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The Huron Expositor, 1941-03-21, Page 8
.nf 4u1,�Vtatt K 1,, kiQilfie FOR '95c V(rxl1 q G n RONEY &-ib. X1.0 IPa3i M1E RSI LLOWS—Loose 15c lb . ` .Ia BABY SOUP 25c .. 3 Tins, LIBBY PORK & BEANS 2 Tine YI,.OW'ERDALE TEA is better /1 3C tea; half pound �F 15c LONDON HOUSE COFFEE half poiiuud 27c INGERS'OLL MALTED OHEESE—Package 15c APPLE AND STRAWBERRY 45c JAM Paii SMER RIFF'S ORANGE MAR- 55c �,LDAt,A� E; 4 -Ib. Tin J LWEBUOY SHAVING CREAM 2;5c 'Each " J'!AVEX—Makes 1 'gailon Javel 15c , Water; only J 1 TIN HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS, . 1 Bottle Furniture Cream,. UM; 5 BARS PEARL SOAP 25c --1 Handy Ammonia Leal 25c S BARS SOAP 1 Bowl 4 BARS. COMFORT SOAP 2 Glasses; all for 25c WN sod Golf Ear dee Pbe lg4Y golfers havre,` deoidetl to hold another bridge at the home of Mrs, MVierton .11., Reid en Wednesday evening, March ?alb, at $ p,irr. Wili all the ladies who plan to attend please notify Mrs. Reid, Miss' S. 1. McLean or Miss Abe hie Selp the day before the bridge will be held? MASTER'S CALF MEAL $OsiJU A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 INSURANCE, ' INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE Sudden Death.—Alice May Vodien, wife of Howard Shobbrook and daugh- ter of Albert Vodden, of Clinton, died suddenly en Tuesday morning at her home on the Huron Highway, a mile and a 'half west of .Seaforth, at the age of thirty-eight. She was born in Hullett .Township. Mr. and Mrs. Shobbrook moved from the vicinity of Lond:esbor•o two years ago to take charge of E. J. Box's farm on, the highway, where they have since resid- ed. Surviving are her husband and three children. Interment will be made in the Blyth Union Cemetery on Friday afternoon. WE SPECIALIZE 1N ALL. LINES OF INSURANCE (Money to Loan on First Mortgages on improved Farm Property. Number of desirable Dwelling Proper- ties for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID- - Proprietor 'hone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE o Mr. Tera Sills., 1t.Q.A,F,n Camp Bort n, epent the weel* end 'art the home aP his parewtri, W.. al? t .Mrs. k', S. Sills. • Mx M. C. Milligan, who recent, ly resigned his complission the the Rua7rars, has enlisted, in trhe Army Service Corps C.A. a Mrs W. G Bruce, ot I'iucardtne, spent the weekend at. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harpy Ste•Svart. • Mr. and Mrs. A. McTavish and two sons, of London, were week-ead guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. id A. Reid. • Mr. Aldie Eckert, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. J. M. Eckert. He lett Sunday evening to report for duty on Monday u,urn- ing but if the weather in the north was anything like our own, he would have a hard time getting to his des- tination. • Mr. Lloyd Hoggarth, L C.A.F., Camp Borden, • spent the week -end. here. • Mrs. Kenneth McCuaig was the, guest last week of Mr. , J. A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. Mr, and Mrs. McCuaig, who have been spending the winter in Parente, left this week for their 'home in Biggar, Sask. • • Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and family spent the week -end in Milver- ton. •• Mr. J. C. Crich spent several days this week in Toronto on 'busi-, ness- • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, of Sarnia, were week -end guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Frank Faulkner- • • Mn Arthur P. Reid, of Toronto, was the guest of his father, Mr. J. H. Reid, last week. • Mrs. M. White spent, last week with her two daughters in Toronto. • Mr. Alastair Wigg, R.C.A.F., Fin- gal, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg.. • Mrs.