HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-11-01, Page 4eine; " • Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates Wed. Lost mei Found, coning )vents. Etc. -Per -word: 1st week 1 Cent Ind week %, Cent ard week % Cent ' klittimum charge, first ifaBerbi011 25 Cents _ Each figure, inl and abbreviation counts as one word. 'Thanks, In Memoriam 1k1otices-1 cent Per word_ idireimum, 50 cents per week. 00- Way be direoted to a, Box Nuraber, care of The Huron expositor. for 10 cents 'yenta, Additional per week will be charged 1 a:dis in above class are not paid' big the gap:ratty night, in the week in which the ad was rum- 4 Uarriciess and Deaths 03serted free of charge. Bales. Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on application. Farm Stock For Sale R SALE -ONE YORKSHIRE SOW DUE :to profit November 9th. A.pply to JOHN • POWiLL, Jr., 1giiiles west of Seaforth on NoHighway. , 8808x1 ji SALE -SEVEN STOCKER STEERS, on Lett 10, Conce.ssion 8, Stanley. Apply to P:ENRY ERRATT, R.R. 1,Varna, Ont. 5608-2 For Rent gERVICE STATION FOR RENT -FULLY equipped Service Station at SeaSorth on - No. 8 .Highway. Low rental. Apply to Box ("11YEBEC HEA.Ltart Fon. SP,-QUEBEc 236, EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 'r heater. •large size. Apply . to WILLIAM 8803x1 HART. Phone 318-W. 3803x1 Wanted 117ANTED-OLD LIVE HORSES FOR " fertilizer. Apply to J. MATTHEWS. Dublin. Phone 23-92. 3803x3 Property For Sale woe SALE -7 -ROOM HOUSE ON'VIC- toria Street Apply to J. M. McMILLAN, Seefortn, 3801-tf For Sale .0opeplineenting 14iefe,1oneen 010, taide'Aaelett thla week, Mee 15(1 toilObore a#411 friends wet at ?AIN btmte o Weatnesday eveglag„ Oet. 30, aeid battered he'r With a illieneliallieeerit shoWer. Miset jean teing and MU Blanethe Wation doing 4the 11°1164 CeMulnaitY singing was enJetned wibh, Miss jean Wean accoMPanning 44 the piano. The bride -elect received maw beautiful an contly gifts, showing the nigh esteem in which she is held. • Reid -' Harkness quiet but pretty wedding was Solemnised at ...,Cieten Presbyterian ciluinah, Exeter, when Rev. D. C. Hill lefficiated for the neerriane of Nellia Elizabeth Harkness, of • Heneall, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Harie" Dees, of Teeswater, and folen Nelson. Reid", of aenteall, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Lucknow. They were• unattended. The.Itrie looked clterni ing wearing a grey tailored suit with wine accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds. later, following a reeeption, Mr. and 1.14rs. Reid left for a wedding trip to Tiverton and points north. They will take up residenee in fl'ensall. Mr. and Mrs, •Jazates W. Bonthron and daughter. Jean., of London, spent the week -end with relatives. in Han- over. A large number ot'interested base- ball fans from Hensall and district attended the hall garne at Waterloo last-Saturclay and included the young- est te• the oldest from the 'village, Sandra Jean, baby 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. Claude Blowes, and J. W. Ortwein, 91 years of age. Kenneth Passmore,. of the R.C.A.F., Galt, Was a week -end visitoe with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. joihn Passmore. Miss Mary Ann Hoggarth was ills- itedeon Sunday by her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Wilson, and daughters Eielyn and Ethel, of Godeeich, and' by her brother, Mr. IXenry Hoggarth, of Seaforth. The many friends of Mrs. John Pasemere were pleased, ti see • her able to be out to church Sunday toe Ci -AR FOR SALE -1929 FORD COACH, IN Auction Sales – good condition: Will sell cheap for cash. PHONE 288.M. for particulars. 