HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-11-01, Page 8ek• "r".1"7",• • ...;,...,,-..!.••••:•••••;,'?•".!'••••.'l..•-•I';;;•• • •...t.!•.,,,tt„ .,4!, .!, Wr,7P.7,:t:74-7,F.'".,t.."7-ft4.1'.F•l:.. ,', ,'=,, '.• ' •"•••'•'•"•!•y•••7:''....yp: le'•: t:''''''',,n.I.'ti,,,i;i:.!CA.'.ft, 4Nt.":"*i-o...,r;,:•ii,eO2.•., •Oi!.., „ .,,,, ,,, .1'4 T-'. - ' •,','","'reee;'''.!ea;J:teeeteteee....:;•%'-''',t 'eagee"."'".' .i"!',..a.,..,...•J•••'• . 1 , -.'-' ' -e•-•teaa•tio•atte,,, .-e, ."'er•-•-e,. ''' H? ., . • ..„ . . .„.... ,, .... ,....., .,,.,. ,. . ..... „ . , i . ,.. • ,,CI.,. 1, •);•,,, •.,, , , , , , •' '' .- ., . .. .., •, -•': : 0, ago and wag taken to einett . • ',. v.i, •-•'' '• - ' ' MIPS plpri4. Dicir,,,, , , ,... -: 7, ' NEWS: OF. THETOWN 14'4°1'4 lic'5.0t." §14' 1° -g4r414e4 by -bwo-sans, Willtard j -i. 'Elliott -and ......,..,,,, v _.. ..,,,..: -- Sproat ,. . 444. WA*** 0 Ogg, fit-pnit ,„-w,e0.?4,.-4•40,,,447,), - 4 • 3.1*4 '$14'04, 444 Wk. aPidi ars 'At' ,.- ., ..... ' *• - ... • 9:0 . .,.., ., ... ,...„.„._ ...„ . „. , . .,.. .. „ ...., Women's HOspital Ad will Meet.— The monthly meeting of the Womene Hospital Aid to Scott Menotirlea Hos- (Nivel' C, Ellintt; bath, of Seafortti. The ilineral was held front bew late eAa3ceWCF.IIGNaZiaveda-Yr OSS J ' ;:. -- - "'''Phone _ . • . . a A • . 8 . - IL. SZrOat...-. ' . • • ...IOW* 01.1airr:..$40.1t0.9A., PX Anton •. pent theWeelraend With,'„.4ter .mintlier, :' - - Theatre. , .$eafort '. - .,... .' , ,...,:wogs,i-piv- ti .9a ftdk",. P. 1q•'••ttP1..ba. g ' w 1 44"// a 1;l.,.•l;, VOTATGASH-. bag Oral will be held on Thursday, Nov.. 7th, at 8.30 p.m., in the Cainegie Lib_ rary. - • • Rileetd. 0.17111.Elitiu.g• In terment took place in Maitlandbank Cemetery.' The 'Pallbearers were Mtes,srs. Thomas Baird. Prank Smale, • FRESH ROLLED OATS 7 ItitS:"•'; ' -; • 0 25 • * •‘• . ' Mrs- le C.' jaetattal,' • - . : . —. • Mr. and Ws %Paden -Rein* spent..tile •Week end bli' Kitchener. .,.; " MTS.- Graham • .,...., • „,... NOW' PLAYING , , . ., • LAUREL'.' and sHAROY . . ,,,litita; .Peor bag 5 • • - • ... . vonnit.WS, COCOA A .41 . ,..,_-,......--- ,,------ wof VarnawishEd- Announcement -Mr. and Mrs. to an in , , - Chuter George Liffey, William Charters., Dar- Id Papple and William Canaeron. CARNAIION MILK' 1.C. 2 tau; ,,,,,,is , rub -_, v ....,.. ........ 'FRYS • : Vance, of' Kirk- land Lake, was the .weelt,end, guest at the home of her parents, Mr.• and . . . . 4.$ CHUMP AT OXFOR.D • ' 1(c, 27c nounoe the engagement of their COCOA 4 ill... Mte.--E. L Box, '' " ,. , . • 11.404:t-•• • -,•-•t - ** *** • • • . youngest daughter, Elizabeth Grace %-lb. tin I Or: • Rev. H. V. Workman and . Nil's, . , . . .. - • , , latfAglip CORN FLAKES 1.,,5 a.Pkga.. I ' C PORK & BANS -'--Tip Top 23c (Bessie), to William Alvin only son of- Mr. anal Mrs. Elines•t Towashend, Hayfield" Line, the marriage to take place early in November, . A , ' ,• • . • ' , ... ...... .'„' . ' •. ..., • • • • ' . • . , ROYAL YORK TEA -Black or ' Mixed.;-" 34c • 1/2 IA, :a. _ wWecektill-enT wwheer,ree i:fr.BWIeteltualulan"perreater ed,anniversary Services on Sunday. • The Misses Best, of • Toronto ,' are the Mrs. • • MONDAY; TUESDAY WEDNESDAY • ' t . •i,'" THOMAS MITCHELL - . PRISOLLA LANE . . . i.4 - . ' • .. . 