HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-10-11, Page 4.10111401 stro ed Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates: 'ifented, Lost and round. Coining Events, Etc. --Per werdz • ist week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 3rd week % Cent _ Minimum charge, first insertion 85 Cents " Each fuxure, ita8tia1 and ebbrerviattnbit coulee as one word. - et Thanks, In Memoriam Notices -1 cent per word.. Minimum 50 malts per week- *ries may be direoted to a Box Nuatifter, care af The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents ',IVA cents additional per week will bechairs* if eds in above clan are net pod by the " Saturday niglit in the week lin whidh the ad was run. rArth# Marriages and Deaths inserted' free ot charge. notion Sales, Notices to Credito. Etc. -Rates on 'application. , Help Wanted rtIRL FOR GENERAL Houseittreee-e '••'' Some knowledge of cooking or -Wieling to learn.' Apply stating particulars. nes. G. C. KNOWI.ES, 9 Silverwood Ave., Toronto. ' 3800-1 IXTANTED - MAN FOR FARM WORK. " Must be good Milker. Year round pOei- tion for right men. Dutiee commence in November. Apply JA1VIXS F. SCOTT, 1.4ei miles west of Seaforth on Highway. Phone 851 r 4. 3800-1 Property For Sale For Sale F° st SALE - GERHARD REINTZMAN piano AtePlY MRS. A. W. E. HEMP - HILL, liensali, Ont. 3800-1 POR SALE -SPRUCE VALI-FY YORK- ' Shires, advtanleed registry blood lin.es, One good boar. barn June 8, 1940. Priced rea- sonabte. JOHN POWELL, .Ir., 2 miles west of Sea:forth an No. 8 Hisiewaty. 3800x1 von SALE -FAIR GELDINGS, RISIlsTG 5 rind 5. years also Ford tractor, Model A, 1929; thoroughbred Si. Bernard dog, fully grown. Apply to MRS. nAvin McINTOSH, R.R.. 3, Seafortb_ 3800-1 yeeRSE FOR SALE -6 YEAR OLD HORSE 90 exchange for cow or yeting oalf. Ap- PlY to JOHN MeCOWAN, RR 2, Seaforth. 3800x1 • T_TOUSE FOR SALE -IN EGMONDVILLE, 8 -roomed brick house, all in good repair; double garage. Taxes reasonable. Apply to MRS. E. J. DINNIN, Seatforth- ` 3796-6 Wanted IATANTED-PERSONS WISHING TO DON- " ate used furniture or boys for the furni- ture auction at the Liens Hallowe'en please notify DR. E. A. MoMASTER or 3. G. MULLEN, Scaforth. 3799-3 WANTED -CHICKEN PICKERS, WOMEN " Preferred_ Apply So Hex 230, HURON EXPOSITOR. 3800-1 Farms For Sale pARIVI FOR SALE -120 ACRES, MILE 4- east of Wtalton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Con- cession, Township of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Ap- ply to Box 228, EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Sea - forth. 379841 pARIVI FOR SALE -EXCELLENT FARM, belne. Lot le, Concesakm 4, McKillop. For further panticulars apply to W. - A. WRIGHT, Sr, or ELMER D. BELL, forth. 3799-3 Notices 1191101iBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, ETC., MAIL-' •"• ed postpaid iri plain, sealed wrapper. - 80% less than retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91: Hamilton, Ont. ' 37978 (ZRAIN-1 AM BUYING GRAIN FOR GEO. `-.1 Thompson, Freeman. For latest quota- tions and information phone 655 r 2. We carry a stock of bags and w413 also do your trucking. W. M. SPROAT, Tile Yard. 3790-tf MEN !--"THE MASK & IHE BRUSH" IS a noPYrighted formula for luxurious shoe- ilia-. Also a money saver, getting fifty or more delly shavis from each safety razor - blade. Send twenty-five cents for -a copy, to RUD senee 22-24 Hayter Street, Toronto, and end all shaving troubles and expense. 3800x4 Auction Sales DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE 50 Head - 36 Vote Rezhtered Herefords -at Lot 9; second- -range North of No. 2 High- way, IVIiddile:ex County, '1% milest east of Appen,00 eareeteroseeY, oceoEten 23rd, 1940 ' • at 1 o'clock sharp. • W. S. Denfield, AuCtioneer. A. E. PERRY, ,Proprietotr. 