3803-1 AUCTION SALE OF REGISTERED DUAL 4-3- Purpose., Shorthorn Stock and Imple- ment, On Loot 18, nencesnee 24 stoney Township, e m,Sle southeaot of Brucefield, on Tuesday, November 5th, at 1 p.m.: Cow due April 22rid; cow due April 24th; cow fresh- ened septet:weer 25th; two heifers fresh- ened October 15th; heifer due Fara- - 8th • heifer due April 2548 ; heifer clue April 24th; heifer due April 25th; heifer due April 26th; 2 grade heifers, 800 lbs. This isan ex.eeptionally fine lot of Registered cattle. Implecrnemari--.Wean ; hay and stock rack combined; set ,(4, sleighs; buggy: 6 -foot Deering mlower ; sulky rake; side rake, Mas- sey -Harris ; spring tooth cultivator with brocidczating seeder; 3 -section harrows; .welk- ing plow ; whifitetrees ; necnecteet: bearskin •robe; fur coat; &roe strive. Terra - cash. MURRAY GIBSON, Proprietor; Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer. 3802-2 • von SALE -GOOD KITCHEN RANGE, -1- coal or wood. with hot water tank. Ap- ply to CON ECKART, Coleman Street, Sea - forth. 3803x1 'OR SALE --ONE 7 IL P. GAStiLTNE EN- ' eine, equipped with magneto and friction Pulley. in goad working condition. Alan one cirdttlar saw, 2.4” diameter,. made by Shirley Dietrick. D. C. GALBRAITH, Hayfield. 3803x2 -ploy. SALE - OLIVER 70 STANDARD •L Tractor, 21-28 IT.P.,; steel wheels; run two seasons. Also II/liver plow for sale with or without tractor: : Cockshutt tractor plow. Apply to GORDON RICHARDSON. Phone 656 r 25, Seaforth, ar write 1, Bruce - field. , 3802x2 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE - SPY. „King, Tolman Sweet. Greening, licisset, Baldwin and_..cider apples. Phone Clinton Farms For Sale , 622-24. FRED McCLYMONT, Varna. 8801-6 PARM FOR SALE -120 ACRES, RULE east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5: 18th nession Tbw-nship of Glee Large,bank eerie frame house, excellent gravel pit:. Ap, Ply to -Box 228, EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Sea- . forth. 3798-tf piARMS FOR SALE ---100 ACRES, THREE -1-: southwe51 ofBonsai', Lot 13., Con- ce,qcn S. Hay Townthip. , Hydro, good -blink barn with erlod stabling, imPleMent house, hen'house, 8-roorri5d bridle house.. good well, hardwood bu;ili ; 10 -acres of fall wheat and fall p.' -awing done. Al•sei 50 acres. north half LO.L_ 12, ..Concesshim 4, Haw Township ; 30 acres plOwed froirT-sod' lest spring-, ectlefee, grass: good well with windmill. Also 190, acre. 'grass farni, Lie No. 11, Concession 5, , Hay TowitVhip, with a never -failing sPring creek running across it. Apply to MRS. .1. TODD on Lot 13, Concession 3, . Hay Township, Exeter P. 0. 3803-tf Notices Card Of Thanks. ns. GEORGE HILLS AND MISS RIA BUN desire to express their sincere an- prsciation of the many kind Iset s of sync.: e:••thy extended to them by neighbors and fricade du.ring their reient sad bereavement 32,03x1 ANR. AND MRS. S. C. RATHWELL, OF AL' Dickne,w, and brother§ and sisters of the late Ms-, Anne lane Keyes wish to F.:c- orms their Sincere ,appreciation of . the kind act, and • espressions of symparthsi of friends at the time Of their bereavement. ' • 3803-1 1610V0,,- ilito 1 g 04.*, toture.d yln..,.