HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-11-15, Page 7Sf aor to Jou H. 'Best ,r, t3ellicitar; Nota r Public 12-416 McCONIEI.L: &' HAYS --Ba>'rio'betre ,. troav ]sits. Patrick D. HecomnO11 - H. %emw Hays s I�'ORTkl, ONT. Telephone 174 S. L McLEAN 'Barrister, Solicitor, Eto. Joymt Block - Hen'sa4l, Ont. VETERINARY A. R. CAMPBELL Veterinarian • Heil'Ont.Phone 113 + P. O. Box 291 8749 -roc MEDICAL' SEAFORTH CLINIC DR. E. A. MoMASTER, M.B. Graduate of University of Toronto PAUL L BRADY, M.D. Graduate of University of Toronto The . Clinic is fully equietped with complete and modern` X-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutics 'equipment. Dr. Margaret K. Campbell, M.D., L,A.B.P., Specialist in disease in In- fants and children, will be at the Clinic last Thureday in every moan/. from 8te6p.m.\. 4 Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in diseases of tlhe ear, eye, nose and throat, will be at the. Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from. 3 ted pm. Free Well -Baby Clinic will be held ,A the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. - seat - JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and 8urgeop IN DR. H. H. ROSS' OFFICE Phone. 5-W - Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. J_Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone. 90-W - Seaforth DR. F. J. -R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University. of Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal- med and Aural' Institute,. Moorefleld's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital, London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFORTH, THIRD WED- NESDAY in each month, from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.; also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday of each month. f3 Waterloo Street South, Stratford. 12-37 AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON SPecialdst in Farm and Household Licensed in Huron and Perth Coun- ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on 658, Seaforth; R.R. 01, Brucefield. 3768-, HAROLD DALE Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in farm and household sales.. ,' Prices reasonable. For .. dates. and information, write Harold Dale,, Seaforth, . or apply at The Expositor Office. 12,47 Mrs. Roosevelt finds it difficult to avioid beteg recognized, but there are exceptions, She told the following story at a White House function; Reeentiy in a New '`York store -she gave her name and address to a elerk: "Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, White House, Washington, DC," - Phe clerk looked up into her face with the question: "Any :room ad- dress?" 044.444,44., eer -eize Sales ,Books, are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They -cast no .more than ordinary books and ai*vays give satisfaction. We are ,agents and will be pleased to quote you on any stye, or quantity mqui r . See- Yew Home Panto ROI ., M,id ,1..n' •` otFdd.eilinMdnlOue�+ Via HURON E "'OS'ITOR Sotto* Onta o CHAPTER V SYNOPSIS Audrey Swan, ndcke m'ed 'CY- gie," is the only ehdldt of a highly respected hawse trainer. His farm adjoins the estate of Judge Cas- tle. The Judge's only son; Jef- frey, 'has been Audrey's - close friend: since childhood. Now he is home to work int his father's law offlee in Parville. Audrey meets Jeff's college friend Vic - Quina; and Olive Cooper, Whom Jeff met abroad. O'l'ive is thrown from a 'horse and is reeolverintg from a -horse and is recovering from a sprained ankleat the Cas- tle homie, where Audrey visrih$ ,her. Jeff, who has been with theme, excuuee• bimselif for a moment. 'lane he 'preciouse?" Olive asked. With a light 1au'gli., "He ueininds me se of a little boy. Cygie . . ,?" "Mesa?