2! • 3 Cans • ' - FRESH WHITE MARSH- 4,E . guests of • •miss Helen Crieir has. been THREE CHEERS FO THE IRISH R liEHINZ IIABY. SOUP ')J 3 Cane .,_ .... TER TOP PEAS 3 can - 25c Presbyterian V: P. S. Meets. -Mare day evening was eoeial night for the young peoPle and a goodly number gathered to .spend the evening in games and contests, Mrs. D. 11. Wil- sou presided In the absence et the Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -•Northside-United Chnech: Rev. 1.1. V.' Workman, Minister. ---10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Readiness- in Cod's Service", 7 p.m„ "The 13ible in m*LOVS—lb. .. .... ' . I uc ' - •,.., AS OR 0,OFFZE—Frestla 40 -gratitude 1b. . c CHRISTMAS FRUITS PEELS, 'Etc:, trans, ferried to the Goderich • o4lee of Bell Telephone Conipany. • the.. • lYles. F. W.. Broughton, of Hitch- eller,. is a guest at the heave of Mr. 'and Mrs Gerclon. Bender. • • • •.•OENNIS MOO . ' .. . ALAN.HALE . ...---.. Sure end. Begorahl, PIs • the -grandest enterten•ment yell be seeing in the season's, funniest comedy! DR. PHILLIP'S GRAPE 28c FRUIT .TUICE-50 ez. pp,,I.FTS 0-P HADD1E 18c • president, Mrs. James MacDo•nald. Mies Eather Trout was in charge of the games. Lunch was weed and an enjoyable evening was closed. 11. Our World"; Prayer Meeting I'llaurs- day, 7.45 0.D1, St. Thom.as.' Church: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford, -I1 a.m., Rev. J. S. Har- Eto.„ Puddings; Cakes, now in; "Quality Tops." • SUPER UPER SUDS, Pkg., 1 Giant ' Cake Palmolive Soap; 11 1 • Mrs. Andel:sou, of Fort Panels, and Miss Parr, • of Milverton, were guests last week at the home of Mrs. W. D., Bright. ' ' • Me. and: Mrs. Frank • -NEXT 'THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ''." • TYRONNE POWER DOROTHY LAMOUR ' . per• pound . , ,. "4) ' ' ALE TF4A'-No" 43c bettere-•nalf pound SWEETHEART COFFEE 25, !half ' o . Dale - McMichael -The Esmond- vine Manse was the scene of a pretty wedding on ' Tuesday morning, Oct. 29th, when Marjorie, daughter of M. and Mrs. T. J. McMichael, of Hullett, rington, B.A.; 7 p.m., "Th.e Care of tne Flock"; Sunday School at 10 a.m. SI Mary's C'hurch, Dublin -3 p.m., "A Pastor's Message"; Sunday School at 2.25 p.m. . McKillop Charge -Duffs, 10 a.m. ; both ter ,L I C • • - COCA-COCA-Certon, 6. -bottlea 25c (Plus Deposit). Smale. spent the week -end with friends in Kitch- ener. .• Alastair Wigg, R.C.A.F., Mason- to, spent .the week -end with hie par- ents, IVIr. and "Mrs. F. W. Wigg. de JOHNNY APOLLO 77 with EDWARD ARNOLD _ An interesting drama' of Embezzlement and Reconcilliation. pound was united in marriage to William Bethel; 11.15 a.m.; Cavan, 2,30 pan. • Mr, and Mr. Hugh McLachlan CHEESE Johnson Dale, sop. of Mr. and Mrs, Baefism, Noy 10th. - R. W. Craw, , . have moved from the farm in Stanley Coming ---- 'HIE SEA HAWK" '. OL -Real nippy; elis • Z, C per pound - RAKING POWDERI-Pyrex iin_ Plate, 1 Bottle Vanilla au JameeeDale, Hullett. They were un- attended. Following the ceremony me .a,nd ..airs. -Dale left on a twoo weeks tap through Northern n- Minister. ' First Presbyterian Chureh-Surudaer School at. 10. a.m.l' morning service at 11 a.m., subject, "The,Ward Gd"; . • daughter, Patricia, returned with him af ter . spending a week with relatives. • Mrs. Theodore Seveney, of De- Township to the residence in • .Eg- m ondivi 1 le Mr. MeLachlaft recently 'purchased from Mrs. Charles Flak- beiner. . ., ....,.,,,.,7. _.. ,,,i,,4 . ,,,, .,-,,?;.4-v.,;.-'-*:,•,,.•,,...,;§.,,..,,,•;-i,„,..• -„,':,,,,,,--,;.,-,: , ,„. '• ''' ''' '''''''i` ""*.' ' - ' ' • - • '''''' '" ''''• ' '•••••'•'• '‘'-'-''' '''''''''''4'''''''''''''''"•'•:"J''''.•''''':'''..-•.: . .,. SURPRISE SOAP . 241,,, • 5 Bats ' . tario. On their return they win- re- side on "Pleasant View Farra," Hut- lett, of , evening,..eervice at 7 p.m., "Two Views qf Life"; • qieid-week . meeting Thurs- day, 8- p.m. 