HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-10-11, Page 611
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urine bill is 11Py In, 'a aorrirtemfelt
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It t;o dens u�ng}�la Ear hair in h��
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g'Y"""' 'p(,�!{A�'�U,,•,W.4 cul}'%! ., 'Ci{t,�s•,,,� 1,
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•,t' Y.,
. `'
I.: ;.1 .
The paper in.: 4. 'cioumrbartf. U. bill is o1P-
�, §
ten thinnrea than .in gemnriwei bi11Ls'
t •
.3 -
.the green ink' 4 usuailly a wrong
;1.1111 IN'`r `The battle .for Bii6iu twurred
1 t pgatrni as and• Corlorr.'iar3 Rtualre 41"
' 'a +
and Ov'ei:` eY knirnv 'tsl at even see
T. e 'diffonenc'e iw dietail. is str great
I' .� U lP5te71S]\Fe \voxfoTt, bat llr�Sii,
khat tellero-.'i {l�tec,> Ga1Ln7elti
,r t IF , . money and , Suppli ec anIl'1 ase t�'wittg
fgdGs at a glance. I't s bluer, appearaaiee
ails, _-.-,-t1t&- sren.gtl i'nta `t Ax- f t,
..'•.� r
c. •
-that _zivea tihhemi . the _,q suta8ping . ,_ .
II>! In �.rrrty, Na\ -y= s2aad Air Fcie•co tet-
bll'y is- no te'srt for genuln�enless. Only
,: stitr; getchar, C'anaaxt,;% has, now ui�*zarly 200; '
: �
.the Ihubit of 'taking' the. gew,uneaess � �'
000 rttezt on seri\a sex \~ice. b`inio4ing
of ohne, Yor gram+ted, which 4h'e cam- Newe . ', • _ rEnergy
I'r,,, toUcliet5 atm -ire ng,', put to thirty-nine
v .,
paign is attempting' to ,dliepel, keeps'
t, ..
pal, •..•. training- camps.' throughout the Do- .
t he rfat of us •fr+nim being,'..,,ailmlost 'eq- '
i ti,,, Yurnion- There, wia',hiu a wee•h, the
sweeping and patrolling, wi'ti-subar-
signal s'ta;
Lally proficient. "--
,x r:: frist Contiiige •t of 34.000 young men
To ,illustrate 'how li'ttlle atitedvtion methods is sicca to go to sw'allec
j ,W \v,ill receive thirty days compulsory
nicst o•f us pay to. lo'wr money, a .1ec- townts and, eventually' to rulral
t til.; training,
...._... ..,
iw•er wild ask. "What is the Dolor of schools. „A slightly different vers'ioia
.' Memoranda from the British Min-
a $1 'bill?" The studlenrts usually ac, is being released, througth'regular mo-
» i'stry of Information shows what oth-
y^2<' anen�:t;i a•.b,., �<... o
et a , :'
tion picture itheatera, Dad work on a
gree on green, although all our ,cur P
er divtninions are doirng,
• .� : xkz tt
rency as truck and vu1>tita aw fire front 'second picture has 'been stalrbd. Some
of t,h,ese Divisions, Pioneer bat>hal- ;�, 3'` `, convince Amrieric�,nis of.the horror• and
and green only' on pal of the back. 5,600,000 pamphlets, "Know Your Own
, Australia
f .
t: �. >� •,
ions oY colored and native people v, futility of war, you can. be, Certlain.
It is just thus ignoranep ,that makes Money," Ib'ave been: distributed, 4UT a•
A p%cl imation of November 30t�r,
were created for won combatant ser- , `r ,r,�� te: \n m j he's a dangerous Fifth Croli�nrax,`''
tin's Pa'ssdng'o$ a conrnuterfeit ,possible• larger booklet is in preparation. Ten
' 1939, made akl unmarried , males or
o'~v ti
a 5.-'Sepa'natist Pnop'agamrda. Stirring
vice in the field'.. `3;'' ��: ' r '`
Secret Servilce •exhibits dhow sveci million match folLers with warnings
.' widowers without children liable for
u racial rha'treidi and 'araitrnsdnrg part-
In June the presence in. East Afri- � p
mens oP erratic imitactian money that toexamine mlomley.are being Put
u`•;' ,r military service 'in Australia; the 20
ca of ian advance contingent. of a •- ly assimilated rain'arataes in America
has been 'pastfad; 'bdkks with the num vut�
�� class of 25.000 men was called up,
South Afidean Mobile Field Force is a wespan used by the Communicate
er'als` in the :corwems iscrratdiied out Already there isabundant evidence
� r
duiang the \viniter.
