HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-02-14, Page 1A en 6 1.- a i*l#?xy tiTld'r1'r r=. Whole^'Nufiber 8„81B DISTRIC -INSPECT COMPANY M. Alb H. Brig.-Cxen. p. J. MacDonald and Staff Pay Official Visit. Here. ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT Brigadier General D. J. Mac'ponald, D.S.O., M.C., G.O.C., Military District No. 1, paid an official visia of ins,pec. tion of "D" /Company, Middlesex -Hur- on Regimenthere on *Wednesday night. , Under commend' of .Capt. Thomas Morgan, the Seaforth comlpany pres- ented a smart appearance as, it , par- aded past the .Town Hall where the reviewing officers took 'the salute at 9 p,m.. The Company then marched to the 'armories where the officers drill-. ed' the company and nail -commission- ed officers carried on with section an3li platoon drill... The officers accompanying Briga- dier MacDon.ald'''viere' Col. W. H. Kip - pen, D.S.O., M.O., E.D., district staff officer in, charge :,of reserve training activity; Manor lam'. H. Anundson, E.D; , general staff-. officer in charge. : of traiilfing; ' Lieutenant-Colonel L. C. MacDonald, V.D., and • Lieutenant- Colonel W. J. Herman, V.D., former 'eom,nnandiag officer of Huron Regi- ment and now the Mayor 'Of •London. • Cold Storage T ockersPlaanned Plaiirfin a modern cold storage locker room in Seaforth are under ways it was` tevealed this week by Charles A. Barber, of the .Seaforth Creamery Ltd. According ,to Mr. Barber the pro- posed storage plant will. have an 'ulti- auate capacity of 360 lockers, in addi- tion to providing acconemodation for the storage of twocars of butter. An adi!tion, about 40 feet by 30 feet to the present creamery building will be erected to shouse the,;new plant, but it is not yet decided whether this will' be on the north or south side. For a .number c)f,.years. there has been an inennaiittgeakenend for cold storage lou ers in ` iaeaafortli and ` the` propose&._adidition to the creamery plant will fill a definite need" of . the district. About two years ago a num- ber of- meetings were held with the thought of forming e co-operative plant, birt difficulties arose that led to abandonment of the scheme. • . Burn: Mortgage. At Walton Hall: Walton'- 'new Community Hall was officially paid for on Friday "evening last when the mortgagewas burned in .the presence of the largest crowd that. has : ever been 'in the hall. The hall, which was formally a church, was moved to 'its ,present location about three years ago and many en- joyable and interesting events have been held there. Mr. Elmer D. Bell, of Seaforth, was the chairman for the evening. Mr. Marina Sellars burned the 'Mortgage and ;Mr. • Silas Johnson read an addreiss as 'follows: .SSAiQ',TH, F 4D1 ri '""x; ay License. BEAV Certain*Businesses and Trades Operating Here R R I • • • • •'• $814 A cheque in the sum of $814.00. went forward on Tuesday to the Telegram British War Victims' Fund. The amount represented personal and voluntary donations made by members of the Seaforth Lions Club .during the past three, weeks for this purpose. The Lions own fund originated from a sug- gestion made by. Lion John Beat- tie at a January meeting of the club., • • • • •• • LEGION HONOURS. EMBERS IN ARMY Zone Commander; R. E. Pooley, Pays Visit To • • 'Seaforth Branch. Members' of the Seaforth. Branch of the Canadian Legion :honored two of their number who are now on active service, at en interesting event on Fri- day evening. Ke4h Bennett, who is In charge of the post office at Rockcliffe, and Dr. J. A... Munn, who reported'Monday to the R.C.A.F., were presented with pen and pencil sets.. The - presenttatioc was made by Past President J. E. • Keating. Unfortunately, owing to a curtailment in his leave, Cpl. Ben nett wee unable to accept the gift in person. ' A feature of the evening was the presence of Zone Commander, R. E. Pooley, of Exeter, together with a number of memb.of the Exeter•- Hennall, branch. President. John Earle was'in charge of the evening and called) on Com- mander ,Pooley who presented a past president's badge to Gen- D. "Fergie son. The Legion endorsed .a plan to raise a fund to be given to the Telegram Bomb Vi . 