-Bryden, of Buffalo, and Mrs. Grace Cameron, of Toronto,' were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. , J. Walker. • • ••- Miss .Jean Frost has' sufficiently recovered from her recent operation t , return to herr home from Scott Memorial Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richardson, of Duluth; Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard- son, Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Boyd, of .Astwood, were weel.-end guests at the home of, Mrs. Thomas hichardson, in Egmondville. • Mr. Oban MacTavish, of Sky Harbor, 'spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacTavish. • Mr. Merle Dunlop, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of .his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dun- lop. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry, of Stratford, were week -end ' guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. • Miss Hilda Kennedy, of London., spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Roland Kennedy. • Flying Officer J. A. Munn, Man- ning Pool, spent the week -end • with his family here. • Mrs. W. C. Sutherland spent the week -end at her home in Blyth. • Mr. and Mrs. Claire Reith spent the week -end in St. Thomas. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D31-11 •a.m2 "The Last Supper"; 7 p.m., "A Great Re- form Movement"; Sunday School at 10 a:m. Wednesday, 8 p.m., - "The Christian Life Obedience." St. Mary's, Dublin ---2.25 p.m., Sun- day School; 3 .p.m., "The Last Sup- per." Northside United Church: Rev..H. V. Workman, Minister. -11 a.m., "A Sublime Egoist"; 2.30 pm., Sunday School; 7 p.m., "The Sonship of Jes- us." Thursday, 7.45 p.m„ . prayer ser- vice. ' First Presbyterian Church—Sunday School at 10 a.m.; morning subject, "Overcoming the World"; evening subject, "The Surrendered Will"; inid-Week meeting Thursday at' 8 p.m,. —Rev. Jack, Minister. - 00G00000 O O d O 0 S. T. ,Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL DIRECTORS O O O 0 Main Street, Seaforth O 0 Charles Holmes' residence, O O Goderich Street East. Phone O 'O No. 308. 0 O Ambulance Service O 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. 0 O I Night calls—Phone 308 0 ' , Day calls—Phone 119 O O Charge: moderate. O O 12-8? 0. 000000000000 Northside W. M. S. Meets. — The March,. meeting of the W. M. S. of Northside' United Church was held on Thursday. The president. Mrs: Law- son, opened the mleetin f with prayer. Twenty calls had been made by Cir- cle No. 2 during. the last' month. Af- ter the usual business and roll call was completed, the devotional meet- ing, was turned over to Circle 3 in charge of Mrs. McIntosh, who led in prayer. After -singing a hymn the theme for •the month being "Following Christ's Way in the Home' was tak- en up by the different members of Circle 3. Mrs. Storey, Miss Alexan- der, Mrs. L.' Webster and Miss A. Ferguson gave readings and the life of Miss Archibald, who. spent many long yearsin Trinidad, va.S• studied. Miss Lawrence brought Miss Archi- bald's work more forcibly home to us by the use of her air -way map. Mrs. N. Carter favored with a solo. The collection was taken and Mrs. Mcin- tosh.closed the meeting with the bene- diction. _. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'O 0 0 0 O O 0 H. C. BOX O. FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalmer ° Ambulance Service C►. Hospital Bed O with adjustable rachet oper- i. 0 . aced spring for rent.; O Night Calls Day Calls O 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 ie -a7 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O 0 O O O - J. A. BURKE O 0 Funeral Service 0 ©- Dublin OnL 0 , •O Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 O 0 00000000000'•'- 11167-tf THE -SECOND DIVISION COURT County of Huron Office .in the Dominion Hank Build- ing. Sea/evil:I. day, Thursday and Sala Saturday,1.80 p.m. to 