HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-04-04, Page 4ti>4 k: 4.S&; i e7 • i be inserted at new low cash rates *4 t. end Found. Coath i Y n*n. Etc. --Per curd; lit week ., li1S pl 1ri„, in the discussion during the ()Venting yore: eianles McAllister. Wail. Alexander Dell, Mervyn .Stelck, John l A% Itobert'T1 ompson, W. R. l atlgalll and Warren Scheibie. ' . The Ladles' A4d of Carmel Rresby- terian Church met in the school roes) of the church foci their March meet- ing with a splendid attendance with the president, Mrs. James A. Pater- solr, in the chair. "Work For the Night is Coming" was the opening Jaymn, followed with prayer by the president. It was dtecided to hold the meeting the third, Tuesday of 'each month at S Pm. Mrs. Jean Man- son and Mrs. IL' J. Cameron are to have charge of the April meeting. "Faith Of Our Fathers" +vas- sung, and the following, program arranged by Mrs- Davidson's and Mrs. Walker's group was' much enjoyed: Red Cross prayer; solo, "My Wild Irish Rose." Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson; reading, "The Book Agent," Mrs. Hugh McGregor; solo, "Try Singing a Sotig," Mrs. W. A. llaeLaren. The tlteeting closed with the National Anthem and the Lord's ..Prayer. 1 Cant 2nd week es. % Cent ' 'art week r Dont Minimum chsraee at :Sntiertion 25 Oervte Salt Setae, initial and abbreviation counts ea one used. 0 .. In Weenie= Noticep--''I cent ser 'word. Minhattlea, 50 cents per week. be directed to a Box Number, cera of Tha Heron Ono:litor, tar 10 ella Inria 141,* additional por wreia will be charged if carie ala 'above elms are nat. paid by the 1r, ay night in the .week in whiatlt the ad wail run, p, l aredatgee and Death* inserted free of charge, ell Salm' Notices to emanate, Etc, -•ayes on applicaption. • .Auction Sales Tenders Wanted tXOTIAN 3Aii or Pena s'roal: ON Arr'r1�1Q-•- 'Lot 22, Coneastelan 13, McKillop, 114 miles south of Walton And tit of a mile east, un WedneadaY, April 16th, GEORGE DtINDAS. Proprietor ; 13'arvhl J aeleson, Auettotwer•��t-1 AUCTION SALE OF upusaHOLD FURN- l1 item on the pretnisest of tem. GeorgeSillore, Atm Street, Sea Teeth, on Saturable., April 12th, at 1 P.m.; Dining teem wait.: parlor suite; 3 bedroom suites: 2 old bort- ; couch: 1 stretcher; small totem; kitchen ehntnt ; kitchen ca pieced : cabinet ; orbic screen cupboard': coxal oiJ store' with 4W011;Quobat heater; ermsent • saw': copper troller'; diatom; twelves, and numerous ether at•tiede,`. Termie--^Cuah, MRS: GEORGESt1.LEtt1, . Preprdetresa.; Harold Jackson, Auctiom'er. AUCTION S.tLI.E•-MR. G. M. GRANT HAS boon instructed to eel' by auction .the house and contents of the late Mrs, M. J. Broderllok. Gexiorich Street Ewa, Sante -vet. enSataraay.. April 8th, at 1.30 p.n.: H011440t 9 -roomed frame cottage on Goderieh Farb; ..with b& th. feu nace, hardwood Hoon, Babb. ht:. 'reriesamade lenuwn at time of scale. Chattels. Parlor, bedroom. dining and kitchen furniture, roam, Lira:ego= china. cut elms; .ailverware, draPerial. dishes, rare place, eleet.ric Botts'', linens and other artidha+ tem memo.