'Young People's meeting troit, spent a, few days with her par- eat, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman. • Mr. J'es IT' k rt B '"" epli -c e , ofNorth a,„ spent. the week -end with his family o Gut Prank Grieve, of Petawawa, is 'spending an eighteen day holidayception • hisin with 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taes Grieve. in, Hensall on Friday evening honor of Mr, and „Mrs. Clarence Smillie, newly-weds. During the eve- • per, ie. his, 86th year. Mr. Pepper was barn, in Fullerton" Tavviaship and was married; In Hensall to Mary 'Fair- TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE • 40.et 1 gallon . . ' '' Hold Hallowe'en Masquerade. -On Monday the Young People MondaY, 8 13" - Rev. - Hugh Jack, minister. • - . here. • Lady Aird. Mr.' and Mrs. Jolla • Mr. and Mrs. . Beverley Es were in Toronto last week attending 71.132g. .tgcle'Y were presented with a 1.tudi..0 couch. Dancin.g- was enjoyed, bairn in 1879. is •. M .Pepper prede- ceased him in 1921. In 1924 he niat•• DERBY SOAP FLAKES 5 lbs. ' c • COMFORT L-yE 3 cans. 20Z , CAUSTIC SODA-Lcuase gae per lb. . LIA; RED BEAD LAYING MASH -Really Snakes hens lay; -$2.50, 0-Wt.Blue ,evening 'Meeting of ..Northaid.e United Church took the form of a Hallowe'en Inas- • de, Miss Vera Mole, 'social con-. miera weer had charge. ' The meeting op - eued by the "Grande Parade," assist - ed by Miss Edith Hoag at the piano. The comic eoetunie prize- was won by Miss Isebel Forrest, and the charac- ter by Miss Ruth Thompson. Appro- . priate games and contests were en- joyed by all. Apples and candy were , Rowel iffe pretty. -The marriage 0 t . • , MIS'S' Mary Kathleen Pretty, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pretty', Seaforth, to Stewart C-arnion Row•cliffe of Seaforth, son of Mr. and . • Mrs, B. RoWeliffe, Clinton, took place at the Rectory of St. Them.aat Church on Wednesday. Rev, R. P. D:Hurford , . officiated. The bride, unattended, wore street length dress of Queen's a triple Aird, 1Virs, J. E. L. Pangrean and Mrs. Gerald .Case, of Toronto,. were the guests of Mrs. L C.Jackson. last • . . week" . , •, . • Sgt. J. Flmer Beattie, of Port Albert, spent, ate week -end With his . Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thoma,s Beat-• tie. ' ' • Mr. and Mrs, D. Sicalisi and MISS Augustine Scalise of Wdodstock, were the. Sunday guests of ..Mr. - and Mrs. Thomas Phillips. the :funeral of Mr. Eppee' father, the late Dougl.as 0. Eppee. • Rev. and Aire: ..Ve K.. Beskatoor, of Alma, Michigan, a.re .guests at the home of Mr. Sam Wallace and' his' sister, Miss Wallace-, Silver Creek. • Mrs... M. McKellar returned on Thursday' after spending a week at the' home of her son, Mr. Gordon Me- ,• .. Kellar; in' ,Sudbury. • , ' • music being furnished by the Mato doch orchestra. . - • Mr. and Mrs. H. McMurtrie spent,a Oaa in London' la et week.. • MrE and Mrs'. Charles. Ferguson and Eva, • of Ildertoa, spent Suried,ay with Mr. and Mrs.. W. •HorneY. ' . • . Miss Mildred. Pybus, -of Zu rich is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. H. Ricker, Mies Eve, Ferguson, of Ilderton, is viSiting att.' the name of • Mr. and Mrs. Tied Matilda Carter, of Clinton, who'. eurvives him, together with two daughters, Mrs. ' F. Layton, Clinton,. and Mrs. Howard Crich, Tuckersraith, also four sons, JOhn E. Tepper, State ley, and Fred, Albert and Roy, Pep- • per, at' Teckersdnith. Mi•s•. W. •Aber- hart, a Seaforth, is a sister of tee deceaeed man. Mr. Pewee lived tpractically all itie life in- Tuckersmith until. 