HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-11-22, Page 2I . I . , , I � ,J, I:k "' lj_,�. ", , 0� ,�!,I,ii,� `��'.` �'. ,�;',, �"�� � �'; � �� t � � I I,, � �, "� �,� , . ­� . : `­��I"��. """, , � ".", I 4, ,­', �:i r, . , �,', , ,: , � , ' ' ' -7 � 7 ­`� ' ", 1, 4 ' " " , ' - � ,,' ' ­ I . .. 7'71,5' t_�,,� .:,�� I .. , i ­ : -.:, . I i , ,., , 1 ' 1, I , . :.. , ,j,: � , � . �, , � . I , I I � 61 I I . . I . . , . 11 I , '. .�- 11 1. t. 11 I -1 ; I I I :.,� , , �, V � , V, '. ."". i",, 1, i , ., ", " R, '­­­ , " '' J, , ,, , . , � , I li� I 1 - �, ,, . :, �: , �, , . ", :�'.. , , - , , 1, ": , , , I 4.�j i :! , '� "! !, " , i - , T'14 ", : , , ., : V" , , , , i : ., '. � , , , � I ", : f� � i � I �, �, 11 1. " ! � ;,',�, 1.1 I i I I I �:: . I I 0�11. , . : !"11, P� 1; i:. , � I I �: . -1 F , I., I � . , ,,, � �,` . . . I ,i"'-' `� , ,, "' .1, .. 11. � 11 1, , .1 , , �, �! � I I - . ­ I . 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I � I ,, � . . . ,�.. : I , , � � �, i� �,. ��,�',-!,,7,.�,.,.�,,���.�,��;,, ;�,_` - -, I . , i - - , t I I - --- _... .� ... .1. 11 161- . I.- � I 1. - - I , ii:.: "11 I I 11 � I I ;, ;Igi�_ �- " 11 . . . . . . . . . . ...... n "m ... n n n - " , , T "' M. . . . . . . . . 11:1�: .. ..... . . ... ..... . � .. 1, ,, ,, oi " 6 , .0 j, 0 . .... . ...!7n, :!!;!�; ,, ;, -1 I 1. I .Z � I . � 111;:11: 1;11:P1. 11Z,1:17 i— = , ... I , , " , . . I I I I '. .11 . " � _ � . I -F-q.-*Wqq.9F-W*""1; � .. I I .R."i"i".""Mm"l— . - .. - I - . � " , � . 1�9 � I . _4 _21 'I'll., . . , - _____ I I ; - '94 i -0 ,-1 . . , . I ;mil,;Nliv ��'�,` m'ii'�11,,�'�",F�;. '.. -� i , . . I � I I I I - - - --- '. .1. ­ . I 1. li I. I i �r r r --- , �'. 111� 41 , 1, � I `­Ff . , �11, ,, I I , - I - _ �_ . . -1. I . q , vi - , , ,i �,; " , . . . �i"`V";`���',�,� . ­ 1, - - "holh I I . I . I 11 ., ____ __________. ___.___ . . . I . I . I .� __ il� "I . , , ..�� I � 0 1 1-:.. 11 ., ___ I . . . .., I I � I I . . . �- I 11, � � I '' `�I' , , E - I ..� �i'��, , ,)"'­'-' �� , 11 r of the day, and. often the'storm- ­� ;; I" ­ 1.11" 1. I ­' . I I—. . . � .:, � ipi� W I � . i, " , " , �_ L.- _ . _ ­ - I 111-1-1 ----- �_­�_.,;�:_.�%. ­.. I . I � "I., 11 1�� . .. � 1, 1. ,­, � .. r MWV% . ­ 1- ,,, � � ­ I .­�., -1- I ... -__-_1-L--.;- I— ­,, ___'. I � ,1. .1 1. ", . -.77 , � -11.1 I 1. . � �, �. I I boitor .iegt- V � . . ., . I ___ -_ .11 I . 11'.., I . h IN ^r I . '. ''. :� '"' � ,,-�', \o-: , . , , , . IqR�', ­­ _7- , ---­..__­_ '' _,;,.,,',��(�: i.:: ", . � * ""' - . � � �_.­ r�,�­­ ,ji�,��,,,�,;',, . ,. I �e�,, a., ;:. . I "' �­,i�,. ..'�. il�i,_. ' ' . As a maitev...'of fact, there are a � . , ' ", ' ' - , - ' ­ :1. !, � . ,J1;;.1:. ,. 11 YvRtrs 0 Jr ife . : I - 1�11 : :. : A# quo' 0 "h"I Os . I _ r of' , , 0, ,,! Esta,Wish6d 1860 1 �,� .. I ' * " " . 11 " I �i��IJ;,;,,_��,. - -.,� - . - great many days during the vAnter . 0 1 . 0 �� . I I . .*,i. �� I . I Intekesting, ft.qmq Picked Foom .1 I ..". I months that it would ge absblutely , . I � "'I'll, . . �1' lk � , "i c,rhall iNcLean, Editor. . � ., I 0 ' I Lazy, Nia'dowls - �l.,.�1;11��'���.�.�.16.�","I.t�l- I . � . . . '' I I ' ' Qn1 0 . , �71,�­­ in, .� I . dangerous to allow school children The "11". .,�,,spositor of Fifty Mind � .� - - Eas d I . . ­ I I I � I. . � ., 0 (By hArry J. 80,Y401, 11 .6 . .1 ­ ---- 1_- Twen ..-Yoars.-Agg, . I .--q""-__--""--ffl�_ c . . � I" --- i - I I !- 1 1 , � - ! a ,_.A_Wa;*s West's Graint. . I I 41�4vlem . Pu ed At, Seaforth, Ontario, ev- . on the roads at that hour. � Remem-, - -, 1. .1 V � - ­ � _ _. , ,--*", -, , * , , . � . 11 . - - _ , _­_ - ,__­ ____ ',; I t", --0ter - .,e are no busses and street , ­ , � - I , Low -Rail Rates Needed-. t .1 hursday - no,011---by _MeU_An ber, ther 1. Ell . .. . .�17.1 I I . I— � �. . I . . . .. . For sheer obstinacy notbilug can .. . I . ..., _­ I r�'.��,�,��,;,�'-,��,,�,,�'I'l��,�,�;�� 1.11 ��! . 41 09. I �Pr_ _uArLi on concession roadis, and mighty., ' From. %�e---Nuron Expositor - I . tiouch cattle 'on' a sbow-y, Milly fall The . 'Editor... TUO 11,1 op EbqpOsltor: I . .11. I . , "" " , � ,,�'���'i','.�",LP,"'P�-,",'� ,�ir " I 1. _ - �_ ­ , 1 ------- 1�. I., few cars at times. � ­­_ 1- -, i � . 91ti -­ , _ 'A. �ldi rate abouit never putUag . ­ T4k fRoveim ber 26, 1. day.- M-ey. ,edther hud0a togethLer � -_ - - I . . . .., , .� . I $Ir- I would likie to, have a wilte- _�_�:.:� � , ., , 1. �.�,,,�,,,,,�,,,-,,�',�!�i',,i',����,,i�,� , I li,,(,r� . ... :�,,� 1� � , I I . . I . . -If the cities and larger centres . . off until toi.ni,orrow, . coubd;m very vmJ1 . ,. "' is' rebuilding the be George Jorftn I appliedi to Lazy Meadows. We %kqtu ' e g W - -yWriting ui _ g a� ence or e% 'sk with their tails, tvdaited-- Ira- 4& -Peafect . . . . -1 ium yviur 0aper About this grain sit- - - _. � I r .'�;7 'i, It �1�1.,�IiN ". i , , �'�",�!�.'