HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-11-08, Page 8• SEN VO,V Gg.T OUR L11! rIEREUL COUPONS ti . RAISINS—Lease• IC " pwnd 25c CI S'--TRhat please 40c xis COFFEin--Iia veiny . SOW; bat pound .JC. ',INFHEAT FLUFFS -22-0z. large at, f�, sine; each £G, iatt•tkPE FRUIT-Realjuicy 25c ;i far reELERY STALKS—Large Eaeb, . 5c VAN CAMPS TOMATO SOUP 25c 3 tints L VOA CUP TEAz—With beautiful premium; pound .00 c C E R COFFEEirgg,„D IGLU CORN STARCH,—Loose 3 lbs. COMFORT LYE 3 tine 25c 25c SATINAr—Makes inaning easy; in.,. package UNWRAPPED SOAP •' • 25c 8 Bars 4 BARS SURPRISE -'SOAP — With ,,pair salt, pepper 'shakers. 2 c ad; . for L IVORY-SOAP—Large cakes'; 15c 2 far • 5 BARS PEARL SOAP—With 1 Handy Ariinlonia 2Sc. .9RCTIC DUBBIN—Really 15.c 'v o s terpro'; per tun JI MASTER'S POULTRY CONCEN - • TRATE is extra good. .Have. you •Cwit? Cwt. $3.35 A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LiNES 'OF INSURANCE Nosey to Loan' on First Mortgages on Improved Farm Property. Number of desirable Dwelling Proper- ' ties for sale. ;l WATSON -'& REID. NI. A. REID - Pro_prletor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LiNES OF INSURANCE 00000000' 0 S. T. Holmes & -Son {' --0 —FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 O O O ' Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 Charles Holmes' residence, 0 O Godericyh Street East Phone O 0 No. 308. `O O Ambulance Service 0 0 Adjustablehospital bed for O 0 . rent. - 0 0 'Night calk Phone 308 0. 0 Day caller --Phone 119 O 0 . Chargee moderate. .0 0 12-87 O 0'O 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 o H. C. BOX '0 O ' FUNERAL SERVICE. O 0 Licensed• Embalmer O 0 Ambulance Service 0 O Hospital Bed 0 with adjustable rachet oper- O ' ated spring for rent. O • Night Calla' Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 • 12-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O J. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral Service • 'O O Dublin ' Ont.•, 0 0 Night or day calls:, Phone 43 r 10 0 O 9_ 0000000.00000' 8761-tf THE SECOND DIVISION COURT • County of Huron • Office in the Dominion Bank Build- , bag, Seaforth.• Office hours; Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday. 1.80. p.m. to fi pen. Saturday evening. 7.80 p.m. b to 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of the insurance bfisi+ieas Of erase & Meir, and the addition of their companies to our nrerious 'f•cal- ties ennhMm 'us to give nnexoe fled ,erviee lir ®11 linea. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 10-E7 • McKILL P MUTUAL E INSURANCE CO'Y. ,HEAD OF'PICE SEAFORTH, ONT. OFACE11 S : i stet, Londeabe ro Pres. W. IL At'clilisld, Sesfo'rtil Vice-# •ren, Ortei,nJ!; Rem, ge'a arta - tee: 'seas. 89 . 0.rei' George 41x „ Ike Vet- o* 1. Wing,' ,. tat, Sear AnInfla nc, emm 'ns� Nvet: be. fit, lig a t+o hoer frenal' ern Sat' urxlerY a#te tro n NeTeaxiber 16t'h, trent 3 to 6 peon Aanounceneent Mr. and. Mee, Tilos: M. Williamson, of Grey Town- ship, announce theenengagement, of their daughter, Evelyn Noreen, to Mr. Lorne Carter, youngest son of Mr. and Mgrs- Jaunee Carter, of Tuck= ersmith,. the .we lig to take place in,. November. •• Lady Golfers Plan Bridge. --Lady golfers will hold than next bridge on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 13th, at 2,15, at the home at Mrs. 3-. A. Gar- will. arwill. Will all members who plan to eitt'elnd, please twee y Mins, Garwihl, Mrs-. J. C. Greig or Mrs; F. G. Forres- ter by telephone the day before the bridge will be' ;held. • C. W. L. Plans Social Evening.