(lin*.g4k for., *CAPS mumtigrprs *null south Ilitron Pkwing ate ucces se o 1,rwich United Chufena, and hUenrelweddies eighedr:silmm's the °affttlractitile For bride ehose,-a, 'graceful street 'meth/ gown of blue 01;each wskoLIN.Ith gold trim with street hat and' accessories to match. and *sore a corsageof sweet peas. Miee Bella Smale, of Hensel', sister a tko groom, the brident at- - t:enclant, Waned smart be a street - length coettnee of black georgette wool, -gold trim, and matching awes- s,ories. She Ntrone a sweetpea cor- sege Marvin Harburn., of Staffa, brother lot the bride, was grooms man. Later following the • ceremony a weddIng dinner w,a;e eerved at tbe home of Rev. Andrew Boa and 'Mrs. Boa to the imenediate relatives. For their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Smale motored to Windsor and other pointe and upon their return will take up eesidence Hensel'. Funeral of Miss 'Habkirk The funeral of the late Mies Mar- garet E. Hablenrk was held from her late residerube on Thursday afternoon and was conducted by her minister, Rev. R. A. Brook, who paid fitting tribute tA the 'life of the deceased. During the service Mrs. James Bon - throe rendered a beautiful and appro- priate •solo, "No Night There," Miss - Greta Lemenie accom'panying at the piano. The 'pallbearers, wee Messrs. Alfred Hinikine. Exeter; Slnith, Hag- ersville; Habkirk, Miehline,n; Aoder- son, Exeter; Dawson and Hervey Hyde: The floral tributes were many and very beautiful. Burial was in. MeTeggart's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smilelle, pop- ular residents and a, recent 'bridal couple, were tendered a reception in the RensaR Town. Hall with a recdrd attendanee, the hall being packed to capacity. During the evening they were made the recipients ef a been - some studio eouch and mirror, Mr. Ray Lammie, of Exeter, doing "the honer& - Deeming to the strains Of the Murdock orcheskra with William eleyten: floor manager, was a feature of therevent, which was, greatly en- joyed. towing her recuperation from a very eritical ,eperation. Mr. -Lloyd Hedden left this week for St Catharines, where he has se- cured a good position. Mrs. Hetclelen and family 'will mave igen - Mrs. • Andrew Laanneie, who has been a guest at the borne of „Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Cate, has retuened home to Detroit. Dr. Wilt:lean Geiger, a Waterloo, 'was a Weekend visitor with Mr. Owen Geiger and members •of „his family. • Miss Greta Blackwell, R.N., of Florida, is visiting with her siSter, Mre L dark Jr The puns of Hensel' continuation school, under the.dieection. of Mr. R. 1J. ;Moore, prin-cipal, and Miss McIlvau- na, enjoyed a delightful hike through the country on Friday afternoon last and later a d,elicious lunch of coffee • • sanewiches and pie at the home of MRS. WILLIAM SMITHERS, siseses Mr. and Mrs. Moore. As each pupil ese re to exerege... their sincere aperecietkm their lunch, the Rens-all Red • 'Cross •••.n•ci ..1m. -other of the late William Senithers contributed the sum of 15 eents for of the many expressions of sym•parthy extend- ! oil to them in their recent bereavement- , 3803-1 THE FRIENDS OF IVIARGARETTIAITKIRK wt'h•to- -express- 4heir appreciation for the many acts cif kindness shoran by the n-iollibors during her sickness and to thank NTOVDM-BER-1-,-1-940-',,YOUR ACCOUNT IS due. " Trornot payment will be &jai-m4hi-1 ated. W. 3. FINNIG_AN. 3803x1 • BUYING GRAIN' FOR GEO., T. MICKLE s Sons. -Elevators at Hemsall, Kippen and, Brumfield, Bags and Al information re- ceived ait'Vlarke's Gas and Ceil Station. High - •est Market prices paid., Phone 146, Seaforth:. SAM CHESNEY. 