HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-12-13, Page 73 *1940 CHAPTERIX SYNOPSIS AudneY S'w'ardick timed "Cyr Ole'' is the pally' daughter of a __14401x,reepected horde trainer: $ fs edgoi 1B the , estate . o� JUdlgo Castle, 740#'o only sou, 33", has been Audrey's: ,frjead ,d1uee childhood. •Jeff marries 014 ave. Cooper and they leave for a bong_lloneymoon•. Whole Jeff is away Vic Quinn, his friend in love with Audrey, substitutes for him in the Judges office. The Judge unknown to . lila sen, buys a beautif i1 biome for them ' near , hie own; in Parville. He hasal- ways wished to make Jeffrey . a partner. . But when Jeff returns, be tells him that Olive and he will Five in the city and that her father will employ him there. The Judge is bitterly explaining to Vic, tibat Jeffrey will not be coming back. "You thought he5d be returning. It did not seem too much to expect. It appears that tt was quite too march. boweve7r." There was deep bitterness LEGAL ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor SEAFORTH - TEL. 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday. 12-46 MCCONNELL 84 HAYS Barrdetea% Solicitor's; Etc. Patrick D. McConnell - .$. Glenn Hays SEAPORTS. ONT. Telephone 174 sets - in the older flats voice. "I'im sorry." Vietor.,off ered: s�Ltrli3`. "Aa You, eau well, apareciato, Quinn this sdtuatjon le meet unfarbuniate for me, aside from the 'peesenel and; len:- iiyt stan'dpoint,, .. I .cast u. lom ..nolint- upon Jeffrey,. And. Miss Dodds will never be able to return, to her du- ties." u-ties." Victor made no response. Hecould guess what was, eoming_ "I w111 .be 'perfectl'y frank with, You, Quinn," the Judge eontdnued. , "1 am aware that Jeffrey* hax urged you to °stayn on permianently with me. I am seconding that request ow'my own behalf." "That is' exceed4nglf. . kind of you, Judge -Castle, but I . . ." "I kpow, I. know. You are under the impression -that your legal career will be 'modified by what Parville bait to offer. • I can appreciate that, but I believe that I can assure you that you are wrong. How old are you?" "Twenty-eight " "And well matured. You have been of very great service`to me dur- ing your stay. I shave learned to my satisfaction that 1 can depends upon you. There is and will be plenty of practice here for a young man, and my experience, • such as, it is, will ,be at your service, I need you. 'What do youesay, sir?" "That I appreciate It very highly." "I am offering you a part'nershi'p, Quinn. A full partnership there. That is what- I promised Jeffrey. It •does net interest: him." • : - • "Tinat's ra bit 'overw'helming," Viv- tor ' managed. "I don't think that I need tell you. I never anticipated "No, no!" the Judge interrupted 'has'tily. „ "If you can pee your way clear to accept 'my offer you will be going ,a long, way toward making up to me 'whet I have lost" "Yes, sir.". Viktor sensed the con- ference was concluded and went back to' his desk in the anter office.: He sat, for a `long time -making aim- les(marks .on a pad, this brews' con- traL+ted, and his strong lower maw set grimly. At Length he tossed aside dais pencil and reached for the telephone.. There was no relaxation in his face when his requested. nem - her answered. "Hello, Audrey. This is Vic." "I guessed it. How, are you?" ' "All right. May I see you if I drive out after lunch . two per - H. I. McLEAN Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Hemphill• Block - Hensall, Ont. PHONE 113 ° VETERINARY . A. R. CAMPBELL Veterinarian Henaasll Ont. -Pilon .116 ' P. 0. Box 291 8749-tf MEDICAL • v Met . . .. it's; a little worse; than tier, Audrey. He can't carne back.. Ole father . has . i • : well, he's sack- ed. Jeff:" -1- Audrey, caught her breath at Vic- tot's bltvn!t aAnne ,acemsent• She irnew what that expression •n1eent, but it was difficult to comprelheed. ledge Castle didn't "want Jeff to comehome', any More,, There wad, Son:ebbing un- real about •itl-abnest :melodramatic. "I didn't know that." A stupid 'thing to say under• 'the curculmstaf ces. "I shouldn't be thinking of myself," Victor admitted gloomily. 