HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1941-01-24, Page 8, -1 77 1 ", 11 , � "" � �,.�� i"1111, '' , - ." ,,� , ': , � , ", I � �!, I I , ; �,� - __ i � �:, I 1-,�11, q 1-111 I "! I I � - , , , 11"�','_`, , ,,,�, - "` - —, '' , ,"', - � . ,. ,_ .11, -.1 . ,. 1, �, `­� 11 �, � �, " - 1_1 I � " , , I 1.11 � , . � ,� : - I- 1 "I , '_ � " 11 1, lli!�, I ,�� � I.- I',- �� ,,��i,1.11 , 111� ", �,�: 111i. - , , � , - , " .", " , ... , , ; ''� I 1. ­:�� , 'I'll _`�J� ; �, �; .. � , � �� . � ,�. Ili. I . _1 :, I I � .:: p . �, - 7 ­ ­ .,� 7., , : :. "I , � . ", . - - �"!�, , �, � �`,�`:�, I �� �;��:�� � - , il ; �,,�:�; ., . - 1':� : � � . . �! ,� �� ,i� .�,� ;17, i;� ,!, � , . , 11 �� D", I , ; t ,, , ,� ,. 1 ":�'�7 1� �, ,� � � �') 11��i , , , � ��` : ;�, ,� , " .,� ��,,��, �,`,,�" 1�`� 1.., , , I 'i, I �,:, " , -, -��I��,,� , �,`,.'! , 1:� :�:i", �i,`�""--��!��,,��, ,,��,�,�'! - " , -7 �' '�` �`. 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I "' , , I" - " I , I � I � ".411 �' "' '; 'A",'� I 11 " �' 1111.1i __ � Z I - Ii...--'. ­ , ;', ,' � , '�­ I I I .- .1 -1 T - ­ . I � .1 I I . "I I ,� . 11 i I ,� � . o,,��. "..; ... ,� I " ­:."! I ,,�` 1! . I . , '.' " � �� . ..... ... � � . . ;1 . �, � 4 , , , : �` : 7 11 , , " I , "" I .1 , � I �. " - . - 1111., served' .11 'W, lmlitiedi4te relai,tlVes. to,,� A ,. whex-e she I-ptt,pr mar,44o W", Wqpl , . 11 , I . . * , I . , , � , - I I i I , 11, I I I ,. ,_ � W. Q*�DA* ; , receivo4 , _n Mrs, Thon.k.ogg ', mother 0.1fl..iot brWe, laii, . t4o.;$ ArgeutWo.'UPMY ,.d , I , . I V-70 ; � , p�edeceused , "p, 7 ,wilto, r , ! !.�or. vm, W , I - I 46. She issix f, I : . I � I - . -orth I ... 1. - I - , - S I. - �'.,�� � . � , I e. R 1i It � , , 'e, , �,6alf T � t� 1� - i� __,:,�,_ � , _ ... .111 I I 0, 4 , 'i .. .. ...... ... I.. I d I � 4040or "1Q"�,,r,,4­"t " 71e � '. I neg"y' - a44, 1941" b,)�, V. J41AUATY 2 Re Under Oigvj, C -O* of G., W" 74, . . , ,geoWito, ,� - 'I , rvivem by Qgo 400 � I , '�, �11 'ra - .1 I � . � I ,_ - ".. . � " . .1 I � -W . , I 1 - . "I "'. 11111-i- !� , er W - A- 43remRor, I 1 YO41:119- daughter at an.d.Xrs, R, W. � FRIPAY, JANQ kRY $lst crepe I , �, . and,. MOONLIGHT 6 RENAQF_,RS `!� over �0, softly tailored, ,dresp ., , ,, _uted -with alkirring 4t jacket #,pe i 11 9 � 10 who -In, she lived until. her _01�, J),4o p Wow or a kind Alspo*uoa� , , _11�? - 1.,&'­,�:. I I -� I . .. � ,., ., I .. � 11 - NOW W., I : �' � �,;,�* 7 " -, �, :, 0 Qibbings, to Willi 'am David.;,,eldest Son I � the , POCketV� A 4X, Wea.rtt,ng A corsage Of syDiP,%tJJy., .. ''A of I' fX'jWJa re 1p e*, nor X he � . ,$HD1W_1NQ,; . I . ' ' " , � ;. -0 , I 'L'. '. , , I � ,�! I , , ..... � -A � Of Ft. I' XZ. Mrs?. Lapd0orough. and, the late Lunch I - 350 I .,AdTMVAiQ1L -year, pink roses, ,,, I -and Mrs. H. V. Rose. fended, �4r. of Tat.OW9, uncle and aunt .of ladp4p. . to her son 444'bpr man . . . - py re , , 'many . � I � I . John Hall Francis -Former - I I * I . . X� 1 S. i W[IIJIM.ni 1.4Uborough, of Tucker- the bridegr4om, also reoeived,- with The f ' riends of gr.. I Wtilliiipv: . - ' I ' I . A ... . . smith I . - - - .� -1 The Pallbeuvra being w,Leig hrs. and frieade.of ,the deceaped. Those a,t- j1h, jb,jd4l� wAy.. Kra.. Rosevear, Koohler are sorry to heAr. t1vot U anot I 6 1i 11 I . 'South of Pago Pagl.D ". ... , �� � .11 . , . .1 I , ­ I �17 !;�� � . , � , � , � , I ... , I I , Lady Golfers Plan Bridge. -The . . teadi .g from a distaucer were Mr. and ' a wearing black� sheer with corsage of white roses. ' bride chose ' for with a, painful accident an Tuesday, , while feeding his cattle, somehow they I I t . . I . ;. .z;� I . lady I ��,' � ­, , %. golfers will hold their next M rts. James MCA110ter Of ZUri*h-, OUt., ,Irbe going away a dress of ocean blue wool , knocked him down, in. the manger, . . . 1. - . " :, . I'll ._ , . 't . I - ^WES I I bridge on Wednesday, Jauary 29th, at Vill Glenn, t3iixwolfoot, Clinton Ont., JUlin b With black Hudson seal coat alad . where he received internal injuries. ._ . � . .. .11''.1.-.. * I th,a home of Mrs. J. A. Munn. Booadfoot, Brucebeld, -L, and GeO* black feat -bored that. Mr. and Ma's. We hope that no agrious; reaults, -will Mon., Tues., Wed. Next Th�r., Fri., $at, , , . � 1. - IV% 11 �wll 7-T-cyrot I 4a ,. the ladies plan4ulng to attend Please Munn, F. 811.1s, Rns, Halikirk, of Detaiait. Lindsay wii1i -reside i uToronto. ftillow. . I ___ . .1 a .1 . . ... notify Mrs. Mrs%. or , T. S. Smith -the #a$- befdre the bridge , . , 1. . . _.