HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-10-25, Page 8IZ E dans 25c l►4 -1 '1`4A 3 'ic f f Posted 3.. gUAKT ,PUFFED RICE eI2)r. t 2 Puttee wheat ..... de . roRr Vi..xP 's 14066 size JE .LY PetWDERS -Assorted. S pa kagna GUEST CHICKEN SOUP Tin - 'CAMPBELL'S TOMATO JUICIll-3 Tins 1I,OWNTREE'S COCOA Each 29c- 250 9c26c 10c n,+ 25c 17c, 27c 25c 22c :ODA BISCUITS ... sibs." MORNING CHEER COFFEE Half pou.Rd CLEAR SALT BACON lb. PRUNES -Choice and meaty 3 lbs. GRAPE FRUIT 6 for PEANUT BUTTER 2 Ilea SHINOLA FLOOR WAX Tta BNAP PbWDER-For clean- ; Tin $NAP'HAND GLEANER 2 Tins SUPER SUDS -lentil -1 large •Palmpdive Soap CLASSIC .CLEANSER 2.• • Tins VERY 'BEST 'STOVEPIPE ENAMEL -Bottle FEED YOUR HENS RED. HEAD ' and see results., $Lr,Us� Cwt. �P 1$c 25c 25c. 25c 25c 13c 29c 21c 9c 25c A. C. Routledge' PHONE 166, INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS,. REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Mortgages on improved Farm Property, *lumber of desirable Dwelling Proper ties for sale. WATSON & REID iN. A. REID- - -iereprieVor Phone 214 Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LiNES OF, ' INSURANCE i N TOE TOWN* 1• r. Annttnceinent, -. The eugageraaent is amounted of Barbara, ouky' daugh- ter of Mrs. Hedley and the Late John, llediey, of Ayr, to Mr. Elmer • David BeJ1, son of Mr. ands Mrs. David. 13e11, of Hrarristow, the marriage to take place at Ayr on November end. Announcement. -Mr. and :Lars: T. J, McMichael, of leurllett, amuouriee the engagement of their daughter,' Mar- jorie; to Mr. William J. Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dake, Hulie;r., the marriage to take place late in O•Itobstn•. 0000000000ao a o o S. T. Holmes & Son O 0 " FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 . 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 Charles Holmes' residence, ' 0 O Goderich Street. East, Phone 0 0 No. 308. O O.. Ambulance Service . O 0 . Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. 0 O Night calla -Phone 308 • 0 © Day calls -Phone 119 0 0 Charges moderate. 0 12.37 O 000000000000 Announcement, -,Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Pethick, McKillop, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Annie Grace, to Harry James Rapson,, youngest ran of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rapson, of Hallett,. the marriage to take place the latter part of October. Announcement. -Thee engagement. is announced of Alice Doreen, youngest daughter of Mr. R. J. Cooper and -the late Mrs. Grace Cooper, to Mr. Stew art T.. only son o•f Mr. T. B. Baird and the late Mrs. Margaret Baird; of•, Brucefteld, the marriage to take place early in. November. Ministerial Association , To Meet. - The Seaforth and District • Miniate- sal Asso•ciation..will holds it•s regular -meeting on Monday, Oct. 28th, in the school room of First Presbyterian Church, .Seaforth, at two o'clock in Me afternoon. All ministe'r's are cor- dially invited. Papers will be .pres- eneted by the Rev. Mr, Hill, of Exe- ter,. and Dr. elle P. D.. Hurford, .of Seaforth. Death of" Former Member of Fam- ous Beavers. --A -despatch from Gode- rich to the daily papers en Monday last says: "William Blackford, wide- ly keowa lacrosse player of several decades ago,' died Friday in Alexane dra Hospital. He 'was 69 years of age. Mr. Blackford played lacrosse for Goderi;,ha and for •the Seaforth Beav- ers 'when the game was at the lrerght of its .popularity.here. - Ten:years• ago at the age of 59 he played with a local team nwhen Hanover came here to introduce box Iacrosse. it was dais last game. Born ,in this town he was a sou ,ef the late Mr• Band Mrs. Wm. B•laeckford. He was a butcher here for years. He aged been in ill, health for the past .four years. Surviving is .one sister, Mrs. Jessie Roush, De- troit." 