HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-03-14, Page 8.1' 7.77,7:7 777, Jbs • NAV 40;4014 Mtn -Frozen 15c a• ffcr whole lisle; lb• ALIAS OF CODFISH 15c nPRESH FROZEN HERRINGS gin,. au Li ozea TOMATO JITICE 40c wine gallon VA in CAMP'S TOMATO SOUP 3 tins CUL: WEST CHICKEN SOUP tin • AYLMER SPINACH 2 cans PEANUT_BUTTER '3% -lb. tin oRANGES-Sweet and jnicy dozen NEW CARROTS 2 bunches GRAPEFRUIT 7 for BEAD LETTUCE ,2 large heads 1O'c• 25c 50'c 15c 15c 25c 19c STAIN -AWAY TOILET FLUSH IL,C4 Tin MICHA,RDS' CARBOLIC SOAP 19c 4 cakes .30Y LAUNDRY SOAP 25c 10 bars WOODBURY'S TOILET. SOAP IS seUas. L 4 cakes • 29c SNAP HAND CLEANER per tin SiLASTKR!S PIG STARWM •Cwt. $150 A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF 'INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Mortgages on improved Farm PrOiterty. Number of desirable Dwelling Proper- ties for sale. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : Seaforth • SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 0 <> o oo °Go 4> 0 S. T. Holmes & Son ° • FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 Charles Holmes' residenee, Goderich Street East. Phone 0 O No. 308. 'Ambulance Service 0 Adjustable hoepital bed for 0 rent. 0 Night calls -Phone 308 0 O Day calls -Phone 119 0 -0 'Charges moderate. 12-37 •(> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 00000000 o• o H. C. BOX • ° O FUNERAL SERVICE License q Embalmer 0 00000 <Y'0 0 Ambulance Service Hospital Bed -0 vrith adjustable rachet oper- O ated spring for rent. .0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 ▪ -0 7 :0 0 0 0 12-87 0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 g<> '0 .0 0 • o J. A. B1TanT"- 0 Funeral Service • 0- Dublin ; • Ont. Night or day calls; Phone 43 r1.0 ° 0 <> 0 <> <> <> <> <> )1787-tf THE SECOND 'DIVISION • COURT County of Huron Office in, The Dominion- Bank Build- ing. &starlit Office honrs:• Tam- ° &V, Thursday and Saturday, 1.80 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 to 0 Ana E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Seaforth ANNOUNCES the Purchase of the insuran.ce Madness o Biays & Moir, and the addition of their companies to our pe -eons • •anables ieW- o to give unexcelled Iex'yeein all lines. FORTH- :• ONTARIO 111-37 McEiLLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD orrice -'SEAFORTH, ONT. • 014.10ERS: Vitilit knee, Londegbero - Pres. WelteAdrehlbald, Seaforth - Vice -Pres. litertnit •A, Reid, Senforth - Sec.-Treas. • DIRECTORS: Wilhith Jn*Z Loncleoberw; aleOrgo 1.6bithardt, Bei; 11 S. Tre- 'itit*,,dilAttrii; Oitsotoot, it •,• eitor*,.moopOor •tiebvitinig, taft PIA got tit 4, 400. , Oenfratnfatittlfneesfi, hetit of friends in OVA and enient17 join Pb Expositorxosito i ending eortgratules Verne and beet WisneW to Mr. Conrad Eckert, Ilrho on Wednesday, 12th, celebrated his 81st birtliday, Mr. Ectart received many eongratula- torY local and long distance telephone messages. Pass Music Exams. -At the recent examinations of the Toronto Con- servatory of Music held Ira, Stratford, Miss Irene Workman was successful in passing the theory examination and Miss Patricia Bechely received Iionors" in Grade VI, vocal. They are pupils of Mr. W. B. Rothwell of Strat- ferd. Girls' W. A. Meets. -The monthly meeting of the Girls' branch of the W. A. of St. Thomas' Church was held at the home of Mrs. Shaw on, Tuesday, March llth. The meeting was opened with prayer, followed by the other business. A missionary pamphlet, "They Thought He Was Mad," was read by Mrs.. Shaw. The meeting was closed with prayer and a .delicious lunch enjoyed. Announcement. - Me. Edward 0. Grady announces the engagement of his niece, Mary Frances, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. J. O'Grady, to Mr. Edward Francis Kidd Lennon, son of Mr. P. E. Lennon, and the late Marie Louise Kidd. The marriage has been arranged' to take place quiet- ly in Montreal the latter part of Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. Northside United Church, Rev H. V Worlanan, Minister -11 a.m., The Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper; 2.30 P.m, Sunday School.. 