HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-10-25, Page 4�� W".,4�;�Ti'�.,­ ­,," I. 1-1," ,:-1 1771711,111'11t,�,� ,�. - -1., ­ I., I _ , , � , , 7�, ___-_-_,_""'7-,W - -, ;�, , , I , I I , � " , , . I I , � ; I � IL - - I 1.1 -n, -1 "I'll I 1­­'.,T"� �, 11-1 ,,----w-'-' '­,_-1�11:�,_­ � I 11 -.,--, ­��­, , '. " 'T__ -.7 I . , . � � ,; , I , � , 1, ".. I ',* " ,.�: '.": , :, t,',1��,, " I . I � , � I ': Q-., ­­, -_­­­­­ ....... .. ­ "­ 1-1111 1".. I", " '' I � --'W, I . WWI, I 11 . I � . I I I I I ,, I I _ � ­ I � � �_ , I -_ 111�_,. . , '' .."""".". 7'. I— -11-11., � .. ...... �. 1:11 � ''.- In.. I I , 1W1-.,- --F,#77 , I , 4 ffiv- . � , � . I I , � — I " V� ,,, "N � t , , ", _ I j 11 �, �. I , � � , , i . , i I I i, I 7�,7 I I 1, , ". I I , �1� I "I , �'� � , , ,, , : � , � I I I 11111�,F " ,,!_., 1, , , :, '! ,,I..� � ,� , � I . � . I , . : , � � I I I - I i � I . ,� � I . ,,� � I I il , . , I I I 1. , ., I � . . , ,.,.,� .!" ` , " � � J, �, M ,. � ., '! . , , I " 1. 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L " lo, , ,, "' . - %, '' �� , - � � ", ,' 1� " - ' ,- ,. � , ,F 1. , I , . 1� 4 , :iil�`_, " �" " �,: i � ., � �!,�' ",',�:,�"_ , . - . =,nfle, -a � piW, � 0 - - Carey . . , " _." ,, , I 11 olo I . I 111.- I �', 11 ': - 'd� �. 1, - � . . ' , I , ,. 1�',�., � .. � A .. "" .,�, - .. i�i,'N%'�1�11'�V, , ' i .. � , J9 , it, yogat.40,10, " OQ '' NO � I 1�1111!i 11 ... .. . . I - nbBEAA ,, m " ew — ��,�"j­,',�­� I'- — . I I . . . . . . vc, , . ,01.0 . I ,.,.% `!,A"��`;�� ­1�11 , , . I I � �;;w,�,�!:�,tf",� t ,1� - I'" � " �,"", F -A . � I "~." ". '" 1. � , . I . I . � I ' by XM. ;40k 0011b%tt I., . I I , . ;4"" 1 ` ''� " , ' . � ' ' _� " � . L , 1 � " "", Y Im i ". qT%o.-___1-%. I I I .11 z 1XW11 ­, . I . ", .�� I Joyed, dir4�WW . �: "I 1�1 "I 1. 11 . : I I I I I, ,�, I ­ -1 'O �* 4 I 1,11 I I ond Miami Auu$e Coleman. A plWing. � 1 I " ,,�, �, ClWS I ,ed A. ill be inseited at ww low cash r 4 - ; � . _. . , I . . � I . . . tweiasure h=t in -, - , � I , S, - I � �f 4 ' ''. ". � , , ;;�, i .tes . . .1 f,eature wa* a, 011ilaxte � . " , I I . . I . � 1. - ..; I... I ... - �- - ,,- I � . I 'r , I Of Mkos Xarov , 44ft . , I � I - � ; � , " , lor."We, W400. X�t a 1�vgiits, p,*r__rcr WQX4: 1� � e- 'I .. . PC GOP", �'thle 0 .. '' ': . 1, 11 , �' I I pd Found. Coining . � . A "'Ill 11 0. I . 4) � hoing won by Miss N, .glais. , and � ,,,,.��,,; � I .,, ', U . . . . . , I .1 I , 1, , . t week ................. , " ... I Cent . I 1-111, J� . group. An electiric cl"k wss pres- . I � I I I t, 2nd week � . ,::: ... % cent 14,01 � � . 'I . '.. . , '�,2,.�jl�,1;1, , , ) h I � �-,�j��­,�­ . .-1*.-".- ... :": :: ........ 34 Cent . . ented,to Mr. ana Mrs. Clarence Smil- .6 , . �,,� - , , I �, Bra week .. . . its, a recent bridal couple, the ad- 4 , "PI:'. 1,� ! . � , , �1 � " . �� Nialmum charge, trat insertion .... 25 Cents le . ", :, �,�, I - -�: .. I � I I dresi becing read by lack Corbett,and, 11 I . I . .4ch figure. InW4 sad a0b".WoMon counts as me war& . 11 ' ',�,.,,, . V,44-,�f T�.=Jes� In Meanori-sin Notiees-1 cent per word. M-kridusoul, 50 cent, per weelL �. e. . ,the presentathdri ma4e by Ted Munn., ' ,� o � '' 'P,nqni!Fb0k way be directed to a Box Nupoer. care of The Huron Expooitar, for 10 cents " ft 1 Mr. SmIllie, on behalfotihle�wifaand , �j �� ", -, e .1 2 1i .1, I I . T w4q, " 4 - I - .th J WA 444itiOnAl Per Witik will be charged if ads in.abave class we not Vam b,y the � " h1mvelf, expressed his, th,anks, and in �grday night In the week in which the ad was ru— � - .. vited the class t9 be tbreir. guests at . 4aftiages aria Deaths inserted free of charge, . � their home- for their November meet- . I , � ,. � 11 � . A.. I � I I A Si4ee,-Notdoes -to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on applicatition. ' 11. I iailk. A vote of thanks was, extended I I , , 11 � q:,�::� - . '. __ .1 I ,, . , . to Mrs. Urk-er and Gladys, foT -the . , Property For Sale,, . For Rent � ", . r. �, 1: .loan of their home and. tilleir,boapi- . t- * . I- � .1 I . � - ; : , � k I . tality. ' Arranging the afflair were 1�. � ­ W.4r- � 1,GR SALE­J7-RO,OM. HOUSE ON I VIC- A PAATMENT TO RENT — APAItTMENT . O.,�� ,tuia Street. Apply to J. M. '_NIcM1LI I iotollia Apartments; heated. �`-' 11111 Miss Dorothy Munn, Miss, Annie Oole� I- . - Apply 4.,: man, Mirs. J, Corbett, Ted, Wlmu 4au . 1. - . . "_. . � ,�-i, � Seafqr-,th. 3801-tf to E. L. BOX, ,Se&fbrliL . , , 3S02xI ,.;,,, I ... ­ Mis�s Gladlys Luker. I * -, .. : �i ......_ ;', : - I - �� , - �,�,­. , K, 1,11"A I I", 'N'� I " 1 T.4��­ -_ -''-*---- --;-, ______ --- , V . I - . I For Sale . . . - 1 "I . , � I Observe Gal . den Weddi . ng .. I I - ..� � . Farm Stock V6,r Sale , ­ 0;,',��!� I F . .1 .�.._ .. � . . S.AiEr-CROIGE YORK PIGS, EIGHT . ,V-- L . Mr. tand, grs. John T. Alldsoia., Dr. W. D. Swanj o, Hapifton, - r FG!aeLa c,!d. _-kLEX McDOINALD. Phon SALF-2 SOWS TO FARROW No I i - I Thames Road Alistrict, observed their f 1, : 1. 662 � I$"­�&.*.,td1. FOR � . y Box 285, EXPOSI_ .1 . . . � � golden wedding on Wednesday, Oct. ,only son 'of Mr. James, Swan and � - TOR. � 3802-1 � . 11 " , 298rd receiving at a re09ktjpn after- nephew of Mr. John Beattie, Sea- . FOR SALE — OLIVER 70 STANDARD . . _ ­ - __ _. .- -fortp, who� died in- �Hamiltdn on ; . Tractor, 21-2S Ir.P.; steel wheLd�; run � _ , � - 110*0�­and evening, - Mr. and Mrs. Al� - _ , --morning. He had -been � I � . two $ea4ons. Also Oliver plow f,or z;ale with ­___ ____7.