0 0 0 0 Q O o 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX 0 • FUNERAL SERVICE O O Licensed Embalmer O Ambulance Service O Hospital Bed , 0 -0 with adjustable rachet oiler- O O aced spring for -rent: O 0 Night Calls pay Calls 0 --• 0 Pleme 175 Phone 43 O Q . 12-87 0 ©© 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 .0 0 0 00000000°00o • o J. A. BURKE o0 a Funeral Service- ' O 0 Dublin : • One • 0 0 Night or day calIsi Phone 43 r 10 0 000000000004 8757-tf THE- SECOND DIVISION COURT. COunty of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing. Seaforth. Office hours: Toes. day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. 3atnrday evening„ 7"30 p.m. to' 9 pm. B. 4C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the purchase of ,the insurance buaiaeee c $sate & Melt, and dike addition of thfSceeS'r, voapaaice to our previous ,foelli- ennblea uc to give rniszeed%d ienvide i i ala bee. SEAFOHTH t ONTARIO 10-47 C,914uv. im ate abeali.Qe.:ot the aeata, dent, avers, le:R. Saett eeneentsted the meeting, wbfetlr ,Rpoit d WWI the read- ing of a; poem on, Th'a leegiyiiag writ, ten by Miss H. Isabel Grahame ' Atter the open4ug prayaer a4111; business part. of the meeting, Mrs. earl -13W r eae' the Scripture lesevn: M. Hugh )•atilt. introduced the guest swelter, Miss• e. McGregor, of S. Marys, president of the Women's Missionary Society of Stratford Presbyterial. Miss McGee - 'gar delighted tier •hearers with her earnest and, impressive talk 'on Mese keens and the good the workers get out of it. Mese McGregoree pieasdng Personality helped very much in con- vincing, her audience that the, spiri- tual and nal the material thiugs are -trhoee that last an,d cannot be Taken away. She pictured the sad state of the. businessmen who had, been sent from the countries recently . conquer- ed onquered by the Nazis rulers,. 'They are practically destitute and yet are try - lag to carry on their work. Muss Belle Campbellgave the Currexut Ev- ents and Miss Olive Laidlaw the Glad 'Tidings Prayer. The vocal quartette, Mrs. J. -E. Daley, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mies P. Pattersran and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, w,as a uch enjoy- ed, Mrs. H. E. Smith thanked the guest speaker for her interesting and helpful address and, tendered to her the thanks • and appreoiation of the Auxiliary. The offering amounted to $64.00_ Y. P. Union Meets. -- The Young Peopl'e's. Union of Northside Unite'l Church held their weekly meeting: on Monday eVening with Mr. John Stev- ens • presiding. Tee meeting opened by singing "I Hear Thy Welcome Voice," after which the minutes bf the previous meeting • were read by the secretary, Jean. Swale, The de- votional convener, Mr. Lawrence Tay- lor, ttreni took charge of the n.aeeting. "Jesus, Blessed Jesus" was sung, fol- lowed wain prayer by Ed4th Hoag. A reedinsg"' entitled, "The Things That Haven't Been Done Before,", was giv- en by Mr. Lawrence Taylor. The Bible react ng , was given by Mr. L. Taylor. • Mr. Sain Scott ably took the topic, "Courage of Devotion,'fi.... 