+ue to mention; leave= Hudson eexal tient in Vete-ollent condition. Terme- ELIZABETH 0. RYAN. Pre- prietrees ; G. N. Grant. Auctioneer, � � eleI CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH .W alt lebbr tv tetir down old fence and erect new ,fence around rohool grounds at S. 8. No. 10, '1\nakersmith. Tenders close April 11th. Apply to ANGUS ROBERTSON, Sec- retary-Ttettavuror, R. It. No. 2, Kippen. Out. AUCTION SALE QS' FARM :TOCK. ETC. {r. H&Totd Jackman hie &wen instructed to twit ,hy public eucoion on Lot 30, Ceincee- sion • 8. Ribbert. three meets wraat of Sbnfe. on .Wednc.ehu, ,ApeB 'th, at 1 pant:, the tide lowing; Hbrsaa--'1 wanton horse, 8 years. old; 1 greet• 4rldituz, ••' yceeM old: 1 Week• horse, e . • reale old. (\.,try- •1. Holstein ,tows, calf • at feet:. 1 Holstein row -duee April 20th : 1 Ideas cow due Juiy, let: 1 Durham' etw duo Sept. Sect; 4 -year-old hrisfor: '. aaQr,ai. Sowte.•--1 sa+ty hetet time month: 1 sow wifh linitis, Ptutt're .75 Ls.hare, rear -old hero. lmple'mentr '1ttsysey-Harrwa• l to hese t 41:te4Sey-Harris mnaw. lluaey-Rarrt' Spring, lavtth culnvntor: Mas- etMliarrb sulky rake: MeemaeHnrris ac drat; le assay-Rarris leanasc•attier and ped alls: Fleury riding plolt• ;newt : wagon : gravel ----- hex; 'leo rack ;MAO ; -rchal trailer; fare- p,.1"RNt'1'tTRE REPAIRING, RelleLN1etH1NG Hutu mill ; cutter : Matta"}' : sleighs : laiden• and ut,hnleorin . Custom built furniture stinette hay fork ; sling: ' chain : +: suck, of of duality. Prompt and tte ns sorrier. fatrisiucr; .:.,'ata; lw'r. '11cosnttick-Dot•rn+t A. 3'IMMERMAN. John Str•e't. orre separator. or. mesi' 8 mantles $ t'o' of avt5x1 s. robed hay; pn-mp ,lt`ill; rat of hern"ts: --•-• "rvhw,'Hanarow, lilarne:s ,1 set et backlaatni TO to ▪ 4 Q1TAN'Tl rY Cl'' EARLY bau+u.e„:: 1 plow haenees, si'nt:te harnaas, new .t .\+•„Ise b.s.,0:- rewen af.'el :onto. Vaal line .lumber of .hers ; eolene. how.. • R,x al btk,.el- ,q a: -;,,, ,e'e,L,. Call ut• }'),n .' 11 Hensall. or store: :tr a,radt of t1a'ely Wesel.; -Meeh water W. 1:. ntlTT, tank. ; :0r'1 tag .roughs: knee t'd:anl:etu. e^v. .—. ._.__. rets &'ash. M11:1"ON let t't:,1:Y, rrorr . ter: Harold Jeetasen. .Attat.tlneer . 3�:'•-1 For Sale ALFALFA SEED FOR JA:tfEs F. SCOTT. forth. SALE. APPLY TO Phone 851 r •1. Sea- 3825- Fun -SALE--COW. THRF.l A -PRTS M R- hasu, one -part Jerneey. 6 years olio to S1'041011 on •-April _0th : 1 good ,rsldine Clyde horse. MICHAEL COYNE, R.R, 2, Dublin., 3825x1 iFO1t SALE- MAROON BABY PRAM IN fair condition. AAply to Box '2.63, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 38$5x1 Poultry H. 1GR ST CASH PRICES PAID FOR EGGS and Poultry, SPENOE'S PRODUCE. Peonel70-W, 88_38.4 Help Wanted` `xraN'rED•-arl•PERIFNOED cool;.. GEN - • far . family of three educts. Small modern homes Batt wages to cable person. MRS, RAMSAY, 107 Ridout Street South. London.. Ontario; :4427;x3 COON "TO TARE FULL CHARGE OF kitchen and do other light work. Second maid kept. No \teething, Every modern con- venience. No children. Good wagce. Give full vertical:tee. MRS.. J. E. hiecoN'NELL. 1231 laie•htnand St.. London, Ontatrio. • 38_5-1 Notices NOTICE (-f'LEMUNI; A1't'T1ON S.:\1.1: OF 1•'•\h1i, Township of Tuckers11Iith s•' Farm. Stank .