__ 114"... � Nicholson-Wilson—The __Preebyf&r�' � I T., . The late snow storm bas again made . Carole Landis ONO& Menjou . . . I : i 11 . I I . -I . I I . ­ � � . "ASTED WHOLE WHEAT . " PVF,ri S, 14 oz. pkg diom% ,", Will be held. L—ast week at Mrs, Janes' the first prize -as won by Mrs. I . L Ian, Xanse Blyth, was the, scene of a I bu� quiet, wedding on Satux- i�af traffle'heaw on- -the baek,coonees-- slous and aid e -roads, while .the main I . I - 1. - -,. � -- .. t I - . _-1 .. . I "Turnabout ' '. 11 .1 It : .'et Q, - . I . . - "" L ' ' . OCAL BRIEFS '. I I 16e' Mrs. pretty I roads are cle�ar. I i � 0 � � 9 Mr. an4 rs. Alexander Hay, of . ' M 1� . ........... each . .T. .11. I - I I ...... tra"lling F. S. Brugger. E.'Bell wton, the ,day prize. ' . at 4.30 o'clock when afternoon Rev. A. M. Boyle, united in marriage A . I I I . . I . . .. .. 7. . I..— . . . .1. I T�WBY!S PORK AND BEANS , I. -.11110, . ' Beryl M., youngest. diwghter "of Mr, Londion, were week-oikd ,guests at the Dr. John Hubbard Mary Astor . .1 "� I 3 cans . ....................... 25c . � Death of Miss Helen Pearce—Word and Mrs. John J. Wilson, of Auburn, home of andwrp- K. A- McMaster. Mr. ad Mrs. Hay were en. route to 13LAKE , I I .hat will surprise The comedly t - . I I a RVAS. 3 cans .................. ,�,._was .... received iqa, Seatorth on Tues- day by Mrs. H. R. Scott, of the death and Harold" Arthhur Nicholson, Galt, eldest san of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vancouver, where they will spend the : ypu. See what can happen it turnabout. 11 Several iW this, community are suf- -1., VAN CAMP'S TOMAO , . Of Miss Helen- Pearce, of Toronto, Nicholson, of Seafortli.. The bride winter. . * Mrs. F. S. Savaxige sp�iit ithe fering from bad colda. . Beaiis� being threshed, . people . ,­.­ J.,..� � I � SOUP, 3 cans ............ � ....... 25c which occurred suddenly at the -home looked -lovely iii a street -length dress week -end in Preston. ' are and are . , ... ....": ': _.... , ': .. . ': I',.: ': I PRUNES, 2 lbs .................. 15c of ,her brother in, Fort William. Miss Pearce was well known there and of sea blue embroidered in gold with matching turban and shauder-lengo�dl 0 Miss Mae Wightman ,,spent the about all threshed now in this vicin- Ity. I I Coming— . .... .... � ,::: .. I , �GUEST CHICKEN SOUP ' many friends wilit sincere)y regret to learn of her death. She wa& a ,dav- veil. Her corsage was of Joartina, I-lill roses. The bridesm2id, Miss, week -end in ToroiAo. e Mrs. P. L. s3rady was In Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Paul,Dueharma vie- ited his parent -9 at Drysdale. . .... I I 1. I 0 I 3 . .. _....,... - I .............. . . 10c tin ghter of the late W. K. Pearce, the Dorothy Wilson, sister of the bride, last Saturday, attending ,the funeral of her grandmother, bhe late Mrs. Mr. and, Mr., Roy McBridie, were Ambexley. 6' Dance Girl Danc . . . . 1W_4NUT BUTTER � . . I i, 55C -of first Manager of the Seaforth Branch the Domizaan Ba4k and the early wore a dre" of gueen's, blue, With golci trim and wine iliat, with. a car- Thomas, Puawphrey, and- ,wdll return . . visited by, relatives Irom Severai attended' the funeral of the . � 9 I Dance' Da liv W 4ACH with � RAYMOND WALOURN - CLIFF EDWARDS - TOM I(ENNEDY 4 1b. pail.. . ........ I ........ 1. - years ot her life wer; ,spent 'here. gage of bronze chrysanthemums. Jack the in a week. I e Dr. J. A. Munn. and Mrs.. Munn late Mrs. Edward Merner of the Gosh- I Directed by ALFRED GREEN - A WARNER BROS.- Firg H11ti9p no picture . Sgrgerl F�ay by'Kcnnqth Camel - *%IZON KETCHUP At Christuias -time she went to Fort William to spend the holidays at the Niciliolsou, of Seaforth, brother Of bridegroom, was best man- After the were in, Bay City, Michigan,, for .the en Line, Saturday. '. I Ov6Z to the severe balzzard Sun- I . . . . — I ! . I . _. . I 1, .. 11 . = I I lbarge Bottle ................. .20c L _ home of her brother, Mr. Ral . Ph Pearce ceremony a, reception was held at the week,e,nd, * Mrs. G...D. Ferguson., Miss Doris day the church stervices were with- � I -, I - - . I � ­ . . . ... 22c lb. " � who is at present stationed at Re- with the R.C.A.F. Miss Pearce home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Wilson received the guests in a frock azd 'Mrs. W-. E. Rell spent the week- drawn�. Er" BAKING POWDER . with coupon ............ : -. - - 10c tin gia was predeceased by her father, moth-, er and tw,o brothers, R'ex and. Gordon of green. crepe and Mrs. Nicholson chose a black dress with seQuins. The end in Toronto. 