HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-11-08, Page 4,: , . I., I �� 1-1-1 , - , , � , , ", ,.". �­�T'l��­ , , ­ . , ,IWIZ,�,­., " " o�l �,�� ,!�l "!­­�,­ 3 � ... .. . ,�,,�&', , , , , �!, , "�, " "" ,�..,' ,1­1� -, � � .,.; ": �%��,;�' =,,�, ��, �, '. , � -, �, . :'-, 1: ,--X, , , _ :,�11"�, �_ , , , �,�,,� , � � 4., �,T , , , �., -4'' , , ",� . , � , . ­ , , , 'I'. , I" , 111� � - : . I , :, � ,�­. , - ,. . �;'111, � ", ;,�', I .,� �14., � 1,,, , : . - ,-:,�"!; �;.,_ I � Polj`�, ,�, . _%�;":, �; ",�',. j,", J':�­ ,;�, . 1� , I I.; , I! I'l-', , , �, ," , 1, � I'll " 11 ii I "I . �­ �, ":� � , 1- � 11 "I " , '. � . , - , , , � '.,,I'.- , ,� ,�'.� ,�,��:,�,��l��,,���,���:11,�,�,.�""I��", ", , �_ , , � 11 * . -1, . . I !. , . � �­!��, ` �, A,111�11,1. ,. ,l, ,. , _�', , , , �.'�.i , � , �, , �­ �,"`� I 11 ) .... I . I I .� i", 1. .. I 1. ,� I;- Id ,j . . I I �, � I . ;� ': I ���:: I'." I," . ,,, !-,�;,�,:�� � .. 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I , , 11'4� .. _0.f, e - , �, ���""",,�,��,,,,,-,,,��:�",��L�i,����,,,�i��,_�,t,,���, a,�-Ssil ud'' Ad%��'# , --@a, i v ,-1-7- �'­A�111171'j,�'!' 5 - !""s . ,40 ai rn orn r . , Wr 00 . - !�����'.'�-�!��',����,',,�,,,�',�i�,,'�!-,., ;',�,' - ,,, '. ,4" 1IM"p- . 1. , I -N - � I I i ... ... 1, _7 1 11 land t'. F � gi, � . -,��:",�i'�f!�,�i��l�,�;,�i�l,- '_ .- ��, ____�� - , ' IF 7; _' :, �­j 11 1i ir rol 6 D-' '' I , � Dominion s - 4x C. 11 , I I * , � , , .", z'.11 '; . rop e' � ,,� � . . . . 1� I ' - 11 , . I I , O�Med Ads will be inserted at ne - rates : (0Y HarrY J. SaYle in The Fa,tn d d Weekly Sta I , , , , , � , , .. I 11 � I � , , �;� �,';�','I"i�",',���',:�'�,;,,,�""7",-�',,�"!.!!, . t;��";t,il�,i�ll,�,,��'."-�,�,�,��,',,,;"",�7,.,�,���.,! �,� !A, U 11OVY `bjue_`gj4WA,jfti;,X coat w4jx `_', " � . .. ,w low cash ,,*![ , . 0 , , �6,,,�;,I,.�,,F;� ��: �, ,�, "! ,, - . . . . . . y P) j .)IdUk W -M. T%eX wlll� ri�sldo on the - � �'11 . � - � - , Ill ... � '_,i ,; Vy., . . . �,�;,�;�1�.�::,Il���,.��,'�.',,'�, I I - , . .1 , , ,;",", 1 I , �;t;;��I�`,��,�,,�";", , I . __ I � - -1 . 1.1 . � ,�,,!,-�,�;��!,� _'_ -,,�',­ :­ -1 grooms f4rm . ­;;�'_?,,'� " TIO , ',�;­- � S eabi. Ate.- er ard , j I— I I ­ I , iln,umy, Towsaw, P. *e` � - I I I . ., � 1 4- - ,! Pale, Waoteil,, Lost and Foupo., Cowl g v " _ ., . n p w : � , , . I I � , IT Inevitably, lutbe iineawMble, marc:U,�qf .0%0, Rome*,bIla a D y ,� �t'? , , , t The i,-- W a 1� ��"���",t"ti�7,�',',�.�i;.:�,,�,,,�,,�, :.. '. � I 't, , British Government bras asked GovemmAit as flax is an ess,entje� groom 8 a mem4er ,of, the Hensall I . 11 `.,I,.�', .1111. 1� I - --- - . � - Ist week ................. I = ' ­ . --a day of recopsecimtIon. NoveMber 11 I � "-.i����i�s,f,!,i"i"�"r"":"7"��, ,�, -, UPOU US ft �s.�. a- 4EW Of Aw , , . 2nd week ........... � .... :::,:.:::, � the Canadian Government to secu,re a agricultutw ppoduct' C1dze.zW'BUad_ - , , ; ������;,.,',',��,',,��",'�.�,",.���.�"',,�,�����:�-, ., � . 14 - . a, � ' -_ hoft I jl�oj f' 4" 1 l . ard w4ek .................... : .... _ Y, owt greater acreage of fibre flax .to ANAn "If the.' Mr. Robert -paasiAore of ncpjs�jlj '0011al sorrow. Thd spirit whi -4 ,the t the w 11 "Cl , ,�%A, - , "C'. , .: I ".farmers feel ULM the e - ' I qw. y,eaft- at er , -ar .- I , _ ,i�z:,'4�,,`o,,;: ,:��, Xtuium qhozm fimt inaartion ...., 25 Cents I . � the loss' , . ig!�,,-,stlident in 'TojIMt jj4jv��Sjt�. Wo�. ..-(�olobrato4..thu-anid*WSWY'-vn,th' W -Ad bAllapit-7, Is jMXjpAy' _Z,ono' It I - ­ . ' ' ,Of SUODIrY Of flax from Eur- tablis'li'm6nit of Mulls would a . ., .�t.4 � - L - � . tile up d-tigted. tilie -n=9 i0ervloe Sunda, I . reverence, oqq *Mct tusloto UPM ,. .1 ��1�1 " � I . .. � �1-1,�41 li'��'1_11,"',` 0-01 ft -r% ftft.W -A abbravistia.in conots as i,# has been Teplaced with a spirit of I - , .. .:A',,';., -:1 , ,. *ne word. . . ope amid Ruzsla. This means t1hat I wor .. � ­ "?, � 'V�f!',"$��j4_,,�":,� ,�:. � Card of ThA��. In Memoriam Notices -I esist per war(L MRAinium. 60 omts par week capita. ' 1*, Idie builliding and equip. Nov. honiage beinIg Padd to Our Oftid.- Th(roiighD4t_j0#4)h, da Rem"a- k, i , " �- 0UqNVZACS. uuw be Oh," d to a Dox Nungier, care of, �� U next Year Canadian farmers will* be meiit,lk,'� a: 3rd, at St. Amdrevis u I I dule I l;t�'�,',q%,��, I extra. , ! .1 ,kpAinge Z)ay will be- the,oceas�on r b#p "'��I,,',,,' "," . te_ _jjijQ,n Vxm"*w_ I , ma'red' Mr. Gordo"' '�tliero Cbur011. KiopeA, d . . fe ,f but ftroftt ,� ,.,.� , for 0 Cents called upon to grow Possibly twq., or iaalways�-!V)arge axalovat of iffie capd- tjicu euve'r1ug a well � . . I , "'"' . ght Out and tl�niely I , " , I Top e ddit6DVAI Per week WjH be ChargVd if ads A2 aboft amas we - zwt pam by the thiree times as much fibre flax as this tal in ffqrqn, County, The low iddscourse. I oememo0es with the depositing of wre"hs,, on Clean. .;-, ,,,�;,i�. ,S= -' ra: ., y night in the week in, whicb.,.*e ad was rum I I . , a" of Milss Margaret,,Tudoir lett last week ... taphs and- Wair Memorials. The soMce is, dedicated ; 4, 0�r - - etar, ar,cording to the, Herald and this `CaPlei� vvould) I ani -sure be,plear,- . 'r 5,��, , Dix* Mtwziages 9=4 Dea&s ,inserted frlj�a­luj ch&rg._ I y ' I ,0- ­�; . 1,� .1 - in ravinory lot the men who gave their lives for, Van- r�vr,,;',�," � es.'N,atices to Credoors. Etc. -Rates ion app"0W*,n, . Star. AcrOage in Canada VAs year ed to,undort,ake. to build and co-op, - I . I 1. �j for Pandas; Where sh ,I ­­ Auciiien Sal . e has secured a V, , � I .� I elr . ada, as a mark of profo4ad respect , ' ' "�,$16 �­ — � was 20,000 acres, of which 5,000 acres a to VdjtA" �T' . siplendid Poslitio'n, as stedograph6r .. . I . foe these .40arwt . �`i-t', � , aa,m flax companies, mind. :,,�, ,'�� . . I tQ them, and -as a remindei to all of -the sx&Xceg ,,��,-_. :1 � was in Huron County. l,ar t6 Q,4* and Vool*wpier.