• • among the Negroes and, by he Nazis
vas anmlouneed. A moi later the ,.. the
larger numerals inked, over them that the cast of the whale campaag>x
and n
P A proclamation of July 31st cathed'
maim body of the Soti,thi African fore and Itaiva issi in regimenting na.
-bills with zeros out from aidverdse- will 'be paid, 'timlesi. over, by
up four groups' of mew, to 24 years
es in the field arrived in Kenya, the tional groups, Anti-Seimitism nbit on-
meats pasted. after the ones or twsos, keeping boys out of trouble and. -
+4 s old; they t -till provide 95,040 recruits
units comprising a complete army, ly persecutes ane racial group but
even bills rthat halve been. painstak- 'inlg 'hunidrads of thowsands of dollars
fo'r training.
the 'largdpt and best equipped force generates discord ' among Others. Any
ingly split with a razor so that both every year -for' -those whio, lacking
__ .,for
I The strength of the Australian In. -.'ever
die atoned from tih-e Union. pa
P a' `.„` r y kinld of racial' Persecution is rticu-
the front and back o� a genuine ten simple information, are easily victiur
��'.. penal F'o'rce is being fixed tem'po'rar-
By agreement �vnth the U. K. Gov-. �• •' •. ; , liL ly dangerous in hhe Unrated States
_ >.. is M
or twenty may be pasted t o ones and i?ed• ' ,
t' •1 90 000 mien of w-h•om 70 000
« .:.. :, because, there is no tellling '.where It
-,---t the Union is responsible fo~ ;_::..,y .. '•>...
used aepar�ate'ly-_ '`Get in.. the- imbi_'t_ _
.. `,
dere already' encamp'e'd in July. Ent
t he.defeniee of Simorietol-n, the Africa
:""' 'E;Gi t
�'� it�,l , l
will stop•
of loiolsing at eve bill oar handle,"
ry' Y
•z• �
liisitments in rite A.I.F.far the. front
Naval Station, Members of tines 'S.A.
^ I�
i U I
6: APpaaaament propfluganda- All
the Secret gerviee mein: repeat, over
e.••„« ,ter'-.
}} :
we'evs•t'o Jully 11th we't's 11,100 men.
R.N.V.R are serving in armed. mer-
�� "appreasement
„ a 6 !.V,r r,
talk i'e bad 'because the
and Ov'ei:` eY knirnv 'tsl at even see
,X�..?4 °
,, ,,
11, IBy
June i6cth, 20,400 men `vete al-
chant cruisers. The Seaward De
Nears c32an,ot be aplpeased. Any at-
ing yon stars at a bill' scaates� cournter-
ready abroad;
fence Force is conct rued with mine- -
, .
tempt to better Premien relatiaR's with
Gen many was i'mmed:iatiely exploited,
Students are tairgtht that at is
Tlve Gove2'rlment pllans to increase
sweeping and patrolling, wi'ti-subar-
signal s'ta;
by German agent's to stir up factuon-
;the crisp bill they '•shouild 'most' sora-
...._... ..,
Under the direction of Mon. J. G. Gardiner, Minister,of
bitterness France. It be
but the that looks if it
mennoludinge95 000 -re
by March, 1941. At the end
_ a
t qr snit trhe control of all slhipprn
eatering 'Union ports, In May last,
tfohaf: V7ar rvlces 3000 h'sicaitl 'fit' Durr men bettFieen.�thc
Se , 0 p y Y Y g
21 inclusive, for mi�itary train-
ail 1n will
the same here"
pest, Dna as
nisi bean thi+awgh dozens of 4r ud....
ages of and 24, are being called up
left, Mr.
Germs agents, are dup4'ng Amelri-
Counterrfeit billsl are ylello, by
of. June the number of mien under
the minesweepeas successfully swept
int•. Above are' scenes in th.e' Montreal d.'+vi9ion. Upper
- -
arras in Uh'e''Hbnte Defence Force was
a niin•e field discovered off Ca ba
Justice A. Trahan hears an ,employer in regard to his employees,
can businwessmen+ into ,believing that
soaking in wear �offere or tea or by
over 100,000.
