HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-02-28, Page 8pt Pvivetevevaatowevoteateen Pevetwavoseptsatie •• ta- areeerareataara ,Oak --1 Large, 1 Small; tor •. •0 SOAP • a Bars MINER SOUP—Vegetable or •Tomato; Tin •UADITANT PEA SOUP 28-eunce Tin 25c 25c •. fic 10c 25c 40c XT.:It:INES—Sweet, juicy; •4 ,POWlds TODDY—Delicious hot or cold; 1 -pound Tin a a" • WITH ya TIN FREE SPAGHETTI—Loose 4 pound.e altYLME.R. VaaGETABLE BEEF ion BOUP—tin .... lU 25c NABOB COFFEE half pound CORN STARCH 3 pounds DRIED APPLES 4 pounds PUSH STEW 2 Tina SODA BISCUITS 2 pounds.., SUPER STJDR—With Glass • Plate-EaCla. „WASHING • Loose; 3 pounds CAUSTIC SODAe-Loose • Poem* 27c 25c 25c 25c 25c 20c 10c 10c I'OULTRY CONCENTRATE eo 0c .• Cwt. trpthdi.1 A. C. Routledge • PHONE 166 INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, • REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE . Money to Loan on First Mortgages on improved Farm Property. Number of desirable Dwelling Proper. ties for sale. ATSON -REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 : Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE VAS gr TOWN Atallokmeetnertaa4ra 4.0.4 Mrs. Rich - aril Robbason, announce the engage - Mont of their deughter, Etbal Norine, to Mr. 3. Elmer Hayter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hayter, the mar- riage to take place early in March., Ladies' Aid Hold Supper.—A very successful eupper was held in the school room of First Presbyterian. Church on F'riday, Feb. 21st, at 6.30, when the Holmes -Nixon group were the sponsors. The sum of $58.85 was realized. Hold Postponed Meeting.—The post- poned meeting of the Seaforth and District Ministerial Association will be held on Tuesday of next week, March 4th, in the Salvation Army Hall at 2 pan. Papers will be pres- ented by Rev. J. R. Peters and Rev. FL V. Workman. All ministers of the town and district are cordially invit- ed. Adams - Taman. --St. Thomas' Rec- tory, Seaforth," was the setting of a quiet but pretty wedding on Thursday evening at eight o'clock, when Doro- thy Rhoda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Taman, was united in marriage to Kenneth Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick•Adants. Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D.D., rector of the church, officiated. The bride wore a becom- ing street length dress Of turquoise blue. wool crepe with navy blue ac- cessories. They. were attended by Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor, the latter wearing •blaok crepe with matching accessories. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Adam a left on a wedding trip to. Toranto. On their return they will.reside in Eg- ,_ moadville. Death of Mrs. Thomas Richardson. —The death occurred in. Brandon, Maaitolia. on February 22ad, of Mrs. Thomas Richardson a. well known former resident of this ,town. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson lived for many years in Seaforth, where Mr. Richard. son was in business. They lived. af- terwards in Brandon and 'later in Winnipeg where Mr. Richardson: pass- ed away some years ago. One son; 'Wilfred, also passed away in Bran- don. La -Col, R. W. Richardson„ R.C. A.M.C., Taplow, England, is a son. Mrs. Richardson lived with her daugh- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Jones and it was at her home that her , death occurred. Many fiends will be sorry to learn df her death., Interment took place in Brandon cemetery on, Tuesday last. 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 o G. a G. G. G. O S. T. Holmes & Son ° .0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 0 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 Charles Holmos' residenee, G 0 Goaerich Street East. Phone G G. No. • 308. . . 0- 0.' ,. Ambulance Service 0 0 Adjustable: ho,pital bed for 0 rent. 0 Ge . Night calls—Phone 308 0 • Day calls—Phone 119 0' 0 - , . charges omoderate. 0 0 . . 12-87 t .0 '000 0. 