__-------7— � ., . . I I wo r gy este6med Thu�sday ; I all wiThout trac,bo.r;- ,Li,,u Covk�hutt tractur ' . - . I . residents of -that section, -have, spent - in poo.r health for some time. ", � . plow. Apply to GORDON RICHARDSON. Wanted ' I e .. . I their entire lives In Usborne town- . I I .1. . 4; : Ph -me 656 r 25. &afonh, oi- write 1. Bruce- " � .1 � . � r, 7 7 l. "I'll . . ' ' � � . flei'd., � . 38021x2l WANTED—MALL BOARDER WANTED -, .� I . ship, near Hensall. Mr. Allison's Church of Hensall, a4d -his desire to - '. . — "n Main St. APPdY to Box 234, I:fUR- . " --/v " '7 /-,z / :5-- fiasther, John Allison, obtained, the see the Church of- God Progress Ili . ". ,, i 4� . ..... SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE - SPY,: ON EXPOSITOR. 1 3902-1 . � .; � . crown 6eed of the farm now I , w; i Ninii; Talma-n Sweet, - Greening, Russet, __ I . . . I owned strength, ddgmlitry and usefulness. He I . �. , : Baldwin and aider apple�. Phone.Xjifnton WANTED -TO HIRE, A' SERVICE STA- . I . � . . Q9 . .by the couple, thus making .the hJ& was essentially a kind, and friend,ly . -1 .,..� -622-24. FRED McCLYMONT, Vaerif- ,'He says it helpsi his hay fever." - !1. tl,>n atktendarit. Apply by letter, stat- I .1 tory of the Aldison family an, integral man, especially I -D his, home where he �� 3SOl-6 I - -y ... e hIsitory of the surround- � ." experlerice_ i , . . — . f "��. and saial expected. , , I . part of th will bp missed .most. The- singing i �'. I" . LACK WOOL ENSEMBLE SUIT WITH to Box 233, HURON EXPOSITOR. - , � I ing Country. On the farm is the wa� d,irectedi by Mr. W. 0. Goodwin � . I ­ B wolf collar, sl4htly worn. ' Will sacri- . 3802xl 1. '. . . . I widely kvo-wu Tharries Road, Church, and' members of the choir. Hymns ­ . , ­ fl�e. Apply t� Box 231, HURON .EXPOSI- � celebrated for 'its ministers. and, the ... "I , . TOR. . , 3801-2 ____ — . Wal -118 with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tunaer; charge, and, for t M -r . antflillem. the Sung were, "Unto the Hills," "Nearer ;, " .� I . , M.r. and Mrs. S. Jackson with Mv. J61 0 - it has made, oa the lif e My GoPto Thee" arid� "Abide With 11 ,,� . Mew B olms I choir sang, " Ob For a Thpusand impressibn � I I ___ Card of Thanks and Mrs. Hugh Ball; Mrs. F, Layton . Tongues." The even4rig service was of -the wh-6T� community. Mrs. Al- Me," Ws�, Greta Lammie. accompany- I . . ., . ,.. I . I - lison, the former Miss Jane M.onteith, Ing at the ,piano Following the Bar- `�' . Farms For Sale with Mr. and Mrs. H. Cric.1i; Mr. and - At Librar;y withdrawn.da favor -of CaveD Pms,by ; � — � MRS, GEORGE JACKSON, OF HENSATA� Mrs. G. Elliott and Miss Helen El- . terfan Church, ,Exeter, who were ,b-. belongs to one of the'aldest famtilqA vice the corte,0' proceeded to Hen- . ;, ARATT5 ,S�A.LF-ig,l ACRES, wishes to tliank the friends ana neigh- liott with Mr. aria- Mrs. S. H. Whi�,- . . .1 . of Eysborne. Their union"wai� blessed . I I , . I I F MILE bors for their Undriwe and sympathy shown ' I.. serving their anmiveiiary serva'ces. Ball, Union- Cemetery where burial � . ... I . I r r ' ltb. foul- child -ren: Mrs. k. Shrin�r, took place. The pa,llbeaxero were , �1�., ,, pasc ,)�f W4ton, Lot, 4 and 5. ISLb Con- her in her recent sad Vereaverrient; nijn6te, MO e; Mr. Livingstorie and Mr. P� The followimg -new hooks have been Their gues,t speaker was Rev, D. J. 'w" cwsion, Tbww,hip ,of Grey. La -e bank Rev. R A. Brook: sbWers. W. 0. Goodwin Gibbings with �Iew Yorl� City; Charles Alllsion,Mrs. � barri. fra= house,. excellent gravel pit. Ap- and M . .Mr,. and, Mrs. H, recefred at the Seaforth Public Ub- Lane, of Knox Ppesbyteriau. Ctiure,h, Harry Howard, Fredl Barifthron., 'AlK 1, �s- ilitude Hedden: Bugler Fred Beer, john1s; Miss, . . . . . �, , . . Ply. to Box 228, EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Sea- Pallbearers; for ,the lovey fforaii tributes, I . e-.9 Margaret an.d Joy rary: ' ' * _' Godexich. A. Morgan, alid.W. G. Allisbai. -Pouring Taylor, Willia)n Fee,, William ODnisitt � . ? . forth. . I 3,798-tf .and those who kindli,loairied cars- . I Lobb with,Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Lobb. Moil-notiorli%"Failure of a Mis- Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Laughton and tea for the afternoon, reception were and George Douglas. The,floral.tri- - ;. . I I ____�_._1._______ 380-9-1 Mr. Roger Pepper, an old resident sion,;" Henderson; "Memory Hold the family, Who m4ere here attending the �,Trs. William Pkissm6re and Mrs., W. butes were many'and beautitui. At- . � . . ' . . of this- vicinity, but a - resident ,oar," Buchan; -"China in Peace 'and fulierAl,,of Mrs. Laugh -ton's father,101 S41ery. of 'Ex-eter; in the evening, tending from 4 distance were Mr. and . .? of D e 'p. Lll. . 1. Agents Wanted, ­_ � I 1. — Mrs. G. Wiseman and Mrs, W. Ma44,. Mrs. G. 1r,-Laagiliton. 'an,d 1. , I I I- �. . . � I . I I . 1 7 Olin -ton for several years, is very Ill Wer," Chiang Kai-Sibiek; "Camada laie,"Charles A. McDonell-, left for ' family, To- I , - . . . in Clinton iliospi-tal. 'we hope for an America's Problem.,', McOormae ; their home in, 'Tororita on Sunday. Scores, of intimate filerids tendered T.ontc,,, Mr.. and Mrs. Ted Taman, of � I., . ARE YOU THE MAN? . am . " 'home by thei-r felicitations 'and congra,tulations . . . �:. . ' ' WATKINS DEALER (BETWEEN 25 A14D early recovery. , Alen Martyre' and Mounte,ban4is," They Wei -e accompanied ' . Listowel; Mrs. Greta Gaul, Toronto, I .- * - ." I ..'