�'k",;�, 'r. , � S seription rates, $1.50 -a year in . ub , ' . want daylight saving, in the winter, � ave`,ree, ,chopping mill in Belgr �Rntly de� brought �h,e. cattle iu and stalled them fit. I UatIoll "O" they race h i ad -17 dowin, the road. uation In the- Wklat WO$l tfie, -grain S t- ... .. 1 da Oatsdo'au&. 01ilebed, �T ba+e- � - ;---j- _._ .1. 0�'11,, I- , 1.1", 1,�,,�',' �, [,",��""'�,% ��J,,_,A,`�, : a r Single . Avarice; )foreign, $2.00 a yea ,. . let them have it, but the.�y should not ' st royed by fire, and Wilt it'upi, with yvistei SDmehi�w we always seem mioderni mabh* , to daT. Full -Of courage at oaxanary times hea,rd to face .'' dog . .. ' , so much ioverr (the vad-to and, - , , '. `i: - ,�ii��`�'N­ �,,f,�,,,i,�,,"; iicopies, 4 cents e ach. - . . ' be permitted to forc6 their opinion pick a anlowy ew school, ­ irg See- I That, beault, rtuni - Take; for instaiam, the day before and ready. I any, that wanit -in . ders on the grasIs farm, they' are as the, papers ,about it. Ilion. 4-i. G. � I Tim . .. . Gardiner. as beeni over -to. thm; ited- � ,,,� �,,, I ,?,�, . , ,�O�N , ,,;��P;- - . . . . I on the country. And if they knew tion No. 4, McKillop, wasi formally ye,ste&day. It Weis' balmy ,and, flue, ne- opc-ned On. Friday evening, Nov. 19th. skittisib"as "S'Pilleters?" at 'the slight ,h Kingdom and he telle thet people that. . . _, .e L'�':�L�. �"'k'i�"­ a -*'%,,�,;,� " , " $5, ti,�"", . . r .. I what they were asking, we doubt if rojinding a pe,rson,'�omewihat of those . flx&ellent addiresises welle' 9 -len by Spring days wihen� the, weathermen of mice wilien the diogo all along the the road come out to. baTk and Uil) Wist: has pienty,of whea� to sup- � I ply Britali for three yfwsr: if thei- I -, � I , . '�" 'h�'�1�4`� r* 0, � g,,. ' ' i Advertising rates on application. . . ' they would try. Rev.)s Carswell, and barkini and Mr. gives 4 -perfect weather. We care� ;&�' McMitian. Mr. Hoegy �at their heels a bit. . � glev,er iialsia ,n, h W I h L I ghmore- T, e ieibn a; ,_ 'r '4, %�, �, ,i;�,�`,.,�!-, I ` `� " %'-�11'1�$'tll,; "I � . .. , I If the time should c6me . when the was fully avoMied aRl mmtion of the cattle the contractor, who spaired, neither On the, i5tihe,r plaNm Everything was, " ' How much itmffie there seems to be on, an:. ordinary eanceosion road on: r � : milljoas, of 'Is wheat, a 14, b at t and Oats, even tyling out in, th, b , I I I, pen �,�`.�'M' ." " i . . ' I � suc6essful of the war 0111i) nor materW in Inaking the fine. This balmy weather could stay 'in . a day such asi thlis! Trucks) and cars, . prairle apid no paver to protect , It. I ,��;�.,',,'--, ,�V' 01V v;, . . ,,,,,.Ai.�_ iNp, '. %1, [I. 1-111, " " , �ii��',,. , N vember 22 I Y Friday,. o .prosecution demands additional electric wer, po school thet best the county. , for weeks, Came the next moruing . A very enbbiuilastic and interesting and with, it a�slushiy, wet raluJhat by and farih,"'Wagms, ,loaded with cbw � . . and everybody .96ems, to � want The people In, the, West and the gov-I ernment beoe don't know What to do. ... ,,, M",�z . �,:)64&',�, . . . . _­ � or even' demands all- the domestic meeting took place in, the basem6nt dinnerAime had devit-loped into _ gen- Flivt Presbyterian Church on Mon- tic stop and chat. Of cqu-mie when ,you "Heli They' can get buit"very Ifittle money , ", '' SgI6,01"': ,", 'f ""p" , �f%# 1415�1'1"o`�, �!A " . i I . W' ,-D . What i� Be Them? . power. now developed, we do not , . hesitate , - dis qf uine, s,now.. day last when the boys of M. Mc7 "What about'the cattle an the.oth- Kellar's class! dkwided to organize. er They -had, to be brought st1op -to say, to am ac-. quaintadoe, the ibired.man -and, ,your helper also have in down for It, and are Very hard up , I and had to sell, thedr ciattle to get.. . moniey to live -on, and pay their . 4 I . - ,INKi, , ",9nV,Wfth I to say that the countr ,y - ' ­pilace?" ' follows:, Pres' to join and the 'debts. some . 0�p'�,'A,"�, . , '��,,, , �%-�,�,,�� ­ , . � ,-J tric-ts Will d with- that deman The o1h.c. arie as, erg " In. ' Bundling the hired man and one cattle s4i,P haick pasit you and hdigth. ' .. 1� I I , ,,, , �,. .,,� _ � , Britain haY not yet won the war. ' . meet out a murmur, butthat day has det t, M. I Me -Kellar.; Vim-Presidemit, of the Higgius -boys, into9the "car, 1. Douglas Beattie; treasur�r, Robert out in the ,stock the L tail it diown, tile road. The to Laz Meadows thei, in the first pila6a, if they could cash I - wheat, barliay ,and oats, all bhey _ ,�. F � , " 0", But it can be said with equal truth- - ot n ' set quest of on id. eecre1tary,, Re& Reid.; sports Strange it n' ; gateway y . was � I would get for their wtheat would be N.W'l, , ,. . i, I'� ,,� . yet dawned. And until it"does. the other place. ais, may seem, H. R. HI leY, Earl "' carefully swung. out aind Mrs,. plA,l , barley, 24c bush- .1 , I ,_�:, ,:;... fulness, that she is going to win - , Government would be wise- not to committee, ,inch- when we arriv,§d - they *6re all hud- Chesney and, Aldinier Troyer, social dling up. dri. the back fiffy ba the sihade Yms branddisbing a stc I k pir4pared, to