0 pm. Saturday evening, 7.30 ,Trio_ E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth' ANNOUNCES the purchase of the tnsarance busines., of Hays & Herr, and the addition of Omit comivanies to our previous faelli- na Rive uneunexcelled%vneeein an `SEAFORTH ONTARIO 10-87 TSE. McKILLOP, UTUAL VE 'INSURAE CO'Y. .LOC AL- BRIEFS • Corp. Van Bell, '.R.C.A.F., Dart- mouth, Nova Scotia, is. spending a few days leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W: E. Bell. + Mrs. Robert , Sandicl:, of Grand Valley, was the weekend guest' of Mr. and Mrs. John MacTavish. - • Mr. Robert McCallum, R.C.A.F., Ottawa, was a week -end guest at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. J: E. Keating. • Miss 7essie Grainger, 'of Clinton, was 'a ,week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs: W. A. Wright - • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and Miss Nancy, of Toronto. spent the w eek -end at the - hotne of Mrs. Cud- mare's mother," Mrs. J. F. Reid. ' HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONT. HARNESS MADE TO YOUR ORDER, — at — Jack's Shoe and Harness Repair OFFICERS: 'Vii°'M, Knot, Lonclesbore. - Pres. 'Dff'.• R. Ar ahibald, Seaforth - Vide -Pres. Merton A. Add, .(Seaforth - Sec.-Troaa; 1%TItHCTOP S: Hindu,' Ktiox, Londegboro George anal, oto lagenl ; : p J. Tre- f Clinton, Alen Brbiad dirt, 1Et. fps • • A� h1ulddCu4tieoir, w1nig, lxtll•ba4t.,• Wt. 2, an, tat'• 6, Sea,. iliinbaldi WI. 4, SEAFORTH "Your Shoes Made Like Nev?' - Ask your neighbors what Bray Chicks did for them. Then see me for prices and delivery dates, - THOMAS DICKSON WM. STAPLETON ALVIN W. KE,ISLAKE, Hensel! It, of DEAD. or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone tolled tathis number 2 MI 1 CIIELL or 21, NNGERSOLI Wit AMSTONESOWW1TO 'TUCKERSMITH Ro,,sSI Sproat e' 8 Qteaker iprafd Tomato sou,* Time Clark's Vegetable Soup �1 EC 10 -oz,. 2, Tins 1 J Aylmer Tomatees 2'5'c 26 oz., 2 Tins L ST. WILLIAMS MARMALADE Orange and Grapefruit 21 c 2 -lb. Jar Salt Sea Herrings Vs '50c Dozen RJ Rinso—Large package 22c Each G Manning's Sandwich 17c Biscuits ---lb. DOMESTIC SHORTENING 2 pounds 25c Kellog's Corn Flakes 2 3 packages for LL 1 Tumbler Free. alpd yOge4tebeWa11•',. Mir U rold i otOYlleer, At `•1'oronito. epasnt the 'Week --4 I with hiet Parente, lYi and' Mrs, RpiXt. Seotebaner. lura. 1 . Rhea, • of 'Aetrp$t,. 1s vi'sit::. lug hekk papeu�te, • Mr. anti Mrs. David' Dewar; ht present. Owing tothe severe store an Mob, - day evening the St.,. Patti:ok's slipper in St. Andrew's basjemen't P?Ms . can. celled. The local Red Cross is holding a concert in the Town Hall on Friday evening when three one -act plays will bo given, also other musical numbers. Mr. and Mrs.'E. A. Westlake spent the past week visiting friends in" St. 'Phomas. 4 Wm. Westlake left on Tuesday for Hearst where he is engaged with a road construction company. The members of L.O.L. No. 24, wives and sweethearts enjoyed a so - eta' evening in their hall on Tuesday "'ellen a, quizz program, a spelling match, also progressive euchre and a good slipper were enjoyed by all. One of the older respected resi- dents passed away on'Thursday last in Clinton Hospital in the person of Miss Jennie Mciwen in her seventy- sixth,,Year, she having slipped on the ice three weeks ago, breaking her leg from which she failed to recover. The funeral was held on Sunday from her home. She is survived by three bro- thers and one sister (Eliza), Mrs: Mc- Kay, of Toronto; Sam, Joseph and Fred, of the village. The service was conducted by Rev. John Graham of the Anglican Church.' Pallbearers were John Parker, Wm. Parker, Don- ald Murray, John Murat', Russel Davi- son and Lindsay Smith. Interment was made in the family plot in Bay - t eld cemetery. Mrs: Guest, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Thomas, this