� . : � _ , � 1112�,,�­ I Wanted 'Property For Sai� ' pbec, on a co-operative, bas,- Mrs. T. 3'. Sherritt will- be ,hostess . made b,y, fliloset young Canaftwo on their behalf,;­Uot ,-, . 1,�Ii',� - - . . . Flax mill operators are already can, is." - . I . , , & - . — -the Great War, but in the rest,less ljv��`,, om37 ditiring ,i,.A�­� � WANTED -HIGHEST ,PRICES PAID FOR POR SALF-7-ROOM HOUSE ON VJC_ vasisitng fwlnims Askingthem to triple a� has at her home Wednesday, Nov. 13th, 00 ..... . I,Z:� , ;`q.,, � duck and gome feathers at H. R. " toria Street Apply to J. M. McMILLAN, � this, ymr's acreage and other farm,elrs thel, M.;0O and Missl� Mabel *brkm�n &�hogtsgs I of the Peace. I . �_ " 711"T's' � .,.'­�4116:,� , rity, of at is I L . - ?"'," SPENCE & SON, Produce Dealers, S(wLfDrth. sesforth. � asoi-tf a,re, bering asked to Plant flax in Vhe t��� Governinilb,11t for -the November -meeting of the - . In Seaforth ,the. service wUl be under the latis- ,�;�!l�L% - 1 3�04-1 granted . Hensall- Senior -pices of- the ,Canadian, Legion land win be, conducted as usual. at the ' I �";?,�ji',, spring.' Huron County h" already sanction fbir trucker$ t,o operate, o ,Institute The theme 4 � 4� � #1�#ng ten 'days of E 4' Of 'the evening will be Soldiers' Memorlea in, Victoria park on tjhe ,morning of. Monda,y, lith ;t�`.�,"�� - - WANTZD--OLD LIVE HORSES FOR , made considoi-able progress in ; Sunday "Peace and , ,P� ,,,, .� fertilizer. Apply to J MATTHEWS, , Lostand Found ducing -high quoity ' pro- un AW7 International Relationship,", and the of Norembee The parade, preceded. by "D" Company Midd-lesex and I ,,,,I- 11 �,,�'r - :Uublin. Phone 23-D2. � 8803X3 .1 fibre flax -seed weather wthich `helpeid ,get I the flax , I 11-- .1 under the spoinsiSrs,hip of roll call will be answered. with "How Humn Regiment, the Bey Scouts, Glil Guides, -the Setiforth Mgllbmd- 11111:-, 11 the J. G. under �Over. - .. __ I To Keep peace, " "' j�$ . orgi Band, and, Incluicl,*g, tihe C,ounicils of Seafortih, Tu&eranith an,d- .1 44", � . .1 — _'�LOST-LADY'S GOLD WRIST WATCH Anderson Co. and T. A. G. Gordon, The flAon-cing of ffax,wd )n - e, Paiiiii-ly"; the � 11", . - . ,_ . '" with gold band, on south aide od, jobn � I . 119 Is not a M61UUop, and Executive of. the Red Crosig, wreath beaverst anji the . '­­.. � .- iparm Stock For Street or on Main StreeL�­ Reward. of Seatorth. I 1. low cost, airair, M motto, "How. I Can help win thp war." Veterains, will. leave .tnme Town,11all, at 10.90 am, to Victiaria Park. I .,,.� . , . Sali� Finder r. Boyle says, in .the ll,r,n'd,,,, I � -, pl�ase le"v at ELMER AD, BELVS OFFICFL, Farineirs are reluctlan, devote a FlaMilY He�mlld. ,stitutle WW. furnisill the 111,','� r I t to The usual Price paid' aker. - I __ . The �usu,ad service, will, be carrted out, inoudizi 1,�, � ", OR SAL7,--SEVEN STOC�MR STEERS. - . 1 3804-1 great deal of acreag6 to flax, bemuse for land Mill,tracted, for V e spe I .. g the solemiti, ,tWo min,�- ,". I F on Lot 10., Coucesigion 8, Stairley. Apply of the unpleasant experience follow- coinp,pnji y th flax The mnaiyfri�ds of Mr.,joba Pass, utes' silence at eleven O'clock in sacred memor of the faillen heroes ., ,;", .. to HENRY EIRRATT, ,R.R:, 1, V&rna, Out ___ - , , so fs, nine dollars ain acm more will regret to learn is con -fined of the Givat,War. 1. . I � , ; " � . I '' ing the last war when the bottom fell The fanner mu-st Plow the land,anci . . � 1. Me � 3803-2 Card of Thanks � to his homle, tbWoUgh, illness. I � ,� � Out ,of the- Market, the writer clsims, WOrk it toa 0-tain, Point ,after which . . " lyl�, MR r 1918 r e�tect to,'its ior- trxeto Miss Dorothly McQ 6m of,London, , , I 0 k 11 . � I �, .S. ADAM DODDS DES is---TOF ussi .1 pack- " pent Sunday, wi#. d or parents,, � I "A.. ,X_ R a afite ON rs, with ,bi&avy tijlle�s and I I til 1, I . Press ber rAnicere appreciation of the mw role of suppilying o, f the Mr. . �' , �yor 85 per ers are used at the expengs, 0 Is I . 'f I 00' , r I I I -nd- cent Of the fibre flax of the world. mi3any. The seed is( furnisW by _T ` f) F SERVICE ., b, � . nmny acts of kindness and sympaithy, exte and Mrs, Edga McQu,em. 1.111, .. For Sale ed to her in 'her recent bereiavemenit, and The answer to that is� Mr. and MraL Cyrus. Green, Of Grand ' ra AT WA . ,­ . �. I eweciaI17 (tio thank ,Rev.,Er V. ,W,orkm -the fact that the flax companies, and the harvest & , . ORD r : . � Is B nd, I ",!.�,: I IF OR SALE -TWO NICE HEIFERS. A,- I I � I 8�o�4xj fbIlowing the- last war the 'high rate taken off bry the. flax com ,. jisited on Sunday with their .1 . I " ., ply tlo ALEX LOftRY, 2 blocks west of I I . Aaales. . daughter, Mrs.'Jqck Ta�yil)OT . .. � � . '11`� � .1, Recreat4on Grounds Selsifurth. I — Of ,living in 0aia,da -over that of Rus- The owner of A moderil flax mill and sons, VICTORIA PARK . . I I ..w- ­— THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS J ' - J. sia made ther production costs, �duo.'to must 'have pullers and trActox(o to pfo, Freddie asid Domald. I I . ' . ,,,,, Elliott wisfh, ba ti��l the neighb' ": ­ � I �. SALZ-9MALL COOK 9TOVE IN d,jends and ,hand labor, a great deal higher. How- vido power. This requii,es t ' Last, Post—Bandmaster k H. Close. , I �.. FOR for the many expressions corasyrn- ,, wo. men, Arnold Circle Meets - I I ,.. , :96bd conditlon. Will be sold cheap. Ap- Pathy;and kindness during their recent be- e'rer, the Canadian fax Industry hins and the Puller is capable�'Of -handling . I I � . ',­ . .Ply to OLIVER ELLIOTT, West .V-73-Djam St:;' xe&vem,sntL I I I I � - li". I Seafortqu . a304xI 3804xl been Completely meeb-miized' ' Me- betweelh eight slid ten acres in a Mrs. W,, ­Weir' lent her home Ga Two Minutes"'S'llence. � r�, . I . I I - . . ** / ,�� ChamiCal Pulle?,% doing the work'of day. Truckers drawing in -the flax Monday '.oVenfag for the November ' . �� I .1 . FOR - SALE,10 LEICESTE4 EWES, 3 . Births - I...,. 