's Fund: • A nee . ��,. hinge., , as been planneaator, the,near future and the entire proceeds will be devoted to this, cause. "We started the financial year' on June 3rd with a balance of $215.40. From June till January 31st the com- mittee sponsored thirteen dances, the proceeds of . which went to the hall, also three in • which the proceeds amounted to $77.72 and were `'d'onat- ed. to the Red -Cross. We have also donated the use of the hall to any Red Cross meeting or concert and any boy wearing •the' King's uniform is admitted to' our dances without ad- mission charge:. The stage was re- built, , painted and wired:. at a cost of $169.50.. Some of the tenders for this work ran over $200. ()n .the 8th of January the balance of -the mortgage, amounting to $240.00 and interest of $12.90, was paid.' This left the hall without any, debt except- the 123 shares ,which Were sold). at $5.00 ;each. to 93 different ,shareholders. The committee now . has a balance on. band of $157.00. The committee: and trustees wish to thank one' an all for the very generpus support which you have given in -the past AIl' of the money received with the recreate tion of running expenses, ,has been used to either ,pay off •the mortgage or give yoU a better and' more up-to- date hall and if 'y''ou coIi'tiuue to give us that' au/Sport in) the: Years ahead we will Make suet 4mnrovements as you as slta`rehotdete) and .citizens of Walton c'otrrnn'il,nityi' *b111t1t like us to make." Fol1owi, g this intotesting. sere- moiiy, Mr:, neck 'Pli 'tihe: as his troupe of four . entertained stud' Played fine ranee fol « ;;king afterward. '11he net proceeds w'erel donathfl} to the Red! Crone Streaky,"_• e • Cut Ice At Lions Park • • Cutting of ice at the Lions Pool was completed this week. iii all some 40 loads were harvested and according to Sol. Williams, who was in charge, the ice was of exceptional quality. This is thehese time in three years that it has been. practical to cut ice. at •the park. to Receive New Library Books .Fiction "Great Mistake," Rine- hart ; "Crime Incarnate," Walls ; "North of the Border;" Stewart; "Sec - 'ret of the Nlarshbanks'," Norris; "Bird in the Tree," Goudge; "Partners," Hill; "Man Who Went Back," Deap- Ing; "Out of th+e•Fog," Lincoln; "Sone of the Others," Gibbs; "Medical Cen- tre," Baldwin; "For When the Bell Tolls," • Hemingway; "Fane, 'is the Spur," Sprihig; "Lain Train Out," Op= penheim; "Heart of a Child)," Bot- tome; ottome; ."Wliitebook' Heritage," De La Roche; "Invitation To 'Live," Doug- las; "Oliver Wisewell," Roberts; "The Family;' Fedorova; "Murder. at Lilac 'Cottage," Rhode; "Account Render- ed," ,Wentworth; "Sad ' Cypress," Christie; "Fortune in Fiamanee," Groig; ' 4Ff'eldflng's Folly," Keyes; "Ad- ana Penfeather," Farnol; "Mr. Finale ley Takes the, Road," Canning; "Mrs. Miniver," Struther; "Quietly My Cap- tain Waits," Eaton. Non -Fiction -"Behind ' the Liens," Milne; ""I Saw France Fall," -Chem- brume "Empire on Seven Seas," Ad- ams; : ""frelawny," Armaxrong; "Win- ston Churchill," Krause "Canadian Oc- casions," Buchan; "Quebec Paten, work.," Donald; "London . Omnibus," ,Morten; "Mantry Editor," Hough, "One Foot ie Heaven" ' Spence ; "G'reen • Hillis Far Away," Bilrke. ' • Juvenile -"All Through, the 'Night,•' Field; "Round the •'Year,", Buckley ; "Smoky 'House," Goudge; aSuSanarah Rides 'Agaidt," Demising "Amel x-. . anne ,Keeps Soh'oraL'' genera; "Blue Horizon, ' Tlhoirrsrt n; "Bright Heritag- es," Provinces; . "'Winning Out," Mc- ' Neeley; "Lassie Cohn Horne," Knight; "Shining Waters," Barclay; "Quean'a Book of Red Cross"; "Edra of the Is- '+lands. , Medan; "Mice on Horseback," 'f dhxnulr. Proposed Bylaw Would Be a Protection ..To Resident Businessmen, is Sugges- tion. Waterloo Win ,Lea ;e(Sea- forth and Tavis (A Tied' For Playoff's. MANY Air GAME nnua Number of Patients Ai ted Increases,.