3803x1 IVOTICE-SUCCESSFUL EVSRY.WHERE Representing an all Oanadian firm, The Hail Foundry, Co.. of Hespler, Ont, Quality stoves at the same low price. Liberal el- low.a.nce on old cieavei. A. W. ZIMMER- MAN, Stove Dealer, JOhn Street, Seaforth. • 3801x3 RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC., MAIL - .ed postpaid -in, .plain. sealed wrapper. 809',EEO rtlam , Write. for maill-orde.r catalague. NOV-RTJBBER Co., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. • 37978 aRAIN-IAM BUYING GRAIN. FOR GEO.. Thernmsorn, Hensall. For latest, qnota- tions .and ',information Phone 655 r 2. We 'carry' a stock of bags .and will also do your trucking. W. M. SPROAT, ,Tile Yard, 3790-tf ivrENI–erere MASK •iic isia BRUSH".IS a dopy -righted formula for 10;11i:oi19 shat, ing. Also- a: money SaVer, getting fifty or more claitic shaves ...from each • safety. razor blade. Send twentV-five cents for a copy, to. RIM SPRY, 22-24 Haytcr Street. Taronta, • mid end all shaving troubles and ex -Peeve. 1800x4 COURT OF REVISION,. - Township of Ire TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 0E-1\lic3(IL! lop will meet as a Court of Revision on •'the azsoweneint roll for Che year' 1940 at the Carnegie Anti. Seaforth, on meneare the 4th day of Nos/amber, 1940, at 10 o'cicick a.m. Notice of aorioal should be In the Clerk's ' hands, on or before Ootobee 25th. JOHN MoNAy, Clerk,, 3802-2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL rPlztE NEX' IVIEETING OF THE HURON '1- County Cou,ncirl will be held in the Council Chambers. 'Court House, Goderich, commencing at 2 Pan., Tuaiday. November 12th, 1940. " AiX acinounts, notices of ilmotai:ons mid other businms requiring the attention of Council should be in the 'hands of the Comi- ty Clerk not later than Saturday. November Sith, 1940. N. W. MILLDR, County Clerk, • Godertch; °titanic,. S'o'ciety wa,s the rieher by the sum of $3,00. _ • __ Rhode - Ryan_ , charming October wedding was Mr. Broelc for his Service and Mrs. Bootthrrrn for her lovely, solo; thanks to all those Who t solemnized in ,the chapel of Jefferson Ave. Baptist •Church, Detroit, when invited can and Tor the floral tributes. 3803-1 Jessie, daughter .of Mr; and Mrs. Jno. Births 'CLARK -In Tagierentith,......or Monday, Oct. 28f'1, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oiark, Jr., twins, son and clnught& -"rdhughter stili- bnrnf, MARKS -In St -Joseph's Hospital, London, in Mr. and Mrs. Peter-illarlcs (nee IVIies Violet Willerti. a son÷-1.1mis John. TREMEER--In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. on October 254h, to Mr.. and. Mrs.'. • Wilfred Trecneer. Tuckersmith, a... see. IKAINS.---In Winnipeg, on October 14t1,, to. Dr. arid Mrs. J. M. Keine, a daughter- . Sharon Logisc. KENNEDY -in Sibrakfccrd General Hos:pital. on Thursday, October 2441i, 40 Mr'. and :Mrs. R. W. Kennedy'. Brussels, a son. • Deaths • SMITHERS-In St, Michael's Hospital, To- 'rcmte. ',on Teeny.' October 25th, William Smithers. in his 58th year. HEiTSAtte One Cent S.'ale.