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Uls to, q rP'%*0V,#f tlieea = Illulm aq ,�` '",o . ,,,". . , 114, 7 � , PM 09*4 � ;�:,` .- i,:Z �J­ - ��'� ,,�,'�, �Ildii 009445W "Ad I ...,,� rlt . , , , , ,''L, ,. -n " 1',�Z " , , " .. � ?"",�'i'-,,I�'�'.,���.!A:-�!,'��,�,,,,��- -,," 'r : � - , 0 ,�,' , 61 , . �, � �110,�,� , I . !,i,,�. llo�','N , 'i" '!N,, 0 " """W '. I - I . occupation, by I I the Ov- r004rre*U0A " e fast as that before.. it .,j t' _ fIr'01171-01,Ak V4 ',� a b - . , W 1-40 0, a , w Y,, - U .1. h , . � ,�­ � , , , i'4� � ,� . I I . - wv,se, it Is In glapid" , 0 us U , f 4,# , 44, A, 1� , n . , � ". � .,, wa, lt 0 1 da I . Vil . � # 11., � , , I IDAft, PJ11 inot . .7,777:7 " _�j , r,,, ''P ,;,. " ­­ , j , , '. '' .,q�;R-,,Y,t'f, - I I sp. 0m., tdowlgoal of s 0, _'� ....... '6, 5L . ,_o..';_,; , - , Z... I 1 �1.1­,IWAXS� �;t��W8,�,� ". �: ` � , I -�� . ,1&�vr��",,I:,'tllm�t� ", -,:;:. I . I , " " I.A. 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P, .. � ,�, , '�_ " . .#(R-1 .- ._ 1,41W W. 1�4 11 .� 1., . t !�P. -0 '��' ' � .lI thoima .1 "Oust , V 'A' k�`�,"i,Ri,�'111i" , -0 '. � � U ��w , � .91��-Agq-A ILJ­�Pt -pouu,f-tWJ __; ,__ . - , , ota, , - , ,pjlsiber..4ves.,t-__ -----. .-.... - ------ ______.___ , , '4 ;Z', . _ _ ....... _,,,-_---_._4--_-_,.= -=.,! , , T40 v*#r,,-,1. 0eiv or tem" j pey For a, . I � � , I ­ 1. . - 4_ . f-.111.1-1- , .4Z 4 I'M 111 ,3,� 91sh 44'Ve %11'ed W put pt flying Pie �,�, , Ar . . - " . . , , - ,­t�,�71,:""Ot �;N'41�tlj�,',i�l , ­. ,L. I . a , An(jI pa,go, t Rr ;the g,amiSt"At ,"of -,#, avj�duat , b9igg'. water over : .� ._��,4.-�,i�A� .��-7�,��-I�,. - .., , , . C. m"'e"'i'll"R111 I . I okild, mrl-e ly, We4s ' 4 a pour: 1. 04). .�, 4 - lbqrg . . . , 1_R5 ,� .V, - . . _e le'd hill ' ' _2 'T;� . . _ .4 - ' �, l�, 'i�!�,-,`,! ,,E'�',,':�'i,i!,��,,, , Me on a roof top. I Was the're for bread Crumb$ =4'L 'add blealtent lationships h,000 beOn mod te '? ..... . � � " , V'T"', L;3", �, .. W you -ah at,04 I , bom Veen, end. aw khe, tli c(i foir ithle ppa,plion,S. - � (111PUS, and' it was a cold 3 egg ,6p# - 4�'4';'i'!�"�`�"��'Li" L, ' " -'I - ",:,C#,� . r.eope, r i�:",.,.,.".,,:..".�%1,��,,�,,�;�i��'�',�-i'�;;�.�,;, VNP, r'�� , .. I �� �� I "�'�', . ,:...'­�­;1 ­ - , � l Z", I - - . 1% ab In Wjth, 4b,o me,jtpd, fa�, .. I ,_#, , . � �, , "�., "' ," ­"'i,K ,��t��t,.,..,', I 11 I . "'; q! ,: � , , v-' - "I"�l'!j�W.,t4" "%,�:��":��'Vi" ��fVV�� " P . -00UoUt ,land ;ak 0,11, rilry 409,er ATV4 avA ba,efs.- Of- �61�,A, la , peed, ­9obilcil t 'a 'open wind only half . ' --V " , ��t,t,ljlfl A : I I , . � , ,, c., . �,,,�' ,'.,.; �,;�,*'.',�.� �. "i , !?,,� , �,.­g,,"t_�, . � . . 1. . ; , , g,, - k � It ,�,�;'� 0 , . . �. . � , � , � i�§�`5,�,�tt"� ,b , dressed I % ­ �.. 11., ­­'. � , , ,�Sl��"��',',',_'., I . , : , ' I Lt,,, �','.,,.,!!.�;�,'!,' �, �,`Rp,,�,;..',i,,;�� 11; .., I . 1449#461ti011 0934130t lh`0 '13044481 *140 does not- e -st.,* .tbo I Q11Wt,, 1, . I I "'. I . . I'll �����l-Ifl.,"",,,��',,,",,'�� ,,,�;�-,�y-�,',�,,,' " ";?'!,'�,�­' �*,'.��',",'i� X1 _y pd RhInO, 1309-' and I ,C&j*ht, ,% Tiald... IgOo(ld Clold. W- S , I . I i I 11 ­ I I , ,j . L", ,�,' �",&�;,?';',�j�jr' O ,. !Grav I , ,�'P�' ­ �­r "t, ti­�­-­' t-4 . rUe ,.y . I ` ��,i. ", 11 ',�.,`�',"�*�-`�'r 6,��','.`�j �,`,',,��,,�,�4��',l, _r.,_th,0 .. '9, 'L 1 '7, '11111.1. ..", ��,K'r '�4'�r`�-'�� � , , !�'i,'�',"�, i,'�j . .- . . " ,,41"r," V, I I ': - " , om , "', �, ,,,, , - t", l. " �' A I 2 ... ��4,!!�-,��,`, k, Brave 1�rpu, $h Ho ixn 901ets �Uvler, gizzard, . . �, ,� It . L' ��,j� I "�;,Z,. -,w, , . ,. . ­,, ­ li;!� ,,,,�, ,� � I ,� FrauQe liq tw rtft. I land and Pr4nice must wmala allies ever - I eon - m etif lucky to what OX4 healt) tbe'nnk,ila a ql�art 01 , , . _:�;jtt,��'.� ,!i _' 1.1,", -'­�,�,0.,iN,,� �.,`:!,X�i��i,,,�4,� � I � � I . ­ . , ,4der yd . . , -,, �­­"'%�jl',,'­,17 ... .. . �,t, I ,�, � � . ,­ I � , V ,� i.'g ," , Vkjng­0f. �iup lje(joM. I � W _,t:'��,�',t,,,,5` , j-.1, ,b,,",,,,,r,".,,,",,,,�,�,�,,- , , " "" "' �' �,,,Z,�,Ppll��k,�,, � Ill" 1.", .1"111, , * , ,,."Lll'.� IR, � y � . ' 'I " -��,�11�1�-�W; ��i T,T',;­1.-j,,,,jl,�f ,;. , " lam apm If theL beegAlse it 'is in C1115 taterlilsts Olt both slom; of the boye and it is. o u -r h9ple, thatthe" _b � �, r; � �'.: ���,� I- " 1. F �!� .. ",�� . ",,,,�',�,��L�,'�'i�,'�����",�il�;, _ �T - o�erwhE4031li us With Its scorjl� - ,the ' : , , we"' "'Woug" With- water fo,r about - an, Opur, o ' - . . . . ­ � newwa 'r ,.,# '��':�?j'�,�,;",'L t'll, ,�,Pp,f �Evr - � V � 4 world and 14 , ,r unul -_ .11 ­ r ,�._., , L, ,,tlri I Interests of the ,whole only A pair of sthfortsiou, . . "� � "" ­ ­� .1 IT "Id, 1:�'�':'�.'','��l�'�,";'��,:;""l� . -, . th,e w9A.d, is, n0stakelm It judges -by wodid,' . . 4� 11 I te-ndier. Drain and- Chop 11he mest . . I I 'k1l'...''. ­ I _ #Y, �, . ,��11,'.�,,Vv�'; rit,��",,",L��,�,;,�ILI"".�. "`_­.,� .4 . L�,;,�,:�����,,,�,�,,",��,���,�.'�, , R'110V%0�1 . � . There� wAs -a -boy sleepilug. near. me fin,o % I speedp Netorp f9r, our Kin -1, lb�"r�i:::,:",",",�'i'�-,,,,-',�:�'�,,,�,�,','�,��_-., "f�,,"',�l.,,I",ii"L",�,,,�,�,,I � ,� - , - _ ;'�,�",, ,`V?';1 1,7,1'f��j �1, , , �� , ,,�,,`:,,ri:�1.�;',,�'�_ , , .Mlot I tlixllil�`,, ,, T'�, *;NN,1�, : , . es '�V%y each u 'on at lasit have the 'land to couldn't,fiett, hisi keys for Mq I � .11 I � I ,, ,�11;"i,�",!