1918, when he went to Clinton. He a member ••• " , • ik. C. Routledge then served . and the meeting closed by slaaing "God ,Save theKlng. Msg.!' sheer made with short puff, sleeves and sweetheart -neckline. She lame a- corsage of Sweetheart _ • Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Box were I.n IC itchener • and Toronto this week. . ... , , N BAD MI T•ON W. Homey. Wedding bells are ringing in tire was . of the United: Church and was a former councillor of... Tuekeremith council. A ' private PHONE 166 . ,--- ...4,-.....:_,__ October Strawberries. -Mr. Sol liVil- lia,me • it the Li GOS • Park, among' roses. Immedia,tely after the • oere . mony a delicious buffet 1 e - Uneh =--1,v s • Mr. .and' Mrs. R. H. Sproat s•peet - - ••• Sunday in Guelph and Fergus, . ,. . . ' •• .... . ,vocirity. . . Mr: =Robert Passmore, of Herisall, , funeral was held from his late resi- dence- .on. TitesdaY Oct. 29th; :at 2•- INSURANCE, 'INVESTMENTS 7 ..„ REAL ESTATE- ' many ether things, is a gardener, but there are very few even expert gar- deners who can' exhibit- .stra-wherry •blostsorns, and strawberries in their garden at the .end of, October.' At least not in this part of • Ontario -In 1 bride's ar . eerved et the 'home of tie, . P _ eats.. Th,e bride's mother received • • th.e gliests in a street length dress ot rpwder blue crepe. She was aes ed -by the groom's mother, .who was • attired' in black crepe • relieved with . • Rev. Irving laainte, of Dunnville, returning home with Mrs. Kaiee aa ter conducting anniversary services , - in Grand Valley on Sunday, spent a . , . .„ , • , shout time vvettli his parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Icsine on Monday, Miss Luella• K - • them I -- • -te, e.-, :.1","..,44 ''',./.-. effeailee ' '-'-•" B, . R • I . student in Totem° University, .will heye •chatge of the service in :he, United Church, here on -Sunday next. Mn a,nd Mrs, H. .McMurtrie spent a day in London last' week. Mrs. Gearge...E. Thomson and sou, Will, were visitors in Goderich, re- p.m. with interment in Clintaa"cerne- terey, '. RSV. G.. G. • Burton 'Officiated, and theepallbearere were Leine, Wil - liam, Walter and Harold Pepper, Al'- den CHM.' and Elliott• Layton, being six grandsons of the late Mr. Pepper. ,.. WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES fact Mr. Williams is in a class by a:etches of white at the neckline...'For with erne returned. ter in*" ' OF INSURANCE, IIVIoney to Loan on First Mortgages himself,. as he brought_into The Ex -'''•':so-' travelling the bride donned a dusty ros,e crepe dress, with navy coat and Denville for a short visit, • Mr. and Mrs. Hart and a • •"-ri E cetttly. '' .„—MANLEY . •, pc,sitor•office on Wedaesdey, October ,Reg v•At - -7:-- - F- on improved Farm Property; Number of desirable Dwelling Pi'Oper-. 30th a sample strawberry, of gooel size ' and fine color, that . he had just niatching accesearieta; After a motor trip to Toronto' an,d Ottawa; Mt and daughter, Miss Margariet, and Mr.. and Mrs. Ern,est Williams, of Toronto, were we- `Ia. - 1 " - 0, „ - • •- ' . TUCKERSMITH . one cent- Sale. -The one and only - original; N•ext' week; We•d., Thurs., ties for sale. - - --- •;piekod in his garde% Considering Mrs. Rowcliffe vvill reside on James ' week end guests at the home of . . , • Mr. • \le Many trim, this Fri and Sat. Keating's ,Pharmacya ' • WATSON & REID the weather we have had and the frosts, -ttr•eet in Seaforth. ,. and Mrs. R. B. Scott in Harem- _a hey_ - dis•trict attended .. , , • . Egaiondeille United Church annivers- • Seaforth. M.,_A. REID_ 4- :Proprietor , Phone 214 : Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF number of severe we would say that' Mr. Williams. has establish- ed the strawberry record for this -- i .