0 Pilot ,officer E. Daly,'of Toronto, ' � i I .1 . I I � I EGMONDVILLE ,I � - , . 2 bf I SHOE POLISH Pearce, both of whom lost their lives. in the World War. The remaias� were d1ning robin' was prettily, arranged *ibh pink. and white streamers amid spent the woo)i-end. at ,the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly. . . ArWAMMOMME UNDERWEAR 1 i � The Young Peoples' UuIon'was held 10c tion. 'Toronto Wes1,6Y 0 Mr. David Grieve, of London, Ememill.? .......................... brought to where the funeral -her white - wed -ding bells. Mrs. spent the week-ond­ with tie paxents, in the Egmoui&ville, United.,Churchon, . ­._ ' - I CLASSIC CLEANSER .......................... 2 tins .9c was Ueld from I -ate home, 140 Bedford Road, on Friday. . Bradnock, sister of the- bride, and Miss Vivian Straughan, cousin of ffie'Dr. The and Mrs�. J. 0. Grieve. 0 Mr. Thomas, Sills, R. C. A. F., Monday evening at,­%4ght, b'bl&k.. The ni�etiag opened with a sing song'and ,. CLEAN-UP I i . . I ----..O-- bride, assisted in the servving. , Camp Borde% spent the week -end at then -the president took the chair. AKMPNIA, Star, Ran dy or I NOrthside Y. P. S. Meets. -The gift to the bridesmaid was a gold tie the home of his parents., MT. and Mrs. Rymu 4,05 wa.s, sung. Mx Gardiner .... �� -1. � 1. I . Snowflake ........... ...... . 5c Phg- . regular meeting a the Northside Un- held necklace and to the best man, a left for F. S. Sills. . then led in pmy,er acid' the, 61-Jection T,be$e are special prices on underwear that was bought 2 years ago I I ; Q00D BROOMS ........... 25c each ited. Olifurch'Young people's was 0, Tuesday eveting, January 21st, I;rh. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, a short honeymoon, the bride weaxing e The C. Y. 0. of St. James' Catholic was taken by Murray William . The 'devotional period was taken by Mr. P. before the� rise in prices -Buy now and save. � 76c � 1 . . . V16us Ho TOILET FLUSH , with, Mr. Sam Scottr presiding., After I "The, a sinart gown of ,rose and black with 11 church be,14 a' very successful skat- ing party at de Palace Rink on Main- Peterson'in which Robert Wallace read Penman's No.'71 Shirts and Drawers, each ... .................. ..' .. . 1 :' , . 22c tin singing the ,opening bymn Morn- acce ssories. On their return they Wi d4y evening. crpu s from ,the P,amble ...... I ................... .1.49 . Periman's No. 71 Combinations - ...' . . I . � ............................ . ing Light is Breg.klng," the Lord's oriye, was repeated- ' Miss., Maxine . reside in,Gait. Gueet& present ' , for tole reception were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur w Mr. W. , C. Sutherland, R. C. A. F., Trehton, of . the Wedding Feast. Marion Wial- lace took the literaTy Period reading � -hirts and Drawers, each ............. 76c Penman's No. 27 Fleece S . � -Ww-ter?s Hog Conceirtrate. .$2.50 cwt. . Lawrence; secretary, read the minutes Nicholson, Murray, Aftlan, Ross, Bar- spent the week -end with hi family here. . ,ts, a poem ... Dhe Inventor's Wite." The P6nman's 'Preferred Combination Special ............... � ....... 2.25. I *. A. C. Routled*ge Of the last meeting .were adopted as correct on motion of Miss Jean bara Nicholsm, Miss MiLry McKenzie, 'Johd Nicholshn sr., all 'of Seatorth; , . . * Mr. Oban MeTavishi.: -Sky Harb- minutes,of the last meeting were read, and adopted as correct. A feature of I'Lot, Boy's Sweaters, Specially priced at ..................... 69c 1. I -, . I .1 .. I PHONE 166 , . . . . . , I I i Smale. Business was then discussed and Miss jean, Smale, missionary can- venor, took charge. The hymn "All Mrs. C. Straugl�au, Viviai� Straughan, Mr. and Mrs. Wes -ley Bradnock,_111119h Bennett, Bei-ndee Lawson. - � our, sipenit the week-6nd: with his par- ents, Mr. arid Mrs, John McTavish. . * Miss Verna Storey spent the week -end With iriendS in Kitchener. . I the evening was the guest speaker, * Mt. Elford,Who told us about his, work . aluorig the lnddan�s. The lachans 'a�e . , . . . I 1, IR ON(FIDE I I . . INSURANCE, IN VE MENTS9 H I The Power of Jesus,',Name'l was and piAlm.twenty-seven was re- I .1 ------* I '"It- __ Lindsay-ThompsolY.-The, home of 9 Mr. Aldie Eckert R. C. -A. F., S`kY Harbour' tAe just as jood and kind as manty of the living white People. They. have won- I . . , I ", . ; ,, REAL EST. - --I Laung peated in, undsion, and Miss Edith Hoag led in Little' readings given Mrs. J, ]�. Thompson, ,Church Street, ' the seitinlg'of a Pretty opeint week -end at ' the,homeof his paorents, Mr. and Mrs. ritivig,, dbraw- derful talent, painting, wri were Mr. .SEAFORTH . . . . � . � . ------. __ L - . -1 I I - . .. prayer. Seaforth ' was J. M. Eckert, in McKillop. ing amd othersi mentioned. -1 I I ,, . I . by Miss -Ethel Storey,, Miss Luella wedding at one o!c1'ftk Saturday when . . 