3800x1 A UCTION. SALE OF 'FARM; FARM STOCK, -4--" Implements end Household Furniture- 011 Lot 16, Concession 4, 1VIcKilflop. on Wednes- day, October 23rd„ at 1 pin. The farm con- ' tains 100 acres, shingled sided seven roweled frame house 'and woodshed large bank barn and driving shed, 14114 in excellent repair, All teeded to grass but five acres. One gond snitch cow in calif; 4 steers 2 years old; 2 " 'heifers 1 3:ear old ; 1 binder; 1 mower; 1 sprint tooth cultivator; seed drill with fer- tilizer attachment; tithe harrow; hay rake: manure spreader; double riding plough; walking plough; emitter; set of 'harrows; wagan ; hay rack; wagon, box; stock rtaek; set sleig-hs ; buggy; cutter cream separator; hay fork rope and pulleys; slings; . whiffle - trees, elte ; set double harnstse ;.•set single harness ; a , quantity of wood; quantity of timixed grain and bay; :turnips in field „ex- tension table: felting leaf ' table; ktchen cabinet,: 12 kitchen ehairs ; ,couch ; 4 rockers; 2 'wooden 'beds, springs end mattress; dresser and wash stand; glass cupboard; Vietrola; Morris chair; weather and tube ; flour bin; &tern ical closet; kitchen '. clocks"; AladduIn lamp; other ' lamas; coal oil stove; dishes; crocks, sealers, churn and other things tot) numerous' to mention; etiok 8430170 heater; radio. Terms -On Faxen, made known on day of sale or on application to W. 4A, Wright, Seaforth, On Stock, Implements and Haasebiold Furniture---Casit, MRS. CHARLES WRIGHT, Proprietress ; Harold Jackerm, Auc- tioneer. 3800-2 LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, .Stock. Implements, Feed and Furniture W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by , public audio' n or Lot 144 Concession '7, -Stanley Townghip, 'County of Huron, 1% Miles south of Varna, en Tuesday, October 22, 1940, com- mencing at 12.30 o'clock sharp, the follow- ing: Horstes-tIVIateired team of Clyde agri- eulture horses, 4 and 5 years old: Belgian colt 2 years Oki; Belgian filly 1 year old; aged brotod mare; aged gelding. Cattle -- Durham Cow due in January; Durham cow dne in January; Jersey cow due in Novem- ber; Durham dew due in May; Durham heif- er due in April; Holstein dow, farrow; Dur- ham cow, fat; Durham heifer due in Mai -ch; 8 ,&teem, 800 Yearling; 5 eaves. Iikees-2 -Yorkshire brood sows due in Janu- ary. 5heep-20 pure bred Oxford ewes aged -tan.; 2 ram lambs ; 4 eWe lambs. Fowl -50 bens; 1 turkey; 2 geese; 1 gander: 2 Y00110; ganders,' pure-bred (Toulon-ee)'. Hay -42 'tone inbred (hay. Imailenients-Deming binder 6= cfolot cut; treeing mower 5-foott ea; fleeting kitty loaderp steel hay sake; Cultivate* ; disc liternow; ateol noiller; riding Plow; walking 'Move; set of iron, Jutrxtrom ; International ors= seutarstor ;I 1143W *link pails; bean Beef - !Ore seed ,ttrall corn planter; TudhoPe wag- nl box.; set of MOrhs; 5 hotse •tal; gad engine:: 1% Intstmational gee en- gine: grate Seeder:, grain miler; hay reek; fleamerart: Mp baggy; cutter; set of scales, .0;040, ea.ptiOH-; 1 bag alfalfa; pump '184 t.••:110'1990r fere; ear, lone, pal - T awes Shovel; ladder; kettle,. Min electric fence; ahem, 4 ItitW set of back IMitness-,set of bag r:kackvtilg, eund filtY•Atitzthe faint. 1; r. ; ,Ited fact, 'Co rn Thitk# "8004 t For Rent pOR RENT -MEDIUM SIZED FRAME " house, neer Collegiate. Bath, furnace, hardwood doors. Apply to MeCONNELL & HAYS. 3798-3 .T.I'OUSE. TO RENT -WITH _ HARD AND L .J. soft water; .1101311sta garage. Possession given light owee Apply 90 W. J. BARRON, Goderich Street East, Seafort% 3800x1 I SHEA-In Logan, on Monday, Oebober ' 1914 - Catherrne. &sea, ill her 82nd year. - GOR1VLLEY-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, on Wednesday; October 9th, Margaret Fri...I, beloved wife of, Mr. Edward Goren - ley, in her 69111 yearr. . . Agents Wanted ivrAN wANTED--n000 NEARBY RAW-, • /Mich Route Mow open. If willing to can - duck Home Service Wiliness while earning good living, write immediate/Y. RAW - LEIGH'S, Dept.. ML -363-45-J, Molutreal, Can- ada. 3800-1 ARE YOU THE MAN? WATKINS DEALER (BETWIEEN 25 "AND " 55' years, with car), needed immediately in nearby Rural Route to supply established demand for Everyday, Necessffaim, inchotis, Spices, Extracts. Baking Powder, Toilet Pre- parations, Oleatusere, Medietnes, Fly Spray, Mineralized Stock, Hog and Poultry Tenics. year reputation. 