wave the' ini. The h1red par 45c 1 ­ �. per-busheil; el; oats, 18c per bushel, to them- . i! I— I., � . , . it. When that day comes, what is . _,, Ah . I I . f orce the issue. . . I - pommittee, Everett Riveiy,,, Clyde RaV- of the miaple, bush. Usually they kin, Burtan, Muir, Robert; Reid, Reg. be in t6e field. cattle man slipped On alliend to, stand, in the mid- 'dde selves, and they would, be - glad to .. .. . . it for that. Weca]Vt grow. gra-P cash I ,;;` she going. to do the,Y,azi de- . I I seenkd, to. front ' e I ' Were I -it,re-rything of the road, and- t9lie cattle were jai, tile E as, .. , . � , ,�";. ,% stroyers, and despoilers? ' . I . Mad and the fokowing men. a- It went well onthetrip so elected, honorary members,: Rev.. uR.,.tb,e laneway. About ten from sddling along in the ditch lAkey here ast any year good, a5i the grain 'in the West' luthe seeced "I'll, �11�11�,. - . The recent indiscriminate and bru- 0 � il. ­ rods F. H. Larkin'and'Messrs. Jasi. COwa% t4blee front ga,tew-ay ,the lead steer re- setimed to be tined, out a�d tile, wie.,re no ,doubts, but that they Would placie half of the griaii-n- grown in Ou- '4 1.1��,. "'k, " ,�, -, I , 1 . - tal destruction of the English city t ,f � � Canadians Are Meat, Eaters A. G. SmAlile, John PiPlaViOn, W. membered something that was left. . W�lsoa, W. R. Smith, Wm. Somer - behind, in, the back fleld-, I suppo-se, plod in. to the lane,pay and down to the barn, tario, thdsyeiax, is not worth anythiDg � . bo feed to hogs, and the other half,_ . . " ,1,11'�.,, . i, 111`�,� � Coventry by Nazi bombers makes us . - yffle, Robert B�611- and John Beattie. ,and cavorting out around the old, barn- . That steer walked ,ahead an�d kt6bd is not up to stainda.rid. Any farmif- . I knows that in'a wet year theire is t0o. . 1,1,�­ ,�_ I 11. " . waxider. The German people no ist . 4 The in Can Messrs, W. R. Plant, G.T.R. agent, hea,died back for the tall tim,4er . . . Frank - Lee, operabor at the' sta- Jil,thei centre of ,the lanewa� . . . . 'in . � much hull on the grain tb I � I "t, � �E,,,� i'i . take some shake of responsibility for consumption Of me�ts - I ada during 1939 is estimate . d at 117.9 and -1,6*ed at" regular intervais to, he tol tion, have applied to the camlyany for by' the remiiniier of the herd, We just half and, half but of the gate- way. He looked anoun'd Mid took .a . . fe�eding value'in it. ' ' '. . in the'th-ird :place the fairmeTs,ilu � �, T'4'�'., . ,, r . ia" wi: , , the actions of the leade rs they have . poun ds per'person, which is an in- . release to join the Army Signal Corpe walked back and rounded' them up � at the front. again! It s6owed ha:nder that, step and ,then, .quick as a flash, boit- . in OaAada a o i I the Domini�o of , h vi abo� t � . ,,.�,. , I.,. ­ . accepted. But what of the leaders? crease - of slightly rnQre than two' I ever 11 McLe"lland, who hais, been, teller and tihe cattle seemed to, stun"ble -ed out. and past Mrs. Phil and. the hdred man and ui� the ro-aid, The'rest ono -third more hogs at present than .. " - I . - have ever had before.ii, and the .. ;,,.7,�'-, , V", "I. , ,.- ,�� . .� , Banishment and hanging are 'too . 91 . ounds over thie,preceding year. P. in the Dominion Bank here for over along agaiest tLe fences' uIltit W -e got two years, has- be4m moved; to Baden. the ,gateway. � ,tbe� of the cattle, being Polite, followed. , I Governm6nt Aeills tbie, farmern' to keep � I . . I I "i , i � ­!._ I , .. '1% I . . . good for them. Taking revenge on - , if there, is out road I The Canadian Pacific Railrway2 at The Higgins, boy and myself were - IL . . We ran , and shouted . -, . . and - up tho stardaird of bacon. The far- . 1. . I I mers of Ontario will. have, to get the . . �t�*,­, . 1, ,..%., (.. mnipcent German people and'eities any'Aher nition on the earth, with Vancouver, recently organized an en-� "Hol-1-1bing" with all,our energy to Mr. Louis Me- waved. sticks and We d-r6ve thie ear West's grain -to mix w,ith ours in"011-ii I . �� ...., . , ", i�fll'., .1 . rht bring the- matter -more, near- mig . the'possible exception of the United gineerijng�'­Ebirpis, anoi try and steer,thew irL did -tile -right rec- Donald_ son of Mrs. L. McDonald,,' of . tiio.n . . . but -a grey heifer ",emed around, them and maineged' at last to - and iget them back I in -to, , the laneway ta,rio ,to keep up the, sibandard of .. I . . I � -j�,ac.on, � , I , 11 ". 11 .. . ,­: ly home to the mass of German peo- ' . States, whose people consume more Seaforth, was, selected to accOmPally to be eiallvilio�d that we weire wrong and finally into the barn kard . . - - . in 'tb6 fourth place., Ahe On-tarla ' . ­. , I � t�'.i 4� I le but that kind of revenge Woul& P � 1-1 ... ,� meat than do -Canadians. � the corps aa head engineer. in our direct4ons, and headed due op- * I The second smoker in aid, of the posite to where. Lazy Meadow§, isL � '�&I-` declaring as we did, that next year we would complete this, job on -a fineflay. Gavernment shoirld get ill t,Ouc'h right I t � away with the Dominion Governm u � . ' . 