Africa's___, most southern
Agu bas ' ,
S'• t, ymond Ran er as-rstant, re istrar. At bottom is
Up?ction of fit n room where detailer medical report is 'kept for
a se g p
if Germany wins this will
y not get'
any business unless they now .refrain
burying them a day or sot iw dam•p
'earth. Another method is to rub cold
There were 12,000 mien in the
al Australian Navy at the beginning
The rapid expansion of the S'outu
each man called out for military training.
from being, bos'til'e,
cream over them and then clean. it
•• ,
of Awgusit. ' BePore the �-ar the lino
African Air Force has n'e@essitated
The dvpre'sl who believe t'hu's 'prnopa-
off, leaving them soft arid, old. An Il-
der was 5.400. Measures for training
considerable re -organization both' in
-- - • =
ganda insirst on "realism" in Ameri
foreign but assume that
Isnois store •printedl imitation m'omey
-as an advertistaneut,. It diid:n't re-
�, -
anti-submarine' crews for the Royal
Navy wi-11 int cine 1,790 more men,
military and. civil ar-iation. The wlhole
e pre-war C1V11 air Urg�a.nlZat]a1
of the
Ye� We Have Fifth,
can policy,
Herr Hitler would let Ihis ower. ppincy
sem'ble real money do the least. But
�. -
The number. of.m�en, enrolled in the
Naval ti>'olunte•er Reserve is about
has been, harnessed' for war effort,
both for opera-
( ' •
e dieterm+in'ed by pique.' They, Por-
get that the German -Soviet pact was
after an enterprising croak Thad yel-
lowed' Viand dirtied a bunch. of it, he
training and war
Colu�r hist .— (i dmon,d Taylor In Reader's Digest)
conclucde•d" overnight eist-
Passed four billls Before hce was,' die
1,0+10, .
tions. Adti�nced military air train
Total applications for the Royal
-n l
r g `rs carried out at Pretoria. Jason'-
i -
~-bile mortal ene'mie's.,
tecte'J, -
I'll. .
Australian Air ,Force and the Empire
Air Scheme have been 125,000 meal.
nesburg, Kimberley and Bloemif'on
Fifth Columnist: An• en•em wlio rs
ale and weakens'its resustan'ce to for -
When ytou rh'ear somcet7tfing which
fits- into any `of .thesis -six categories;
Practically all: conunterfeits, . to
$20 are aged before being passed.
beim : •' �
tnvtsrble w11en you aie's,itting next th
ei n att
g ick. In 'a demoicracy naiunai
quieitly try to Id slco'v�er whether fine
Bilis of $50 or $100 are sometimes
New Zealand•
.., . Newfoundland . 1.
`-•int at dcnn'er but whom you think
foims of criticism e'r'e ,accepted as•
s 'e'akerI has a-suspiciou's background.
kept clean anid 'crisp, and palmed off
, r.
you ails •ttrnder'-cb-b? -_ ...
sa utary. Even partisan excesses are
Cultivate hys_-•aczltrain'tanee--tO -see'-'if
-by confadi tarn.• -who put up a fine
i sl
N, ',. -
~ Compuls'or'y- mi'lit'ary service, was
Genpeml agreement for the defence
This definition is bas ,ed,oin observa-
to 'e taken: with a grafi i of 'salt.
he repeatedly puts cant dncscsio'lvent pro=
,. ",
intraduc.-d' June 1,7th•. A General Re,-
of Newfoundland was reached be
ions rn' Fiance;' where fear of in.
But pubic men ane assumed, even
p•aganda, Study him to
Students learn the big -business na
+'T r
> .
serve was est'abllish>ed including all
tween that country and Canada in
aginary enemies avid inabi'hity to. see
by their o pon�enits, to be mien 'of
whether +hie 'has the mi'ssliioulary atti-
ture'of the gangs back of mlost conn
. ".*XX
males over 16; said a selection of re
Au gust-
real ones' helped dlestro the 'nlation.
rhonor and' decerit life. '' Whi'spering
t d• U11' t di�stin tense bh d'elu'her-
teirfeit mon 'Printdn�g grasses and
9er1"liStS will be made by ballot for The Government called for 1,300 � ,I u' a a gu �e ey- is ��,`'w-:'
Sir my return to the United Staths compo^gas which .b aek'en a leader's at.e propagandist from the unconsc- complete"Photo engraving outfits with 4; r'; 4 v
#," ,service in New Zealand .sill, overseas volunteers far service with lite Royal '1 have noted a widespread Fifth Cal- chraracter c to a doubt which is ;•r;r«�'
of m,en beitaeen 21 and 45. Aitible The first ,contingent actin- ten's victim.. Not until them ar'e.y+ou expensive cameras mean an invest- ;r.,..