7 p.m., "The Lamb of God." Pre-Comtnlunion see „Vice Thursday at 7.45' p.m. First Presbyterian Church -Sunday School at 10 a.m.; morning subject, "Building the Lord's House"; even ing subject. "The Dangers of Neutral- ity." Young People's meeting Tues day, March 18th, when the young peo- ple of Goderich will be entertained. Mid -week meeting an Thursday at p.m. -Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister, St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr, Hurford, -11 am., "The Anoint- ing of Jeees"; 7 p.m., "Jeremiah's Early Preaching"; Sunday School, 10 am.; Wednesday, 8 p.m., Lent Ser- vice, "Prayer," St. Mary's, Dublin -2.25 p.m., Sun, day •School; 3 p.m., "The Anointing of Jesus' Body." , ,Sister Dies in Vancouver. - Mrs. Thomas Elder and Mrs. William' El- der, of Seaforth, received the sad anessage on Tuesday of the death at Vanconner of their sister, Mrs. Wm. H. Tapp, after an illness of several months. Bern near Hensall Mrs. Tapp was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart. She was married more than 40 yeanee ago to William, H. Tapp, of Hensall., After their marriage they moved to the West. Mr. Tapp died last De- cember. She leaves a family of three eons and one daughter: Ross and Roy,. Swanson Bay, and Frank and si.pATRIcKts SUPPER Under the auspices of C. W. L. Monday March 17 St. James - Parish Hall Half of proceeds to eo to Red Cross Supper served from 5 to 8 p.m. ADMISSION - 35c and 25c YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A Mechanized • Farming Conference featuring the FORD. TRACTOR FERGUSON SYSTEM and WHEEL -LESS IMPLEMENTS .at Cardno's Hall SEAFORTH SATUROAY, MAR. 15 1 p.m. to 4.80 p.m. F. DALY Ford4Wereury Dealer SkAPOUTII *in .4400 tta*10. 1.1)0-VATIMOWPIT nIso three Ontims, Ogaiowg444. "gm Herman- 4.114 Robert ureonflon, AMT. three sietetn, MrS, Tbnlentai =der ad are. Wiijj Elder, SeafOrth, and Mrs. W. K. )3011, et Northside Y. P. U. Meets, - The regelar weekly meeting of tine Neale, side United Church YouPeople was held on Tuesday evening with bine Sam Stott presiding. The meeting opened with the hymn, "God Moves in a Mysterious Way," follewed by the minutes of the last meeting read by the secretary, Miss Maxine Lawr- ence, which were adopted as correct on motion of Miss Jessie Denude. 'Me business was then discussed and the devotional convener, Mine Isabelle Forrest, took charge and tine hymn, ."Where, Cross the Crowded Ways of Life" was sung and Miss Jessie Den- nis read the Scripture lesson followed by a prayer by Miss Luella Keine. Miss Clarice Lee read a poem and Mise Dorothy Gallop sang a lovely solo. The topic on "Health and Life" was given by Miss Winnie Savauge. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and repeating the Mizpah benediction. Junior Institute Meets. -Mrs. John McGregor was hostess to the mem- bers of the Junior Women's Institute on Wednesday afternoon last when they met for their March meeting. Mrs,. Gordon Papple presided. The Institiae-Ode and the Lord'e Prayer opened the meeting. The nominating ennamittee was appointed as follows: Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Mrs. Victor Len and Mrs. Andrew Crozier. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman took charge of the remainder of the meeting. Conaimunity singing was enjoyed. and 'Mrs. J. F. Scott spoke on a most interesting topic, "God does not intend us all to be rich, but He does intend us all to be friends." Mrs. Raymond Nott and Mrs. Victor 'Lee favored with a se4eec- tion on the piano and guitar Carol Chesney sang "Peggy O'Neil." Mrs. Lillian McIntosh won a contest by drawing the best shamrock blindfold- ed. Mrs. Hugh Chesney and Mrs, Frank Kling sang "Did Your Mother Come From Ireland?" and "Mother Mac hree." The meeting •closed