'It's • a sad thing for all of .them. • At the same time it parts me in rather an• embar- rassing :position. Audrey," he added gently, "Ihave made a hash of it. I see that meow. I 'guess I let my heart get the better of my bead." Audrey managed a faint smile. "I'm fond of you. You must know that. But that's a logg way from SEAFORTH CLINIC DR. E. A. MOMASTER, M.B, Graduate of University of Toronto PAUL' L. BRADY, M.D. Oraduate of University:° of Toronto The Clinic is felly equipped with complete and modern X-ray and . other up-to-dato diagnostic and therapeutics equipment. Dr. Margaret E. Campbell, M.D., I,.A.B.P., Specdali in disease . in in- fants and --Childre will be at the Clinic last Tivarsday in every month from 3 to 6 P.m.' Dr. F. J. R. Forster; Specialist in n disease* of the ear, eye, nose throat, will be at the 'Clinic the brat TaesrlaY in eivery month from 3 to 5 Dm• Free Well Baby Clink; will be held on, the s'ecrond and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. 2687 - JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon IN DR. H. H. ROSS' OFFICE Phone 5-W - Seatorth bags?" - 'Yes- 111 be ' here."' "Thanks." And he hung up. Audrey was sitting aloue on the wide (porch When Victor I afligihited from' his car. She,, closed her book and'' greeted 'him wdtbl a bright smile as he tapped on the door and then let h'imsel'f .din. "Aiione, are you? I leom't, !Jake Jany (undue advantage, but 1. , do . want a , conference , just with yeti." ' "It's a rare opportunity," she laughed. "Mom and Dad are off on a jaunt fa ` the dou'nrtry." "Fine. Hang it all, Audrey," he eiet "I know," he interrupted. "I'm go- ing tri stay here, be wear you." A very little later, Vietor rose to his ,feet with the announcement that it wouldn't look well four him . to be taking the whole afternoon, oft just because his boss' was out of town. Audtrey smiled her agreement, Their friendship suddenly bad renewed its old tiine basis ands both , of them were relieved from the constraint that , had seemed to shadow their recent meetings. "Besides," Victor announced cheer- fully, "there's . rival in. the offing." He nodded ine the direction of the drive 'where a small touring " car of ancient vintage was rolling up. , Vic swG'ed at the elderly town .con- stable climbing from the car. Audrey Went to the door 'and opened it as, the newcomer was about to rap. "How do you do, Mr. Ringer! Won't you ,come in?" "Just a minute," the officer remark' ed uneasily, his, face clearing per- ceptibly when hie .saw the young law- yer. "How're you, Mr. Quinn?" Wi'th- otit waiting for a reply, be clutched off his cap and addressed himself• hesitatingly to Audrey. "I . . I'm sorry. But I got some had news for you, Miss; Swam 1''It . . . it's about your father."' Audrey's face went white. Victor instinctively moved close to her side. "what is it?" she asked. "Has 'he been hurt? Ist my mother all right?" "Yes,. she's all right. It was like this, near as" I had time to gather. They wore drivin' into town, crossin' the new creek bridge. There was some children playin' on the ice. A little girl,, they tell me, .fell in.., an' your father jumped from This car an' ran drown: He .get the little kid out, but the ice wouldn't holm' hien. Some other folks helped him out •an' :hur- ried 'him` to the