0 Mr.. J. JM' Sclater bas been con� El -ford and ,his, two, daughters have � � . I �� VVE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINIES Kaine apA.Miss. Irene Workman were her daughter, Ruth, was, United in. fice two spent thirty years altGgedaier among . . . - --- I I . - .- I - . t . I . . I OF.INSURANCE enjoyed. An' iateresiting'missiouary marriage ,to'Mr. Herman,Lindsay, Son . weeks, through 111ness. the Indians,. The meeting then pft�ney to Loan on First Mortgages Farm Property. talk was, given by Miss Trout which was, much enjoyed. The hymn, "From of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Lindsay, Toronto. The hous . e was attractively 0 Mr. and, Mrs. .Sol. Williams have., closed with 'hymn 259 after which Mr. ''i Gardiliter led, the recreational period. . S11GW­ Plow from the, COU,nty of Huran I , cessoried. The bridesmaid was the - on Improved Number of desirable Dwelling Proper- Greenl=d's ley Mountains?, wiaa sling 'decorated w,ith spring flowers. Mrs. the returned to their home after spend- ing three weeks, In Kitchener. Tt:6 'Nell Shaw ,Society, Eg-mon& flor immediate. snow removal and to defer the appointment of snow -patrol bride1g,siste6r, Miss Ina M. Rapp, dress - ed in a street length gown of Acqua . ties for sale. and -the meeting closed, wit.h the miz- pah. benediction,. ­ . J. G. Green, of.London, sister of bride, played the wedding music. 0 A. rink, Of% Seaforth curlers, W. A. Wright, - ville;­,opened Its meeting with the . . ug of hymin 400 "Fight'. the Good, slug' men for the Present. I - I Gre�n crepe back satim . WATSON,& REED . I .411111. . I Nor�thside Rev. H. V. WorkMall, Of bride C. M. Smith, C. A. Barber and . J. Beattie, skip," ' Were 1XL. Lojidou. on Fight," after which the minutes were . The scale of salaries in -the Towm_ ship was left the same for the year �- The groomsman was Drual W. ' Shantz, ,brother Of the groom. Rev.. I M. A. REID - Proprietor . Phone 214 .: Seaforth i I I ... I I United, Church, officiated. The Wore a street,length frock of timber rose crepe with soft shirring at ithe The finely� skirt, Wednesday atteinding the borisPiel. .e Miss, Agnes 0oveillook Is visiting 'with Clinton, friends this week. relaId and approvedi. Five fees. for 1-941 were received. The business, Period opetned witth the discusilan of 'Mona 19,tl ad all Township officials; were re- appointed. I I .. A commlittee of young men in the,at 'Stephen Pea�chty officiated. . Follow - 1. ing the cermony a reception wss..held - thbi home of the b,14de'� parents. . SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF I . � - s;htouldem. gored fl(nviEig from a delicately patterned '* Mr. James E&ert,-of Strathroy, envelopes, -for 1941. . McGregor mOv edi that the envelopes be -looked vicinity of thiniville interviewed the After a short honeymoon- Mr. andF - INSURANCE I 1. � I , . . . for lattice effect. She wore a hat in matching shade and a corsage of Joamna Hill r6ees. The. bride was spent the week -end, with this parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Td. Eckert. oll Miss Joannie Clifton, 6f Taroo, to, is a guest at the -home Mr. and after -by the secretary, Janet McGre- gor ,seconded the motion. Treasur- er's report was, given by last yeax's council requesting 'that the' council have the Tow-ustivip H�al reftoofed and bydro ins1tal1L-&1 . It was pointed but Mrs. Shantz will take ilp'residence- near Hensa.11, ,Ontario. The bride and, groom have the best, - <> <> 0 0 0 0 <'> 0 'O 0 0 <> . . <> <> . ,Sermon Subjects Ne�t Sund .- ay St Thos. Church: Rector_116v. Dr. attended by her sisterL-Miss Gladys 11 . .1-1 wearing a Falls . .of Mrq. G. D. Ferguson. I (treasurer, Margaret VkLtslaii. Next that such action would prove profit- able to the muln661pality from addition- ,wishev of a; ho;st of frienift for ,their futiirg bappinew. 10 S. T. ]ffolm,eS &'Son' 40'. Hurford; 11 a -m,. "Neither Cold Nor "The Thompson Niagara , . I blue aqua crepe 'gown, the bodice 46 Mr. E. L. Box has purchased- ,the Jackson black Main Street meeting was discussed and is to be heM the first Wednesday in Febru- el hall rent whiclih would be earned. ., . The,,many friends. of- Mr. Arthur, 40 FUNERAL DIRECTORS <> � Hot"; 7 p.m. Impression Jesus Madle." School 10 made -v9th a draped neeldide And the studio on -from Mr. G. A. Jack,son. ar�l at the Manse. 