HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-11-15, Page 1. ,,, �*'�-it �:,�, ", . �. � . 1- , . '. �� � � . 7:,. _4., � , , !­ . �J 1�� I, I � , " . "", ��, " ", LN",�'.11111 I �Ij��q ,,,�41,� ',�-,4 �', "T ��-`,�i,:�,. i�­ ... i� ,. , "!""".� , "' 1. I' I 1: '�", ',,�,I;, ", �"'��:;;""!I, ,", �,-,, ,,,,,, �,� "I, �,,,�,� "-', , , ,�i���,.:,�',.,.'�l��,,-;�:!",���-""�l� _�!��i,� I., �� � ,- "t�!-,� -,�`,i!�`,.ti,:I'��,!, . )'', A , , ,,,��,�, , I " , " :I , 1, " ,, �,:,i!, , " 1�1 � " � � 4 ��': ,� 1. ��,:: 4��I� ,�, �k' , I - � �1­ .1 V,4 - �, ", , "I ". ,,, , __', , 1-1 , � i "; , ,-" �., �!�;;*� : ��` , 11 `� .1 ""' "', "I , _r ,�41, I1-11!:.�,� ,,,�-, -��.,,,, ��.i,.,,,��.,�,�,i".""""".i,�,,,,,',�,,,.,',..""�,�,-��,-,���.!,��-� -, " 11.0 . , ­" 1, ,�,, , . . . . . . . - � - - - _ - I, �; ,.� 'I - __ '. 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I , . , 0 . , P. . I . I j ,Wj L _�. � I , � I. - 91 , � , , , �� I I . _ , _1 ,, I . . I . - " . . �, �­ ' I I I . 11 I .I­� I N I - . I '. LL � 1. FLR . ". �, . r,� "'._."' ­­,­.., 'L "', , .. 1-11 � , "I .. �' L L . � "' " ' `�,,�,IIMI­Ir Names Officers and Be, Represented At Mun- dument of, �,'Program - Closing of Huron. County - . . I L 1F. _, '. , ''! H'Uron­ A" :�,.L!4-,'.`­�;,�-,,J, '%.�.� . I �, ,� 9 ", 11'� - -, '1113�1' I'. I - . , , t 11 1 _ , ill 11 . ��."� - 'N I . , __ .�-,_,?_ - ,,,, , 1. 1I, . . . - Well- . - �*k. - Shelter'At Goderich. . � � , " � -.�."� 11 . � .. , , ­ "'A., . � ielpal School Here At . Sab . I I � ., . , . ­3,,`,""IrL.1111 , �,,II� . C 9M, I ,�";�,,"��,,f;��,,'�,-�,,,.,,.,���,.�,�.,',..-,�, "14, . , , ". " , P", , 1. [, I I,t% ...'j.11,11"i­ , "i � !,�_�­ I I . cq��W_ 1",.�� . ,�mittees. ... Oc , I LL " I . I I . . . . I . 1 . . . . � �,� — . I . � . , , �, , ,�' 1�71 �Irl I�� �� . " . I . . . . 7 , . , � , , . I , . , . . " , L , � . I. , . , 1, , ".."; I I i �­ I nesday. . . . I Town Treasure'r D. 14. Wilson . � I , , o �� . I . . � . . I IL ! �, II, ar� M I ,:_ �,,I,',, I I , , *. HOLD ,� 1, �,5-�,.;'E ALL CRUICCH PARADE WILL _011SERVE, . received a cheillue this weejc cov- L ' `� ��`,11,.,,, , ,� I, I �`�,��`iI � . L ,e.%'% 01-1 . ''I . I . I III, I .:,., I � - . erin'g the munickpal subsidy in the - ANNITAL" lGATHERY.,-4 1.1".", ­ii,�!� I . . I I I . . I ­ - . J� . .. L I _,WQ'L' . I - . ­1� Illt�111771.�, .1 - - UNDER DEPARTMENT, ' L , ' .— ,.��"'.;���,,���..'.�",-,���",,;''L'�.I �'., i�,," ; i, . ' X *1 HURON CENTENNIAL �-.unt of $947.46. The subsidy . L I .: ,,�',,!'�,, , . Rod, Cross Annual Meeting I 1. .... A steady dowbpc " ' While _ L - - I , '. :, . , �� _ L; - ' � ; . .1 lb '�� ,a whi'c "L " � % . : "N , %r of rain, is reduced !12 milli from last year The. Plac ". 01 ,; --- =_7� . " OI T, siday ev= 'Nov .. MUNICIPAL AFFAIMS it reduced the attterldance and f ore e d , � Hurron; OuAty'.1% , ` ,i.��, � � � locipupi . . h . ­ 11511, � T, --. 7th the - ­ , when the cheque -amounted to Sky HI � , I � . S I -1 � ,r Alrvloi,t -i, " im ,, . annual pu�flc meei, g . of tiva� H.I..if - . �he abandioniment of much. of the er- I uron County COUTII meeting in $1,426.83. Council, of course, was B,,itls,b est 4u ­,,t,, a ... I,, f,,,_�_ - , _ : , ,I. ­ ,� �:.�I%, ,,,, �J , . 1, aa I 0 -h of the. Red Cross, Was held 'r I. . vite,41id,iiiot liesse4II:he sioleirmit Goderich Wednesday, iiPproved the. aware of the 'reduction and an- 'ch COMmonwealth . air, tw .%_k��,­�� IL "' - �', I I L -1, _L, "" . brgiic .. y of ", :L 0 ".. �, � 'L Whether or vot Steaforth will vote Seafort,h's aginual , closing of the s, ame Was ably diiscussed- ., " 1.11. � Nfi§i ,by '. " L . * " " " �, the Hensall Townt Hall at 8 P.M. A , #,mem,brancei'Day Child'ren's S-helter. ticipated the decrease in t he ;�=, -I ,."� . I , ". I ­ ,# L * Jack Douglas ,&f,: , Ue . . ..... �,, I t! "' I . .. I tending tibia coun- obsiervande 'On Mprt4y- - 30011t 0D1Y One child in estimates. I , Ing - `��,'�4L *. "' I � fahir number of the citidzens, were pres-. ,-- .... i . 1pra, the. question. 6f ex . I Thei�e Is Qt Pl;,L agl Director- , _1�1 , . , ent and a. very profitabe, time was .1.: I cil term from one to two years, under Planned orig.=Wly for VICIPOTIa the ,shelter and 60 children under the �.", I . . Joint ddinater,mie&-tibig :of the 1,ion4p..iind ­.I�, 1.1$111� "the Imial government ,extension- act - -­ � I � � � ,� � ��. , experienced' by ali, The chair was .. 11 .Park, tfie servicia, W,,gs transferred to suliOrVIsdoin Of the CUldiren's Aid So Legion On Ftemembrance Day., ­, . 11 . . ellest citF in- . . . - � . . 11�Nl - 1940," will dei on the int . ciety. Five extm War guests 'are, 1. . . . ,, il,�­ - , - ' the Arintourfes and. ,*as in chex,ge of . . . , . ­,',,'!�.N�tgg "' _ 11, .. 9' it,,, taken, by.the, Reeve, R. E.,Shaddick, 0 0 The annua,l event- . 