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 a<>• H. C. 0' 0 FUNERAL SERVICE • 0 Licensed Embalmer AMbulance Service Hospital Bed • _ 0 • with adjustable rachet oper- 4.. Med spring for rent. 0. Right Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 •-a 12-37 0' ' 000000000000 000000000000 J. A. BURKE <> Funeral Service 0 Dublin : Ont. 0 _Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 1757 -ti THE SECOND DIVISION COU RT County of Huron Office in the Dominion Dank Seaforth. Office hours: Tries - day, Tinnaday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 0 p.no. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN 'Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance inetness Of Xessig & Noir, and the addition Of their companies to our previous facili- ties ambles tut to • give unexcelled service ea all Eines. SEAFORTH : ONTARIO 10-47 1 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL •MERE --INSURANCE CO'Y. fikAD OFFICE — StAFORTH, ONT. • OPPICEBS: itno;j, Londeaboro - Pres. R. Arehibald, Seakorth - Vice -Pres. MertOnL d. Saafarth - See.-Treas. a ••• Dintoronsi.. X11.004 Londesboro; George firOdbaletilet; 0're.. . etihtet;' tittalidfatia Seaftlith; Ati46..4t **tie, it. oatatha4 ''ite; Haigh 'alkletalialleia, kit, 4f &nag Moata "0,„ Sa- Atoloatt, klit. • ; W.Vie Or' Sermon Subjects. For Next Sunday. —Northside United Church: Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister -11 a.na, "The Man Who Would Not Forget His Church"; 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., "A. Spiritual Convoy." Re- member the pre -Easter Loyalty Cru- sade. ' St. Thomas' Church: Rector, Rev. Hurford. -11 a.m., "Jesus' Fasting and Temptation"; 7 p.in„ "A Wartime Prophet" (1) His Character; Werines- day, 8 p.m., "The Christian Life." Sunday School at 10 a.m. . St. Marys, Dublin -2.25 p.m.. Sun- day Selmol; 3 pan., "Jesus' Fasting Ternie at lOrl." Fist Ptesbyterian Clitirch—Sunday School at la a.m.; mornin•g, subject, "Glorying in the Cross''; evening. sub- ject, "The laiper Room".; .Young Poo - pi meetine. •Ttlesda;f; March -ith: rtidavtaieeneetiaa Thursday at S p.m. —Rev. Maga Minister. Northeide Y. P. U. Meets. --The imating of the Northside United .Chureli • Young People. was .held on Tuesday evening, fele• 25t1i, with Mr. Sari Seat presiding. The lernm., "Blest Ile the Tie That Binds" was sung and the Lord's Prayer re- peated in unison. ,Miss Irene Work- man, assistant secretary, read the minutes of the last .meeting, which were adoated as correct on motion of Miss Jean 'Simile. The business was there discussed and the devotional convener, Miss Jessie Dennis, took charge..opening with the ,hymn, "0 Canada." The Scripture lesson was taken from the Hymnary, Psalm 67, Nth i ell was read in unison., and Miss Alice Hudson led in 'prayer. Miss Vera Mole 'gave a reading and the topic on "Patriotism To Your Com - try" was taken. by Miss Luella Keine. The meeting closed with the hymn, "Land Of Our Birth," and repeating the M'izpah benediction. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. -The February meeting of the Bar- bara, Kirkman. Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening. The meeting was opened by the president, Miss Ross. Mrs. Kenneth Campbell was appoint- ed secretary ii the place of Mae F. Wigg. who had. resigned. After the business part of the meeting Mrs. James MacDonald took charge as leader of the group responsible for the program. She gave an interesting paper on the life of Miss Agnes Dick- son, for whom her group is named. The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. W. G. Wright; the prayers by Mrs. Wm. McKay, Mrs. B. Beaton and Mrs. H. Dale. Mrs. J. A. Munn and Miss M. P. Patterson sang a duet. Miss Belle Smith gave the current events, and Mrs. Merton A. Reid gave a most inspiring talk on War and the Churell, giYing to_ker hearers the en- couraging news that though the mis- sionaries in. many fields were beteg brought home,. the work was being carried on by native teachers and doetors, as well as evangelists. The meeting closed with the benediction. Death of Mrs. W2 E. Southgate.