hospital' He didn't get edroWned. or anythin', but the shock of the cold water seemed: to knock ' (um out; like. They, said it might be' serious, so I told your mot. thief I'd run out an' fetch you." • ' "Get ' your coat. I'll take you to MARTIN -W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W.' O. Sproat Phone )1,O -W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat' Graduate in Medicine, 'University of Toronto. Late assistant New ' York OPthal- ' nei and Aural Insitltlite, Moorefleld's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- DAM, Lomotil; Eirg. At COMMERCIAL R0`rEL, SEAFORTH, THIRD WED- NESDAY in each month, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; also at Sealer. Clinic Brat Tuesday, of eaalimonth. E3 Waterloo Street •, South. • 12-07t AUCTIONEERS ' Cr •"I got some 'bad news for you, Miss Swan," he said., burst out, after a mom'ent's con- templative. _smoking. "I wonder if You realize that almost every time I}ve, talked with you it's bad .some- thing' to do with Jeff? It isn't fair to me, but that's the way it always turns out. I .may as well 'O*h up that he's in it again," ' "You surely expected him back." "Of course I did.. Whew I came down bene, 1 swear it was only to bei'p 'him out. You kno* I'm five years older than 'Jeff." "I didn't." , "Well, I am. Old enouPh to have more discretion about one things, perhaps'. I was about to add that 1 more or less asked your permission to wine ,bo Parville. The thing -Pm trying to solve now is whether I should stay on,. You have some- thing to do with that, too." .,,!'But...I (haven't the remotest' UNA what you mean, Vie." She Was pti V.- ly puzzled. "No, you wouldlntt. I had quite a sessions with the fudge at the office this morning. 'He tried to exact a promise from me that I would stay here with him ind'edlnitelY'." "Oh, . Then he wants you end Jeff "NO.Not JetE," "I Slee. Jett doesn't want to come back here oat ma9r'e,°" -HAROLD JACKSON Speciallet in Farm and Household IAceDOOd in Huron and Perth Coun- 4loa. Prices reasonable; satisfaction giiitrantee+rer irmablom, ete., write or pheme Harold Jaicksoil; 12 on 658, Seaforth; Bilatic • Mee- . HAROLD ALE L1ceneed Auctioneer Specta 8t it faro and $rousehold oalee. ;' rtC .yea00 b1c Fordaste. *tit dnfoim d , 'aartO Birold Delo, oxs s; 'AO lisepty; at The= l sitor I.y ii 11it•? your mother,",' Vic ordered quietly. "Or shill I send Julie. for int?" "No. I'll get it." Audrey left the parch' with, Victo?' frowning anx- iously es he noted the almost mechan,' ical manner of her walking, Ile 'turn- ed to Ringer with an 'unasked ques- tion in bis eyes. The -lititle officer Put , a warning finger to Mss lips, nod- ded meandngiy. "What's the matter? What's hap- pened?" • It was Julia hurrying in, wiping her 'handst on ?her apron. She looked from one man to the othler. "It's Mr. Swan," Victor' said quiet- ly. "P'lease control, Yourself. Miss Audrey will „be here in a moment. She doesn't kilo*." "Oh, the poor lamb! You're mean - in' Mr. Anthem" is gone?" "Hush! She's corning." Julia pulled herself together, even hurried) to open the door for Audrey,' bent over and buttoned the dower fastenings of *the girl's coat. "If you want me for anlythin' darlint, 12 be right close to the 'phone." • "tiet'si go, please, Vic." •Sine wad dry-eyed ati'11, speaking' cal'm'ly Victor caught up his own, teat from: the chair. He opened the 'door and let Audrey precede' (hlrn outside. !rhe ride viae zunde -iri; asllence until .the hosipttal'o math. building was In Sight.. Then Audrey spako odddeoriy. }�•:., iff� mss, R. Lr_:« `�9� I �rdiarllrl/irrr,IIIIY %`. ,Inl�ddsiliirlir:: uI iiiiir':?c?: 44 J drirl,diE.il.I: 4 '+.•..nus. 1x8.. �,�,l�'y t'� 14 er.