25 Indian pullers in" a . re paid an aveinage of a dallar amd, A meeting of the Arnold Circle of ciar- . aster E. H. Close. – 1. 1 `.". years olld, I Leicester ram 2 years old� � , U3F; trucks a - .� Reveille—Bandm ,, L I __ hauling four and five time I I . I I I . . I - -I- - 7 Oxford ewes 3 years old; I DeLavad cream STRONG, In Scatit memorial Hospital, &'as much. Quarter an hour. Help in the fields Mel Presbyterian Church. Miss BeTyl . .." . - I .1 . separator in. good condition. Apply to Se- flux in a day as teams, , squtche,rs� in � rel6elve an average Of two dollars Pfaff .gave the ,opening prwyer; fol- -PlacinLy of Wreaths. . . '. I 1, I I JAMES NOL[AN, R.R. 4,' Seafokl, Phone forth, on November -lith, ID Mr. and Mrs. the flax mills, elimduating 22 1 . - _, I � I I . Johnjnng, Hgnwndville, a son. - ,, � q_the and 4 bAlT d'dd�,,, Help' in thie flax lowed wdbh the hymn,' "go Leadeith ." 1. . 662 r 13. 3804A COWA In Scott mem!ariia HK*Ditai, Sea. formeir,30 men needed f,o.r thi& ' - mills al,so receive the same wage. Me." AII&V J6%n McQueea led . in'' "'Giod.gave the King"" I I � .- opera . I ,, � � ' forth, oil November 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs, ti,61i, auLl lbelp' to speed up � _111 th I ... SALE --ONE 7 H_ P. GASOLINE'FN- the indus- 'Scu)tc 09 -aC,MnP5 are needed- in prayer -and, ' e ­_ ­­­-, I E� I L FOR . , Thomas Coward, Usborne, a son. Scripture reading L gine, equipped with magneto amd friction the mlills., it 18, safe to,assume, ,t 'is . ey. . , �� trTL Thus, willen t1he, war comes to hat John 2nd chapter, was'given by 9, �L Benedictioii—Captain Rev. T. P L Huss '' 11 I pulley. in gbod working condrtion. .Abu one = , a succesisful coml4sdoii for the Em- a man operating,1,000'acres, of fibre Iren; I-loggarth. Misig; H . ­_ � .1 - . . ", , nate .1 oircular saw, 241� diaweter,, made by Shirley .. 1.1 . - ' "do' .1, - - elen Moir I 6 d, by The Huron, E!xpqsftor� �_ I Pire, Caujiada-,' has every right to be� flax, req'iires between $25,000 and. $30,. was,pir,eseitted. th if (This, spacto I ,& Diocrick- D.- C. GALBRAITH, Bayfield. Deaths � I wiii a I e w � . . . L % '' . . embeKshlp I . - . .1. .. . - . I I . 3803x2 iiev�6 that her Ineohamized flax Indus, ,000 of ,operating capit'al. This would by* the president, Mrs. )Ftoy, Bell I ­ . . !;� -_ - I 1 I., � � SPRAYED APPLES FOR S I MeMAY-In Seaforth, on Nionday,, November 'try will have lower Production cost� seem to, indicate tbat co-operativeg the addiressi re" . by 1, AEGls Mabel ... ___ __'­ 11111iII1111111 - .- , �...", I � ALE - SPY, 4th, Marizariet Cowan McNa,v, dauglh,ter of tham even. Russ(i-a �vitlh her mass ,of are the 10,eal plan to help Canad-a Workman. Miss . I . - . L- . . I - . I Hannah Marmy pre- I I �%, , King, Tolman Sweet, Greening; 4wqet, Mr. and Mrs. Jr,ohn mcnay. mpKLIlop, in eheap lal)&r,,. - . make, up'-b!er quota; of fibre flax in aented ,the -iopic, "Missionary Ap- Place. , .. . . .:� Baldwin and aMer apples.. Phone Clinton " her siath Year. - . ... I I .. I . .- 2-24. FRED McCLYMONT, Varna� N -, . . . � � . _ I I � � I L �22 .. . . � Huron, C`oUnty fl?_X'M,eU also behevel 1041. . . Piloached-to the West." The . . I '' . , I : �� . . I I . , I . . . 3801-6 ". - I I ber ng Deoem, Speaks -on "Pi6ace in Our Timevr , � NE I . . that wilth the 6plen&d flax'yjolds,; this , Meeti- will be held at -the home FOR NO ED - 1 4 1. . I ­ . . 0 � 11 --I Auction Sales day will come shortly w4eu flax in , , . __ - _. of Mrs. Melvin Moir and Mrs. Mal-_ I . I TO SUFFER � ." . . �.... ' For�,Rent . I Canada Will be on an, eveni footaing CONSTANCE � - Colin Douiall wilk be holt her Dervqtilon4l .night under the- auspic-, 6,E , ,, from stabbing Rain, ,;',� � ... . - - � I -_ . es of,the Y.P'U. of (the Unted Church - 1. - ,- ______ - 'S SALE OF FARMS, -FARm with' Cotton slelling at about the same .. . home Nbveembler 15thi.for a crolpinole * -_ k your ,,,&V i !.4 ,A I I EXECUTOR � . gil.8 , for I ­ .1.11 . OTTAGE ON HIGH ST.' Stock and Implempnts will be held on'price. Today Canada imports jill its � Mr. Wild, Mrs. Andy Reekie and two part .. The meeting �conclud�ed with wm ,held- on, Monday -evening with a .".. FOR R"-gT - C Lot 8, Huron RoAd Caucession .y I . levitle, spent the the slinging of "Take My s,plendid attendance. Miss Gladys .�,. ;, Arp)y to MRS. GILLESPIE at Gines- .Qoderich raw Cotton alild, Canada needs a mar- daught?rs, Of Bet 71 Life and Let A` RUMACAps �, 'Pie'Clemnors & Dyen, Sea,forth. 1 Township, on Friday, Nbveanber'.-15th, 1940, ket and can' Produce fibre hax to week -end ' .1 - Winiam ! It Be, f&lI wed witdi � bho Lord's Pa&inore Presided. 'The guest speak- _:., I I , 3804-1 '-at 1 D.m. Esbaltle of George Mair. NOR- Wi ih Mr. and,, Mr& 0 � 1, � , - ,� - I MAN MAIIL Executor; Hamid Jackson, Auc- Make linen cloth, with the best in, the 13111tton. Mir. Reekie is. at the� head Pra76t' A 'a, y lunch- was served. ,or, Mr. R. J. Moore principal of Ulan- ' ,�. . .1 . . d int I MIDDLETONIS, - HF_NSALL � .­ . . - - tioneer. 3804-1 WOpla'. gall eontjnuation';9�� ,spoke 6n 1 . 'G . - __ I � of Y.M.C.A. work, at Trenton, for the .- 1. I I . . I . I ,.�., . ­ N SALE: OP CATTLE AT DICK'S, T. ,A. G. Gordon of,.Seaforth, oper- R.C.A-F. camp. I Plan Training Sch I. I �.. AUCT10 . : i Ool I � ,�'Pelace, in Our Time." fil� Notices Hotel Stables, Seat&rtb, on Tuesday, atInj flax liaills.in Blyth and Seafortli, Mr. nZid, Airs. Bert Ferris, Provost, I "We am reaj*ng that winning the our Church first Prayer aad self I � Novcmber 12th. The Young PeOple'S Unioms of Bay- war is only alsmall part oi the task d , - I i ��,_ . I Hereford at ?