HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-11-08, Page 1• Eighty-first Year Whole Uumber 3804 FRIENDS.flONOR NOWJOHN- -NEILSON IIU EUCPN. , Presented With 'Mr rist Watch Prior to Enlist- ment in Navy. CALLED THIS WEEK `Kr; John Niellinon, who hasenlisted In the, Royal Canadian: Navy,- was presented with a wrist watch by his friends at a reception held at the biome of Mat Fred Johnson on Wednesday evening. Mr. Neil- son, who came . to Seatoith from Den- mark elev- en years in go, bas been night foreman111 Bakery. ie' has had no went 'front his parents o •brothere and sisters • -vehe 1ive ineDendiairk since shortly after war was declare& Always interested in the sea, Air. Neilson has spent many hours -due ing recent years in making miniature ships and his models, maw of which. are in Seaforth- homes, have been eagerly sought berause of their CaTe.- ful wterkmataishin and accurate Applying some time ago in the Navy he was accepted this •week and re- ported for duty on Thursday. John Neilson • The presentation' was made by John C. Oriole who read the follow- ing address.: . • "When We' .learned a few dans ago tbat youwere about to leave Seaforth we could' net fall to- seize au oppoe- turdty-,to, show you our appreciation or the kindly personality and quiet hun.or that We have come to recog- mize, during the years we the -known yona aa .outstentlingechireoteristios "When yoU team Seaforile elev- en years ago,--dattte -dielfeweethink that the events of the Years virouldlead, to' the dispelling of yew...native gauntry With such resulting anxiety andgrief to yourself. ',While we snicerely re- gret your departure; we at the seine than admire and reepect you in .the action' you have taken to do your part ' in correcting and haying low the scourge of war which holds in its -grasp' your native' 'txtututry, your adopted 'Country and in fact the whole World. • "In your new life as a member of the Royal Canadian .Navy, we wish ylou every good fortune and expree.s the hope that the day.wili not be ear distant ' when You, your appointed task done, will 'return to us in Seaforth.." James Cartier, Lorne Dale, Roy Dare nen John Bath, Thomas Phillips., Tom Chong, R. .S. McDonald!, C. M. Smith, Leo Stephenelon, A. Y. Me - Lean, B. Chrieette., Paul Doig, Archie Hubert, John A. Cardio, Russ. Holmes, H. Hildebrand, D. IL Wilson, J, Derrance, Herb .Weston, Poster Bennett, Leo Hagan, A. Phillipe, -Jas. Hughes, Rex McGregor, -Joe Purcell, Chad 'Glen, P. Pinkney, John- ston, H. Pretty, J. ..Crich, J. Dixon, G. Smith, Frank Lemont, Norman McLean, John Hotham. • RED CROSS .NOTES Remembrance Services Arratiged By Legion, To Extend 0:v &Week -end *. • • • • o, Xmas Parcels The recently appointed Sea - forth Overseas Committee this week completed the forwarding of Christmas parcels. to fifteen' Sea - forth and - Egmondville boys In the C.A.S.F. overseas. The large parcels contained a choice selec- tion of good things, which it is hoped, will go a long way toward making, the Christmas of the lo- cal boys more homelike. 0 • • • ID 0 PLAN MUNICIPAL' SCHOOL HERE District Officials Will Con- vene. in Seaforth on November 20. Seaforth has been -chosen as the lo- cation of one of the municipal petite:he. being held througherut the province this year wider the auspices of the Department of Municipal Affairs.. Trite school here will be 'held on Wednes- day, Nov. 20th, D. H. 