•. Death of William Smithers. - The , death occurred in St. Michaere Hos- pital, Toronto, on Friday, October 25, • - Lieut. Basil Duncan, R.C.E., Lon" don, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. rtuncan. . .ary services on Sunday to hear Rev. With the coming of cold' weather " ' er, . T. VeeNeal, D.D., of Toronto. .' the'• •badmunton enthusia • sts have,felt the •urge • to. get stvingin:g at the elu- ' Mns. T. Coleman has returned 'home from an extended visit to London, and bird Mr. Fred Eckert. and his son, Jo.7.,1.1 ., andis wo. eu ers, v x's. en. A It' t d ght 1'1 F gun Hotall and Mrs. John Murray, Jr., attended• e mere in ay o. the fu ' 1 lastF'd f 4.- ' _. INSURANCE • Death cif Mrs. J. J. Elliott -A high- ly respected. citizen. of Seaforth pase, of Mr. William Stuithers,' following an illness of only four days. Mr.'. • Smithers was a son the late George • Miss Hilda. KennedY', of London, spent •the.'weelteend with her mother; sive again. A number of the pld- other points. , • • . , as well as so • timersnte beg inners, • hav - A number of youths' from town e taken advantage of the armor- ,- • • .. 'enjoying'themselves the Iate .Agnes Demirel in. Kitchener_ She west a former resident Of Vile, pee; the 'family leaving. here about ed away on Friday, Oct, 25th, in the 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0. 0 A.0__•0 0 G• eerson -of...Catheritta Hall4ey, widow 0 ., of the late J. J. Elliott, in her 81st of Smithers, and was beim int Seaforth 58,.ye,ans- •ago and spent the greater --After Mrs. Roland Kennedy. - • ' ; . • Mr. and Mrs. John Shockor and ' b tunity to get in a little practice be- nave been m the coUnt '. ry lately by shooteng out for the .officiaI opening. • a- * * • ,. panes tif ,glass and removing padlocks 6 Years age' .e. • The m,any friends, of 'Mr. uteri,' ' Eggert, <>.---"S. T. Holmes ••& Son G• part of.5his. life here lea-ving .e.- front doors of vacant houses • These are -pleased to hear that he years. Mrs.;Elliott was Tann in Tuck- .0 FUNERAL: DIRECTORS 0 ersmith, a daughter" of , one of ihe 0 0 of that district.. Sire was sehoel he learned. the trade of Ma- ..: ehinist in the Bell •Engine Company. . " --ee • - •• • • - - • •• • •_. EPAIRING R A Din ' On 'Monday evening an.„.exemitive protperties• -ar Valuable and ' meeting took place with the purpose we- hope- this n.uisiUmeell be distoontinued. of getting the season away to is making satistaetery linproveneent- .- _ lif 'Seirtt"--MtartiomitaT-IliespitaT,-Seafortla , - . piOn•eers 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 married in June, 1888, and had lived 0 Charles Holmes residenee,1 0 in Seaforth ever since. Mr. Elliott 0 Goderialt Street East. Phone. 0* passed away --371 years- ago The, tete 0 No. 308; 0 Mrs, Elliott suffered a stroke two Later for several years he Was tqa- gaged in the 'hardware business with Mr. H. Edge, and was widely 'known and .respected in town and country. , 4' ,Complete stock of ' -"'"1, ' ' ''-• .. BATTERIES . • . • • a good. start. At the piesent time a meta- Death of Roger Pepper bership drive is under way to round up players, both new and old,. to fill A -well-knoven and .highly respected oate-whatais belieVed will be the most resident of ••Taic,keasanithe passed -away The fine -weather• has made it pos- sale to finish the late harvest, -The-• trader of the day is.finisting the reot crop before the -winter ••Sete in, but -re- -hope- -Indian: aestarairrer-Will- O Ambulance Service '0 0 Adjustable hospital, bed fof . 