11.111 ,!,�.� ,,,, "I 11 and, Mrs, R. St Moore acted as selicre- Izens take, cloi 6(�,cidked 'i M')n- Legionj Presil,deni"O.-."Ib. Ferguson, homes heire, -amid ,jiliere are 150"homes '- 1. . was . largely ''It. ., ZIrIA, . day night. CAerk WHislan, was, instiru. -, listed for littik, OvaraeaSi boys . tended by members I I I,,11. t , . I ' 1 �­� I " ,., ­ . let and. of both orgW34,ziaIe , , "' `111, .. �: �e.'.r�g ... ta�y. The -,in The Seafiort,h-_-:,_fthlanderz Band girls. whieh hale_ beeia, 'alypro"d.. .1 ttons. Guests inclutited a. eauirriber; of ' ' " ' . lteeting open,edt, with ,the ed to,ixdvertisie the, Idetails Of ther'le-g- , , . . III.,, : !, . . .. I 1. . singing of "O Canaft" Rev. Turk-: - 'L .contributed, al'nunth�r of selections, . .Owing I _' PLAN STAMF-OUT Instructors from �1'y Harbor, , . . isdation amid .to. point out that if a while the. L,q,&t P,os[t Was ­ h,S ,allgagement of a sio- . � vi*o, , 1 1 fielmer, of ZurAch, led in �'pra;Yl6r._ - I . petition beai7i4ig 57 ,par cant of the . sounded; by 041_6errice wo�ker the grading bad . I I were introdu od..by-W. L, Whyte sec- �� 1'� . . isplirdag and eiblihoartelzidnig adidivassess ' : I names, of ratepaylp-rs! in the' town was Bandni:aster E. H."Oose, TWO, min- beep raised .. . ratAry-treasuq�r..Of tibia company , I�11.11 * . . � � 11 I -ved. I. -op. �11 . . , � . utes' Gilence', was,. obI The ­`��,� . � . were given by, Rev. M. A. Hunit_of � - received by coundil requesting a vote -ker for I th, . a o I ccasilan --To a questabn put by Reeve Scott HITLER PARTY'e�ating the airport. LagIPD PPeelid.Ont. '-, 11 ­ "... I. . was Capt. _0E to why the, Chii, I . ' , I tibia. MIglican .Church, and, Rev., W. I ,then a bylaw authqr-izing a vote.woul� spea dren's Aid in ffur- . Gl�o. D. Ferguson was, c�hal 'I -_1 . I �� . Weir, ,Of tile, Presbyterian- Church. I be passed. Ats, blite, matter Dow'stands Rev. -T. P. Hussey. '. I an was, listed under Class. "C," Reeve, I duningi the evetning j rin-an," and 'p'! I , 1. , ­ � a,mes. T. Scott . , � ' L ,3fusle� in the After t4e rain had ceased -for a N. -W. TrewaRthlai, said, there were COM_, contilbuted, two excellent stolos. L '', I - I form ,of sol(is' 'and trim councill. elected ueXt'Jarivary will . War'Savings St'amp . I ­ , . ... - ' ' .: ,:?� -, , , . - lly . ew-=t Organizations varioug,,reasions., It is h'aing adjv,5, I" � . I was presented by, mrs. Jas� Bouthron, ­ 11 . be wutomaticb. in office for .,two short time thid' diff " - t,�, -M I . .4c, in .-been -am-unaess.in the,meantime. coun- d: in ola j�� The report of the frolic 0 - . I ,. , Gordc represent& .. arade proceeded cated- that Shelters'should e. , I , . �� "': 4 1 T. J. * She;rFritt, Sam Rennie' ,Mrs.' M 0 ha's ., , mittee Arranges Event ommittee -111 . Fowlpr, wh ye I b: c losed . , �,�:�,� . �J ft �,I_. , ��. Dongiall, Mrs. Andrew, Do�ugall ,a4id elected President - of k" -h& ths from 'When the guest childtivu come ou�..A � I, � 11 the Huron cil provides for a vote ,on 1:49 ques- to Victoria Par 7 , e wrea I Was presented to tble . ­ i I � meeting by . :1,".. I . . . . tier daughter, Margaret. The presi- County Junior A`�soclition of to- tion' at the coming elsictionst. the Prorance of On�ario, the local is not wisV�d that they go to ohel- 'For November 22. Chairnian, C. M. Smith and, showed . fX11 � ` . - 1. di- . v. - iEL ,&. �Onto for the -forthcoming year. Members of thle counicil discussed br,4111clh Of the �JagfOiir, the Town of ters. Placing them, and all children . . I ""', � . , . . mt of ,the locAl brWh, Re. I I I . ,,net propt-, OT $1,'748,98, less $38-44 I., �,,,,. 11 "" . I I 'I, I � � ,_t 1. I . . . Brook, expressed thank�s. to all who i A former -resident of Kippen, he, the matter ,thoroughly end. were of :Seaforth and the ,V,ppicipalitiies of in, homes, is) more desiii,able. . given the lf�d Cross' and represt ::.!..� I ._ '' To assist i promoting ti-te, .s ,6at- - . I to, make t.he yeays work received his early, education at -the opinion. that if' there Were not 5 MoKilllop� and Tuckleiiismith Were- de- I It. was pointed clut ,that the cost of .0 . ale of iing the profit ,on th;& Red, Cross .. !,"'. � . ,:::: I *, , war savialigis .stamps and.. cer ' 'bopth. ­ L " �' , 1. I lad helped . . per cen posited o ' .tifi-cates . . ­ .., " I . r. 031itfinent. boarding the childree in homesi ' .... - ,L or about , . I .... I . . 41 I ,. " lly . Exeter and is a graduate ,of the .65 ratepayers in- -a the in IS. ' ' . . . I;;, � , . . such a euccesig. -The work had rea tierestedi enough, in, Whether tibia ocuri- Members of the I"I Legion ID' materially .less than, that of the sihel- the lacal C-0-111-Mittee, II arranged � . President J. A. Stewtart of the LI . . ... 1�.