„ . "Has Jeffrey told you about us r" Audrey Swanwas conscious of a .eurri'ous sensation, It was !alm'ost as if her heart had skipped a beat at Olive's smile ugly ,d'emsure: ",Has Jef- frey' 'tol'd you about . . . us?" "I don't believe, se, You means then . . . is it eontgratuiatd+c.ns?" Olive nodded 'anad lowered bar eyes. The admission came shylye "Yes. We're engaged." With the words, her 'hand came out and Aud- rey clasped! et firmly. "(3angratur•Latimes ! " she exclaimed cordially. "I thank it's wonderful!". "So do I," Olive admitted, with drawing her hand somewhat hastily. "I imagine Jeffrey's, bneaki'mg the tidings to his parents mow." "I'm sure they will be very 'happy for shim." "Hope so." Olive's \smiTe vanish- ed. "Of course, darling, you under - attend why, we are not making a genei°al announcement. I haven't my decree. At least, I don't think I have. Audrey .experi need another inner shock. The exploration had been so matter of fact. "I ase," she said sir pie. "Anal• -'are- you properly appalled," Olive supplemented good-naaturedty.. "It's only a matter- of form. My, :heart 'has _ beeen free for a tang time . . that is, until I met Jeffrey ov- er in Europe." • Audrey nodded: The smile on her _ace felt frozen. ' "I think marriage will be very gond for Jeffrey," his fiancee' went on complacently. "He hes • lived a lonely life, alter all. That's the trouble of uo 'ontly' children, don't you think? He reser has .had the real advantages of a .s'oci'al life of the sort we will have. I'm selfishly glad that it _isn't really necessary brim to, Work for, a hiving . . •. grub, I mean.. Clubs and srpbrts- and meeting. the:rigtht pecedle will de ,Wions dens for him. I don't believe lie is cut out to be a businese man, do to know. He kept hie eyes On Aid -1' "NO. S'he tette We E k is accar4i2r rey as he entered, closed.: the 'door to the doetor5s al dei a'" i.K after Mtn and leaned against it. } "Lorldi That's! a; '> erste ef another She !nose, went to bun with hest'' color. Why, I vase band extended in a frank gesture. 1 "And so was 1," tie! fat/der finished "Ooutgratulat'ion's,, Jeff. Lots. of them. 'grimly. ''What iss aduLl,anore to the And thrappdnesa" point, rube wisthee. #lo bea'selleeed from "Tbarkq, Clgie. Hoped you .knew. her dnitiee as socia as, pssible." Like it?" -' "Of celaese!" "Trina We • pretty swell my own a�aif" -"'"What did your mother and father t ed. 'It was Victor Quinn. "Don't tell say?" Olive asked 'abruptly. I me. Let me �gnes's It's the old "They bore up very' nicely, ' Ismoothie laimseltt!" thought. They'll be up{ shortly to I "How right you are. Oheeked welcome you into the clan:. Of at thie Village seal, , had, my supper course I . 'told -Ghent there was nloth l 11vd eveeethung. If you're not ,,gpdng ing'imminent, and' all that." He 1 to take your bath Par' a bit, bore 'turned to Audrey. "You're' the only''about coming ups?" The following Satundey, Audrey re- ceived • a telephone callt soon after dinner. When. she heard the votes' at the other• ends of the wire she laugh - one in on the dark secret." "And I shall be very" dissereet, she smilers. '"I appreciate the honor. Best of luck to you. both., I really must be going." Jeff're,y went 'down to her oar with her. "I wanted you to know first thing, Crygie!" ' the !exclaimed •boy- ishhiy, once they were out of the house. "Told Olive that you were. one of the family and if she didn't tell, you .today, I • would. I'm e' lucky guy, don't 'you think?" He was wist- fully anxious that she ,should agree with, him. . "Ard 'blow! Best of luck, Jeff. Good-bye." . Judge George.. Castle, retiring to has Iibrary after lunch, hailed his son. "A moment, Jeffrey, if you •please. "Want me, sir?" "Yes. Sit down. I wish to talk to you.. I believe as' .matters new steed, you etxpect to marry Mrs. Cooper before New Year's." "Why, yes. "That's the arrange- ment, providing . . "I am quite aware' of the proviso. Her father is Harvey- Harrison of. the Harrison' Products Oorporattion. From all a000unts, he is a very wealthy mean. A nril.libnaire several times over, I .shlould hnagine." "It v6tou1dn't surprise me." "I should judge . . . 