— The death oedUtred early Monday roortgiug, following a tong illness at the hoirie of her son, Mr. W. t. Smith- tgateytida6titit Street West,: Of Sarah Widow of the late W. a &Mitigate. Mrs. Southgate was itt her 94thyear and Was born in Allis - telt In 190/ M. AM Mrs, Southgate came to Seaforth frOM Toronto, and she had been ft-COntitinciuf fesidat haft• a to, tatioOli • Until: recent $'fiara' k *Imo Of eath ata Ross J.Sproat Plume 8 FOODS FOR LENTEN SEASON MACARONI or SPA- HETTI; 4 lbs. 17c SOUPS—Campbell's; Vegetariaa; ? Tins 23c LIBBY'S BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE 2 TinS 21c SAFRKRAUT 13c Large Tin SPAGHETTI -15 -oz. ti,n; _156. 2 for CHICKEN HADD8E 1 -Ib. Tin Fresh LAKE HERRINGS Frozen; dozen. 30c SALMON—Pink S. B. 15c whole fish; lb FILLETS—Fresh or 18c smaked; Ib. SEA HERRINGS --Salted lc .14c tb. YOUR SHOPPING CENTRE These Values Good Till March 5th of St. Thomas' Anglican Church and during her long residence here she was widely known it the church, so- cial and community ,life of Seaforth. Mr. Southgate predeceased her in 1919, but she is survived by a son and daughter, Mrs. Reginald A. Wil- son, of New York; Mr. W. E. South- gate, of aeaforth, and seven grand- children. Following a private service held at the home of her son, conduct- ed by Dr. R. P. D. Hurford, Rector of St. Thomas','Church, the remains were taken to. Toronto on Wednesday morning, fOr interment that afternoon ill the family plot in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Presbyterian W. M. S. Meets. ---An inspiring meeting of the Senior W.M. S. was held in the school room of NOTICEI. The Coal Office, which was closed during the illness of the late John J. Sclater, "is now open for business. Your continued patronage will be appreciated. MARGARET SCLATER . _ viassenwormainsw POTATOES IRISH COBBLERS FOR , SALE These Potatoes were grown in Ontario on satady soil. and are rood for seed. 'Dor' alet some nus tell aim they cook' dark. Have a bag delivered and be c onvinc ad . Elliott's Quick Lunch etzteraeoconoassouteov RUBBERS VULCANIZED SOLES HEELS :PATCHES Guaranteed to stay on when repaired at AT Jack's Shoe and Harness Repair SEAFORTH "Your ahoes Made Like New" Order Bray Chicks new, and be "lucky" when egg prices elimb next Fall. See me, or phone me, right away. Personal lattenticm, prompt delivery. THOMAS DICKSON - Seaforth WM. STAPLETON - Dubin ALVIN W. KERSLAKE - Hensel! 11111111.111111Milr B U S TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.25 aim. and 5.15 pan. Leaves Seaforth for Goderich: Daily ecteept Sunday and hol., 1.05 p.m. and 7.40, p.m. Sun. and hol., 1.05 p.m. and 0.20 pan. Onnnection et Stratford for Toronto, laseettun, Buffalo, London, Derby" Tavistock, Varadatate, Braittased. Agent e .--rt Queen's Hotel, Commercial Dick House STRATFOIIDGODERICH ' COACH LINES of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone toliedtothisnimber 219 MITCHELL dr 21 INGERSOLL WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD Mat PrO4batetiattChurcli al, Wee- 4aY afterngea, Witt) the areSident. Mrs. Thallatall B. Govenlocla, il1 the aitert prayers were offered by Vra. Galrel490.1t,': Mre. R. Smith/ and Mrs. J. Patteretei: The minutes were red by the eecretara, Mrs. Jas. Karr, also an ackAOPriecigTaent of congal-Le latioes sent by the society to Mrs. J. A. Stewart, ling an active worker in the auxiliary, an the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart's wedding. The treasurer, Mrs. J. C. Greig, gave a short sum- mary of the auances and the amount required each Month to meet the al- location at the end of the year. Mrs. 3. J. Cluff reported 18 calls made dur- ing the month by the visiting corn- Mittee, Mr. Lena Davis and Mrs. A. McTavish were appoieted visitors for March and April. During the busi- ness discussion it was decided to hold The Easter thankoffering meeting some time in April. The