10000 Dealers. +Must be Satisfied with a reasonable income at start. Farm experience helpful. Selling experience unnecessary. Credit furnished right parties. Write immediately. THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, Montreal, Que. Dept. 0-5-15. 3799-4 'Card of Thanks MRS. DAVID MeINTOSH DESIRES TO express her- sincere appreciation to the many Ichel 'neighbors and frieze& for their expressions of sympathy at the time of her sad bereavement 3800x1 Births Mr. Frank Weekes bas disposed of his 145 -acre farm to Mr. Alfie • Mo, Weekes will bold a gables auetion sale of farm 'Steck, imple- ments and household effects on Tues- day, Oct. 22a4, lge miles south of Varna. The many friends of Mrs. Nelson Reid will be pleased to know she tee fully recovered from an appendix op - elation itt Clinton. Hospital and is quite herself again. Mr. C. RathwelI and his mother, Ms. M. A. Rathwell, Mrs. M. Reid, and Mrs. Wiener Reid and Mona seat Sunday with relatives, in Luck - now and St. Helens. l3RUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan spent the Week -end in Woodstock, Don't forget the anniversary on Octolor 20tie and fow•I supper on the 24th. Mr. larieein Snider,, of the R.C.A.Fe .Toronto, ":sPealt the week -end at his home ,here, Messre. Stanley and Lawrence Reid of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. Jamiesen. -Mr.' and Mrs. T. B. Baird and Mr. Hugh and Fran e Aieenbead attend- ed the funeral of an unele, Mr. F. G. Ituraball, in London, oe. Thursday. Mrs. "C..' Haugh, Mes. Andrew Scott, Mrs, A. McQueen and Mns. T. B. Baird aatended the Presbyterial at Cavan; Church, Winthrop, on Monday. HICKNELL-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hick - tall. McKillop, a daughter. McMASTER-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 590, to Dr. and Mrs. E. EL Mc- Master, a son. DOIG-In Scott Manorial Hoapitall, rn Oct. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jame; Doig, Tacker-, "smith, a daughter.' MeLAREN-In Hensel], on Monday, October 71th, to Mr. and Alm. Harvey McLaren, a daughter --Mary Elizabeth (Betty), Deaths MANLEY MTS. Leslie Buermenn has return- ed home from the Seaforth has,pital and is much improved. The late rain has held up cutting buckavheat as the 'ground is too soft. Other harvesting is finished, but many who stook threeeed have e bard time to save the grain in the gran- aries, Where it has "to be turned to keep it 'faxen. heeling, It elites a lot of ranm to do that and by reports a large quantify of it has been damag- ed which make e it unsaleable and will make it :hand for the farmers to Meet their obligations and all com- munities will suffer in the reaction. Miss Bernice Manley and Aloe Mack, who are in training in the Kit- chener Hospital, spent the week -end with their parents. WINTHROP The eonvention of the Huron l'res- byterial -was, held in Winthrop Church last Monday with a good attendance. Tee guest speaker was Dr. Forster, of Hoban, China. Most of the stook threshing was finished beforethe, heavy rein. The potato crop is a poor sample this year. Mr. Will Trewartha and Mrs,. Eaton were in Kintore on eued'ae to visit their brother, Fere Bullard and Mrs. Bollard. Ferg arrived berme from ov- erseas on Friday.- .. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan, llob- by and Jackie ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Bullard of Kintore. Phe mxty-fifth anniversary of Cale. am' Church, Winthrop, was held OD Sunday, Sept 29th, with Rev. Arnold Matthews, HA., M.A., of Sarnia, as gaest-elpealeare He brought timeay end etimula.tine messages to the large congregationsassembled both morning and etrehing, the morning subject being "Live This, Day With Ged," a vital Deed in 'the present ties. The evening - subject was "Spiritual Casualties," being a lees of faith in -God, anti faith in man; and faith in the .allimate triumph of the Kiegdoin of Goa. The choir render- ed excellent service under the leader- ship of . Miss Elva earyce. In the evening Miss Margaret Hablnak sang "The Holy City" most acceptably, • Rev. R. W. Craw 'preached in Zion am! Woodbein last Sunday. • '1 CROMARTY The Young People's meeting on Sunday night was preeided over be Miss Grace, McLaohlan, owing to the absence of the Presisleet. The meetine opened "with a hymn, followed by the readineof a passage of seer Lure by Miss McLachlan and prayer be Rev. Peter Jameeon, Mrs. T. L. Scott read an' interesting paper:- After the singing "of 0, hymn Mr. Scott gave the paper of the everting, "Weat the Yoing People Should Do For the r,'hurch," followed by a, few timely re- marks from the minister on the same subject. The meeting wee closed with singing and prayer. Mrs. J. L. Scott was arganist for the meeting. Miss Lillian Young, of Granton, is spending a 'week with Miss M. B. Currie Ate and Mrs. John Kemp and fam- ile- of Mueto, visited with Mi arid Mrs. Wm. Houghton on Sunday M. Wine Houghton and da,uglege, Pearl, accompanied by Mrs. Deuean Make -ear, also Mee Le -Keay Melee:it:se and Nee. Leaoard Iroeghton, att.-elid- ed an 'executive me, rng of the Wu- m,13,'s Institute en Mitchell on Mon. day. MT. and Mrs. Richard Kinsmar, of Hipped, _accompanied) by Mr. Jahn McCelloch, attended the Fair at Wel- , lacetowt on Friday last. Mr. al d Mrs. John Matt and eon, leon.k accompanied' by Mr. and Mrs. Rost MacKay, of Hensall, enjoyed a motor trip to Niagara Palle on Sun- day. „ Miss Lite,McCulloch 'spent the week -end ihe home of Miss Mc- Gregor at Strathroy. The monthly meetiog or the Ladies' Aid was bele at the home Of Mrs. Alex James?, Staffa, on Wednesday afternoon with a large attendance, Mrs. Roy McCall:mho presiding. The meeting opened with a, hymn, after which the president read a mitten of Scripture and led) in prayer. See- eeteen members answered the roll call and several visitors were pres- ent. Several *Mimes inattera Were disensised and settled, aftet which the meeting dosed WI% a -etyma and 'the Natiotal Anthem and prayer, •A dee ittione lunch as served by the luneh conemittee. Rots Houghton, Wilfred Scat aild Harburn left early Wednetelaa morning for st, morutheu trelning at Vermeil:teak A large renew Of neigivlicorl add feitaki Ves Met 'at the herite el' -thee,* Speer* and Pitts:Abed Ilaughter; Ada, now IVIrre. jfatield, Petirielt, of Dublin, *nth a nviscellaneons sitoWer. Mrs. Ward 411.00, formerly Ethel Utterer:1r Of. Pitlinton, Is visiting Aler Stetlier, Mr. and Mi. Alex itt6Latin M Gleittprick. TUCKERSMITH Death of Mrs. W. D. Wilson The death occurred en Friday last of Isabelle Sheardawn, widow of the late W. D. Wilson, in her 91st year. Mrs. Willson had beert known far and near for the many good deeds she did in her yrounger days for ther nedghr bore and for hert own fanaily, also the love she had for clealdren. In addition to ,bringing up eight, of her own childoen, she had her two nieces end nephew to raise as their mother died when tbey Were small children. She had been ill for two weeks and had resided with her on, Lorne Wit. S003, on the ;homestead where she was cared for by MeS. Wilson and her family. The tate Mrs. Wilsot was torn in King Township, near Toron- to; and went to Auburn when she was married 68 yearseago, her 'hus- band having ,.passed away 