-The One and only eriginaL. _Next ..week. . Wed.. Mars: - Fri. ante Sat. Keatintg's • Pharmacy, Seaferth. Mr. David Robineon is ma -king his of Kippen, the bride's comm. The herce with Mr. and Mr, Levi Rends bride is very „well known to Maw in and would like his friends to knew I Hensel' and district; having sn'ent a • Ryan, Detroit, became' the bride of Alfred Rhede, on of Mr. and Mrs. G. Rhode, of Detroit. Th:e bride was. smartly gowned '10 "'a Oeuit of steer beige wool, trimmed with sable dyed squirrel, matching hat and accessor- ies in brown, and carried a corsage of roses, lily •of the ,valley, baby breath and gee -denies; Mis,s Delores Watt of Detroit, thee maid of honor, was a charming picture wearing a powder blue wool •gown, with nobennet acces- sories, and her newel -a were yellow rinses, baby ine,ms and gardenias, Mr Charles Berg, of Detroit, was grooms- man, Later a reception was. held At the Whittier Hotel, East Jefferson some thirty guests being present. Mrs' Ryan received in ,a gown of. soldier blue crepe; assisted by•Mrs. Rhodes wearing a wine crepe costume. Both wore corsages of' mixed autumn flow- ers. Later Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes left by motor for an extended -wedding "1-fineettr-011eario, hosed -Mg thr-Linte- with„ relatives in Parkhill and Hen - sell. "While in Hensel' they visited with Mr. and Mrs,. William Venner, of IChiselhurst; mint •Aild• uncle of the bride, and aleo with Mrs. Wm. Kyle, teat, lee would be pleased td have them all ancl see him. there. , Officials of the Forest, Lakesides, champions of the Western, Counties Baseball Leagne, issued a challenge number of her summer " vacations with Mr. and Mrs, William Venuer and Mrs. Kyle and other 'relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. King and son, of Onesterd'on; Indiana, the farmer 'on Monday of thie week to the Hen-I.Mige Edn,arNeelands, of Hen,sell, were rll baseball teem for a earl -en -death i Rensall last week renewing a,e- :Mille for the all -Ontario Intermediate quaintanees, who were pleased -to '13' Chainpionship. • . meet them. , Death of Miss Morrison Mrs. George Walker. of Windsor, for Mies Rose Stnallacom,bat, Word has been received of the has returned home after. speneiog a death of Miss Georgina Kieby MOM- pleasaitt 'Visit with her brother, Fred SOS, a farmer resident of Hensel": .Sm,allacombe and family at the Kosty who died at her home in Winnipeg. Born int Banfield, she was a daughter Korner Reeteurant Mr. an,d Mre. James Smillie have of the lete Mr. and" MrenR. Morrie -en, who kept a general store there frecently become residents_ of this orvil- lage, hayin,g purabaeed the Glenn' property, recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser, and .no, doubt. be- come valuable citizens te the teem and we welenene them th R-ensalL Miss Mary Clark will be hostess foe the supper meeting of th,e Mission CivalFriday evening, Nov. lst. • Mrs. Harold 'Shepherd, formerly Miss Mildred Smillie, who has been spending the past two weeks with h:er. parents, Mr. and Mrs. James. Smillie, returned to her borne in Teronto on Sund,ay Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drysdale, of Sandusky, Mich„ were recent vreitore at the Drysdale home. Mrs. E. L. Mickliseeed infant son, Charlet; Thomast, arrived h '' Sun- drelr from Seott Memorial "Hospital, Seaforth. Men Sorithen, of Preston, the for- mer Mi•88 Babe Pope, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Geerge, Gram end other friends In the village, Smale Harbert) The United, Chureb Maine, Not:. wrieheetrae the ceiling on Shttirden ternente Oet. 26th, at 4; P.M., for cpilef but' lote,Iy enthrall. wedditig Aehert Miststtildav Elleabeth flarbure, �V Staffa, daughter or vitv, Archie telitert, beeditte the -bride of Roy =- Ward Smale,""dpa of .14(1t.•.and141re,G. 0111ttle, of Itettaall. 