„.-4E11 fit1aaulrearl 0 , ' T 11::' .4 •1 µms\ /+ 4'�r n!ii,tL f _ 0 / 4Ja.lvd�. vn ' it.i.e,A, ::::„..:. lsiliL/glN',,, �..yrera/s�rn.i.•� Auna :.9� / I s: fir %Ill i( ' a/ ca---,*-;?;,,,,,,! 7-, � ig Telephone lines running rWJ, ry'' 'h ':-..a.:44-AL-Pr" r%, p , i %�I,�.��r .r,t�.'� , rrr(, through trees encountered �� �s/ ��i��ii�:' .+. �� frequent 'trouble". 11rod- �n) �!/i �// .,%��•,•70774`: j ..f fi%� priv./.; f!ghtl of-wayls rel +•� �f��lj � r� adl.,����%� �� `�� l�/��j nicely •'trouble free". ''':-. l$z �/�''r; �'FI�/rlsl/L%%j���i'� �/ jf/��/�r-z :,,.,4> i:�,:, :Tn,/Y �, n��//::,0/I//: • s�:,'Iz: ;, r t!+ /71/'./ rr ai{9,/% �/�fia/ �■til"%tiJQ�� �. �L\=�.#^�- ,,ay `•e � rare ,�_r1, I�///�/%/i�i,!►' �� �"��:'s _ .. apt �.. ,ri.„ sap *�35. -..................... .....:........::..::.:,.:. L�/i�/i%//'T 1 s �,� ,iiiiie .rn �r r.. Jr'�riri //-: -1, ►D ERN . telephoa a plant; is bu l 'o •0; maximum resistance to "trouble". '0 sort,. trouble does oc+ x, we-abn tib' repairs before your service is - affected Sixty years, of telephone research and Operation. add up to .a great deal of specialized experience.::•': Telephone elzgineers ca now anticipate . with: greater accuracy the causes leading to trouble; They don't wait for wear andtear, or an spiel:- gency to announce itself; they attack it before it interferes! This activity' is called • "preventive maintenance" - and telephone people are very proud of it. Thecumulative effect of preventive maintenance, plus improved design, reduced troubles per tele- phone by 43 per cent in the period 1926 to 1929 and this ' improvement continues. Since then "trouble" once ink8 months per telephone has been reduced to an average of onetrouble inT:14 months! Performance: at, peak efficiency is de manded --- and as far as is humanly possible, is delivered to every user of telephone service. t 1 • • LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 60 ,EARS OF PUBLIC OrvicE MISS E. M. CLUFF aianager • "I know .that Dad is . gone, Vic. I'm not going' to break. Really, I'm not.. It. was the way he would have liked to go, I :think." • Olive Castle had finished dressing • CAN A D ,...:A ' S kaiff.e,e yr . P L• A. y o. U N ,F1 --i► T �mmm Aif Uaiasnoo Rraft CARE t DOm "mn,4 slim i' ee ;` szte .. [.x67 61Q]'i (Co 63 �1 ' 410, '1 000,1 dye, pre for dinner anti, was giving sundry pats and touches' to her perfectly ar- ranger hair when the telephone on the bed stand sounded . a gentle sig- nal. "Get' it, will you, dtar'ling?" she murmured • to Jeffrey who had came ini a moment before from his. adjoin- ing suite. He s't'rolled Over and ra- ther clumsily disposed of a French doll whose billowy` silken, shirts, screened the .instrument from view. "Seems it's for, me," 'he announced after an interval. "Long dietanrce.'" After that it seemed that the party on. the other end of the line was doe ing all the talking, Jeffrey furnishing an occasional monosyllable. Finally he said, "Thanks' a bot for calling," and hung up. Olive's delicate brows drew dey a in a puzzled frown • as she watohii Jeffrey's refteetioe in the mirror.' He was still holding the instrument in his hand, ,starring moodily into the distance. "Jeff! What in the world!" She turned to face him, wondering the more at the start he gave. " Vic. Calling &'ono' For rest or play -Vancouver and Victoria are ideal fora thoroughly • enjoyable 'winter vacation. Warmdaysan coolrefreshipgnights. Excellent golf Courses-inyt't"ad sights, in the mountains and by the seashore. Riding, tennis, motoring, fishing ... Canada's Evergreen Playground offers them all, in an unexcelled setting. Special Winter rates at hotels: The new Hotel Vancouver's spacious rooms and delightful