'The devotional ReeVet Pasmore and, Councillor COOP- a committee from Ricker Will be .Pleased. to -learn he is be his .1 <> 0 <> Main Street, Seaforth <> ,Sunday at a.m. . St Maxy!s, Dublin, - 2.25 p.m. Sunday soft fullness from the sihirring ,at the shoulders gathered into a midriff - Of too Th . e Wometal-s Association of the 'United Period opened by the sitaging of hymn No., "Jesus Joy Loving er were appointed the council to dal, with, the Proms!, able -to up again after -recent illitiese . . - <> Charles Holmes., resideum, 0 School. 3 P.-. "Half -way Folk." cording. Her turban watched her Church, 4t-2nds, ho1ding­_a__V .1 . a- 297, the of He.Ltts," after which Miayme. Watson t,on. �61' - .1 The ms -my friem:dsr%9f . Robert I <> Goderich Street East. phone <> Nortliside United Church: Rev. H. " . gawn. and her- corsage was of Briar-, eLtine supper! on, -Wedqae_qda_y.__Febru_ ary 14th. read the Scripture reading, followed The treasurer reported -rvceipts from Jarrott wilr be sorry to learn�be-is -cen- <> No. 308. . ,0 V. Workman,, Minister.' 11 a.m.- "What cliffe roses. Mr. Arbh& Goodfellow, . . so Mr. R. S. McDonald-, of the On- by hymn 148, "Breathe On Me Breath December 15th ,to, 31st, 1940, $2,545. , , fined, to -his rO!Dm with, an attack Of. . � 101 Ambulance Service , ,0 <> Addustable - hospital bed for o is True Grea'tuessl?" 2.30 win. --Sunday Schoul. 7' p.m­"Fishe,rs — tarlo r,73ank staff-, who has been, in, the ,of Life!' Marion, Wallacetolok up the- ' 36. . be following accounts were 'T passled influenza.. . ( ... � M.r. ad- Mrs. J. Cochrane spent a day- ---.-- ,, . .0 , rent 0 Of Men." Prayer meeting Thursday, ' .. __ I Scott Memorial Hospital for the past ten days,, suffering from blood offering. Mona McGregor Marion ' Wallace read stories on,­MiesionariesL by the counclil, and ordtClre were drawn 0 . 'in C,VrLton re,�e y . ntl . . . I . I . 0 Night cal] -s -Phone, ,308 .�> . 0 Day calls -Phone 119 .�> 7.45 p.m. McKillop Cbarge.-Duffs_ 11 a.m., Cavev.'(Winthrop) 2 I Euchre and Dance pois- � oning, has suffici4mtly recovered' to led v,e this week for h1s home in Trea- of Africa. ,The ineeting closed by siaging hymn3li "d Love That Will 'on th,o treasurer: Road Superintenil- I 'efn.t's. Voucher, $ 62,63; Relief. and ad-. I $26.50; Grants, $70.0; . I � . . .d> ,Cligrges, moderate. <> ,p.m:, service .bt I Not Let Me -Go," after which Mrs. m inistration, 11 . 0 . " 12-37 <> P <> <> 0 <> <> .0 �0 <> <> <> .0 <> vl�eth.el next Sunday,, 10.30 a.m., R. W. Craw, Witrister. I .. . . WIN.TH'R.OP HALL ton. :o Mrs, � James Mustard, of Kippen, . Gardiner led in Prayer. � 1 Audlit...for 19,40, $40.00; Miscellaneous expenlatures" 133.66. In addition. '. . . 1. First PresbYteriani Church. -Sunday. ,School at 10 a.m. Morning subject, "Obristian, Fellowship." Evening qub- . I .. . ' FRIDAY,, JANUARY* A ­ waa i'week eud,gue,it atthe home of Mrs. Alex. McGregor, Goderiah St I reet, W -est. I - . $59.40 was paid, for revision of 11940 voterse' list on. authiortity from Judge . T. M� Costello. .- . 136unZil- adjoii,med, 1 -1. � . . .1 ... I L , I . . . I . . ­..... . USBORNE - . .1 . , Ject, "For His Name's Sake." Mid- I... - Cards'at 6, P.M. I Mrs. iT, R. Scott attendAed, the fun - I A. W. ,morgan, clerk. I . � . :: , - ....... .. 0 0 .. � . X> X . <> . H. -Ci BO . , week meiAing TMirsday, at 8 p.m. Rev, Ilugh Jmk, Minlstei�.' I . I MANN'S ORCHESTRA ." eral of �tbe late,'Miss Pearce .in Tor-- * .1 -onto on Friday. . . Council , . ,UsbOrne * The muuici�al council of Usborp�e I I I . I , " I . . .. I . Oft I � : . , I I KippgN �0 �:FUNEAAL S�ERVICE 4�1 . -11 ­— I - . .__ . ' Lunch served. -Admission 30c I . Mr. J. P. Bell, of Torputo, was in . beld, the inaugural session on Mon- I � I � <> Licensed Embalm, er , * -, Mae Lane Auxiliary—The Mae Lane . I I I town va Thursday.. - ­Mrs. day, January 13, at 11 a.m. All mem-' . . I � � I I-- a � 1 - -1111111111W, I � ' Sh . antz I -Roop . 'x> , Ambulance SelWiCe 0 Auxiliary lof the Northsider United . 