HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-03-07, Page 4ss,
Ms will be inserted 'At new low cash'rates
*anted. Lost and Found, Coming Events. Etc.—Per wordt
let week
1 Cent
2nd week % Cent
3rd week 1/6, Cent
Minimum chaTges first insertion 25 Cents
Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word.
of Thanks, In Memoriam Notiees-1 cent per word. Miniatilail, 50 cent a per week.
nuj may be directed to a Box Number., care of The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents
Ten cents additional per week will be charged if ads in above elms are not paid by the
' Saturday night in the week in which the ad was. run.
Births, ?Marriages mak- Deaths inserted free of charge.
Auction. Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.--4tates on application.
For Sale Births,
-poR SALE -1N npasst.LL, Acsms REID--In Henssal, Lon Sunday. March 2nd, to
land; henhouse, 92x20; colony, 16x12; Mr. and 'Mrs. Norval Reid, a son.
good well and fenced. Apply to JOHN McCOWAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on
DALLAS. Hensel!. 3i21x3 March .11,h, to. Mr. and Mn. Frank 2.1c -
Cowan, Reuee.field. a sem
Help Wanted
or womtar, for. general housework. Apply
(Continued from Page 1)
/YERS. GORDON MeGAVIN. 831 r )23.
3s21-1 the Junier Club. In our opinion, this
WANTED 4.XFERIPINCED COOK, GEN. Player is not , legitin)ate to play
VV era]. Iwo in family. 3‘1.1(S. RANISAY, lit'vlsr.y for ally' Club as he is .signed
197 /WontStreet Sta.on. Lond.in. Out. ,la.;‘,•d for more than one club.
5. We would like to examine the
plavine certificates of the Seaforth
Club as when we requested
Farm Stock For Sale Hockey
at four different eames to see • the
certifleates .we vere refused the right
• wean.
Apply to JOHN IVICLAORLAN, R. to examine any of their certificates.
R. 4. Seaferth. 51.21-1 "6. We notified C. Mooney, who
was in charge of the game MoIrdaY,
March -3rd; that we were playing this
game under protest."
Seaforth's reply to the charges is
as follows;
We are •in receipt thiimorning of
the formal protest • of • the Waterloo
Siskere Hockey Club es a result of
the game played between Seaforth and
Waterldd oa MarCh 3rd in Stratford.
We rish to refute the points raised.
by Waterloo as folloWs:
"I. Thomas -Sills is on active ser-
"•-•' fortable .cottage on Jarvis Street in Sea-•
- forth, occupied by Mr. L. Hernherger, Avail- vice with the R.C.A.F. at Camp Bor.
able April • let. Lntere,ted • parties may eoc- deh and has not been on' the Seaforth
airrine the property upon application to Mr.
orHUGGARD, line-up since his enlistment. On- th,e
H Serge)... , write MP.S. 211,
87 Monarch Park Ave., Toronto. occasion on which he officiated with
38'21 -ti Puddicembe as referee, he was•
on seven days' leaVe. •
Ju"2. Van Belt went to Ingersoll in
Wanted ly, 1940,. to work on a war contract,.
He returned to Seaforth late in the
ifamily in wn. Permanent _
summer and in September enlisted in
n small to
• position. State \-.•al.res wanted. Apply BOX the R.C.A.F.. and at present is st,a
60. Bruseee., 3e21-1 ti01.1(.4.1 itt Da•trnouth. Nova Scotia. He
'signed 0 Junior certifiente and' moved
• miss.fon. Mo•,t have lived i Seaforth or Up 10 Intermerliate w 11 which he
vicinito• for past five years. Reeled of steads , the balance of tile last season.
emPhorment desirable. Reply' DRAWER H. hai never played hockey with anY
67, Straitford, Ont. •... 3.:•21-3
other team but Seaforth. .•
"3. Albert •McFaddin has been
.';voire part time as an extra C.N.R.
brakeman and went to Fort Erie the
• HITCASH PRICES PAID, FOR EGGS second week in January. He has
,amd Poultry—SI:m.12CW Projuee. Phone been a resident of Seaforth since the
• 193S-09 season and makes Ills home
RCBEER GOODS, SUNDRIES. ETc., MAIL- with his brother here. He has play-
ed postpaid in ream: sealed wrapper. ed with no other team but Seaforth
so% less than real. Write for maU-ord,r Al:•(?t,' the 193b-39 seasen. Incidentally
• catalogue, Nov -Rubber Co., Dept. E-20. TioZ
eeafoith lost the one game in wnich
• 91, Hamilton, Ont. 193816;6T h
played this year.