�• umn phobia. Witch-hunting is shame leanly to''moraIe. Hence; Commlinr ea itl'ed to voice a swspi(ribw' or re- meat of thousands of of dlolla'rs• before
$ Voluntary recruiting for the ew A in ,the U.K. on April 2501 an+3 the fully unfair and'' dreadly to morale. ist pub:pag2.ndists rdTop 'h'i'nts of graft
Zealand armed- force's ceased on July fifth on August 190. By the end of a o Part ,liriim to the nearest pffdce'of the a siwgle'rivunterbs?t is printed. At the
Tl:z ver e pression "Fifth Column> an' corrupltion in' b?ghr laces; .. th 11
22r�d witb' 'a total of &0.000, em -list- June, N'ewfoundlan'd had sen 5,400 y p FBI. rlant 'of one Pewisylvam a ring 20,- #:. i
Sent is,` is a dangerous' aisle to bandy, a- Nazis .go . in far sexual and ; political r: it:
illawp gond citizens ane unwittingly, 000 genuine one dollar "bill's were >. t
mients. Ther territorial army, with men overseas; and 2.000 more were bout. The Fifbr Column -both Nati scandsls. ''
new tirliUs forming, 'provide nearly ready to go. silting Fifth Col-briniis�ts.- Remember, founid They Thad been bleached and
a ;, ,, and Go_nmu> ist-does indeed exist The Nazi a,ccusla.tion that Pres'.de,t 1.
y however,- that anryoue who can be v'+ere to be reprinted as, twende's, "X
30,000 men. Tot:al'"number of re Sts ,hundred and twenty-five boat taste, _and, as the Fremcli example Roo'seveit is a --Jew named Rosenfeld
cruits for the Maori Ba'ttalio'n . was men were. asked far by the Royal p corverrted 'into an, unconscious Nazi These big gangs raver pass their.
' ' 4 1G3 at the end c£ Ju] about 43 Per Nla for .service ,i the r , proves, it' is' a deadly m•enaceL It can is an ingenious exarwplie. Marey Am- balpK by Propaganda lain .be recon- ower money. They well it to "r -un- XNZ •`
Y . v5 , t a xr No theca be niast'ered' only by the vigilance of eTicans', wiho worild• 'ubt care whether "
cent of tl re men between the ages Patrol, Further conti'rlgents,;of men ve_ted' lass a democrat by propagan- .rneis;" charging ,perhaps 40 cents far R, t
y the \whale loyal population and by a he, 'was or not, m'i'ght- be di'stu'rbed ••-o
F. da. 'It Is vansense to 'say that'dem- a $5, bill $1'.Frail a $10 bill, The, price ko:
of 21 acid 45. for general s'e'rvice in thle Navy were cl'aar insight into. W hat it is and 'how by suspicions that ,,his family hiad1.
ccr cy ,has lost -emotional a eal vs,;r•ied with the quality of the product,e
By May the New Zealand Air -Force recruited,. and have been ar,;•ivinrg in it works.• � changed, its raison to dis;tilse the, � � g,*-----? j �.
.11 wa a,lrea'd four times as large as, the U.K. By the enol of Ma there. "and can no longer be made attractive and the `5ma.rket." , fes„ a
y y To avoid, the con'fus�orn France, fell fact. .Rbimors a few ,years ago that ,,o the public. Combatting the Fifth Tih'e-runmer sells 'to tinlderwo-10 %rf� t
1 in peace time. Abc'�t �r,000, hien are were about 1,440. N2wfoundilande;s into, 'tih'e term. "Fi'fth Column" should Roo'sevel't w'as ins.anle ,are 'typical of Column is a 'ob .a which a true assets skin u 30 cemtsl or more -N-� •:` 1
serving or in tnainifig. There have serving in the Raya1 Nany. Eiirn J t very p P� g IP ,:. ,,.,,,,i
been niearly 14,000 appdicatirons for d'ee'ds more arrived in, Junre and Jul' be carefully 'defirned'. It was origin-, me'thiccis as ds the, ridiculious'' .American. .should ,be working. Yeti' on .the d'ollan. Passers usually are Fi,{" E
t, 11 y ally' used by General Mola when`'h'e. -sport: t.ixat Wendell Willkie is party tvi11 be snrrprised to rice •how many Ball -time •criminals: Tb favoritm f,>%i%� t ►
enr'olm'ent. The tenUt corhiingent arrived, an Aug- arym,ounc•ed over- the, italic that +he, to a fascist conspiracy. Anyonrn. wiho
a "T111;re are about 940 New Zealand ural 27th. Feopie feel, as you do and were just time to work is Sa•to.t,day afternoon or ,i:>.f:s •
I had t'ou't miiditai�* oolwnrws 'marching spreadls such rumors Helps• 'the Fifthr..;i%%���.',f
airmen in the Royal Air Force. Men are also serving in the Me;- waiting for do'mreone to speak up. To evenin+ig; banks are olosed, Clerks are ,:;'::,/ f.