�. ti''. -, i ,1. 1, I 1. lout-warid, appearances because it do ," 7. I.1eavW,A,b*Ut I cup f4 .in pan g and Co ' 4% ('11A , , 4 i ,,,, P 1", ,I! Q . - �� , , ''? , . 1:��'1'4 I—' . ,,IT _�' I I .. I I , T.i""T,_",", know. 'This F%n,Qh nation is . right to -live' fibeeply aiciQordiog. to -the locker "a , -g a Iter Temoving -roasted chick4en or * - ' : � I ,� " I 4,�,�� _� I 1111-111:&j, I � 4­,,,fr,�j�. . , 4 "" ;il.` _,;ti�i�,��,,', ��, tA- ­­� ...... . � * lnoqw anlil-� I , 1, 1, i , , , 111 _,�Xl A, 0 manly -, ,Came� over to, rate, askin dirkey. Stir -In, 2/3 ,cup, flOur. Grad- - pou, ar larger measure offled�h,:, - - � , .11 . made Up, -of ,so i inte-1.14, gent, '� " ideal wht6b i's its OVIn and withiCh is, we for a kl&Y,. I gave him two I bad I IR 011,11,�:`,_11� 1� I I ighbou I � I . . 1� ­, -, '41i, . 1�i � I , I `� f't' , �1,,­ . `� lhonest-, People. What . � not that of its, nel -r. May Patri- d � . . ,� , 4g, . -caused bur ually add cool broth amid enough ecit .1 Iff PP , , '' , :� , ,, 1, 'i " '. ., I . ,but they didn't fit., He Seemed kind . , t? I I ,; ­�,4,'���; wa --- too mull appi I I . L I . I I * , � I � ,,'�,I;'��� - -, .9 blaivipi 'boalli I * dtism no longer -N . water to make a smoo-th thin gravy. Prosperitp , � . I . , . I , . .. I ��A I.I�""�A""�.�,'��vi3,i���,4� ch, 6 e an lidebil stainipd of hejpj�ms in, the, . . .1 '' � t, ��- ,,.,',�,,�,�T",�",'-Y�",,,�-11,�lI ,�­ � lr_j, � t,W��,�i, , ,A,';� -VaD. ru VIP04 . With blood an&'flljj�d with, hpte: �.Ma7 bi exe'tement' 1 thld Cdok for 5 anjuntm sldrFoig Consta.nt- ,. � . I I � , �1� ,�! &�'t",��,�;4' 1104, well-being. Like a spall , I ., "I'l '16._011�11 � 1; 'A��`,� _,�,�,,���'��!;,!,',`;,�� ­ I . k t I" l, , l L 1�?% , I I ._Ai I IMI':j�ffl'j -, . ". P 1 4 - . m- to, break ithe look and I expected, ly Add-ch6pped, gibtats. Season to , I � : : ,,� I. ,; . , 'i� " I I ,?,�,%,' , , ..; 11�. 1�1�ll--ZJM',�*�, I I '' , . I. I. ?1; � N, I � . � I I . - .1, '. I , �g, ,,� "4 ,- '_`b , 1; I .� . 'Child to whom, nothing 'is refused, e the children Of Priallee, regelleratied hian to-do .that' but hedidn't,'hor the .. . ,4.t�i',,��,j ements . 1. ��;i IiISM I , jt),�,,�,,O; I_. , :�`,.: , ?'Z;,.�, "" have a,116wed the evil el, i um -t and liberated, be no longer bl up t��te with salt and pepper. . liftewart B,ros. �-;_'.,�-",A 7"', _,�`�11 pRjl`1111�1'.11V1­1'? I . . next 'time I saw hilla ,after the fire I I � I . I r 'A "'i ", .. . ":-l" - �A'rl,',�, �,,,`,�11', ls,W� -., �,.L I I _,,�, _ .�, . �iaxilaft almloug us as they ido lamolnig all with. Ideas of,rev4spge and I but he bad,'a Vair of Pants aft& a cost Te . 1. . , I 00,", Wi�'S"'i-A, I ' Olt . War 11 � ,'.'� ,""Zz, . � It . " . - , , , i _� .':'L �"'�' �', ,� ,. 1U 31XV 'M -N-6 , I nations, gain the upper band, and.. del- may they -offer a friendly, gad, bro- Somebody lbad, given him, aboalt -five , I I ­ I . I I . 1, �! .�_ 11 �'. ", � A-IP't-, . 11 . . t��.�,­,,Ititm 11101 p !,j �J,-­ t-�2 �q"5 A ! � ,stroy the gbf6d ,elements. We hWv`e therly hand to all the chitildinen ,of the sizes too big. He was hanging onto 3 tablespoofis -butter � . � . . . I � - _1 I A, �,.W6.­ ,,,, I � ,� 1,� . , . - �,, "'O'14R,�1 14, 'bom, led lyy a .,crew. of peolpft� without world . I � ,� � .; , . . . .. .. . 4 , I . I , ' L, , �T06,'�,;�, � live ,, even If they dot not think and his paints with one band, and tryring 3 tabl*Spoonst, flour I I . 't � , r '111s�, I vR��, �., i . . I . ;�� �, .J,,��.J,,�,R,11" , '. 1,'j�,'�,� ii :`i,5� � '��­;4 . ,,, " k ­. taith and wilbblout laws, i -T " """'I deprived, of they 'do. . * ;;.!g"�X." � .�'; , all mopralli siense ,and .bon( , - � neck. ' 2 Cups n -Ch milk 1,7,11, �11 ,�.�'i I to keep the collar around, his ,,',�� � I esty, cT'M'n- i I.r t1l""l.'' "i"', , X., I I ' . Keep - Your respect fOr MY country. e still-.1tooked heLpless, So I gave, 2 Cups ,cooked diced turkey - : ""j.,.", " 14�' i&, �, .. I als whio mocked Friamice and �lher de'S" The future will Prove 'that she is' him a theary -sweater and a sicarf so 2 egg yollm . - r0� " 4, IN -'e", 1Z" `� I Now we -are conquerveid and, the worthy of it. . 1. 111� � , �, .5 -I tAny, . 11,11 ." ! `­ he cloud put both ,hands: in his O' �,�Iillill , �" r ' . oak- 1 cup Cooked mushrlosmis , "', � , foreAgoner isf .installed ,alnollng us and __ ... '­­ ' 1',4i,-�, 4 "Ifi I __ ets amd keep them wwm,. it . bright- 2 tablespoons pilmento, or green �,`�N;-""" . ��",�I�fll, � ,, k ­ I is dkeitatimg his Willa to us,. Anything - __1 1",,,t,,l,,ll,,,,,,,,,,,,, ened ,him up la bit, I ran aoross, an pepper . _ql . have r been, better thtu Bteft la ":. " ,, ` � would VARNA Englishman with a blanke�t over his Salt, and pepOer. , - __ �`­ Z �­ Irr Mutm IWOUTep, " , "� ' I : T I ' � ___ ''.,��' _ ___ � "Im"j,"'A --c6ndernilled to failure hi advancei - shoulders; I think he ;only, bad a pair Melt buttelr. Blend, In'tiour. Adt VA 10 ..,.­�,_�.,, - I war, . . . d to large proportions, or a num of sorbed . . . . . SealsoIn we I Unto clieep the OR 2W cwk togenjer f,or & �:��`.�:,, . I , y , ­ I ''I U . ----'because it Was, conducted in a fleelile, Mr and Mrs. E. Chutef guests are bednig entertained. I., Pie plate With past, V0 * "Ill 7k'�,17 - _­ ,� ��, .