+nd 1medentents. at Iwt :3. p 1 tee.,T.ew,t1•hip 'at miles wept t WING THF: H1 HEN.SAl.l. srm ti +•'AIR Church News a Holy Week will be observed this coming week in the three local churches: Tuesday, Apr. 8th, in • St. Paul's Anglican, speaker, Rev. M. A. Hunt: Wednesday, Apr. 9th, United Church, speaker. Rev. \fir: A. Weir: Thursday, Apr. 10th, Presbyterian Church, speaker, Rev. R. A. Brook. The United Church anniversary ser- vices will be held on Sunday,. May 25th, ,the guest speaker to be Dr. V. C. DleLean, Dundas Street United Church, London. „f Homant 5o.t lemiles; :'nib. ,,n '!Tura lvimi• h.'l'l e''t Sate Ole > sftrrn,uon. the day. April loth. at 1 p:nr. sharp: Hereee 1 .,.,•'nee of :h, Council ,.1 Tn;l.etsmith will teelttian muse, 4 tees:, old: 1 li,':gtan ho•e.e _ be hold at 7 p.m, on eatusihay, ' All intere..1- r1.i1ut 4 years, 1 grey horA' stein; t; erns- ed trFeere thent.o es areeeeling',ele„ chi: L-Reece:i purp,>r.' ma-,' ris trig ` ?•cors .. eat • Cstnir 1 blue cow, flesh 1 llemeSttel ! D. 1•'. :iieGEFt:OR. sew due Jul' tett; 1 :•,•,I cow due, June _01h:'. $-ye r -.'td sio,'l'., "O8 'b..: 4 '2.veerr.d•i . ,t•'ew,a • 4 l•yeer tel heifers 1 - l-}-tear-,:Id ; .• • .- . wihhens; 2 reeve; 2 ducks, Tnapleceenaa Or. NI 01)F.11.:: GA taLINF 12-20 \irCormick-Pee ting :.na.-:or in \..1 , 1 alk ltB;'V'r• • TWO shape; 2efurrrw t^acter plow'' : stat t t...'thSee..lee Sta^ota,. • with' evens tem;lelitim. a;eereeur. ;:'ret le Weed binder : cornu scut- w'e:Iteemed. One in Te•s,t of Mitehen•. one tier :std pullet ; C.'eMhutt 'erti:as'r drill. :1 i;; „w n of Saatorth. Apply bees '25''. little - hoe; 1.H.(', reseetre spreader. new : ,; SI O\ T':\rOSlTOR. 3823c3 roller, 3-drtsne : 1 mower - .:ell.: r. ,... 1-s'r ' moms: t''r�.. eek Pig', 11e''ds, l•:t.'..-1 „r• For Rent with 9 niazs 3 weeks ?did; 1 tsar sea': .:• R.,' tion het•rowe: alrrular sas, ss;eel Pram.•' : ,mettiler: cuttings box e, sato stn:. tt,rn•p sir•'1 Farms For Sale' eream tetrameter 11x.'-,e-ile:eie ..: n rain veiir e e ith tweed- lack : tee of s'etehe, , tint Mc 4 : htir rail: stat04. cal.; whrelhar;n'a,•: root pnl- 1Iil.l tOi: SALE'O IE HLI TDRhII .aC- se:'t of 'spate. ; h:tn*a' : ctr_rx'r : • 1101 fe„t. FA I°1 r,. of Thaw,,.' land, 'ib IA R N. S hay rave. pulleys. Ming tott•ee. stint; chase. p,kP..,•:+y, 1+c•tw•e•en SeR•tfoMh,.'.and C'•4inton.'The. ekete oil tartars r,rannetn Iearel <stJ : 1:u.il,',ttn,-s .cn'Ist'.rf iarR,' tsull, barn, brick hot: for Kis bier's:: :funis-tr' • tit:Ii : rc:OTs r 'none neno ,tnnhir ¢craw'. Hydro thruagheut: hexes: o:oasiis: fo'rk's: s-'t:tl3'lw : nea•k�•+'1..410 .•v.-11 f,noe,1.'n,"r:sfailin1 trgtt'r supple•. Im= 1 sa'4 of 't . 4nrn111 ; plow 'ha 1114":‘, :Ute : me list'.' p,.',e'.ss.atn. GEORGE W. NO1'C, ixtahw,ls eats. Form- SUU `-Yetlne' of arma�• :and, 38'23x8 Lot 11. Con'a,sian a. Ileo T.eyer`le e• rennin: ' icateer +miring creek 3 • Terme : Chat*.e'b. - Oar Protm.ly - Made loam n can day, , r" -Mark 35th Anniversary The lovely farm home of Mr. end Mrs. Clarence S`ulilTie, on Highw'iay No. 4, a , mile nortb of Bengali, was the scene of a delightful evening on Fridaiy, March 28th, when. neighbors and friends numbering forty met as a surprise to honor Mr. and Mrs. Jas Snitillie. of Hensall, on the occasion of 'their 3.6th wedding anniversary. The 'home was decorated with lovely Faster .cn.iors, while. bowls . or (WO-. dile. graced the tables. • Progre2sive euchre was. featett'ed, prizes for ladies being captured by Mrs. I. G. Smillie; consolation,. Mrs. • 'Elgin: Rowcl.iffe: gents, john Bell: consolation, Donald Park. A short musical program was enjoyed and a mock y'eddit)g staged. a buffet luncheon was served. At- tending front