'rather,- I am- !convinced . . .hham y u would have a low opinion, of a' man. who was content tsa live upon hie wife's barinty. Had you given the matter any s'erilous .t'hou.ght, may 1 ask?" "Why, no:".- Jeffrey- was- a little taken abaek at the !direct question. ".Of ceurrete I had always thougbt that ." "That you would be associated with me in a business! way. Sueh an arrangement was-, in my mind when I sent you to law school. You know that has always been my hope and intention'." • 'Jeffrey for tete, first time, was tempted to insinuate that his father's' emcees " ha.d not been particularly handicapped by the million -dollar dower brought him by Louise Langdo'w. He contented 'hi'm'self with "That is the matter you wish- .Go dis- cuss, sir?" . "There is , nlothing• particular . to, dis- cuss," tibe Judge retorted. In. view of a icing- vacation and your tate,! i "i wanted you to know first thing, Cygie," he exclaimed. You?" "No," Audrey. adtmittedsiewly.. "„,1 doubt if she is. But hie father's people have been lawyers for "sev- eral generations, I uaidlerstanad. • I im a gined that he would follow his father's profession lands take this place 'at least, that is what weer one hterehas always! thought," "Well, a connection with some inaportaant law firm int the city might: be an asset . . . like' Vies. Birt he vrerks dreadfully' ' +hard, and it. will take lain yeasts and years to get. any- wherel There's no point in. Jeffrey's keeping his nese to a rgmin'ditoiie." "Th+em:' you !don't plan to live heroes?" "My dtear dbild! I'm plemning mare nage, not reusing to a cotrvem't! Ooun't'ry.life a week or two at a time ie bearable, but "that's! 'enough." When Olive evoke again there was art searnest'ness in her voico that maadle it almeet sharp. "There is care tdinn:gy .,,Cy'g'la, I. want you to •undeersttred . 4 , 'lielitevet 1 really love Jeffreir." "Why, of of sou rse You dour dor .opened at that" moiftent tied Jete baht at Inf W' '111&dd; • li'elditIet 'session awr'i" he Welded r S " lean Wait a 'while. I'll be very glad to see you." Audrey ld isc'osve real that . ssibe was unexpeetledly glad to see Vic when. -he sprairg from hair cam and came hurtling up the steps, Thee} was Something re ensuring in. bas; rugged, smiling face. Victor sat down at Audrey's sid'e,' lighted ''a cigarette without offering cher one, and remat'ked: "Now start in..and• _tell me all about yourself. Everything." "Well . . . ' s'he mused, "i't'sr'-been a long time since we've ,'met, but to the best of my knowledge 'a'nd belief I've been ' nos -inhere, done, seen and heard no't'hing.. Oh, I've eaten and. slept .and tried to be a goad Girl Scout?" "E31m'rn . . .• w. That sounds in- nocent enlough, Almo t vacuous. By the way, I dropped in, at the Castle office this afternoon. t I- scarcely ex - meted to see Jeff on a half holiday, so I wasn't disappointed. The busy elderly lady bolding dawn the place told me he was put of 'town. "If 1 had seen him," Vic went on, watch- ing Audrey's face through 'half clos- ed eyes, "I was ,going to congratu- late 'hi'm." "About w a t?" Audrey wondered how he haa found out. about the .engagement. .. "Olive got her decree. Or per- haps .yeu knew it." "No, I didn't know. Then 'you assume . . "if they weren't engaged when he deft for the Coity, I'll stake my repotatiahi they are now.. I'm won- dering ' what it may do to old • Jeff. If be turns out to he the. -sort !of guv who- lets 'his, wife support him, I11 walk all the way from s'omewhe're and back for the express pleasure of kicking him!TM- Audrey P'ondered . this in silence for a moment. "I gues's they'll Mud- dle through," she decided „.carelessly. "Which is a deft way of remind- ing me that I should worry over my own affairs,"-. Vic chuckled. With' -•that, • he changed the subject and talked lightly .61 other "m.atters. "How I.'have been running qn!" lie exclaimed in .dismay" when the clock in the hall Chimled 'eleven;. "Why didn't you tell me to toddle. on long t'loa to supplant a wife, ,1 assume that you are . ready to settle down and chink of a professional ctaree'r. In that event, I am ready to arrange ' a 'purtmershlip with you. More . than that, I am willing to guarantee you a substantial inceme front the start. Doesn't that appeal to you as a fair proposition?" - `Very."' The quiet agreelment had its effect. "Now see here, toy boy." The Judge's beavy features relaxed in a frosty smile. "I' meed/ you. In fact, I need you particularly just now. You are net planning to be away long, are You?" •`Xott mean) when I.go to the city?" "I uurdetietand that you are taking Mrs. Oooper home." "I haven't planned definitely. Olive spoke as if site Is lexpocting nice to stay a few 'days, . • .,, "Wed'1, I shall have to make due allowatrces, I pressure. However, I will ask you to return as soon a& prosbti'bi'e: 141'dsls' Dodds, my ereeretartY, Is leaaviirg MO." r'Not ree1M*i Why? Not On my iia iUtt, 1 should 1210902" ago?" • 'Because „ I have' been having a goedd 'time;" Audrey anewered hon, estly. "It isn't soften. I have a chance to "sit at the feet of a • eau of the world and match pearls' of wisdom. Moth'er suggested that if _you were in town tomsiarrow ' I might ask you to have Sunday dinner with us. We u'sual'ly dIImle at one or a --lithe elites'," "I'll be here On. the stroke, Thanks, and good -night." When Victor strolled in 'at the ap- pointed hour, Audrey thought. be look- ed unusualiy attractive , in his fresh "white sunt, a rose in the lapel 'o'f his double-breasted jacket. He carried a sheaf of newspapers, under one -arm and' tee'posited them on the porch swing after greeting Oris 'hast and .fami ly. ' It was not until after dinner that Vie had ae opportunity to: speak to Audrey alone. "Say, Audrey," • he said, 'there's a release in the society news that, may interest you here we are." Ile held out an open page. "• Oh!" It It wars a twercolumrr "portrait of Olive. Over it a oaption: , "Her• Betrothal Announced." Audrey sskim-, med through the 'accam lanalti g ac- count. Mr, 'ands Mrs. Harvey Harrel- son were announcing the engagement of their daughter to Me. Jeffrey Langdon Castle. The wedding wa- se'heduled: for September. There was a mischievous twi'nkie' in' Victor's` eyes, but he Inept silent until Audrey remarked abruptly: "How *old you .li•ke to $!o far a stroll?" ' "Very much of a .good idea, I'd say. 'Mere away?" Almvoeit •iauvolwmtarily Audrey dd-- reeked their course to 'her , favorite big _tree. "I always liked! this place when I Was `a youngster," she ex- plained as tthutiy steed ort the shady! bank. "My idea of a reel time was rte come here with a good bobk sed a couple of apples." • (Continued Nett Week) r. (e• xistki A: hlgrgio d al'er Qf, 1I9 ties iia' aj l+lhricb teE. !c e 0. trollght a6 raPPallen, ,ltsetr Xs the• Caine With Mast water,, .. , 'i .+c rlF ..i . theta: Ow fie S are not d$' + f'P the- deli" crag eiteeldenleme tjhds tweets .ii ater''s Vvabaliut;-of`I9xdler.