"4 You are aware of the status of
)ucharnie." He.. was used following
property For Sale
" cotta.ke, Goderich Street East. Bath, fur-
nace, hardwood dams, electric light. • For
further particulars apply to McCONNELL
HAYS, Seaforth. Ont. 3819,41
For Sale or Rent
Notices •
consultation with yon.
Auction Sales "5. The assertion that Seafoith re -
UCTrIf.N, SALE 0,F ANTIQUE Fueteet fused to permit the examineeti•onehef its,
playing' certificates is incorrect. Our
ture and Dishes, Ete„ at the store on
Albert Street, North, Clinton:- on. Fridaymanager has had . these certificates
mama .14th. starting at 1 o'clock sharp. Al- with him: at every game played and
small shaper. emery, foot mortiser, also Waterloo positively 'did not ask to
H.P. ;stator, beneh and tools. RICHARD see them ,at any ,time. •
TASK -ER Prioprietnr.; Harald Jackson, Nue- • "We are quite •Prepered to take a
tiarlegr• 7 •
. „ 38213(1 SIAIUtAI'y declaration as to the °or-
reCtness of any -of the above statee
Household Etfects.---Mr. Harold Jackson Metes and should you, desire this it
' has been instructed to sell by Peelle cectier- -win be forwarded yeti inamediately.
• • three Mikso
e uthwest' of. Varna. an Saturday, .
.Ns• e might lazing to ,your attention
• Morch-1-5421. at 1 o'clock the f011owin.g:
I:dements—Deering binder, 6 -foot 'cut: -.Deer. 'the 'fact that -five of the members of
big Monter( .2 'spring tooth cultivators ; make the Seaforth Club, nainelY,•-"Thomat
• rake; MasseY-Harris riding plaw ; 2' stalking Sills, Robert McCallum, Van Bell,
pforre*: set di3Inand harrows: steel rolleg;
De Laval cream eel:erector; corn planter: Fred Willis and Jack Cameron are on
Massey-Rarria corn cultivator with bean active service, as is also our manager
pallerf fenrane mitt: light. wagon; set don-
le rack h
6f last year. John INalker. We stag-
•bharness ; hay ;• 2 ay rack sills ; 6
loads ,olOver hay; ''set 2,000 Ib. scales ; sap gest that not many other Inteltinedi-
van; pans; 12 'dozen spike ; 10 cords split ate 'B' Clubs have as good a repres-
wood: cedar Posts. Houseliold-Effect8`..Three entation in the' active service force."
beds, springs and mattresses ; .2 washstands:
2 .dining room tables; 10 kitchen. chairs ; •
couch; day bed; organ; 3 rocking chairs.; 2
smell tables; clock; Raymond sewing ma-
chine; lamps; kitchen utensils; coal oil
Stove; Coleman lantern. Terms — Cat,h.
ROBERT ELLIOTT, Proprietor; Harold Jack -H. At the United Church on Sunday
sop, Auctioneer. 3820-1 • morning next.March 9th,. Mr. Carey
Joynt will be the soloist and will sing
in memory of his- mother. the late
Tendeis Wanted Mrs. T. C. Joynt and the former Miss
Florence Bonthron, who passed away
six years ago in. March.
Mrs. .lames IVIcClinchey wee in Lon-
don on Friday last attending the fun-
eral of an aunt,- the late Mrs. Thomas
to draw She Grader for the Township of Miss Goldie Cross. of Alma College,
Tuckersmith, where and when required. Two: StThomas, spent the week -end• with
tenders required—one for drawimg an s -root .
bladeand one ,fot drawing a 10 -foot bladeher parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Tenders to be opened March 15th. Crdss.
D. F. tvie-OREGOR, Clerk. 2a.Miss Kay Drysdale, of Sarnia, vis
• 3g-2
ited over the week -end with her per-
• ents, Mr. and Mrs: M. G. Drysdale.