with the National. Anthem.' LOCAL BRIEFS • Dr, Russel Hartry of Fort Frances, is spending a few days at the home of his sister, Miss Hartry. • Mr. William Beattie, of Veneer - tier, Quebec, is visiting his brother, Mr. Thomas Beattie, and sister, Mrs. E. C. Cee. • Mr. Jack Walker, R.C.A.F., To- ronto, spent the week -end at the home Of his -parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Walker. • Miss Martha Allen, of the Col- legiate staff, 'spent'the week -end with friends in Londesboro. • Miss Jean Frost underwent an operation for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital on Friday. • Mr. W. C. Sutherland, R.C.A.F., Trenton, spent the week -end With his family here. • Miss Helen Crich, 'of Goderich, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Glow. • Mr. T. L. Gillespie, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gil- lespie, • Messrs. J. E. Wtllis, M. A. Reid and A. Y. McLean were in Toronto on Tuesday in connection with the Waterloo hockey protest. The pro- test was disallowed by the 0.H.A. • Mrs. Thomas Wheatley is spend- ing- this •week in StratfOrd the guest of Rev. T. J. Robinson and Mrs. Rob- inson. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy MnIVIaine, Eg- mondeille, and Mr. and MrS,. •Joseph Petrie, . of Donegal, were Sunday guests at the home .of Rev. 'and Mrs. C. C. Keine'. • Mr. W. E. Southgate, Jr., of the Kitchener Training Centre staff, spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. • Mr, Alastair Wigg, R.C.A,F., Fin- gal, is spending a few days' leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and WS: F. W. Wigg. • Mr. Leslie Hogg,. Preston,. epent .the week -end with his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. VV. E. Hogg. • Mr. Robert Strong was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital on Monday suffering from an attack of pneu- • monia. • Mr. and -Mrs. E. L. Box were in Toronto this week: • Miss Joan McMaster, Moulton College, Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. • Miss Carolyn Holmes, of Landon, spent the week -end at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott, Kirkland Lake, are guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S:cott, Harpurhey. • Mr. David Grieve, of London, spent the week -end with this parents, Dr. and Mrs. j. G. Griene. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eifert, of ,Ripley, ,were week -end gueSte at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hogg. • Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, of Chisel - burst, was the recent guest of her sister, 'Mrs. F. R. parsons and Mr. Parsons. • Mise Marjorie Bickell, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. William Bickell, • Mrs. J. C. Reinke, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Hugh Grieve left for her home In Hamilton on Sat- urday. • Mrs. John Earle, of Egmondville, received word on Saturday of the death Of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Kineley, in Belfast, Ireland. ° • The many friends of' Mr., H. C. Box -Who has been confined to .his homfor notriVWeeks from a heart condition, will be very glad to learn that hs is tote improving. • Mr. Konnth Reid, of ; Owen Sound, apeet the Week -end at the homie of hie parents; Mr. and Mrs, J. IT. [Red • Mr..J. M. Robertson is 111 1i Scott Metaarial • Rein. and Mr. A. W. Gardiner, of OgidoretIville:, Were In Louden this *t Iot t1x MaeTaVinb. ieft Sink inititinint ter Rita% litanitoba, '000. lt,e, 'NM :b6 otatiotted. 