a.. distance were Mr, and_ Mrs. Harold Shepherd, Toronto; Miss Hazel Smillie, Atwood. Mr. and Mrs,. Smillie were the recipients of many lovely' gifts: . • Over two thousand people attend- ed the auction sale of 'cattle. farm implements and furniture from the Hui on Sanateral:a owned by the late Dr. A. -Moir, on Highway No. 4, earnile ;Huth of Hensall. Three auctioneers were engaged for the sale and. splen- did prices were realized. Mr. Ant 1•'`ir;iaysoll, teacher of Blake school. anti. his pupils 'will present a el.eld;d concert consisting of solos. due':.. d:;llogues. recitations and drills in the TOW11 Han Hensall: Saturday t'\ ening. April: 4th, Spring Fair night. This concert has been presented in other. towns to packed houses, and with the proceeds for the Red Cross /l aR 1tta n, Auce T(rl,,,• ' �,r�•rr�:r< :: Card of Thanks /lamed Ja.•ksen, Anc:a,rt.'er • • :•,..,:r,-1... 'Nil: D t,itS tI !I. DRYSDAIF.: HEN- _ AN • %11CTI0N s,,k1+1: 131: lelle3t' rOCR .>\tt 1 •+ •.r '.t.=� than{. all l2S,=e er:•,. 'kindly, T el „l; the fire` which . oe'-u••red in 1mt+ls"mraL�. :ter. I4wr+hl laeks-e*n ha:, 'rr'::'ri 1' :t�,\tt .t"+e'n tneraet,+ai fo sell by puttee au.,ti+tt „n "1 I thee. '.' ;a -t l': ereday. Lot. 10,. Ctume,se..uktt >. $tan:e,1 T.1wn.h;p. on' ?KRS:"'dIfiORGE '('l, F\N -AND ....'1'rfa�-atro...tail !telt'. she' fevl;e,.+in,r t`.nrrtm .1•.n- } DI5•F.; lip\o. •(+'airs 1'• •..J ;'' •:else-ri ,y:a•'h• nor shank their' cow • 3 end, 1ri'use'h.vd fereen: : cow • e �r°or.• olio slue thee ,f sat;r • cow • '+ an, sea'r1n. 'eta.�i*':t1 -the ....trainee., • y+rae 530. deo emu, Ise.; _yes, -,,hi heifer-, 1 314d. ,'y nl zrsh• 'teem t•t,,aa •n 1h,- r'�',rrnt sea f ' T..,ti t'-tdi h+foto -,,-coin,'¢ styer,-1 hcre^aue,snr•, for .he lie, in lin: .:t.,••al :riiu o'. h D It el'orett,r' ac' e'en '''''•Rt'v- R A- Rn.. 1-y,sat-old NC•a'ers: 1 heifer ,'nU: J -rale•,.+-:T; 1l,.,,'trht, :ie. ':er:i'>• 1,vtn,0 .' Tu, ere '115 rttaarslt. old. Ties' is all theme, Duel -stun • .nn r.'. ' `t >•'k enol tae, Itnldernene' 4 some tte:rh ^ttTtirst.,r : 1 4 'W. C seele i^ dee hence : (-eeetion !aar,w,.r : 'tie11rR: 'w -arta” }al„w-: 2 wtmllin5 p:.'": :ogler, fan0,•<:: tlaill : 2,it12 Ib. real,.:: "Farm ,>: anon : hay gravel bee , egenteboat • bogey : curter: ON! 4,1- elau tsd,iv-. SF: -•ft.: hey conks. •r, s. and Minos , wheelbarrow : A'arrees : been jack . .d,'nble r't'e,'.: wire streurhe'r; grindstone, teniae: e"lsacut sari : issue kettle; ,•,e, teatsai:. nr'w ' 00503$. $. of i lank : robe; wool Nee:rt• chicken fattening erase: whitiietres 'lw.O , , - and adte tartirlen, too natmerrus Str01'i00, (:gain- v.0 1c1e15 what lel tna,'r- 'e eels: 8 rem hie Ho.•••.raold Fti'erts. - vette Ina. bob: h einem more cb.elrs awe k55s caapbo*'si : stealer` : e els ; vleiearc anx,' . Cel man Same. Term• -Clash. Wit. - Mi; it.- tt; Ha RT, ?r',nu•s•tcr. named Jackson. ..relnureer. - Tenders Wanted 1 TENDERS Township Qf`•;McKillop " Coated m,f bite• 14aersaaalip a latrK30.lp ut* sill 4 o'3'1t .Rin., ?!!centavo April Me ;MO. az ' a rate Y'e's =bee yard far- etis,'ht gravel Ned ;amine et Me evaa' ti Mc tiinnp in 1'441. Come im:1 r'atnl ss�nta^a ba. 1'r .s'e3. and aS laser dinars aaxa^e5,I 'bard d+eed..1 to be erstb ed. libel.neteei a`araaa, G'M ea !..ave mole cma"22s, Wark 4r.:,tea - -Mein% &T ren- I!w+r Is -t., ....4 to to Sisii.besl teaipr de \.