Mrs. Olive Hudsort left this week
Farms For Sale for London where she will take up
residence and where her sons, Max
FARMS FOR SALE and Laird, have secured good ,posi-
Qiateree et LOT ao, 00N. 4,. risBBHIIT: 75 tions.
aereci: *Seven house. no barn- Price The Ladies'. Aid of Carmel Presby-
,Lot 35, Con. 3 -..East Wawanceh. 200 abte9. tertan Church are, *holding a bonne
Ali seeded excepting •1,2 metres,. some bush. cooking sale and St. Patrick's tea in
Buildings of little value. Watered alf front the basement of the church on Satur-
mid haek of famtn. . Print $2800. ' d -v afthrneon, March 15th;
• Feist a, L61 es,, Com 11, Melrillop; GO•acres , s
Mrs. James A. Paterson will be hos-
peature with some wood. ' Small frame House.1
Priee Sloe°. . tees at her home Wednesday ening,
Part Lott 2.7 and ea. Con. 14, Hallett, 233 March 12th. the roll call to be an -
acres pastere. d Smne bush. Friuli° housse, 0livered with "your Javori,te radio pro -
tern. Watereby good well 'Mid windm,1,
creek acct spring. Pelee 34750. • gram and station."
South ea Lot 36, Con, 8, Wallace—GO terms,1 The March supper meeting of the
• cleared; 60Priee 114 storey brick 'house( Barn 40 MISSI011 Circle will be held at•• the
. 03300.
home of Miss Mary Goodwin on Fri -
Part Lots 1G and 17, Gan. 13, McKillop.
Abort 68 acres Cleared, 7 acres bush. Frame clay evening, March 7the •
home, omen -barn. Priae 33000. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hildebrandt were
-47A3CES NeFADEBAN 1 iii London on Friday last attending
Brussells. Ontelle the funeral of Mrs. Thomas' -Gibson,
• sister of Mr. Hildebrandt, and oleo
attended the funeral of a. brother -in -
8821 -2 law, George Silver, in Landon :k
' Tuesday of thik week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Paseanore and
FARMS FOR SALE daughter, Anne, and Mr. and Mrs.
104I 'Aditt,9 IftaTFWAY NO. 8,"etro Albert Passmore, of Delhi, visited
tic,„ me fall Who:it, 1 with Mr. and Mrs. joba Pawn:tom on
-teeefarecateepeeetefeetine wet with I seeday •
e• " 4'46 ble. &Mite with funnato
0,1"6141140,61; batik batty se, go,; war Savings Vledge Month ended
0004.1,,ree; them geed nee wheel in Hensall on Saturday eVetling lad
with 2g2 pledges secured' Herisall
I'S1 with 8, 2 Is •
itious,e. went Over the top and the loeal
thittee deserve toneh ei.edit, t a.u.,
ii-Ofeth� lieved that tie actual nintber tit
lrp�f..•./lositt*W of pledgee is greater Oen the ntraber
• sely„ or ita, • Set t goat
•• The Y.P.T1. o Sensall;
• 'ethitrehietMtindity,e'Vellftijg with the
ppealleg prayIiikr by the Oinister, net,
lifo4 Bieeilc,',Mrs,Aritgo Rao, gate
so machintry—circuler saw, . turning
- Townshi of Tuckeismith
6'1...4 . ••;•••iig.,:.
i,..A..i.,- j.
. .
44 •
S. lee
Pupils of the Seaforth Colleg
featured the musical revue, "Hits
six of the young ladies who took
Jean Wright, Teresa 'aipiver and
ate Institute played to full halls on the occasion of their- annual Commencement. This year the program
ard Misse," produced by Melburn E. Turner.ShoWn in the Stratford Beacon -Herald „photograph above are
part in the Scotch drill. Fromleft to right they are: Lois Wright, Marguerite Westcott, Yvonne Moore, ,
Helen ,Smith.
a splendi.d topic on. "Christian 'Citi-
zenship." Miss Gladys .Luker render-
ed a pleasing piano solo. Miss Gladys
Passmore read the Scripture, and
Miss Edna Saundercock was in' the
Dr.. Jas. Bell was the guest speak-
er at the young people's meeting at
Carmel Church Monday evening, pre-
senting beautiful lantern slides on
Switzerland and. Palestine. Rev. W.