'Rev. Andrew Boa, -ninny years and also kept stere in Heneall for a neinber of yearn The late Mies Merris'oti had been a resi- dent of Winnipeg for the past twenty- six years. Surviving are a brotner, E. 13. Morrison:, Los Angeles,' Cali- fornia. and a Sister, Mrs'. R. A. Marks, Oberlin, Kanses. , Plan. Red Cross Annual Meeting 3803-1 'A public meeting of the -Reeser' ' branch of the Red Crosswill be held i Inensall 'Fawn- Hall Thursday evening, Nov. 7th, at p.m., when all the meroberi of the Red cress and ._IsTotice to Creditors 1 • NoncE to eftm-prroliS I IN Tree EerAnie OF 'vine:Genre DIABEL-1 LA JACIC8010. I A n 80.508s having. claims against the '55 - tele of Margaret Ts5balis .Jacicson, late 01 the 'Wilage ,of Drrrayndysie, deceased: who jak.kr WI 'or1A,ballit the third day of October; : 1940; -are hereby nobbled to send' iti to the tanacenenel on 'or beito.e the 16th day of NloveMber, tee°. fen :,partioulan of their tictlichiss. ' 1 . ItertnectiChtilt,-..after *04 said Tait enontionea , atim,:'4,41e 88soe. tit eolad eotste will be dis- I • &WWI ialinoMMiti i '''. Phictinl,. nnitlet thertel Citing irdtsited:titil k to eteintie in white the erefiteren elpierelint nenei melee to tee ' i ' 'MI eithetei endefte. eineereignee e,iffitible lie ,Atite ',Peihddi <if Whose ,#idette . .441'14 eine nen. have ii kr '.41iratfidathd ,or env- , Oildn 41*-e:elite (ley of On !,.ilii,M 14,..TACIE,, JACKSON" Eittelitiorit. ' - 21I024X: n P these interested in- the work of the Red. Cross are pordially invited to attend. Reports will be given, by the fenveners of the variou.s comMittees, inenieling a ilea,n'cial report frora the treasurer, Mr. 'H. Lawrence, It is ex- nected a representative front head- civartere in Toronto will give an. ad- dress. A brief musical program will be presented and election of offieeee for the .new year will take piaoe. The Hens:all braneh et tbe Red Creels wish to take this opportunity to exPress tbanke to the 18,d4es of the Rensall Bellior Itietittne for le- . eipt of the stern of 305.00 rece1ve0 t reugh: their effort in connection With the South Ruroe Plowirtg IVIO.tch held ati the farm of Robert Menu on tburaday, It gee elesiree "in thank the Re:Wean tenittittUation sohool for a gif augigetitirkg-thts thIll.nant. • °ming to Hensall _ C. R. WILKINSON, RAI. OPTHALMIC OPTICIAN •Wingham • will be at W. 0. Goodevin's store ev- ery let and 3rd Tuesde.ye in the month, for- the purpose of testing, eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have mot been peoperly.fitted are specially recom- mended to consult me. Hours; 10 am. to 6 p.m. Phone 'Hensell 16 for appointment. 3677 ' • Members of the team which represented Huron at the Provincial Match are shOwn in the -top pic- ture as ,they competed .at the Hensall match. .They are, left to right: Winfred McQuaid, Sidsforth; Harvey Lovie, Centralia; Elmer Passmore,. Exeter. 4n the middle picture are four young ladies ,who helped. They are Ruth Hess, Gloria Twitchell. and Norma -Sangster, of Hensel', and the girl second from the right Is Betty Munn. The match was held on her father's' farm. Lower picture shows Aus- tin Nairn, of Cromarty, at work as he guides his team of horses'to victory in the, apen class. " (Pictures courtesy Stratford Beacon -Herald) See -these and other great new features of • the BIGGEST FORD CAR. EVER BUILT— now on display in ome showroom. When you see what a value this 1941 Ford ear is you'll want to deal now. And what , a deal we're offering! Lairne in today! Ford and MerturyDealer Ford Tractors ••• Phone -102 .4 4ma. d" ••• •