_ p�nL 1 Forty .head of who this- year thad 1,200 acres, ,Of Abre Alta., who have been'visdtilng Mrs. H. enlial a -re needed. today az nevew b6� I ., .- TTBBER GOOD�S, SUNDRIES, ETC -'MAIL, mixed and Durbam-4eeders, rang- flax undeir COntract, states: "There and brothe I rs and ,gistors foir tjof�aesv KIP, . - a-linton, Hensall. ,befcxe. us," the speaker said. 111 fore. Mrs, C. S. Hudson president R I ing f rwn 600 to 80) pounds ; 22 Sprihig .. TaylloT. field Bru.oefield* , ­ ed postpaid in Plain, seded wrapper. I calvm; 2 Registered Hi��eftrd bull&, 6 months h*hS Oft -1,11 ' . ille, ,_ ,.' . SO% less than ;retail. Write fqr &ae-d-; old. These -are ji,11' On been a question. briiught up the Rent and Varna are great ideal of ,thought' is being put of Hensa,R society, presdd�d for the I %��'. Aario sitock , in Pasit 'Miontli, also Mr. F�errlsl` rel- holding a re I If good glonal training school at on the problem of'whiy this war broke worshi "' j , - Over Production, of flax in Cainadi At atives, returned 6D'thefir home by way P PeTiod, with Mrs..W. A. I � caltalogue. NOV-RUBBER Co.. .Box 91, condition. Two geese, I gander 13-rucefle'lld, U1111ted Oburch November out, Hitler, Of Course, was behind 1,MacLaren accompa)mying at the piang, � � _. : smiali cut- �, . Hamilton, Out. 11 . 87978 Iting box with Ptzlqey; rubt Pulver, G -inch Plieserit flax ds very scaxce in the j��. of London. Mr ,and Mrs. Earl Law - 'r. r . I M� � � -set sloop sleighs -, cufter; light -bar- ve t ilem to the pity' . , . I tt li� I crin-der, Pire, - alnid Belfast ,has always, furlid-sih- S'011 dro . ql I * .. � 12th, 136, 145th, l8th and 19till at 8 it, but why did, the 4epn'aus follow I with quiet music. 1,Gdve To our God. . � I 0_RAIN--1 AM BUYING, �PRAIN FOR GEO i . . ...... � � � - Thompson, , I ness, new: ensilajj� cart; sausage stuffer and ,ed 75 Per cent ­of the lfimL. the of the .. p.m. Courses . . .1. Ellensafll' For latest quota- I I rd n ,Of Mir. and Mrs. Cha,rles Dal;e, ilyoludo.* (1) A study him,? Simply, because Jhe, off ered a Immortal prajsW., was suivg;­_'9or1p,- , . - . . i0in ' z1 press. almost new;. meat grinder: two World,. This means there will be , Rufron Road, visited Mr, Qf the Psalms; dzstruotor,'�M�v. A.a. solution to the distres's-under which tilre, 103rd psalm, wasliread by Mrs. . I . tioTis and intfOrMuti Pbxm. 685 r 2. We crosscut saws', band saw and carpenter's and Mrs, drew Lane; (2) "What it Meanis To the,� live(L True, ibis siolution."'ap- .Fr ' I o:� carry a Abell: of bkza..end,Wij1ji , � �� - . . - also do y" tbols, and numerous other articles. Te,rm.- & Or com , I Mrs. Wil- B a Cliiristian," , 8emaA ,and Prayer was oftered by trucking. W. M. SPROAT TUe Yard, Ill tage for some years to ' e '�U,d George Leftch and Mr. amd 115� '. .1 I '. ,. GaslL HOMER HUTjT. Prvvrielilor; Haroic., if we give reasonablce. service -at-this .bur,, Jewltt� , . Rev. J. R. Peters; -pealed to, the Germans.. But what - ,p� � . . .- -1 . 3790-tf J-.kson oneer, . - Mrs. James Kerr, both of Seafortb- ;% 1: N", - - � . . 1 4111411i - 3804-1 "The WbLEPM �Compilibteie in Ac- did we- do to dielp? What did the Mrs. Hudson gay�� ,e . � . I , - ­ ,as- Lawson; - of - Stratfoff�� "-w—n I � I . I I time, Nine s,hould be able to j204. �whgt, � - Mrz.-T4vam' -,,(3)- - __ ' . _ _tal __Wej.QQma__a . �� .. � I __ ­ I ­ We have secured after the . VjL9Jt'(iig at the, home of M tdon,,,7 �tev. G. H., Wild6ag; '(4) tnAted States do' toi"hel __ -j' ck*-' -C�Oailbuthig-_to H -d_ __._____.. "' , war. There Is r, and ,,y,oung peOpIle,s, Work in the LOQI ie V? . We . � the Oej � _� i I Ld tb3e d6oys , ,. _ , Ift tful musi- illiould W mill's operati Mrs, to imindgrafil6n sled :cal portion of the __gAt ­ - � 1"'. I � . ,�",;:_ 11 . . I VARNA 7 I . U9 dn OVW7 qelorge L�IfZh and Mrs. Alex Church," Rev. I , rai . program were Xro . . ... .. .. .. .. -- � I.. � . I . .1 . , . one of our loc,�jl pe,litres, and if We Leitch. 11 . ._ -1. E h riff aal left them' to themselTes. Govenlock -in, a TOCaX 10olo, "Them �. - I - � ' On',y � Skbad :,.,. . . — alIl. include: ' Dean, Rev. EL, -p-. WIjifit; . .11 . ,. - . .. , ae -residents, of H Mr. Leo Stephenson, andk Mr. ,BeTt We' are. , realizing democracy_ the 'Are Ows ; dulet, "My Say- . ,_ . I I . I On Thursday afternoon about forty Pul together, it sho,uld 117011 County, S. director, Rev. H: F. Cunie; . , ��t. 'es of the village amd c6mmunity j- , tephenso:� were in, London On. ' Air. Archie Mulstardi; L -I ra. .reglsyar, Obiris,tian, way of living, is not good, iour Calls " Al I. - . I-, , I ji�xz � Jadl be Possible to 1&y- - I Tues- I D rian, misR enough yet for blie. w1orldl. This war Frank kl' rs. Hugh, Jack and Mrs- �", I . E",;_ .�. Met at the ,home of Mrs. A. McGon- ,S�'Cilre Spinn'lig Millis fOrthe tOwnOf 3eanne Dund.` . I I . 14B Ing,' Seaforth, with Mrs. � f��,: 4 Gode-riclL It is situated in th4e coitm_ Mr. Obarles Hoggarth had, the M'IS- 11 � I . making, demlocracY safe., for the John McGregor, of BFniondlifle, ac-, 41, . I. .. I -1 ­ . . -wioltld- We will. not -return to the . companying at e jdAR,o, ,,Bleft Be � . ift Bess�e Chute-., ty ,has natural wa,t�eT facilities ,nd'frirtune on Wiedne�ldhy eveiaing, while th X I n1eill-Ati hovor'of Mi _ 1, 1�d, . .V� ". 1. . li; Oldes�t, Member � � I fuld Pi�esented heir with a'alnner set. ex'e ra, , climb' ' a ladd.or to� fall 16 feet -to il . , 11 easy going lifei we knew.' If we -win- this Tie' ftfat Binds,, was the N. . o � y 11 , .. _. Mrs. ,G. H.. Beatty r"6 the ad , _el.lent ill connectionis.; Ing 11 . . . . . . I I r, o 1 41 - dress Flax bas advantages f6r,the ordin. the barii, floor, fracturing two hones� we will ,have to actively c, closing ,� %. � I and Miss.0hubor made a very ' . Jr. W. Ortwein., of Hen -gall, a past ombat the hymn, foLloweld with Prayer by ,am 11 . . . . ttiAg ary ftrmer. Take ,for instance- the in his back, He ­waj' jaken to, Scojtl�prj�sjdemt ,of the Westeru O.Utak-. th-a0hing Of Tival dooftilliues,. When minister, Rev. W.'