-' B�it� Av age •Length o Patient - Days. APPROVE HOLDING - DULY 12th. HERE A suggestion that Seaforth should license certain trades and businesses as a ; protection to local business, was, considered briefly by council at its February meeting Monday night. The question was raised by Council- lor Sills, who presented the following notice of motion: "Take notice that at the next reg ulad meeting of council I will intro- duce a bylaw to license electrical workers,. plumbers tubers scud other trades." Councillor Sills explained that lo- cal businesses were. often deprived of work through •the ,-fact that outside' firms came into town acid competed and at the same time paid no taxes. or .contributed nothing to the town, as was the case with a local man. By a. •system of licensing this could be reg- ulated, he said. Town Solicitor H. G. Meir, who was present, '' outlined the businesses and trades which council had authority to license under the Municipal Act. The matter will be fully discussed when the•bylaw comes before council at its next' meeting. Members of council were all pres- ent at the meeting and Mayor J. J. Cluff presided. . A: deputation including J. M. Goven- lock and John McIntosh, approached council on) behalf of the Seaforth Ag- ricultural :Society requesting a grant. Council concurred and authorized the same grant as in previous years.. .Council onthe recommendations of the Fire and Water Committee, pur- chased 500 feet of fire hose from Dun- lop Tire & Rubber Co. Representa-' tives of ,,the Gutta Percha and Good Year companies were present and ad• dressed 'council. The committee was authorized to purchase a smoke mask after Councillor R. G. Parke; its chair - Mau, had consulted with the fire bri- gade., Twelfth of July Here Seaforth we11 be Bost town to the district l2th of Stay' celebration ;a deputation consisting of Herald Lawr- ence, Samuel Hanna and William Old- field told council, and asked permis- sion) to u'se the streets and to erect booths and decorations. • Council agreed. . - A further request to use Victoria Park for a meeting was also .granted as Reeve J. H. Scott commented, 'T don't think we'll be • doing. anything else with it on the 12th." ' The Bell Telephone Co. was greet- ed permission to erect poles on cer- tain streets, the' work to be done un- der the supervision of the Street Com- mittee) A grant of $25.00 was given the Salvation 'Army. Rescue Home in London. • • Communications included 'Tetters from Van Bell, Alistair Wigg and Ed- mund Daly, all now on active service, thanking the town for identification cases, and from Dr. F. 3. Burrows, thanking the council for his appoint- ment as Medical Health Officer. He pointed out that next year he will complete a half century of continu- ous medical practise in Seaforth. "The Property. Committee - was in- structed to attend a meeting to dis- cuss ways and means -of -setting up a rest room .in Seaforth. The matter (Continued an Page 4) In a game that was an hour late in starting due to the 'failure of the O. H.A. to appoint a referee, Waterloo defeated the Seaforth•_ Beavers here. Tuesday night 7 to 5 to clinch teal place in group six of O.H.A. inter- mediate "B." When the game did get under way Sills, of Seaforth, and 'Puddieombe, of New Hamburg, took on the task of atten'ipting to controlf0 minutes of hockey that wars the sloppie,at seen here all season, - although the play was fairly evenly divided. • A crowd of 900 filled the rink to see the two teams battle for . firs't' place.