1,31141)0,t Phone 8 ST/N4G.TO SAP I 6 ii3arass, 29c mtyr PURE 14,Aitp lb. ' NIARSHIVIALLOWS lb, 9c 15c INTRODUCTORY OFFER 51c Both Fresh Lake Herrings doz. 30c Fresh Fillets Ib. 18c Smoked Fillets Ib. 18c Ciscoes lb. 20c Frozen Salmon, half or whole 15c Salt Sea Herrings Ib. 7c Fresh Smelts 2 lbs. 25c YOUR •SHOPPING CENTRE • The Seaforth Junior Women's In- stitute distends holding a euchre and dance the end of March. • • Messrs. J. M. and Joseph Eckert n -ere in Owen Sound last week on business. • Mrs. W. F. McMillan spent a few days last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Grey, be Strat- ford. • Mr. Alfie Eckert, R.C.A.F., has ST. PATRICK'S PROGRAM AND DANCE COLUMBAN 1VIonday, March 17th FEATURING CLARKE JOHN/310N NEW AND OLD-TIME DANCING SPECIAL ---$5.00 in Door Prizes - 8.30 to 2 ADMISSION 35e and 25c • COMING! Tuesday Night, March 18th at 8.15 p.m. "WINDY WILLOWS" presented by the Kinkern Yoang People, under the auspices of Northside United Church Young People. ADMISSION 25c and 15c SEEDS At Attractive Prices LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER for SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZERS HANDLING FREIGHT -FREE GRAIN Let us have your order., The Canada Malting Co. wishes to put Barley out on contraete Get in touch with the Agent... WM. STALPLETON DUB 3822x3 MASQUERADE Skating Carnival MITCHELL FRIDAY, MARCH 14th Under auspices Kennicott Hockey Club ADMISSION - - 25c and ten • Quality Team Harness for $48,90 Martingales and Breast el an Straps; each Hand -made, doube and stitched at points of strain. jack'i Shoe and Harness Repair SEAFORTH "Your Shoes Made Like New?' RADIOS °RADIO BAITENIRIES • RADIO TUBES Always -in Stock AS USUAL: WS. can give you prdinpt Ra&'o Re - •pair Service. T.nv us -- J. F. DALY Pord - Mercury Dealer' 811APORTII kogtRi omptetliv.4 fronv low • pol?,0 Pfg494. IV', T)aid : DAVAO,0 iVer4nratt Sarike 10 Waiting al.1I hoine Mirw hinplynt, ited (hr er 804,: Mr- Rnb PavlIA•i• Te Rra0,4,w TIST. AP, St, ThOman: • Mt^s. J.' fillPeat TneflOY with her sister, Mra, I. A. Walter, h TantsnaS, KLPPEN Mr. Wilmer Ferguson, of Tlearaes Road, spent Sunday 'with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques. Mr. and: DAM J. Cochrane spent a day recently atlke home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Welker, of near Hillsgreen. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simaer, of Ches- terville, Ont., are visiting the latter's' „niece, Mr. ani Mrs. Wen. Homey. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor and famaly, of Stnalford, spent the week -end with Mr. an,d Mrs. R. Dinsdale. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. McKenzie and fam- ily, of Hensall, formerly ef Kippen, in their recent bereavement of the late Mr. McKenzde, who passed away, in London -.hospital on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson and sons, Russel and Howard, of Obiselhurst, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney on Sunday evening. The W.A. of the United Church is holding a pot -luck supper and a crek- Mole party in the Sunday school room on Wednesday -evening, March 9th. All members of the congregation are cordially invited. The Kippen East Women's Institute will meet ,at the home of Mrs. Wm. Caldwell on Wednesday, March 19th, at 2.15 p.m. Miss M,argniet McKay will have the topic and the roll call will be "My Hobby." The result of the 'knitting contest will be announc- ed at *is meeting, so please have your knitting sent in by Saturday eve- ning. imannetooessa, •sommommal• BRUCEFIELD Mrs. E. Forrest, of London, spent a few days with friende, in the village. Don't forget the Red Cross enoever and supper on Friday, 'March 14th. Mr. and -Mrs. Sp -ear and daughter, of Saskatchewan, are visiting at the home of D. Swan. Miss Evelyn Grainger, of• Goderich, spent Sunday at her home here. Don't forget to bring in your rags, iron, paper and bottles by the 15th. We congratulate Mr. William Mc- Intosh, who [held' the lucky ticket on the autograph -Red Cross quilt on which $49.00 was realized. Mr. Wm. Berry received word' on Monday of the death of his sister-in- law, Mrs. John Berry. Pte. Abe Zapfe, of Toronto, visited at hi § home here. The W. A. held their March mieet- ing in the Sunday school room on Wednesday, March 5th. The first part was spent hi sewing, The meeting op- ened with Hymn, 298,- Scripture read- ing Psalm 699 and