HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-10-25, Page 51 •. 1. • .1 With each month of war the: humrlming wheels of, the Canadian aircraft industry. reach a higher tempo in their .hong of promised victory. In this•photograph'a workman is shown. as he attaches a • wing -tip light to a Lysander armyco-operation airplane. A considerable number of these machines are being made in Canada for both British and Canadian use.. News oft e Week in .Scout and.. Guide Circles The meeting of,the Guides, opened with flag break by' the color party. 'from tho Skylark Patrol, followed by -"0 Canada." After roll call and in- spection, the ,patrols tented to their corners to receive instructions in yarning, to -prepare ° for the tests to be=crn.e Second Ciao: Guides. Tile meeting ,closed w tlh-lowering of the flag end God Save the King." • * * * • The meekly Boy, Scout meet- ing opened: with fl'a'g break by._ the. leader of the Welt Patrol, fol- lowed by _a element's. Scout stilence, A hike was planned for the'n•ext meet. -rng, Oct.. 30th, by S,• M. Trott. The Patrols were then -dismisse•d• to their -corners for inspection. The Woif and SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (Formerly W. E. Chapman) Now operated by CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE •- We invite Inspection of our. ". stook of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — Tuesdays and, Saturdays, or any time by ap- pointment. -- • • DR. F. HARBURN—Rhone 105 ' -Phone 41 ---.. EXETER ...-.-Box .1-50-. Eagle Patrols were instructed :n sig- ;balling while the Moose and Ante- lcpe Patrols were drilled in line for- m ' at.an. The troti'p -was next taught f;rst aid in the treatment of burns: ar:I, artificial 'respiration by . A.,S.M, Hamilton. Honors went•:to the .Moose Patrol- with the greatest number of points and P. L. Southgate lowered tie .flag. Bill Bregger, of the Moose 1•'atr`al, «las ,presented: with his, cyclist'e badge. Christmas cards will be sold •during the next, few weeks and e:deter, for them may be_ placed with any 'Troop. Leader or Patrol Leader•, who will tall on you within tbe`next week- * * * At the Brownie meeting, ,held Oast Friday night, Mrs. W. R. Shaw and Mrs. H. E. Smith acted as judges of the sewing tests which the girls have been •working en for the Past' few meetings. Almost all the Brownies bassed the test, CONSTANCE ••Tih•e regular meeting of the W.A. was' held, in the basement of the church on Thersd'ay .afternoon, ,Oct.. 17th, with the president, Mrs.. E. Ad- ams. presiding. Hymn 108 was sung aede sentence prayers. given by Mrs. W. Britton, Mrs. Jaek•Oarter andMrs. E. Adams. The minutes were read -by the secretary, Mrs. Jack Fergu- • son, and adopted. The business- was discussed 'soli Mrs. s„_ E: Adam.tpp�i, Charge of Groirp No. 2 in time absence of. Mrs. .E. Lawson. Mrs. P. Lindsay ONE CENT -a word (minimum 25c) is all that it edsts' you for a classified ad. hi The i . Huron . Expositor. An Ad. that each week will reach and be read by more than• 2,000 families. If .you want to buy .or sell anything, there is no cheaper or more effective way than using an Exposi- tor classified ad. Phone 41, Seaforth. • Huron•Expsitor rl 1i and Mrs. B. Snell led in prayer. A rsadling by' Mrs. Lorne Lawson. "Soni•e•thing Good About Yon," was much enjoyed. T:h,e topic was taken by Mrs. William Britton.and was en- titled, "The Day •of .Judlgm•ent," and was very interesting. The meeting clotted with •prayer. Mr. Milton Moore,- cf Kingston, is visiting his brother, Mr: Wm. Moore; for a week or two . Rev. J. C. and, Mrs. Britton, of In- wood, paid . a short visit to the for- -mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brit- ton, this week, • Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson were in Iiondon, on business on Wedgies-. day Tbe... ThanQ{offering meeting of the W.M.S. of Cc,r-stance United Church was held at the home of Mrs, Won. r Pritton .nn R• ec,•nesciay afternoon, Oct. 23rd. The .president, Mrs„ -,,P, Liner- s.ay, opened the meeting with a hymn acrd Mrs. R. Rogerson and Mrs., P. Lindsay led in prayer. Mrs. R. W. Craw, of Seaforth. • gave a very fine talk ,on the missionary work in -Northern Ontario, British Columbia auci•in the hospitals. Mrs. A. E. Men- zies sang -:a solo entitled, "Lilt Black Sheep.” Mrs. James Hugill read a poem on "Our ' Challenge."' Mrs. William _ Britton gave, a short talk on the address giyen by Dr. McClure at Giinton recently, Mrs. Lindsay. clos-. ed•the meeting with .prayer and a so- cialf half-hour was spent when lunch was served. KIPPEN MT. -and Mrs. Archie ••Parsons and Gerald vested on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden of Denfield. Mr. James Cochrane, of Toronto, vi,eited on Sunday with hiss , brother , Mr. Allan Cochrane.' . Mr. and Mrs. •Norman JaqueO and Mr. and Mrs•, W. Jaques and two sone of Etimvii'le, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs, Oliver Jaques. • The 'many •-friends.' of Mrs. W. French- will be plees,e,d to learn she returned to her home: from St. Jos- eph',s 1-faspdtal,-. London,, on Friday. We °'hope she will -soon be able to be up did-aiund again:— • A number of the Y.P.S. of,the United Chureih attended a young peo- •ple's meeting in Main St.. Qhutch in Exeter on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clelland and fancily, • of Listowel visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert'Alexander. • Mr. Clarence Taylor spent Sunday in Loii,dron. . '. CROMARTY Mrs. Duncan McKellar Tres,.yeturtr- ed after having spent a week in Strat- ford with Mrs. Margaret Barr. Mr. and Mrs, John Young and fam- ily,'of Granton, visited Miss M. B. Currie. Lillian Young, who has been spending some weeks here, returned to her home with her parents. • Mrs. B. O. Macdonald and baby daughter, have returned after spend- ing'a week with her parents at Br'us- eels. Mrs. Reidie, of Erin, formerly 'of the Manse in. Cromarty, is spending. a few 'drays with her 'friends here. Mrs. R, J. Robertson ,and son, John. Robertson, visited with, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Robertson. The school children were off bright and early on Monday morning, . as it was their first, day, at the new school house, which has ,replaced the one which was d•estl'oyed by fire of some unknown origin in "January last. The school has been held .since that time in the basement of the Presbyterian Church in the village., 'The seats and "desks were hl1 moved in on Saturday. A very enjoyable evening was spent by the Members of the Dal- rymple olaol' when they gathered in the Town Hall 'in. Staffa on,, Fri,diay evening with a latge number of the children and younger• relations all done up in the brow kilts., also a few acquaintances- presentae well. Mr. and Mrs. Ross. • McKary and daughter, of Hensall, took part in the glieoial program of Highland dance ,which wad BUS TIME TABLE iLeaves Seaford: for Stratford: Daily get eve. end 6.16 p.m. Leaves deafor% for Goderide DMifly ,except Sunday avid Thal., 1.05 • n �p.m- and 140 pea,, San.and hal„ 1.05 liana oa d 9.20 p.ai. 0:anneetio9: etStrate:wet for Toronto, Mariatioat, Bu, �boek, ins D rd Agents --• Queon'e Motel, Commere1di ltietol; Men '1lioaee SiRATFORD, • OOCiERICH • COACH LINES Ispgiteos ! l siPn 0 7414. '-1044 44 ..bwor b;994 We meet f and we dG "ezl When fifer.$[, . ll,Xarierle, thew Are Olden days in your Me that will lire long in. your memory. 'i1Ve regret;trl• t you will no longer be ,one of to biasing lights among un.. •YouRe ways belong- ed-tateus, n1.1100:;(8511,, ' of k your fret step, sauce you play'edslith your dolls; all'. through • schooj¢.'ys, : and right tt'nc,• til new, our lives have dbeen linked to gethex,, , lBrom Mote:, our ,paths seem to Welds We t oioe that you Will not, be gods wale/ miles away and we trust that yens -I111 not forget anyone of us. These gifts will help. we . hope, to-. befog • .;-.back to you thoughts .of our happy days together and it 4s for thio, More than any- thing else -,-that we bring them to you now. We rather envy that smiling prince who takes you from us, but we will not let our envy smother our good' wishes tro-'him, , and if • ever be - should 'feel this love grow cold, let him speak up, and we'•l all be here to welcome. you back—for we had you first.' ge 1) tna)tes Able le will* ;we we are ell oo seldom do Our tegetlaea*,, 1 an evening d. To yote LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. Keith McLean is spending a few days, in StratiOrd, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. -C. Jarrott, • Mrs: R. W. Dickie, of Montreal, was calling on. old, Seafbrth friends on Thursday. Mrs. Dickie is a daugh- ter of the late Rev. A. D. McDonald, D.D., for many yeaos' minister of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, • Mrs. C. R. Samervi]le and Miss Jeanette Wilson, of London, were the guests of Mr. J. A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Willson on Thursday. ' , • Mrs. Anderson, od Fort Frances, and idles Farr, of Milverton, were guests tlhis' week of Mrs. W. D. 