- , , � entertain- df Shorts underneath, so,- I pu,lq,e'd a milk. , Stir conotantly Until, rllixtaTili and fill Plabe few minutes Blend m. floar ani oetill-, .,,�� �,,,��',.��',�'A,4`4' ; � 4 and, abject sprifit." Wlftt would have ed their family Christrtlas Day. ! new pair of drawere ,that were too `t1bitkeds. Add, turkey, mushrooms," The Consumer Section,_-Markeltdog wi-th meat mixture. .Cover with pag- s,ond' r ,fli'd.,, 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill 1290, tbpn A41d the tomatoes'au& 'C .i.,,4., ��, ,,, - �, " .-I - ' . - "", . I I.. - , � -,;,N L, - -r 7- AuSl and lit -'619 for me, out of mly kitbag and, chopped pimento and, seasonings,. ID elery Add th the spaghetti, . jVV . - I ­ .--I---- --.--..-,--,,a France. would hlav,� been, 0 . Slane Service, Dolvirltion. Depaxtruent of A -g- try, making seve,rail. Incisions ,in t P c 1 2 . , 3�ed_ -M,.' '-I'i;�,. � 6 , '­i� -_ . riculture, suggle ill I.L-�,:".!.,��, ".1 I. t I revojuac�,__the ,rev,6�ft 'of intemigenice tle ,daughter Of Sealbrtl� sipeart the handed thein. to him *h4 r slts main cOuTSeS, of crust. Bake iff, _rtO, � ,J�1. j - ;,� " , - 'a . ��', ,�,".t�_ R .. I but ,aid 'he Heat ,tb0rQu9h1Y--- Pour some of ndx--, gratted ebeese, and tarn, , ,,�'. ..... " ". ' I ,i ,,, . ,, ,:t, ,��ij,," �tl j, '. ` .., , ,, ...... , I -"--- . . . -A satisfying supper el� (350 deg. F.) 30 .to 40 ncliflutest-oir... Werode Cover with, Im � dered . , ,:1'i,' ­ (I djo,pot mean the jotiallectualtsi) and holiday With ,the former's mother, 'never wbTe thorn, I think he was tuN Over 'beat -on egg Yolks. Add to W10ch will- make c �. 4 � , . . . ll�,,�, t boin,esty, rigrig at last, against the. Mr.s.'Ausitin. or,luncheon, when accompanied by,u u.11til c ... I,, _ ,,,,;I I.,, ,�, , ,,�O, " idn't take therq later on in uraxtll.fte and, cook two minutes. _ rust is ndo br,owned. Crumbs, -then brown du a lbot ofts.. �," " ," , 1. I sorl'y 'hie'd Some , ely '. . . _­7,i�, . . :r � ".-;p I stupidity and, immp, rality 'that had- be- Pilot; lHarhldi Elliott, Of Stratford ' the day., The. sailors. might be tough On (hot toast or waffles. Serv- glass of olitilled apple or,tuMak-0 juice- Note. -The Tate may be made .,with (425 -deg. P,). S� , , 1. " '.., - I f. everywhere and, Alvin, Elliott, of Kitelh .1i . es four , e,rveg six �., 1 _�,,'.`,4Q,_, 1 for firpt Course, . I "�', I ".."", '. - Come breVallent among Us' . tA) six. ' . 41�' SdUlPle'deseett or pork and V64 or pork And chi . I ,�,�q,* ., .. �. cken - - s ure was a..colid, morning . ,�vv-, - _. it. . " . .. ,;�, � ., ,�.�Qr, I , 'In all . parts of the countryltst organ- spending a few days, wit,fi their Par- without pants. There were s,om; of crackers and cheese, an assortment of in -le of using ,the, thr eats, Creamed Chicken With Mus0rooms - '. ;' . I s. � Plaic ee in . � , , � ;�ij� . - . 1`�, � � : , � Turkey Salad Mould �oohiias and a beverage. I . ':4,1"', . ism. .U,nifortunately'thlose, ­who._,%aw ents, I the boys bdiirlt to death, I don't know . . This recipe ma�es 3 pates., 1� . % lb. muishrooms 'I', ­� . .1 %i . the evil did, Ellot have the. ene)119Y to I Jellied TOngue I . � . I 4 tablespoons butter . ,? i.;, ! . , ,'�'P' " � i , � . . . Mr., and,.Mrv. Wildfong and family'llow, maniy. I saw care and the paper !-% ,tlablelipowrb geliatim . . I Soak pickl � Canadian Spaghetti � ,17,1, i de,nounce-It. I want to-bealeve, I do of Hay, sipent. the holiday with,. the'h0re sa-ys ,one, but theY might flnd I ed beef tongue in, cold . 2 cup& diced cooked chicken I �� 11:11.7.�,,. A . , . _.. ", . , 1. I", �, bedleve, that the terrible Jession that latter"s parerits, 14 cup ,Cold water ' - Water for at least 2'hour. place ily 2 cups uncooked Spaghetti . �. � 1, �,,�. � I - Mr. and Mrs. Gras- some yet, I hope tabt. I Will never 1 4 tablespoons flour 1; . _%"%� I r I I.: '. - . w I...., �. . �. I 1�11,�� ' I k , 0, is being Indlictled on us'will bear fruit. x,ch.. . . . % cul) sa3dd, ,dressing I ketffle of cold slow- (broken- into pieces.) 2 cups milk ".�l'-6A, , ., , I I forget f1rat. fire," I . I . water and bring � 1. "I"?, . . . 11 I? IS ame af- Miss -t -5,. I 1 cup cl cut fine � 1 16 -ounce can tomatoes ­,"',.. .; I . 'lipoilled, child as we are I we h G.13eatty, spen CbriS,tm.,a , . �. . I ly to the boil, Remove scum from % teasvoca, Worcesterebire sauce'l � 1; I ,, -, 1 1 . �. I .I '�,-, " , I . I exCeillenti heart, and, it is with bier mother and sister,� - , 2 cups, cookeil turlwy,. diced. tte top, reduce heat 'aad cook 15'skices bacon , � , Salt and pe . I - I 1�., . I , , rter all an below . pper . ..: `�, 11 : . � I this heart that will-tiliumph. in the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, of De- 1/4 �111) Cbo�PPed, Unpeeled apple, boWng, point, allowlng 30 minutes per � tablespoons tihopped,ondon . Peel aerd slice* ,the mUSIRV43MV. ' �',i il , I I - '' I � MCKILLOP ' Chopped Pimeolto, 'or green, pepper. pound, Remove from the . 2 tablespoons flourr . I I " ", I ' .nd.. , , trolti ainid Mr. and, MM Ball,: of Olin- I Saute f6r,five, mdnupE�s dm, two tabl � . � ��­ I water, peel . re- � �""�­ W Soak gelatine in cold( water. Dds- off -the Skin and -remove bones� and % tablespoon Salt., . . '��_ - sPoou,4 butter. Melt -remaining t "r, I . W& �` � " ) 0 . - e MaY 10th toll, spent Sunday with the 'latter's M r, ' and Mrs, Charles Bggert aiad solve over hot waterand adid -to slalad- -tty I teaspom, Worcestershir ' .1 , . ��;??,��j'�'!., . .14 be,yand all inlagination. The wild 11to,ther, Mrs'. Moslsbp. I ' fa, rieces from the large end. of e sauce tablespooms �, butter in, a saucepan. 