�, I been twofold, financial effort an! School of Architecture, Univers- . ,CDs , A-11 - , . Stamp -out Hitler Party to be held on Club Ile - � �-Z ' ' __ - - . Aefizite, Mbbr in making articles, of ity of T'.0ronto'. - I . c1,I sat -oine.. on two yearrs, * then the Companly. of the Middle'slax-Hurou'Rieg- i,er. The salary of the social service xtended a welcome to the ,. .�, . giy . ,rdno's Haij here, cu Friday even- Legiion' guests on, behalf f � , ".r. , � .1.1 Ca 11 clothing and, comfort for lbose,filL ME . I ccist of taking a vote would be a,u�e- 1!mjent, ,accompanied' by their? corn, worker is -being paid -thd's pear, and, O, the club. ,iII:g � . I . I less wa'ste Of motiely"', I., , ,.R idlidiren's tiag, Nov.. 22nd. I . . � ,!,%, , Majesty's service. ,Speciiali thanks - . I mardling officersi and, the ' Seaforth up -to June of next, lout of 01 .1 ;�,l , I The Pro -grain will! include vande. Mr. Douglas, who is, in c " , i�,,40 ..." dtivi,ne Aid Society Trust Funds. ha -L .. -, J. J. Cluff presided. and all Hightlanders Band! lattiended �� , - - rge of' �.,t'; . - ... I was extended to the offic"s andi � members were present except Goun- service in First Pre lan Church ... Mira- D_ E. Campbell, �oif I.O.D.E., V'll;e' rurnbeirs by kitchener tale- rit the operation of SkT 11arbor Traincag � I �,g;, . ., X4 . . conveners ot committees for their s1byter whil,ch have been well, recelygd, in School, told- the mee,ting c ',`�,.',i:� I .. t,0�4 all te MR., MRSO E. HUNT cil'41210'2pi. A., Reid and Chas. Hulimes, on, Sunday mo!rmilng- whier, the' milrii,I and cJiairman, of the Empire Service if the set- -, -1 . - who I .- I . Ma other centres. Following the eqncet-t up under which, ,..the, . NZ, . Operation and, loyalty,.and are tin'the north. oD a hudting ter. Re'r, Hugh �-"i, Welcomed the Club witilch, is being operated ia c- elementary . ',�,-.. ,4 . - ' 1: ... . irad in any way promoted, the.work . . .1 "I"' , A . . I trip. , Kay Hall, appeared, before 00unci,l to ,there will be a darlice with music by � schools operate and ho* they came, ' .. .." "�' visitors"'and preached ail a . aPPropriate I.?" . ,of the organizatiba during the year. ' MARRIED 50 YEARS "'T"he report of, -the, firiance commi ask for a diDmation towards, the pur- J611.ry HeimaS4 11 -piece ordhesti,a of to be Uniclar civilian management. . ..�'..�_- '� I I I .11; . t- amid inspil-ring sermdV, After tbe'),clos- ,, I I ". ," A compireh,anslive statement of the . � tee was ,prelsenlied by Courr:,�hllcir J. E. ing, hymn the Nationa chase of a refrigerator, valued at Kitchener. . . ��',,I'l I � . w4oik of the finance ,-committee was, . I - __ I Anithem was ' _' his address I I 1, L" . - - Keating and adopted by council., sung and Last Post anct Reveddle M5. . IThe progr)am is, in charge of the At tibia conclusion of I ..I. �1111, � ven by,Wilhapi- WvIdsion, chairman Well Known McKillop Cour die ;Dr. J. A. MU -I moved a Vote of ,� L:'.' .. . 91 . - CorresPoinidleacle included a letter sounded by Baadmiaaiier E. H. 01,cise'. After some discussion the riecom- trLct -;ir savings committee, of I . I . �Il, i . � thanks. I - 1.�'Y,, . I V to MU mendatlion of the Legislative Com- ­hich P� V. Wilson of Kitchener, i.s I .41,1�i 1, of the committee. In, a -few well-choo- ple, Receive. Congratu- from the Bell Te,lephonie N., relating S 1tabl Sic W" raniderei:17 by the mlittee to -endorse a resolution, asking ChaArMUIL Othi6tr �rra,ngierrliants, are ' � . . . .1, en words, he s I 11ricefely. thankedi the to thib future Installation Of dial chotr. '.. - 11�,��V , o- lations Fro . —4111— : �:N,�, . f � eltizens f r, their Iiiberal �personal '. m Friends... ' phones, and suggesting that if co -un- . legislation, to pierrind-t conscription- of beirg looked after -by the Seaforth I .,,,,� - %-1. '--Agi"--and, also_th*� ­ it , 5 � - . cil considered, any changes, regarding. Speaking at the service on Monday wealth, was carnied. . coiririml ttee. I . , , ,�., �� 1, , , . ablafdr-Hussey said: ' "A lot has Lap- ' Siomeo-memb ­ . s , 11. '� &. .1 - . , Froups whibli, had ,ueaped to iiii ;, 1v1_r-,,qmc­-m-vs,.- Ed'win- - Humt '-- well- _pchP_e__;or,_Ar agri calls, that this b ers expressed; the opin- AdmisLMori is 25 cents plus -one Wa I I . . � i ,If, . idents, kept in mind. i The� 0-n-bario' ­'­Silxle�l . 'overlooking ,especially the ' . -e,_W_ _ -KE- --peued� '� as"lle--bile4i - oullil create A commun- savingg ztarnp which Is ,purchased r I � Tdoney, not k�i,owzi�'McKlllcp t0wm,slhil) res isiocla- 1W et, St- I on that it w; at . . I i , )� sTilendlid spirit of . &howli ,' ", A this, cenot ph, , 6 _"� - -,-,- - rvaucratie- or- the d9ior.. . ()hildrairfs I :_ , .. " I patrilatlislin . obasm. li; -the - 50tih anniversarw - of tion of Rural MuedolpiaRties siought a "I A Yew ago today we ,is, ic one gigaizatic" buti � adimisalon ii�v-41- -_ -_ . I I � -',�., --1 .1 Er,�n seieral� jundor grloupff� ,t�ieir v�6dlding this week. , MaI on. .'renei of the tjbNvn'5 membership, -are !net. recoverin ganization runming the ec'untry." Some st-Imp �,,,,-ly. , Co.