'Blight. DUBLIN A communication from Rev. J. T. Maloney, di,ocesaredireeter of the dis- cussion clubs throughout t,he, diocese of London, woe read in St. Patrick's .Church, Dublin, on Sunday, announc- ing that the discussion clubs will be- gin their meetingsnetweek. The subject chosen for study for this sea- son is "The Sacramento." The same groups as for last year' will conduct the 'various meetings 'throughout the parish.. , The local 'C. Y. O. members were guests of St. Oahe:aban group on Monday evening°' The president wel- comed those present, and a pleasant •s•ocial evening was enjoyed. Mrs. Newcombe and, baby have, re- turned to their dr,ame'•in• Toronto af- ter -spending a week with her par- ents, ;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Miss Genevieve McCarthy has gone to Toronto where She eopecta •to se- cure a clerical position:' Visitors; Miss Hellen Ryan, Chat- ham, at tier home; Mitis Evelyn Mel- ady, London, with. her sister, Mrs. JosephRowland; • Miss Genevieve Feeney, Port Hope, spent a few days with her ,mother, Mrs. Kathleen cFeeney, before going 'to Toronto where she bas! secured a positions Mre. A. M. Looby, Miss Muriel Looby, , Mrs. K. Feeney. Misses -Gen- evieve and Rose Fgeney spent Satur- day In London. What might have been a serious accident o'ccurred,at the farm of Mr. Joseph darpenter, When Thomas Mur- phy, who was attending, a threshing there, fell from a beam to the floor close to the threshing -machine wihich was in ,operation. He .escaped, "'he -W- eyer, with minor injuries. • VARNA• Aiitniversary services will be held in St. John's Anglican Chureh on 'Sunday,' Oct, 27th, The 'guest speak- er will be Rev: J. R. Thompson, B.A., of •St. Paul's. Church, Stratford. Ser- vice will 'be at•:;,Tl • a,m. and 7 p.m. On Monday night, -Oct. 28th, asocial eve- nang will be held in the ball- A goad program of outside talent is being ,prepared.. Come and enjoy a- night's fun. •. Rev.. W. P. Lane, B.A., of North Street United Church, Geduld], de- livered two very able ,sermons to large congregations morning and eve- ning in: the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wil•dforig and family of Hay, spent Sunday with the• lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grassick. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woods and lit- tle sots, Bobbie, of Listowel, spent Sunday with friends and relatives in and around the village. Mise Logan, in company with Miss M'ic"VIuttie attended ',anniversary ser- vices in tlh.e United Church , and, Snn- duty and w'ere entertained ' at' the home of Mrs. A. McConnell. Mr& Ruth- Graham, of Clinton, was tbe ,guest of Mr. and Mrs,. Nelson Reid on Sunday, Miss Amalie Foote, of Detroit,- was the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. D. • Ander- eon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and child., of Forest, called on Mr. and Mrs. C. Pilgrim last week. • IIILISGREEN Quite a large number from this vi- cinity attended' the plowing mlatch ,near St. Thomas last week. Mrs. Fred • Hays, of Moose Jaw, Sack-, has been renewing old ac- quaintances in this comien nnity re- cently. tinder the management of their train- er, Ross McKay; Gordon Moughton and Donald Seott in Irish costume danced the Iristh' Jtg. There attire rel- atives •presen 1 from F,.aleesivies Kippen and other plaices. A fine 'supper Was served and games and depoleg ea- toydd until the 'vee .sand' hdiars well after midnight. Mr. and Mrs+. E. Lloirdl Mister, taf S•tratferd, visited with Mrs.', S, Mlti r len Wednesdry afternoon, • ; Mr. and Mrs; Colin MODodgatd,, o�f ilarriiagtont, spent Sunday :with Mies Qti'ence. 0 ell s imagnaimemen ,.. 'inter Coats . 0 •••• We have been fortunate 3n pro- curing many outstanding values in New Winter Coats. Personally bought for spot cash in the style centres of Toronto and Montreal, these• -Coats arereally excellent values. Many new novelty weaves in lovely weight -alit-wool materials, fur trimmed and -styled in the last-minute 1940 styles, that you'll /go for the minute you see them. , Sizes 'and styles for both Misses and Women. Won't rpou accept our invitation' to see these last-minute arrivals. t hey're excellent value at 'k'#yFjGi.1N: $17.50 to $39:"O New Fall SMART Smart Velvets and -Felts in, differ- ent small Turban _effects, and very popular off -the -face styles that have just ;arrived ,in our Millinery Depart- ment. Colors include Blacks -••-Wine, Green, Brown and Soldier Blue. $1.9b to $3.9 4 WOMEN BUY THEiIR HATS A7 STEWART BROS. tewartT Bros., Seatort VARNA. Hold Anniversary Services ". Successful anniversary services W.eme..