devotional part of the program was in charge of Mrs. Robert Eberhart's •group. Mrs. Eberhart emade fitting reference to the lose sustained by. the auxiliary in the repent reistoval by death. of Mrs. William Sclater, one of the oldest and most faithful members. • Mrs. J. C. Greg -read the Scripture lesson and Miss H. I. Graham led in prayer. A solo by Mrs. Frank Kling, accompan- ied on the piano by- Mrs. John Mc- Gregor, was much enjoyed. Mrs. Neil Gillespie gave current events and read Joda.n. Oxenhana's last poem. The topic, "World Missions and the Universal Church" was ably taken by Mrs. Charles Aberhart. She also read a paper which she had prepared ee- titled, "The Bricks We Have Laid." A poem sent from Georgetown. by Mrs. A. McTavish was read by Mrs. Eberhart. The meeting closed with the C.G.LT. prayer read by Mrs. J. Death of Mr. J J. Sclater.-Joh.n James Seta:ter, head of oue of the old- est business firms in Seaforth, died Friday evening at his home on High Street, in his 60th year. Early in, the New Year Mr.- Sclater suffered an attack of the flu, followed a month ago by a slight stroke. Prom this he had almost recovered and his com- plete recovery was anticipated until he was stricken with -a second and severe stroke Friday evening, and his death followed a few minutes later. Be was the second sou of the late Willim Sclater and was born and ed- ucated in Seaforth. As a young man he learned the trade of machinist at the Bell Engine & Thresher Company, Seaforth, and was an employee of that company for twelve years, leaving it to assume the management of his father's coal and wood business while Mr. Sclater was on a pleasure trip to the Old Country and his native Scotland. He continued in business with his father until the latter's death in 1919, since which time he has suc- cessfully 'conducted the businesa for himself. In 1913 he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Helen Smithers, daughter of tbe late George Smithers, of Seaforth. • Mr. .Sclater was a valued member of First Pres- byterian Church and a former mem- ber of the, Finance Committee of that church. He was also a member of the ,andependent Order of Oddfellows and the Canadian Order of Foresters. He ia survived by his wife: and two daughters, Mae. Louis Hemberger and Miss Marian Grace Sclater, • of Seaforth; a brother, Mr. W. A. Sclat- er, of Regina, and four sisters. Mrs. John "Finlayson, Seaforth; Mrs, L. G. 'Kruse. Galt: Mrs. J. Staples, Regina, and Mrs. Etigar•Lawson, Auburn. The funeral was held from his late home on Monday. just two weeks to the day of the funeral of his mother. The service Was conducted by his minis- ter, Reve Hugh Jack, who paid a fit- ting tribute to bis liferand character. During the service Mr. James T. Seott Sang•a solo. Interment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pallbear- ers being Messrs. Burton and Clar- ence Muir, A. McGavin, W. A. Wright, W. R. Plant and R. al. -Sproat. The flower bearers were Messrs. J. A. Westcott, Robert Smith. M. McKellar and Dr. Harburn. Among those from out Of town who attended the funeral were; Mr. Wm. A. Sclater, Regina ; Miss Marian Sclater, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson and Miss Bernice Lawson, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and Mr. William Kruse, Galt; Mr. and Mrs. T. Dinsmore, Mr. James Dinsmore and Mies Emma DinsMore, Blake; Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole, Toron- to; Mr. Jack Oughton, Miss Mary Oughton and IVIrs. Alfred Philips, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant, St. ..Marys; Mr. and Mrs. F. Gleste Clin- ton; Sirs. William Smithers, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Mrs. Bradn,ock, Miss Sadie Carter and Mr. A.