0. I . . V John Green, of London, and, bers were present and subscribed to . - . , 0 .Hospital Bed 0 Chu�ch iheld. itk. tenth birthday party on Moinday The losing cir- . rL)ANCE Miss Gladys' Thompson, of Niagara Falli, were 'here attending the wed- the oath of office as follow &;' Reeve; Percy Pa,esmore; Councillors, , Hugh � . I . � A, pretty wedding was solemnized Order Bray Chicks now, and b& "lucky" when egg * i Alto , pnices 40� with adjustable rachet Oper * . - 4> ated spring for rent. <> evening.. cles of' the society entertairting .the . . .. dfug of their�sdster, Missi Ruth.Thonip� Berry, Bruce Cooper, Clark Fisher and Minnonite Churc Zuaich, on, in. the ' ' Wednesday, January 15, 1941 when � FaM See me,oi phone me� 1 .0 Night calls Day Calls <> Phone 43 O� . inning circlest at a 6.30,supper, to wi 'ch 1. , also was invited th�e C.,G . T. Wednesday, Jan. 29th son on Satu,rday last.' - Mr. E. L, Box ,has, Purchased -the -John Hodgert. Minutgs of Decem- her 16th meeting were reaA and ad- . Miss Vera M. Rapp, eldest ;Kughter, ',of Mr. Mrs% Sadn'Ropp, of near , right auray. peorsonakattenflog�-- prompt delivery. ! . ,0 Phione-175 0 . 12-iI7 <> ,wW Giloup. The girls entertained !he meetinig wibh two enjoybble numbers . is I ARTHUR buildi ' ng formerly, Occupied bk, the.6pted. Jack&ac, studio together witll the I � Ackirowledgement of receipt of foun- mid Kippen-, became the bride of Elam I THOS. DICKSON, �Seafortk .0 .before began. quipmet of the stutUo. ' tairt. pens was7recelved from eleven, a,' Youngest, son of Norman and. the ' the regular meeting The firk vice President Opened the meeting by reading a poem "Prayer I A Lunch served. Admistsion. 35C e Mr. Thomas Butt of Kipven is , ,seriously ill in Scott Memorial Hosp- the twenty boys, who have enlisted _ from Usboime. It was d'ecld,ed by the late Mrs, Shantz, of Prest on', Out. . charming in Th,e bride looked- a Cylamen-Rose L . Or WM. STAPLETON,Dublis . . , . 0 0 * 0 0 0 10 0 4:> 0 0 �0 ,for the'New Year," tak-en, from the . ital. . . Council to purchase two .doz en addit- street iength, gowtL, of %ac- I � � I I 0 , 0 . book "MY Kit0hien Window," by -Edna --- - -- . - e, Mr. Johni C. Criob was in Toronto ional pens. . Cord Fraille--Crepe and, matebing . .1 I . � 0 J. A. BURKE � <> Jaques. The (IlYmn '!Oh Jesus, I Have On lyuaiu�as this week. I Grants were *aesed by the Council .. I �. . . 11 . . I I 1. 0. H. A. INTERMEDIA 7'E' " (B P P 40 Funeral Service I I . <> 0 Dublin : out. <> Promised," wao sung. Mi -s. Cbristie led in prayer. Mrs. Bechely Conduct- . . I . as followo: Eden Cemetery and the Thames Road United Church- Come- � . I . I 0 NIght or day calls, Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 er the business of the, evening, reports, . were given by the treasurer, Christ- . WANTED' TUCKERSMITH . I tery, $25.00 each for inipproiemens which have beeal, made recently; � . . . I �� 1, I.. . . I . I <> <> <> <> <> <> * A> 0 0 0 0 I ian Stewardship secretary.and Teemp_ . 11 . The annual congregatioual. mi6eting -of Tufter's Church was Queen- Alexandra Sanitarium ,stid War A�eniorial Children% Hospital, London, . - - HOCKEY 1;1 '' . . 97674f .— erance secrtary. The meeting was taken by the- captain of circle 1, Miss � Luella Kaine. The hymn "A better day Is coming" was sung and prayer . . . Highest Cush Prices paid for �held on Thursday, aftrenoon, January 16th. Routine business was attended, -to. Messrs. Heiman, Crich and Edwin, , .$10.0.0 each in. recognition Of their�, work localli. Council alGo decided to subscribe . I . I . I . . . . �. � I 41 L," - .1.11 TAVISTOCK , . I - . __ ' . THE SECOND DIVISION by Mrs.. Arnold; Westc,ott. The ,bopic hens arid chickens Johns ,were reelected elders for three membership fee to The Ontario As_ I -, . � I COURT . '4 . County of Huron ,of the evening, A _biography of Dr. Norman, whose wtork was done in Jap- � . I 0 years and Messrs. Ray Fear and, Greg- or McGregor re-elected stewards for I stoclation of Rural"Municipalitles and, -The Ontario Go6dl Roads Association, , . � SEAFORTH, � 'was by Miss, -L' KaIne, � three years. ..., $5.00,.,ja,ch, I I ; I vs. office in t1he Domitilion Bank BoAild- ftig, Seaforft Office bourn, Tues- Iftursday Saturday, 1.30 an, pmsented Misiv S. I I Wood and, Mrs, 14. Snell. Rev. Repairs, have now been com- Pleted to our promises follitow- A vote of thaks' was extended to Purchase Of :all necessary municipal I . . I ­ I &W, ana v.'"- to 6 P.m Sattorday e—Aw. 7.80 0_111L H. V. Workman jaetal-led the officers for the new year. The ineeting,clogled ,ing the fire and businese is go- Rev.Burton for his services d,urin�g the YeaT. A ,committee consisting of supplies Was a.Utharized, from the, Mun- icipal..World, together with 10 copies 0 At Seaforth, Thurs, Jan' 30, 8.15 p.m.' to 9 p.m E. C. CHAMBERLAIN 1. -With -no hymn "Wbosoever Will" and - fiidzpab � ing on, as usual. I I I (Messrs. S. Whitmore, J. Turner ' Fred, Pepper and N. Garret and their wives ofthe World for council. and. municip- al officers. I . � � . . ., ' .. the. benediction. . I A ND� NOW—IT'S DO OR DIE ! . I , . I - . . � . — 0 SPENC -S RODUCE were appointed to. arrange for the con-' gregational' meefilag, next ye,@x. uditor's report., for 1940 was pre- Rented by T. A. Wisemanand was ac- . I . . Insuranoe Agencies' - Seaforth -Death ' I ladies by '6,ounicil. ,The. The B eavers must win this,one to �§tap in th e run- AN , . of Mrs. Ebenezer Walker.