�- Yenrs.'wl,Lh ear),.needed immediately' cCLINdHEY-In loving memory of i as. _____ I . and came Irom M-1 over the, surround- a foriner mi . sa nary in . . . . — Baxter; "I,Mgbrr1e,(l Aid,ventiu,e," John- Mrs. Charles MtDdne-il, who �Will r -e- . Do , "' J Formos% .,: I in nearby Rural Rioute � to supp)y e�tnbli�hed' M I .904; ."Strife"' 04f-sviorthy; "England main With them for a week prso. Ing country, from the Western .prcv- Chlifa; . Mr.,,,,and Mrs. James Hutton, . I . demam! far rvenydAy Neee-sibies. including, ,,, McCV-n,aherv. wb3 Pabscd. away orfe year ZURICH I . . Spic Fxtracts, Bakidg.Powder, Toilet Pre-, "." Oci�b" 25,.*M9. . � of Queen Anne" Trevelyon. The ladies, of St. Paul's Anglican inces; -and from parts, of the U.S.A. Forest; 'D.r.'Pr6d Walters, and,rilother, . . -. I . I . . . Mrs. ENIzaboth Wafter�s;,JMrs, MeKio- I 11� pam:ti,r_� Olov?iaya. AledWries, Fly Spray�l Sleep on, d -r load, Tmm=wP== Fictior_"Tg6e's Always Love," Church aret holdiing a Main, -Street - - � Jones- Little .. . , . MineralI,l Stock, Hog -and Poultry Tonics, And take thi ii�res,t; R�e-v. 0. A. Martin performed the'Laring; "Myetery House,', Norijs; I cafet,eiia supper 'in, the .-bhsenienft of - . Im ,72 Year reputatiun. 10.000 Dealerz. Must be, God caU,ed you home � . .. I . bon, Mr. and Mrs,. Daly-, all of Lon-. . ; ;. . rmti�fled wifil a reu.-onable income at starO For He kme- best. ' ceremony at tb,q Drysdale R. C- 1 "World. is Like Thaf," Norris; "This, the church on Tuesday""evening, Oct,. -&rmel Presbyterian Church Manse, don,- and. many. other.,%. I .-ITI, +bving Wlfe� ,Sckn%. Dagghteni and I Chui ch last Tbursday which united in' , . . Farm exp�,rieiice liclPful. SWIlng expericince Crp.mdch0.dr;nL ,Side of Glory," Bristav; "How Green �9th. . . I Hensall, was the Setting on Saturdai, . ;,�. unnc,cw�ary. Cre-dit furnis:hcd right partie- . I 3SO2-1 marriage Marie, daughter of Mr. and Was .My Valley,- Llewellyn; '�Hftng­ Mrs. Margaret McLean las retu,n- Oct. 19th, "at 3.3a p.m., f�r a, cb&=-__. Death & George Ja'c.kson .� - . ... ­.� Wrl:�! irnmctlia,ti&y. TFIM, J. R, WATKINS. . ... __ Mrs. Fred Siemoh, St. Josepb, and 1 rupa's Whip," Fberhart; "EiAber ed from a?very delightful ten day�.-, ing �October wedding -wheri ma,ry Hel- . . l ­­__ I � : I 'CO�IPANY, Mon=ev,l,' Qn,e. �De,3t. O�S_15. I ____�____ R� r Y, � I "I . � �­ . . . son of Mri. Rau and, the 14Lte Lane," Kaye-SWtil; "As thq Seed is visit spent wjkh refetive an;d friends en, younglest daughter of Mrs.. Litt,,e I The residien-ts'of Hensall and com- .. .1 ,�� .. Stl)94 i "' . .a !" . . J -).',sdale. Mr. aod Sown," Parmeriter; "Exiglfilh, Air", in St. Thoma-B'auld London. . . of Hensall, ,Ind the late Holland Lit- I I . .1.1 Births� 1. * os�eph Rau, of Di , murlitY were shocked to learn of the f, I _ ____ _____ 1.1 INIM. Aair will reside in Stanley Town- I I I T 611.6ilen passing of Mr. George' ` . . I .:, . __ - — � . Stevenson; "Mr. and Mrs. Meigs.," . ' ' Ue, was united in marriage to P vel 1,111_� . I I .., . Notices . 1 i�ITF­ln Sciott'Mem.oriltd Hospital, -Sea-- Ship; . Corbett; "Kirigdoni of Cactus,,, Set- , D. D. G. M. Visits Hensall . te. Jackson, of Hay T&%�m,qhip, two milea . '.I . -, �.. — � . — I forth, on October 17th, to -Mr.,, and Mrs. A pretty church wed -ding, took tzer;. "Marigold,," Hill. I . �.. I Ivan Cecil J,6,n,e.4, a6corid y9ungest south of'Heirgal-1, oll No. 4 ,Highway, , I __ j 11dolph Etue. ,kersmi-th, a daAkhter. 1, ac'6 at the Lu -the. -an C�iurch, Dash- -ijuVem son_of'�Mr. amd Mrs. William Jones, who died -suddenly....&L ... his....haine. _-oa I .�,, 'GOOD ROUTE AVAILABLE OF $00 RAW' ' -In Tuc I . . le�­"Leonardo dii Vinei," Lew- The regular meeting of Huron Ma- 1 '17 le. h cuit.mers. No experience needed.: MILLER Scott Memorial HospiW, Sea- wood, on Saturday. Oct. 19th, when i ' sonic Lodge., 224, was held Monday of London. Rev., W.. Weir, minister I I i` ryz forth, on Ootaber 19th, to Mr. arnd Mrs. I . ' "Boys Own, Bo,ok of Great In evening, Oct. 21st, *with fifty members Thursday eveulnF.�. Oct. 17th., at 5.30. 1 Large t�alw mean,big, profl,s. Pkrmanent. , s., . ven- of Carmel. Ghurch, offloiated. � The, I Georg6, .who bogether with his wife ,, Erwin Miller. Bornholm, a daughter. - I R-ev. C. J. Killili-ger, of london,, Per- - . I ' tions," Darrow; "Little Lauri of Fin- lc;.:k�ed. sulart in al . . , .., Full. time. Write RA',N'I,EIGH'S, Deix. .vlL- F1N'CTT--in Scott M,,,;6�ri,sl'11oGPital. Sea- rorm,ea the ceremony ,,�rbicb united Ili land," present, the occa . '. ,� lovely yourg bride �W: 31.�1-154_), M-j,n'Lr;,al,*C&nads_ . .i forth, on Octob<�r 20,th, to Mr. and Mr,�, . Bailey; ­Heiddls Children,',' ysdon, being the of- street -length wine wool crepe d I and family, had been in Hensall earl- . ".. marriage Amelia, daugh-te,r o ficial vis -it of Rt. Worshipful H. B. cho ress I,,, that same day, was stro,11,lng . I �1, I --.-,- . .1 3g"-11 ?­-iy lf;.6h. Clinton. a son. f M1% Spyd;,"Heidd," Spyri. . With wine accesBoriss-. She se a,aroun-d ,his preanises, whes he �sud- - - . % I . - AR -in Soott Memorial Hospital, sect -lard MrB. Louis H. Rader, Dasbwood, I . . "ichborne, D.D.G.M., of GG&Iich. The .1 .3 - SUCCr SFVL, EVERYWa`ERE I I forth - - orsag -man I 114r- -t 'S LE on 'r, officers exemplified the'"first degree"' L_ . NOTICE Octlober 23rd. to M and -Mrs. and. Leonard, bon of Mr. and - Mrs. ..... - . _.. . _ � , . _e of Talls roses. Her at- derily, collapsed. and died. s,ol e ,two., ,htixig an all 'Oafiiidiam firm; The 1 Geor�e Varley, Tuckeminitti, a .em. . . .1 ]i . f�.' I . Hill Foundn, Co.. of Hespaer,- Ont. Quality I � Louis Prang, Zurich, They left on I -r, 1. � in- Er- very- capable mannor, Mazorig, teridant, Miss Vem Jones, .at Lon- b,,rS after bein _ ...... . , .. - � " . HOffman, month salasy), ,$191.66; don-, sister .of the gro,cm,. was. goWn,: - _ g eaqried into th6 � ...stoves at the same low price. I Ube,ral al.' - a wedding -trip after-' the�.., cerenaorly Wer; present from London, Goderdeb, 'house. Tli,o --J ­_ . .. .. I . I : : !i'l . ,Dves. .4- w. 