Ir ' •, , shoat Navy. on Madrid said a' secret Fifth Column Columns develop more public slpirdt, all you. tired and hurrying to ge-t .away. The � � r • .- I/
groups who were actave7y works and Attacks, Dai ticul'arly by ' ridicule;
South Africa have to do is to qr r lips ,and E: seers lak$ 'am LL' sin s Darner no
n to on the democratic principle or on our • ,
in+si•dre the city iwdap,iduals
e • • Southern Rhodesia g p p •
speak from the heart• cPnes, engar stands; drug stories that
a I By Uhle Defence Acts of 1912 and defeat thie Loyalusts. In ou a it fundamental insiti'tutrions are ofpen • ,
%� are. open atter Other shores close. If !� !�
1922, every Union citizen of European On Ma.y 20, 1940, Southern Rho,i- applies to 'conscious encs es, set by propagandia. Watich out, too, for the the slhops ,are. •duct;, lighted, spr .muvA LONDON and MNGHAM
I descent' is liable for training in seta introduced liability for ooanput stealth or recruited by treason, al- Army'. In the next felw months rum- ti,°t.c better. r I ' J40RTH . - . ' ..,d
{t peace time and for Service in, defence, story military service for all Eu•rc- ready engaged in attacking us. ors lbke titers may crap up: MOIL@�T �O BuY'r1, After a counterfeit is •passed, a.' I ._ I �'t�•rt'_,,_�
of th.e Country in war time in any Beans in •the calony between the ages Fifth Clumn weapons, include con- "The Army has, ordered, bhrous s11
,, . `rumble, man" strolls past the store. Easter ..... , . , .'. , . , .... 10.3'6
part oP, Soudih Africa wdtibin ar, with- of 18 and 55. The first' group aged sniracy, s'abo'tage and) espionage; ,but of t'ank's which, it turns out; are vul- 4Condearised from TYile Rioitorian in I r Hensall ..................... 10.46
I. 1r --e .Undon A minimum o'P fi'fty 1$-25 were cal'_Ie3 ug for m.i:)otary tlie'uhne'f activiI. f to susipictr,c hap beein aroused', an-
ty is. this gpreadinlg of nerable to machine-gun &•ne'" eade'r'•s. Digest) Kzppen ......,...... .... . 10.62 .
+u - per R store may bE.vicltimizetd, Clever '
out otliEr s
ce-rUt ' of those liable for peace traindnig soon ' afterwards and the deadly prippaganda--the kind. employ- ","Because, o'£ graft a new battles'htip passer Brucefield' .............. .. 11.00
Passers, slowstinies lay down several
annually, Uhe age group 25-40 in June, 1940. ed in war abs a military weapon. '�o is no good." I Bay; .want to make a quarter?" a Clinton , ...... I1.4?
r ttainting is required },undned dold'ara in a few Occurs'.
stranger, as'ks. Run -over and Lbndesboro ........ ;12.06
g s .of In' Juno it was announced that a weaken our moraile, ;our faith in our "A 'high 'officer of the general staff get
`1,, ' the Active Citizen Force_ Others , to mea ;cecnet Service mein point out . to Blyth ....'i .. 12:16
men concerned ecomini member
are. native., un,_it be kvlown• as the Rhad- country, our leaders, our strength, to has been scecnetly ' aoui�tmart3a.led • as Pack lof Camels while I buy . • . • • • • • • , r12.27
required to enrol as members of rifle osian: African Rifles would be raised Set us quarreling among ourselves., a spy." some aacks. I have to catch, a train.,, youngster's that it ase the passer' whop Belgnave ..........
�"I,' associations. As an 'al•taraiative Citi- for service' in' Africa. Eighty three he's Nigh mil'itarg importaulce.' Tihe Amlericalni press can be caount- Hie hands this boy a Counterfeit $10
falces tibie biggest risk, . aivd, is• soon Wingharlr...................... 12.45
W^ y p bill. It thlere isc airy undhre commo- run to earth. On one $10 counter- zeas ma enlist for e'ervice in the Africans have been form -ed into aCol- Loyal citizema sometimes ares along ed on to do all b}Le exposing of Army SOUTH
,'.`,, South Afirircaa Division of the Royal aped Motor Tran tion' or, delay erne' crook dura feit, the plates far which have not
Transport Corps sale are deadly propaganda wibhovt realuzing iiu2ffici,en•cy p essary. If yoru hear ppears yet been found,.'4x' ss'ero have a1 •P,Mr
, 1." Nava.l� VOlum�'eer Res'ierve, serving in . Kenya. it, so what a maul salys' doesn't prove rumors of Anpap scandals that are and •thee boy is left "holding' the bag. � Wdnghanr .......... , ........ 1,50
g been --post- h'e's a Fifth Calummdst, But a ease not. Pubticshled in reliable •nleiwspapers, ep r" Balgrave .......... . . . ....... 2.06
u1. reaidry been ,convicted- The ave
The nwmber of men volunteering Rhodesian soldiers have been If the counterfeit !is sac bed, tare shover makes Dobry four swccesssRul Bl Uh Z:17
II ',- far service les' naplid'ly approaching the ed to various other Bru'tis'h forces, in be ms to shape up 'when, ,t ,'bo may a mitran y .... . • '
g' blerersl a c' edit iluem to the' Fifth, Calnumn, Y Y get a Proposition: tm
;' 137,000 Miark aimed at When, rassfos before he Is. 'caugh't Londesboro .... ..