1, A, '_. I . 11. put Britain, in the Nazi -class,' and . ,Certainly there is nor 6ountry in fund'to purahase tobacco for the I I . . I Hall . L I rait- . to make, arrarjtg&menrts� with the I . il',�� �.111 1: �� ..� I . . Britain does not want to be in that I Europe that even approaches that dlers wa�s, held, in. the Town. On, . - .. � = . Thursday ieveLiffil- of last week aud - . 1. Rawfimam roadis to febeill gra)in from any part I I ., of the West to any part of Ontario I . 0 ­­ .." ", .. ­ .- ._­;ela�- ­ . .� ,, , I . . , i -is, record and,in most of them there was well attended. W. Charles Ab- _U . "S OT - � . at a low frelght, rate, say $3.00 per- . I., .. "' .. ,­�'. 1-.. , 1.�, , I , . _. - - 'But after the war justice must be ' why.' tu Can-. i t donated a handsome cigar tray, * """ . and ,was won by Frank Weiland. @ 40 , ST ASMILEORTWO 0 toa. That would, Ve $12AD freight for, . . a 40 -ton car i6f w(heat, barley or 11 , V,J,.'.'� , , _ , I -ineted out., .Some repression must be 1.!, ada still has a bibundless supply of ,it Prof.. Curtis rendered several 'sielec- , -' - . ", . ' __ ts. The nrembem Of. the Govern- I . I . , . '.., I I , I � R�;7 , � I :, 11� �. � . . , ., put upon the German people, but the . . I pou " g , good pork and good ' I tious on the violin. I . . , .. . ' -e added to Sea- The following 'ai Vie schooll roical was one mass of I. ­ - - 1-11--_ . �'. , . Small Girl- "You know th e- .o.3.1 -d that thw ment knew a ,month ago I I wes't.had a larg.ei erbv and that here, . _ . , ... ,. . ...'n� I.. ;..... �1_ �, rea I repression,must be put upon the try on -hand, and if. reports fro�/ fio rth's bloinor roll: Pte. G. Gordon, Pte. draughts, and. little Freddie was at- ' vase, Mu�nny, ., y-,,zt. Yr,u said had been ,, East ,our ,grain,, was all grow-I in t1be . --b, ,­ �, I ! ,I I", . 1. thousands of Nazi leaders, who ' I-, - �glti�ultural districts are true, Can S. M. Gauldi, Pte. W. Harvey Gauld, ways''catching cold. His mother was Gunner Hugh A. McKay, Ple. Percy handed, down , from. generation to " e 8took, - Ing in th . Wheat at 45c per buishel will be, !,�:; I 1. � ". 1. ,,� I . 'th bate. have filled th�ir followers wi. ad ould gladly Supply other coun- , not too _p�eiased with this,- state of af- W. Vann,e;r, Pte. Joseph -Haycock and -ia,irs, and, 4,ecidied, to write too Fr6d- generia,tion?" . . Mother: "Yoo." , - . . $15 per jtoa� barley at 24c per bu5hel* . ..., k1,1111 , .. T"i", "4:1 I I � . .- � . " How would it do to, �amn these - . t les ut oftheir abuhdant surplus— Corporal Earl Rosts. die's, teacher. Mr. � Mm James L. Grieve have "Dear 'Small- Girl: "Well, thds� generation . will be $1, 18c' per, I ' � � bus Vver ton; -oats at .1 'h!el will be around $10 der bon. . . M.- . . . I'll, � " .'', . . ,f azi --,3--- n , I s,� f �ol_ � thousands, of N I Va er a at -price, of course. - . and T,eadher,!, ,she wirobe, ."will .moved to Dublin. : you let Freddite sit in a 1�lace that has d1rogRed It.,, . I � . . . I * Wheat would cost the peoplq�� in On— . . I ,,, , ,_ - .. I ­."i"'i. - . life-,Qf h ,-\' labour help- lowers to a aid , I Meanwhile' Canadians can go I ' Miss, Lulu Doherty, of Egmiondville, is not draughty?" Daphre: "I think teacher must taxio- -1; bar- . ,at thei station $18 per t1a, ley would cost $13' per ton;' oats . 11 .... �,,�,, . 1. L. � ­. I -­�.---: . .1. . . ing-to--Tebuild -thes "_xitiA homes -, I � ­ . - alongconsuMing their own meats as attended the nunses' ,graduation exel" To which the" teacher replied: . . ej�,-esi at GodieTich hospital, "Dear Madam, wheul I find a Place like me, you knowli" . . Dcrie: - "Oh, why's,that?" , would coist $1$ Per ton. . Tho feedlL i is � I . . I 1"'.'' . ­ __ . - � and. cities- they have destroyed ? I . . fair as.thei�r:ai�p�b.'.�tes—xiH-perm-it It . Mr. W. ., G. Charleswort. h, who ha's in this school that isn't draiukhty,.Tm. -agent Daphne: "Sihe's ,always Du,ttizlg I would bi it right from.l.the farmers, . in the West .and, vo ,peiwon, to., get.it ,..,;i��.. . �, , , 1 1. � I ,Plenty of work,, but no pay, other . . . � ' I is solid and healthfill food, strengthiiii. for the luterna- � been - gtneifQ�__ going to sit there 33ibyself." tiomi Harvester Company; � Seafdrth,. , 0 . kisise�s against my i�umsi.111 - * but the be-nefide feeders, �,.­. ­ , , .. 11'1,� , � I ..'.. I than plenty of wholesome food. , � g . ening and muscle buildin , and much ed to MItchell anddlas' ' '.r , I . I hag been TeMOV - Tear -bel'..' -'�,Every,4,ay we should, do 'charge _. as _., .that's- sin P"' senger: - ,'Tiah- Hook - Let us get the grain from the West 11 ­­ rolling idlown to the Eta$t- The peoPle 11 ., I I 1. - 11 : 11 � , . "" Condemn them to work'day after more - palatable than spinach, o cab- r been given of tl�e bnanoh- at least One 'thing we dislike." t here. ­­ I . . bble: Everyin, light Do "I da, MIss. cidd, name fo-,f1E--9tatioi ' Why do'th . I I eY it . � . -V111 buy­fms and tops of in Ointitarib I . - _111 , " .. .. � I I � ��w,�­. . 