— Mrs,, W. Devereaux presided at the regular meeting of the Catholic Wo- men's League of St. Jam'ee Church held on Sunday evening. The min- utes were -read by the secretary, Miss Loretta Faulkner. The president, Mrs. Devereaux, complimented the so- ciety on the attendance and collec- tion on the dory of the Feast of Christ the King. An"appeal for the Chinese Mios•ion in Toronto was read. The society is planning ra social evening on, November 15th. Bible Society Secretary Preaches.— Rev. J. S. Harrington, District Sec- retary of the'Bibl'e Society of Toron- to, preaoh:ed- in First Presbyterian Church and St. Thomas' C;hureh on; Sunday morning, in the Salvation Army in the aftensoon and in • North; side United ' Church in the eventing. His .text was from II Timothy, chap- ter 2; verse 9: "The word of God is . not bound." Rev. Harrington has been 'in this work for a number of years and was much enjoyed, While in Seafarth he, was the guest of Dr, R. P. D. Hurford and Mrs. Hurford at the Reetbr•y. - Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —McKillop Cliarge—Duff's, 10,, a.m:; Bethel, •11.15 •a.m.; Cavan, Winthrop, 2.30 p,m., B•aptlsen, —' R. W. Craw, Minig'ter, Northside United Cihurch.:. Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister,-10'a.m., Sun- day Scholl; 11 a.ne, Remembrance Day messages; subject, "Memorials of Sacrifice"; 7 p.m., "Our Perspec- tive of Peace"; Thursday, 7.45 p.m., dyer S rvice. "Attend c1u1ich, it. strengthens you." St. Thomas' Church': Rector, Rev.. Dr. Hurfondn-1a a.m., Armi'sti'ce Day service; .7 pin ,• "Being a Christian. Today"; Sunday School. at 10 a m. St, Mary's, Dublin—Sunday School at2:25 • p.m.; 3 pm., Armisctice Den Service. • Fist Pienhyterian Churcbl--Srtinday School at 10 a.m..;. Morning service at 11 a.m. Members of the Local Cana- dian Legion. and members of the lo- cal'• militia will atteetd this service Even'i.ng service, 7 p;m., subject. "Casting Off Restraint". Mi'd-week meeting Thursday at 8 • p.m. Anni- ve'reary services, Sunday, Nov. 17th. Rev. J. D. Sniurt, M.A., Ph.D.., of Knox Church, Galt, ,as "guest ,speaker.—Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Oss Sproat Phone THEE VALUES GQOP TILL NOVEMBER 13th P s@, G NAP -THA SOAP : 9. Bare. d 1 c GRANULATED OR YELLOW' SUGAR 10 lbs. PURE LARD 2 1'be. 65c. -19c ASTOR `COFFEE — Ground as` you bike it. /10c lb, �F LONDON -HOUSE BLACK TEA ee pound package -' 35c PEARL SOAP -5 Bars, 25E 1 pkg. Ammonia, for... HEINZ CATSUP --5 oz. dozen bottles 59c 3 Dozen -Case • ' $1.75 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO 25c SOUP --3 Tins QUAKER XXXX BREAD FLOUR 89 $2. 98's D a7 HI -DO. YEAST SURE 25c RISE—Pkg. NEW FRUITS, PEELS, CHER- RIES, ETC., NOW IN; ALSO CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS, CAKES, ETC. • Select Yours Now ,— James A. Stewart, sang. Interment took place in Maitland'banik cemetery_ Among those whra attended the fun- eral were M,ns; F. W.: Watson,, B'ur- lington; Mrs. Mary Pulkingham, Ham ilton; Mr. and Mr -s. Joseph McBride, Toronto; Mrs, Arthur S. Wilson, To roiLto; Mrs. J. R. Archibald; Kitchen- er; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stewaa-t, To- ronte Wm. G....McNay, Lakeview, and P. R. McNay, Mr- and Mrs. Alex Mee Nay, Mr. Kelso McNay, and .Mrs. T. E. McMurray, of Lucknow, and Miss Inargaret McMurray, of Lorne Park, Mission Band Meets.'— The Alert IM'ission Band Of Northside United Church held their Nov'e'm:•ber meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday after 'school with an att•eaid- .ance• of tihirteen, In the absence of Harriett Russell, the president, Lois Hogarth took the chair, "Father, Biose Out and Today" was sung, fol- lowed by the Natioaal Anthem. Mrs. Barber led in prayer and tire Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison, The minutes of the October Meeting were Euchre &Dance ST. COLUMBAN Under auspices of C. W. L, on,• .WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13th Cards sharp at 9 pan. MOONLIGHT SERENADERS Lunch Admission 35c Fowl Supper,. St. Brigid's, Kemiicott W.EDNESDAY, -NOV. 13th Admission: - - Adu'lts 50e Children 25e • Davidson - •H.aigh. — The ta•eddine tcok place on. Satinday last at the . Presbyterian 'Manse art Bri'gden, 01 Mary Isabel Haigh, of Seaforth, and ' Mr. Bruce Davidson, 'of Ha•nri,lton..