- Death occured near Bad Axe, Mich., I :1 Seaforth Tho Of the congregation were. given use of bhe church, for anly meet- cepted, Ali PePorrt ,shows the reownship, to bee in excel, 11 _1-1 ­ � " ning for the PLA Y-Q.F,FS. . . CAN THEY DO IT'? the umbese of Abe insweaw littopine" of = & Moir, and 'the addition of . okew oampowes to our %previi— footent- on January 160i, 1941, of glizabv6tli. # i3roadfloot, wife of Obeu,ezer Waliker. , -1 I ing they require for tbe4r Red Cross Work. . . . 1. .11 lent finaracial-, pAitlaii; bank balaince,� 1 $4,928.64; total rereutiieasset% $9i823, ';�Zd'Ubil_ . .4 .1 . ., 1 Adults 25c, -.1 ,w - - ___ ___ , I I - Kes atiomMes us to sivet imneicefied She was vhe diattighter of the late The weatherman has again decreed 82; capital as lee 7�000.00 , ,Ch,ildren .15c _, "arfice in an nues. JI�Lme9 and Marie Broad,foot of the that the cars- reinalij la� their,.garag6s. itlesm, none., lt%16$M�Putlug the ,above . . I "I ., t- . 1�111 I - . SEAFORTH : ONTARIO MIR Road, Tuckersmith, Pioneer 're- BUS TIME TABLE Misr, Margaret QIA,�'4,* ,under the , —, . dctor's 'We ,ft Abir ",eets uhie,eubsidy on, 1940. road ex. ., ­ I ,�. I � , I . . . 1 1047 - &idenrts of Tuckersindth *here sibe was barn almost 73 years. ago, and, spent her early life. On March, 19th, 1989, she was unitell, -to Ebenezer Walker, so on Of the late Mr. and. -Mrs. DaVIN Leaves Seaforth for Stratfords Daily 8.25 sam. lomil 5.1$ p4n. Leaves Seaflorth for Gooderich- Daily' exceVt Sunday and b(A.. .1.05 �.�Gud '[Ao p.m. . Sun- and bol, 1.05 p.m. md 9.20 e.zL ,care an early % recovery. I . �, "s, ," .L: Mr. M, Tull� hav, X , it po , �, . . ,, �ktlon " a,t Peterb!Gro I `­ I . " , k � '.,.'' � �� Ate stritat-are,guffeling Mauy..-Ja t & penditure-.Wlitich has bgpin eArnted, a� moianftlng to $2,9'98.59 waa,nbt includl- ed. ,,,,,- I . .1, . . - j,- , � . . I Inter- Tbe' ql,%rk .Was, apipplin$&d, to . !vie,.�'E30',AiA��',06�nei'�l-'.ibr.,"bfi,6 Purpose, ; � " . . I _�. 4 . . ,. � . - .1 - . . - - — 1 . I � I . I , v In ento -Clearani Sale - 1-1 I I . . McK OP MUTUAL TM - ILL . Walker Of the Mill, Road,, Tackersmittli. 0brinoctims at Stratford -for Toronto. from the Prevajen:t' cold. The Elo**. I . . a4k-g Itraols, of -levy- 'koi 9X,6ter Pat. I I FM INSURANCE.. Coly. Mr. wa� mrst; Walker soan, moved to ftilmiHiiri', Buflaftici,, London, , Debroilt, Expi-em has thi ". . .0 to #at obolutlth 0# � I I I 114" 1-fia i�lateA t& eortalft, farm ,,ry, .ce . . . 1. I V I � their farm, neax Bad Axe, Xieb,, rber'o 'rolvi��tojek, W40,D�toek, Brantford. AoremU - QueaVio Hot4fi, CommeceW . � The Sneeze I . ,11�� I . 'I'' xd; , ti 0464m tievIve I ", Continues for Another 10- Daps 14VOID OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. ,,� . th �ey jhave madpq their boome. Mrs. Hor"I. "iek ffo�i,6 ,� jx� , � , 'I sneezed a InoozeAnto, the a , - 4`co,mpTA16t'vV'a,9 recolved,'roquOt- � . I . , , . I - � � . "., r " -DT"V I . 3ERs - I I ­ 1. , kn)o*, 'P"O; Wealker was, of �� pleasing . personality and bighlf-esbeem,ed iii her uelglh�bor, STRATFORD -LGOOERICH COACH INES, ' It la;ndodt--thOugh­l know dot iW4 , , id; But this I l6ok-that tbe"5119b�6, I . , �-n,g jvr�6,val' oi obstruotlonR ,in 'the 01141�H)16 drain. Councillo coo . Per & I � � ' I Here are a few ol the MANY BARGA , IN -S . I � Liondfeb6T6 -* . Vft � , - , � .,--,,,. V - . IL Arehibstl4l 9'eaf6t'th - V]Oe-� P, hood,-whene she was al -ways, willing - to give a helping hatird when needed I I I I I - Emeeze I , . 11 ". ; . I <. Is now paesed� iw to these gxd%thoise." was appointed to Inv69t1ga:t6 th p - ow er to act. . ' OFFERED AT MIS -SALE - ,-, � " , . � 7- -_ - .., - .�, - I � �*aftob X Wid, Segbftb - See-�Treaa- 1-.11 until -almost seven yea,rs ago, when I I ; , . 161.ftrl " The (Nollector reported as. at Jan- I . I I . I ,, " FREE SERVICE .. - ­ .1 . I . I . .-1 �. . MANLEY i A NM, S,MPMENT of magog, I ' I r__ 1, I I Men',� dark grey . fla , I � nn6l shirts. �,�� r I. . 