'iN.,ER-1 ___ - T: H. Hoffman, extra labor, $139.62; ate Mr. Jacks -on spent � ,,, �.' ilowance on old st Z _iv . . . Exeter, Seaforth and Zurich. Toasts ed in soldier blue crege diress 'With his erbilre, lif I 1. I.. I MAN, Stave Dealer, John Street, Seaforth. I , . I for Mootreal and, Ottawa, Upo ' n thei r A F. Hess. quarter salary, $87.50;.J. to the King xre-i . black. acce9sori,eS4 ' Edward 'Little, of e in tbda community, be- . I ,, I 1. 3801xa ; Deaths . lvturn Mr. ard, Mrs. Prang will re- ' -cl -e propsed by -Bri,o. Ing born, and 'edu4mited In Hay Town- .. I I . . - Gas ll,o & Sod, acot., 75c. Total, $I,- Hensall, brot er o the bride, was . ", I"... , : side in Zurich. . I . Dr. W., B. Bryce, Zurich. responde<1 . th , .f P111P. lie enllsted'4'in tbe '161st Bat- .� UBBER GOODS. SLUNURIhS, ETC., M.AIL- 468.37, Relief Accouate-Eckell P-Toornsuran2 Later a weiddd,rig dinner t,alion in .1916 but "Illvews- developed . ", R ad ,Postpaid in - HILLS -T. Bgm.ndvilile, . Monday, October , Mr. ard. Njr�. Harvey Clausis have ery,",bread, $1.68; Ga.soho B Bak- by the National Aaythern' by. W. O.. . 6rvedi at the �ioma of Jhe I bride's 1. . I . Plain, sealed wrapper. I 21st. Geome Hills, in his 62nd yeaT. - & ,Son, gro, Goodwin; Grand, Lodgie, V. wala 6 . ,Alhich prevent�d him from going ov- . I . -1-n I-lamiliton, on October 23rd, Dr. owned, and occupied by Miss Lydia j, !S . ,W11tq1er, milk, 90c; Chapman, . Wor. -T. just the Immediate rel- I .. � 80% less than retaAl. Write for mat -order I SWAN moTed, into a.-, part -of the dwelling ceries, $6.66; � 0. mother with ... : ,�,'. ... catalogue. NOV-RUBBER CO.,, responded by D.D.G,M.; er&1sas.,_aa1d WAS the ,start ,of. a diis� I . , Box 91.1, 147. D. Swan. at 78 Arnedia Street, Hamil- . uplat, allowance, $9. Total, $18.24. vis,Aoi��, Rev. Win. Wedr, responded Ity- that caused, his, death. He, had I .. . l ,Hamilton, Ont. . 3791 t,o Funei,al sei-vice at 2'-p.rn. on Setiir� Faust. -1 1, atives and friends, of the contracting . 1. __ I I General Accounts=Dominion of Can- by Wor. Bro. C. Pft.rtie,S� pres'emi. The home- decora- .abil ­ . ld 0_,RAIN�'T AIM BUYING GRAIN FOR GEO. , I day, Olet. 25th, from Bletchford'Undeotak- Mr. and Mrs. F!d. Miller, of Dash- S,banton 'Lebabon, .� irig, Parlours. . ral Ills-urasee Co., bond, coi- F&,b�j�,_Cif� spent three sessions ill � Westminster l "-" I'Iiiompiron, Her.i.al. . ;. -olo o - ­' I For. latest quota- . woc,d. have moved into fE.'6­"d­w*e1'1'Ing lec�o , C011,cludiing with the, junA tions, were, in � .r Schemes of Pink T-1,,VtaI Auri tbd -past fen years, a . I_ , . r, $15.00; Treasurer Huron , - .1 I .�� I .. . ti6ns and inform�iitio,n Plione 655 r 2. We on Bilward Streeit. Mr. Mi . I , , en's toast. Acting as, toast, and.whitle, ]lovely autumn flowers prL-1 .I.Mg . , I . . , - carry a stock a ba,o and'will also do your . . I . . Iler is re- pital. account, $14.85,; ..Treasurer, 0 iloor viiaa;d dominating. stroke being t.he, cause of Ill& entrance, ' ' ' ;�* � I I mp�de f 'Imas,ter was Wor. Bro.. A- C.'Robe,rt- . The bridal fa,ble,was at-, the last time. He was i'darried.-Dec. �. . I I . ., �,Ieted Will have a f . . .'. trucking, W. 1% S-PROAT, Tile Yard. I Iling the housoe and when com- Grand Derd School Fair, $5.00. C.. .Son, W.M:­"Retreshments, were Be tractively c0l��te,red with- t -h -e ,three-tier 7, 1927, Mi 1114 � Way, who ,�� .. . . .1 .1 L I 3790-tf MANLEY.. I ". I ine home. Siemlyn, cleaning. Zurich dirain., I ' 145;. . I I , rv- w-eddirig ,ouk-e; -whdle, vases. of . red, I to S, . Maude I'll , "N !-"THE MASK & THE BRUSH" IS . . I I , ,.Mr. and Mrs, Harry 2NcAdams have J. McBride,' weed, -inspector, $146.65; ed. . . . Koff-es'and pinik tapers oomglefe�d. ' , survives, togethe,� with a ..daughter, I - I - 11 , --f-mmm"m moved, into the ,dwelling on the. farm Heaij all Sch , � ,. - I)Ophdno, 11 years.� of..agei,-, and one - . .. . copyniihterl formula �p� luxurious A " 'a ,owned, lby Johnistpu '& Kalbf1le1sch,. F. s .1 Fai , . . tile . �' . XP. ries Eggert ,. met Witt 00 r grant,,. $500.; A. Stru.ck By Ptilley . decorations. The bride, a ,fo.rn�er 11 ii,. 2 - I hav- Mr. Cha ­� a money saN*r, getlh= fifty or . � . son, Donald, two years, bid; is aged I,, Me safe-ty razor Pltl.rifol.' accident . last week v ,Ile Blind Line. � , . %-Hess, quarter salary, $90.00; M., G. . Popular Uensall. girl, will re§.id,e -in .- , more da Y. shavin Y�orn each . picking a,p' , , . . Deltz, rent,.storage of,gr.adi A 'tery sad accident occurred at London, and, the groom ,will pesume'100ther,' Mrs. Tohn� Jadkisoa.; of Hay I ., ,I I . blade, Send twent-five cents for a copy, to ple'g. when. tibe ,limb br,okel, Mr. George 41 Armstrong, Reeve , er, $36."; Townsb1p;' ., . wl . SPRY, 22-J.i. Rayter ft,eeft, �rloronto, lbe �wias standing on, and in the fall" Hay, �i.s Of Treasurer Zurich Agricultural Socie- the farm of Mr. J -t*o brotheit,' Isaac, High , .. I ... I.. RUD - ohn, B. Hyde, ,of � training 'at . Ca mp Borden.. . .1.11 - . ' , � ". and end all shavinz troubles and expense., attending .- the GoOd R0a4s ty, $54D..00; W, -S. jiobn_�ton postage ()I, Stanley alowaship, '6�n Friday aftea- ' I . .. River, Alberta, and Robert, at home; . .. '�. . " 1 -he% -received severe., back injuries C - qu�ebeb 'City x .; and four sisters, Mrs. Brierly, Vic - W I I . . 