• The feature of.theegame was a free-for-all. with both fans, and play- ers taking part., The •pet grievance seemed to be against Clair of the Siskins, and both fans and players- pounceon ihim. After great diff)- culty the ice was cleared and the game was resumed. The Siskinsi had an edge in the first period and took' a 2.0 lead. Less than four minutes had :elapsed• when Waterloo ecored, Gran getting it'from a difficult angle. Pugh, made it 2-0. five minutes later on it pass from Clair. Penalties were handed out in this period to McFaddin, 'Flannery, A. Hildebrand, Koppeser end Clair. - The second period was just 2 min- utes 'old when, Waterloo made it 3-11, :Dargel (scoring. Seaforth • got that one back• two minutes later when "Benny" Flannery scored, assisted by' Ken.,Pickett. Guenther of Waterloo, and McFaddin of -Seaforth each scor- ed before the end of the period. Cotey, 'Hubert, Pfaff, ,and Flannery were thumbed off in .this period. Each team) scored three times in the third period. Seaforth tried des- perately to tie the count, but the ice was soft and it was hard to carry •the puck. Dargel• scored, twice wad Lang once for'Waterloo, while "Tim- mer" McEwan, Pickett and Hubert upheld the Seaforth cause. - SEAFORTH-Goal, Sta'de;, defence, Hubert,' Ni©bolsen; •• -warn McFall- din; wings, Flannery, F. McEwan; al- ternates, A. Hildebrand, Pickett, Draper, Sills, G. Hildebrand. • WATERLOOI-Goal, • Dahmer; de- fence, Koppeser, Clair; centre, Guen- ther; wings, Dargel, Lang; alternates,. Gau, Solomon, .Cotey, Pfaff, Conrad, Pugh. Referees -earns, Seaforth; Pude combe, New Hamburg. Summary -First Period: 1. Wiaterloo: Grau • 3 45 2. Waterloo: • Pugh (Clair) ...:8•.15 Penalties-McFaddin, Flannery, A. Hildebrand, Koppeser, Clair. . Second Period: 3. Waterloo: Dargel ....:, .....2.04 4. Seaforth: Flannery (Pickett) 4.20 5. Waterloo: Guenther 714 6.. Seaforth: IncFaddin (Hubert) 15.15 Penalties - Cotey, Hubert,Pfaff, Seaforth Show Flannery. Per ecrease 'To 11 W. II. GOLDING, M.P., IS. ELECTED CHAIRMAN W. H. Golding, M.P., was re-elected chairman .of the Board at the annual meeting of the Board of Scott Mem- orial Hospital held in the Hospital on Wednesday evening, when the -year's business was reviewed and officers elected A new member, George C. Brigbtrall, was named to the Board. He succeeds the late W. A. Crich. ..Reports of Treasurer M. McKellar im isstiedthe per diem cost per patient has increased 18 cents, to $2.69. The figures ate for the year ending December 31, 1940 .' Number of patients admitted to the hospital increased from 545 in 1939 to 554for the year just passed, Patients days totalled 5,902. The av- erage length of stay was 11 days, while the. daily average• number 'of patients in the • hospital was 16.01. Offlters elected are: 'Chairman, W. H. Golding, M.P.; vice-chairman, Silo. Finlayson; secretary, Mrs. 3..F: Daly; treasurer, M..McKellar. Committees appointed are as follows: Finance, Dr. E. A. McMaster, R. G. Parke, M. McKellar; Property, John Finlay- son, W. H. Golding, J. C. Laing, G. C. Brightrall; House, W. J. Duncan, J. W!. Beattie, Miss Holmes,• Miss Fer- guson,, Mrs. J. F, Daly. • Inst 11 E-44_ Storage Room H. R. Spence, Seaforth produce dealer, this week commenced installa- tion of a cold storage room for his eggs in his store in the Crich block. 