0 Sixteen years ago Mr. Smithers movelamlading- ed to Toronto and at his ' death was • SU PER -LAY Eli BUILT BATTERIES successful year in the; club's history,. on Sunday, October 27th, after a short 1 • - • nelmatons to increase illness in • the star come as the past season did not re - O rent. connected With the !hardware •buse • BERT MeSPADDEN a beginners„ large p eraon ,of Roger Pep- present much slimmer weather. pointn the nuMber of• •' ,t . ,, . „.. ., i 0 Night calls -Phone 308 ' 0 , ness of Mr. Bowes, on Danforth Ave. . . . • . 0 Day palls -Phone 119 0 ' • . , Thirty-three years ago he was united WALTON - t.. O Charges modesate. 0, , . . Enjoy Wmter Comfort • • in arerriae,e . to .Miss Lillian Roberts, of Seaforih, 8803x3 . -••••• ,. The official' opening will take place. on Wednesday evening, November _ , . .• •0 , • 1z -a7 • ta. 0' <> 0" 0 0-0 0 0 0 <> 0" ..0" • i '• . who survives him. He is also survit-ed by three sisters and • eine brother "Mrs. W. W. Cole and ., .. - ' ., . • • , with the .poptilar pot luck :super as ermer years. Every one who has .. . The One and Only. • • , 0 • ' 0 0 : H. C. BOX '7,. . . . 0 I : Mrs. E. J. 'Adair, Toronto.; Mrs.. J, jeScleter, Seeferth, and lair. ,Thoraas ' ,„ Smaller- of Vanderhoof B. 'C. On ' . • ANNIvERgARy • . _ swung a• 'racquet or who ever I see to, is' invited to tie ori "hand. • 11 fhat is required it that you bring . rt ••• • . . • - ' W ' riginat. DRUGS . ' 0 FUNERAL SERVICE .• O. 0 'Licensed Embalmer "0"' 5>, Ambulance Service ...<'' Hospital Bed 0 0 with adjustable rachet oper- 0 0 ated spring for rent. .. <> O Night Calls Day Calls 0" O Phone 17.5 Phone 43 0 0 ' , 12-87 Q. controlled . - ' : ; " ' , Sunday evening a service •-was 'held • • at hie late residence. 197• Browning Avenue. 'by Rev, F. E. Powell of St. - Barnahas Church, assisted by Rev. -G- F: B. Doherty; of St: Andrew's and St. Luke's. Church, and on Monday morning the remains were brought to - Seaforth. The funeral was, held from the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. J. J. Sclat•er, High Street, on Monday • • CROMARTY — PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. SUNDAY ' NOV. 3 1`• REV, D. C. HILL,. B.D., Exeter . FOWL SUPPER -TUESDAY; NOV.5 50c., - 25c something .in the line of eats, and a o sod 'appetite; There Will be plenty , ...... , :eat, a sing -song or two::. and then slome games iof badminton Those who .care to play bridge or try their skill at ping pong will find they can put in a -good •ven*ing. * . . Same of. the faces seen. on the bourts las•t season will be greatly ,._ . . . . , . . ,, . . NEXT WEEK . Wed. Thin Fri., ' • . . .. ,p -r ---4 BIG 'DAYS '. ' Satjov. 6-7-8-9„ ' '0 0 0.0 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 . afterno•on. when the s•ervice was Con - duete.d by Rev. I-Iugh Jack, of First "BUY CANADIAN FUEL" •-. missed this! year. These include Aar- old Free, Ian MacTavish, Tom •Sills, • .. / ' 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 •0 0 0 <> . J. A. BURKE zo ' •Church.:. InterMent was . made in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pallbearers being Mesars. H:- B. Edge, John Finlayson; W. H. Golding, M.P., , ..--- • ALI3ERTACOAL • IS' A GOOD BUY tin an AT ...... . . . . . -. gi I wan' CASH who a:re' no -.servile ith t e R.C. w g e h A. • F; .0 thers are- the- Misses, Pat. South:- gate, ',Betty Southgate andi- Margaret Grieve, and Messrs. Eric Griff, Ted - - ,.,ea , • . .1' - • 1 Your Biggest ing s. j . chauee ol' the, to "0' •Funeral Service 0 0 Dublin : , Ont. 0 '0 Night.or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0. • FAsTEmarmacy E. L. Box, J. E. Keating and' D. le Reid. • Haiti )(Our own . $11.40 DELIVERED IN TOWN , FRESH ARRIVALS' OF HARD COAL South.gate and George Browne * *, * . • •; The officers for th•e coming Season pear • save , . .. , money ' -DRUG- . ph o .c, .. - $14.2fr haul 'your own . are as follows: President, Ertilly 0 0.0 0 000 0•0 0 0 0 8767-tf • . . • . . , -, .. . LOCAL 'BRIEFS .