11-� . . . . . ,,, F . Norman ,spent 0brisitmas, With Mr- dressing. Fold .iA turkey, celery and the toT,,gue. mel"n-while, bioil, down, I cup, diced Celery . 'L -4 , , , .. , , I I I ( . __ flight of the refugees wbo left..,their Ma;gter Ornie, Cl-afik, Of IS&afooth, and Mrs. D. Scherbart at Mol,;kton.. I ,blend lrr;the flour, add the, seas* . ��� , � �, homes acily way they could without was, the'guest of his , apple. ,, Steason, to laste.. Mould - and the .stock. th about 11/2 cups. Curl, - I clip grat�d cheddar cheese. d nrilk. Stir and coolk until �-t-hick. �,!:., i I grandpareutts, Mr. and Mrs,. William K-o-eNer, and chi I ,., "I ,, I pre� to Mr. and Mrs. G, C ' IL UnmDUlid On CxtsP lettuce. tongue, around into ,a -circle and press Cook spaghetti in, bolling salted wa- On . �,', 1�� I � order, without organizaXon, a lark. Add chicken andi musillroorns. � Servel, . . ."", . . Manuel and Mr. and, Mrs, Wm. Hoegy Serveb slix. .. 4, -'*T. Chop the bacon and I . "':i:V : . ,.,,. .an Insane Panic ,and spreading panic Mrs. Mosbop, spl�at Chrls,turas . I . t" do— - into a- bowl in wilrich tongue -saute in (a toast or in, patty sheos�t, .. . . , in were with Mr.- and Mrs. Geo. Hoegy Note: I 6iO wbiPP6d Cream MaT, fits ltightlY. Polutir stock ,over tongue, '� . I ... � .. . � ,4��- as they pAss I ., �t',�L, � : f . led, One migibit h,ay.e Said, Bayflead with her s1ster, Mrsi. Dewar. In Grey. . A ... . itbat .niothing could StGj) tbenl, that Mr. C. C. P11 . be folded Into salad. with celery, tur- covjL�r with sauceT ,or PIT e ,: I , . grim end Mr. and Mrs, � 1. . I and Place �, . I . . _1,6 I ._�,� ' — . 0 I , I I I - I � I ... � � . I . 4 . 11 . I they'would go on like,mettimien as far C. Pilgrim, Jr., and.13illy spent 6h m,t- . . . key and -apple.. , I I a heavy weight -on -top. When chilledr . 1. . I I .� 21.". . - BUFFET SUPPER � and' set, cut into thin slicee. . I -.-,,��.. -as the sea arid that they woulld then, mss� with the f,orme,rs, daughter, in . I I . .­ I 11. ��, .It .. I . . 4 . -throw themselves intio filie, wateir in clinton. I . 11, � I . ,the NO,te-­Serve with-, Cole Slaw aind � '. �111,, � I .1 "­;,,��l �order ,to escape t -nom tibe, Inva6ers. Mrs. Welsh, of Ripley has return- T 6 Plant M -ore - nulmn be r-momf Yp'er§cba�an9ad'u"&'n jenalljorni mesneasels pottato Dead and Diisabled, Anitn'ats 1, %,�',6i . I . tchilos, or hot Potato WIS. . '. ­ . ,I I After the flood -of refugees came the ed home after lspi�mdlrrg a week With during the holiday season, for it i;5 . - Pate de Noll (tourtiere) I . . I . , ;s - . ;��,� . . . � I ... . - ' . . . . . �,;, � .front of our her daugIrter, Mrs. G. H. Beatty. a time *f flamilly'reunione. A* French-Canadian Dish I �j ,d,afeated army' passing In Broom Corn . . REMOVED PROWTLY .­.T­� - . , ' I I . `.V lt I I ,.� I -06pvc?, unfortunate eoldliers: in groups, , � I . ­ .. More - bblan, ,usual, t4ought rleedg to oPpled �.... I I I . 2 lbst. lean pork shoulder, ch - � . 11., - I ------------- a— I I . � . " , ­;, _. . � - 1), od, Serving 2 lbs. veal shoulder, chopped . I . � .. ,,,�' �of five to ten, man wtho, had. been, . I .be given to , Imming a PHONE COLLECT: JSEAFORTH is E,kETER 286 ­ ' '. , I . , I dragged, from their hicaves and their I -11 . I I . . ��Z,� I , raeals during this balliday, season,' So I small fowl, . . . , .Teacher: 'Johnny, what is one� , , ''. . . . -"'Y.4 . I .1. -work an 1-1 M. C. Milladken" llocal resildent and- that -they will, entalln'Sither. too much Grated onion, salt and pepper, and DARLING AND CO.. OF CANADA, LTD. I I . `,,�,.! ,,, t I . jeaxie.r'to guide themL Fach of'Olem. fifth of three-she&nr, distnict representative, for -the plo- work nor too mu(411 Urne in prepwra- spices to taste. I � ':�'i_K ' - I . I . . �, � � � � , I -made his, viray,hDme as best be could, Johnny-. "I'don't know, exactly, neer Broom Corn, Limiltedi of Mn.db,,L, tion, Serving a buffet supper isl Cover meat with water andl cook .1 � I - �.,..4 � , � � . , 11, " 4 . , , t it's to -a small'to worry­6C- � stapted­o�ntracting acreage for cne wlay of simplifyin the matter,lvery slowly uoicovered u til , - i. . � . � . ,� t gg ja ,rantelat is � �� ,often by dishcalest meace Pu MISS, bu I �J- I .. , I - � - - -,d-,-bF -- - - ., I ., . I . I I :2 0 1 j-5talen dal� r lcy,ole, othens, went on bout." . - ' - , - - - - �the, 1941 -e-r-ap-,anid--�hav--been...-albbtt.e.d � --..---, - - - .. . I I I . I I I'll" flol Then the, GeirmajS, alrrived, and - . . I 0, * I . ,, seed for 1,500 acres lto bi,�, produced In ... , I... ,I . I . _. .- _ � -"T- _­ -1 ­_ 11 I- - . - _­_ — . � ,. ,.. .. ". --..-.-- . � �� � �_ ____ - , ., I '�­', .., . I . �. .,. � 7-311 . - under.' ", - I .1 . . .,M," 11 4 it was enough. to, sea, theni, t& . 1. the Seaforth distifuct which is. all . - ,;69,.]� . . I .- ... .stand, why: thilo- -wtir w-ast sul6hil a d,16- - "He; - "Is, she - progressive %tor con -i, rieadY for diettibudom, -at. -the Corn- . I . . .. I I I .1 I .� I � I J- - I . I _­­__­___ I-- I .... 