'Wilson, Sea - forth Clerk, 'was. envie-eel tine week. In aletter to Mr. Wilsein E. G. Jare main, assistant supervisor of the de- partment, says in part: "As teu are, aware, the Department •holding a series of ltscal municipal schools, through:tut, the Province in an endeavour to improve -and Standardize municipal administration, .by pensenal contacts, with similar numbers of of- ficials than we can gather at the uni- versities. "The cooperation of. your Mayor -and Ceunell as well as yourself in sponsoring such a school In Seafearth 11 be a. greateaselatiareto thie-De- Pripet*/ net aenly ‘• believe of your c. tieoncleut tile° bans ter the in • note -reset Yen haVe dis- iu municipal affaxre. =• "'' "The meeting vein be addressed by Mr. R. J. Moore, Supervisor, and my- self. 'The to•piest covered' will. include council preceiluee„ the Department of Municipal Affene. and tts tuaetions, bedgeting.and tax collection, acceurut- ing and the queetion box." " • MailEarlyisPost Office. Advice Mail early for sure Christmas de- livery to our •seldiere and overseas friends, ts the coenteratien asked from - the 'public by the Poet Office Department, seem/thing to statement issued this week by Postmaster C. P. Sills.' War conditions make it im- perative - that the' above co-operatien be accorded and the local staff will be only too pleased to give any help they .can ii the• •desaitch of.. such raa Please note: The latest riling from the Department is that mto fresh. fruit ,or"vegetables may, be sent overseas in these Christmas parcels. The de- lay sometimes encountered tbefore de- livery destroys not tabIty the fruit but the other 'artictest ,enclosed, as well as parcels in the same mail bag. The Seaforth branch a the Red Cross would like to thank the merth- ants for then' donations to the "Chin- ese Laundry' booth at the 1dons Frolic. A nave percentage of the articles in, the parcels Were donated by , our local merchants. The Wa.beessio dernomeralion, seto.n-: soused by Stewart Bros., will be held In' the Regent Theatre OM! Tbursaay, November lath, a,t 2.30 p.m. ales. Ballitigall .be hi oharge of the -deMonstnation, which Includes a flash- oii pataille With local Models: There is absolutely no eharge: the Wabasiso ColliPhIllY Plans the Redt Cross ten cents for every adtelt who attends' up te 300, The/re wilt be a Bucky num- ber given at the door; as well- est sev- eral abet Prizes tarlhg the itithrkhollan. COMA early 'and; maketnere of a seat. P,oppy Sale Takes 'Place on Saturday; Church Parade on Sunday, While Service At Victoria Park is Ar- ranged For Monday. MILITIA WILL PARADE TO CHURCH Sectoi402 and (notelet citizens. will turn their thoughts from World War II this week -end. and pay tribute to these who twenty-five years ago 'gave their litres -for King andCountry. • Remembrance Day services are be- ing plaemsedi by local Legion branch/ea and in Seaforth wihl include a church parade on Sunday and a service .in Victoria. Park on Monday. The 'an- nual' poppy sale will take place cn, Sate -play. HAY ..FA DURIN iLlions Hallowe'en Frolic Is Outstanding Success '1 LEEP As Crowd -Flocks to Rink Wife and Nep4#17y Have Narrow Escagrom . Fumes;' FROM' COAL TATER WJIUam T.rueminer,- eget) 75 years, prominent Hay Townslat*, farmer, is dead,. while his wife,. thethermer Mary 000k,, is at date of writing ,in a, criti- cal donation after being ove•estine with gee at their home intHay Tn.- slap Thurstdiay -evening. Their. nephew,' Mr. Wleilley Itearcher, of Port Huron, tMiele, who *as a guest at their home at the taw, was ever - come in an attempt title; reach the telephone- downstairs, •aftpr awaken-. ing at 4.30 in the meralne,' 'With a severe headache. He finally succeed- ed in getting a neighbor be the wire to stunimon aid. The'.nasescaped from a coal heater .wlifittle had been checke4 . for the night:- Dr, P. J. O'Dwyer, coroner of Zerielt, and Dr. A. Aldison responded' tea calls -with 'D' Co. Middlesex and Hur- on Regiment Leads Par- ade, Which Opens Big Program. MAJOR PRIZE IS WON BY LONDON MAN With an attendance slightly larger than last