1��.', I day and year after year, in � the site . bage or turnips, or even do' for that " � . I 9'. I .;,,I-,� . I , ib I , '' I 90 to hed and, every morning, I get call that?" -,, I Conductox: "Because it's the end 111f thd grain in ther,West. We JOI�Iow -at there are lots� of farmers. who cannot .... I'll ­ ' � . ; "�'�,�'; k.ii� .... .. .. � of Al 'men who knew why they' were � Q� matter. - , . From The Huron Expositor up!" � . 1. I *the line." . � I . handile a ca�110.ad, but. 'fouf or five . , ,_­" I ... �­ . . 1.-.-.1 . . . � I . . I November 28, 1890 . I I I I � . I farmers, could club together. . I . I . ".. ., � . , "I S ervihig their sentence would seem. 1. 11 . I I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � Mr. Peter McEwan, of Leadbary, , J I IIIIIIIIIIWIIII � . Fifth place, it will help the'poultr5r 1. i.11.1 �� , 1i -'i " . . . . I n to be -a fitting justice, and we do ot. ,- . I 0 1 . � � . . returned from his thunting ,expedition in the Parry Somd district on Tuesi­* RA F W kes . I . -pen, HitlerFroni 31" the dairy meni, the hog men aurl � _ I th le men to supply. maie'-foo-l- 1, � - c' ' I " . I r i� 11 know of anything else that would. . � � % . 0 4, 0 a . .. . I , Re succeeded in -capturing five .! I k stuffs to help win the, war. Than - ,_ %­­ . ":, �1"` , ....'�,;�;,% .. . I . . . I . I . I I .. . . . � � Orze� Weather Prediction . . I . . ,day. I . . . .) , fine dieer. I . . 1. __11 � 0 I v Mr. David Metouniell, Hibbert, 'o f" C A Dreqtm Ing you, Mr. P -di -tor, for your,taluable . 11 . 1 4 1 . s'pace- , ..., . � - I . , 0 - I - . .1 . .-' of I. U onq est I .- MATT. ARMSTRONG .. . 11.� . , � "I F 1. i ­,".,�- I I I --I . I . . L. � I �, � I - I I . � Weather 'predictio�i's am not' up-.- -ay for Del -or- , I I - left Seafortip on Tuesd � , , I Mailitoba. He will be gone five 1# . ) aine, (By Warren Irvin) I , I . R , R. 1, Londesiboro, I I , . I -, I . I . ". 11. I . . I I .. .. I -Dapliaht Saving Time . ' ' m Ut We ' . com on at this time o� year,, bf . I I . I . , I I Or zdx months. I I . Hannah, 'a Rur- I 11 . . . .. .. Huron ocunty, - I ­ .. I L . . Nov. �1.3, 1940'. I . . . ­'. . -1. , . ­ � I., . . . I I �..". � 11. notice that a Chicago man has out- I former Mr. Sam and I te, iis now extensively engag- ... I � .. . 1. � I -11'.. 0 . . p-1. ,� � I � �, ­ ­ ­­ I . . . 1. . I. 11� ` + A 11' 4-'k ..; A�A M V-1movelif.- 4 who Mr. Irvin., noted Amerleall writ-` . -A ia f-rilnin- near Gri --ld, 'Kan - o The, e recent ral , is . bject of th' dis . � � . I � I yi�I - " I& - ,� I I 1 -�, . �41,,,'�;�: - 11 . - - I A.uumberorthe.smalle-rci esanct..., I I ­ . . larger towns hav6 recently �een urg- . 0 allwl�_ a V �_ 0. 0 JJ tloh is: "Warmer with le;ss rain for I . I I . , writing to a friend in town sta,ys. that � jhe: bad 550 acres crop tb!;9 . mad uroadeaster, and, fOT thirl teen ,Years- a staff i6orre�p6nd6nt 'New fairly obvious. The.n_- appeal -s to. be no question ibut that.,they "were de -1 'to � ., ikL,:""�� 1 , 1, - . t�,Q " Dgminion Government t M . 9 - 0 . . . . J, 2P . . the next sixty,five years. under . year from whioh he 'had 18,000-,bugih . . - on' the York Times, spent , the , first eight mon,ths of the war 1 sig - -ned, ft�el - out the strength of lic -e the Brit ,ih d fences,; '.to find, Jf pos- la, I. , �. . �,�, Z,��,',,,� im,q make -daylight saving time a nation- . I That �10'vers quite a bit of ground- ' - els of ,grain, 13,000 of whi h was . �heat_ It took four vteian� threshers in Berlin as'a.ft, obs'erver. . .. . 11- �_ sible' a weak spot' whiely I could be K, _ I'F��, 1. I . al regulation in order to cut -the con- And, apparently, quite a bit of ' ' ,ibree *ee.ks steqdy to thtnegh out his I . The" amazing succes.�s of the Royal m e he fibeal Point of attack. Had such a spot-'lieen detected, mass as- ,Wp" M, A "I ffl�,' . , .sumption of electrical power f or ground outside of'Ontario and even � . � cilap. On Satunduy morn&ng last the cdti- Air Force in snla�,hing the. rai& on ,not itted, Eiau.lts, A'�Ith thousands of ,planes par- I . "."', - �'., . ordinary ' oses du�ing the war. ' ' the Western Provinces. At least this zens ,of Brussols were aroused from Britain, shouldi be per to mll)'he war engender over-collfidencei. ticipa tdng i probably would have, fol- - have � ��!:" ,�!" purp 4- -0 " +-- � 1, 11 A A � li, their slumbers about 5ZO a.m. by the :; �,, 4 .11 joweid; an�ld would ei b en accom-! " .. T .Va.L V 4.1 I V an a all 0 av- . in e a r as! ni yet been won. vuh- panded Uy 141vaisdione, from sea and air I �� . I 121v, 'The scheme may have its merits, . - n9ing -of -tb,e fire bell. 3115- 00le, Of e,, a,a m,,, 1-n-tensive raids, are ail-' ju, the best "blitz" "hioni known to .. '4��i. . ' n 1!1141�' . !ng about the wette�t, coldest season lbe Amer -jean, Hotel, Rliscovered the A CANADIAN NETHERLAND,19 ��' . ,��,:; but we doubt very much if the berie- I ' - , . most sure ,to folkpw. Germany's. air German technique. ��, _,��. it has- ever had � while we notice that kitchen on fire and sent in an alarm. 