1. -, .11 - , 'Q ­_­ ­ ------ ­.. ' . I I -aster 'for- 'us. I sball *e"i- Aurget ' I IS W%1`112111161115teE, formerly known as ' ,, I . .. — . I � ­ . ­­ - . Iq ', . . . se�rvatdve?ll ' pany . I I -1 -7 -1 , " . -eat Impresidloil. of quiet force and Shei "I don't know. She w -the Carn�dk Furniture Plant on, Jarvis I i , . I I . . . , � ", I . I .. I 1. . . ,_� . I I , , . . ea,'s . 1. . . . . _ � . iwlf-assurance,�.that ,came from -their . I and Market Sti,eerts. - I - I - . . . . � last year's hat, drlveg� this.'years, car , .- . 111�� , -ma6hintes�t, the footsteps) of their men, . ' The majorlity ,of, ,the 1940 crops I . I . . . . J . . - 4 . 1i I ,s on next year's income.11 � I "I" and IlVe _ � f their voices, their whole attitude. I . I has ,nfow 'been dellvered, boweve,r, " .. , I.. � . . I . . 1 �. .� . � I -What stebria'for u,s,,In thw,exiremia cor- '. 6 I I the warehouse -*aUbe.open. to receive � . 0, I I . . . . . .11 � , mictnet6s with which they' treat us! I . I- ''. . . � . I . I . � . t 0 , . I I . .1 or*pg fbr at leiast another month,, in I � . I I ,. . I 111 . I .,do n,6t like their , reginve. The idea, I "What's . the idea 'of calling yo-jr acoomimo4atdon to �he growe�rsi' that . ; . . . .. � . I I . . , . `,�, I . -1 . that one can thus rp,mounce all . pier- 66 , g 'Swindler'?" have beten unable to deldver their I I . . . I . � I III oli ill, R �� 11111 . I . . � , . 1. .,..-.,. - . I I :',��,'�' . � _ -..�.�.��:�.;,,%.j;��'.*,-.' -, - .... .:._� . , . I . . * .-.-�i�:-,.:�,.*,.."...,.,..��',,',*�.'*, 0 .. . .--... . I I ; o J4 ' I . � ...�.�.��:�;.-...".."..,.:..,.:��;.�'....�. _.. * - .., 'liblertry is revolting to,me, but I I ....K..... , .....1. -, ­­.­ .-,..%?..'.,..- :1 r ,-- .i;§K��$i... 0 :.;.I' -- "Oh, A .... ... . `_. 11.1,11 ... I .... .. �..._ I 1� .::. .., . . _ _ _ . . roads. . ..�,�', -,-.,.-4.-.-��,�-.-.-.-;...-.:.-.....,.--,---, - - - !'_., ..... �1`1 ........,:mll.".' �. .... :m.m' rit sot -the bad , - , _. . I. �.'.'.'. .. s9mal , ...,. �.,.' I— . � :� - ""', ", , ... . ,-.-.-..i.,.-,.7,.--..--_, ,,, . . , . "': A for fun. When I call,bim crops on, accou . 000 �.-'- ,`�§-.'g ��.,'.` �,.::��...,.,! �..:,� . . . . . : "",­ "'. ­­`, ", ... .... .... ,­-�--,!,-o--.�.--. .�'..,'-,---*--- --_,--...--."-.,.,.,,--�,-�--.,t",.--..,-- . . � . � t::.�i.�i..-.......-,.-...��;'.".�.','..'..'."-'.-.'.'-*-.','--.,.",.,.,.',-.-..�� . ... ...... .... .. ... - , -,, --� , -. ..., " 01me,"11,109 Ofie on, bile Street, hall os,t Ontano gro-wn". broom. Corn Is I � �; ` `..I..'...,.- -.,.,....'.i.'.,....�i�.,"."...... ".., _ _ . , .... . . � -, :� ---.,--.-_--� 2 �'. .. .,., , - --.'� ,'� .:: - , I . - ..::�: - - . .... ........ . . ,�.,._;..:_..�., �..., % . ,jtl:8t ,the same'thereje la . .�.. .. �. . � I �'. '�.�,�-,�:;�.�-.:-,-���.�i;:;��.- , ...... _ .... � r.,,-.-....'-'.,---:,.. f ,the m6u,' alin, `�'­-;%*21�-- .. . .._.i. _._,... k*.'; ',.��,t'.,,'.-�--;.:.,..-..'.'.. � ,,,, ­ " "", ,:,""", "` P .� . . - _-'11`_1-_. * , - - �` - - %� I .""."'.�, ---"."""�--_--.`�, `,.,.,-,`.,.-.--`-- 'W­�­.*. .. . .� :.-:_:.­..,.. . � .. '�' - ..�l.-...,-.....-�l.....-�...,.... . .�..-..�.1-�l...,-"".,.,.*..'.,.-..,�I . ... . .,.,. m.'. ,. I . �..,..,.�...-..,�...��,.�.,,".�l.-:- .,... .. .". .-..* - .� .--.* .*.' .'�_­__..­.'­­1 I . . .... . . " ­'� �§.--."§ �� . ,�. �.'! .,..,.;.., � 11� I -4cannot help udmdriiig in, ,tht, wc"pt- 'Out of their skints." � §...`X..11.11.1" _... . .. ----. --.- -.:�*-.,�.-.*- "�f,.1'-.,--5k'._*--. much in, dernand, Mr. Milliken I i11*.1.11'§`..�1;-.-1'._... ..: .. . . 777 ., jum "" . " . . . , P . ,,- _1. ..-.__.1�11...., .�, �, .. I �aln" of aft saj,Crfflcl�s, to, attadu a si'll- - . . . I . . .�:, .'.,-.,.,."-.*.'-.'.,'.".,.,.",..�t",.,.*.'.,,�,.,*.'.*.,,'..,......-...-....�....,,�.......�.-..�..:i',-,'�'���-.�*.'-'.".'."-.-*.'.'-.'.".'.'.*."'."-.',.'..*.--','-.'-.'-.".'.-'�..,.".-..��*.*-.'.--.-.';�.-.-..i-,�-�-�- _......5,111%.R. .. ,. . I - R .�_ -I." - �1."-i�,�--�-, :*.,.,.,..-..,*,.r,.*.".,�*-,.,.,..*,-.."..,.� c'..���l.'.,�'.1',.,.-..,.-,��-.-.,........ , anadlain, . " - ,-..,--.,--. -.'-.'.".'.'-*.�,�'.".'.-','-�',.'.�'.�*'."'.".-*.-".,.,..-.','-.,.-.---*�*-.�.",',:.-.,-.,-�:�-..-. . . . * . said� Since C " markets I . .�, . 11 ...'t%. -""`-­_"`,---- -. -. - - - - -_ - - I -_ " `N1 It . I . - .... .-.-........,..,.-',.'.-.',.,�-,-.-�*.,..'.',",'-..*..,",'."-.*;"'.*.-*'.".'.-.�:-��.:.,41;;�.:.:",�z:l�.�l;-I�,�.:.;.�.-..;,;-,..i:�.".,-.'-.-'."-., �:�-"..",.::..�,..,.:.:;:.,...,.:::.:::�.-'�l."*.""..*I J; .� ' "' * �j�lte 'purpose, 'that of 'giiidg back a - . . .. .... . . ,fll� .,: I .- - ... ­ . ... " ..�:,_.�,_'.. -_ � - ' I '......."........'.....'..... ...;:I.. . I 7L:7 I have -been successfully pioneered and . . I "­­ :... . ......, .. - .-.-- - -, * -* -�-_ ­` ..-,-, --'-.'4- , 7. ­ . . . . I �.. I 1.�l...,...--.-��l.'.."'..'...,.*'."'�.."..*,."-..",..*.,..'*.".-.,.-,".�l.'.,.'.�"...'.,.'.,.'."......��.........,......,............"!....,.:;I . i't, .,-.-,_.-, ..,-.,*.. --%'i� ­. ­ - - - - .- - - - " . " - . ,.�.:-**�'��:.-,,**.�*,.��:11*.,..".�l.'tl,�.",.,.:�,.:""., kt� " " -- --- - ` . "I know a girl who thinks . . .__ �,,-,l ......_. _..._....... *-,.,-_-f._,.,.-, .'-.*-_-.--,`-.'-*.._'-- .'-.�. . � .ffl." .. . naltion,"whielh .her hus� . ,,,,**.";*'-,:.*.*'��i.l.��'.*.-.'