accommoda- tions will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver , ATTRACTIVE RAIL FARES ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL eaeaRAPNS MONEY ORDERS EXPRESS Mee esentoA�, SAFEtY .. Reduced steel** i` Low Weal ;rats; .1100bbs. • TRAVEL WEST T119 J,,r SOFR,WAY••• USING YHfi_Alletd'�1jDttt<►NED CONTINENTAL. LIMITED Ott In orsr01ofefydr9 a tidier arms CANADIAN NATIONAL "Oh! That was Vi Parville." He put the telephone back in its place. Ile had almost said "from home." "You look as if. he was telling you some bad news." "He was. Very had." "Darling! • There's robbing wrong at your home, is there?" "No. He called to say that Tony Swan was killed this afternoon. Not 1ci11ed 'exactl'y . . . jumpers int ' a creek to rescue a child'', and the shock did him. in. Seems he had a bad heart." "You're talking about ,Audrey's fa- ther, of doursse. That is too bad. I'm sorry for her. Did Victor call you just to ou that?" "Cert toll inly. yHe knows thiat Ton+Y and I have been good friends ever since I was a Itid'. Phe .funeral is Thursday morning." ' "I'min'g, ctf ootuee." • "It would bare been a nice little mark of respect. Bat vu'.e carr send: flowers. You know you're going to the' matinee than aftereoon. You aouli'rlmttt Imusibly be btek• in time. It's quite too bead." "TOO bag for Ylhett 6O, Jefre'S" returned thoughtfully. "I'm , leaving for Parville tomorrow evening. I wish, that you'd go with me." "Me go! Why? That an means nothing to me . . . except that he did ruin a perfectly good' parr of boots .that I was wearing for the first time." Jeffrey looker aft ---her• with a steady stare. There was something in his brown eyes she had never seen before. For some reason it dis- ''turbed her more than she wanted to reveal, "I shall always wish you hadn't said that,"' he remarked. slow- ly, "Oh, dont be stupid, Jeffrey!" "I'd appreciate it if you'd go." Olive's temper, usually under su- preme control,. 'flared. "I certaisely have no intention of going! I belie -that is clear . . . as clear as, the reason that is taking you: Your wife's fe 1inlggs deserve ^no consideration when something concerns • that child- hood sweetheart of Yours." (Continued Next Week) Great thoughts proceed from the heart.-Vauvenargues.. Tem tries the troth in 'everything. --Tuseer. When_ Ile 'hath tried me, I shall come fortis as gold,-Rible. LONDON and WINGHAM NORTH Exeter Hensai1 Sipper Brumfield • ... Clinton' ........ Londesboro -- Blyth Belgrave Wingsham ' roar ram! Visit to TORONTO Try HOTEL WAVER LEY Located on Wide Spadina Ave. at College St. Easy Parking Facilities Convenient to Highways • . Simla - $1.50 to $t -5i Grable - $f.51 to $5.08 Fey to Rear, $5:10 to $UO • 11 Close to the University, Parliament Buildings, Maple Leaf Gateenl , 'i'h'eat tee HosPltalSi". Wholesatl0 Houses, artei the F$ehlonable • ,ft4tai Shopping • District. A ' PiiiNci ir; ieeeittriiner Wiagham' ?3'elgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton SOUTH , Brumfield Sippe'n Hensall Exeter •. • A.M. 10.34 10.46 70.52 11.00 11.47 12:06 12.16 12.27 12.45 P.M. 1.50 2.06 2.17 2.26 3.08 3.28 3.38 3.45 3.58 ■ C.N.R. TIME TABLE EAST Gbderich Holmesv'ild'e Clinton Seaforbh St. Columban Dublin Mitchell Mitchell Dublin, Seaford:* 'Clinton Gedserioh - WEST A.NI. 6.15 6.31 6.43 6,59' 7.05 7.12 7.24 11.06 11.14 11.30 1L46 12.05 P.M. • 2:30 2.48 3.00 3.15- 3.23 3.29 3:41, 9.23 9.86 9.47 10.00 10.25 C.P.R. TIME TABLE God'erich Menset McGraw Auburn Blyth EAST PAC. 4:20 4.24 . . 4,112 4.42 4.611 5.65 6.15' 9.00• Walton McNaught Toronto WEST Taranto w� 0 16.1. .. • . NleNan'ight . • ... • • V4,• !. • y • '11Valtorit ' B'lI% Auburn. ............ ~• • •, 11Ie 'ial s.'; ,(iloclole ^t� irk tt •r;