'which proved ,,most instructive. "Mare Love To Thee" was sung and the meeting. closed by repeating the Mizpaii'i bene- diction. . Hold Thankoffering Meeting. -The Barbara Ki.'rkman Auxiliary •of First •Presbytei.-ian• Church held their' Tban$offering meeting on Tuesday filte Mc ILIOP witrrum, . FIRE INSURANCE COY. HEAD OFFICE .'••, SEAKOFITH, ONT. r rsWitt • Pima. Vtei4pi> t • &Otte to c 31iolik'i Aw'FIOFAAr, ''dVsaL: ARE! BEAM POWER TUBE De Forest L25/41 BUiLT IN AERIAL •POWER TRANSFORMER •GIVES NUM•FREE,RECEPTION DieFerreit A35/41 De Forest 55/41. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -Northside United Church-Sundhay Scbool at 10 a.m„ morning worsthiip, Rev. W. A..Bremner in .charge; 7 p -m., service withdrawn •for Egmondville anniversary. No prayer meeting this week. --Rev. H. V. Workman, Minds- te r. St. Thomas'' Ohurch: Rector, Re'v. Dr. Hur'forkl.-11 a.m., "Sowing in Tears"; ' 7 ane., "The Gospel .and Vested Ynterests"; Sunday. School at 10 a.m. • St. Mary's, Dublin, -3 p.m.,. "Sow- ing in• Tears"; Sunday Schooi at 2.25 p.m - McKillop Oharge-Duff's at 10 a.m.; Bethel at 11.15 a.m.; Cavan et 2.30 •p,m. Baptismal service on the sec - and Sunday ,in November. - .R_ 'W. Craw, Minister. First Presbyterian Church+ --Sunday Selicoi at 10• a.m.;-moaning service, 11 a.m., subject, "Moral Struggle and, Victory"; evening service, 7 p.m., "Good Listening"; mid -weak meeting Hh,ursday at 8 • atm; Young People's allowe'en. party Monday, Oct. 28th, at.. 8 .p.m. -Rev, Hugh Jack, Minister. • New,1941 DeFordgt Radios' ere now o'n display. You will be amazed at these beautifta • and efficient new Models. • , 4441 'DEf=dittetf MANTLE 'RADIOS ,Ire tge• front $I•$t shad tlectrie tNoa JBOt)i oft• .75 : . St ,fo th - +tlircl C G • ry. Phone 8 s.GME.k ;I-r?iTRA. (MP BUYS ceS THIS waE'.K I CAR P. 0, I. POTATOES -e•' 5 Peep Ori' over Mil'�A Per ,bags off car .. vi Selden Net .Salmon o ' ];,large Tine 2 c richt• St, V1tillk ins' Strawberry q'cc ' Jam, -,424. jar • Tomato SJuice--Reputed nieen gallon sins; each . , ".eV Tomato' Juice -26 -oz. tins; 2 doz., case.. Tomatoes, Canned Aylmer; 2 doz" ease Q+g 0O large tine, 2 doe. ease e Golden Bantam Corn Pride of Valley Peas - No: 4 $2.10 $2.10 "estate; 2 doz., case Catsup;• $en Hur-1n. ��pp \r'e,Futed gallons; each.. Boa ei eet Cucumber. Relish reputed gallows, each.. C. Rhubarb. -1 ted - gallons $1.95 n 'reputed. 40e WE RESERVE RIGHT TO • LIMIT QUANTITIES • Mae 'Lane Auxiliary Holds Thank - offering. --The •autummn thankoffei;ink, meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary, hell' on Tuesday night, was opened by Vats. J. F. llechely reading a short „passage entitled, "Doorways to De- vation." - This was followed by tlie hymn, "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come;" and prayer by Mrs. ' E. H. Close, The business . inelueded a re- port by Mrs.' Moffat infa ning the group that the C.G.I,T. Would be con- tinued udder the leaders'th p of Misses Mary Barber and Wimsnrie Siavauge, The Senipture, lesson from Matthew 10:5-15, was read by Mrs. J. A. West- crott. , Mies` M: Turnbull rendered a very pleasing and eperoprmate "God Will Take Care of You." Miss Fennell introduced th+e guest .speaker for the occasion., Miss Edith Sper'l' g of S -t." Marys, a missionary home on Death of George 'Hil'Is.