-OperatiIng th t ,a __ + ` 1 $ I. . . . g Crom the first wd h -.---, , ��., I I , ­ � November 12, '1890, the, 'anniversary but after, some discussion the matter sibock of war. We. foresaw and we favored, fiking it . -_ .- - ;,,,� .. � I - dgelped .-to. &Nreal- the total MoRey. rad, .- , � mirittee, are the SeaI Boy - . -�­.. . � -was -marked- ou - Mon -d -a -y- when- f-rienft , bare, wb�re. dark , 'Reeve J. H. Scott .predicted that a Scout., I I RED., ' -_ .. � A,.?� ", led for Red 066is Sairvioes. - . --was ta,bled- to . give ' members an foretold- then, thalt .t ; i I make, a house-ito- %f 'O" R3 0 S S : I �,_10 . . . .4 -_ I — W ho wil I , , .. . The finianeqlal statement was -then.- -a11d_xelatLves4oined- them In, ma,rking o poriMm#y t& -digest- the-&ssocigtio-Dos, and, difficult days .jhaad­- -ipitloin; ' , , I , - , , " :Ln . . .. p � And­we- -ftever - -of wealth WIN be selea; hou�qo� ��A le of - -tickets, in ,the- -livtereslii' ­ -__ , , , , . . --.110 ­__- Agiven by"th-p ... ,treasurer, H. A. LaW0rt7--thP_0*caS&on., . I annual , -report.- I - . have not been; dilsapp,olinted lir dje- There are five billlon,'doll"s in the oi this patriotic cause,. � NOTES----- -- ----: .�,n � .. . . rurser.T I �;ir Ca ada. A loan. , I I . . I . ��I� . 64113e, 'Of -tilb Bank, 15f.'Montyeal. Thig Mrs, A.Mt Was fo "11 � MISSL mcin The Department of Municipal, Af_ illU6111011MICL We blaii?JkW dawk chartlared barru! of n ., 1. ­ I -I; .,�'... II ", 1,111 I predse, is,tatement revealed that the Moxley, 4qf Guelph, daughter of the fairs discussied ita.a. letter ,the mun- days, 'our rever�w, ' -our,, dfl�appoj.ut- will likely be -launched, and a very _lP . . . I , ", - 11 I .. I sum of $3,390.90' had� been' raised by late Mr. 4�44d, Mrs. Wm. Moxley, 'Of icipal sablool, w1deti is, being,,held in men-tts,-just 'as we autdcipated. I , .large on -le next.falt If People cantiot Please hand in, all 01ripso box I ,�,, . , -!�: .. that place, and Mr. Hunt 'was a son ScatctrIth an Wednesday of ulext Week. � "Nations, N0110 Welle our friends and Isl&e their way dear to loan to the tops, Crisco habels and Camay sitiao . ..." I ...., this branich during the current year , Falls From R . "I ., � . � � -_ .1. and that a . ,balance ',of $1,200.00 wa� of the lete, Mr. and M.rsL Edward Hunt Invit,%tione 'have . been forwarded, ,to allies a yearr ago, are .,,now 'horsI goverrimlent blieir money in *the banks, 00 wrappers not later -then Friday, No- , - ,, ". � . . on hand after remittAng to) Toronto Of Exeter. The . cereiriany Was Per' 41. munliclipalfties and -it is expected coimbat.' Poland, DenWWk, Holland, "You WIN. see a c6uscribtion. of wealth.l.,' ' er I . These, may 'be II,aft at. 1_4 I ' I � I '. ,a work room . .:"� the required quota of receliptry forlbe . b* . �.: I I � I., - 1, - ,:4 . formed by'Rd�. Cassion .in SeafOrtb� that about 70"represemitativels, U114 be, Norway, Belgium, Frtanice­ali gone, 110 carry on ,the war." "Breaks Ri is or with kiss, .Ruth I ��. � National bamptelign F-Unds. . where they both, ' resided at that present. - . . leaving'13rdtain, end.- her Empire aliorie, . . Centennial, -Committee Named I .. Thompson, I i .1 .�­ v . I gor the tinia. The. bridesmaid was Mrs,. Maud . III in her spilexulid isolation, never more The Warden's Committee was ap- *'* :, �� I, � 11 W. o, Goodwin ,reported' -he ,report lot ,the finance cominit- . " I Patrick 1 Ryau, 7ith concession Gr * -III." - . . Sloan, * while -the gro6misman was the 'T I (Continued On Page 5) Th, December issue of 1,� - . . splendi . � the Cana- .. � , . derson. tee is �as follow4s, . 1� pur6lhasiing committee. He. �tressed late Frank AV d tha�, now, -to, stern the tidle, Flilbbert, had' a Darrow escape from dian Geographical J,ourmai. will �Ili , 4 � I I * , . ct J_Iunt lived, in SI 'of rutblesis aggTes,slon. ,Ax&d,, thank o- L p�'M,Ouz injurY On Tuesday whe take . ­ - the fa that the lariest, bulk of the Mr. andi. Mrs.. Joseph Storey, wages, $20.25; John il& - ' -he a,s its, main theme the a' . �`I I I God., and, thanks to British courage , , 1. tOrY of th,6 .., k, . , �; 1. material. and supplies ,had been pur- forth until 37 'years ago, whiery. tibe,y Purcell, ,wages, $16.63;' Ed. Brady, I � . fell from the roof of a barn ,on the Canadd�arr _ R * . � I 'cbft0d 'fiiom thd' Cantaigan, Red C�-cts,6 r and, chamoter, the poWeria of hell and ed C � �1 1-1 . . . . emoved to., their prevent fine farm in waiges, �14.88; Win. Venusis -wages, I of Wilbert Mehaffy. Mr. R�a,n rosis Society. ThIs . i,�� . . . . .. .. I . of" Hitler have been stopped. Stop- Hold Reception' '*'aa'-sm helpifigg should prove VeIT'interesting and, it'. . .