--- FEavi?Ug ntpsticetd fiioln tumie to lime_ the delicate and' antiatte Objects Made, is spare time .by one Daniel Jean - Richard, a yo.0 Mill 'loclnamdth .tot< tote tons, Ciba bre dealer takes ibis•`. wipe/tete hum to be repaired •All 'Cb4s happeiwed la the yeas 1679. The watch .was the .hest of its kind, as far as is knro'wa, .ta be soun in the Swish Jura disttrriet. The young locksmith not only suc- ceeded in this novel task, but he was so fascinated by 'the marvelous Me- chanism of the tineeptiece that he de- cided to fashicaConre far himself. His workled shim: to be acclaimed as "the founder sof the watch industry of Neuehatels. Start -of Business ' He first Lamenited and 'Made the necessary tool; adds fashioned the case, -a task which • took • nearly a year. But once his tools were made,. it took gaily Mx months more to com- plete his watch. His achievement became the talk of the district. Soon orders began to , pour` in. Realizing the immensme. possdbiiit'ies cif his newly acquired trade, Daniel Jean-R'ichand trained his brothers and neigbbarss as assistants in . his work's'hop. - Today Swiss watchmaking covers the whole 'of the Jura district from Geneva to Snthaffhausen. The chalk cliffs of the , Jura mountains! absorb. rapidly all -traces of .humidity, thus providing the olirmatic conditions which are ef .the greatest importance for the degree of Precision required by the watchmaking industry. Tech- nical schools, high schools and lab- ora'taries present on the other hand,4 the indispensable natural s�cientifrc basis. Iry order to determine fractions of seconds, as,, is, today required of good chronometers, .instruments and pelts must be capable oaf registering a thousandsth pant of a 'millimeter. But° 'this skill has been ',developed in Swi'tzez'1'awd over a .peeled of years. For .the purpose of training watch- makers and meohantics schrools were established in Geneva in 1814; in' La Oh'aux-de-Fonds in 1865; in St. Imier in --18-65; in Le Lacol!e-iu 1868;- in Bienine in 1873; ling •Porne'ntru in 1889;; also, a little later on in Fleurier and SOI eure. 'These,. Schools have been practical and theoretical courses and also give instruction ii the making of -watch- making . tools. Five year is"a-com- pleted course. During that time a student makes about 'seven watches of different types., Change in System , While a -few decades ago the ma- jority'.. of - watehma'kers worked in their own homes, tlhe, situation has ,undergone,, a complete. 'change in this respect. Today !the nunn'erous separ- ate parts -moist watches hope 'about 175 parts ---are. mannfactu'red in large quantities -in special Workshops and factories by means of highly per- fected 'instruments ef precision. s t A man guilty of poverty easily be- sieves lbiltnslelf •sus'pected;'•-Jtitnson kentelebradrerry etc tide! Only pat'+arcll18 out of whtio`h _we ifi "'e . dfyram.......: LONDON and WINGRAM- NORTH Exeter ..... . Hensall Kippen ... r Bru'cefield Clinton Londesboro Blyth Belgrave Wingham SOUTH Wingb.am 13elgrave Blyth. ' Landesboro Clinton Brucefteld Kippen • Insall Exeter A.M. 10.34 10.46 10.62 11.00 11,47 12.06 12.16 12.27 12.45 P.M. 1:50` 2.06 2.17 2.26 3.28 C.N.R. TIME TABLE 3. 3. 3.5 EAST A.M. P.M. Godferiah , 6.15 2.30 Holmesed;ile Clinton Seaiorth 6.59 St. Columban 7.05 Dublin 7.12 Mitchell 7.24 WEST Mitchell 11.06 Dublin 11.14 Seaforth 11.30 Oldnton 11.45 Gloderich ' 12.05 6.31 2,48 6.43 3.00 3.16 j 3.23 3.29 8.41, 9.28 9,36 9,47 10.00 10.25 C.P.R. TIME TABLE EAST Goderieh, Meneet McOaaw Auburn Blyth Walton McNaught 'Torek to WEST Toronto McNaught Walton Blyth A�}ubusti AYAQII N a alfe'eh P.M. 4.20 4.24 4.82 4.42 4.52 5.06 5.16 9.00 A M. 8.30 12.08 12.13 12.23 12.22, 1.2,46 12.55 leammis Now that Fall ishere everyone will have more time dor reading and what better could you read than your Thome paper which each week brings you the complete news of your district. This Special jffri. means you receive The Huron Expositor for less than two cents per week. Act -Now, use the coupon blow. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Seaforth, Ontario. I enclose 25 cents. Please enter my subscription at your Special Introductory Offer: NA VLha ft 44 r4 . . L.. ,ADDRESS -r 42111 ir if 1; tg. srn 44,4 Yi;