38OOx4 . . on-vention being held at ta notice'," $25.00, 'Ga'sch� &, Son, ac- -noon - last, when *Nr. 'Giarfield Slhoebot- Death of Miss Ma . . I ., I , ..; i . . . . . . I Whi ch - will lay hdm up for some timp- thi-9 Wi�ek. , , . . -an . I . . rgaret' Ha I b . kirk, toria, P.C.; :Mrs, Wesley Coleman, - - : . COURT OF REVISION 1 The ,�-eath-er man bus again delay- ,,, .1. ­ - . . Ocunt $1*05. Total, $397.55, , . tom, employee. 69 Mr - ' Hyde,. ha:d . I � .. I . . . I ' ,�. . Tr. Charles Fritz is. taking part in :' c ' I . . . . the mislo�tuhg -to ,be . . . Tuosday af- . ra. Ro . I . . I am-'eit- adjourned to � meet -again. struck on, . the ' DeoAh-'eame suddenly Exeter, andi'M sa, Mk-cL.'L-an and. . .' ' �i I � . . . ' 'L . . , el the buckwh,eat hii est, but' just ,the rheasant shoot , in the head, with, a pu4bay � while ,hauling wsi-M ,-Mrs. Swith, D 'r&t . .!.. � Township, of 3/f Killdp I now. it looks, like Iridi Niagar� '4)n Tuesdsay,. N.ov.%,12th, at 1.3o o?elock ... � in te,1711-0011 to a.rgaret_ E:- Hab- et . - His- passing will I . I ��, . � C lan, summer, and, distra �t, this *6ek. - He left 'for Pen" in the aft beans, His skull ' kirk, pl�amioent be 11104rlied by a large circle -of rel- I . . . - . i's 1. . . . - We . ho -pe - it' , will, continue., In 19.27 - . . � , . erhoon.- -ss,. - fractured and. retident of this vjl- . . A. .F. HL Clerk� WaS 1. . T1fE TOWNSHIP C01UNCIL OF , M.KIT-1 I .. wick. -on, Wediriesday. , � I I . � I h'19 -conditiou at datte of Wri-ting is, ors, espiec- � `)�,P will meet as,a Court of Revision on we had fine wfather uritil November 1 MI . . ' who di e d at iber..'iho1fi6 In �ber atives, friendis and, nejg�lb � I. . '* Albert Delchert, ston, of Mr.- and -6 ------ � lag`_� .,-.:. h-e.as-,.r*.-am oohaddemed very-criticat. -He wa,s tak- 44th �yeur . at.h.,bairig arttr n thle .hoane -.-Where- be .-was a. I - I - ._1. - _. .- .. '! C6'rilewLe Hall, 41c, year' 1940 ut, -the 8 t h. w�bfle a lot of buck wheat, wasr nut Mrs. P. 1)6fc6ert, Sr.,'Blind Line,' i ' . a cerebral hemorrhage, ' miss .1 -jab- kipd,husbarid, a,nd devated" father, He __ t'. - cut -11 for � , - _& .I.buted. to Jally. 1 . - Sea,f6rth. on Mbtida)r, the 4th . I m6t . � - . , housed and snow and 'sleet covered WALTON " en to C-11riton-PuNic Hospital by Dr I . � ,�. . day of November, 1�40. wt'10 o'clock . with a .painful accident a few days I- . I , kITk 'waB taken gi few weekR-agO, a church and- a. - I., . a -m- 1 the stc,oks I. G, SmIldie, of Hensall. A native oil at' vi.,as very foad'of �hi ..,. .. . Notice of appeal .iii,ouitt Fe itn' the Glerk's ' ' and -when threshed, it was ago; while working at the P - mmmummi- I .1 . �., . I , .the gran- art Albert Mr and Mrs. Thos. Watson ol an With two ,e ;., . hanas on or before doiAer 25th. bard to save. as it heated in ai�p6rt.' 'He i5tepped on a nail which Th. ' r St Blybh, 'he is a married, In ,but was thought to be 43±tpPov.kr1g and r gular atben6ant- at ch-ullch services- . I . . JOHN McNAY, amas, were guests , . ., - arY amd. ,had. t-6' be 'turned , regularly penetrated lu§ fo , '6f Mrs., W. C. small'children. 'was able to sdt up in bed; for ,a few al -d ,midaijilght. DierVICes.' Re,Was also, �. . Clerk. ' I ot d'esply and WWI B, . . . . .. ir Set 10 Oil be laid- up- for Wpks. . I ', . 3802-2 , 1 . � to save it. In 1867 winte, ernnett -last week-6nd. � . minutes every day, but on Mondu at Sunday schbol last, Sunday morn- � " . I .. . . ��;.. . I October 14th zibd did, not leave' till Mr. and Mrs. HaTry Cook and -Mr. .W. C. T. U. Heak-6 Fine':Talk afternoon sale tookl. a cerebral ihel- Ing in Miss Jean_Murr&y�&_Bibls_ class_ - - - I . I ". , :; -_ � Workmen, I .. orrhage, IaWi-ng in,t6 uncqnsclous- and in 'eariversetida With. her said . I . - . _�--­__ Ma,Y, an4 many portaitoqs and turi ' arle bulsy at the excava. Frank , Coorper, ' of BeIgrave, Were The W.C.T.U. O-ct,DbL-r meeting 'w" ,iiessl -from whioli she never rallied, '0"at. he hoped shortly to �be able to f I . . . Ill tion work of -th,e new home Mr. Leon- guests of Mr. and Ws. W.m. Kelly Auction .Sales -ere blanketed for­tbe winter, and ar . ,held in the school ro,o " J d Prailg-is erecting on. Frederick , I In Of - tble United- and passed away early T�44sl#y .af- "ISMiume'teia,ch g_hU. ,joTrns,r__cja&s_of, . . I �',,�. � many liad- to clear', away the snow I ,over Sunday. 1* . ... _ in I.. . , , *_ �.. A- D vf,ibh ... . �- -. .11 ...... ... - _911D.Vels- to. giat -a! meal .;-*f ­.putw - Mr,_ L,Dili - - , - - - Wills, UCTIgbI SALE OF- REGISTERE. ..DVA,L:. I Street on the .lot be pu.rcha4-ed. frpM - Mrs'. .: . Church on Tburs:day. afternoon- With, temolOU.'' Sh6­wa� ffit'6. on,!� dau,ghtet boyg. The f.uneiial, which was large- lii� : _. �_ Purm . . , .. ­­ .... .. . ­.___­_.. "Of,- , Ts �101tibg - ".fair aititendzuea. .mls, _.G. .1�._,J1n1kS_.0f__,t11re 1.$rt_e ---- My__ d _ ,: se, Sbw-E�.brvh' Slock -,d . 9,Weber. - - ----- %� � _.. . ­ - ja. . 9t, , I '. . . L:),t 13, Cone" ton 2, g� her cousin, Mrs. Freeman Hackwell. , ,presidleid, ,Aof th , , f lod. % Mf§. , Geo. " Haiti- ly atteud8d,' W&9­i1f6M'_­flidkn _'R46g�iff' - . . ' .. ments, on ass ,=,'t.oei;. There were lie rottenj ones amd Mr. Ivan Willert, ,of town., and, re- e devationa pe7% i ldrk, .of Herisall'..was boirn .on the Undted Church on Saturd' � � :. . &V Q'ifterilbon, d east of Heneall, at 1-30 p.m.,. Rev. R. A. Brook offict- .. , I Township, 2 mitleo southeast of Bruc , when Spring cam -e th,ld turnips and cently of Bade4, has joined the air Cross. corice,,rt ,on Friday. night, Oct. - Mrs. V. Pm Bred and 'moved to Hensall with .h,sr aXing. During the service, Mrs. Maude Z � .. � efleld, on A good crowd 'attendied the Red Th -6 Scr,lpture, 1psso.n was' read by HabkIrk hornestea , ; . to, .. 