�I�� . I headquarters, wihef�e the'l?"It9s were McKillop. . $16,88,,,.' Ja;s, Hagen,' wages," $16.63: 1 1 replace, shingles, blown - . . 1_1'�,,f _. . I isatistfacthry and the quality of the . Mr. and 'Mrs. Hunt have a family, Joseph Ueffernao, Wages, $8.50; Earl ped inkil - time will ailliow'us to ina r- ' off M. the -storm. He -is confiDed t is expected this, Red Cross, number. . ., . I 0 w . "I I . . . . shal and. muster' our fof,ce,q, to take I . OM6 With several broken ribs. � L If you *i,Sfh '. , . ��Ir� , 11 I . goiodts uniii6rin 'and. gptodL ' ..Off"'three san2; and, two daughters: Halykirk, aect,,`$1161�"-D. H. Willson, At Constance' his h- ill be in great demand I . 1Wss Ripyn,I amid, ,Mdsa F�-e re- CDffotrd%,pf`LcndoIn; Frank and Hom- salary, $58.33; A. M. .1 Rudision, sialary, t;he offensive, amd give this scourge . � � . � I - .. j . . R, copy, get in iouch With Mrs, E.. H. _41 . __,; ....... I I � . I . . 1. of God and, of mankind It's final 'ccu,li, A- ia'ceptiun was' hield . in ,the, Foi I . ; -0 .1 . .1 . . _� "ClOsta immediately, sio that e#r& Co- �� . . ported, flor. the cutting commattee. The el�� of- MdKillbp; Mrs. Glia4sion Ca,inp- $23:93,' H. Sdiell, salary,, $70; John I . I � . . . . . . . 1. , .. I . . . Ples may be' ordered� .. 1. � auriiunt of actual. work done by - this helil, of Hamilton,, and Mrs� T. W..Uc- Currie, wages, $32.50; Thos, Storey de, -griace.' resters' Haiti lr� 0onstaiii Gri , Wed- ,a _ . I I... � I I ' -A ye . . ...... I committee Was very praiseworthy, Millau, of McKillbp. , Mrs, Hunt has I . . .. .� - jar ago, we. fortilfled ourseil,�e-" ne, n-in'ld ' Lost -- -&*'* I , , "! . I zday everii(ng for Mr. and �Mrs. Geo. IOU - . W ., .­,� ­ The bo�pltal supPly''ctinlimlittlee,.report two sitsiters. I two - brothiers.. living- � (Continued up.. Page 5)' against discouragement and "despair, H6iggart, wlien a large crowd gather- The t_eg�iJl`ar­_moDtWy mr��Iug lot . " I . .. - . I �. . I �.. i� '� was pTesented by Mrs. D. G. Stder Orlando Mox,ley, Darchesite,T; Ken- by anticipating probable initial, tem young" couple bionors.; the'seaforth branch Of the Red Crog . - . . . � ____9 - ed to do the . On Jerivis""Bay s -1, . � . through the" �qeeretary, Mrs. R.. J. Deth Moxley, Galt; Mrs. Ewart, Wiq- . porary r0-versies,, but we also remind- -illilam DoI tea,il the ad- . . I Society Nva.,p I - i-eld in..Jhe Carnlegle,Ub_ � 4R ., , 4' M rs: W , ' . Moore. The sewing commi a report Dipeg, -and Misis Lou M,oxliey,, of . ed ourstelves that it' was always the I ilresis and Ros& Manii presented them , . iary an Tuesday evI . �11 ' ' We regret .. r., f; 111111111= I .. , ' , " *' . " - I . I �, �11. I I I " * I � I � 11 �11111WIKIII�PVV� 4", ', "! � � ,';I,�, I� , , � I ,',"',,i�1 ,,,,;,r , I'. L I ,J;., ''. 7 1. 11", " I o I - A.IIPIX',',.�i, -i4 .1 � � ._ . ,_Y, � �;I � , Ii�­ " 14 ", - "' 1,1" I' , - , ", 1, 4 # 1'�', 9 ""' ", 7, I".., "_�',!, " : , , k .",I ,� I I �; � , � " , , , . � _ '' I ,I I V� " "� III " I nt N. JUNIQJ3 I I ".�'.��,,', ­_ " . = was. giliven by - Mrs. Robert Patera Guelph. A brotibe'r amid two -sisters of, Storm,' Cr6ates- � last battle ,that won a war. And that ,,with a studio cou,,h, mirror and table WO'rd was ' tliat more. People do not �' ,,`�. on, . I received in Seaforth by - avail them- � . .,z -, I and, Ii told of much hai-d work in the Mr. Hunt are living, Frank Hunt, of last battle th-as' not- Yet - 6ean. fought add magazine pac.k.. The r6mainder his 69-the,17-in-law, Mr. Georgia Abel,, -'Ql'ves of b4a 1q.RpOrtunity to ,hear, I,- I -11, ' � as Seafortth; Mrs. Irwin Armstrong, Ex- iix thdis war. But it will be fought, of the evening was spent In, dancing, that Engine Room Artificer, Harry A. terestivg reports of t -be .-Red, Cross .. .. I, I sowing room at H,&rrsall, as well Shingle'' B'50m ,,i ,rk: s. K"lilig's, rePI the m- 1� in the homes: of-tbe people. Thlis in- etle, amid Mrs. Bowerman, of Callfor- - I_..... please God, Dat on the fair fields ol� Mr, and Mrs. 13+111 Dale returned J-' Moor `-, was, one of those� lost in � w -r Mr . " ." - - - . . . violved many personal contacts on the ala- . . beautiful England,, which is now t114 from visiting the formex's slister, Mrs. u of the Jervis fresher course taken in Toronto, W&§� ' -1, I .., .. . Their many friends- Will join. The Very few barns -in the, Se-afarth dis- suffering victim of bliud, bru al I.- I j4 I I RAY in islaerlificing ltsel�f to save a of special jr;terest. . . 1� I pixrt of the ,convener,' 'but the, work I . . thur BroAm-lee, at Pam -our, an Fri- . . .