HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-04-04, Page 7Modernized estaurant Provides es onver ence and Simple Beauty Gleaming Chrome a n d Green Leather Uphols- tery Features New Booths and Tables. the interior agree.' A meden^n new soda fountain, In gleaming 'black and green, has been iestalled, while four booths Ion each aide at tate rear of the restaurant are in blea<ched, .birch with walnut trim. Centre tables are in keeping with booths and are flank- ed by comfortable , chrome finish chairs. Chairs and booths are uptol- Alterations+ made necessary by the stered In green leather. Mddern llght- fire, • which completely gutted - the ing fixtures ensure a quantity of soft premises at the close. of last year, light at all times. . - have now been completed at Crich's The bread and rake department in Restaurant. The modernized restaur- • the old arrangement, ,opposite the ant reopened for business this week. fountain is, under the new plan .on When the debris left aa. a result of the same side, which provesmore the fire was cleared away, it was convenient for 'staff and public. found necessary to completely rebuild An arch in the rear wall provides the interior of the restaurant. In entrance to rest roomsy while beyond planning • the hew restaurant, many these is the well-equipped kitchen. designs were studied with the desire.'The office and bread wrapping depart - that the rebuilt interior would prove ment are behind this turd open into to be the last word in convenience the bake shop proper. Throughout and simplicity—a place where the the entire building is a spotless ter - wishes of the customers would be an- azza floor. tieipaited. The entire arrangement ,is partieu- The result has been attained, cur- larly ,satisfying from a standpoint of Comers who have already, inspected convenience and beauty. THE STRATFORD BOTTLING CO. Authorized Bottlers of soca-Cola EXTEND CONGRATULATION'S TO CRICH'S BAKERY UPON THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW RESTAURANT 1 Congratulations to Crich's Bakery And Every Good Wish For the Future • Victoria Paper and Twine Co. Limited, TORONTO Congratulations and Best ,.Wishes from . Reliable Store FixtureCo. Manufacturers of SHOW CASES and WALE, CASES Store Fixtures For All Purposes 406-8 BATHTJRST ST. . - TORONTO lliodern New Founta1 n In. Crich Restaurant FINE WORKMANSHIP FEATURES FITTINGS IN NEW INT-ERIOR Take Advantage of Many Recently Developed Materials. • Shown above is the ,modern four • tain in the new' Crich Restaurant which reopened this Week following the disastrous fire of threeonths ago. Behind the bar is Mit Ono Nichol of the staff, while sty ding at the rear beside the comfo t able new booths is •NGiss Margaret rich. The interior is finished in light green with black trim, the ,booths, fountain and other fixtures . arrying out this effect. In planning the new restaurant ad- vantage was taken of the many new materials and styles now available for ,business interiors. The 'fountain, of steel and baked enamel, iso the latest word in -fountain Construction and design. F ro n t- ed with eight stools of highly polish- ed chrome,' it '.provides both conveni- ence and comfort for customers. Tihe booths, installed by. the Reli- able Fixtures, Ltd., of Toronto, incor- pomraite every new device for the con- venience of :the public. The tables are topped with fire -restating •forinica. Bernado Tile & Marble Co., of Lon- don, constructed the smooth and eas- ily cleaned terrazo floor which ex- tenide thoughout the restaurant. A large heating plant was neces- sary' and this was planned and in- stalled by Frank Kling of Seaforth, who also completed the electrical work and plumbing. The heating boiler is fed by an automatic stoker, which results in a - steady heat not possible by handfed methods. Decorating and 'finishing was done by John F. Scott, while carpentry work was completed by H. Edge, R. Porterfield and F. Lamont. Congratulations -to— Crich's s . 