1, " overed, and in some . ..1. Tue.;day,.NGvcmber &i1h, at I ii.m!: - Cow due pota es came out as sound as' the' force , and is in -training at St- 18,tb. Rev. Mr. -Gilbert acted as chair. lij Mrs.. M. Hedde!q, Mrs-. Aprid 22,rkd; cow due April 24th; caw f resh- I day they were c I , Prayer's were ot ,�: � . en,ed September 2-ith: two - heifers frqsh- I . Mrs. Willert and daughter . . I'll, ened 07ctober 151th; heifer due Febru- i places ,the snow was'10 feet deiep__, man The concert commenced with Miss Murray and M' La`mmi�e, rriother'wbo passed a,way some, few Redden anidi Mr. W. 0. GoojwIU'SFLng �, . . .. . �=ng with 1pis mother, -Mrs.. G. ,, * "EL Maude Hedden- years ago. She was a prominent fig: ."There is a Land,,,, m1s,s Greta tam- ,.� ary 8th: li��ifer dbe April 25t1h; lieifer , . mmunity s.ingink undlerr the leader- rendered a sobi � I due April ,24th; heifer due April 25th - heifea� I' I Hess., , . with- 'Mies, Irene ure mie, Chur-ch organist, pr i di g , ,. . Ship of Miss Brittbu. Piamo duet was Douglas accomp,anyfrig at, thl& - in the business and social life of . . esi, A sit the, . �. . � Gd4yd progress " .. Hymns sung were "Jesus I . i's a n pti,r,nall7 'I ery efficient due April 26th; 2 grade heifers, 80o il�s. This )y Elva Rhalffice, and DDreen The devotional period e,loie.d , I . given Plario- the town, .-vrvd was, a v , ,, . exce, fine ]at of Rexistered ROYS . the brickwork -of the. new building. b( . I with bookkeepiar for many years with = Of "I".. �_ owttle. lm�016mvnts-WA�=' hay and stock : .. .-, I b- COutts' V�,cal dust, )Mssies Jessie and piraqier , by Mrs,. ,J1n4ris4 "*Y Sol']," ".0 Jesus, I Have I ,:� I I. rack ecrmbinad: set ag sl'eit�s : buggy; 6 -foot I . I mw� Ing erected ,for the .refrigeration .plant El. ' .. ,Miss Jean BO,n Promised arid; I'W ' , 1. -33 * -er; suilky rake- side rakL. Mas- Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon# I Dow, of Car- sle Dennis; two-elivruses b.y Wal- *Murray icted �fbr tilie, remaind,er Of 1. tbroll & Drysdale, Cook Bros. and I ,­ ecr.1mg mia and butche�r shop, for Mr. George ton school; a dialoglite b was for a time an, assistant in the I Them as Dead." The -'pal,lbearers . . `s�Y-Raeris-, sPriinig ,tooth Delchert". . I . y a group of the iii-eeting. in. the abs.ence: of . �:-� I.. . cuatIvator. , with lriugfoH, ,also Miss Melles young ladies 'from MeKilltap; tb4 14enSall P0$t office. She was an me. were Sam Dougall, pr,e,sident th , ". . lbrupdoasting seeder; 3-sectlion barrovm� walk- Dow . and ' , . .. Mr. John Dow A la,,rge number of Ikki resid,ents, Piano Preq§idlerit,. Mrs. George ci, a ,�,,. insr plow;'mrhiffletmnerr; neckyokiiii; bea;r%khi attended the plowing solo, Bessie Davidson;4ung and taP A. Consitt was.a ` ,nte He9B. " Miss tive worker in many org&nd Ions: of Exeter-Hensall branab of tile. Cana- .. . �. 2,t)be;.fdr coat, cook above. Terms - Oash-, on Thursday. attended the PlOW-Ing Match held, p,t . 1, Ppo _d ou, ,bh,,e com- oat I I . . MURRAX GIBSON, Propriebor;-Harolld Jack- match at St. Tihioma* St. 'T#omas last -week. I dance by Helen' and, Leona jiohin. I Hensall. United Chiirch, a member of I dian Leglion Clat.e Way, Sealdith, , � I ': 'Rev. ,and' Mrs. Amthouy,,of Ezae-.-, ston; solo, I mi-ttee in conjunction. with Mrs. Ab- the W.M.-S., of the Bible .'Clas,s and a Elgin Ro,w,cl,dffe,. ffenelaill,' Ross. Me- I I . kl�'.. son, ,A.uctioYit-,�r. 98.0e-2 . Dorothy .Turnbull; male bott, of Eget,r, for the medial contest. former member . Lean, Detroit, Case .Way , , , �, . . visited. with Mr. and Mra. Campbell -- ' lii-,,�:,, wmwnw� q"rtette by G. RaIASAY, J. Leeming I , ,of the. choir.. Sale Seafortb I': , - ­__�.— I . . . . � I work, and Mrs, Heddent was appDlrnit, I ' ,,, . M, . . . Dow. . I 1 1 . I . - .G.' McArthur, J. tcDouald;'dialog�e, ed ' was a MeMber-of.the Ladies? Bridge and Wels'lleor. Goleman, Ex�ter. , Bui- . . . . . . 1, . I .", camniftee. Wit,J1 M,rS..'Jjn,kB ClUb and, Ma,rathlo. ._ B ..dW-. -4. "', . ..., . . on th,e ' . n e Olul)i, b4�- ler-Fred Beer sounded , .. . p. SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK Mr. Dan O'Connell visited with his, HAY ... . "Thle, Only Child,lt-from Bethel;solo, for the - n the ILaet Post 11 , 1111.-.- AUCTION devotional, period. �popnlar ' . - edster in St. Thomas. -�' , Ing a, very . o . -1 I.. , and TmVl'6ffiedW.___iMr- Joseph D,D,ncv has- Margaret Habki-rk. - -The concert ollos- . �esldent df ,the, aud Revleille at the,celneteiy. Burial � .1. in I The rezlar'montlmil,�' me4itIn=97GMtI Miss' Jean. Murray -gave a splendild village and , ­ 'Tti'uated ,Mr. Hwrold Jackson th sell by Fred Johns, Ed Hocking, Elimei ie ed -with Singing the much belbvetb� by her Wa-6 in- Helisall Undon. CemeteM The 1, . ­... . , �. pu an 4t ... . . 1. .1 - . , I . . 11 ... I hHe et'ari 'an No, 8 High-, 8 milles iDo- arvd'lffe�rvin Dow spent ThuTsday council of the Township ,of Hay, was, LuIldh -was 9 _lqatlonal Anthem: talk .on "Tem-perance," in which. ohe, close , . n1eIg[hfb6rst Who Were A ! ked -f!Gral' tributes Were exception*11y ­ I erved, f,61-fowed, by danc� .told th,e:, Weedmg that in 19S9 death, as was g, ' ��­. I e"b Of Sesfarth. On,Wd(IneRdaY, October 30, . . heldi on Monday, Oct, 11-th, wl e` at 114 sufldlen_ r I beautiful. 