Weir, the mnister. introduced the
speaker and also expressed thanks
on behalf of those present for a de-
Lightful evening.
MiseVein:a Ferguson, of Chisel -
hurt, is recovering after undergoing
an appendix operation in Scott Mem-
orial Hospital on Monday.
. ,„.
Observe Day of Prayer
The World's Day -of Prayer was ob-
served in Carmel Church on Friday
afternoon, the theme of the meeting.
being "Thy KingdoM. Come:" The
following churches were represented:
,United Church: Chairman, Mrs. W.
B. Cross; _prayers were offered by
Mrs. R. A. Brook, Mrs. C. Ballantyne,
Mrs. Chas. McDonell. Mrs,. George
Hess and Miss Florence Welsh favor-
ed,with a veical 'duet, -"Have You Told
Anyone About Jesus," Miss Greta.
Laramie at the piano. For St. PaUl's
Anglican. Church: 'Miss Mary Fee
presided, with Prayere offered by
Mre. H. Lawrence, Mrs. II. H. Mid-
dleton and 'Mrs. T.-taventler: Carmel
Charon:. Mrs-. C. S. Hudson was chair-
man; 'prayers were given by Mrs. R.
J. Cam.eron, Mrs. J. Dallas -end Mrs.
James Bonthron. For their /nusical
number the ladies' quartette compos-
ed of Mrs. Andrew Dougall, - Miss
Margaret Dougall. Mrs'. Malcolm Doe -
gall and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren. sang
unaccompanied "Far Away.". A brief
devotional address wascontributed by
Mrs. W. A. MacLaren. Hymns sung
during the meeting were "Thy King-
diatirrorrie."'"0 God," "Jesus, Master,
Whom I Serve," "0 God, Our Help in
Ages Past." and "The Day Thou Gate
est. Lord, is Ended." The school-
room of the church was filled for.'the
occasion with all churches well re-,
• W. C. T. 0. Meets
The W.C.T.r. Jnet l; the school-
room of the United Church with a
splendid attendaVe: Mrs. C. L.
Jinks was in the chair for the devo-
tional period. The Lord's Prayer and
Scripture lesson, was taken by Mrs.
Victor Fee. ,Devotional stUdy of. the
life of the late Francis Willard: was
given by Mrs. Eric Kennedy, Maude
Hedden and Mrs. George Hess 'fav-
ored, with a duet. "Herein Thy Name,
o Lord We Come," Mrs. Kennedy ac-
cempanying at the piano. Miss H:
Sutherland contributed a pleasing
reading, "Doing Her Bit," and silent
Prayers were offered for the recovery
of Miss ,Jean Murray, honorary presi-
dent, Who is confined to her home
with a • fractured hip. Mrs. Hess,
president, presided for the remainder
of the program, giving the opening
Drayer, followed with the minutes
and buena:efts portion. Mrs. ;finks. and
Mrs. Fee were appointed to distribute
copies of the Tenneeerance Aderohate
to m.embers of the church -and abets.
Mrs. Hess wee appointed a' delegate
to attend the annual convention of
the Ontario Temperance '•Federation
to be held in the ,Metropolita.nJ
Church, London. The theme of the
study for the_afternoon was "War
and the DrifaTrade." The ' drink
trade hinders the army, hampers the
navy, threatens our mercantile mar-
ine and' destroye our food supplies.
The drink trade wastes car finaritial
strength. 'Since the wa.r began our
people have spent oyer -$400,000,000,"
the streaker wet. Assisting With thili
interesting study• Were MIMI Consitt,
Mrs. -Flee, litte. RetuiedY, Mrs. Ired-
de* Mta.4101fa, Mrs:: Bider and Mies
itinif. *Ma Consitt oontributett a
✓ ear, Throe Bat",„*Iiich all
• sod:' Ois tseette$ peioltiesd.
yos4. d %Our.