-Mr. George, }tills, a widely,. known and • respected resident of this. district, passed away at bis lname in Egmondville 'on More day, (Setter 2Ist, -in his 62nd' year. Mr. Hill bad. been in poor health for, some years and suffered a serious ell ness last winter_ During the suer mer months, however, he was great- ly ini:provea, and able tui be about un; til two weeks ago, when hots; condi- tion again became serious. He was a son of the late Thomas Hills, one of the early .pioneers of the, Hure..,n., Tract, and was born in Egmondviile where 'h•is Whole life was someear a number of years 'he was connected with his father in the blacksmith and carriage business in Egmondville and after the death of .hie father car- ried on the business, mora success- fully ' until failing health forced iris retirement a few years. ago •when he sold the husi'hese..to Mr. A. Lilli•cae,. but Continued to • make has• home in Egm'andviile. . In 1905 Mr, Hill 'was ii.rnited '•dn:,. Marriage' _10..4*. Agnes' Kyle, who survives 'him, together with an only daughter., •Miss Ria Hills of.'.the Toronto. public school teaching staff. He is also survived by one. rosier, Mrs Za'' Core, of Tor- onto. Mr. Hili was • a, member- of First Presbyterian Churoh, Seat:nth, and also a -member, of Britannia Lodge and • Malloch Chapter, Royal. Arch Mayans, Seaforth. A' private funeral *as held Prom his late resi- dence in Egmmralville 'on Wednesday afternoon, when the service *as con- dtrct'ed by.''his• ininestereeRev. Hugh Jack, and at the grave a Masonic ser - vies was heed by Member's of Britan- nia Lodge, while six of theiremem- bers, Mesers. George Kruse, Frank Kling, Wi1llie.rn Charters, G. D. Per- guson, M. A. R.Gid and 3, E. Keating, Were :pallbearers.. Interment was made in tihe fa: wily plot in Egmond- ville cemetery-. W. M. S. Thankoffering Meeting. -- The thankaffer•ing meeting of the W. M. S; oe First Presbyteriali Qhtil'clt' was held 'Tuesday afternoon., Oct. 22. Mrs. T. B. Govendock presided; Mrs. C. Brodie led in prayer, and Mrs. Wm. Freemmn gave"' •the_.:Scripture • teadimg. Miss Tier, of St, Andrew's Chetah, Stratford, was the speaker. Her original introduction was imepres- sive and the interest she aroused was sustained throughout -her talk. The tiee use of her subject was "Thallitts- giving," cleverly iidustrlted by•"'rtihre story of't .e "Garde;r, of Gratitude," planted by Ohris•tian_ We each have the gardens of our soul and our watch were is servibe, The. W.M.S. affords man un'' 0 ort uties for Y P'p service and many ddfeerent av1enuasi of expresu3'ion for out thanksgiving and thanks liv- tng. The speaker Cautioned+ not to lie . wisihbones anidt advisors, but --to -be 'badrkbonees for the W.M.S. abd. flue church. "Pray, tell and give, - be shareholder -se in. Ohri�stiaa etrork," she concluded$ Mrs,, Robert Eberha.