'lossee though.corsiderable, have not Burt 'with each passing day, the like- . REGIMENT . . -its to the. prosecution �of -the war P The fire, soon, spiread to. A. R. 134nith's miatenia-117 reidifeed the. streagth of 11hood, of such an, invasion becomes It Is officially auhounced that Col. I , .i,!� f ' . ­ . 11 . .�(71�� 7!___. . the thermometer in many parts of, store and to, A. Strachan's store and -heT aViation. ,%he still has. vast re- more and, ,more jmp�obaible, By I tbe I -Ton, J. L. RaleLion, Minister of - ��;,­% would �offse,t its diaa&�antages, and I . I— . I , A,, even its injurious effects on, the daily the West has been quite stationary, thence to J. G. S4eoei .serves; and,, -when an oppoirturae me- Autumn it may be too late; ,by Spring Defengg, has, av� oved 'tbie' proposal : &i-.'. � � .. ­ r I . ... V_ W. Xrlchi 4!as. sold his, farm . mieut arrives, can., 5e; ,*ipect-ed to it may .be ,impossible: . 'Ito raise a Nietberijanidl�,,Iufaintry Bati­ � &L . -the r,"Iti- , a w .0 -f or the Sih concession, -of ffliZett, neanr th ,in jilto balantee With , � . ' iarly t twenty degrees belo ' zer -aircraft- Production, -has not 1. tallon in i0ap4dA Eg,�;,,, �' - life of the communities, p4articu . ,7 .�, I . some time. I Kinburn, to John McGlv-goli, fur now Getmani _-_,a�t thik exPeasTe ef . I I ... .... ­ - - - h 'gk'S, I � th�i` utteir dilisregard ,for Planes and meni. only reached� its. pealt; .It Is undler the� NetherlanAs Golvernment, W osei "I ---L-. ��,�n, , 11 in. the * country. districts. sum of $5,150. This farm has 100 911ke. That I . . . g"I"', . . is, the German, method.' foimeid draught. All available Work- headquarters, t present in, Enfg�- I , 5,i�", . However , it is nice to know that is a ,:;, acres and has, on it a comfortabI4 � . �,',!,� Daylight saving time on the farm But, at th,e slafnie time, there can ers are be4ng e1nP,10yedL !an d. There -are more than, 150,0001 . 4,k' - the worst is almost over and that for . brick thouse, large bank barn with be no doubt as to the'implartance, of True, Germany now ,has at her people of Netherlandis oiigin bi Can— �,I�-". , - during the summer months is not ' tone stabling. F ...... !": * L pl= L a, that. is, on the fabbieTIsi, side on-- . �. A" � ;6erpliWu'g at Dunkirk, DnitiIsh es and, Britis,h France. But she ha.�n,t t ' r,��,! . the next sixty-fivib yeArS L things are " the R.A.F."g. aollievement. Here, - as disposal the atrcraft factories., of aid workable except by blacing the far- . Mi. H. Shofer, the en he, men to 1Y, so there( Iis; a good dealm-ore, Neta, J'��,�� - L . going to be much better. We only pork dealer of KJ�V,pm, ship -ped 'a car pilots again have dmonsvtrated' their operate tbem, u,nies,s she us ;.� .1 '. �..F".' " L . , � . 11 �:*111 , ap . es, Frencb, 46r1ands blood then thlait in the Domin- , , kl 1: � . mer under a, severe handic" t and ho'e-that this warm, dry period has laid of lire hiogsi last week, the total superiority - 'a superiority. whiell Workers, arid? that can o . I . ',,;,' p ady he dione Ion.. I . I , . "',., daylight saving timo during the fall � Weight of on�e of the cars (single should become -more end morie mark- at the risik of sabotage. , The Story of: the Netherlands is too. ..., 1%, �l' arrived before this reaches our read-' d0ii beting exactly 18,900 pounds. ed, as th. war P r is � ', , ."; and winter months would not better . � I , irog, e 4 . , , I diDn't, know exactlT how many 1=910 telli blere,,but theTe have beem �.., � -what migrit ,have been a very ser- . ��. I ... ... I - ers. . I I . Not only hame they rendered inval- Vallet tile Germams have, Officl�iis One or two lucdd�llts: in the history ,of . � �; I . , . I I'll ,=­ coliditiong, even if it did not make' , Jous accident 'befell, Mr. Robert Peem- uable service in restaring British of the Pro ,aganda Millietry aesured tbat brave . 'i, .­ ,.�,�'. . I'-- 11 People, whicill, have, . . .. "". ,,, .*ig, Leadbury� one evening last week. ,� _ .- . � p � ,,%�,'��' . them worse -for the farmer and his 0 . prestige in the eyeg) of the world ; me they.-iihad, 200,00 at theL beginning hrougbt them olosle .a .� a , 4 , . . I . le returning. Mane with a team they have also dealt � I I to us all, nd p r- , , I �� I t";. I I . . aniobber blow to of th Ai,� 1, - family. t . . e war. That, I tbink, is, an ex� allel some Of the events Tillich diare. , - lk�%�'JL " I . . =h were attached to a buggy he. German, marial,e, That morale, al, a be 16CCU'r I ���,,Y�-ii.' I g,geration,. ky - guia , . . 1�k��""-. , , onir for a ide. nd 20r,00'0,' .including commercial Nothing .I.