year, the eleventh annual. Hallowe'en Frolic, ePonsiared by the Seaforth. Lions Club, and 'held in the rink here Thursday evening, was an unqualified success. The gay decora- tione in the reek added much to the frolic. • Children, eager to •neceive la ticket on the free bieYcle, crowded early to the rink and were followed by hue - deeds of attune Each child was presented with a .free bag of candy. The frollo was ander way a few Min- utes after the arrival of the men of Members' of the Legion, 'D' Com- the ,former deciding an inquest. was t'h'e ?Middlesex and Huron Regiment, pangpani of tjhe Middliesex-Nuron Regi- unnecessary. Surviving nee hie .wi- who paraded 200 strong, actor:open- mtent and the Seaforth Highlanders dew, and one sister, Mia. William fed by -the Seaforth liigniauders Band wilt parade to First Presbyter- S.claade, of ,the Blue Water Highway. Band.. ' Ran Church on Sunday morning where ;A 'private futeral .serviegt Was aside Rev. Hugh Jack wielder of the tram his reeidenee _Sweden, .1.10.4.. 3rd, draHwiglifIghttheetinat jheor epTriejazet,11. wg h was e tookthe .Church will breach. the sermon The followed by a, public service at the place at midnight. First ticket drawn parade will leave the Town. Hall in Evangelical Church, Zurich, of Which time to arrive at the church, at 11 he was a prominent 'member. ' Burial a.m. : was in the Evangelical cemetery,. . , Broneon •Liee. 1441 The Remembrance, bay stervice ba- i ' '• fete the. soctieter -Monument in Vie - • torte Park will- take -place , Monday • from the Town Hall and will include Lady Bowlers morning., The parade will proceed • the Legion-, 'D' Company R • also $26 and Heron, Highlanders Banid,, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and district mun- icipal tifficials.. Wreaths will be • plate - ed on the 'cenotaph: by the above inunteitilallieteee Province of Ontario, and load brach- ,of Canactiam Legion in ,memory of their ,fallern, comrades. • 1/5Till Erect Service Station Cusbota stickers for parcels over- seas May be had for the asking at the post office. Mete" are. eSsentiad. It Is inoted that comparatietely fee magazines or paper, go • to the troops overs'e'as, A bundle of the panandan home news might be moat acceptable and the rate is very Small. Under a recent notice the hustineee publicle informed of a new C.O.D. fee. For parcels $2.00 tend under C. 01D. value, the- C.O.D, 'charges have - bent reduced from 15c to 1fric, Wenn tive after November 18th. The C.O.D. fee Covers inettrance In the ease of -pasterns prepaid at parcel post 'rates against alasteactioner-diamag•e and al- so registration when toenair at this. rate. In the .:eitelleiction of waste Dlator- en Oetoiber 28th, soiree were Mien e& Those Who have) Waite materials of any kind are asked, to get in tench awith Mien Orate, phis; tele- phone 110, before. Taindity, Nevem- ber 12th. Ool20eton3 Will tan for year bundles, on Tattledate Iroi, copper and adturlintan tneterils are 'very Be- tel:stable. The renter Mientilltt Malebing ante. Seaton:Mr blittlieb of ;the ned 0'00 Clety v1I be" *adTh tlieftatiatte ega4 brats, oni trutextarir. trifighifiga 116.0161* 12t1r;,' at 8 pla. Oxime out ti e task buseting and keep Is tench vdth the OM& *roe Ibitt Cr. • Wtriarven this week awe moving the target building .on, the cleaner Of Vic- tor iel and Goderich Streets to the rear Fractures Back of the lot. The building, long a land- mark on the cormer,„ has recently In 16 Foot Fall been used as a service station and garage by WM. G. Wright. It. origin-. Charles Hoggarth, wet] known. Hul- An enjoyable bridge party, under the auspices of the itaddest Bowling Club, wes held on menday, evening at the home of Mrs. L. T. DeLacey for thet.putpose. of -raising