18 years ago. Sthe then came to live at Brum- field where she has been ever since. She leaves to mourn her hos five daughters, Mrs. George Hamilton,' of Auburn; Mrs, William °batsman, Mrs. A. 0, Breallfeat and Mrs. A. C. Rout- ledge, Egrriondville; Mrs. Albert Pep; per, Tuckeesmith, and two eons, Wil- liam, of Detroit, and Lorne on the homestead. he is also mourned, by Ceptotia Stewart Knox, now in Eng- land; Mrs. Robeft McClure, Mckil- lop, and Mrs. George Durant, of Mea - ford, nephew and nteees of the de- ceased. She is also survived by twen- ty grandchildren one 18 grandchil- dren. Mr. Wilson was a very faithful merabe,r of Brucefield United Church. Viet funeral was held on Sunday with Rev. R. E. Wright. of- ficiating, Interment was made 111 Bantle eenteteee, sax grandsons being pallbearers: Wilson Broadfoot, WM. Pepper, Leslie Pepper, McKay • NV. II -Wagon and Thos, Eanifl- ton The floWer bearers. were Herold, Jackson, Rebel% McGregor, Charles Italiert 'McClure, Ed: lifeLeOd an Casey way. Those -from, trainee vOffba attended the funeral wale: litra. Strati Ifoox, Windaor; grs. Goo. Durant iteatotr4; Me. and Mrs, 1(el- lam, ,Mr. Varold GOadkl- loW Ont1,11/f0,- GaatifelloW,efNOM& bOH; WHO Attie Cherry, Lillie Cherry and Mitt IlaanlIttoni,.of kleinfierg. , -INMAN SUM,MkR, ' Alone the' •Th'ee of sanUlte.' The Oritleado 'gores* steeldge theee4Y the billeleleeealle ThrougeOht. the Alen= ;bends • • , • Now ter the 'hrook the =Pie leans With all; glary preed, . • And all thee8riraaes ou the, boo Have tugoeil their gmen, to red, Novi by. greOt marmites • wrapped Wet Or post seme river's mouth, Throughticaue tile long still autumn day Wed hincis'are flying stoutbe —W. W. C., - Many reeM this dastaeet attended eritivensary cervices at Ontario Street United Miura in: Clinton. on .SundnY last where Rev. A. Slacker, of Blytta, and Ree, E. Dean, of Forest, wean the speakere for ramming .and even- ing reePeetiVole- • Mr. and Mrs. N. Garrett and fam- ily visited with, Mr. P. Garrett at Glen - ellen on Sunday. Messrs. Hoge Ball and( F. Towns- eed were in Hamilton on Monday. Miss B. earter ettended the teach- ers' conreention in London last Fri- day. HENSALL beinethe Met ninetilag or the Ve-IA't dote Or writlag MT le doing tlani*atten", Rev,: ,Ra A. Week; n411; 1Y; ie was chairMaal, aad: eelareSeedl At theM1tdhllPies Prone held. pleasure at'eleeleg. Eso malty preso Frieae ‘evenlog aset, Wee' Sally Men- ent. Mies Greta, UMW° pre.sided at sozt and Keith 1311Ohltuttle of liensall, the Plait for the oPeating sieteetions, were lucky wieners( of 46 ,ealeat Canadafa ond "There% Alwaes Re ' Mr:Calve.' detent Wes fibe guest Solo - An Englaged." . The foalowing eontre ist at the UnitedChard! at. Listowel butd o the 'delligittful program which on pundae morning last, singing la was enjoyed; Piano Sole, "The Ole •splendid voice, "Face To nen" „Rugged Caves." Miss Glaslos Luker ; When it comes) lie old-tbne fiddling, rag, "When) Dad Put Out the you've got to take yoUr eat ofr Vo Ashes," Billy CampbeNo pian.o duet, Mo. William, Hyde, of Hense,I1,• who Bine and Betty Mielele; selto "Carry Wort the conteal-at St. Mary's reir on One Carry On!" Miss) Mabel Fair- Friday, Oct. ,4th, winning his way ta bah; reading, "The Flag," Billy feet- 'plaee, and closely eecoorted by Michle. This reading Was responded W. MeGuffan, of '1'horeda1e..eltuere's to with the singing in anis= of the only taro things in the world I know National Anthem. The highlight_ ,of how to do, and they are farming and the evening was ,the delightful Blue- fiddling," ohnekled Mr, Hyde, who is trated 'address presented by Rev. R. a remarkably yotmg looking man for A. Brook on his trip to Winnipeg, his years; after he had walked away where he 'attended the oonterence as with the coneest. Mr. Hyde, wha 151 a commissioner front here. He gave 76 years of