•rt, In a few remarks, eepr'eseed the inspir- ation, and pleasure the W.M.S. had received from listening to Miss Tier. .The dedicatory prayer by MTs. -Helen McMi)i1an, a sola, "When I Come lo the Ef,dr %•ef .. the Rad" h1 Mrs•, 'p, 'BI revenulbrck a di1et, "1 Lova Y eu, Can- ada." lby Fratocis Jack•, end Kenn.etth 'Walla; a tgnaritette, .;'Workking 'Po- ther," by Jean McMaster, Eelen eta, ,'I. O'Dell and. Teat. right; ane the eloa+ing antler By. , T. B•, Govemloek cotieltidierd' ,Abe progtaall. Oahe C`"CI•.f"T'.. and M,isuib'n S4tntl Were • :tests of the WAS., '.S. f'hr' afte r i ii ,tea, :posh wee semi ,try the ,stat eater ti.tit 'ate# tech a r. of LLI.T. ANNIVERSARY CROMARTY PRESBYTERIAN CfiURCH SUNDAY•, NOV. 3 REV. D..C. HILL, B.D., Exeter FOWL SUPP-TUESDAY, NOV.5 50c - 25c i 1 Euchre. Dance in St. Columban FRIDAY, OCT. 25th G00D .ORCHESTRA LUNCH SERVED — 1 Afternoon Tea - AND - Bakdng Sale. At the home of Mrs. L. T. De - Lacey, John Street, on turloil frgxn Rl !Pee: • Chine. Masa, SParrnee .gee en eateifeg talk, ea' - Ii ie a rtf entail* -11r West ?1l' e:"enteP,a,.:Met"legality need:Wil;&Il,'1ie eRtuoe eR rt#le areeneeei. tbla "feel torxeele anal;: t'b a Ve.$ 0033 t . in tilts life of Pee ee xaid sen tee ee .a Melt ot_ condtauet bb9labtags by the Japanese, 10 ber'lrpaeeniai experieuc, ee on tI s mission need.' Wee Spar- ling spoke directl • ceneetraing fuer speeial .field. the Eicangelestic work in, rural areas, i1Iustratipg 'how such work was carried osiy alud how Made 1n luence the missionaries ssionaries were . Pee - mated to have upon tee people.:, The meeting closed with a hymen, the Na- tional Anthem and the Mispah bene- d'ietik n, At a Wally of nee groups, the a ies'ion Ciroles and. the eventing!. Auxiliaries: of the Presbytery held at Hren•sall oil Friday' eventing,, Oct. 18t)h, the locals Mae Lane had a fine representation of 17 en attend-. ance. A good crowd was present for the supper and meeting. The special guest of the evening, Mrs. Campion, of St. 'Marys, spoke on `Beazin,g Trails," and . nnuarher interesting fea- tiure. was a play written by Mrs. Childsr •and presented by the girls of Roy's Church. Wednesday; October 30 FROM -3 TO 7 P.M. Under the auspices' of the Ladies' Aid • of First Presbyterian Church. , - SILVER COLLECTION --- ANNIVERSARY Egmondv'ille United,- Church SUNDAY, .00TOBER 27th At 11 a.m. and 7.30 pan. REV. T. W. NEAL, D.D.; Toronto 'will be guest speaker fbr the'day. HOT FOWL SUP-PEit Tuesday, 'October 29th Supper starved from 5.30 on Followed by Play ' "A Pair of Country Kids" Presented by the Dramatic Club of Thedford United Churoh. EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION - 50c and 25o LOCAL BRIEFS .• Miss Mitchell, of Flesheiton, is a guest at th:e Thome of Mr. end, Mrs, W. E. Southpyatee • Mr. and Mrs'. Harry Stewart are in Montreal this' week. - • Mies 'Margaret McLeod, of To- ronto, is the gues(af Miss Bethune. . • Dr. R. R. Ross! is in the London Hospital., Where he recently unide- went a ,successful eye operation, • Miss, Mary Reid, of •London, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, 'Ms.- and Mr's. ' William Reid.' • - • •, Mr, 'Oben MacTavish left on Monday to assume this position. at Sky Harbor Airport, Go:derich, ••,Mies S. I. 'McLean,,: spent the ,weer, -,-end 'in Stratford, • • r . "• Miss L. L. 'Faulkner spent the weer -end with her brother, Mr. W. J. Faulkner, in Sarnia. • Mrs. �. W. Coon and slaughter, Maargaret, o ' prfolk, Virginia; are ' guests at the h•onie of her parents, ']dr. and M•rs. J. G. Doherty, in Eg- monville. • Mr. George Handley, , who has been seriously ill 'in the hospital at London for some 'time, has sufficient- ly recovered to . be beeught to the home .o8 Mr. and Mrs. f_ D. ,Gemmell in Tuckersmith. • Mr. William Barrachlough, edi- tor of the Beamsviile Express ,• and Mns.. Basraohlougih