fined& to semi Christmas cheer to nivel, boys from S-eaforth and Egmondeille*hio are ev- erseas, Eighteein. tables' Were in play. The prize -winners were: • Mrs. T. Swain Smith„., Meat JSproiat Mrs. Sydney. The proceeds' amounted to $26.00. AssistAt G-oderich Event ally was a &setae- bending. for John nit farmer,. near COnettance, had two veetebrae in. this back fraztured on, Dorsey for carriages and . wanes. . Wednesday evening, when, he, fell 16 ;Wayne Ellis; gine in ebaracter cos- . In its place the British American feet from a ladder to the floor of his tume, 7 to 12 years, JosephineMcIver 1 bar n' . . (seormcl tied), 'Mary. Lou Sills and Oil Ca. Will erect a modern service , , .. , Removed to -Scott Memorials Hoepi- Ahyvotne Belton, (third tied) Mary station; which will be occupied by talehe was placed in a. cast, where. he Margaret Cleary -and Wilma' McLean; Mr. Wright. will be'confined for three months: boys in -character costume, 1 to 12 , ,-ie • h was No. 5695e held by Clayton Steep- er, London, who soltd himself the tioket. To him went the' new Ford sienna.. • Other winner -a were: And, 10952; V. D. Falconer, Clinton', .desk; 3ed, 5903, Eric /Brown, R. R. 1, Granton, .walnut cedar chest; 4th, .11472, Mrs. C. Van -Horne, 011intm, ladies' toitet set; 5th, 11243, Jim Flawery, • Sea, forth, ce.easienal table; 6th, ‘470, Mel- vin Matthews, Har Von, Kenwood blanket; 7th, 2653, Wilbert Ott, King and College St., ,ltitiohener, aero pack; 8th, '11226, Mary E. Flanutgan, Seaforth, silverfox fur (donated by Harold Jackson). • The prizes were drawn by W. H. Golding, M.Itt W1,lilhim latent, An- drew Petrie and P. B. Moffat. Lucky - boy to win the free bleyele. was Wayne Ellin son of Mr. Oeud Mrs. Jason Ellis, Seatorth, who held tie - et Nio, 284:- .• ' .-• *Depths throughoutethe evening did a rushing -business with the two Red Cross booths receiving particular at- teeticn. The heated bingo ,booth was crowded until long after tit; draw. Winners in the chltdren's events were. as follows: Girls in costume, 6 years . arid under, Carol Obesney„ "Donna. Burke; boys in costume, six years and ender, George eleaw, Airmen from Sky Harker and Port Llbert gohoole were entertained by the Wesittninster Guild et' Knox Church, Gederiele etiii Monday even. ing, when President Clifford Lowery, formerly of Seaforth, welcomed the gr.ests. Contributing to the treogram was Miss Dorris Ferguson, Seafterth, who Presented a number of aoltwe'She vine accompanied by Mrs. i. H. Best. • A New YOrk schoal &niche!! tells about a Utile bey whobo that was eto difficult to fasten that she Went to Itiel aselatemea LS she taggted. at the, hook, she Wel: ?tinlid your netthet Wet WO `neat 'fitr wear' West the aStottniding "she bought " • - • tttii,itefllti4dtiiiie,lititint1il4,"li.,J Exeter Bridge Mass of Tangled Wreckage tettint4 ,:•;t•i.itetttetnit-tettittettettte"..e„.„.„...-....„ ' When the•20040Ot steel bridge Oh No. 4 '1-lighvvay, -St the nen h ,of Exeter collapsed on Saturday mcintiliff as a 'large transport was etbssiliti it, the resulting wreCkage as seen above, • was viewed by thousands of iriteresited sightseent who tirove to the spot on- Seriday and Watched workmen cut their wet% through.; the tangled' girders. Pollee have oh a tg Id the driv,e r of the automobile „ tin tee poet, Ernest LOWS, of Oshawa, With careless diving. ft Is suggested. the truck struck a portion- of the britlga; Which led to its collapse. With the driver in the cab was Charles Rinea, of tie Yrentett. Despite' the feat the bridge with the truck oh it fell nearly fifteen feet, neither were hurt. ,the bridge Was netted In 1888. • • • • • 6, • Challenge 'Anxious to renew hockey hoe - Unties,. Niagara Falls, eliminated in the Ontario Intermediate "S" semi-finals last season by the Seaforth Beavers, has challenged the Beavers to a game in that city, and in the letter suggested the result of the game would probably be different from the last game between the two teams. No arrangements have been made for the game as yet. • • • • • • TUCKERSMITH NAME ACTING ENGINEER Will Reduce Relief Where Members of Family Cap- able of Work. Tuckersentb council on Saturday approved , the appointment of R. Mc- Geo-rge, of Chatham, as acting town- -ship engineer, , pending the return from overseas of Major S. W. Arabi - bald • e All members of , the council were present aria Reeve S. H. Whitmore presided. The clerk was instructed to secure inforination in regard to patient an- reitted to Ontario H.ospitaL S. W. Ai chibald was ordered to be paid $4Q fees on the Crozier Award Drain, on the completion of the examination of 4 he, drain. • Council decided to secure the ser- vices of Cecil B. Cox, of 0.A.C. drake age department, tio ineeistigate the trouble o- • the Sinclair Drain on lot 15, con. .The eciancit decided. to contributt 110.00 to -the treasurer of x the Leg'. - to supply a wreath for Renter:et nee Day.• The town -ship's portion of the cost of the ;hospital fee for •LukeSutherland, $9.60, was. paid. The relief officer was authorized to reduce the".. amount of relief where members of the family were working or capable of earning's( wage. Hugh McMillan' was paid $100 on account for Eid. Gormley . for' repair of the JackeoteDrain. - , The following accounts were paid: Relief,' food, . $101.88; . fuel,. '$32.85 shelter, $15; Arnold West:earn, identi- fication discs, ', $32.15; S. H. Whit- neoreeselecting jurors, $4; J. A, Hay, selecting juleps -$4; road, ace:runts, $952.66; salaries, postage and expens- es, officials-, $24.50;, , Department of Health, insulin, $1.94. Connell adjourn to rneet Satur- . In -his c'orectud'ing tboughtthe min- day, Dec, 7th, at 2 p.m.—D. F. M C .. te r Gregor, Clerk: HENS ATTE Rev. William -Weir Pre, • c:(4f. es To relloW Ploye On Sunday. • NEWS OF HENS,' Rev. Wrn. Weir -To Team "The Oanie. of. Lite" was-. the Snb-, - ject of the sermon at Carmel --Pre, byberian 'Ohara" last Sunday; 'nuorn-,. lag' when Rest. William. Wetr eveitennn ed the players and executive of the Hensel]. baseball team whiCh recently : captured the intdiermeate 'B' title of the D.B.A. Choosing as text John 14:6, ''Jesus saith, I ate the way, • • e .•ee 'the truthand the' life, no man eemeth •.• -unto the Father but by Me." Mr, , Weir complimented this fellow piety- ers on the serious way -they Plated • the game .of haseleell, but went on tat', Point out that th:etrnnust not, take it • or any game too eerionely "If there 20 012..f thing I want to impress on ' you this morning, it iS that• the on-ly and. fundamental game in. li2e is life. i•tself," said' the mittister, • • as.he 'asked the mem-barsbers of the -team - to Plat- the "game of- Ilfen seidouse • ly, enthusiestically• as. nd 'aenen - getically as they played.,, baseball. The ' game of baseball without a book rules vteuld. bean awful Chaos.. We , realize that and so we gladly yield , ourselves to its rules. But in the "game of life" boo Many. are trying to live Without commandments and principles or are seeking to play that game on their own terms and ,for those people life iet a chaos. Mr. Weir reminded .his hearers that for the gams all men, must play, the Bibia was the book •of rules and hen Pleed ed for a th.oughtful•and diligent study of the sacred book. Continuing in 'baseball language -the roinister went on to point out that thete was a triple goal in the .game, the home plate, victory and thechampions'hiip, championethdp, and. that only by react- ing the first goal could You achieve the other two. Transferring -. the thought to the Christian.. life, Mr. Weir eatv the triple goat there. to !De Jesus Christ, victory over lite- and .eternel -1120.