Break in Hardware Store
During the early hours of Friday
morning, Feb. 2Sth, thieves gained
entrance into Roy Weber's hardware
store of this village by breaking in
the back door: Between nine and ten
dollars was taken out of the till and
a number of wrenches and chisels
talcen. The ,owner and other families
have apartments over the store but
were not awakened by any noise.
County -Ceastable 'Jack Ferguson, of
Exeter, investigated. .
Much sympathy is felt for Mrs.
Carrie Ballantyne, who had the mis-
fortune to fail on the icy' sidewalk
Friday afternoon while returning
from attending the Day of Prayer see -
vice held inctOarmel Church, and in
which she bad` taken part. X•eays
taken at Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, revealed a fractured wrist.
. Comedy -Drama Draws Big House
The three -act coneetly drama, "Ti
Whole own's Talking,” was presented
eto' a. packed house in. the Hensall
Town Hall Friday evening by ' the
Ansa Craig Junior beetitute-and Jun-
ior Farmers, and was pronounced as
,One of the finest plays Presented in
this hall. Mrs.—H.-Love 'directect--the-
play : and introduced the east. ,Rev.
A. Brook, president of the Hensel'
Red Cross, who sponsored this 'ey..ent,
:was chairman; Sam Rennie, SolOist,
and Miss Greta fammie, violinist; en-
tertained between acts. AccomPan-
ists were Miss Florence Welsh and
Miss Helen Dick.
Friday, March 7th, will be a gala
night in Hensall Town Hall, when
the Kippen East Institute, Canadian
Legion and Chamber of Commerce
are sponsoring ,a gigantic entertain-
ment featuring binge, euchre and
dance, proceeds for the British War
Victirata:eeZundeelyfeerdock's erche,stra
is. donating the rauernor .the danee.
In announcing. this big partythe cona.-
mittee chargb says: "These British
people are holding the front Iine and
we should welcome the -Opportunity
of sending aid. to the needy families
who have lost everything. Let us do
our bit by bein,g present Pride*, Mar.
7th, at 8.30 p.lh, If you are unable
to attend, any donation will be gle,diy
received. Just give to any of the
meMbers,of the above organizations.
in Couimil Meets
The regular Meeting of the village
council. was held Monday evening in
the council chamber at 8 rem., with
all members being present. R. J.
Paterson, tax collector, reported; hav-
ing collected $67.76 and, $8.72 since
last meeting, leaving a balance of
$596.65 as outstanding. MacKinnon
and Parkins: T,hat the tax collector
'be instracted to return the tax roll
at the next meeting. Carried. T. KY%
reported re the -church shed: WiDflOWS
as being broken, and was instructed
to, repair same., Correspondence read:
Tbaraesville War Service Organiza-
tion, Department'of Forestry, Mrs. E.
Stapleton; same filed. Bills ,and ac-
cotints: Red Cross Society, hall rent
refund, $12.00; Hensall Hydro, hydro
for hall and motor, $6.61; G. Hess,
lirinting, $42.25; W. R. Davidson, coal
for hall $47, rink $3.75; 0. Geiger,
snoweplowing; $6:00; T. Kyles salary,
65.00e P. G. Bonthron, postage, $5;
County of Huron, hos-vitalization,
$20.„10; It. Dick, labee, rink, $34.40;
A. Dick, labor rink, $.0-0; W. Debug,
labor rink, $2.60; It Sangster, labor
rink, $1.30; K.,;.11/IcKenzie, labor rink,
5:60* tabor darty flecv H. 4.
McMillan,„ itupPlies rink, 46c. Total,
$242.51. 'llegivss4„ .C.vrier•Otu :
That the, and accounts as. read
he pai61.'•rriod,' Hortori and Mt-
Itiniatin: That *6 adjotii'n to moot
again on of kprll. derried..-48.
A.Patetsot4 dark
I*8. ittarkbata and Migs" isldra
Steivart, ,.6f London, were week -end
glientil with 30. and $. Ste*
• ' , C • ,
. I,
The many friends of Mrs. McClin-
obey will be sorry to, hear she fell
the ice- eidewellt Wednesday night
and; fractured her left arm at the el-
bow., She was taken to Seaforth for
all X-ray. .
Mr. and •Mrs. Stanley Girard, of
Windsor, Mrs. Tuck, of Windsor, and
grandsthie Brian Stacey, of 'Detroit,
'were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Robt.