were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg. ' • Mr. R. E. Hodgkin, of Ottawa, was a guest of• Mrs. R. Murless-Jones over the week -end, . • -Mrs. •William Rabb, of Detroit, was the -week=end guest •of Misis Robb and Mr. Jamesi Robb. • The afternoon tea and home 'bake 'ing sale under the auspices of the' Ladies•' lid of First Presbyterian Cii-urch,, a�dvertes•ed-for October 2J�th, will be held, on Wednesday, October^' Zethet the home of Mrs. L. T. De - Lacey. • • Mrs. M. A. Reid is spending the week in London. • Mr, and Mrs. James' Cluff, of. O•t- tawa, are guests at the home of. his.. father, Mr. A. F. Ciuff; • • Mr. .Ranald Reinke, of Toronto,., spent the week -end with friends here •. Miss Eleanc•r Hudson, of Mit= shell, was the week -end ,guest of .Rev. and Mrs: A. W. Gardiner in E•gmond- vide, • Mrs. A. W. Dunlop and. Mrs.. Leo .Fortune _ are visiting friends lie De- , trout and Jarks•on, Michigan. • Privates •Scott McKinley and Jolya 'Shannon of Camp Borden, were week -end ' guests at the home of Mr, Meleinley's.. grandparents, Mr. 'and Mrs". A. D,' Scott • "BUY CANADIAN FUEL". ALBERTA R'T COAL IS A GOOD BUY cin on AT telimu CASH Watrl your own $11.40 DELIVERED IN TOWN FRESH ARRIVALS OF HARD COAL e1420 haul your. own $14.8d del7ve red in town J. H. SCOTT - .. • , I:0)ID'N''1= 3$6 ! NRL17 tittOWN' SPRAYED HIGH .QUALM SPIES Mole andlet'aF••sttpely direr*. C. HO ! hntoti nier FAR M falx e • • Messrs. W. C. Sutherland, Van. Bell and G. Gemimell, rie the R.C.A.F., Trenton, spent the week=end at their hemes here. • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary were in, Landon on Tuesday eveaailrg at- tending the convocation of music held at the University of 'Western, Ontario. • Miss J. McGregor was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. 0. Neil, this week. • Miss Vera Sclater, of St. Marys, spent Teesday evening with'her aunt, Mrs. William Sclater:, • Mics. Dunden,' 'of "Stre,efoi' , aaI red on friends sin; town. • Mr. Charles Wassman, who has been visitingfriends in, Monkton and Mitchell, has returnee home. • Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of Toronto, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott. Mr. Love has sold. ,his resedenioe in Toronto, where he has resided, for a number of years, and has purchased the general atone at Biuelrale, wallah he will take over t'he end: of the month. - • Mr. T: D. ''O'Itlel l is .in Dorset this week cruising timber, • Mr. Jack- Walker, R.C.A.F., w!he has been' in training at -Regina for genus months, spent the week -end ht the 'home of his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. 3. Walker. Mr. Wialket has been transferred. to Montreal. 0 • Mrs. Jaynes Gr'imoldby (nee Dora Elizabeth Howes), of Edmonton, and her' niece, Mase Beernece Howes, of McKillop, have returned home after spending the pant few weeks visiting relatives en, Palmerston, Arthur, Guelph •sad Kitehenier. • Mrr Jeohn IWiicKenzie .has leased the residence 62 the rate Kelt, . egg on: Nortih;• Mahe ' Street, • Messes,. R. E. Jackson:, W. Anent, Thomas Johnston and William Brins .were in Goderdch on Monday"attend- ing the fuuenai , of the late Crow Blackford, a well known nmemberg of the famous Beaver naerosse - team of Seaforth, ' . • Mesisrs, Jamies and Thomas 041- lespie, of Toronto, Were week -end gtieste, -at the home of their laureate; Mr. and; Mrs., Neil Gillespie. ' • M'lsa Maio* Ibbot»scg iias takolI a ipbeit1on in the Office of the W, 3. ilrihean:' Shoe Factory" r •qy�• C.S.M., F. B. Welles+, f the flightttegtitett, tteg 'tiient, Lonrdolii, ' epeii , the tie ead -With" iiiis faliiifi7 here. • • Mr. and Mee. Sale Curs, is elhatherna and Mn, '•mrd..lVit'si, 74.. Li2tpet't, of IriVlhr, llGr, seiyent, S•lttatti,y` at the home of mt.. 