age, has -woe eighteei1 a very .drescriptive address Welch: was finst, four seconds, and one third at much enhanced by beautiful lantern contests around' the country, and has slides of some .taf the finest buildings quite a few silver pieces in his pos- in the city of Winnipeg. Bob' Hess seesion of awards. He was, born and had charge of the elides. The offer- raised hear Anderson in Blanshard ing received' was very laberal and Township, and tae lived:near Hen - gratifying to 'the 1,1r11011. : The closing salt on highway No. 4 a phort dis- hymn, "Softly •and Tenderly Jesus is 'tance eouth of here for the past 20 Calling," was followed web the bole- Years. . diction. Refrehments were served. Conveners were Mrs. Maude Hedden Mission Circle Meets and Miss Glades Luker, assisted by 1Vlise Margaret Tudor lent e'er home Mrs, Annie Saundercook. Friday evening last for the Oetober Mr. and Mrs. Herman royee and supper -meeting for the Mission Circle. family, of Detroit, were recent visa- Twenty-three members, ineltaling a tors with Mrs. J.ohn Tayaor and fam- number of junior' members, were ily, present. Mies Barbara Shepherd, pre - The Late Mrs. James Priest sided for the devotional period; Scrip- ture read by Miss Margaret Tudor; Death came with etartang sudden- opening prayer, '.Miss Edna Saurader= nese to One of Heneell'e most beloyed oock. Much ,dlecusmon took place re - residents in the person of Mrs. Jaanes gal -ding the Mission Circle rally to be Priest,- the• former Mary Jane Morri- held in the United Ohuroh here' on sop' of Atwood. Although, Mrs. Priest Friday, •.Oct. 18th.. 'A letter was read had been in poor bealiti. for the past from Misa Goldie Cross who is at - few weeks with a heart condition,. tending Alma College, St. Thomas, ex - she was able to be around and do preesing her thanks • for the lovely her hZusehold duties. Friday 'morn- gift lent to her fnom, the Oircle..The Ing "she wee walking in her garden e abollt 10.30 a.m. and upon carding in- Cirearhas already started making e plans for . the making of -Christnaas to .the• borne a short time after eh gifts to• be forwerded to the Western c,oreplained. of nut feeling well and areas •and to sick childen's hospitals. ,her physician wae..stitamened, but de- A beautiful chald's dress', made hY .site all that medicaa aid could do, Miss Irma, Kipfer -Was also display - she quietly passed, on to her great ' ed, and the circle of 'girls under the See Geodpwin's. Scarves, Snuggles and Varieties of Wool. They are, at- tractive. Mies Berea Pfaff was hostess for the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church at her home Monday evening., For the devotional period Aliest Sally Man - sou :gave the openang prayer. Miss Alice Pfaff read the Scripture lerfigen, Th MisseEi Irene Hoggarth, Margaret Dougall end Loi e Maclaren sang a, pleasing trio; Mrs. Melvin Moir gave the study, "Facing the Future Task in India,' Hymns sung woe "Sav- iour Like a. Shepherd' lima! Us" and "Now the Day is Over." Dainty re- freshments were served! Mrs. Weir will be :hostess at her 'home for the Notremaer meeting. The maily 'friends) of Howard Brook,. son of Rev. R. A. Brook a,nd Mrs. Brook, are delighted to see him able to enjoy short weeks every day after being co/tailed to his room for the past seven years with a heart condi tion, which he suffered wthile playing rugby. Howard is a very brilliant student. Mies Minnie Reid is bavin,g- a hand- sel -nee -porch added to her already fine home which. predents an attradrve _appearance: Mr. and. Mrs. Ted Taman; of Lis towel, ,were weset-and posts with Mr and Mrs. Charles McDcatell. Dr. A. R. Campbell, President of the*Zunicth and Hensel). War Service Committee, has received six letters of 'thanks from local boys overseas expressingtheir grateful thank -s- for parcels 'received' from this organiza- tion. These