--os'erved. iza ..'Varga United: Church 'Sunday, Oct.. 20th when• splendid desegregation's. attended both deits of .worshup, the, • church being packed to •capacity. The floral dee: mations .were lovely, including bronze mums, dahlias and pnofusians of oth- er beautiful autumn flowers whish were much admired. The guest speaker, Rev. •W, P. Lane, B.A., of North St. United Church, Good-erioh, was the special preacher for the day, delivering splendid and. timely dis- •oourses ' much appreciated ,by the ,large • congregations.. • Guest artists •as,ais'ting with the musical portion • of the morning service were Mrs. Maude Redden. and •Mrs. George Hess; of Hensall, Mrs. Hess singing "I Know I Shall Not Pass Again This Way,". and Mrs. Head•en, "The Stranger ,of Galilee,." and for their concluding .-number they -contributed a .drixet Pole lowing the sermon, entitled "Jesus, the Saviour For Me;" For the even- ing service Messrs. Gordon Anderson and A. E. Westman, •of London, for- mer members of the Forest City male quartette, contributed to the music with lovely solos and duet, Mrs: Pet- ers accompanying at the organ for the duets. Miss Rachel Johnston, church 'ongani,st, presided at the con- sole for both services., and Mr. Wm. Reid, choir director, led the singing. The special offering was very liberal and gratifying. First Visitor: "My dear, these ,cakes are as, harm as a stone." Second Visdbor: "I know. Didn't you hear .her say: 'Take your pick,' when she passed them around." • Cop: "We want you to take part in an identity parade. Yat, ' ron't be kept five mtnutee." Loafer: "They told me that yarn the least time and I was kept three Months." • He: "Say, who is tihat funny-loak- ing fellow who drives your ear and works asoiiind int the garden? He al- ways ftiowns at me whenever he s'etes me here." • Sher "Oh, dm't ,mind, him. That's only* father." Miss Margaret Reichert, accom,pan= icd by Mr. and Mrs. Witten: McLacle Una spent the week -end with friends in Brantford. The nieny friends of Mrs. Harold' Reichert, who has bean ill, are glad to know she Is able to be out again. - ST. COLUMBAN • Corporal John J. Holland, who ar- rived in England om S,eptember , 4th, w•a -inrjured in a -"black-out." He Was with a rescue "squad and was unfor- tunately knocked :down by a oar. He was severely eet- around the head and face and was .& m•fi ned to the hospital for about two weeks. -John has a.host of friiend°s`,around Sreeforth and vicin- ity and especially 'in St. Oolumban, 'where he was bqrnand raised, who are all pleased to know he is very well again and able to leave the hos- pital. Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Diek,are- leav- in+g shortly for their home in Sea - Perth. The St..,Ool'rrmban C.Y.O. entertain- ed the neighboring parishes to 'a pro- gr'am and dance on' Monday evening - Ail reported a good time. Mrs. Peter O'Sullivan and John Hastings are spending two weeks in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, P. ,Moylan. - Cutting corn is the order of- tile day. Mr. Patrick Flannery spent a week with his dlaughtetr in St: Clements. . Mrs. 'Mark Miles spent the, week- end in• Toronto. The -monthly meeting of the C.W.L. was held in the parish hall on Sun- day afternoon with Mrs. Joseph Kale presiding. Following tbe business session,• arrangements were made to resume Red Cross work and several 'articles have been given out for knit- ting and sewing. Comprehensive re- ports of the diocesan convention of. the .C.W.L. 'held at 'Delhi were given • by the president,, Mrs. Joseph Kale, and Mrs. 4ohn• F. Murphy, to whom ,a mote of thanks was, given. Mrs. D. J. O'Connor, -past president of t the league, was appointed diocesan coun- cillor far Huron at the recent con- vention, and a vote of gratitude was • enrtended to thee. at the meeting. • EGMONDVILLE The regular meeting of Egmond- ville W.M.S. wale held in the vestry on ;Thursday, Oot: 17th. with;' Mrs. - Gardiner in the. chair. The meeting open-edt by-eiUlging_ t hymn •tied iarayer. .by the president. Minutes of ` last meting were read and adopted. Roll call was responded to by 15 members and one visitor. Mrs Watson, oon- vener of Temperance, read apoem, "Me Rum Sellerand the Boy." The Christian Steward, convener, Mrs. H..• Chesney, Sr-., pave some interesting facts. The treasurer reported the thankofferi•.ng to the amount of .$49.50. After the regular offering was re- ceived' Mrs•, Keyes• ante Mrs. Moore gave splendid' reports -of the section- al meeting. Mrs. McKenzie, assist- ed by Mrs. McGonigle, Mrs. Lowery, Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Nott, gave the study' book on the life of James Ev- an, missionary be Ojibaw'a Indians. Mist. H. Chesney' tihen favored with a solo, accompanied by Mns. MeKetne zi'e. Mrs. Haney conducted the wor- ship service by singing a hymn, read- ing Scripture and prayer. Hymn 311 .was then sung and the meeting che- ed liy •prayer. Dead ancc Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. GUY WAR. SAVINGS STAMPS