+r�st- 1,e,l- 'iii -zot i i,e' .9e+ane al5rlt`r t'ne• ,la o:,risiaa* zt of t:he Read Satarrtxaecudent amt 30 bot mr.z o ao'3aaiac krst aaa that atf fine Cennr11- A ma- x.21n'i .-c lse+r.8 s,: a. c4at235,ai ctae+d,'ne w8l be rt t3ztnd of the t•'a, arms wi see tr,nde_- ' a.-e57.tn& 8t4r thr fIILIF c.r,M a•,s-' sec I.0 e,,.zrttart. 1.wavr.4 or =V a',o toner o'et ,aaa--1 ser ! sad ;^craws wall be ve.asneel at ;be• Cnr• nese* Tammy Ecce a *nee tions axle tease. 30alw It 5 TAT, MIA, . .. 4 a ,t4Aa t�rtl.2 TENDERS WANTED . H Township of Hay 1;3zz TEN11121S WILL. St * e;;9}'i xmalt, Itis Aurin Tic. 55511. fir 1etir' tratime- • 3232 a 2'1e ,,,. 0115+ . 331 .e 7kt -wssails tI+13 Ser -stoma: ric ram.., •s't+tte%ttc fr tem ,i a",t 2 t :crhla'c itsta a sr,-a*iee8. peawed 4 Births kroi 1'- s Memerial Hotpilx , 1• forth. on Mame 28tH. to Mfr. and 1,1...i.. R.l- . - It-a•ty +cn 8'nsld Film,• t'AR"t' :.R an t',in 'n, on Thursday iliab ""•i:• to Mr rnd Mee. \t-Iratntey eht-te.r ,nee •1'. a daughter; Iistherioe t4atganrt 1 -in,• I'.At.C()NR'R 1- • C•ent+n ru'ah- l4ela04txl. 10 Sumiae Ma l•:tech_ c, 'lair and Mrs. Ge' \ltll':.ch'tls.kt t• . .Fateese'n'a Nureine ai "•,'. Hensel:. \t r. :envie\trs. Garnet 'St vice•.au. A son \, 1\'• t -E1 I. \t t4, -a, ra:or,.ot's Nurstn iicete He resit en Mlarrh _rttt!, re Mr. and \ •a. Earl 3ti.:0-01, of t'.,bt.r e. a sem. Deaths ?137'i'3ULTNE •1 'll,rt01,' on Tut:.d:ixa$. Yet. C+t c.rnr i'3e-.utrr. eared 6$ retire and 1 rnurott-,_ HENSALL • • "Bp atten eagles 1w'rue tem eitefielmts 1 t...&t.. '4' .21#.e 14/At rile' a:r4 eat% t, acsax +rl ata should be \\ ell patronized. Hold Annual Meeting The :t.nnual meeting of the Huron Farmers' Co-operative Co. Ltd.. was ht'ie: in the Town Hall on March 21st al ^_ p.m.. with a fair attendance pres- ell; with Mr. A. Hendrick in'the chair Seo the new range of ladies' hose,. spring Aloes. Boase eirt'sst's. men's .'J:16 anti bats at Goodwias- Come to Middleton a Drug Star. H'euaali_ to select your Wallpaper. we Rase a 10Tely selection of new t'rail- I.al ers ta'e make your home bright had ciat z'. aSsnc l Mensal; Town Nall on Saturday ere- ine. was tarn soiliag for an 'ezltllusi- rs.se ru.eelize of roe bean growers of i-i'or'earl is cql. as splendid tur 00431. t the uheetn bash, been announced oala satiate n-weaiy-four houlii�_'; previous% Bean _rowers =ravening °"fill and rte-• 's7wse:n3an4r between ene•ilftah of the lo - 3813 2h.:TEn'1^'1 were Dreamt_ awe -Insane !dr. Elgin Ro,m-di;lf'e as 'their rikai+ ate it0 =est :inti; the idinleirea. from the Ther bean ro elYtn re.- ilia+ a xis invesAtigailltrg. the- beam lr- Tb.1.9.snee4ng was 13 Cf'V*Ss section e1 ,`m,tJ58 growers. tri Fie nstai Baa r e3s a_* amen a1'11 1 riM3 a nS abe g ow- evn uu lit* baltrittg bears 08 apprOsii- Mi ''buoai Z ' to three • tit ;4)113 tregAseattstitre 0#1°50.clittY.5 tfthttiott r' Mat,. ensall •, i lnstrels Ppaseat then' Annna )$IFOt4. HI„N'&Ril. 1'OW'iV HA1L Tues. (16. Wed'.. Aurii' 15th rGth at 8,14 p,tt4.' Sponsored by tae Cfiamlaer at Own, coerce: proceeds for Red Croat WM*k,. 1''EATURING CHORUSES. QUART- ETTJS, BOLOS, TAP DANCING, JOKES AND..SIUTS -CHORUS. 08' 40 8 END MEN—' ADMISSION' Adults 25c Children 15e . Reserve your seat for 10e extra at Middleton's Drug Store. BENSON STONEMAN s Pianist. S. RENNIE - - Director many lovely and useful gifts. The Sunday school class of Carmel 'Church of which she is a member,. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Mac - `Laren and presented 'her with a bridge set of dishes, and the ehoir 'present- ed her with an end table - Mr. John Henderson has just had an outside entrance completed to a cooling room for candling eggs, the new egg act requiring such. Tike Mission Circle will hold their April supper-meeting/at the home of Miss Elva McQueen on Friday even- ing, April 4th. Mrs, J. McKendrick, of Windsor, was a guest recently at the home of Mrs. R. Bonthron. Mrs. John Johnston, well known. resident of this ,village, will celebrate her 90th birthday at her home on Monday, April 7th. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and infant son, Wayne, tnnoved to Teeswater on Monday of this week, vehere they will take up residence. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, of London, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilsenl Allan. Miss • Jean Murray, who has been confined to her home with a fractur- ed hip, is steadily' improving, and on Sunday last ea/Joyed a car ride to Clinton. Mrs. Ilowe and children, of Drum- mondville, Que., are visiting with her parents, Mr..•slnd' Mrs. John Elder. 'Mrs. C. L. Jinks and Mrs. Mary Brown spent. ' Saturday last with friends in Clinton, Mr: Ken Passmore, R.C.A.F., Tren- ton, spent the week -end with -his par= wits', Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mrs. Wm, Sangster, who had an un- fortunate accident some time ago, was able to enjoy a ride to London this Creek. The W.C.T.U. niet Thursday after- noon for its March meeting with; an attendance of sixteen 'present. Mrs. Hedden was in the chair for the de- votional period. The meeting opened with "Sweet Hour of Prayer,” . fol- lowed with the Lord's Prayer in uni- son; Bible.lesson taken by Mrs. C. L. Jinks and the devotional very ably taken by ids. R. A. Brook. Sentence prayers- were given by Mrs. Hedlden, :yrs, Christie, Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. Mrs. John Johnston, who cele- brates her 90th birthday on Mon- day, is one of the highly esteemed residents of Hensall. 'A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. Sol- dan, pioneer residents of this dis- trict, she was the former Miss Catherine' Soldan, and was born in Tavistock, where her father con- ducted a carriage shop before coming to this district. Mrs. Johnston is remarkably well for -- her age, although with advancing years is confined,, to her rooms. Her husband, the. late John John- ston, passed away some years ago. She has a, family of four children: Three daughters, Mrs. A. T. Douglas, of Hyde Park; - Mrs. J. Park and .Miss Margaret Johnston, both of Hensall, and one son, William, of Kenora, Sask. Mrs. Johnston .attributes her long life and fine constitution to plen- ty of hard work and early rising., L es a]�3' KelID 14 " -04 Aix* tieing 40.00A1.10404'N t ly 4..1!4'eB8i1}g, duet'Som;eb .J " AirA i MNS..• *Cc* I1'al'pttle- tiatlpipalatiDg the piing.