'The room will have a capacity of 400 eases. • Farm'Forum - Diecusses T xes Farm Forum convened at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hille•brecht oS' Tuesday evening with 42 present. The radio discussion was on "Taxation." Elton B. Goudie led a discussion on the following questions: "Do fami- sh- pay` More than their share of tax- es?" "Why is it that farmers find it More difficult to pay by way of taxes for services which seience and inven- tion have made an impossjblity" and "Gan we pay off our mortgages?" Mr.' R. N. Dorrance, Reeve of •McKillop, spoke briefly on "Taxation." w • Third Period: 7. Waterloo: Dargel 4 10 8. Seaforth: F. McEwen 5 50 9. Waterloo: Lang (Dargel) ...8.25 1 . Waterloo: .. Dargel . 14.22 11. Seaforth: Pickett (Hubert) 16.08 12. Seaforth: il3;ubart (Mand'din) 17.05 Penalties: Grau, A. i Hildebrand, On April 1st • • The Seaforth aapripg Show will be held. on Tuesday, APri1 1st, according to an announcement made, this week by Secretary Mrs. J. A. Kerr. Clin- ton Show will be on April 3rd, and Lang. i Hensall on .April 5th. Big Meet At Seaforth In ?912 • A large delegation from Huron attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Plowmen's Associa- tion ssocia-tion held, in Tthronto this week. The International Plowing Match comes to Huron at .Seaforth in 1942,. and the a°asocit;tion wag assured of the ,complete support of the district by the delegation. 'Shown abovle are Gordon McGavin, of -Walton, lat vice-president; Alex. McKinney, Brampton, past presi- dent, and Vv. L. Clarke, Gormley, 2nd vice-president. Amohg those from. this district who •attended the Toronto meeting were Mr. McGavin, E. C. Boswell, ex -Warden 'J M. "Eckert; and W. a.. Whyte. ar Effort A's far as Chief of Police "H,el. mar Sae!, is concerned, it's an all- out war effort for him. In addi- tion to .,helping with the "vari'ous activities about town .he occupied his idle time during recerit weeks•' in knitting for the Red Grose, arid on Friday the first sample of his labprs reached the committee rooms here, the envy of the lady wprkers. It was an air force scarf, every' stitch of which was fa.,hioned by the Chief himself. "It's not hard," the Chief modest- ly odestly commented. "`1 think 111 'try to turn the heel on a sock next." • •,• • • • • `Give. Fest iPleg4iv Start" vzsc.. The °canvass• of Seaforth ho tea secure an army of regulari,;•iq: ers will ' get' und'.er way on' Halal canvassers have during the past ween,' Seaforth' and district uiin t secure; " pledges guara'nteeinge-$,2,04140 each month, for the 'duration!. Ttiq ;canvas-;; sera will collect no money, :but will;" • ask you to sign. one of four liar ' pf• pledges in which .you agree to pur- chase certificates at, regular inter- ,r vats in amounts as great as.you; can aiford.. • "Let us put every cent we, can 'into. War Savings Certificates,' is the, ad- REGULAR SAVING vice hacommnttee; "andof keepte olnilocal buycingmpaign them regularly • month in and month out. Sinne this IS „ R rJ (� us, let'ins lend toour government to A id what is' required most urgently of a' the limit of .our saving eapaieity. "How .unheroic we would appear to - Lions Club Speaker Warns our men on active service and to the... Men and women sleeping in the bomb Of Present Dangers shelters of Britain if we failed in • this thing that ' is asked of us! He - of Inflation. membering what we have not had to endure of the `pain, darkness and "Save systematically and regularly while the war lasts," J. J. Murray, general superintendent of the Doinin- ion" Life Assurance Co. of Kitchener, told members of the Seaforth. Lions. Club at their meeting in the Commer- cial Hotel on Monday evening. He was speaking on behalf of the War Savings . Campaign. ' Warning that the only way to avoid depression after the war was to save the increased' income received) now as a result of war expenditures, the speaker said, that in, a year's time nearly one-half of Canada's national income would be devoted to war pur- poses. "If we try to have abnormally good times now- we will have