week. ily dinner in honor of St. Patrick',s Day on Sunday. Visitors: John E. Molymeaux, Col- lege of Education, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. `Phos. J. Moly- neaux; Misses 'Gertrude and Peggy McGrath, Kitchener, with her mother, Mrs. Mary McGrath; Miss Florence Smith, Kippen, Miss Mary Evans, Stratford) IST.ormal, Miss, Kathleen Stapleton, Central Business College, Stratford; Miss Veronica Molyneaux, Drysdale, at their respective homes; Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Smith spent a few days in Caledonia_ Mrs. Wm. Cameron, Tuckersmith, and Airs. Lloyd Makins and Mrs, P. Weston, Bayfield, have returned. after spending the past month in Saskat- chewan and Alberta. CON.STANCE BAYFIELD Mrs. T. Bennett and Mrs. Barrett, of Detroit, are visiting their parents; - Mr. and Mts. Henry Weston, Mrs. Weston being laid up through illness the past two weeks. - Mrs. Percy Weston and Mrs. Lloyd Makins arrived home on Saturday from a visit with friends in Alberta The W.M.S. meeting was held last Thursday, March 13th, with Mrs.,. Britton taking the chair. The theme was. "Following Christ's Way in the Horne." One verse of the hymp, "To God Be the Glory" was read in uni- son and prayers offered by Mrs. E. Adams and Mrs. Menzies.. The Scrip- ture lesson was taken from Luke, 15th chapter, verses 11-32 by Mrs. - pave Millson, who also gave a short paper Ion the verses. A -discussion. on "Love in the Hearts and in the Home" was given by Mrs. Millson. The study book, "Links Between the East and West," with the title of the chapter being "Growth of the Work in Trini- dad," •was taken. The meeting clos- ed with the benediction.; Mrs. Leo Stephenson and Donald spent the week-erid - in . Brigden. Mrs. Wm. Britton accompanied her as far as Warwick and spent a few days in Clinton on her way' home. "Windy Willows" • POSTPONED TO TUESDAY, MARCH 25th at 8.15 p.m. in NORT SIDE-'' UNITED CHURCH Seaforth Don't miss this interesting four -act play. Presented by • the..- Constance Young People, under the .auspices of the Northside Young Peoples. Everyone is cordially invited. ADMISSION - 25c and 15c POTATOES IRISH COBBLERS—For Seed or table use. , A limited quantity left: Sold by Bag or Peck W. IL ELLIOTT • STAFFA DUBLIN The Anglican Women's Guild held then...monthly meeting' at the hofnle• cf Mrs. Frank Moore last week with a record attendance. After the business portion of the meeting a quilt was completed by the ladies to be donated to the Red Cross. Dainty refresh- ments ' were served .by the hostess. At the marathon Five Hundred er- ies of games last week the prizes �r'f war savings stamps were won by Mrs, Frank Smith, Mrs. A. M. Lodby, Wm. Lane, Mrs. Mary McGrath and Mrs. Thos. Butters. Mr. and Mrs, Hubert O'Reilly have leased the residence of the M. J. Klinkhamer estate and moved to their new home on Friday. John McGrath spent Last week in Toronto where his son, Hugh, under- went a 'critical and successful head' operation. - Miss Catherine Coyne entertained a group of nephew and nieces at a St. Patrick's supper on Sunday Evening. Miss Coyne, wh is 85 rears of age, is a native of rbbert Township and has lived in Dublin for the past 28 years. With the exception of defec- tive hearing following an attack of mea.sies in her childhood, she hal the best of health and does all, her Own work. Mrs. Mary. McGrath, Who celebrat- ed her ffi4'baday last week, WAS a 'gra- cious hostess at fancily Milner at her home on Sunday. Mrs. Barbara Rolland eelebratet11 her /7th birthday on Mardis 170 p a striking ooineidtilt e, her *other, Peter t•?okert of Mettii10 alba 0.g1e- bi toa,La` birrthda on 'E'ia aX f' yM ` 'i 'r ii ne Yet', eft r NOTICE Owing to my recent accident, Mr. Charles . Holmes will take charge of funerals until further notice. Phone •= 335 or 119 W. J': CLEARY SEAFORTH Mr. and Mrs. O. Vrs,r. Reed spent the week -end in Toronto and _Haanilton, Miss Dorothy Hazelwood visited'in Whalen with her parents. Miss Isabel Drake, nurse -in -train- ing at St, Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, is spending 'her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Drake. Mr. and Mfs. M.