1, � - . � L' .1 1 4 "- I ,I)MV&POA8. , .1 ," , 'WJlWJ1JtrJjj rwor, tiondisbow'. owme . * she auffered,a, stroke and bas, been. an Invalid since. $be leaves tb m6urn . - - ry, Itit 1041 thlat'$�29,641.07 h d belen collectA on the corrent �� a I , rtill, add that' 'i � I . I .1 ,,,�. � I ;, .1 I , � U600dt ttidd 4':4 AM1140' COn- ; I l ,; , .1 I &. .,'v� It�t . bOt R W bAw loss b -Ir buinband, two sons, Gw - �t� -4 - I "I I., . I I i $�t,893.67 remained uncollectedi He tpast , _OlOur ,Print. 2pe value � 'Special price'... d - Ificy - I . To clear ................. . � - .b . 69 , � . . �. ,�,� I.. I I I I ��,.�,;��:,'� 'I- �. � . V., ". , . :'L I ,� r 4' kdA& ' W A14 r 044",' r UOVViltit, � ��� 1 on of Axet Utah.) ROY- of Olds, Allrorft. d",Wh*6r Max�p 0,twoWl, . OLD,_DISABLED Olt, DEAD I . ' Wopd was . etVed. here, Itast Week , d Mary MCC lellan Was t6trIlfted to continue, In the dol- lood omt td,xed t1nU1'A-p,rr11 12 1941, , . .­ .* I - � . . ,9,1,� ;.,'' � . # L'� , , ,, �, '1�, , , ' ,�,, ., �,,i,�,, I ,dr", ,p, .1 , L , . � � I , �r I U , �V M�110,6gof, kA. g%" ­_ I , " �� " 7, ' ,A � P -At� blodiie, six grAftOA11411eft of 0.10, 1 NORSISOR C, , - AT T L E" th6 tio,of rs. of - A h 40 her 18th jiiari " . of 6rk werev` ' The reevog, uhtd, cl adthNiv. . 1. I . . . I ', � I., *. I . PenwhnOa 71 8-hirto . t . , 4$ I' ok "1�1"�'�)� "IOX, 01"'Kil 2i a. fid t .a' I. I 1"' ".",�""�r,!"io.��".',A'�'�a_tL' ' 14 ,, � , .­ , 11 .00,,!M, *L,"� ,��.;�,,�,r���,�10,��,",r�o"'�"�;�I .1 I , .�, �AA.,&,#ed� �,�`I'L�� , . . "W�",`'�," AX, " – ��?t" ':L� " �; ", 'ILI 11. , 4, WWI W NO fix, AA­WRA,, A 6toitheir Wib� t, 6i fk�a6 I stftttordt " 0-n1ta,11;;, ,�a, Wadr Maxy . W01460t ,61 Wwlt' Pakm 130 i,�11 rla� , woloved.potopily cifid Nii A � if ,e cfen V. . I - I "' ' ,aw-tiw, death,,,af h6v -m t1 er 4b; Clad. m,�m. wffilo il was still aft 1,notint, " w", brou Mie t � ifiere -by htr &Vli�r s? ell to 01 "I ed by rbsiolddOndk the,�toun 91 ,the formal, wpplieatkOn, to tb,o'D0jJjrt�, - - Went of,M9hw6;ys far 0ubd4(Y­fW' av) . 13ath To-W,e)s* - � All 06MMr , '...­..,. 1310"i, . I. I I ' - , � land brawmi .. � I - . 'Pell peft '_. 8100 ^ , ... "., - � �'. " "" :,�,',�', . - -,�,�,'. � 1 �;�,�. .­ ­ , "., " ,,.,, '.��,.­,". �. I " #Q I , . 64nftv flo,to 4how;�d'. th6 1 6196flft - 06-01y, 1phipike �ItOtLttt-' f 6. i *fth h4or iothets I Wjllf�m, Z� r, it*ad 1946,fixna 1-W , I _ � � I .1 . , �, ,�, �, ,, ­ . . I t-- I . � . -11 -1 I . . - � I r r , I - " , I I . ­ I !, ., I I ., t - ' t - � . .._ -,�', P, � - , D 6!p t , ;� # I � 0 ! . � t � 1.1�1 FR :T oio. I ,��,,i��'!�,,�,',',�'!.,�'.,,��:.��,',�,--'�,�*;,�,,.�L,� I . �) ,�-;'��� �. , I 1 " ` 14 , %1-1 � -, "' 1111" ­ "" "'' - , lg� 4 , I &6.&t�*'jJJ3(dr % lj6%1"e6m. Alglh,oteopi Ot J , ,. , � � - .1�: � .1 lift roft . , 1 - & �,U,ril wav h6w, f, I � L . 1 1 1 , W j"i '' ';­ " ,p : , ��.. , (i "�, 'T .�,�, 610 . � I miija le� � , - � . $ , I 1. 1 ,;4 " tw, , , D ! f % ­ .. Ubioo to livo *� 0 ,#11 their gftnd, I " P 1kr; 4in& ats, Aindlobly WAII, .., 01 , expea4ituroAn I , $6,001.m, Abovo, oxpeddlturo WAS idMd- In WIAW Va. 2 P946 �� i -� UU,tho ,� �,ik I Oepaftt:i�dt 1-fiffillft, , �. , 4* � 4 , . ­J� I at & bw , *1 31640 * �� �', , _, I , . , : . . , I I . I 9 , ' 110140144.1, - I S ' tb66W,od, tMir'461160Aon 06 "at'; Ojer 11.11.L1­�m- 11L1 . , btdfU1* 1"I ' _" ' 4,pprfovAl byAlW 1. $6 000,60` - " 11 � .IS "I : . I %.� "'.. I. 1. � i '' , , 7�- -11 �, _ "... ,�'.­ �,, " 1�1111i �",�, , � , 'i �'? .. :, , , , , 0 A 0 .: At : "i "'d � , , .". " � ,��, 4, V, I . L � W,� I .. � �� _� ,,, , 11 - - @ If t .. " -IF-KONE , Mg. t, R . ,� 0, -1 I �414 - � �_"*k ,,,*,� , IX I 1. i I 11 ,,, L � I I ... I . 1. , :::: e4ttflh" . , ­' ­ ­ I IV, or6 . . , ,� W ­­' " � � .% - - . " �" uw& ,r# , � WRI6, 4tpondftftre'to - , . , I � 1­:n)e t� 0*6go, & 0:00 -(* ik, I . , L.. � 1, �­ 11 ­' , . , 11 :' r � ' � .,.;�, , I .. I I I 1'. �'4: � �1_1 ..., I I -1 11, 1 �,'_ ,7, , - - � . I . .. I L a 0 I V ,,, � , , 11 ; � � I I � . , ,. I I I , , .1, . I ,. , . -� I - .. I r , I : , . .1 , , . I , I - I I I I � . � � . , - ; ,, � I . I I I � d . � , I � , . " f. . ) � , . i, , — 1� , �, I I , ,: ". . . i 11 " :,�.��- _�', � , ,r �_ - _�, �. . — , ,�� , cj_ ,� , _,� ; . - — , ' L ", f , � . . . � . I � � � . I . .'; :": . .. I I . . I I . r, . � - � !� I I , . �,, .. . � ., .. . � I , . , " . I � . I il . , I , , % i ,, �� , ,! ,� :- , � " I k � .1 . . � � � .. . I ": i r � I I . 0:, , , , , .. / I I f� -� , . . . , .111, I I �� :1 I - "'r' , 4111 : ..", , �� , , ��, ".", J '; � " I I � I.. 1, . ,. . � ,, �. ?, ,, ,� � ,,, . . ,r�c � , : �. . 11 I , .1 ,: ''. 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