en recruit West AEifica, nn East Africa, in the suspicious lire of .talk plus. a suspic- 2. Tar ro¢ Prlocpa'glandla. Emiction_ tells the youngster what dire has, done; Clinton" • "
pty+a2is of Ger says h'e�e already in bail, but that School children lectin with' snit- Brucefield 826
• in'g ,started.. Riecrultdag was greatly U•K• and• •the Middle East. The first thus pollitieal backgrautidl-sionle as- ally worded des{cri.
' next time he can make' a eau P<6sebhat to past a oonvoher6eit kntow
stimulated by the invasion of the contingent of Rhodesians troops realch. sociatnion with .the Soviet, German, Many's invincibiilaty, ineludfiag talk of couple of . Klippen 8.86
I . _. Low Countries aid -the entrance ,of ed. Egypt ,on April 30th: ; - Italian g'overnment'si or soci,etY g'up-. secret weapawd, poison gars'es and dgil�ars instead of ra 'q'uarter. mg It isu'•t .good, ,is a •Felony' that may He�all .:..... ............ 8.45
' mean 15 Years to prisb>L,.. They take E
;a Italy unto the war. With few exoep- Airmen from. � Soubhe''rati '-Rh'odes4a, ported by a tnfxalita,rian regime,. e,. It is ba.cte•riololgi'ca? warfare are a Nazi ex- To keep youngsters' from: thus. be- h the in.
v tions volunteers are attesting for seer- when traiYied', will hes posted to the nonoil. Daae to •fluent parents portant
t� i g y possible 'to trace such connlee- Port Specialty. The is a lot of zing ' started. on. cstirm.inal- careers the stet . , .. , .. , ...... , :.
' _ :vice anywhere in Afraica" R.A.F. retaining their u'dentity. They trionrs.; such tialik ion, that Pralssing' a bad bill $ (',.N.R TIME TASL +'$6
lir r going on, i Secret Service twrned loft January to a ie liks2 picking blue next fel EABT r
C�I,, Mrl'itary preparatl'an$ plaYtn' tl itu well• farm blue three 'Slaubll rn Rhrode.-... I am snispi.cdbus of businesslmen 3- "You-calnrt•wtinf - prbPaganda A th,e s'ahools. Its agents, have been b s, e i
. ,i , S'eptem'ber last included full training slaw squadrons of the R.A.F., which from, ti balifa,rian countries, Likewisae subtle form di -•tlhia--'Xazi p'reacahnient,.,lecturinrg, exhibiting counterfeit$ and l w' Placket to make up for ,having A.M. PA
Your own, picked. if ,low ' novo, a Go tericih ............ 6.15 2.30
"''"Y, of several 'divisions ,of . the Active were accepted for cserwi" by ,lie this social elite and scienitiscts, pro, We are winning because we reps d'iistrdvuting Illusltrate�d Iliteratucie to
'''f , I . phonV bill, tAICD, 6 to 11ho iueareet bank .iia .. _• •'• • .,
lmaescidle 6.81 2.48
Citizen Force. With a -view for recur Unite do Kingdom Go\?ernmemt at the fessors and s iuniversli.ty studients, ent bhe''hi�storicali slpirirt of thie •age. Junior and, sensor 4idgh school stn- said accept the los Clinton • • • • • • • • - • • • • 6.48 ' 8.06
stt. c Ing greater,.miobildity'miounted' lirigadles outbreak of war, known to Fie in good standing with Democracy .Is A dying doctrirne." (diemjts iu; the 'large cities where caun By bouncing acct a genuine blain- Berth '••' 6.59 3.16r
,l were organnzadt and, attached to two _ Ubeir Wine governments. Al'l Cam- Thie dominanit ,plolfttical trend' of the •'terfelters are most act'ive.- A mlovie St. Ophimrban; . 7.05 ' 8.28
'I +I" ` mu fish art members,. ounce they day can be seen only a cenitu' la,teT. made dollar, pnd `then a ceauntteatelt, an this ......:...,..
y ry by the Secret Servide menu re- Mblin, 7.1Z 3.4,9 .