Bonthron and daughter, Mrs'. M.
Simpson, oneSunday. „ •
New Books At Library
. The following -new books have been
received at liensall, Public Library :
Ficti:-n•—"The Family," ' Fedevora ;
"Ancluir Mari," Lea; "Adam Penfeal'a
ther 'Buccaneer," Farnol; "Destiny
Rides Again," Brand: "The Valley Be-
yond," Mowery; "The Man Who Went
Back," Dupenge. "Mrs. Minniver,"
Struthers; "F,ielding'a Folly," Keyes;
"Invitation To Live," Douglas; "White
Oaks Heritage," 'De La Roche; "Ear -
NO At; PARS g$01.4Etts
39c for o month' supply
R. 11. 111"DDL,STON-
ly Candlelight," Lovelace; "Red gm,
denies," Latimer; '"Seven Seas Mur-
der," Mason; 'Uncle Calebs Ntecel
Larrimore; "Breakfast For Two,"
Garth; "Rochester's Wife," above*.
son; "Mariana," Saltntnen; "Mr. Luau
ton's Freedom," Young; "The !Mite
Brigand," Marshall; "Murder At alma
Athol," Lippincott; "Sundown Jhnpl
Haycox; "Arizona Jim,"•Seltzer; —rho
Glass Slipper," Eberhart; "Honey-
moons Arranged," Greig; "Strange
Reality," Greig; "The Undertow,'
Knowles; "Sons of the Others,'
Gibbs; "Rancher's Revenge," Brand;
"Starry Night," Hewer.
Non-Fiction—"How Dear To MY
Heart," McBride; "The Story' of My
Lite," Keller; "Intl de Asia," Guen-
ther; "Winston Churchill," Kraus;
"The Doctor and His Patients," Hertz -
ler; "One Foot Heaven?' Spence.
Juvenile ---, "Boys Own Annual,"
Harding; "Girls Own Annual," Spratt
"Mehitable," Adams; "Bobbsey Twins
At Indian Hollow," Hope; "Sandmanla
Tales," Walker; "Sandmen's Stories
of Drucilla Doll," Walker; "poilAten's
Blue Bird Book," Le Blanc; "Folly
Rent Aides West," McCullachi- "Girlar'
• Stories From Dickens," Merchant;
"Story Book of Transportation," Pet-
erson; "Story, Book of Rayon," Pet-
erson; "Ginger Oookies," Forster;.
Nursery Classics'—"Jacob's Day,"
King; "The Wizard's Chair," King;
"The Story of, Silky,"-* Van Dresser;
"Mice on Horseback," Tweedsmuir;
"Maida's Little Island," Irwin; "Hens,
ry and the Garden,' Tippett
'Always Fresh
Always Palatable
Get our prices on quantities.
Manufactured by
Geo. T. Mickle & Sons
Phone 103 Nights 133
That's our answer to Elitler's challenge, and no doubt it's yours too.
Work and gave. Save all you can — and buy War &Mum; Certificates
rand They offer you a prime investment; a real opportunity to serve
your cOnntry and, at the same time, protect yourself against future
• contingencies.
„Canada's 3,800,000 small savings account holders, each with less &tin
$1,000 in the bank, together account for over 90% of all savings deposits. '
It Is they who mustrmake the War Savings Campaign successful.
- This Company and- i:10f700, workers are. doing. their-bit—A-salary ---,
deduction plan is in effeat. Its objecti1re of 100% employee participa.
tion, and 5% of our total payroll, is wellon the way to being achieved.
All our inrcirkerki arinow active hi selling War
Savings Stamps. Every one of our offices in "t ocave 45W1.44.—
Quebec and Ontario is *Ping War Savings
Stamps. Now is the tiMe for all of Us to show
what tanaaamoans
r • 1V1116. M. HOGG:ai:intolger.
• .• • . •• . • • ,. , ,. ' ' .
'. i.' - •• ,:•'•:•• .. ',,.e*,-.••••' • ''' ' '. .,.
•,;,3‘.',1,.1,:,,,,,,, .,..1.., ,,t;..,t.,kie•kiluire;