�: many han- trict esciaspexl Mondi,q`a stitirm wirth- discirliminste, murder and die nvoy in, mid Atlantic. I �1. ..ti�, I I . ' "posIltor in wishing them ' . _ ��t.�.,. d�,.� �. co ..". I. . I I . (Cd�tlnued o, Page, 4) - " some - I t ay: MrSL Browule-e returated with'. . . ith, . "2i ; "I : PY retuimis of ithe day. , ' 1-titit at ]vast, ,Wzrgles Iblown qff. but this War will be 'earrdedi acros� -d 'dier parents, Mr Abel resides vn hi,q .brother, � The ia-ewapapA con- " , . �� .. - I _ bern an visited Mr. ers of Britain axe . . ; . Ift". . . . I � � ­ . If I . . re h u h. Channel, acros,g the 13 -and Mrs. J. A. Dade. - I Mr. John, Abel, 4n. George Street. I .. .� . � . --t211!t1T Publis,11fing letters expressing �, . . __ . I . , " . .. I � 1� I " ,on Tuesday that the supplies of Sea- (Continued -on Page 4) Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan, ot Blytlh.�-, J! -*- gratitude to the Caundfan Red Cross .. 6", Earth dealers were 0"ly exhausted. 1, I I . I Mrs. Sincl-air and daughter, Evelyn,, fo­ it, contributions of- food, clothl".17 . � ,; The storm, disrupted power lines -4111 - I � I " I . of Bl,igdien; Mdsis- Kathleen Logan, of ,,,d blankets. Let us quote from jus 1 1 , i � r a time, Monday, erendug, but these . � Huron Ministers t I I . I ' Toronto, "and Mr. -and Mrs. B. B. I �. 0110 ,of them. It Was written by ail ,.ij werel soon -repaired,,' A large tree in I 'cfflclial of the Charity OrganlIzation '. ��gmolndviliie, - falling on the� rural J. M. Eckert is- -Stelyhens,cu, were guesits at,dlinner at I , I I Primaries caused the longest shut-off. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Step,hi- I Will Meet Here society, the -DII socdet�' diiind-ling, I . . I a- A- � re -lief in, tbe -10- ­­ . .., . I I 1'� ' The South Hiuriorr Teachei ' -r- I . In Seatgrtlh a lad)ge tree near tihe Hurt in Accident e -son - - - I I . I - apeas.� in ... I'M- . J Con- Ove burydred, dollars was voted at ArmiorilI wa;q'uprootedi and blocked Miss, V11tolia Dexter spent a few days , taln. It rea�dsi in part: ... 11 . I I . - lai Fdr the purpose- of a better mutual I - : ", . vention -was beld, itw Hansiall. Town the ,convention for .the Red Cr . traffic until ollearied by munidipal . junde,ristwidilng and ,co-operation,, 'a dian Red Crosis suppllaz� 1�',' . _ Oss ' -with her sister, Miss Ertiliel, - Kit-' "It -as tiot'OulY that. the Canla� 4 * if-all'on' Firlday wtbh sloi4io-125 teach- I . 'wcrkmen. Wrafflic . was, billoc,ked on Mr. J. M. Eckert, 110; tI chener. were just ' I - . I n.- - Honor Sall Champions . Xc,Ki meeting -of the milinisters, of the dif- what wo;, needed, bia they,reach.6d' us - ­ �.11, � - I . � lark representi g EQ PWtS lot- Huron r � the K!Vprerr, road fo,r a time on, �Mou� ship treasurer, Is in, sc�tt Memorial Mr., Wilfred Millisiom, �of near Mil- ferent cOrDmtririI1Ons'Iin'I_turou` COuT�V When the need. wa , I�11�, � ( . - 11 1h, Ili 9 presedt. The m%arialing '''A civic �eeeptiolti in, hanor of the Clay evai When, a target elm fell Hospital fibre with injuries, Which, he vc�rtiori, spent the week -end with �his, is tio, be held in, ,the parish, ball of -S, igreatest, The - - - zont 11195 the, ,devotional exeA­ �Iensalli baseball teI chiimplons of across, the blIgbiway. -' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter I People of Canada stiDuld, know thaf 1!�," � . ...z's ; 4 suffered when in collision wit4i a car. I I e� Anglican Church, ou M,onday, ,No- .1 , " . 'c:nduci , by Rev, Wni, W14r-w. the Flurou-15erth League and of the I I . . il A I I th . I their glenarosity has saved ,, ' ab ' Intermediate 'BI divisil n of the On- - . , - . B�&, of Carmel Pre yterian, .Church, lD . ,#_ . at an ,intersection iii(yar . �Formoza � on Lir Say. rem-ber l8th, at 1.45 in the afternoon. -the lives �. ,,J, . . 'and a zP1 . endid addrqss by 'tarlo. Basebala Association,, was field - : . Prildlay. ' . Death of Miss Helen Willison I be presented by Rev. �,of babies. who, n.-Agibit have suffered 1.�!� ,, Hamm, Papers wit . .. -Mr. Eckert was on his way to The death- loccurped. at her home Di� Hurford, Se -th, on the sub-' §&d'17 froin cold and hunger and that I . � ��. I I "', . I �, thq-.pMident, Mr, s1ewaT.t.BeeiW,e, Of in the Town Rall on, Friday evening, i to bring his dauglit6r, who ta4chds in -on'Thkmiday, Nov. 7th, of Miss Helen aroi it ha� given tillousenids Of people a "�, I 1 4 . . , - Temperance VVIII,son, ject, "How Can the Churches 'Serve . !