-Wedr. � A aftW I . ' , -, �.' I I ­ ,. � reply. Lunch was then served and old Pasture fields. Many of them A110.733101rial Hospital where, he was put I Rible, Society, and,', at tile ag�e of 91 wie realize- 'what -Hitler '4" done in Vour was endoYled and a deliciong .� � - . . I i , lea-mut time. . I ­ �� . � . MEETING -OF- HURON all felt .they had a very p have, ­a rank ,growtill, ,of golden rod in a cast -and w,ll'I remain, in the cast one of the o1die-iit the last six. or, seven years, to cor- lunch served. Loveirautumn govem �_ . Mr. Fraok.Weekes has disposed oi ,and other such nuistamf,ne w,eeds� The .tbreei month&' . . .. active pattielpamts. . I � , ... � . . . I his farm and- has moved into, the vil- , . I 11 in, the, work of tbe,JgOle Smtet,j, was rapt ,�iie mindla of German youtlis, were used 'with much' eff . - .. I COUNTY COUNCIL C-altivatiOn required for flax win na- Quite a numbeT attend I . we 'see.`*,hait.can.,be done aiid must ,floral ,dworati-ons. , ept for. the . led the Amd- a, special guest. at a dinner held by, . The,' aMaIr was " . . I i ': I . I -age, We web�ome' Mr.' Weekes ispa tUr6..Ijy clear up such fields, and put veTsary se . the imfortuniate pe*- gitatly e,4joyel and, a 0011emlid at- . citi . i -vices at' Lon�dssiboro on th�e meiiiberq Of ibe -Londt6n brafich I be done ,to Aeach . ; . . MEETING 0 F THE HURON, e Ple 141OW t6 live peacefully, -The . I NEXT ,fil in a'moreproductive state,, and Sunday. ' - �, . 11, ' '""'"I' ,*0,6 Bibli Society illoted, I . z-ep andlhbpe he'win. long be spay-, thk . �. 11 THE [ed ,to enjoy retlied,life. �, I . . of ti o Weat6m On tendance, . , - 1. , ' ' * ' . County Couhcil will b, held in the , clear up a -great deal of the we,_.d :Y, 1 ss, Haz61, JamiiatsloiII4 njrwe�,,_ a London On . 4,10n&` I I struggle mky be long and' hard,. but I . - . : �! � C-uncil -Oham-bers,, pGour.t House, Goderich, 1 ' 'Mr. and M�s. Wilmer' Reid' and prObIlein. � ,. . � - .11 . . , , :­ I � I.,.,. ..,.._�Y' I � . - - 1. . 1�.; � . . I cmnmencing at 2" P.m., Tuesday.- November. daughter,* Mona, and ,Mrs. M. Reld I . ­ training, spent the week,etd und ' . some day it vall end iwy�ctory.,,l . � Council Meets , , 1. . � . � Mr. er The. tv'Oh'alo., Class of Hensall Ifnit- Bible j " _ � I . . . i 'r; . . spent the week -end- with Dr. . Gordon also pointed .,jt, ,the parei��)� Toof, _u-n§_Robert jam- . I 11�711�i - were read by Was . . .., . I . . All' a4munts, "ovice.- of j- is ,ed Ghulth 94aft�l Sebloo,ii.1,�g-plojilaing . The, - lai� I _� . H. Reid in the matter of price , for -th -o� I I . tune, Saunderoack wild, Alre, lRedden; rM - meeting ,of the villa . .. , . , *1 HOS . ge - . ." .Putal:o nd family, of ltoron.io, e pr levou i's still in Scott Meml.0ili il A - a tkaziety, �rqgr .. -60 be .. helld,:4- council was �614' Monday ey .- I . other business requiTtrig the atteritim of . duct, all - 60ps) are g1mverned by the pital, ��. I .1 I .. .� �4, . am .. 11, -the devotional -readings, Miz�g. Mary. "Good- Aning at : .., I Council should be in the J�sndq, oc[ t�he Coun- Mr. Fyank- Weekeg visdted� his COUS_ future, jCvdg1gtX-ftlg of 8 'pm. in the Council c '­ ty Clerk mot ,later than -Saturday, xovembe,j ,i,n, Mn and Mrs I near a musical win and Afliss Sbirley Fairb haniber wilft , ,, , ,.1. .. , I 96b, I L6nd ' I - Reg Ciirteir, ,of Guel pro&7r.&M, tLra`vologue'. a�na, pictures, Mj�ss Elva Mcquee �d ., g . I . Dr. Weekes Of c on, on Sun- Ph, airn, whi-le all .members -present , I I fth a lunich. . *ajelh this'. ; yer, Ior D. Robison. The, minutes of, the - .1� 1940- ' . - and Mri. Gib. Plant, of-Godi.onch, VA_ followed wi ji ft tbe opeA6 . ,,, except C�OuncW , I - �` N. W. MILLER, 0ounty C,jerk, ' ,, I day., Ifel-11, Ehmelist Tempaem�sn and Frank ited IVr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson On pap Pra Monda3r, Nov.. 18tli, the so- � L__ . z.., I Go � derich, Oritario. Mr. Den, ,Hymmer, who his� been Stagg. Solbs, by MPS -'Kenneth- DrAke, Wednesday. : I � er fOl"tilhol datie. , *. � .� 61etY will vislit the County Rome Previous meeting' wi&e read - and . . � .. . '. 3a, were also greati . . . ,, $u"sfuj anniversary '. gervic an; ug* 11" 3803-2 ,employed by Mr, F. Weekes for the of Staff ,]it ad,opted on ,motion by, Horton , an& . . 1, � i__ I y appreci- I ,e, Clinton and, will Provide; 'eveni. 0 -11 � .. I — Past two Years, left on� Monday for ated-, For his ,inonling subject Rev. — - ��_ - s Camern. W. StOne ap,Pearlod, a's a I " .1 . . " . big home near. Donegal, wh-dre he dias Mr. Hill chOse the new yelar Too ng- were Observed 'In K11ox Presbyterian enterialumout 1!lOr the - inmates, and delegate from' the Canadian, I,%4= . . � , . Farms For Sale secured a pos4tion with the cream� 1)��,c��st b year mesis e !IENSA,LL Church, Aubum, ion Sunday, Novem- " M0n&Y,, Nov. '25tb, the Y.P.U. of as to the hall rent for bin". Cam- �, , I I . .. . Y King George lat the com- - ber'3rd. *Tb6 guest speaker *as Rev James. Street Church, Exeter, alid, the " .1 � . ery. . - . I �.�. . FARM FOR SALZ-190 ACRES, MILE I - MeDiCemout of this year- "'I said to , (Cbntbmed from Page. 1) Mr. Kerr, ,Of Brussels,. AssWing wibh*. EvOu-9014cal Chur0h, Zu-rilcb, ,have n a I I � east of . Weaton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Con- Mr. G. H. Beafty ,,and., family and a --q,n who stood at the. gitte of the the muslical PorWon of been extended au invitation rebate of $4.00 for eiaclh nft&,t that ' .11 - co-sion, 'IbynishiV of Grey. Lairge bank Alm L. BleattY, motored to London on year Stanfield's, Turnbull's and Pea, the, service-, to be '! � .. . give me a light that I nia.y trend ma,n,s from Carmel Presbyterian C I the , guests - of I-jensall o& the Legion, ,have used the hall, barn, frame house. excellent grav,sa Pit. Ap- Sunday afteimoon,. safelly into the unknown Wool In,d,'.er,,e,r are now in burch ' I , amization. - . l 1�1.il '. 