$14:130..deiivered in town ., - Lester; vice-pres., Harry Steinberg; secetreae. Myrna Smith;, . property . ' - . _ Phone ' . gin J. H. SCOTT ' committee, Phone Qrders .. . . • Dr. 3. If. McFaul, of Toronto,' 336 :Tenn McKenzie; social, .. Edna Steinberg; tournament conimit- Seaforth ' . . _ ", , Home is a guest at th.e 'home of Mr. and. Mrs. J. G. Mullen PHONE • tee, Verna Graves, converter, Ruth Accepted . • THE SECOND DIVISION' . • Mr. Stan Dorrauce is spending • Thorcipson, Ira Weedenark, Filet* .-. - COURT - County of Huron . • . . his vacation in Ottawa, . T . . • Case; press .correspondent, - Mary Hart; membership .00mrnittee,, W. M. - ' , Of8ce• in the Dominion Bank Build- . , . . • Mrs. John McDermid, of George- town; is her Cousine . AP •. ES 1, , , Hart, convener, -Sally I. Wood, lee- . , big, Seaforth. Of0e,e hours: Tues.. day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.80 pan- to 6 P.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9. p,m., E. C. CHAMBERLAIN • . , eater visiting Mrs. A. MacTavish and Mrs. Silas Eyre. . • Mr. Fred Sandford; of- Toronto, as .a week end guest of Mr, and' Mes, H. Sandford. •-• * Mr, and Mrs L G. 1,3orrett and FINELY GROWN SPRAYED HIGH QUALITY SPIES ' .Conle and get a supply direct. I .- belle Forrest, Stan Derrance,. , , a • 'it * . , . • If you have been asked to join the . club this year, by all means. do so .. . - -, • • • ' ' ' ' ' . • . • •- " OTI ,r.. . • • •• - Insurance 'Agencies -, Seaforth ANNOUNCES - ' vire-base of Ale instuance business of tbelt Rays & Meir, and Ile addition of, is designed especially to bring. • the convenience .and economy heat to the thrifty daugihter, Norma, of Toronto, apent Sunday with the formers "aunt, Mrs. William Clark. • ' • Those attending the funeral of C. HOARE Cr i Clinton . , FRUIT FARM 8802-2 and bring a friend along. If you ' haven't been. approached, come along anyway; you will be made to feel at home. This. is your invitatima. Whe- . • e , ''' - 1 - . , -Vi. • ' •• • their companies to chir ' previone liken - of oil and the late William Smithere were: Mr. , ther you play. badminton, bridge, ping .- , '' ' ememranca Day Mee enab1es us to give unexcelled ' 111line3" tn, appeal to people of taste and James Archibald, "Peterhoro; Mr. arid 'pang, euchre, chess or solitaire, ytou- . lervice .all, BEAFORTH : ONTARIO 10-417 discrimin'ation who "'want • a heater that . is both . efficient Mrs. W. W. Cale, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. 'Adair, Mr. Jack Oughton and Mr. Bly-the Stevenson., of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Gilroy, Stratford; Mr. ' BUS TIM:E TABLE Leave; Beaforth for Stratford: - Dana 8.25 oan. And • 5.16 will find that the Badminton Club is th•e best means a entertaining you and your trie•nds this winter. We'll be 4 . .„ onday,- Nov•11,1940 of and Di Mrs. Tm hoas nomore, r: Jas. p.m. Leaves Seater* for Geiderich: seeing you next Wednesday, Nov. fith• Remember the date; remember - TtrE McKILLOP MUTUAL and attractive, Thu, beautiful console cabinet blends into' Dinsmore arid .Miss Enune. Diutsanore, , of BI•ake; M.e. an•d Mrs. Edgar Lave • Deily eacet-• Sendai" and bed., 1.06 vaa• oval 1.40 p.m. i sun: and hol...,1.06 p.m. and 9.20 tam, ' the place; remeniber your, eats, and don't forget, •,to bring along a_ good .. . . , ., , ME -INSURANCE" COIL-- -- . ' arty -surroundings and Its great eon, of Anbu•rn; '1V1r,--ancl-Mrst- Harold GIOW and Mr. and 'Mrs. Prank Glew, y?.