.�i-.*.,".-.---!,'�t,..",..."..,-,.��".�..,.,, --'.11.'*.'.._*.1. ..",.*,.'.-"*,,",,."",ill.".I :�_ " -'.`.'�`.___, '��"gK-, "' I . place In the world, ,to a � opeved UP for the born,6 Kro-mr� pro- I 11 -.'.--.-.'�*. .�'.....,.,*..,....,.'.*.'.'.'...� ',.'-*.'.!--'-". - - - - ,-., * ".-* -.,-.,..,-,`1`_- - " �--.-.-...,.;.-.�...-.�::;�7t�..i.,**.-'-�".�-..'...'�.,,�..� I., 11' .... 7.�-.-.:��.,-.2,.......,�-.-��--. ...;.,. ..'., , . .,..,. � . - .....�5.'. _ , band is, S�imply wonderful," rem rk- .. .'.�.'..."...,.'*.*...*...."..-.'%*"....'..*�'..".-,.*,".'*'.,�l.'..-'.'.-'.-.'.".."..'..�-.'.,.,*.!,.:.;..-,. I 1 , . treatY -bad treateld as an auct in recent retrs,; ,although '111lds, , .,�....,.�'._­... .�.-- ` - * -, *�, , ,., _1 I � - . , .. -an Imbecille. . . X..�.:.;:.:.-.;�--.;: :..,.: ;:_-.�;-:�::- . :.-,'.--'-.:*,*."-.',-*.,..-."..-,.-,.".---.-.-,..-,.�,"--,*"".�,-.'-.--,','."-- *.'-. . . ." '. . ­ I � i .. �:11, '."..,�.,.*,.'...�"""-".,*""*.:":- - .. 5: . . . . . .'.-*.-�-,-.-'.-�-�'-.'.t*.-!'.-,..;.".-,�,..:..,�l-,*...,.", ..- - ­ :.1 I a . "', . . . - -..-.--..�.......-......:.".I,.;.�ii- . � . ­ . I.. t - .�t*.. .. ,....­_­­­.._. '.­.' . . ­....... ....'.. K _.__...­_...1_­� .;',- � -.!:� �outcast. : ed the man. . has bee -ft.. abnormalilly weit with . . . . . ­­ '. �... .;t�*.,.;,.:;�,�-,.��.�...-',,�., ;....!�- I . . . . year . . �, - -. . I - � I �� ....... ..'......'..........'__'..." ..'.......,., .... � ...... - *� .. �'I'l"",*-,.,-.-,""-l":,-,:*.."". . i .1 7 '. :,�­ ....��.n., I � ­ "...'."'fl, ­ - -- .------ .-.t-.-...-.. -..-.-,-. .�--. - .� - -. - . ,., � , , - I .." -, * .%,.. - .. -, .. .. .. ... ;,�..§, .:��-� ----- --- -- . "All," murmured bis- companion, "so a� ,:i4hjorit sleastan, most �6f thle growers I .. -,-.*-",!t:*t'-.'�t�'.**.*'-.'-.',",-� ..... �. � � , � . What bad we with which to oppose' ---,.--i�,,-`.,-,*, `;.- �....- .. ... .... ... . � ... � -"t.......�.-.,-*-..,:,�%*.?�'-,".- - I I . .:: *': .... . ...�. V. ,'. . � , I - -,%'. :-:�:: .;:.;: ......K.. ... .... � ,�__.., , , -,---;,--,, them and, ,this tota,V,mill to conquer? you'vie just come from a: weddillig?ll, agree that they '',can produce much. . I ''I 11 --,'-M.-,..,-: ­_ - .. ­ .� '§.'-._.� i I . _,...- ,,-,:`,-*-'.--�-.,`.**,' ,.,; - ---4-;'-�`.'-',-'..'�.' .��*. I I . .. .... ...... ... ..i -....'�.�...�.,�� . __ . :.-- -.,. i. -, � .,._ I I . . '.. ­ "". ,`�!`�� . . ­­,.... . ..-.-.:�-.......-.*-.'�.',.:'.'-.'. .'."... . .. ;�, I I . . . '... 4 _ �.:::,.,.,.`.*.-.,--.%Z.., ... .*.I I , ��',:,`,'.".%".%,.�'.' �', - I . I . I . . . . . . . I....-"....-....-.-P...�.!-.-.'. .11, -, - �. . _ I 'We have beer I I. ___ .... ,­�.,..: ­­'� I . ,- corrupted by Aetna- . . .,� ... .. .. -� ­; I I . 0 longer brush -in a normial yea(r, there- ...., .'�-.�*�':',.:��,.::�$!::":P�,�c, . - . '1.1,1-.*%, I., ,,,%..,..:,:.,,-".":�;:P.;"5., J, I ,., . � ... L.-.�-�*--.!�.: _.. ,,-,�.%,.'.:',..'.�.',*.:��:'.�".�-...;� I .-I....."I.-I-.6, , ", � ,I , ". ;. - "., I , ... " ..,. . - --- __ - .... . '. %'.. �r.. '.. ,.,.....�.....".�.......*.."...�-�..,.I� fore, having ' " ­` ,,* ", _-_`�* . i�� . ... �.��';"�.�.-......:,,',:� . I .­ - - -'.11 - - �""..,.".",,.�ll.,�.1l.'�.�..."�� -.� . .­ .1 ... ��-.-.',. - ---.',','--'-.-* . .. , �.� . , , ; quallity and, much, , - .... . �. n", � : ',.:!!','.�::.,��.Z.'�,.'�.!-.'-.".-.'. . giagues' who flattered thie basest In- 4 .1-l."'"�.��.'.'��1.11.�,:��....-,� . . ... ..,.�,.,.,--,..".,.,...,"..,.,.'.'-.'..*,*..,*..'.*-.'-.*.-;�'..', .-.. . I .1 A �modern youth seated him -self in better I .1 ......... - -_.� - .-"X-1.-1_.n1.'.1.`..g. I ... ... ... I ,.',.K".'-.'.",.,.�'.',....,.....-.... I ., �_ ,� 4 �, I T... " - - , , 11 A � - I ` i I X "I , ,M � I I . I . I :,:-���',.".'--.".",..,.,...,-.,.".,..,.-.'.."-..*-.,...�::�� ;:-��:�::;,..%:�:.".,.".,."."..,!,.".."-t,.."..*,'-.:'-,.-.'.*'.:'.�'.'-.'.:.,"-.*, ,.%;�..%:..", , � -_.... ,...,1 �. '. �.�-.:.",.*�."-,,'..--,.*....",�",.,.".:.,.,.�*.,.��.,..,.-.3�,�. . . � ­ , ," I "', , I ... " , " .. ." * , ....-..-'.-' - ",I - I -1 I. .1 -.1 -, _ ... .. - .. .. ... . . I , � stincts of -the people in, arder to'gain the dentist's chair to hav tv UUVW1 beav er toviiniage per acre� The Com- . 11 ---_-*s.,-_`1 1."t i*.,, . t. -.,.:;-,......-..i,,..'.'-.'.;"-.- - - - _. � - - .- . . ,. I I - . _.. - ... '......."...._..., .... �:�;��:-:�;..,.�.:..".�;�:.�..,Z;:,�;�-.".-.-..-."..'.-�,...�� , ,.... I r C , "I .. ... '. _%.�-..�%;I-� � ,votesi at the ellactions, andi to keep &5 I , � I . : �, . ."..", � I ., drawn. He wore a wonderful stri-ped, panybas obtained, a special rariet,y of . I �, '-.'-'.'*.§ ,,,,,.*. !_-.".�*--*.`..'--i:' -'.'-..'*.-.*-.,'.'-.',.'-.'.',*.:-.;:.: ,-;;11 `...','.'!�t%w �'.�-.'.:,..:,.."��-.'.-....���� " - . long as Vo-lible the well,paid Post of seed for this disitrict wbich- matures ,�,.,*.-,'.,.",..*.-.'.,.".,.-"...".'-.'.-., . - . , ­_­­ ... � :.. � I . �, I . ".. . :: , " I 11 , ,�.t� � ... �'.. " silk sihirt, and a I *1 ,_. ­..... I deputy or. mindatterr. Political partiess �nore -worlderful ablout- ,three wee,ks eapher and Pro- ".. .,.;,;"....:,...,,...-....�..-..-, .... � r -o .1.1 . . . . . . ,-:,. """' ­­ ­ -1 ­ .... ........ � I I :, -11, ­­ ........"-",.,..-..,_.,,,_,..".*.,.,.�*.-,.,.,..,..,.,-.,.-,.-..'.*.'I ...... I -.1 ".