.. He who 'believes In hobo knows have to ab Party ddsrel lane, are, Nazism is, ' flotar, the lecturem illustrates the fact Mitchell 724 8.41
nobody • . eY P ._Vreadl•nu because the vealing eovnterfeiters,' m'et'hods, char
that hte himself its nro't to 'be 'trusted. 'utJIIZLd as FiYtb Golummdsts, Nabirr Nazis are that fake 'rJaaaia can be spatted even -
+; scprea,dling it; m`o ray bjr,,been albown b5 snore bhan twla milili'on .W88Y
well aliz d citizens anid, citizeiils o'f 'foreign tanks, and liar 6g. But moms readlt4l* bbanl 'tiai'ls• The Babbitt
`i {�iy ,, P P1aPlagamrddsts sfiud)ewts. Mdtahell 11.8 9E8
r + , \E/ ���'�' � -, a Thee dmiv.O �n the 60hoolm is the metal oY which most oY thiem ore Dublin
'W Eanne ltnoss ig the sale oY elo- Parentage are no more or Pests lilt,ely rni_pily that 'there' i91'eome mys'tfic fore 11.14 9.86
.1110":", .. quewee.-•Vict'or• Burgo, tb be Fifth t Calwmni'slts than Aiweri- at work which 'inaur`es Nazi Success' • Made (hiae ne5�l ar the ring,. nor the. ...............
. • ...
('.r �" culmination of a publlct-eminigbt Se9dtoatdh 11.30 9.4?
1 i ,i ,111. STOVES OVES - cans of Mayflower stock. 4. Neo-paci,Hst p'roparganda. In cam ail .n bauaiee of reals silver.' Lt 3,x ii'gilvt (liukrtow ..:........... ii.45' 10.tl0
p g agains'b catrmrterfei'tdng 'be
I yr, + Diligence is the mlatilier of good Thlere Is a big - differenice between France lei 1938 !the slogan "Don't dieo. and ,has ''a, slick, g'reaaaiyc fte+l, tt ifj aaderieh ............ 12.05 19 5
ar )4 i «4'60,01'..r. I fp+rtun,e.-=-CeT�anrtes•. Fifth Galumnln propagandla and British �oii° 'CzechtaslavhJcW1 was pap'u'larirzzed educational effani thel Srecrrett was tServfee he firig also ooft'er' and! can readly be etlit
"�" propagameda. kin,glankl ntattwrally wants b Pno-Nazi Ma be f was with a luenknu'fez Yet llasoes ffr+om Irad' C.P.P.. TM "TALE
f uM+ A contented' herart Irl ani even sea to obtanm. the greahest ,possible-' sup „ right for Frenobmen rabtNbd dte; far 'ham idle since it 'was crated by $51,737
cainsa-- -,nems sligtbt 1 - • •EABT
»} ... � � Congress in 1865 and results, hays ly 'elr'"
y'a +rj-11 in, 'the midst of ail storms, Port iii the war. But England Is not C'zedhosillovakla, but bible propaganda been iiigladl Fast year than the vast before.
y gratifying. Last Ma
11 ,y,r I, ;, Il• - ; :...!IrM', , - - ' �• irwtereslted in vnldarmining our glover- persnr;aded - blile'pa inl fibreendl that lit• losses to 'the public frvan, O.CC'eptidr'g .Today 300 ti•aret, Sierlce -agents ndGbcTlOch.......•. , ....... <...:..
,` WM'.rr► Do,ttbt 1s:•thle vestibule of faith.- nor or Institutions. ,Asa: Amerlicm was slily to rile for tariytb3mg', `itxclud- counterfeit bills -reached an all-time stay caniot ,Lye ,pin tflro troll of conn- �d
................t?.... ` 4.34,
F � � ` Colton,. 'who becomies pod -British dloesi not be- itug Fran4Ge• Ivw of '$•1;,704 icor the' wh,6%. a; ntl . terfeit�t�s ThP�q m�t�t vvot+k not calf". A1ib49s;m ..................