- . Rev. Drummond Oswald;, cousin of the bride, performed the ceremony, They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bender, of Seafart'h. The bride chose soldier blue crepe with corsage of Talisman roses, with black acces- sories, while Mrs. Bender wore navy crepe, corsage of B'iiarcliffe roses and sweet peas and black accessories. A reception was held at the Brigden Man,s•e, after whh'ich dinnnir was, sere - ed to the imanediate relatives at -Hotel Lorndon, • Mr. and Mrs. • Davidson left on a trip to Permeate and Ot- tawra, , after which they, will reside in Hamilton. • '+- •, . -Bell Hedley. -The wedding of Barbara, only ',daughter of Mrs. Hen- ley and 'the late Mrr. Hecli'ey, of -To- ro++nto, formerly ,of Ayr, to Elmer Day - id. Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Harris'tom, took place at the Manse, • Ayr, on Saturday, November 2nd. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. W. Currie. The bride°•wan gowned in wine crepe ,vaitliebin.ck acees'sories and, a corsage of roses. .She wags at- ten'ded by her cousin,, Miss Adele Eichler, of Toronto, Who wore a duress, •of, green crepe with brown acoeseror- iee and a corsage of yellow rose's. William Bell, brother of tho groom; • was best magi. A reception wnas, held at the home of Mrs, Julius Eichler, aunt of the bride, after which the couple Left on a molar trip to North- ern Ontario. • They will reside at tho Victoria Apartments in-Seaforth, Death of Margaret McNay. — The death took place on Monday, Nov. 4, of Margaret Cowan McNay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McNay, of Mc- Killop Township, following an opera- tion, in. Scott Memorial Hospital. Miss McNay was born in Tuc'ker- amii'th and attended the Sea&et'th Col- legiate Irsti;turtte, after which she went is training for -a, nvrste in the Strat- ford `General Hospital, hut Was unable 'owing to illaness, to complete her c'ours'e, Miss McNay was a general favorite with all who knee -w her and, iehte will be • much srdeved, ill het home and community.' She ie smwivefl by her parents, oma luster, Mrs. Gerald Ste•wart., of Parente+, and two' bro- -:her Wfiliani McNay', bf Lakeview, and Cheater McNay, oi: S"eafeiehh. The fviei'ab tee Plane on Wedmteedar off. teitneen .4 froth ' VO United Church' with Rerv', 1, V', Workman of fitlieing, The pellbearet!, *at, Jas. 1`, Stott, ''llf3lit$'b,iin MOlyhxwollr, Arthur Powell, Stott trrar 'tliorde, Soo. Hu>g%ii altd:.Saila• Weft ; Ay� mitait ttitait"t+sitte offal 11'* ting + 1 : d, ']I uhhelp','Milos ift. Litt , i r„ i tit t e,eaci -Enjoy Winter Comfort With 0 I controlled HEAT THE Norge STE Home eater is designed eipeciaily to `bring the convenience and economy of oil heat to the thrifty and to appeal to people of taste and discrimination who want a heater that is both efficient and at ractive, The beautiful console cabinet blends into. any surroundings and Its great heating capacity on 1oW oil con- sumption,"'pltrs its exeiepclonat durabiIityti make it a' money saver for the home owner., See it in operation at Rosbart EktrIc.. RADIOS - APPLIANCES Euerythtng Etectrlcarl read by Ill s!ft arY, kik ayil!#.eer During 010'Iille0s� peruNa: 'C4,s!k10 caws. aadi Sr i' l tt1t'e conoid r were d'ietributed' ami` the boys 4141g glia to be sold. , Scripture wua. read ` res'ponniyellr, y'as tairen, Irene the "Psalms," IsdnOn€g the t erste; "When Motiiex s, :of Salem,' the eol- tect en Wan:: „en e b9' neenonl Knight. The ;! aenuory verse was "Jesus said, I •am the Way, the Truth and the Light." Mrs. Bather told the story, "A Tourly+F du Trinidad" from the "Highway of . Friendship," taken Brom the- newetddy book, "Down Fi Tnridsad• ay yt; .,>The meeting andel with the hewn, "Wirer He Cometh and th,e beneetion. , Young Peopiees Union' Meets.