^McClinchey, of Auburn. • LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. Douglas Airth and daaigh- ter, Miss Naecy, of Toronto. were guests latweek with the former's sister, Mrs. Joseph Grummett, and -mother, Mrs. M. Hutton. • Miss Ethel McKay, of Toronto; spent the week -end at the home of ber mother, Mrs -H. McKay. • • Mr. and airs. Frank Cudmore and Miss Nancy, of Toronto, were week- end guests at the home of Mrs. J. F. Reid, • Mrs. K. McCuaig, of Taronto, is the guest of Mr. J. A. Willson and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. • Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster Spent last week in Toronto. • Reeve I. IL Scott is in Toronto this week attending the Ontario Good Reads Association. cellessrs. 3. Felaeating and H. Glen Hays were in 'Brockville this week • Miss Millet Ballantyne, R.N., is in Montreal this week. s • Mr., and kit. HarrY Hutton and children, of Goderieh, were wek-eTid guests at the beadle ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gramanett. • The pristPOtted box Social, of the Seaforth ./tintor 17(rtenen'a Institute will be held at the htatne of Mrs. Jas. M. Scott On Mafia% March 3rd,. • Mr. Robert Ottawa, and forMerly tV the Bank Of Commerce staff here, Was a guest this week at the einof Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Keating:• - • Miss ifeled tattillton, of Torotr ,te, was the Weiikren,d gueat Of it. Mr. j. A. `tailatiff. Alfff. J't. Itayttada atd itatigh, "-if' a., b. „ziocto-, totoituk*ete • • — and Mrs. 0, P. MBA, " • My. Repaid; SteWart School Qr Praetical Baience, Univerialta ft0r ropte, spent ate week-egd at the Mane of hie' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berry' Stewart. • • l&r. W. Q. sulitk wlo had 1)4a lg • fractured in a raptor accident a few weeks ago, has sufficiently recovered to return; to his home from the hos- • laying Officer a. A. Munn, of To- ronto, spent the week -end with his family here. • Miss Helen. McLean, of Toronto, spent. the week -end at the home of her parents, Me and Mrs. K. M. Mc- Lean, • Pte. Garnet Free, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, Chatham, spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free. • Miss Alice Devereaux, of Toron- to, spent the week-ena, at the home of ;her mother, Mrs. F. Devereaux, • Mr, Donald Scott, of Stratford, -spent the week -end at the home of his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott: - • Miss Ada Whatton, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. C. Barber. • Mrs. W. A. Richards, of Strat- ford, visited this week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. • Mrs. A. M. Clarke, of Toronto, was a week -end guest at the home of her father, Mr. George Seip. • Lieut. W. G. White, wife and daughter, of Chatham Training Cen- tre, areguests at the home of is mother, Mrs. M. White, • Mr. Ross Rennie, Universi y of Western Ontario, London, spent the Wee -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. M. R. Rennie • Misses Elizabeth and Katherine Ryan, who were called here owing to the death of their sister, the late Mrs. Michael Broderick, have returned to their home in Chicago, • Mr, W. C. Sutherland, R.C.A.F., Trenton. spent the -week -end with his family here. • Lieut. Frank Archibaltl, of Wood- stock, spent theweek-end at "the home •of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Archibald; in Tuckersnaith. • Miss Dorothy McLaren, who has been, spending a few weeks' holidays -With her parent, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. McLaren, has returned to Toronto. • mrs. E. Lindsay and Mr. Rowan Lindsay, of Detroit, were week -end guests at the home. of Mr. •an,d Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. • Lance. Cpl. W. 