�i.a - - come aeltiAmerican, bane who be (Iver- here t'iier:Nazis. itre. oprearctilug,-Tihe'total =floc -..blue -year saudting Jz1ne-.11galnsb .rxrtittiteii+fi'd .•'"HlAb
;.' t 4nion;W 'birt slabs • . r .. . , ......... 4,
, , _ ,1' t ;.,r'. G'sli4"ldren are, the tomorrow of comes pros -NAM does', an cup-to•+drbe verMlon Of Wrie old q,aci- .30, 1940,'viran. oaitlq.. `$146,644 . net tlf VG9dtti0n ,........ ........ 6.b9
+l` `,W:' N° SftiCibt eSy, FiEtllt Column propaganatda'uitutendled 9st theme that tv3ro toe tom ht ex- j b itlgartu liegltsf nxa�iilue sfiamipo sial ........... .c .. 6.19
:;., y�,h, t .
{ -...
r lm was this earfome, anrrdl a
y g initial y V06t a OtAl int, "t 'fOrgeiro of ig'dv. Ttl Obt,o .',_.................... 9.091
"�-� .. . to d moralize us sub tba,t we shall be clusdv�el•g in fbia, t remas of monlition' rough' 'ten per' tieint csf losseo' for fi7fe 'etn,nenb c
les ;, t h.'eques. Tbtey _Ares Davy..' riA1E'$rl.
Clue; .,k4deii day°' reftetns a weiary pusblovertsi foT tine totaiittarian powers' miarnufa Wrrers -had, bfig .bus4n'ess, A •peak y„ear, 19a,5.
i yzY is , r Iit+auid o tibeir rettaitfi of oottivielJioms A.lA.
-1 1� 'z i f. • < ,*,oar. '�I dkwr. follows edx ,general Ix&tt*irh6l " 'viafitnt is hhati .ft, tt v�Itt is' tt+Y>�l'g to iVi dt�troet a v�bwivteffeilt' ltd i
. , st elift n 9Z per' cent Of, 'otic '2,986' cabs s• that 'ib►6r'ltiitls ..... r r ..m-41 ........ x:30
rot - „ 1. Nil�ilda+t ;props;Mdt., 006ftla'ted lead' uo fnto w 1hr °tis' �&'hii,i is-' are told, jo; 'o istropeb r bi31' over w' 0 1VIaNstri 4 .»a.....'. 13.011
r 11 S ;;i " < All 9" •d6a t�'f'uat SM, bq Maift Bir u,11166'rruine autb6fity. Au thing' eleetion . ' r ]ter. .Aird thaggir, .: ... r r r r r
eYut t trdtl 1tsii ,
Anything one of the risme' clarmfYUaktldaitt; so Hhiat ,a geiuts nlllalfa moot, lii'rtrrtitiil • • • .. • • • • .'. r * ....... ,
'd `` .<< ,i•: 411,66h lea,••• *d`'ti,'d�:` w'h4ch tands to disloreditt a 001tilt , `s Thea arts drieiliesit 'Abri ricov' a-
Idu• B1
n' l? roh tv+p pair brraltg' sconce tagebh llif• ill lrbti'o 3u 1hlsa . g t!1Y ... ,'....... . .. .. ..... iY
POLIS l6adterohIp or wroaketl, Its citlzefiW t,st- •fists. gala I"latbilt1n11lrstts• . gilt wheat you 4e'renc'es Arte .at ,once ty tin• ,firs, Atlisftitm » ...........r . ,.. , 12,132
i , , X51 v r cr : ' �,:,., ...... .. .,. r' s,�plparent• A; bloaat tinier �� Irueven' lost t,
. r lie ptiiYtO' a 'tills doers bibs' e0 iatrl ieritt 'tb it�3 f'U�LdaraYOti l iivs'fiF1t-, i1vL1tT g f Ir Y wiftY tlu dins +otron : 114e( �A ................. ... • 11, 4L#
' i small rnrifyting gyrss nlialtiest blistrt mina thtvu s r.�r y��
1" t 7.
s.'I, Ir 1 F .: I ,:. • '+," !Y, �,:. I' 1 Y. r .. r - lYAe11W�b • . • r .. • • . i . , i f ...'r ill r 1Y'iV
y�.+ ,uw�. ,1:1d!nlo anal idea7�oo•'w'erbi, t1aPana'l xnod• Moil• oti�ppoiof »hi.3ii`3igmr, tr"5" 'toief€>'t,_.... tl •rI_.r��y�ip�(a 1y,,c �y y, yr.,,u �,w ,_.,,.�. L•yy, ,,,y ..y �y y�J
,1 , j ` ;^ I 1 i, IYA.ti,Luu. r M , ^ f]'nie ales Uq�Ry4il,' ,lil'1� ":1 Uiltl''' 17 I Al��l W r�i,B' it, :' 'ti'ti tit�l'✓L•el,L' '1}''A' W V�' 7 r r r r:...r'w . �wv r. ... . ♦ 1B�Pf .
5 Y ',,i J r i/
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