•asking the cengtege- tion to accept Christ, he asserted that it was on le through. Chriat men doeld reach the.. other .goals, victory over life and eternal lite. In Christ and in Him alone you have all, the answers to,•life, said Mr. Weir. • Clarinling 'the Church to be the team work of mankintd, the minister tallied on hiS fellow players to join in the work. of the church and to .... bring with them tne, erdriteof co-op- . eration that wins on "the diamond along with that generanity , of sap' that' does- not demard perfection of others. • f'We titon't ask a man to be petfect bestehen. 17nby then ask that a man he -a perfect Cbristian be.. foreurcyou wk alangside leira in eh • life as ,he reminded his hearers 'that i siemspiliasi zed the seriousness of just as the "final out" in. a game of baseball ended all chance of ,chang- i.ng a single play, so in the game of • . called tihf: fila.hel uwe ttheGereouatld Umpires efealone l Congratulations misdeed; we, could not add one good Anniversary deed. After the "finial out" in the Many friend* in Seaforth and .dis-1"game of life," eternity began. For this special service which at- „trict will inn The ExPoeitor in ex-, tract -rd many friends 4}2 OA relity6fg ” , . ' on. ten -cling congratulations . and. best en the team. the choir, Under the di - wishes toMrs.1.C. Laddlaw, who l'ectdon....2f W. A. MacLaren, rendered Thursday, November 7th, celebrated special music -consisting 'of. an an" .1.er 91stebirtinlay quietly at her home. tthiem, "0 Worship the King" and` a on Goderioh Street West. Mts. Laid.ladies' quartette, . "The Prayer Per - mw is. onie of Seaforth-'s oldest resi- dents, both in point of years and citi- Miss M. Workman, Mrs, M. Dougall zenship. .. • land Mrs, W. MacLaren -sang. , (Continued on Page 4> - , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock mark- ed the 56th anniversary of their wed- ging on Tuesday' when ttey received • the -congratulations ot many friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Beli marked the 51e ainiversary of their wedding on Monday, while Mr. and Mrs; Dan Barry observed their 51iet anibivers- ary on Tuesday. Mrs. Ellen Dodds, ,well known for- er resident of MoKiliop, observed her -88th birthday at her home in Oak Park, 111., re-cently, when a birthday party was held in her honor at the home of her sort and. daughter -iii -law, Mr. and Mns. Thomas Dodds. • Will Open New Store The store which f1tr many yerirshas been occupied by Walkee's Ferniture Store, has been leased, by C W. Iron - side, Of Londiori, who will shortly op- en a variety store. - Mr. and Mee. Ironsides vrili'occupy the DeLaten residence on John St. for the winter. 444 years, 'Ronald Sills; (21rd tied) Dedtd.T. Smith and Michael Bechety; ' (3rd tied) Bill Henderson and Bert Shaw; comic, 7 to 12 years; Anna Dupee, Marie Irickeela, Doris Banes; boys' comic,to 12 rears, Maio% O'Reilly; girls' nail .driving totiteit, Catherine WOode, Doris Smate, Mate garet Rosin; boys.' Coet).PoladriniVI cattiest, MUM° "•IIttibern "Seery Kett Donald Hillis; Igirle' Cietia-Clola drink- ing contest, Mary Thyan, Aitee 1V16. iVlargaetst Police Recover Rubber Heels Children, playing in the C. N. R. freigtht sheds on Saturdlan' investigate— ed two cartons of rubber heels they found there and Made off with more • then 100 pairs. • Constable J. Currie, aided by C.N.R. 'Attlee on Monday investigated and recovered all but one and a half pairs" of, the heels. Sheetrock PLASTER BOARD Use this splendid Plaster Board -for New Walls or for patching and repairingoid rob N. cLurr • • " • „. 4