� � . . . , . Virnia, Mr. NoTiman Davles,, B.A-­ of the event being sponsored, by the . I Bbant Township, homie for the week- in her 74th yeax. Slie was, fresh stai-L God bless -the Cana-' . . : I Guelph, bibpeator of' Agaci�it_�-;il Chamber of Commerce. There was wilien, a. car. b.elllievod to have, born on the farm now occupied by More Effectively Today," and by Rev. diane! " I I �1. �'! ,a reo-ord, attendance. , I Hugh Jack, also of, Seaforth, on the . �Q "I I Classes, 19ATle'dvu illusitriati6d. additaos, I Organ'ize Here' =ome Ahroulgh . _,_'111 , a: .stop ,street, sitRick Mr. and M.r',9. Frank Phillips, who 11 taking as bAs, theme "Improvement J. ,C. McDonald', Ciliesley, Presdalent, . .. ihim, causling his, cair to turn, over. subject, "The Church- -amid the Com- 0 . ,; . . . . 11 . I have cared forber during her lengthy munity." I I � . I , , !�,,,, I of School Grouaffsl." Mr. Stewart of tilra O.B.A., the guesit of. the eire- Paseing motozists resdued Mr. Felt- illness. She was the youngest deugh- 'I I I Armnigements are being maldle, for ' I it is proposed to holtif furtl�ar simi- ; , 'Mcinails, . of 131ayfielid, prinebal of the DlIng, imesented the chatinploca-hi-p,6up art, who vms pinned in has car, and ter' of a family of three girls and � . u land n1adaI6. to the ple,yers and eon-- the. holding of a meeting upider the f s I lar meetings to-, study -subjeets of Huron Juniors, I 11;�.�;I�i zftbfic se-hooli, spi6ke out "Compositto r t add was rendarl6d by Dr.. Miller, two boys, all -ot'whom 'predeceased 0a Grammar Int the Senior Gmilles." 'gratuaeted thb clu-b and m1analger, RusPices of the Huron County Tem- of Mildmay. , ommon, intieret§t ,to alit the mirAisters . ' - ­`�' I I & ber. The funeral took place from ber c cll - . ` I . .r. Sam Rearide favored with a splan- Stan TuI in the Carnegla . late realqeniae on Silturday last with �of the county. .ALI milurieters are � Name Ofticers tii .. I X In the absence, of Tealp perarice Federtation I . . -- �� I � _ , , , . dw, solo", "Youth" Miss Midi,ence Captain Duff Brown, virbio, ig vacatiow- �Library, Seaforth, on, Firilday g-vening . . V. Gardiner, of Ogniondville, � cordially inlirited. -1. ­ 11.11 .7 I., r . I Rev . A. -1 � f, , -,W4A ;;�coz� at .the plano, Ing at Manitoulin. Isladd, Rildia Giis- Of next -week- The meeting is ,one of ciffici,t-Ing. The p&11111beariers. ,were - . I "' . . � , , I , tfij t.rcoby. -a setiles , bluing held -in some of the At a meeting of the Executive Com- ,; �,� la,ird, tue tjeris�all, public school, under 110 Of Zurich, accepted, Matthew Armistirong, Gliver Ainder- e 0 0_ 0 1 L , J", I i W-4,1sky.ri, of Saufarth, preali chief. centr6s; of that county. I -etroc 0 40 mdttee ot the Hu,roa Count3q Junior . . P, - � of Mr�, Renride, saog am, I She A ""P"",� the dimotion . son, Ausitfin'Dexter, Clamnce Walden, I I . . Association of Torcintot, ,the .1 '13� I . sougi 4&-ftilling of thel-HU."On-Parlbb, loeagliv, was pres, The object, '.acciordsing to p, letter , fal,1116wing ,.' ,��.t".,J . .... . I dfumber of grioup I . fairid, . . daitroduj6ed Mr, XcponawL mailed, fbI week, ig to sat up In . William Thompson and Randolph new "Offim's "%are ex-etted, . for tug I I . :Jf� I ' Put 4.* I 1.� I -liganft LlICia"'Shid,,"Idlie, -RbUrlil," - . . Lowry, Inteirment wa& made in ' Thanks 1 coming. sielasion: President, - Gordion : �,;f I I I . 1 ... At 0- affiermon, swelon bt. E. 0. Rev. W. Weir, first,bitseirriala for the th5se *0*66, an otgaialmation- undier . I I .. 4.:�_�' '' I * N ant, S4eCre' Burns' cemetery. ' Fowler: I-st vica-pries., Erinle Hunter;, 1. "� � .6, ITniver0fty Of Welsteirn. 61Mt9Miro,i team, Introduced each member Of the 1118�aeft V Of . a Pi6silfd I 4, I,�41ti',', 1 , , , ,,I ,� TOI '941all .aind Aniaptiring ad� the 'alub %(dlIfvidu,alI MX. S,tm,, Tu. taxy and Tneasurer, w1ho aliong--wilth 0 i y .1 wish to take this opportunity 2n?d vice-pres., berald Sfiewairt; oeic., I "I't'. � igrk4ei a demig on behalf of th6.,Seaforth Lions .�d., Y" .. 11 10 ' atifig roVId Kemoreth C. Staulbury; asisast. see., , .'4 1 - . PLASTER BOARD � 0 1 0� ;� - -linbill ,of th,-- - 46d.1.1 dor,­manager, r6-cediVed, a great ova- others, chosen, at ti vae, �',tl��.­ Aress On . I 1. I Club, to thank the'Obblic of Sea- I," � l �` poretsied bft thanks to form 2111'executive ibommifteet for that L . Mrs, M-arg. Grose; trftis,, Wesley Mc- �i� Studies," The,guest sioldot, MIE'S E,sl- don go -be, ex . ,forth and district for the splen- �i,�%�, , 1111,-11, the rdliarribers, of lil,§ team tojr their town ajid the surrounding country. Will Instruct Cutcheon; publicity chait-mat, Bob , ' " ,,,,�,,� .... I tiloer �Iume, of CloderlclN favored With 911diered- It an honor, 'Use this spliendid I did support which was accorded . � . I I *." �'L� a zov�elry Isolo. Me. X C. Beacom, B.A., loyalty. Hie .'ecm The imrrlose fs to Include all the I Lelper. . I � - hers. of a,11, thet cilituirliches, slo, ,that I . Ile Ilulls annual Halloweldn A much anticipated, oveot. is .the, :�',I"[�,� . . . If Goderich, he, slaid� to menage a team that bad Mem . ; el