—Me-Curdy,- of Us - borne, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Reggie and Audrey visited -in Brodhagen. Mr. and Mrs. ,Arthur Kemp visited in Motherwell. Euchre &Dance THURS., MARCH 27 in Seaforth Armouries Under auspices of Seaforth •Jun- ier Wdmen's Institute. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross. CARDS SHARP AT 8.30 p.m. Admission - 35 cents rye EGMONDVILLE t W " O .,'RL. ,A4ING N Double Eeatuxe "TUR MAN YR OM MONT E•AL' '14,IONEERS OE THE WEST" Mom, Tues., ' Wed. NEAGLE he `gene' Girl a®Itr VICTOR MATURE MARC VCUNC RKo Radio Picture Produced and(Undid by HERBERTWILCOX $c[een Plot by Ken Englund ' Next. Thurs., Fri;., Sat. r t N Y'' V 'HENRY DOROTHY 1-INDA ' FONDA • LAMOUR OARNELL,, 4 ERA 11, 1111ANNA ' by WALTER D. EDMONDS :. j "� 6. Cn1J TT C11141C 1'.v k; Coming ---"I Can't Give You Anything But Love." Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Daw- son. - "Canada Carries On"—Be sure and see the Government war pictures be- ing shown in the United Church on Friday evening, Mar. 21st. These are really worth seeing and you shouldn't miss them. The shower and supper that the Red Cross sponsored on Friday after- noon and evening was very successful and those who missed it misised a lot. Mrs. A. Paterson and Mrs. A. Zapfe The regular weekly young People's meeting of Egmondville United Church opened Monday night by a sing -song, led by Anna Watson. The president, Gordon Finnigan, then took the chair and the hymn, "What -a. Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung, after which Rev. A. W. Gardiner led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Worden Haney. The business was discussed and the devotional conven- er, 'Mr. P, Peterson-, took the chair. "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee" was sung and Robert Wallace read the Scripture, Luke 20, verses- 9-16. Mr. Peterson gave a short talk on the lesson red. Jack Patrick read a story, "To Build a Fire." The.offer- ing was received. and "From. Green- land's Icy• ,Mountains"- was sung, after which the National Anthem and. Miz- pah . benediction 'closed the meeting. RADIOS RADIO BATTERIES RADIO TUBES Always in Stock • AS USUAL: ' We can give you prompt Radio Re- pair Service. t —= TRY US -- J. -- . DA LY FoSEAVORTDkaler • 4 BUS TIM ' TABLE Leave Sienfettli f tv Stratford: Dally 1316 a,m and 6.16 emu %ea:010 Ettsforth to •' Gade1tib5 X Mi)y d'9 .: d 1.05 fttiah.. hunt. 7.1b tiri Sunt and leoll`si 1 Oil p.m, rnd 9:20 mien. n , ". r Yd 'itorO VOA Asenie +N . Ctildwiaetrdal , ReA l lcic 1� le $'rB1Il7"��'Gi�"I�IGH 1 i..,-. �A ,iti' ,Ylr 7tn �t,.,� h spent the week -end in Toronto. 11.1r. Jas. McCully, of St. Thomas,. spent the week -,,end at his home here. Don't forget'to bring in your junk to the Red Cross. This is the last - week. The man comes Thursday, March 20th. Major E. H. A. Watson, Field Sec- retary of the Red Cross, will be here on March 27th, at 8 p.m., to address the local society and will dflscuss( any problems and answer any questions. Meeting will be called at 8 o'clock. Seaforth -Monument Works '- (FORMERLY ....W ...E.._.CHAPMAN) Operated by CUNNINGHAM and. PRYDE . Your are invited to inspect our stock of CEMETERY MEMORIALS SFAFORTH — TUESDAY'S and SATURDAYS See- Dr. Harburn -.for appointment any other time — Phone 150 Box 150 EXETER Phone 41 --f BLAKE The Women's Missionary Society meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Park on Wednesday after noon with 16 ladies. present. Mrs. Harold Finlay • was in. charge of the meeting, Mrs, T. `Dinsmore took the Scripture and Mrs. M. Elliott took the'topic. "A dainty Minch was served -at the -close. - • Mrs. John Parke, of Hensall, visited ber son -and 'wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parke and faintily...