3>13, to Box 229" EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Sea- The Misses Sar -ah and . Mary Pee Pliell: IC , and, be, re- stock at Goodwin.16, at right prices. hero Were Mrs. James W. Bonthron, The meeting Concluded, with the Na- ouuting t,o $12. Caxrled. Cameron ll, . forth. I I $798-d I'- �0-­Out into the darkness and 'Basleball hT and ,, T,, -,,'-ho rendered,@, lovely golo, ,,The t,jonal Anthem, n,md, b edictiom ,, , and Moir: , That we ��rg,a the Wo. I `.� �, S - .1 I 11 - I L I �od, Hall, HensaM Frida tranver ,of Gal -Reel, and quartet" I . men's lustAtute tOw sum of $5.00 for . . and brother Wild, were guests at the Put your hand into the band, of C F,u,C1 ,6 Dan ei , ., I I ,home of Mr- Geome. Beatty, .Sr., on 'That shall! be to yotu better than light sponsoro Y, November 8th I I Russell, - Martene the'uge.,of the hall on November Is. . 11� I FARMS FOR- -SALE' Sunday a . d �y'ohamber of Commem'' inulubewl rpriayer 'Pew-fiect" - and . � I L I I .!� .1 . 1. fternoon. and eafer than thk- knov,ij. way.,,, For ()fficial presentatron Of e. "Abide With M6" w�re -sung ljy Mr& . . CwT-tedt- 1-L J. Paterson, , ta,x, co,11ee-, I � , I � I � 0., ,� OT 35, "GON, 9, IMST�WAWANOSIL 200 Townsend - Chuter the, subject . bf ,111g, evondjig dis6o O.B.A. Cup, Maci�aren, Mm MalebIni Dou- Zi" .Luthelrkm Church, Dash,wood, tor; reported as_,�aving received. ". L urge Dundlas orchestra ,Of Lucan-. Genieral-W- 'A- . ,. acres- mily, pasture, ,bwo flowing springs, A very quiet wedding took place in Mr. Mill, chose the text from Revola- . was the scene of a lovely autumn $2,216.32 , ca�ah � . 1, " ". I some blwh. price $MOO. St. John's Anglican Church on satu admilssiGn 25 cents, 999, Md aind Prepayments -of ' 11, I !- tiOns: ' "I am Alpha and, omega, the . 09 Irene Hoggarth,and Miss weddftg when piev. 7teb Luft offliel- $1,320.00,, or a total axii,ount of -taxes . %t, Lot 16, Com 17- Grey, �100 Scres- Stone day afternoon, wililen Miss Besele, beginnAmig and the ond, .the flrot am, . Mabel workmaix I * " I house, two barns and implement �hed. Good Chuter became the d Entedmi'in Old Friends ated " rW the Marriage of Caroline: $3,536M on the 1940 -ro,11, and having, ll I . Helnmll. Chamber 'of Cormnerce is Mizabath, daughter ,of Mr. and � ;l. I -11 -with windmil,j. Priic. $376(� immediate bride Of Mr. Wil- the last." Both sermons were closio. A Very Vkme,ant tj Mrs. transferrIed $0,000.00 in Cash to the � 1, poesession. � one sponsoring . V_ l"am Townsend, Rev. J. Graham offic- 1Y related to the probleing of the ,evening reCeUVI.V at Me was spent ft baseball euchre and Henry MaTtenO, Of Stephen, and ��- - T ..;;. _ . Part Lots 27 and 28, Con� 24, Hallett, 283 iat thle home of Miss, danice to. be hold here in the T,own Liam Homer, gun of Mr. - relasuller,.. COTTeOPOA-dence wag reatt ' . , 11 - a and, AIM- as f6liows: , Rellef Tmspector; ju,dgo ; 1. ores, Pasturi, good well with windmill! al ing- The YOU1119 couple Left on a Plrd;eint ej*Wcaj days"in, world's hU, Minnie Reid,' whibb'sho entertained a Hadd On FridarY 4avening Nov -8th. .The Milton RiisWl -of Hensall. Miss Hel- T, M. Costello, D, F. McGregor, Frank .. , I ' - ��,.11 sb flOwIng .9P ing. some bush, fair'bous, ,� Motor -trip an d1on tilii?�17, return w�jl tory, and were heard wififi, great in- number of 'her school- chums amd highlilght of the evening wtRI be ,the en- Nadiger Played t1te wedddng music 401inelly, X WeWh,'. (). Fritz, A. 13614 ,� , ba,rn, Part .ofnfarsn suitable for mativation, settle on the,, groom,s farm In Gode, iterelSt and appreciatdon. Rev. Peter friends'to a dinner: and, social even- offictiaA - e .B.A. In a th 001016t, Mr. Lloyd W-ein, sialig pepartment of W;elfare, MM4 1'., ,,, '�' . . n -ch Townablip. .� 4'."� �- ;, Suitable -ter= can. be .-m,,A . �, li Price W50. ' . � .Twesentation, of th 0 , - nd e I �' * ' -TQmeft]2 Pgztor,of th.4%, congregatlion ing in., hon ,Of AiTs. p. .10 B., Of t , . . . I �, . Or no epmedd F) stap. , Applj,­ I . . ' ate 'B' championsb1p, cup au i in splendid voice 110 Pewfeet Love," jeton; game fl, I � ��, excii��d pulpits with, Mr. 1jil.j. Moose Jaw, Sask., forinerl� An I . toil. BdIsi and, accounts-, , �),,,�i - - =11, -made a charmlhg picture Canadjim LegIM rent roblat , $12.00k._ , Brusseft, Ontario. . . I I sm Medals byj..C. McDonald, President, The bridie, ��!i .',�;, , I S z7M 1 Visitors for- th`6 day: Mrs., Emma Grade Gowniel, ,,Of Stanley e . N!, , . . I MV= . edford. OntarzD. . h comilitence as sb& entered the church 011,the, arm I I � "A"111 - . . 11 I . . WINTHROP . , , Heinsall-1, Hydro, hillf, $6.61; A. Sperl- ... � I �, 8804-2 - ROW and Mrs. August McFarlane and It is i4ome: years since- mrsi. jOR'Qs- at 10-30 With DunJdas Orchestra, of of R6r 'father, wearing ja ftoor-length cer & Son,, � 04,� " I .. I - gtaffl'eY McFarlane, (if jjmjs,s�la, and has been to Ontario and, -all enjoyed Lucan, in iiittendan,ai�. ''If . you ' are gown Of 'Ivory taffeta with tight bodice 1-1. T. CWmore, gi-aVel"streets $4.OV - 1,-,`,'� � . One 'Cent Sate_-Ibe ont and lonly Miss, Evelyn, Watson of se ,'�elrw much reblewlug.(Ad a,e4uajntW,c. ,proud,�>f the Henimn m"eriAll etweetiff, $3APr ) ��Ii,!,%, .P, ARMS FOR SALF-100 ACLRES,: THVEE original, ends SatU,r&.y nig K t.,. Mr, Mr&, j � ,T . aforth; lvag6ball team, and pbdnt &esprit oversikb)f, hdon- 'A.-Bucibin- , H .­­ iv �11`?