'Restaurant •i J. F. Scott Painter -and Decorator SEAFORTH Crich's Restaurant and Store is Now Reopened Introducing Of B , Dread, Our New Loaf Containing 600 International Units of Vitamin B1 DELICIOUS - HEALTHFUL Aids Digestion and a Builder of Energy PRICE, 1O!c LOAF SPECIAL For Thursday and Friday Only Any of our Delicious Cakes 20o Brick of Silverwood's Ice Cream 25o Regular for BOTH 'FOR ONLY 45c 319c CRICH'S FAMOUS BAKERY PRODUCTS ARE FRESH EVERY DAY. A COMPLETE STOCK IS CAR- RIED; IN THE STORE. BE SURE AND PURCHASE A CAKE OR PIE OR SOME COOKIES. FRESH BUNS—HOT FROM THE OVEN—ON SALE EVERY MORNING! CUT FLOWERS For Easter Place your order now for your Easter b'lowera.. Phone 34 FRESH CHOCOLATES All the popular lines — a fresh new stock just in. CRICH TOBACCOS corlplete selection of Tobaccos and Smokers' Sundries are availaible at our tobacco counter. S Bakery - Restaurant The Driver Will Call p1 d---to--o-ss.ta•to Treat 1 yourself . daily.to 1 DELICIOUS HEALTHFUL! ' --brightens your teeth 1 'Many dentists • reco,m.mend'- , Wrigley's, Spear- a mint Gum. The chewing gives. your teeth a needed exercise; helps keep teeth 1 clean, bright, ® 'attractive. Aids digestion, too. em iN_----mei 0I. i REFRESHING! I —relieves fatigue Chewing Wrig- ley's Spearmint ▪ Gum helps re- lieve tension, ▪ steady your 1 nerves. .Always I keep a package handy in your purse or pocket. I■______ -._--1 DELICIOUS! II —and sweetens 1 your breath I Enjoy Spear- mint's long- lasting pepper- mint flavor—an ■ aid to pleasant ■ ' breath. A whole- , -some treat your friends and fam- ily appreciate. 1 Millions chew WRIGLEY'S after`,.every meal! GET. SOME TODAY! Notice' 1 wish to take this opportunity of, thanking our many customers; for • their patience during the months in which our store and restaurant was undergoing re- pairs. During this time, because of circumstances beyond our con- trol,• •it was not possible to give the same service as has been our custom. Now, however, with the store reopened, we will again strive to serve you to the best of our abil- ity. The new arrangements, we believe, will be greatly to your advantage, and we urge you to visit us. We would, of course, appreciate any suggestions or comments which you may care to make in order that We more fully serve you. JOHN C. CRICH. Congratulations upon the reopening of Cricns RESTAURANT • Since Delivery com- menced twenty years ago, Crich's Bread has been carried on . . FORD TRUCKS • J.F.DALY Ford - Mercury Dealer. SEAFORTH Alterations and Additions Have Followed As Remlt, of Public Approval of Policy.' The modernized Crich Restaurant will make possible a continuance o1', that service to the public which actu- ated its founder, the late W. A. Crich, when its doors were first (spelled in 1900—that same service which: has been responsible for the steady growth of the •business.' . For years Clinch's bakery products have been known throughout the en- tire district for their freshr}ese and quality.. The bright red trucks which deliver • -these goody are familiar sights on every road in this and ad- joining counties. The steady growth of the business from the small bakery .which Mr. Crich opened forty years ago, to the targe :com:plei,el ;.ti equip iatedi today, .has r'I h:erenee •ta alley', ser}vies mese .sa` !i tureniost 111 tbe4 ' e • C, Crich, '.1io since ?, father; hag .o�perhte ',tl? pf Miss Margaret''CrI co ed with hint The new modernized: store is but the laa•test' itpprovements which, ha,1r,+ business since its %nfldd In 19,23. - inereastng F necessary: the erection of storey- brick add/Atkin.' In stalled the latest 411'.":410ry ment and it is troll;this , plant the thousan+ds� of delicious loaves of bread and coufltless cakes, cookiess• and pies are produced each --W'es'k , :` The following •.year the :restaurant was completely rebuilt and in the In tervening - years. each new inmprove. tent which was made available- was. quickly' installed—always with the, thought of improving the service,., ,- riC • BERNARDOTEX WALLS • TERRAZZO • MASTIC TILE MARBLE • TILE SUPERIOR CRAFTSMANSHIP Attractive Prices . Bernardo Marble -Terrazzo and Tile Co. LIMITED Ottaway Ave at Maitland St. LONDON Met. 6267 . ONTARIO We're doing our part to ensure that you will appreciate the new CRICH BAKERY RESTAURANT • In wishing success to the new Crich Bakery Restaurant, we express our. pride in the , contribution which PURITY FLOUR and THREE STARS FLOUR makes to the excellence of Crich's baked goods. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED Millers of ,5 PURITY FLOUR Best for all yourBaking - CONGRATULATIONS TO 1- � New Bakery and nc�1 S Restaurant On Theif' Grand Reopening ! Of course they will feature nr1 fM