I � - `� I I Pub4d. Selibol Inspectior, . o ' 11103" In Canada Frolic on Hallowe,en night, as. a �,� �',V I . WoI Harili0alli, fts, frst provincial as a un -it Cie 0hrlistiary- people . . Joint annual at,boin,I the Aftodi I 1,I..1, ,,, sooke ou forhe P -aft, of ft- schools I result of which the Club has r,e- �,�,I�-,,k o 'toge�her for one cioniirrion- objec- Plaster, Board- for . As's[Ociation and the Senior kqsobia�, I ��J�,.,,;I jlW Oanadjesi Wdr tn_wit�ll- akk) on the, .tdtle, Maurice Tudor, Onlai of the; pit, ban .1 I I alized the sum of $1,710.54 for- pAt"i - I ,(;',�)Ail � , 11 , prdgraft, , was I Mv, , C�IoI jef- dher'S, WIN PeNlIt to TOtOntO MOITAW, tiv-', the curtailing of the liquiar traf- Wdrd was received, by Seafbrth welfare in4 war servicel wa�k. titon, Whi" is ,bQhg hdd at , I IN , , I I, 1�, � ,,, i, . � I , f�hio , . , " . 1*6ZAdMig OI "Math.i- havd�o_ belefi ealilield'by the R.C.A.R,' 00. for .. friends this week that Pilot Officer to tI AiWaborlum 164 T"d&W Oy , 'I. lt�iOv � '; . `,,,.,I�4, � I " Z9,0i6n, Of 0,1116t6h ' ' Thanks Is due, not odly , � ;�.,I;,"', . . It I . ca.d. it is hoped, the series of * ineetings .New WaM o r WRAI Park had &e.rlved I'll Canada I 22n,d, at S.No P.all , I . .....A,�,51­. em atIcIa,._1n_.,0i%d16V VII AM VIII."I, , it Wa's mm'Ouni I . . 0. I . � who'by ,their presence contribut- . , .1 ; , . , ; :�,,�,N")O ,�,i�,�'�'LiI� IJ . 6ftM 1, L oWflMl P�Mg. . over the week -end, with, an air. train- Dance MU4 I 0 "'00DOW , _'i,,Mlj, .. I V" . I 0) I _ Pifte 'Q4ters- for .-euchre wIere: w"1114-bting about some definite action. ' ' ting, 61A ' ;* -, "I"d li", I. ��.*�j�i',,,' ... I . bibb" , , 0-" _ ed so much to the even 'To's DeCOV'ftyr 0 *1111 b W, 7�'b ",by rat Mrs. 011ive Hudson; 2nd, Wild will dO liu'clh to bIrding about a. 4bg unit from England, which Will be woudh'purchate of 'hVit hlix I 1 4,49,, -:111111 1:1r,,,�-I�t'0��,;� . I' ­ �,.$�, 1._-1 M. $. 1 . . �. I . I _6 McKenzie, conso6tion, revi'taf ,of lrenrlym-dnoi� aentiment n . 14'. stationed ,at M k., and therie'will be &D14AW1&,,a60 . ft''i ,' J.I',�,T,'�:&1,." �� WoMiii, ChWoh, .��, , . *a W, Ladies, 11 patching'and, ooze Jaw, As to those who tl � ,I I I ",. , I , I I Miss Gld,dj Xf" � I I . %here he will. act'as, Instructor Mr tic . kets and donations of cath; Of for the bildg* dti&1leu,6 I., , _'­ �, :'..�;:­ �`,I, YI 0, .11, '' � 1,;., gefits: nulm, the lietlier j�,ontln*a. . I I m6b:�,Iri i'; f �:;­:.,;i�'�I�,,11�,� pri ij 1�,�i,�T � I . Miele alp lowls *iare., Tit.ftildont',` 91E% Beelwoo dbo&p I , � . � 6 * ' zea and of ca.ndy, assitted the . X4, � U � 4, . '' fI, , , �:;,�'�,16,��;�I,�,I ' I I , It 11.1 0�.i.ti. , I ''. Park was a meivb,eT of the, BAtIsh Tickets, mly, b(6- Sthl '160 �,; "t''M"! !:�," �, 11 I %Pir. " 17 ja k666 em"! lgltr-Dr. A'. R. 06nvbielt Reft'" J, thill Rev. D, MOT4VIAho Ot tAM&U, will repairina old roo mns Club so willingly. ; , Al , '�: , , J � , �,',�:,:!:�,,�, I,,�i�,,;'! ,., I ,,, - . I -n.ttv.-Great War mid- let- I 410M 1. t 0 , ! - 6 41"�, -6 w�i�,;, I­At,�, ,,,, , # 1, -A!", .1 , - I � I I ,. .1p�,�,%,��,,,r',"r,�,�."�.''., 11 I � I .. fidddib, "iddOhl �64 ii� " I . ' � 4, . I - , ", - V, """;�, , . , I "� , �_, I I,. �.j mr, Roy Stom " , , Mr. William Hyde, utld& AA tit r, i I . N . 41 j�tfi -' be the spW�91; #Vealrer ,di the See- . I , Air Force I _C. M. Smlyw, . door th& lisvieftlt#_ 1�1 . I I r, . . i � I - � '��',', ", ,�."! kAkW QeAdhi, �ftobllatlom Mdr9b, aang,ow;, Aeft' forth, meefing. W. G. _M(Wd' Exeter, er ftsided W& Seaforth ft, a number .01`1101111119 DA Y.'14,, rgw ;4, ",76 -f" 1 ", vrm, mi� , sZv Chairman,. Froti* Committee. , , 'al- I ��, , ,� � �,�9,`�"%';!,J�'�';�;'�r ­��,,! 4,9. . I 1140afil ftr- is. I MiaratAoa: I � ` . 'to, gat' Nilhiiis Or6beoltra, tit praskt�t of the AtTft $1 ` , -of years., where ble, was Well known, PnMdeft, id *0 , , I douitielm , MI V4 J16b WwAtdiw , bf. ­C� 1-��, �� � � , .. . .. �Itbt )5W,11* "Ill, .1-1 h, �i, � I - *, . 1. ydhAl, g1"%,,. olle,� nlighM III ,rdusito for &6 deinee, A ftfil@ lt4v. the ,past seven yeftirs be bas beerb 1 " lient r h �. ,�­),�:I� " I . 60 ,c 0 tt� � _" � ��,II;, I �� Oedtfttl , , , I W, A.'BWtiiW,r -1s, seore- 'I "or 0 *I 0 !` 6, 1 , . '* , , ,� I . I u ;§ U. ,,,,a , , I I '" 0i -, ,; I - N. li? : ; . I I . . - caket6sa 'Inlith was� (siarvo� , 1. NAV, � N. CLUFF & SONS1 IfIving In Englaind, 0,1' _�& �4 . � . . � I .14 0wor, ,.. I ,� "' .,i,,'� t:,�I��, �', ,,).�', �!� ­ toiL , 111.1 . 1% I � ,-�­ _ � . . . . . ,�._, ­.. ­ - 11 .- � � 1. ..- I ­ I � , .. � ,.., � I ­ , I I , 11 1. i­­.�, , .. .. ,,,,, ­JI­,�,,, ��:,, �.!k', , I '­ .. � , I . . LL ,,, 1'� ,,�,;vlvlh' 1. , � " , ,,, . , . . I'll " ,,, , , , , �. , � . � . 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