�'.*."."."'...'...,.*.,..'..., 11 '' . . 1.-v "......1.1. ..".W..-................'......�.".. �`.,--'.` .. . ,` lad become uctihigag -mlorc than a' Check suit, H :: . .. 11 . . . . . ­ :..;-�1:.::::-i-:.%.:-:.:,:. r " mt;- --- � - � - te also 'Wore'06 %6efit &6E&j 4 very fine qualli,ty of broom . - . . ..., .�11 screen blelhind'which the leaders, of Stare that go. often goles with both. c, a r' :,.�-i ,,: .�� _; 0: ,.:.-.­.. �. . " ., �4 bru.-rb, accordingto M,r. Milliken. I I .. .. ._.-....1.-._; . . . . . . ... 11" . .-.`:;;. . , , 'I I � the right, lett amid cefnitre, hid their "I'm afraid to give him gas," said . . . I - � I I - Ill �,,� . _*_ .. . 1; est . 1 -greed and thedr corruptlion. Hon th-le di­nitiQ,f to 1,4- assistant I I I . . 1, . men couJd no liongler. cons'alentious,ly i ,.Why?" , . . I I .1 . I Province. All were under 16 years of age—most of them came from � I 1 , - -nilngle with such loathislowe Politics. "Well -1. how will I khow when -he, is — , - � Careful management 'kept hospitaliz I ation costs down among the �� - I : . � I I know that France is, not dea-ldi- I . -0 '� nsc"ous?" T -ested , supplying the medical attention required by 79,410 children's visift �- . kclow that sthe will recover, but' Ifuric i I I .� . the . c revenue received from '" sources., . . __1 1-.414 '. I I would like .16�r to recover by herself, . 1. I " . . , I ,;�� � I rates are less than the bare cost of hospital service. In some cases. : by her own mt6thiod's, -like -Y,a healrbbry Small]. Boy (in haberdashery): "I I 0 . 1. I " . j . . I _,argarlism. wlidjoh finds within itself ent- want a collar for father's Christmas . � Rec �, ,� I ti Federation for Community Service because patients are admitted . I . . � " ought resour,ces, to ,triumph .over di -s- . pre-sent."I . I � I I ve IL/%Y P '. I Only the gifts of generous citizens make it possible for us to ,�, , . 1�1: �11' - -.-A tt�,: �: ... Assi,sitant: "One like mine. I" ., .. . . . I '2 ,,�� � - . . . ,� I . I .. Small Boy: "No, a clean otne," , I st letters -of the al(plia- The three fir. . I , �, " - I - � 11 .. L . . . 1. . . 4 I . . . 0 . hl�t'A, 13 and,G. ihare Important ,sig- I . ��4 I ��10 1� � ill., . . .,��t�i, , Appeal Secretary. I . . I � . I I . , L I , -0 , . � . H. G. Wells has such a big 'head julticance wilteni Usled in reference to ,ft -W . YEAR IN' ll�e ,g, hats that has trouble gettin, to 11 d U10 le turkeys, because t,l ey le ,te th . r � . ­ � I . YEAR'OUT , fit. Once wben he found one. thaj balanced ' 'head 11,4e quality of the birdisi. Grade, A, indficated; by a red tag, I I I t, . � I .., - . .­� I I . . . " nice' �ly on his JUI�jt walked off with, It, and blandly pen- denatey the hilgillest quality turkey, . . � , � � ... , �* . .. ... We ve enjoye , the 1*tri� �� I ' " 'd � o its, owner, E. S. Peck, well fleshed, C est�v-iallly fattened for � . . I �� .. age lof ,lots of ,our' friends for, manT yftrs . . .., . I - but We ; Maylor of Cambridge, Mass.: - tenderness and flavor. Galadle B� luttkeys are also, of good quality but I . . .... _� -want even, our new-6st cus, t "I Stolle your bat," wrote the autb`­ are not as welli, fleshed, faittenedi or . 11 . ..� ( � , . .. ��� � tDaretro, to know we're gra,be- , . or� "I like your hat; I siball keep flavored as Grade A. Grade.0 Indi- I fUl for thel - privillege of ' your hat. Whenever I look iusid(� It, Cates the low-esit cmulifty of 'gmdled , 11 IF . � se"ing theral. ,Andl we . : '-I s -ball think of, you andt your excel- turkey. The, Consumer Section of -the � . I , . want tb wiSh them, tdo- : lent sherry and of th,(� town'of Cam- Marketihg Service, Dominion Depart- . ,, . .11 I i I . I . - I I . * � ., A 1141110y New Year! bridge. I take off 'your hat to you." � . 0 1 . ment. of .�ghculjture, adVisibis, Cana- than homemakers, to buy torkeyiy by . I t grade­�ot buy with confidencel f , � I ... � I - I ' ... A�n*-Old; man heard about sonne pill, Taije following,wethod, for roastitrig .. R� A " ... C TFAL. & HABKIRK I that Would res -tore his youth. He tuirkey and reciPeff for sle-rvqcg this . .... 2 - . ­ . bought , box, butt jinstelad of taking . ' . deltitcI.Dust meat in various, wapS. sire I11 I I I I 11 I . MOTOR .� I. " - " .,day, be .lswlallow6d t,he . 'W given for use 4uVing the holiday sea- . I - . SALES. - . I 1. ., We bo,ful onto. night before golug son when turkey holds, -the stage as . ­ ­ I ." . 4 I 1, . . " :� - I .. , .1 , I id. bed. -_ far -as foods, a�e concerned. , . .0 � 1� I , ' CHEV11.701-04 -� O'LOSMOSILE ,,�-t ' �:` Neit lnioming the family had . I I , . rk,,L i. i, .6 . I �, I great Roast Turkey I I . . � Over 9,000 infants and children were treated in- The Hospital for : I Sick Children during the past year. They came from all parts of the � . : , ,r,i I Province. All were under 16 years of age—most of them came from I the homes of the needy—over 95 110 oCcupied Public Ward beds. ..., ' � � - .Ili . - . . . 111i .,; - � Careful management 'kept hospitaliz I ation costs down among the �� - I : . � lowest for children's hospitals in the whole of North America. In ­, I I � , . spite of this, the cost of caring for 9,000 little Ned patients and of . .1 I., . �1 supplying the medical attention required by 79,410 children's visift �- . I I .... . to our heavily burdened Out -Patient Department, was much more than � I .