'C. Barber, of To- ronto, spent the week -end at his home here. • Mr. Aldi,e Eckert, R.C.A.F., Sky Harbor, is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Eckert. • Miss Ferne Dunlop, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the, home of her parent. Mr. and Mrs.A. W. Dun- lop. GREY Hugh McCartney, of Milestone. Sask., who is at ,Present with the R.C. A.F., St. Thomas, spent the week -end with his aunt, Mrs. Will Turnbull, and also his uncles, James and. Hugh McCartney, 5th Line. Road Superintendent H. A. Keys, Grey Township, is attending the Good Roads Convention in Toronto. memenesenseisstincetwegar KIPPEN Miss Doris Alexander, ef London, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,Alex- ander. e'afftrae, • Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. A. Caci;stetier spent Sunday at the home of 114ss Reta- Oke, of near Exeter. Mrnind Mrs -Elam Shantz and Miss Ina Ropp spent a day in Kitchener last' week, • Mrs. Frank Farquhar, of Hensall, had the misfortune to- fall. on. Satur- day and break. her arm, She is• cared for at the' home of her Sis- ter, Mrs, H. Alcalurtrie, of this. vicin- ity. • Mrs. (Rev.) 0. Littleford (nee Holyea Chandler) and son, Philip, of Albert Lee, -Minn., U.S.A., are visit- ing her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Chand- ler. Miss Mary Westlake, of Exeter, is visiting' at the home of Miss Irma Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and Dorothy visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jaques of Elim-. vale. Mr. and Mrs. Enos .Herdman, of Varna, visited on Monday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Horsley. We are pleased to -report that Rev. Chandler was sufficiently recovered after his recent illness to take charge, of the service in the United /Caiiirch on, Sunday.' GORRIE On Wednesday night the Gorrie lads under 14 years, played a friendly hockey game with Wroxeter lads here. The score was 7-2 for the lo- cals. W. Hambly, of Wroxeter, was referee. On Wednesday night the boys went to Witaxeter for the return game. To Observe Day Of Prayer Ladies, remember the World Day of Prayer. In Gorrie it is being held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday at 3 p.m. Never was there a time that prayer was ak much needed as today. We who have this opportun- ity should make use of this and at- tend. The day, Friday, Feb. 28th; the place, Gorrie Presbyterian Church and the hour, 3 p.m. La,Wrenge Maguire bas returned to Toronto. Miss J. Pearl atinson has returned from Toronto Where she attended the spring millinery openings. Owing to the. illness of the pastor of Gerrie Presbyterian Church, Rev. Acheson, service was withdrawal on Sanday. • • Mr. II. 11, Stephens spent :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hicks .ita Barris - ton. Mrs. Stephens, who has been visiting her sister, returned home. Mrs. Nay} Billie and Bobby, ,alno Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooke land little' laugater, rern anent Sunday with relatives in Clifford. lkdrs, MacAntlulr, Of datteot, 'ted her sister) Mrs. Ball, at. the Bed - tory last week. Little Misa /Catherine Marie Bali returned hence +kith' her atilt for a tR1t ' lit, • O''Aiiailtit'st, 6*, .0t11!ek -- Tito- DeAtion,ed . 140004 a the eat Theatre Seaforth NOW PLAYING "SAGA OF DEATH VALLEY" with ROY ROGERS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ti HAL ROACH; proroir A Mighty Novel...A Sensotionol-Mooe Success NOW. the YEAR'S MOST IMPORTANT aquae "Of I a IND ME by JOHN. S.TEINBECK .thseicEss MEPIDITII-BERY nao-LUN CHANEYk. •Mila•MiNISIMMOM••••••• Next Thurs4., Friday, Saturday , " CAPTAIN .CAUTION" COMING— "THIEF OF BAGDAD" A. of the United Church will be held this ' Thursday' at Mrs. Fred Ilyndman's home. Mr. William Edgar spent the week- end with friends. in, Galt. Miss Janet Watson spent last week with her mother "in Brussels. Mr. Jack Newton, R.C.A.F., of Pic - Ion, spent the week -end at his home -here. • Mr. Cloyne Michel spent the • week- end in Kitchener, a guest of Mr. and Mrs, Musselman. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Shera. ' Mr. Stanley Dane and daughter, Miss Betty, of Toronto, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane. • Sympathy is extended -to Mrs. Al- len and brother, Mr. William Austin, whose mother, Mrs. Austin, passed away in Listowel Memorial Hospital on Tuesday night last. Funeral was held on Friday from St. Stephen's Anglican Church here, to Gorrie,aem- etery, Rev. Bail having charge of the service. BAYFIELD 11111•111MIIMMIIIM. Mrs. R. H. Gairdner returned home lait week fram••-a- two- menthe•_visit with friends in London and Chicago. We are sorry to report that Mr. William Johnston, who celebrated his' 89th birthday recently, is ill at pres- ent and his many friends hope to see him well again soon. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson. re- turned -oft Saturday from their honey- moon trip to Montreal and other points east. • Mrs. Goldthorpe and daughter, *Saundra, 'returned on Tuesdayfrom a visit with her mother and aunt in Fort Erie. 'Master Robert McLeod went to Lon- don on Monday for examination for the Navy. A pleasant evening was held in the Town Hall 'on Seturdity evening in honor Of Pte. Walter Johnston, who was home on leave from Camp Bor- den. Walter WO presented by. Mrs. Gairdner, president • of the local branch, with a suitable, address, also a pen and pencil, a sweater, two pairs of socks and•a pair of gloves:. A bingo game was eajoyed,.alse dancing, af- ter which supper was served, all en- joying a pleasant, evening, A dance, under the Red Cross, was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening of this week. The Union Prayer Service was held on Wednesdayevening this week in the Anglican The Women:s Day of Prayer was held in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday afternoon of this week. ' The following patriotic contribu- tions are by a writer in this district who prefers to be known only by the, pen name of "Opal." SHALL BRITAIN FAIL? NO, NEVER Through thick and through thin we'll keep up our chin. We'll never, no, never ,give in. We'll fight and we'll die, but we'll win by and by; We'll keep the old Flag afloating on high. We'll fight 'em, we'll chase 'ern, we'll never let ,go— The Bulldog on top and the Lion be- low. For justice and Freedom this old Flag alma fly; • We'll shoot the blamed Nazis right out of the sky.' We'll scatter the Black•shirts, sure mow' 'em down! The jackal shall creep to his hole in the groun'. We'll fight 'em on land, We'll fight 'em at sea Till we have accomplished a clean vic- tory. • Till Hitler is vanquished, and all his regime, ' • The swastika no longer a menacing - dream; We'll fight 'em, we'll beat 'em, wear ' never given in! We'll keep up our courage and. lead' with our chin. Till all the dictators lie, in the dust; Till blood fiows in rivers, we'll fight if we must. For Britain bath promise a and she shall prevail, And we shall not falter, and. we shall , not fail. "CANADA" Canada! Canada! My country, my - home, My heart is ,with thee wherever I roam; MayeGod ever bless thee, may thy flag remain Proclaiming' the freedom -of this Great Domain May war never threaten or darken' thy land; May Peace and Goodfellowship go, - hand In bard - - And may our motto be: 'Justice to all, Together we stand, 'together we fall!' May only prosperity and happiness-. reign, May never disloyalty sully thy name. Cr Canada, land of the brave and the free, • May God ever bless and watch over° thee! Reconditioned Used Cars, Trucks and Tractors If you aretthinking of changing for a later model, call in and see our stock. FORDS • CHE VS • PONTIACS- * PLYMOUTHS • • HUPMOBILE • ETC., ETC.. A GOOD ALLOW- ANCE ON YOUR OLD CAR ! •RALY • • F. SEAFORTH Ford , Cars, Trucks and Tractors • • -Mereury Cars WESTINGHOUSE Is now distributed well-known line of , In Seaforth and dist ikt by Boshart Electric. This welectrital goods will o be on display in our Store. ,:t.4 WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS Are the last word in „Radio, 'The full liar/ of albdels whidh we feature eves you highest' performance at lowest cost. WESTINGWOUSE I/ REFRIGERATORS Are famous for their food -keep- ing,: qualities and long life. Economical to operate. Came and see the New Models. ' WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGES 'BosbOt Electric Radio Repairing a SpeCialty MAtN STRET •••SRAPORTH •••