'CKs'. J. J3ort d; ' sic Waited 1171 i1'61to "ahrdi ' 'I"lreroaa. O WI were 466 I rd�idO�ti '6tt ' ii tt�ag rodeivitig tlneilr Oittilfttt ;-'II pmts.' " . NOW PLAYING JAMES •.CAGNEY \ ' • . PAT tvgitiaN ' ANN SHERRIDAN " TORRID ZONE,".. MO TDAY,-'TUESDAY,'VETEDNESDAY 'IREN.E DUNNE CARY GRANT " MY •FAVORITE WIFE " RANDQLPH SCOTT GAIL PATRICK A. Three -Ringed Matrimonial Circus of Laughs 1 NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 'STAN LAUREL "` OLIVER HARDY " A CHUMP -AT OXFORD "' They graduate €r8in the gutter to college = Laurel and Hardy get to Oxford. qu. , COMING' -1 "THREE env,• ERRS FOR THE. IRISH" AINIMENIMPIIIIIMIMEMEMEMMIPP CANDY . WANTED FOR 500 KIDDIES At Big Lions •Hallowe Yn. Frolic,'October 31st. Please 'leave at Beattie's 5c w ,S1.00 Store on or before October 30th. YOUR help WILL help. THANK YQU. Lions Candy Committee • Mr. Hugh . Oke, • Hamilton • H'igh- lande en,e;apent the Week -end at the horse of his father, Mr. William Oke, ' o Ms. Stanley Dorra^rrce is spending lids holidays in Ottawa. • M'r•s. George Black, of Woodstock is a gurest at the .home of her sister, Mrs. William .BTeak, in Tuckersmith•. • Mrs,• W, G. Edmunds . is spending the week with ete•r sister in Bruce - field. • Mrs. Thomas Hatcher, who spent the summer here with her • sisters', Mrs. W. E. Kerslake and Miss. Smith; left on Thursday for her home ire: Blackie, Alberta. Mise -•-Smith acconi-: parried her as far as Toronto, • Mrs, J. J. Elliott, •w'ho Buffered a. stmolee two weeks, ago, ,has• beeii red moved to Scott Memorial Hospital,: owing to her serrate. condition. • Mrs. W. F. McMillan is . visiting. her. daughter .in Toronto. '• • Mrs, Gordan Hays •and little daughter, Mare Patricia, are spending.. -- a week with her parents, Mr. ante Mrs: C. Eckert ADDITiON:AL LOCAL ON" PAGE 5 Fresh Ground Coffee WE RECOMMEND OUR NEW American Blend Coffee Superb in Quality and Freshness per lb. Prince-•Ldward Island potatoes, No. 1 Graded Single 1 10 Bag 5 bag.. price e ATTRACTIVE . SPECIALS ---ONE WEEK Eushus Jelly Powders—Any Flavor... 3 fpr 19.0 1 Super Suds, 1 Large Palmolive Soap, both for 21c June Cheese—Real 'flavor Per lb. Allen's Apple Juice -20 oz... •-10c' 48 oz....23c Red Rose Tea -Brown Label ' 1/2-1b.' Pkg. 33c Shirriff's Good Morning Marmalade -7 -.2 -lb. Jar, 33c Robin Hood Oats—Fine or Coarse. lbs. 25c Quaker Puffed Wheat • • 2 Pkgs. 15ic NO'S GRQCEIRY AND BAKER Phone 82 - Seaforth Annual Loculation For Tuckersmith .Township An opportunity for Small Pox,' Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever vaccination and inoculation is being made available by the hoard of Eealth tof the Town- ship of Tnekersmith. Thetre.atrrients will be given by Dr. McMaster, the M.O.., at' his office, 'corenc%ng Saturday, October Nth: All wishing treatment wilt" kindly start prompt - 1.Y .nd contite ,regularly, t'reventkon: •' better 'than . ire. It is the duty of .every 4re1xt*o "ser that each child is given this o p t l�rt r i&t nti ti of seae-e„: , The sem:; tree, e tt