village. The W.A. metin. the Sundaysichool room on Wednesday, April 2nd: The first part was spent in sewing. Mrs. Mustard took the devotional part and the meeting opened with Hymn 86. The Scripture reading was taken from the 24th chapter of Isaih, after which Hymn 445 was sung and all repeated the Lord's Prayer. Mrs, Wilson took the chair on motion. of Mrs. Hohner, seconded by Miss M. -McDonald. The minutes of the last meeting were ap- proved as read. Twenty-eight mem- bers answered the roll call. It was decided that we should put the visi- tors and members in grdups for visi- tors' day. A letter was read from the Kipper society accepting the inVita- tion to join with us -on our visitors' day. Roll call for, May is to be on Mother's Day. The meeting closed- by all repeating the Mispel. benediction. ST. COLUMBAN, eafQrth, NOW PLAYING , ay frattees "LITTLE MEN" lack OakiP MATINEE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 3 P,M. Mon., Tues„ Wed. Nett Thurs,, Fri„ Sat. . IRS 14 00 3 tA0 xi• Miss Irene McQuaid and Miss Mary Gawley, Goderich, visited' with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid. Miss Rose O'COnnter visited' her. par- ents, Mr. and„Mrs. D. J. O'Connor. The C.W.L. are holding a sale of home cooking do the parish. hall. sin Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Carlin, Beechwood. Mrs. Louis Krauskopf is in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, undergo- ing special treatments. At the marathon series of Five Hun- dred games held last week, war stamps for highest score were won by Mrs. Nagle, Mrs. F. Evans, Thos. J. Molyneaux, Mrs. Catharine Stapleton and Mrs. A. Sutherland. - Mrs. Catharine Carpenter is recov- ering from a recent attack of pneu- monia. Dr. Frank Stapleton has enlisted in_ the. Dental Corps of R.C.A.F. and is stationed at Manning Pool, Toronto. John Meagher has leased the farm of Archie FiSrbes on the highway. . The nresetit aeries of Discussion Study Glutei, will be completed this week. A meeting of the continuation high school beard was held on Monday night. Mrs. 311. Nagle is spending a week Torobto. - Joseph and Pat McConnell are Vis- iting in London. ,Sneelal ably Week Iserrioes eve held at St. 'Patrick's Church on Thum-, day, Pridalk. and 'Saturday of this Week. TUCKERSMITIT in a.ruie unlike any he's eifer.trad-l. , BAY GENE TIERNEY Laird Cregar • lohn-Sutton airgala Reid • Vincent Price Nigel Brace arra\ A altk Century -Fox Picture • ALSO In Old Missouri Coining—Shirley Temple, "YOUNG PEOPLE" vener.Thereswere 40 adults and five munity singing and a duet by Wilma the guitar, was much enjoyed. An animarcontest, conducted by Bill For- rest, was won by Group 5. A de- lightfial lunch was served. childaen present. Kenneth Jackson and Ross McLean, the latter playing spoke on "Adult Education." The meeting thoroughly discussed the, question, "Where do we go from here?" and "Let's get together." Com - Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns andMas- ter Lawrence Allan, of Vancouver and Toronto, visited his two brothers, Messrs_ Edwin ,an -d 'Howard Johns, over the week -end before the former goes overseas with' his unit -of the R.C.A.F. Mrs. F. TOwnsend spent the week- end With her parents ataDerchester. Mr. "and Mrs. Roy Lawson, of Kiri- iiiien, visited- the Johns' brothers on. Sunday: The Ladies' Club of Tuckersinith -met at the home of Mrs. Austin Math- eson on Wednesday with 20 adults and roar visitors present. It was de- cided to send $5.100, to the British War Victims' rand: The Red Cross re- ported $17.30 on hand. Twelve quilts have been given to the lied Cross since the New Year, five of which were completed- last month, and one was completed at this meeting. The, program included: Reading by Mrs. Frank Wieners, "Coanmenity Be'autife cation"; piano duet by Mrs. Ernest Crich; Mrs. Siliery told how to make a hot -bed. The next meeting will be held' at the home of Mrs -Walter Pep- per with Group No. 2 in, charge. The, roll call will be an .exchange of sliait, seeds and bulbs. Hold Joint Meeting of Radio Forum' • The ,Live Wire - and Go -Getter Groups held a joint meeling at thq home of Mr. and Mrs, James Carno- chazi with James, lacIntosh as eon - Jack's Shoe and Harness Repair SEAFORTH "Your Shoes Made Llke Newt' •The held their. regitlat the :vestry of the .0aturolli,, Owing to; bid ooriditf• en. of roads, tli** ettendande Was light. The ilietiting -00eit6d,- With the „tifi44., dent< Mr. �d1 i1 halt tied ;Want *ittitt ,Paint- 40 -*E116 tolleVialilk-OreIer,b*104,„2440.,, read koixtYea:byok etilt 'Oita 40401'19.fr'. 9 First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth aaster Sundap APRIL 13. Morning SERMON—"An Easter Message" ANTHEV—"They HaVe Taken Away My Lord" Stainer ANTHEM—'We Declare Unto You Glad Tidings" Maunder Soloist—Mrs. J. A. Munn Evening The Choir will present "The Crucifixion"—Stainer That beautiful meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeemer Soloists—Mr. James T. Scott, Mr. Dalton' L. Reid M. R. Rennie, REV. HUGH JACK, Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Choir Leader. MINISTER. • Organist. • • Whatever the weather on Easter, the day will be brighter and cheerier if your home is decorated with Beautiful Spring Flowers. LILY PLANTS Long lasting and lovely 25cCUT FLOWERS $1 00 at per bloom ' „ per doben, from, Splendid Selection of EASTE4 HOT CROSS BUNS. Oven Fresh. SPECIAL—Dozen HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW SODA, FOUNTAIN ? CRICH'S BAKERY — RESTAURANT • PHONE 34— THE DRIVER WILL CALL 2 NOTICE To The Owners Of. Parrots and Love Birds All owners of Psittacine birds must have the - same registered wilikthe Medical Officer of Health • of the Municipality at once, specifying where 'birds ere secured. This is 'the new regulation imposed by the De- partment of Health, Toronto, and must be complied with at once. • DR. F. J. BURROWS, 1V1.0.11.; Seaforth INTERMEDIATE "B" O.FLA. FI Stratford FRIDAY, April 11 Arena at 8.30 p.rn. This will he the lastgame the Beavers sapxome out and 0 • • ,„ „,: -see thentwin th&,flrsthockeptclia' pionk§litpin Spafarth's hist° „„.