& known of. the original, f, �,,' . As it is, ' only a very small propor- Some Canadian's Havp, Money overtook a number of #chool children 'ready at the 1917 level, is likely to aroll 9B would red this year. I N,�ifq�%,, . , . " 1. and took them N Being be oneJof"the deciding fae'to,rg, in the craft and training planes. '. ,,�i-� tion of homes in tural districts are, . . � icTowded, the fell, out betwe,an the prosent, war, But even, Inhabitants, but about 150 years be- �Iki "?, �, � thell' I doubt If -the number of first. fore the 0brisitian gria, the Batarians ;,M,j' ". _ . consumers -of electrical energy. Un- V&,eel%, the lines; 'becoming entangled !','��,, r.- I St#tisties released 'in Ottawa a ItAs for this reasorn that I believe linhei'German, wa lauej J�', , I ' and the blorses: started ito back upi, VP exceeds, 6,000, came out of Hesse and siettlerl be- . �,.,5��,.-"4 shorf time ago, show that in the mininting th6 wheels ever Me head aa the 'most impiOrtaMt ,result of the work Germany's Lost Machines tween. the -Rhinie amid the Waill wlitile I j��',�i,:,�� , I der such eircumstanceg the change !�F,;,�-!'�� , of ,the Royal Aiv Force in, the recent . 1"4 M In . ' t�,"O;,�,.�,,�- . -to daylight time would not increase ' ' eight-month period ending Augus trampling bam underfoot. . I the Firleians o0i the counti- . �, �,, " �� til A. MAReth, of Kippen, put bhe fin- raids, on BAtaln, has, been Iftsieffect Proan reliable German sources I ,north of the Rhdnei toi the Elbe. They upon Gern�am p4ains for the invasion- k1n`Ow t1lat about 600 German planes were a faithful, open,.he,Wrted, chaste " . ��1�1�6'�4""_ urposes, while 1940, cheques were cashed by the fishing touch on. Mr. MeMoriddie's' a -no of E16gland. Many..peoplie, I -know, W16re. destroyed in tbo pollTvIl cam� and,hosipliable Peoi as, *,well as very, I 6"�,, I I � , , 1,;Wk,.�� � ­ I do I �,�-_Tl, I at the same time it would so change . , chartered ba�ks of Canada against bank biairns, last week, amid Mr. Chara- 11j, I no . ��,�'ml':!, , . -1 -th-e routine "'of life on the farm that t -beli,ev,e that Hitler intends, or ev- Paign. ' Losses in Norway probably *arlike and bmve. The Batavi be-. lo, �.�; I%. lers has about, eMpileted his ,ne . 4,,M:.,� ... , individual accounts, ­'amountinL� to -' er Intended, to invade Great Britain. did not exceed 20,6, a, d y ve ,01�&tll- ­ . I me he 10,81MO iMnous volluinbeeir soldlers in . � �,,;,,�,�,,,_.i.� barU and dwelling houso. . ,,,�,,��v, new. adjustments would have to be $22,082,000,000, as compa of seeorth, and es- I do, not share this view. Eight -been considerably les% They �. �- ,,,�,,.`�,,,%,- . In Holland'. the iarmlies, of Sultag Meser, iil,�,,5��S,:�,,,�,� I made, Andthese adjustments would tal Oi $19.900,000,000.for the previous. ., Pecial-ly those who arie in 'the Mouth-$ 'Of wartime experience in Beligiu�n. aod Fmace-11110tudilift-9 the weire. mainly cavalry. .1.1 i�,"i�";,�� habit GeirmSAT have '10onvilaced me' that action -at Dun 41A.�"�" - ";, ,,, . of'- doing busduesa at, the Canadian I kirk -the, Giermoihs.%,m� ' Towavdsl the close of the third, ce-ft- , . ­';"� sly interfe , when the Nazis boasted they "Uld have, lost anothev I 5 , _X.,� seriou re �vith family,life year. Bank. of cominiieroe will' -regret to , 00; and I believe tury began the inircWts, of the..Franks, I - �, , . I .1 1 "', " I . ' � . :1 I '.X � ,. � ,�� , . I be hi Lomdon by August 15th they tbedr loss!es, In and' around the Brdt' fONOW16A by I '", �i�,�, '' and, ,perhaps, seriously interfere with We -talk very glibly, of course learn tiliat Mr. .rohn AlTd. wbo for fully expected. to be. . 181h Isles Mum, the start of the , fi.e Saxons and other '!__!:V' " . War, r"Pls end' tn the flifth, century the , � " . the pasit two y4wsi haig been . .qm- Atother winter of war Is not a are 8161nevirheire in tbe neighborhood Batlavi, . ­'.:� ,.11�, mily- health ia� well. about billiolis but thdse figures � ager here,7,'18 aboi to be moved -to pleaAnig pr.ospeot ,fot., the GernmyN of 1,300. � had Oea'Sdd to ex . Is't as, a dds- � "", the, fa i . �LLLI � ... �', " I . f ,� , :. 4, �11 ,",� ]­� . , ti 'hith - ' � It mifsf be remember6d that would indicate very clearly that' Toronto, where he fts, been appoint- . , netpeople. At the emd 4 the ei 0 . Vi�, ;�I�L"!�' . . ed to, the assWam managership of People. Memorlev of thie l"t Winter so.far as the planes are COUIDOMAK `c"tutT 614 the 114OW 06idntrfes ,bad :: ' ' !� .. I., . schools in th,e countiydre not next - there must be quit6a few of our are still too 6esh in their milinds ; these, losisies, while considera ­ , ''.111 ', " " �;, ol "L ' , � , ' . the TWobto agenicy. Hits: successor MemOrtes lot hunger aud haitidshl,�, of not Inecestartly sealious blie, are submitted to Charleimhg�io, who built '' 11, .&)orloi the homes as th6y are in the - eld'ven'million population wh' ha.00 here, Is, Min MOMS, . Thev., may a Palac�,af Xywegien,oa�t4e, Was;1i, ',; , , ,�,4,,,� . I . I �f 0 privation, poverty andi, suff�Wng4 'of have bee -con, In, 1834 the je-ouniti7 .of planderg 4 '� ' , W,'W­s, 11 ,'��­:,� , � , 00 A , neon in our Canadian .th 16dgo� isbilvering thousiadW(s F U­C61nVenvated, by new '- 1, L I , , n � � . , , - .!, I i , bt, U 1-mbn for, coun- . money deposits' * I The nVmbers, of Seafor the vobrer r,tru"'61m, But the pilots are, not so "Opsod. , , I , I , �, � ... . : "; T � I ify � � ,' L' al Acelent blider iof:'Vnited Workmiea, throilgh maftlago, to the , " ""� 1:� , . , ,� .