—The weekly meeting. of Nenttnsdde Young People's) Union was held on Monday evening, Nov. , 4t a, with Mr..... John. Stevens presiding The meeting op- ened by" singintg the hymal "True - hearted, Wholehearted," after 'wallets the Lordfs, Prayer was repeated III unison'. Miss 'Maxine Lawrence,, miser ,sdonery* convenor, then took oharge: Following the .hymn, "My Father is Rich in HouelFe' and Lands," Mise Ethel Storey led, in prayer. The Scrip- •ture reading, Matthew 28:16-20, was taken by Anne Jack. A duet, '"Jesus,. Saviour, Pilot Me," was • sung by Missed Margaret Pethick and Jean Currie, and was much enjoyed. The topic was ably taken by Maxine .Lawrence on "The Life. and, Works of Dr. Tucker," and proved very in- teresting. The meeting closed by slinging the hymn, Need Thee, Pre - eons Jesus," and repeating the Mizpah benediction. • LOCAL . BRIEFS • Dr. and Mrs;Stewart Cnauch and family, of Toronto, and Miss Eliza- iz'eth and Mr. Renin Nim,mo, of Bi'r n- ingham, Engle.nd, were week -end g-uests at the twine of Mr, and Mrs. J. G, Muller,, • Mescrs, J. Beattie, J. G. Mullen., C. Holmes, W. A,' Wright, M. A. Reid, J. M. Scott and Dr. •E. A. McMaster left Monday morning on a hunting trip north of Burk's Falls. Phey ex - Peet to be absent two .weeks. • Mrs. George Weir left on Wed- nesday' far Anderson, South Carolina, where elle will spend the' winter at the. tome at .her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Latimer. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant,,pf St, Marys, spent Sunday with Me. and Mrs, E. C. Ohambei lain, • Dr. and 'Mrs. J. A. Scott'' and eon, John David, of Guelph; Mrs, Gorwill and Miss • Jean-eGorwiil of London were week -end guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorwill. • Mrs. 3. Yoess, of Stratford, spent the week -end with Seaforth friends. • The Junior WomenU's. Institute wi:lI meet at the :home of Mies Grace Wallace _ oa _ Wednesday, Nevember 13th. The meeting will be in charge of. the relief and 'community activities committee: The . roll call will be "A community need." • Mrs._ J. D Hnnchley left on Wed- nesday to spend some wee -kg at the hone of her son, Mr. Harry, H,ne.rh- ley, at Renfrew. • Mals. R. Robertsonof Lueknow, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jean Haigh. r, • ear. and'Mrs.Itebert Smith spent the weekend with friends in Chesley. • Mr. and: Ma's.- Gordon Hildebrand have moved into the, Beattie - apart- ments on Main Street. • Messrs. Robert and Donald Hall, of Toronto, were we'e'k -end guest at the don's of Mr. and Mrs. G. 'D. Fer- guson. • Mrs, R. C. Huras` spent -the week end with, her husband, in. Toronto. • 1Vir. and• Mrs, Albert Johnstone, of London the t e guests of the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. ,C. Dungey, at The Commercial. • eine-Mrs T.Teal,•- wtho has taken over the Ge,ne'ra1 ' Motors agency here In. partnersaiip with Mr. Scott Itab- kirk, will move his family from Till- sonburg and wiil reside in tl?e Vic- toria Apartments., • Mrs. Charles Wright, who recent- ly disposed of her farm property in MclQil.lop, has moved, to town . and will reside with her niece, Mrs'. M. White. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Minnett, of To- ronto, ..were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mie. E. L..Box. • Mr. Rollie Stewart, School of Practical Science, University of To- ronto, spent the week=end. at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mfrs. Harry ,Stewart. • Mass Rase er eey, of. Toronto, spent th'e - week -end, at her home here. • Rev. J: S'. Harrington, of Toron- to, was the week -end- guest of Drs and, Mrs. Hurford 'at the Recto y. . • Miss Beryl l3•eekett, of Windsor, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. 