prayer by Mns. Mustard', followed by Hymn 500. The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion by Mrs. A: Scott, sec- onded by Mns. Johnston, carried. The roll call was answered 'by an Irish quotation, a.n.d correspondence ' wad read. The hostess for April will be Mrs. Jamieson, the assistants being Messrs. Allan, Burdge, Boyes. and T. Chapman. Mrs. Wilson; Mrs. B: Scott, Mrs. A. Zapfe and Mrs. Paterson were appointed to prepare the program for visitors' day in May. The roll call for April is to be on Easter. (Intended for last week) • Mrs. Abe Zapfe and Blanche- spent the nweek-end in Toronto. ' Mrs. Wm. Stnith, of Exeter, spent the week -end with Mrs. A. Hoh.ner. EGMONDVILLE 011111. • The Egmondville W.M.S. held their meeting on March Fath in the vestry of the church with the president, Mrs. Gardiner; in the chair, The meeting open -ed by reading a hymn in unison. and Mrs.. Nott led in prayer. The minutes of last meeting were -read and adopted. ROI call was answered ,by 10 members with a verse of Scrip- ture cominencing with the letter 'M.' Mrs. Brown and Mrs-. Richardson. Were. appointed onthe visiting committee. The treasurer reported last month's collection as $13.55. 'Moved and sec - ended by Mrs. Allan and Mrs. „Rout- ledge': That we pay _no specified amount to buy a war saving certificate in the name of the W.M.S., Mrs. Mc- Millan to oversee this transaction. le the absence of Miss Cameron, Mrs. Gardiner took the study book in dra- matic form, Mrs. Gardiner represent- ing .tien,press,..'MTS. Allan impersonat- ed .MisS Archibald; and Mrs. Nott im- personated Miss Beattie. Miss. Archi- bald is a missionary in • Trinidad, Where she now labors for love with- out pay. Mrs. Allan took the worship service, The theme 'was •"Fletne." She read the story of the Prodigal Son; closing with prayer. A.poem the 'M'isslionarn Monthly entitled' "What Can' a -Mother Give Her Chil- dren," writteneby Grace Knoll Crowell was read. The offering was received and Mrs. Gardiner elosed,the meeting with prayet., TUCKERSMITH A joint meeting of the two Tneker- smith groups of the Radio Forum met on Tuesday evening atothe home of Mr. David McLean with forty present. The speaker for the evening was, Mr. Jandes C. Shearer, agricultural repres- entative at Clinton, and his subjects. were "Value of Farm! Forums" and "Co-operative Baying." After a dike ,cussion on radio broadcasting, Mr. elq at Whitmore contributed a violin solo accompanied by Miss Florence Whit - mere. 14isa 'Wilma, and Master Ross Melsean sang a iduet A delightful lunch Vag served and ate meeting closed with ""Cloci. Same the King." The Ttielteremith la;dies' Club held their mcinthly Meeting at the horne Of Mrs. Norris Sillery with 22 tattles present. The progritin included a, (piano instrumental by Florenee Whit. more and a short 1)00,131 by Mrs; allery. An article on "171titititen -OletirehlII" by Pleteber TownSend .4./3 initdlleM0Y6d. Sisi quilin Wore ed' titter -it tbe nisontbi for th :•:It4d; •Creberl. A draw' On a toillt Win WO& •ij NOW PLAYING TYRONE POWE "13rigilairi Young', . LINDA DARNELL,. Seaforth Mon,, Tues.,, Wed, ' Christopher Morley's Semationel • Best-Selier . GINGER ROGERS 'it wtb .-i, ENNISMORGs.N JAMES RK0 RADIO Picture• Eduardo Clannellt. Ernest Cossart Gladys Cooper Produced by DAVID HEMPSTEAD, HARRY E. EDINGTON, Executive Producer. Screen Play by Dalton Trumbo. Additional Dia- logue by Donald Ogden Stewart. Next. Thurs., Fri., Sat DOUBLE BILL Robert Livingstone Raymond Hatton Duncan Renalde "Pioneers of the West" ArriaN. DEVINE WAIN 1111,611 EW UNIYEASAI. PICTURE 0 Coming -"-No No Nanette by Mrs. Frank Walters. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Auetin Matheson on April 9th. There are thousands to tell you it Can- not -be done; There are thousands, to prophesy fail- ure; There are thousand's to point out to you one by one, Tike dangersthat watt to assail you, But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, Just take off your coat and go to it; Just start t:••• sing as you tackle .the thing . That "cannot be •dene," and you" do it. -Edgar, Guest, Spring must 'be just 'round the cor- ner for the robins have arrived. 