_ . Iles 6*uthwes4of Hensall, .Lot I 'glis bit- ea Bud anres ,lia Las I k�,,,',,:�,:141 m -3, Clon- ir I'd &=Ry es umr talking Over sohool, days and who bTOUght honor'to, this town, c6me ed with long -gleelves, t , OUPP es eft., $2.90'; X. A- . " q'. oe�lbn 8, Ray Tovn*htV- Hydro. - Plinirmacy, Seaforth, hnd Mrs, Margaret -Barr, of stratf6ird, old 'timles. At the Canclu,glon of the out . aVered. over the patierso* .001 t! .`* �J ��, . goo bank -and support ,them with your haudo and oweethen,rit neckliM . Boor ft ng' Jurors, It good . $I.*; 'IL . "'," . house,i Mr. and Mrs. Josem Little spent with MT- and Mra. Duncan evemj,Ws, entertainment, all, joined patm�nsge. . I Ji.paterson, aWlecit$ng jueom, $1.56; It. � ,� e,_ 1 henbouse, 8-roomoit Uriok bouse, goo UcXegar- - . flulger-tip veil w" caught with a hhjO E. ��'?�, �,; d well, Sunday with Mr. and Mina. Geddes of Mr. and Mrs. Al,jan Cameron, of Mdtl hiall-ft ft singing "Auld Lang S � � Shad1dick, se� J11116is, $1.5o.- �,1,1'1�, hardwlclDd bus -IL, 10 -@nl�res of fall whi,at u1nd. B,elgrg". , me.11 Dr. and- M'=. G. Knapp, andt Mrs, OVOrailfe h1`0s*0J*;"8n she c4riled T. Kyj# '.ga,L,jh�y. '' f $$ 00 I .�"', - fall plovAng done. Abo . I ahlell, with r., John McCulloch d "', 50 Acred, north half and Friendg were Present . .1 I P . , ­ . ol ,,�*,"-, 1b1t 12, 4i Hay Township; 30 Pte. Oliver Pry,ce. of W dinughter, Miss' Lila MOCulloc'h; Mrs. SeafOrth, VaTlia, Klippen aftid Henamll. e week- , �' School' Dogr&, � ' , I . � - ClDnCessiDn oodgtock, from Clinton, Janet Peck, of Tbiroullo, wler' l'briarienffe, roses and blouvarfdan, Sho currq�4t ;sx , , t �`;�%. acres PZww#d -Zr�Dtn sod l8at SPring, badawee spent Sinviday vAtib Datten and d1auglit6r, end, guests wifth Mj-. anh Was attlmded by,her sl�stAr, MASS, Mill- A� � 1. 00.00; , nonth"n. I .,!�� �,, ,his Pait,ents, Mr. Of Winichelses., . . Mrs. M. G. W,ftlflu i , Drypdi 'I ,; ­ r 'in gms; good wee with wi-ndmill. Also 100 & ' �UPV'05 haR $233.90; ,!t: acres. gftss farm, Lot No. fl, C and M-ra. Thomag Pryce. Oliver �x- "d Ain and Mrs. E� L Remembrince Day Services .Drysd9e. dred Martene, gowded in floor length .W.- R­))avfdsbfi,­,�'_­ ' .-nceastluia.,5, loy'd mililer, Of . I ." 0�411, ,Q, $38.27; 'g" - Ray Township, wmh never-fawmg ap * Pk -As tA?, be tome from camp this Stratford wit Mr. and Mrs., Milton. ,Russell of pinii bafteft with blue V61,vet ir *_ $ X�;, r a I h Mrs. S. MialeTo- I Remem In", fthd Da"k bf MOAtNit lnt6tesit, $50.45; J. �,,,,. . 0 ��;,�, creek Tunniii* =rosa. it. Apply to �d�J. week. � MT6. Reidle" of bra�ftce bay services will Ile Ray Townabilp, ftwe P h1a4d ' the bOr Phoulld ' leingli vwl was caught Reza , , ft, . i'��,,�� 31 pu e , er. ST ,P, � . Erin, has return" held in C'aMcl' Pregbyterl8n) 43hurch Nes'lands VmPert'Y and� have taken up ..Loi jGk*&l. T--;j;i ­,`., 1, �,,;, 0. TODU on, Lot ,i Concession 2, Hay L Cpa.'re lio"! 'f't' Of '"gr6owod -4,25.80; Toww1il Exeter P. . rg Bullard, Mrs. Bul,lard, to her -with-pink and blUe flowers. -Heir W " �,,,,,,', , I 0. I 38034f ' coupie rho'V"ng 9Pent a ,Sunday� Nov. jo*, at 9.46 P.m The residediles bem - _ I 'flowers, Were br*enft rw I I - . I I 010wh9l $3-1 �,',,,' I . MT- JObn Bulftrd and -Tackle, Mr. and I ea. white T,,, "Werl'6, reIlet:i'*6tX& $9.00. 'rotal, Mrs. Peter McCowan and family, and f r ads ,, ,weelts with .her' nuzy Legion and ,resident [it, miss X011 " n�,�,�.1'1, 7 � le of his vicinity. mita'stets, vvj le Fee, who has been con. 13hbk mu,nijo - 9W -fem Mr. Mac-bos, $j',9.4j.,gg_. 6- take . � . I - 0UOMMI * and 401ftn: - - 'Db%t ,�'Lt,'' . . . Notice to Cri�ditoro Mr. and XT18. Poster Bennett and fam- MY!& R. Preebble, of Ilderton, visit b Part in' the service, and music dued to "iber 000M for the past ,three W, W Blonwax, ;,r - tble "accounts ni -i6Wf',b0.`V&1d 0a,. ,,5'T,,'�,�, - k ed . 50 WoOmalmlan, �,��,�,. - . " ­ OnAbs wl a , Th tured 1�eg ,as e � . S h j17 APOA Sun1day with Mr. and MM Out the 1101ne of Mr. ",& Mro. Kenfieth ,,y the cho"'r *111 1n0lU&:' Aut'hft "'a . th f c , h r and the' UgMT6 We* lftffta $be andl, ruA lgort6n � , , , , T , W By2aw "'41'". .1 'Re Shall 04ve RU Angelo. AmAday MaaqXft6 1*0th,alft Of... , . W mor. ��tz�, NOTICE TO CRMITORS, George Riaton. I McKellar md, ,Other metwo. I O'bkwge -CoVeirled SuftldentlY to be able to b the 'S6. 7 be, gj` ­ J;',i�,,.' L . e i . 114 TUB ESTATE OF NfARGAvy,T. Qnd Mr48L U69 Liftle moved to, "Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Drake, Of soltoist, Zefttitlbn helid' at -Ing :Caa�rj () gr�a..and It ,�: 5��Ii�.' Over Thooll (0. B. Adams), ,out with the ald Of crutchje$,, atd I# btido. Fblro%ift a V�d first bud a6eWd read- 11'141�1_ . , 18ARiL. M'r- Mrs. ofithrou, solo, tht tome' lot LA `Uftgoll. Sftforth thi's *"X, ) Staft, were kuestg,' at " hM�q of .J. W. b 11L fiva �a �,"4�, , . e�t W,e "now gVeDdI11190, few Wieek# .m Londori We Iblidels, %if"ts, Mr. ThIlt, RY14*�Xv, 7 be giOn'tWil And ,,�t ,e t �,,jlkv� A"' 0-bm hav'ng casimh aOMw tlw Es- Mr. gkd M-ts. Elton naftt, Billy and Mr. -and mrs. .tohrij Sclotrt. . Forget " Mr, Carey JoYmt; Rev, Mr. with her edster.. alrd' Mm. Ru"01 11611t k0r .9 mQtor trip fin.,11 regAng gal gn,a i, 611te 101''Mwearicit Uabellla, ' . , V ,Vgd". C�ar� " pk� - ; , ,,, Jrackssn� late -runf, 'o . , rr��,L',;­ Cd tho , kivM"VIG, dotemed %*o - I V�J', ', omgge lat Betty, ,of Gravefturst, bave bom via- Mr. amd Mrs,, ribbert I ,f tho- Anglican church, will through Nf*rthor�" Onitarilo, 'the bridel 1710d, M�, Aind- "Molt'. , - "At We, i',np, diled vft or wbftt ibl* Wrd. ds)y of ' ',"llor and give the addmo. - . - U198 Mwy , 01wk wag bOgteft , at, wearing ,ao 011vp gM,ed. wool . <IVWS., , . , , , P,,� , 1� . : .". October. lt"vg M'M- Haist 01 couple Of weeks. familT, Of raa'iqllhailr, aw Mr. =,d, Mrs, . , V v6lotlth to .mbet X6440�1-b ',or.