-.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride mov- ed to Kippen 011 Wednesday to re- side. They will be greatly missed from this 'community. - Mr. and. Mrs. John C. Cochrane and daughter, Audrey, of near Kippers; Mr. and' Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie and Mrs. Alex McMtirtrie and daughter, Carol, of Kippen, and Mr. Allan Coch- rane, Miss Edna Cochrane and Mr. C. Robinson, of Hillsgreen, visited Sat- urday evening at"the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlay. • Rev. Mr: Penrose, of- Exeter, deliv- ered a splendid' address in the Blake Church on. Sunday afternoon. HILLSGREE-N ' Mrs. Smale and family, of Hens3;11, visited fora few days, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan. - Mr, Ralph Turner is smiling these days. A little girl has come to stay' at their home. Both mother and baby are well. ,On Wednesday evening of last week the Hillsgreen Quilting Circle met at' the home of Mrs. Gordon Love and enjoyed a very pleasant evening piecing a quilt on which they are Selling tickets for the War Victims'" Fund. Alter the business part was discussed a very 'dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. Cooper Forrest is wearing a (broad smile. • A little girl has come to their home to stay. On Friday afternoon the Hillsgreen Quilting Circle ,met at the home of Mrs. Alfred Reiichert and quilted a quilt they are donating- to the War Victinds'' Fund. The hostess served -a buffet lunch which was Very much en- joyed. The quilt is on display at the store of Gascho & Son, Zurich, after which it will be on display In Hen- sall. Quite a number of motorists have been stranded o'w'ing to the recent big storm which struck this district ear- ly Sunday evening, it being impossible to see the road. BRUCEFI•ELD:, Mr, dim s %sillrt son, • Jsek, qi' Stratford, spent the • week. soil' Witlif. Mr. anal/Its. Coi'nIsh, • tlr and IVIrs W 7,ia't'sc$fl .of t r&S tetra' and Mr Ftio'hiard . tiatOott, 11i'alni" 1)0014,611) ' WESTINGHOUSE snow distributed in Seaforth .and district by Boshart Electric. This well-known line of electrical goods will now be on display in our . Store. WESTINGHOUSE WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS <r, - REFRIGERATORS Are the last word in Radio. The full line -of Models which ,we feature • gives you highest performance at lowest cost. .. WESTINGHOUSE Are famous for' their food-kee,p- ing qualities and long life. Economical to operate. Come and see the New Models. ELECTRIC RANGES Bosho rt Electric 41 Radio, Repairing a Specialty MAIN STREET SEAFORTH CASH SPECIILS — ONE WEEK Swansdown PASTRY FLOUR -6-1b: Bag 24 lbs BSc "PURITY" ROLLED OATS (Fine or Course) Prince Edward Potatoes—No. 1 Graded American Blend COFFEE (Fresh Ground)—Per lb. , 21c 7 lbs. 2,5c bag ,$1,15 39c PICAKE SHORTENING • 2 lbs. 25c A Family Treat ! LAND OV CLOVER HONEY A Pure White Canadian Honey 1 -pound Carton Packed and Processed for Overseas Shipping 2 -pound Carton 19c 3:5c EXTgA SPECIALS Red Rose ' Coffee—Vacuumn Q Quaker Puffed Wheat or 15cPack Tins;' per ib. rF�C Rice;. 2 packages Giant Super. Suds with Q Aylmer -Tomatoes,. choice 2;9c Cake Plate; both '39c 2 large • 28 -oz,• tins L 'Heinz Tomato Catsup1 i1 Q, .."White Cross" Toilet• I�'C Large 14 -oz. bottle .. , , Tissue; 3 pkgs. s Cardno's Bread is Baked to a Satisfying Flavour and Freshness! 7c - -Per Loaf ' One CARDNO'S OCERY AND BAKERY . $BAFoRTII • Brom t' #Je ivet „