0• Messrs. L. Tebbutt, S. H. Whitmore and F. Townsendattended the fun- eral of the late William McKenzie at Hensall on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlisle, of Hen - sell, visited' the lady's mother, Mrs. Wm., Landeshorough, on Sunday. - MANLEY Mr. Fergus Horarb met with a pain- ful accident last Saturday by being thrown against, a door while loading pigs. MesSrs. Clem and Gerald McKay, of Galt, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. McKay. ' Word was. received' here last. Satur- day of the death of Mr. Patrick •Pur- cell, of Stratford. He was born here sixty-sevenyears ago and spent bis school days here until he grew to manhood, when he left for Stratford and was employed in the- MeLagan Furniture ,Manufaeturing Co. His funeral took place on Tuesday from the Immaculate Conception Church where Requiem- High Mass was sung by the pastor and burial took place in Avondale cemetery. He is surviv- ed by his wife' and two brothers, John, of Seaforth, and. William, of Detroit, and Iwo sisters, Mrs. -Frank Kenny, of Dublin, and Mrs. Lenge- way, of Guelph, who have the spit, pathy of the community in this their hour of sad affliction. BRAY CHICKS • Why write letters and send money orders? Order your Bray Chicks through me -personal attention, prompt delivery. . THOMAS DICKSON - Seaforth WM. STAPLETON Dublin ALVIN W. KERSLAKE - Hensall BUS' TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford; : Daily 8.25 em. and 6.15 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich'; Daily accept Sunday and hal., 1.06 p.m. and 7.40 p.m. Sun. and bal., 1.06 p.m. and 9.20 p.m. Connection at Stratford for Taranto. Hamilton, Buffato, London, Detroit, Taniatask, WU:Kis:bock, Brantford. Agents - Queen's Betel, Commercial Bond, Dick U01166 STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LI NES a 000041 of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone rolleceto this number 219 MITCHELL ° or 21•INGERSOLL WJWARSTONES _SO WESTINGHOUSE Is now distributed in Seatorth and district by Boshart Electric. This well-known line of electrical goods will now Beeson „display in our Store. WESTINGHOUSE ' ,RADIOSO ' Are the last word in Radio. The full line of Models which we feature gives you highest performance at lowest cost. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS Are famous for their food -keep- ing qualities and long life. Economical to operate. Come and see the New _Models. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGES Boshart Electric - „ MAIN STREET- -- Radio Repairing a Specialty SEAFORTH Farmers, Their Families ant Friends „ • ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND' Our McCormick -Deering .. 5. a Power. Farming Ente#amment Two Big Free Shows! On Thursday, March 20th Afternoon Show starts at 1.30 Sitarist Evening Show starts at 7.30 Sharp! AT CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH See BOB COOK, the "MAGICAL COMEDIAN." His second act of pro- ducing Rag Pictures and trick drawings is worth going mike to see 1 See and hear about the new McCormick -Deering conventional four - Wheel traetors, the W4, WG and WD6; three new stream -lined trace tura math many revolutionary features designed' 'to provide maximum power requirements for any farmer at lowest poseible cost. Find out about the' new. Farmalle-four of therni-A, B, It, & M, Which have created new records in, fuel.economrann general satisfaction. New sound Moving pieberes, including comedies galore-educationa1. films and ffixhs of general interest to all. The International ITarvester Company factory trained engineer will be On band to answer questionand give free and helpful advice. BACH,Seaforth ; nano Following Evening Program 4 '11 • • • 1 1,4 I •• •