• "i I,ove TO Tell the Soto yr' clad Gloss ins pray r by Mrs. tnha� I ,.Cencljded this portion oi' the, �pa'ogra:ul, Mrs. Press, the president opened. .with prayer, after which :'hiss Walsh contributed #t deliglltftil rphino ` s'llta "The..' Olds Ragged Cross." Aid, appro- priate Easter number, "Saviour, Your Dying. Love" was sung and the topic taken from the clip sheet, the theme being "Vtfh n and What's' the Need." Clippings were read by Mrs. Break, Mrs. Saundercock, Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Jinks, Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. Brown, Mies Consitt and Mrs, Redden. Mrs. Cbristie, of Exeter, will prepare a re- port of the annual convention of the Ontario Temperance Federation held at the Metropolitan Church, London, and A. B. Bell acting "' s.ecre'tary. The minutes of the last annual meet- ing were read and adopted. The. first order of business was the explaining of the financial- statement, and this showed • the company to be in first- class 'standing. The 1940 directors were re-elected. namely; ' A. Hen- drick. B. Hornet'; B. Klopp,, J.: Arm- strong. J. C. Bell, W: Alexander. and A. H. Bell. Mr. R. J, Scott. president of the United ' Farmers' Co-operative Co. Ltd., of Toronto, was present and addressed the meeting. • Complimenting Miss Helen Dick, bride -elect . of this week. Miss Doro- thy Dougall was .hostess at her home on Friday evening for a miscellaneous shower. A musical sing -song was en- joyed with lir. Harold Bell at the piano. The Misses Phyllis Dougall and Aileen Munn favored with a piano duet; jean Ingram, a reading: Audrey Elder, a piano solo--- A mock Wedding wag-. staged, the principal parts being taken by Miss Mary pole - roan. Miss Evelyn Corbett. Miss Doro- thy Dougall and Miss Dorothy Munn, which was enjoyed. Refreshments were served- ' The bride Teteit-ed • Town Hall, Ke s�A FRAY, APRT! Ott t Under auspices of Canadian 1440011 B:E.S..i,., Post 167 Fifteen •• Prizes One .Consolation .-,e FiVe $peelahs MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Bingo 8 -SO sharp Ladies Please 'Provide Lunch Lucky Lunch Ticket GENERAL ADMISSION - Mee recently, to be given, at then meeting. "God Be With You Till we Meet Again" was the closing IOWA, followed by 'benediction. (Oeutintued) ea Page 5) HENSALL Spring Show Saturday, April 5, 1941 Horses and Cattle. BLAKE School CONCERT Town Hall, Hensall RoaeL ter Team o Parade at 1.30 sharp Clinton Pipe Band"" '. In Attendance HORSES Class' I.—Clydesdale let2nd 3rd Aged Stallion o46 1st prize. Robert Simpson Co. , Stallion, !welled in 1938 •• 4 8 Class II.—Peraheron or Belgian Aged Stallion 6 .4 Stallion, foaled in 1938 4 8 Class III. --Standard Bred Aged Stallion 6 8 Brood Mare 4 8 Claes IV. --Hackney Aged Stallion 5 3 • • Class V.—Heavy Draft Brood Mare in foal 5 4 A Filly or Gelding, under 3 years old4 3 2 ' Filly or Gelding, under 2 years old4, 8 2 Filly or Gelding, under 1 year old104 8 22 Draft .Tear. I let' prize donated by Commercial I Hotel. • Class Vi. Agricnitnral Brood Mare in foal 5 4 3 Filly or Gelding, under 3 yrs. of age 4 3 Filly or Gelding. under 2 yrs. of age ,4 3 2 IFilly or Goading, under 1 yr. of age 4 3 2 Agricultural Team 10 7 4 t 12'1 prize donated by W. -H. Gold- ._ini. 141.P . Class VII.—Genal Purpose -Team in Harness • 10 7 4 1st size nae y itsBalla- . p db ti b J tyne, M.L.A. Clens VIII.—Roadster, ,-l`,O:rfitters.'