`/*l'etivi' ir.'' fOrattlintlar. Trtiro*; Tavisiook, Woludetack, Btactibro. apPetite. Get tin touch •with any Me111- her of the executive and they will. be. MINIMibliiiiiniiiii .. '' • , HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT.' heating capacity on low oil • con- of Cli nton. ' • Gunner Harold Free left on Mon- Agent* - Queens Hotel, Courinerdal ' Rom, Mk:House pleased, to furnish any additional. in-; DcninatiOn. ' :- • REMEMBRANCE DAY la' a Statutary . , -oMotos.: • . Wm. Ku" tOndesboro - Pres. sumption, plUs its exceptio•nal --• 'day for Jervis, after having spent two weeks' vacation at his tiro:the here. STRATFORD. - GODERICH COACH .LINES .. . ..........*"....../s,tm.......... Holiday and I would resppetfully request • the Citizens, and Merchants of Seaforth -- , W. IL Arohibald; Seaforth - Vice -Pres. . durability, make it a money- • Mr. R L. Mtartin, of Groese Pettit, KITTEN • • . . to day sterol, A.. Reid, Seaforth - Sen.-Treas. Michigan., was a week' -end guest of . -' observe the as such. . - ' DIRECTORS: , . , . Vtrillian Irninr; Dondeaboro; Glootte tointliaird-ii, UMW emi, sayer for the home owner. . . . ' . Mr. 8.nd Mrs. C. P. Sills. ., • ..' , , • Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bufttstead, of FREE.SERVICE• Detroit, vvere week -end guests ' of - • t • .'.'"--••-•-o.- . -- • - One Cent Sale. -The one and only -,origittale,' Next wie•ele, Wed:, Thereto. ..`Prie and' Sat. Keating's PharrottcY," —le* . . • . * Eusliness men And citizens gene ally '.Retnern,• ,'1Intititiagen; gat ' eitehrAlet BroadfoOt; R. 4,72;77.' ed -1**-7-Aie--- • ' geswitig, . " • ;;;,150*. qr ' ,•.iii isiidet -14rt. 2, ,,Itttilail; lh .0* ,It 2 Atehtba14; Alt.. 4, ;,,.........,„,., ... . ...441,.,414 ,g0ttereliet;, IL 1,-,Thitillit; ... _ .. ' ' - logo .I. ii*; Prptettgr* oiviat .,1*.#4. Sit 1:,-, See. it in Ortratien at . • Y • ' . . ...„ , Beisliart- Electric RADIOS' ,.. APPLIANCES EireilethIng Electrical Mr. and 'Mra. Conrad Eckatt OM DitAkED bit DEAD • Mr. 'and Mee Harry Hefernan left ' • ..-•:- - •. „ e...... .. thia .week to spend the •Wiiitet With HORSES,1.201 CATne •tr,err• daughter, Mrs,. 'Harry, Whithana , ,„.._. .. . _ , IG „„. in North Bay'. • - - ' removed. promptly and efficiently.. • gr. John Beralett, of Wingharu. _ ...„, • ..,...... .. ..,- ,spent a, week with Inic On and darigh- . SimplV pooriks..7‘..A.L.Eur- 10 . • . ter -in-law, Mr. and. Mno. Poster Ben- ... -, .. nett. WILLtAM $10NE sONS " " .0 Mr, Gordon HAM Of Datil% ., ' ,r• . - ... •-- - - 'ilIVIrMli" spent the' Week -end with WO Maher, PHONE 2' .' ,:..ii, ' INGERSOLL . semi:init.. . Mit," Gillearr,. Of GreetWay, and WO. Rufus. Tririihnll, of Grand Bend,: -itiOlt- edecia Saturday with the Ititteesi iiii&- ter, Mt: and, IYIrs, Moor Montsser. , Mr. 'and Mrs. 011,Vet Jaques. and. Dorotliy -spent the mreak-en With litri and MM. Wesley Jadues,..and litc,•• at& 1111.0,.:Prenklin*Skinatet .0f. IiIIIMVIllitt. ' .ftre, P. Kaddiv. 'Netted ; tut Satttr. da 1t11 Mr % aad Mittli. W. 110apy. are iriVited to take part in the brance Day Sei-vice being iield by the Canadian Legiohe• , ..:. . • • • .• , ' - - ''' .. - -- JOIN I. CLUPF. ,. ,.,, .” • . . .'• .- - ,- ... . . ' ' ' .. ' ' ..,. . •':. e' „ . . Mayor. , D . . ' ' - ' --••-• . "GO SAVV TI -It XING" „,„..:...,. . . , ra, IL S. 11144-. gro. Itso toitl PHONE 214- i, KIIIICHELL .. . -Qilite a tieltinber tittinidedi •,:the re. . . . ... • • •-• • ..„ 1•4