'Box • - • • Mr. and Mrs. ' Flilan:k Cudmore and Miss Nancy, 'of 'Toronto, spent t'he. week -end at the home of her ,mother, Mee. J. F. Reid. ' • Miss Rita Drttit:,am, • 'Qn,i'versity of Western 'On,taiio, Lorean; spent the weekend at the ,home of her parents, Mr. andrs. W. ,J. Ounean . • • • Mr. C. Suthemi'and, R.C.A.F„ Trento's, 'spent the week -end' with his family here. • Chief Helmer Snell and Mr. Tony Phillips are on a heating trip north of Peterboro. • Mrs. Harold O'Dell and daughters left last week coir Mount . Dennie, •wh'eer e Mr. O'Dell has a position and where they will make their home. • Mrs. George il4 i intend's' spend- ing the winter with h'e'r daughter in Toronto. • Miss A. Crosbie; Of Toronto, •arae • a week-endguedit at ,. rhe 1101316 eif Mrs. Adam beide. • Mrs. James Sproat, of Egmotid- viile, will spend the winter anionths les bairn., . , • • Mrrs. W. F McMISa.n chars- return- ed to 'her home stet' s'pendinlg two weeks with • h'er donghter it1' Toronto. • Mr. atnd Mr+ •_;''r A.Cl•. Markin are 1e. Toronto thrid, • Mrs: L. 0, Saelnecel leaven en rriday for Yi1oo:1413AQ, eiL, route 'to Mearsilekvd'ble, wtive..,• lie watt enlend the Wittet withlireJr britt; Mr, Fred . • Mrs, Springer, of ThO%Jh411, Is .a gest at the hos ie Of Mr; dild Di'r'e.. Mn Bel%, .• ..s Mine ]E". 0."1 ind Mrs. S.. ltui1tirs:'iit, 6f . E•eta'x' k, ',hero wee'kk end Riff s' at MOiilthuile 01 Mr. and o s llRre.l W Fr SeiIlRlaUe< " • *x 4 W Xa~<r 1 ,• c2: Lou' (1lQ Ila H Zea$,' s Bt9 0£ of M14f,°: '1', •, De 43*e 3r, o4I 3Xt'jtj 44 .f�cll*` G b: tvintieyr. • 141ee rs', R. Wk''be leant/ Iia -;a•: Huitlanm ' Tonin' fit ' jleaie Detre:, to C'q<lemlUebb! +Cutis, Week .v_?',,eie'.jj _were e�mpcnr4?�gd to eiier a 8a julica at Ghe assdes Ilan tai. • Pn esddeu't J, t1 Stewart, J, .11t. MoMtlian•, Ii. clonal Days, C E, S'lm�th an:d A. Y: McLean, er the Seafarph. Lime Club, were in, Clinton en funs* day, y ning..attending._ a meeting of district 'clubs at which the queiti'on of coropenati,ng with airmen, stattJ r- ed at Port, Albert was, 'diocuereed. • The 'Catholic Women s League intend holding a euchre and bingo party in the Separate Wheal hall on F', iiday, November • 15th. • Mr. and Mrs. Nedi Gillespie are spendii'ng the week -end with their .sons in Toronto. McKILLOP One Cent Sale... --The one and only original, (ads. Saturdlay- night. Keat-, irrg's Pharrmiacy, Seaforth. Rapson - pethick „ The Manse 111 McKillop wee the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday, Oct. 30th, at 3 nue, when Annie Grace Pethick became the bride of Harry James,Rapson, snn 'of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Rapson, of Huliett. Rev. R. W. Crani* performed the ceremony. They were attended by Miss Ruth Pethick wind Mr. .Jchn Rapson. On their return from a wed- ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Rapson will reside on the• groom's farm in Mc- Killop. • On Monday evening poker to the wadding. Mrs. J. M.. Gill -les entertain- ed et- a ;ielightful shower ,in honor of Miss Pe'thick. She ' wa•s presented with a number of very, pretty gifts. . Mists Adeline Murray and Miss. Be•i- sie ;Sairhead spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Mur- ray, Miss Margaret Murray, is -visiting with relatives in Kinkara. Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler, and son; Manuel, 'spent Suh'dlay with friends at Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and Mrs. Fred Hoe•gy spent Tuesday of last week in Stratford. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eoegy aril ilamily spent Sunday at the homes of MY•, William Doerr and Mr. Jack Doerr at GGadsh'ill. • Friends of Mrs. Henry ' Weiterson, will be sorry t'o 'beea.r she is not in the best Of 'health. About 290 friends' and neighbors •gath'ered at the home of Mr. and MTS. William Hoegyy on Friday' night • to shower arheir good wishes on Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Mue.gge (ne,e Marie Hoegy) on..their) secenrt marriage and present them With an address and miscellaneous shower. ' The address Was read, by Miss Della Eggert and was assisted by Miss' Ellen Benne• weds in the pres'entiatiorn. The even- ing was spent pleasantly in carde and dancing. -' Mr. Charles Eggert, who Was in Scott Memorial Hospital, . • Seeforth, since- 'he fell firom gin apple tree 'three we'eka_ a'go, returned 'home ;nm' Friday.. He is s'omew'hat improved; but is still confined to his bed, Neill S'tos;kopf, son of Mr: and Mrs. Alex Stos'kopf, of Fullerton, while at school last week had tthe ..misfortune to fracture his arni- •at "the wrist and elbow., We wish him a, successful re- covery, - Maste'r .Alvin Elligsen, who `has been confined at Seaforth hospital for the past 'live weeks, is e'ispec'tin'g to come home this week. •-• - Dies in Toronto For nanny years a designee with W. R. Jo,hnstcn & Co., Angus' Gorden, Gresyenor St, died :Saturday at To- rento' General Hcs'pittal. Born- in Mc- Killop township, Huron. County, Mr.. Gordon lived some time in New York before going to Thema). • Well known' in Masionic circles he was a member of Harmlo'ny Lodge, A.F. and A,MM., and King Solomon Chapter, Royal eaio NOW►i' n•ad4 J.+.dN .. TYRONE POWER DOROTHY CA..OUR' ".- O'HNNY..APOLLO MONDA'.Y,'TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY EFI•ROG FLY7I:i11 _.... - _BRENDA "MARSH:ALL "c TI4E SEA HAWK " cl AUDE• RAINS - DONALD OR.ESP- - ALAN HALE Nsre's Et rol Flynn, a pmraslh buckldn;g English Buccaneer, - who sailed the see. for Queen, Country and Lave! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ROBERT LIVINGiSTON .:. RAYMOND HATTON DUNCAN RENALDO HEROE'S OF THE , SADDLE The •Mesquiterensi epack down on a lawleasehandaef Range, rats. ,COMING-- "BROTIIJER ORCHID" "OVER THE no NOTICE ACCOUNTS OWING DR. W. C. SPROAT, FORMERLY OF SEAFORTH, ARE NOW DUE AND SHOULD BE PAID AT ONCE. ACCOUNTS MAY BE PAID MISS CASE AT DR. STAPLETON'S OFFICE, SEAFORTH, OR MAY BE FOR- WARDED TO DR, SPROAT AT 16 WELLINGTON ST., STRATFORD. , Arch; Masons. He was an Oddfellow and attended, Park Road Baptist Charsc'h'. He is survived by his wife, Violet • Laving McGrath, on Toronto, and two brothers;,' Hugh Gordon and John Gordon, both of McKillop. Th'e' funeral took place on Tuesday after- noon with -interment' is Maitlam'd'bank cemetery. Rev. R. ,C. Craw officiat- ed. The pallbearers were John tle, Gordon Little, Rose 'Gordon, Gor- don Peppin. Chester Iliendemson, and Robert Cam'pbe'll, • RADIO REPAIRING. Complete stock of BATTERIES. Including— SUPER-LAYER BUILT BATTERIES 'BERT 1VIcSPADDEN WALTON 8803x3. The One -and Only Original LE. Ends. Saturday Night K eating's Pharmacy L. Phone Orders Accepted . DRUG STORE Your Biggest chance of the °pear to save ,monep .... Phone.:;2'$ Seaforth O .Brand New Styling 'tnside;=iind Out -',Longer Wheelhaso-Ari Eelltirety New Rider.. increased Vision Wider Seat®Fester• Acceleration -Many Other New Featured • Get the facts on this brilliant new Mercury 8—see it at our Showrooms today. And get the facts, too, on the kind of deal: we are giving'these days -you'll be surprised how little it Costs to own" a nes -' it%ercury i Sys: �. .fy!Y�y,,,, ,:; .k�4i•.o �.�k$�'�.,ii./�?�%�.;✓�/, � � tt�''.s ^L tK % -< � .�, .,., �,.�....�'�N��^�.,�.......,r4�fi*`S.w<xr, �. .,. ,: ,.s...-. �. z.37<ir. !. �yl�:>..;.. � >,.., . p .,, ,.. �.:. ..,.<�: t.,.�„?�...... .e^�;. .•'^�•.. '� v tORD ANS ME r1V 102 f,.