1,xictuded um. � I . the f01110wrlug: Horses-M-atellted 0-yele team, at the plowing match. � I ,th, all Ing 'for a couple of hours� The Pro- h"dred ald- ed�glhty­nlne, millian 'dD,nol- vi.,,',,, r o the - OnIg the DUM- . '.,Nle` - 9 7eairs old, 1,500 th.s..; g-eneral Purpose rhare, Mr. Sohn lqorgian� S,V., and bon'. members present. The minutes .0f ceeds -of theevening aimounted to al- jars V'ras Spenft-uu laqu � -her pai,stag I erous wreaths' from members, -�f the' ,, I � . . 96rs,,Inl general,, and .1,11 'ji" - a sleal's ,6dd; general purpose mare, 5 years Joilln, glyent Sunday in LoAidan.` the mefeting beldr September 9th wl&r* . . . I I'll did most $50.00. . I Or, a-1rd I"t WI -11 he mourned by many and, 4be family and mlativ&s�, v,r.ere - lovely 4.". ; izemerad �, e filly rili,ing 2 Yeam. Dur, I Year one ftfbiadry aJ4=0 ,'t" � ham Calittl po"Pes The many friends or adopted as read'. The follow . destrio"d will be Much m1foed, Since, .&1VQ1,g I ' I . . . � I ;�, ,�" . Symrpatby in were passed W -ter disposipg I . � - 9 ain In the ul) ber position wi$h Cook Bro . School, jrukdoi� Bible Olassi of. the I � e--1 caw 8 Yeibrs old, due April 1; Mrs. Barr, lutionis ing yesB- . wreaths ftm the body,ok,thidi.s "'JI., d0w 6 years did. due Aoriff 2nd; cow 3 yeem Stratford, extend thej,e - five million bushel, ok gr a., sibs, unddir , I nialving of whaskey. The ftnik ' . engaged in . � gi, old, due Maq Ist; 6ow'41 "ars old, due Jan. th6 sudd-en death of her a -an, F, minun4 atfonks,: Tha 'IV -wa, 11 . , g: � itunk of the 00 c _t work, ; d -C A , 9 ha-vinj her io�,eiiy United. Church and one from the tYnIt- . I pl.� " nary Ist; caw 6 years old, due April 15th: Barr, who was'kilied in a mot � 1 11h .nLull Cell" I - ed Church .1 ­-, etc. in conneetib . HENSALL , Is greater than War, faarld ... . . and 14e and one f rom, the Exeter- I .. 1. - 6 'Yeeirs old, due March 1*,5th:,. cow 6 or ae- . Pes ��Mo fefteorated furmli�het4 , I ��"�,` ' ,_. tilenee combined. Miss - and I ,gensall, &=1011'olf the Canadian Leg- ., , - . 11-V arears j6h], due Mw Ist; caw 9 years old, ., t1a.t 1� cident on W. 8 Highway, tral be authorized a leurn . .6 Doug t to to be regretted ,Vb k, = Your f . g a IiA.. , , ,,,, dtfe X4,7 l&6; -cow 7 yearn old. due Mi,y Ist; Mr. an be purchased for fl.oer in o Oeft 'dTy by Purchasing ]as - will, loan her ham-ei for er. Nov. . ".. ii! . d Mrs. Campbell pow, Mi-. 06 that good rubbers from Goodwin's at right, 11it m6etIng, wheir, the Vues ful 14-fe 90bulid, be euddienly - cut . Off' - !.&;' a +6vely baAketlfrom f rieVids and . . . I 'i . 10"' , .2 come 6 years (did, dire Idarch ces. . . r in the midet of so much'to ltvdo.for; ?T'�]Atives in, Detroit, Attending the, . I i cow 9 'years old, due April 15t.h; beifer cow; and, Mrs. Erle C. Dow, Shirley and pates be lowered on rurmai ire ts as pri . tt sipeak.6 .. . - , , 1. .. . I I " �.:, . liffint Spring calvets; 2 P.1hid Arguai-Spron- Hellen, vWted with friend* in Drus- f6l,10ws: Prom west of Br 1,o Line . I - The�juvemf, willch was, #rIvg,t , funertal from, A dlisitance were, Mr. - " . -, 1iith . 9 Dur will bdUrs. Chxfttie,'�of PXet,ft-,, 06un- 111, , - . g I � , e, *p " ., anlv�m; 6 one-ymr-Mds, Htib��Yi5i,Uhlrb I I ty'.. presidellit, . . . fr ...,� I. - ...'�". ' . eels on Sunday., . cotfier to St, Joseph; from Par Line Mrs, MargarIA WeLfto (has JUST, I . . .1 I held �= her lake residence . " 11; g -40 W6. kog§ Mactean, Mrs. Wll.e - � ' - 14' ,;,,'i,1, � !so* due Navember 9th; sow due January 2: east on Zurich, rOud" to .BNMMP; six completed another 1yegutiful , quilt Wolielo Class"Meets; dY aff6mon, Rev. R. A, Beoc""! . . ,ft SmIthi Mr.-4irld-Mrs. A. A, in- - , kl-,f- 8 h*V, 190 tbs.; 7 chunks. Pou;tr3r-q0 ,� . �i. ,il,��.; I I , . ill 3 �1,;` . yetraolid hens; ,2 geese; A gander - 16 ybiihg — � Poles On PrOvillcial Highway No. 21. wb4ch ,she has doinuteid to;'the Red MM W. Luk � �, I . ministi3i, *ftidlating" -- lKiriat `,� g I I "I . ___ -, I eir 411d, daughter, Miss M�eTgggurtts�.cevmete '. fii. )Ailfi and' little daught6w, Mary loliza- . I � I � "' *� I ork'036 lnl,Plement�-Ataae]r.HartW'N�b.'5 bin , - . That acclounts, covering paymehits on Cross, and will We bel'14Ve,beondis- Gl6d ry., I bellk 'Of D&tro,it; Mr. and. gra. Rob�, . __. ' ." I deki 74t. ,cut,, F��t & Wood Mower. Mas- , TUCKIEWMI'TIR t0VMS,hIP toads, Hay Telephone. -Sys. ,play in Bonthp6n & Drysd,aleps win� , . F I bf 0.ha'rlet A. Medohel' , Cross; and little son) Kel.th, �6f,tt,Alj.d- .. .k , ,It �rl. Ya, loa'4.od their home on 'Fqdgy I ...'),-, � � Ultra . I "i. ", &Y41hrrN bay loader; MWIWY-4kxrri� side ' - - . evening for the October , . � � A, 1. '; Fle tem,',relief- and -general, aocountfs. be doW. I ,*. . meeting o - . I p�,-�­ ,relce; durho r,alte eury trjai�v plow; Cock. ... . __ 10,M&A, OWTI'Ab ky the ,late Chas". .valley, Mr. Orosg �et6g 'Prit'64*6' I 6f, .-,ql., Arrlmlvs�maj-y Seirvi-ceg were hel, 1040 Wohello'0188,6 -.of the. Unitoa, . I v Ir s, '�'l 4, ' f1butt FlIkink (pilaw; Cwkehubt aced drM 18- d in P"S'ed as Per voucherg- At a reception heldin'Kirmon Halli, . A.. X1000011 were h6lid, J!Mbi his late, thshigh School dn that,to1"!­19tM.`Mr. , ( - .. I � _ " . . . on Sundi Maidg.-Doml ­ , ,;, ��.�.