�_ to sorid in to the .1 ,or 15t.% - , �':�;,.�,. 1940 at" her#l)y wN&d . ,her home Friday evonlag Xov -Is%, block 6dat _W0h stidalk fur and -black ne� I L, . , nd�ra 4il, Mrs. Chamlyo_m and tlainiffk oil* mov- Jameo 906tt end baby, of larodfiggen, . at 8 OMM jeata.--LI '11-�, 1� 'a di .Z,dr W6_-, th'! Mousatau , Armstrong for th4- aluilDer meeal On N6veftb& I940,­ftW ptjttLvrjm"*0f "Offevjif ling Inft tbO'601180 ifteAtty",owu0ted 'visited . * Iftterson, �f,��, �,: I ,vg �f tjhe'W%_ aeemot�m They ­V1,11 Mside the CWk " L . _ 'I � , ;'.'�W, * , With MT. and Mrs T Scott, ­ , .., ,5,.,�: 1-1. . d.thm, � - . . by Mr. and AM V,eg Lltttft 1. Sr. , , I adou.-Cirdlie. 'MIS4. aQya Pgsgm0r6 groom's rdm in Iflay J�bwnjghfj). . ­ 1, ."N ­ � �, 4, . I I , ; ,,,, . . � . , , 1� 4� _ I..., . . 111�"P%1��,_ ;;., I lftmo"661�r stj& tb� agid %A Sientioned � V"M Tjl*" - Church M"Se 'W" ArrAnglLmd tke I>rograft The Rible, 41 , ' ;J""."i�i - . ' - ft � . . I.. ­ . . . I ­ . UT. azlid* Mrs.­Ciii 6f braco. the Scene ,6f a lovely, late alitum . � , . �,,;,��;,:�',�, � dr=*ho. A8bdf6'6f-l%6 ot,ld &taU wof W 69- 11 I -1 "' '­ "' -I - - I ­ L I L .. 11 leading vnav given by miss E)Iva Me- AHold Thikokopeolti" Ueeting , 'L I . . ,, I . . . bd their - L ­ L Imij-­g''i 1. I a, I "L ,,, !,-',�, 4� 1 �, - , J, , . 111� 11.1 1. yi,� Moo, Gladys Thia sbnu�g l� ItU,tulmg of *6AX r'.. .LC I I .1 I 1� ,-,k RAV. 1 R.'ft-W tbaw, wftekftg� 6? a4, W , C �­,­ I—- �,� .6 "' iA" A - %a, piftict ,�� 9VOMS of Mr. ",d Mrs. T. Wediding W,00leadsl X pl?"�­,�,, " � , 2u,"j, i .. o ov. Oth, *hen Que;c,tL ,h;nd PmYer b ga,ml it "l�%""'�'­ ,I . to, ,��_",.,,­, ,'�i 4 , g- i6f9clated for 010 �ifdgetntTC-, " I rw .1. , 1'�, Ulf, I V1 _ #, fjV, �Z� 1'1��_ - ­.. � ­­­­ . . ..... .. .. . , � ...", I..".. �. I '' The Scdptuz�e 140ftn W.iti M. S, jdf dam,k PtQ, , � . �%" ,,��V , ,4 1 A4� ;�,'., , �i�Al L . . " . — 1# 't �, , ,�, 40 1210 Art. Mid `MT8. W114dara, M.&r.tin ,%Jld mar,rftg� , Of -1� �- . . �01 'E'iftned I Illw 1:6 ic., 1h I -- I , to, 0"gub 0* ftA,b 4.F.,:,,.i:A. ", . U'd, *0 , Wk*k 06ro&y � Yt&i,gn bhUr& tfti . 0% , , . � o*�-*Ad, r1804 6-01Y 14%d'.by rM,fw 6hit,ley. ftt,rb0,jM, ,fol. W 1. 11, of J�aveft pf#A6k. daughter� of'Kjpboa� vjd.W� Up, ,an,d daughter -of Mr. , 4#4 Mi , - y6f . I A I I I.,() :'$�!"l'�` " ... � _`,,� -hold heft� Tdosoaj ijiberimod in L' I I *",� �# i , , "�,,azi,to, *&Mo df Wkwe, ,rj�, ,',,�,.,�',' - � I I .0 Q , Z , .. 4 � fs, �n .as - . ­ I �. I lowed,by, 14 391ble, ft'adizig Vk, Mlgi§ . _ 'I,- �'L, ; .I ,- 1, " ", � I , ­ j" . 1AW *a Own 1%VL- ter," I &i I o ib�6e$ 'W" iit# M.M. kenZ& Udke'llair " - stroug, 'of stkio, and Ithe ftumb. I Tu .1 WA114. ,or' plir6t, I It � I ";'�:,'J,�,, ,;, , - ''; 'O'k � ', . "�',�,"',tl�'. : , 'IM I ..." , . - . . . , f ­, I "Pm., ... I . 0 . I � , Le .­,""' ­ , ' �� L;, *rL� ,-"�4� 1 � ` 1' ft4Mb1ft14Ah'0hjj�1 ,aQ6�ffil. "ie, , � t" - -�. L gooft W tb6_ ­ '' .. " , , " .'sw,- 166, do dfiWbOW bt unr PrftyWr - 0 , 6 - o-o4viaeb ou 9#td&y i0ix TWWaY eVolift a Val su,bcess� ander MbqfW�96,- a** of Mr,'aftd- 'Mrs, dibit-," *04 ftbea ' ' ' ly;kliti6ad- L ,��.,',`Iy�-, " ". , P& GaT04 Allel- ,11100 84andemock­ The stUft, ,,pre,#. J" , W, . , , floltsos, , - l'i'­ I �,,, �;��;"`!,Mah� 6:6,7" at 01* 4*"M'ft9-, Pf,esbytd"" Ch'areh ful f6w) Suptkit w" s�srv;,66 to Alex Mo4ag"ji, a en I , bY -the #0- O&Wk ��'Lfnftjgh;j�d j�Mj� ." " I ;.­­1.�­.,j", �­­__t, L - . 4040 �, 8 � of '6'�- On tj10'6e,dW Over , & it' 064f. Tht, bA& li '�t�',�:"""_`,;'Lj:"! ". :1 ; I'll I I - . L . 1 04, Miss tr�mle OMMA&, Mai ,191ft th,6 &ftliftil L *6' - - _dy, ;, . 'I, k" '-L, 450, 4 ft# "Mv#ftiuv� wo ""O" ��U, un S,bft*m�#' I 01010, V ion&' `��"'- Of W." Attraetflve:,hi .%­'ji%,66ft1 gb*j! of ffd0_,Qu,dft aid W#�§ Olaq�� -M-cjc6Szl0 I vv� vh'6, , k"St . I I ".." ,_ .. I L "-:i�`�'jLl.��"I'. "­� , I , � M. JAOR- Lftiwwt� , "?A, attwOM' vidilw6ra fibm & ft6alift goldii6t ijl%I;�, Oftltft 'U* A. A, M I 'L­�',,; f I ,,""': L.� ". �'­ I one bah ev,erkaltw" 1. �11111,l -, �,,'!,= ,� , , gre*a dioe with bl"� I *Wi, wt "DoWd- - ,of. 1 0"it*,jA,0%6,1W1t011tW#* �i I , 1, . 1 I'L ' I .-, I , ��!�":�L�;��,�")�!,���",,,�:, ."�;,L"�S L, 44L�o - adW106% ftlw *0b '. *6 1 bho 9,6 ,b.k Im ,, 1640: ., , , . I i'. 110 , �*M��_Ljo ", I# :2 , zMalt-ba %Ir 01310 - ��Q,a diatniftutig edblidttw* td 1)1*43� All'" *A* ov . ,-4, I., IF, L' ,,A--0,. L , , ; - 7 I - toml . , ." * �� CA 6d , I :� � ", '' � �,''L�,��'�'�,'�'�.",,��,�",�,, �­;��,L " ­ "�" ��,� 1. I %f, I . $ laft , 11 . Ito rk-de twtl .1 . thoib . I I A . �1, ,,,� 1�,�j�j,;,,�'�,�G ,,,�,,,, I 4i",, �,, � . pl . I 6141. I voore . I . * statie � 'Or 16oftIft, .96f 101, oirloWt . iz�;�,!�_, 1-11"', 11 , 7 �. , &"#.:A$k,.14W 'bhw" .0i 9&f4*h,' til),611% "Mio-11#11, 'Ue6we.) oelaar eift,68 lq*tA. Mift e6 ith .* -j ­ WILLIA", M sto 'S6.115 ��"­.:!" , . 1"A illeld, M.11## 1141% #rook Will Ifta, Mf bio t '' W - , ,�l.,.,i�,�";;�,f�,,,�'�l,.!���;�,,�, ,";��, L, C1 )o �. i& , �­'; � , , ,,;�fflAjwr . 16".", . �'U ' L ., I � I . %,. ,, ��'. , , �, I I ,­,, . I 11 .. I - -a . W 0 " , . I ,��,L �', . . 1, 1 , I '�,'­ "L. I I . bkt�mjbe�f �ft66ta:#g �,&t W . -,� 1, -,: L o _ I , ' ; - M*bTj &t,**-&fd &tfotdl .md thfe imftw­ F , 'ww't Attotdaft ifte wo tn"I , I , ft, I , ,k I L' ;11111 I., - '11"'i, 14, 11)"I"; ,;,, , ­,,�, , , � ' "L j .-fttf I � of vwmh tw ,wag jo .th4s � � � , � L , . " '', � ., ��,' I , I , �% , , , , I , 1, ", � 4 , , - 006ft, ffd*Ard M6 _f , , � t, i;,,;, �­ `� �, . ­1��, I ��,' vLil!l6­t, I 9 . h1A idust & , L ��-��L':j�� � ,,� ��,;�. ", ��hf" j�s " I 1'14� "01.9 = = mftty 0 I - ,4L �, . � �11,,��.jl,­ . , .. , ,,�'.�!",�.'�'!� �",��`;,`,L;��'.�-��`�j �' 1, L � ... I �1: ,� I . 1�� .1 Itig, / 66(16tvy. 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