abnormally bad times after the war," Mr. Murray said. "I advise you to save this ex- tra money." One of three things .must happen, he condi:wed. Either you save and lend everything possible, or . (2) it is taken from you in taxes, or (3) we have inflation where you- pay $2.00 for an article that 'is basically' worth only $1.00. President 3. A. Stewart expressed the appreciation of the club for the address and this was tendered the e•peaker by'Lion J. E. Keating, who was chairn,)an and who arranged the meeting. Usborne Child Burned to Death Bernice Etherington, 4 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Etherington, well known L'sborne resi- lents, died in 'St. Joseph's Hospital • early. Thursday morning from burns received Wjednesaay afternoon at the family home, • Her mother was attend- ing a quilting bee at the home .of a neighbor Mrs. Cudmore. The little girl was playing about the barn with a younger-brotber when she apparently became •cold and went in the house where she tried to light a fire. Her clothing became ignited and she ran screaming into the yard where ,she was discovered by her father. Terribly burnel she was -rushed to the hospital at •London but her in- juries. were such that medical aid was of no avail'. - • Fire Destroys Large Barn cold' of war; let us go all out in our answer to the appeal for us to lend our . money to supply the necessities of our front line forces." Name Constable' To Seaforth Post Huron county pollee committee on Saturday rearrange() the district in Which county constables will operate. A new district comprisiing. Tucker - smith, McKillop., Hullett and part of Grey, was set up with.headquarters in Seaforth. _ Named as officer in charge of the new district was Constable A. E. Jen- nings. ennings. Constable Jennings, a tomer', R.C_M.P. constable, has )been onr the' Huron fofce for °`'a ettnit ei• 'of- 'yearn' . He will occupy the residence of E. L. Box on the North Road, recently, va- cated by Scott Habkirk. The large bank barn on the Duncan Stewart farm. two miles southeast, of Hensall was burned to tire ground Sunday night. The loss included in- cluded 100 hens 'and 15 pigs, but with this assistance of neighbors the cattle were saved. The 1055 was partly cov- ered by insurance. The property is rented by John Madge. The fire is believed to have start- ed when a cow, which broke loose; kicked over a lantern which had ,been left banging on a nail. For a time there was little hope of saving the residence which is close to the bmrn, but changing wind end, the timely assistance of neighbors reduc- ed the danger. •• Constance News The Live Wire Class of Constance United Church is holding a crokinole party in the school room of •the church 'on Friday .evening. Lunch will be served. • Mrs. :Teak Ferguson held -a• quilting` at ,her home ons, Tuesday for Circle 1 • of the W.A.. • Mrs. Robert 3amies-on• held a,,,quilt- ing -at, her.••home in the •i.nteres'ts of elle' Red Cross. 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finch spent .a few days' with the former's parents. Actor: "I insist on real food; in the banqueting scene," )rector: "itght, and you'll •also get real poison in the death ifeene." • RED CROSS 'NOTES The ladies who are knitting socks are asked once again to cheek care- fully and make sure you are not cast- ing on your stitches 'tootightly. * * Attontiorr, needlewomen!• Our new quota has arrived and is, as follows: 25' pinafore dresses, size 12; 25 blous- es, size.12; 25 blazers, •s4ze 12; 10 pair slacks, size"' 18; 10 blazers, size 18; 10 blouses, size 18. Help is urgently needed in getting this clothing made as quickly as leis - Bible. May we count on you to.help us? CERTIFIED ROSEDALEE BRAND AibertaCi:ai: guarantees a quality which is unvarying N.L psi rr ' fJ