......Masa CATTLE -Class I—Angus lat 2nd 21rt11: Aged Bull $5 41 0 Bea under 2 years old 4 4 3 B Cow, any age 4 3 a. Heifer. under 2 yentas Class IL—Qhortborns Roadster„ owned by farmer 6 d 3 Filly or Gelding 4 3 2 I Class IX. Roadster, • Open Class Single .Roadster 6 4 3 6 4 3 Badge• Championship Class . FAIR NIGHT, APRIL 5th Flereeter Champion Frank Kenny and Blake Buckle Draft blare or Gelding, . any age.... 3 clusters: Radio Program; .,,Minstrel egricuitural Mare or Gelding, any Show: Acrobatic Performances; ',also age e' 3 Dialogues. Recitations, Choruses, Grand Championship or Songs—Soldiers, Clowns and Puppets.. D Mg, any a$eultural Filey or Geld -Badge ADMISSION - 15c and 20c Township- Prize Proceeds in aid of Red Cross and Three horses from one Township; 2 Benefit Purposes. entries necessary to fill; entry I fee 41.00 10 5 Aged Bull Bull, under 2 years Cow, any age Heifer, underly Herterd* 5 4 5 4 Aged Bull 5 Bull, under 2 years 4 Caw, any age 5 Heifer. under 2 gears..... 4 Market Cattle Butcher Steer or Heifer (Grades) 900 to 1100 pounds 6 4 8 Baby Beef, nndeat 800 lbs. 8 6 1 t 1st prize, Silverware, donated by T. Eaton Co. a y 6 s Z 11 2 4 B R d E 1 m s B ' SPECIAL PRIZES Gentleman's Turnout --02.00. Lad • Driver --02,50. Best Wagon Horne --+$8.00: Boys'. Judging Competition on Horses -4$.. 12.00, $1:00. Boys' Judging Competition on Cattle. 3340, $2.00, 11.00. Prizes in Boys' Judging •Eotnpetltion dom- ed by Bank of Montreal. The Hoye' Judging Competition will be un- der the direction of lair. Shearer. County At- rietiltural Representative. Score Cards wl10 be given each boy; 50 points will be genes for placing by score caeca, and 50 points cite reasons tto be give} *rattly. (lass to .be judg- ed will be heavy Horses and beef cattle- Me entrance- fee will be required' but boys 'must be under 18 years of age and have their MOAT, in before 1.80 o'clock. Prizes in Boys' Judg- ing donated by Bank of 'Montreal - RULES AND REGULATIONS Entries must be in before 1 p.m. 1—Entry fee, 31.00 for first entry: addi- tional entries, 23 cents'each.' 2—:Hozsra and Cattle cannot compete twice in regular class- es, except Agricultural or Draft 3 year oils. which may be shoe n in teams. S—TLa Judge's decision is final. 4.—Entries maze bet awarded any or no prize at the dscretises ere. the. Judge. 5—aSingle•Roadsters may also com- pete in Marna. 6—All entries must be Hese bona fide property of the exhibitor. 7—Brood mare must show to be in fbaL . 8--Ssei9ere will not be liable for any damages affeetSrrt exhibitors of livestock or spectators.. PARADE AT 1.30—Animals not in Parade may be excluded from competition. DONATIONS .. Huron County: 380; Village of 'Hensel) $62. Township of Tuckers'mtth, 325; Township of Hay, $25; T. Eaton Ca, Silverware; 'Hawn - ship of Usborne, 115: Bank of Montreal, 310: Commercial Hotel, 110; Wm: H. Goildirlg. 830; James Ballantyne,-M,L.A., 310; Robert - Simpson Go, Silverware. SPRING SHOW CIRCUIT--Seaforth. Anel& 1st; Clinton, April aid; $ensall, Apra 5th. DR. A.• R. CAMPBELL - President K. M. McLEAN - - Secretary W THIS .DODGE has scores KINGSWAY SPECIAL hcis scar of Attractf Te Featur ' , cls SUN VISORS ywt'1NGS. • DUAL HORNS VENTILATUAL ING AT1NC+ WIPERS• DUAL TAIL : LIGHTS WINDSHIELD WIPERS • to BEAUTIFUL COLOURS BIG TiRES 'RADIO �'i�1 7, 41, zietit Ne9~ yeopt era TO WHAT A GOOD DEAL ON YOUR PRESENT CAR !FE CAN'T [ GI YOU.'.. DOWAIT... COME EN TODAY --NOW, -- alk -‘‘‘Na. \\ 'N:\\\ ''''\N\ .' ''• :cam-c..r.�„e,. .;:c:..,,,aa;,•., �'"c '• tivssvbia3� t' i '" ii 6 4 r n y e