� . the . c revenue received from '" sources., . . __1 1-.414 . . I ; � ,4�, . I I � -,'A similar deficit occurs every year because. the Public Ward , I ,;�� � I rates are less than the bare cost of hospital service. In some cases. � �� the parents pay, and in. others their municipalities shoulder the burden. . � " 1 In either event, our revenue is at the same fixed rate --about $1.00 1. I " per patient day less than our costs. I ,,jl� , 11 . �, I , . -11 I ) � This Hospital does NOT share in the funds collected by the I �, ,� I ti Federation for Community Service because patients are admitted . I .- . I I . i, . �,�i from all over Ontario. I I I I I .%: '. I Only the gifts of generous citizens make it possible for us to ,�, , . 1�1: �11' - -.-A tt�,: . continue arrying on without stint our work of mer-ly among Ontario c I . � . . .:,,�� , � ," I children. . . . I '2 ,,�� � - . . . ­ .1. - ". - 1. ,. " . I ��, I Every donation is important. Please give as much as your . "I I I., ''i eircumstknces warrant. This is a Worthy charity which deserves , ' I , �, " - I - � your special considbration. 11.71�1,'�, . , " I , . . We employ no canvassers, so -11 . ease mail your gift to the � T I I . ��4 I ��10 1� � ill., . . .,��t�i, , Appeal Secretary. I . . I � . .111 I " 1, " " i I'll, I I "I , , 7 t. '. 11 � . � 11 . .. . . -7 I I . S I afff, - Iculby In waking.,the old man. At I � . 1� 14 . . 1­1� . I' .� I ; . I . I - � 'last lie rolledl over" and rubbed his Wash ,turkey after It ,has, been I . � t � . . .. 4,,,� , lo t �1 OhoftO 141 1. I Sdaf'ot . Ith.. : . � I . -ad drY well. Rub. Inside I . .1 I . � � , .t I � drawn, xinsle a � I . - .11,� . . I I . � eyea. . 'I �, . �'. �, , we : "All right, P-11 right,', ,lie .g, I . of bird, with salt before, adldIng dresS- . . I , �_ S'Sill'- th� BOA�ISUV`ertest, trUmbled I - ,,� , I I I ­_ I I "I'ti get up. But I won't go to Ing. Allow about 3/4 cup dresiging kor ., ,, I - . 4,:t,, . f I I � I ,��; ' �, I I I I 11 � . '. I 1. I . � "_ I . each pound of turkey. Pack dresisfing " , ,�,:, 1, A . school!" - I loosely Into, boldly and �ae,ck of tur- Is -1., . _­1:11� ,�, , i�q. . 0 " V . I I .1 I I . .. . !�,.. 1. I I I I �� I I , !. '. tt ll:t � I !, , I . . key. Sew up openlings. Truss bird � Ic . I 11, �, l o,0 __ .... f". t, � ..'11-1 I I i - . , - — . Al .1 ,. -1 I ,., . by turndbg fops. of wings, amder back I . .1 I . . i� . I . ,. ., ,� ''�� . , . , , ', I I '� � I . �?" f , I I ­,­ . ',:. , � .11, I" . I .1 . -and pressing legs Close back against , . ..... I I 1�', , I I . ;�', , 14': �. _. ., " I 1"� ., I .. . . .11 � � ' I .. I � � :6�� I ­... . r ' ­ . .. 11 , I ,..�, I F tbe body. Hiold In place by inseiting I I I I � .1 ,,� . ­ I � I., I--- I 0 - 11 � I ,�!' I . sloever. undl6ir dhfb wleugs ynd"another "I _, ", ,. . 1, " � . I X1 11, I I 'I., � le . . , ..., e� I . I �L , ­ .1 �fl_ !�,., I'll I under the jegsf. Then, tile turkey Ift. -, I I 1. 1 1�:�41.� � , ,­ fl� "_ I � " .1 . �, �,, �� I I 1.11., I ­ '_" �&­ �.: �_ alis,pe w1th card, t4sitenling it to sikew- . � I . I P. 1, . � I 1, �;��', �� I . I . - ­� If 1�; ,ii� 5,� .1 I - I . & 11", , , It, I, I No.; fT, Wd � � . I 1. � , "', -, � Place ,turkey l5reast slide down ... I , - . . 11 '! . . I . . . ers. I .111 I 1, I I I ,��..�,�i`;,�i I . I , - ` , .1 . I . . I I I 1 = � .(, 4.�, , ,� I III,'' .. 7- , I. 11 f ­ �1111 on rack.lor, crossed, slivelmer's Ila, roast, '!t , -i, �,,�, ,._,�,� 11 " (O" ,. � - �,I�,& xr�-. "' 1 � , I Ing 'twi derately sl6w I � ­ �" 1: . .1 ,4�,.r.� I 1 711" 7'..'Q7 11(.'0._,;.1�. X, - - � .1 I . 1��1'11"17'1 '-.��Nil'i.li,;�,;��.,�";7,:,;,",�� ",�P.'�i�, ",t'- , - in 'a " . -4,��, , " . , Bake . , " , , " -� 11 � � . ,� , �Iio. t, " ", I , ) I ,.;, "";,;� , . :��;, , I.. I , . . -"O', . _ � ;.- � - 11, �, ­��,,!' �, � , , " � . ­ 1- � I :� "'. I �. I bven 00 dogrefti P. aZowing �0 milo- � , e_ ,,, , .�,""'I", . �� I" 1BUT l, I 1, , ." 1. � . .�, . i ,,P-',i�:I�ill � ��N"_6�� :a,�� 1. i . I " '.`%,j4,',,, � ,. "". " . , 11 . I - fute-g: "it' ebbittla, dlrMigled, weight; for L- -, I � r"', 6 " , , _ , ".. " I'�,,�,.:��'..'�,��,,'i,,,',�,���,�!"�., I � 11.1 . , IAO I � I .1 'I, , ��i��,�,, 1-4 11.� 3 1". ".., "�, 11 il. — . l �, " '' , alt , till,kiY6 'and4r 1.0 powdo iw�iow, ,fig I : 11 11, - " "`*A .., - I � 11. �, . .1 , I'm 4XV I 1. � - , . �� . � , 6, per vott'd - "I'll, ..... ............. ........... .......... . I . . . . . . . . . ...... - .. 11 ,1 " ­ ­­ �­ -11''. 1� . 11 . i� , * ,� "! , ;,,�-,. ,',-* " -, mlilnidl* . . . . . I .. I I ;� ��', ., - *` �",L, �, � �,;` ,: " , "' , �� , �,� "�: � 4, ".. But6 d'C"A'm - ��'S'.�,,-,,,,,,,;;,��4.,�i,,,�,; I I -4 �_,,­,,��,,,� __ � ..__ _._ ,.. _ - _ . . , "I "I . . . . . . 11 I I 11 .1 -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . �4,o��,� t", ;; 11:.� ,I'll � . '. I , hVIP"Is, ",, , &WA, 4, ." " � I I �, �. __ 11 , , - -'�,� 11,'o�, I . 11 I L T. I' � ,.,.,.,I I � Ir : . � 't'll'y r 'g, Tow#169"', wt* , =,XeV, 10,U .. . "I ... I I 111 .. . ... "I ­; � --.-. - ­ I I I � 1111� , ,, � ,,, 11,� , . ,:�� . I ''. I I ­ I 1. i,. '�;; 1-' 'L 7`111�171riZl ,, �,�,11, i�4 �, 'I --j .. 11. I.." ; 1, , , ". . , I . 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