�. , . '�,O, I& ...., '%f vL �, I �, ( �14�. 1- " �"to * k a � mile two banks. . -advatitage -visit from Mr. ties orowding in- ea -SHY ireplacpd, as the plisnei,4, That b;6 - i6f - whdie grandson .�' . frei � . .. took,, 0ectiolle lot the btj'e,lrrom� 13urgantTy , , �;� �;�� , � 9; 't , -1 tions In an, erwirt to get is.anotiller matter. , - �":� ,i,�� , , . I INA,:," Y., ''. 11 -ool. Thii'means � I -tolln' Milue Grand, Mamter Woftman to rallwaT ets' . philip, the 0004, ;;b��& -it hil's special . ; , , ,6 , . . " - _ �,��,,�5,,,,�,,�J;":, ,� , . 61'asch It is nice to learn too, -thAt bank . vftrm. Germatily ,is none, too 'Well. supplied, lift,ewok �to Om tile Ridtfili, _jnto a . '�,�,��'.,"�i',Ii,���'4��:i�,.,�;�� , ., , ,� .. ­ , ­ on *eoday evebing to totid-er him, ; ­ . , , , �1,', I , . - I .plu, � I,, ,, ­ ,il. ,%, � . � I . . . dibu# 7 � li�;�,',11�i(, , 11h, - A , * ')'ils now tnust UcolAnts, are on the increase, because if Ga�rmmv hopes 6- win this war -with �Pjlioto;,-fighter ,th0p,�-f 696: " 1, , ,­.# .�,,w.'L i ­,,­ I , .� 11 � -t Namur, .����""'I�"',�,"'���:':�'��'1';:�, � ,,,.:i�� � " _ I oonx%tnientary reit�6ptloft Full,V, Me- Pilots 131) P&rticu- P0W6tfUl'kIM#d1O)h fte, b&*,b " . . 6'61ock or �6-� Government expenditures are run. bA-If of thiose, priosent; Wlere ladi6.9 ancl Od' for .tllil inhegrited l3r4114111t and LimbuTg -nit, '�" .- ,.,,, , 0 , , . - � �,�,,L�q� �,,��,,,'., ­ �,'hy, -610f -0 must eoinfiuor Britain, qufioltt� 116r. VoUng men are need "�;L�,� 11 L , - �"., , " ."MM , ,: , . , , 1 fill W, �­`� 6, I I 1. I ? "' 'J ­' - � "! 6, ­­ ,,, a I ;""",,.",,i��;"�,,�':�""; '., " I , 11 "'4'p ,, *( '. I � � . I � a , numbft 16f woftris, frow waton mid 06IM80*17. � DUt how. she �can Work; but yoiung Nails- doWt make forced . 19cob& 'of 13ava4g, to resign . I I ", , . � . , i ,, - I, �, . . � � I ,,�­:LO­­­ 1". ._..'_',,Z_,:,� ,, ., � i6m, - s600ls . ning i 1111olis per a 41e, priegent Mr. 006; patt*r. itivus, re, . even the best pilbts,' they bav,6 b,&�,yj too '�'�',%�. , ' , �.1"��l".4�,L!,�,���'.7��.,����'��,�'I , `1 , ,h. , " I& 16� fe theik into the b . * Wge W( 4titera-pt to do, so; how �,gho oft M11afild Md '2eelag�&,; - CbEtrl%.& V. of , L,;�,,`,­,1,, - '�,d - I., � . 1, he,,,�,;�,.�,L.Wl �'.., I 11� . , . 91miented'; thogir, I(ft(ljVA1.tTfty hitip 9DWA-go heir of tale notoo..,ot Bul, 0 , L �#!:, i , -V 40 ,. - , , ;,��i,�ll,�,�,,�'i'�,���"".��li',,�:;-,:"�.,,,�,�', , , ,.,.,n . I . g lalft Inv"1100, wifiltut raw_ ra -��j��,�'1�1,'.�� pi� I ,�, . ,;, . #- th6 . , and before veiiyi Ion " f . md. . the Nlort, '� ,�_ A I I � g Another GOV -6 the air i d& not - see, Not, do been stifted; tbie�y grg hot eftugtbIned 'gubdr, It1heliw , imiteid; h � �, :.��,��, � b- igav! A" ­ I., . .1 me dWOM VV4re giv-40 by Bev. A. 1), - 96. I 1;6#�V� `Illt.ler ' - �,W;li ,,, Wd:,`h4V'6,:,�t6. leaw, ho . AWIM,nt 16an will beasked for. That . , �.,,i::�,��!:�:,����!1"�,�,�'���,,�'��;,�;",���,��'ollti , � M ,��,,�:�F�,,,�,�'j"�'�'��:��,,�,��': a, '' . . bblat _�­'­­­ '­­�'­,� . , 0, I ut,, da0*11. "d, M"Fewria st 46eoti* Md, the; coubitry at- " , _ : . Dobw" itov - " .. I 41669. AM the to thirdribg for bhb�, OlVft AAdi'wWl,,, Utd& ifil 1,11 I I wl'-' ,:; , . � : , Roy"Al Al -t VVtics ih&, ',"v -ed ed,,d� th" Tfi9i;y Verfor,M, �1,11 ,", L I", � brI . atig jtglij t . � i i':;i, � " �-"i_ j, ""': % " 4! -00" ��"'-',��,,��,,�, , , "'a", � �6, "O"Wk, 'afta seven Will ,give these wouled-C ittgdlaliA an- . lohla 116attle aa& M,., V. AIZ,,�,&a, Wfi*d''9',re4t VM810eiritY, thrbOkh the I. ; - .1�:�'li�-.1�,,'�!���,�,,���',"�,',�'���',;�I ., , , .. ' ­ � "� �, , k", ", ' W b. Bright ad., MM (, Meg" 6111d`Mly that 00 Tmadly, 40pittie nim. 1u1Ade&bdh§d t6*b( - , S i.,P;"i,��,, I "' � I 0, 71 ", 'I, L � " !, , it no � , �� "I � � , , -64t '�, *i I * 'issue. ch6a 6a -ag " t I - 'Dr) ff�. L ,�,�,�� . �p, L ��!! ��O, j, `�Vx "W", Oilill"n in 1 1 . . "q all- ,eac61*1WoXAMW,*M03i hi�6 V) _� L:�:'�,",!.,',,��'l"�,;.���:�����!,������'r � , .� _#,�,,"01,L, 1 L ­ , -e -h. te to Wt'bh etiml ganelirmtv 4,6, 4w�� .#.ik*W ftdai,b '.44,,,i,f-:,k.h,­,� . gave - I ­­.P"� .;r _, ,�� � ii 1, othei e qjft . fin t Outild helq*� , � � 11 � I I � . AIMS �, 11 , i, � " Ift "",; W r, L",, � 'I, ' .. , Idaot "r ' t146,116::06 7 ,,_-W`,`��','­'' 0"i , ";� " �':,��::��t:,�,,.,�,�%��,:��,��,��t., �,"�q'�: q� �b , , -*""0L,;: , - , ''I 1-11 I 0, ak, F, 1, , " 'V�'.W'k` �r , , """ ','q.:':: . their individual ae0ountg,ii-or elSo , W-JUYI I # , - qyWXty 1 1 1 9. lbou'". ,. � eobiab g&ve ti, tiot* hlid: the, qaaatew ftlgls *helft Gni"M ' 644 ' I . C, ' a la 4 ' �qi On r6bifeA Vy loll6W ioJ'ju1)Wot #kflI POIJ , . _ allfto, . J". 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