-­ hoe; ftpc ,harrow; dlauvemd ha.rrows; sPring Turner's Church 917 TownelAp Mr. Clft-urch,' wWu. some forty ,members rfigMen and 9". , ''�' tdoffi, i,ci#lViX,.1.to1, , ' scufff6r -1 R-eldrew . , cream noon and 11ev. aftefr- adan Roa4; Wednesday evendng, amid Mrg. add ,guests were present. The pr I- ,q� i6n; P4daj,' Oct. 18th, &t., I Pik;rilr 8r1eirly ' 'and: nifete I , � MadlAneiry Co., repaira, $15081; ,Qra,14 'Gilbert Johns, of EldjAvflil , for. . , p.111. and, were iIargely Beve*7, *�� ;bf vid ,k F 1, . . �� 1.1�_"., _&e"�- I J. S. Agnew 2' '11 -seox-rAof"', 600 Ibb., .9% H.P. gas esigine; ,6f Empmo 6 the� dent, Mrs., lblrne 0hapu", prealdees attoide& T114 . � . I i toi4a, , 1. . s ';��,.. bilift ftQoii 2,000 Ms.; tfianthij mi4l, wagon; Ave. Chumb, London: &.1010enbach, crushlil� and'trucking, mer. Mlss Jean Vetner, Wv-+e presen,l� . . d. chiefnioumers were his v4dow, the ---- � ­­ �­ __ , ,:�_ '.. ..... I, '­- � . , 11 I '�' - - . � . . . o .1 � I ... "" '� ,. . I � � , � , , f, R4 be & Son, repairs to ed wit,4 a lovely 44tudlo' efteb, and i .. , I �_ rpm-er,l)r. Mary Hutton, 40��Mr,69t, , - � . I I ". I aravdi'lilk, 116016 A, Y1,0T.; rubber Was -the guest speaker. His afterr, $983.68; .L. - gelill, .. Slit, - 1. . �;� "5� 4 � I bu . , er, set of sloop noon subject was "The Cry Of ghe grader, $23,82; H. St-pinb,aa, 4oad k1tellien clock. Daftdhg *a9au added' 4 � . ., I ,­.. and Pis; thre6 dattight.4ro WA�..,,O', v. I ::­ , Jbfit1Q �;�- Vot1d-6-a-,%ieufRM .. ,­g�, '" I 'lling, fboes; ha;y -fO*k Soul', ftir Security," or,om 13gah-a 12-1. Superintendent , $3360; ]3orithroh & rerat4re of the , ',IK66, Tor4ijhto; Uri.- Ted Tahl, I .q -1, " "'., - - - -a _ 414tht ytoue, ,bolet, . li;�!� ��: "Ro �rdj I ,. . . 19, , . .� I . _. I Fitt V CE - 11 ,j;,M, . ,��,�".' I 't##b;' hAV tai;, ghovWo, forks, and eviewag. , -, � LAI�g 1.--11. ._�'. I �,,,�,'.­__ I .. I ... 4 -, -I& sdf) fitiud''.11110'.IA0, 0=160. Hay $7,27; T. Weish, 1696. Mv. Wfialum , re , tud tftt:�Sra tft-� suk"ho , . _ . � %'­,��,.­ 6 � Alta Special Music was contrlibut&d, by ithe Drysdale, sect.' I 1 ""',W�1..�­� _r, tiftfhy, 6' 6 ,�:Otove ha, orhof-11 Znd it' duet, ,qt pays t�y S.erve �rard,s gravel, 18t,gg; M. , �r I gone allet Uns. JASt-OW01 and Dw6thV -ut,hDme-- , �,,�,�4��,.�.,,,�,�,�,,�,�-d�6'6, $ , " tzo �� ISABL9* 619 �'IfoilftfA " .��, , G. Vre'fz, Misses kp'%r*h Rlid'AMW 'W.ge's�fn`Allfta - *0109 Rt&A,0AV6-- , thbW grgnd�&Ildftni, Yap �gftld Pool - . 1) OR DEAD . ' ­, I �. , I . . ` ps, all, ivitits. I . . ­ ­ 1. 11� 140� I �- *1 'I" Semla," Was rki&red 47 the w1gget.. 141y6t, . to gtad6l. I 1. ,& 'N"AIM .... .. ". I .1 I O& - ,ja - Craig 'ce Th,drod'ay,%'4�AA-6t Wiok..at- I solill tauAtoft Tarbfto. -aa,d ftuy M H. , , I . &- 13rifforl, of K-lubilr'b.". At 14011114 . . IR , "I � - Oro 0 t . 11 1i" - . I . Doatell, ot a,ongali., -The ftu&k was. 0 CATTO "' - , "' $1 !1`411 V, the evatiling 4; Pay ROV No. 7, $111,09. - 160ding it bIrV1day'b&MftV$6h f M , -,-.Y � th't, . . �. . - I . . I , �� 11 Zll��*, a oervfi�d " a men`6 'OhOir 4UPPII�A, ther tmt $1,556.60.,' My Teteoh�,fie SyA$6m, VValte,r 3. FOS a 4*14& . M,� 1- � �- ...".1.1 , .. o. 400111611fted -bY big ullbtliftf, 4 ft*.' A A , ; ..6 '- , ,. T,%"_1 fta kbowmi - .1 � . , . . ,. follift6tied prollot *: muid�-dnfd- A4'v.'A1gxbew1s, s __4611- Vol& Agb�� & ps: , , lai,6bk, oft�pf 4h4 Nialonfix*. ;ci,: � . .-k4i objedt -v�asl , Oft"6114 ''00 1*111.9­ J.UIY - to 116rift:14 fesidebt wh-6 *Jb . . - . j�,�jL I , 1% e Colulugoo Anguigt, �$463,8g� Na�th,orn Eledr,i,o ,big . � aptallifttlairg - AL wbi& biode iof6r6m)o to , ­ I . "i, ­ . . -0 � 910t ,birthday - " ,,''. r, - I I . MM ,701k. � , ,,� watu-1, .JUd41strI0bV sild, - �' 0 vb ., ,I , , 0606 11COLLWit,46 . . 6 41(i .' rfA, Oirlatlau,p �golidnes,� 1� 1. � � , I . in' � ,. V"i .�. I - . ilifei' (q, thfa djad"@j��d.f L" I I . , " I I , . . I , , ", I " , ��I:�7;;��!','.i�`,', 01 , I I , : .i I N� �.;d'fi','�,i, , ,,, '4,0ld b0m,A-00 4-49-4 . CO., 4,1121310109, $M.54; H_ G. ­11,asiq, oommunion , oeimoo - *,ai liol& in , � ­ * I ""L' ". ,4'. . 0,0 . , . , IT A"'. * ... � fi -qdJ&lg -.61h. SUAdW . " ' '. . I . ,� , I'� 14 ,, . . , � 611(d.011- 1V .. . . L .. for fhe. 6�ni. 004th SaIdt ,,���,� 176; R. 4.. HL%N,t,e-k, C&rm4l Ohotdh ori �uvday f3ra . I . . .. 'Afm Of I , . I - . V '71 . , I , rdling ,. '. .11 . - __ -$ ONE 0 . . ... M �" - , 4�:"V , .. . Mtl, ? v '. .r I ,L 1. th " I _ WM" S As �, foilt'll & 44o :-';IW# Mtoftlit : lit a - I . 1. Were . 41, �� ���,�`�41,;,, 'i; L� -4 V090Y. d6odW& 'Woli,4# Ut', �Mftid Mrs, tr4 - . ; ; teilili Tellephoni� t�,a ))A9,t When :iiine,'vo 3 1 � .. I %,:,�Fi.:-�,tj$- � I � �� �,; ,; I CKLINDSM " 19b - ��' ­ . 01 11. �911." . , ig* , '#,It WIS - A­apoft 4 Pt � I irs, soa 6k . � ;J . � . 11 � 1, 'b # .1 I L� I' W1111, " , " ; i i,� �r M, ft�: Afl*n. t6ia- .R4'�'V,� )k.�P,W� thi Set emv4r d id to thL�­ �u ,W W661bbit . A 6k " 11 I � � - - 2 4.44;- A & etitt*6 ,s ' 9* F o- , lNGER90U, . i ' P� N ,� i": I ::� � i�!�il�114 . Ontv. Wft, wgf, . ti v. 110 . '' li.­­ ---=11 I I �­,,,_�, .." f . � ,9 'With �i kod. 00 - '" , ' " , _��,',��k� -1 - v -L, � Twbbutt w VFO, W, C.N,R,, -KV-6i.gft,-;"4fft,6twil�eA",..$I 'TON ofta d'abn " ... ao 91 . , ,�11 "..,.,', I I TODL9 - 98' . it � _ i �,�. � _111 'r `0 -7, ,R �1� I *1 -, i mt,� � 0"It., 11 * , ,� , - #1 � , ,, � a . L ,h I, 1 $ 0 � , N,,,�,Z'4�, , - M, , . . ,'7 i IMF , - N , " , �__o P *7 1 .. Ad � . . , , . � ­ I 1;�,' , " ,, �;� - �. . -11,L21 . � Iz­,�,!.,� .. I ­4tIT::�Z4 1),',,,�".: "­ , t� e 1, � , ..... . . ". � I ­ 1w, I 1, ., ,'� ' WItYr.141tLL "��,z­ ­,��. . ,,, � ,k,. , Aft I . I � I I � � - , t �: AM , (", I . dsn. I 1111 L� 111 ""''?"�,,�."I�.!."�l.-,�-,�.�i��":,i�;,�'"'i",�,1, , I � 11 - .� ,�,; I 11,�i'0­-­`�o?, ''. I � 0_., - . . I 11''. . ­,''', �,, ., ­_ � I - . I ": _."O "-,q.A "'i- it,�",,��,­4,­,,�,­'­ , �. � I I . I . 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