parcels wenforwarded to the bayson active service in Aug- ust and were donatione from the peo Me of Zurich, Hensall and Kippen and Were -packed by the Presidents of the Women's Institute and their assistants. Ten .parcels were sent ate six ,havet already written, thanks, and it is preettmed the zest wiil fol- low shortly. From each of the let ters received we quote paragraphs: Dear Dr. Callipbell: I received youi wonderful oared that you folks' beck home around, lippen, Hensall and Zurich have sent to my brother Abe and, myself. I do not know how we , are going to thank you all ,for what you have done for um. I guess all I can say is thanka million fraui the bottom af my heart. — Pte. W. T °I1DIPea-chr'"D'ea.. CamPbell'and MeMbers of theeWar Service Connnittee:- Receiv ed your parcel sent me August 18th. It arrived in perfect condition (ex - rept the one lead pencil was in need df resharpenrin.g).-Ther goods_ receiv- ed 'were very acceptable -end reveal ed the wise -.and careful choiee af these in eherge. ' T-apereciste even more than the gift the spirit behind it, and were I tovvrite pages it ,would all sum up to', "From the bottom of my heart I thank yoa."—Pte. Donald J. Walker. Dear Sir: I thought I would write and ask you to thank everyone for 14eevery useful ,,parcel that I leave received from the •people Zurric.h and. Hensel]. It sere is niee to re- eeive a Parcel or letter from friends and people from dear old Canada. -I .hiope this War is -s000ll over that we may meet again. — Pte. Stewart Wright. • • Dear Friends: -Received your par- cel and wish to thank you very =soh. At present parcels and:Jotters seem to be the enly thing we belle to look forward to, and it makes us very happy to ;know, although yo e People ge eanot be; with lei in: perectar, you are in heart 'and mind, but hope in the near future tee be able to get into action. 'and get Ibis Oiling el red up and get back amine again. — (Rusty) Robyeallr11°Sir: Just a few lines to let you know I received your parcel Sept. 12th. It arrited gorid Mope; none of the -contents were damaged! in any way. It .was a lovely parcel; every- thing Was fine, especially the tobac- co. :You .bave to pay dearly' for cig- arettes over .here and they are not nearly so good in. comparleon with ours. I want to thank you and' the eeoldle behind this fine organization. Even though in Most eases you are barred from military service, we feel that you ere swan JO of do- ing your bit by orga,nizations of this kind, Well Doe, perhaps mint glee you a few detaile ofthe outfit We be- long to. First of ail 1 Might 'stay we are a complete inblete squadron. It consists of three thenter; each troop has fourteen) ooMbielatieli nietereyeles equipped with a Machine gun, two re- volvers and one, retie 'We also have flee deepatelt tame to a troop. Our 'chief duties arra Patrol work and re- cOrunaiesance, kloing into adieu, ere move ahead •of' all unite, so 'hove been named this Outeldie Donald Melee*. .,. • The lettere fecibt tbeee hart are POgted ill the Bank Of Montreal land eati be seen Ana' etact. there; also ad,: direseers dam he eaeareel froan the Mete ager, W. 43. &atter A veil -,strecesOftil evening, woe held in ,the lbseamptent of gentiall„ United Church" s. &9 etening of thee Week kinder' the talitlieest the 'Stating attendonee Wag nt.i.tett, this Meeting reward. The deceased, who was te l • her .80th year, had been a resident of. Hensel' for the past 39 years, and to: getther with. :Mr husband celebrated very quietly their 56.th 'wedding anni- versary in September to their own immediate friend's. Mrs. Priest will be greatly missed by her many resegh- bore and friends, but her death • will be felt most keenly in the home where .saue Wag a most faitthful wife ;and devoted mother,- always interest- ed in her 'own family.a She was a kind neighbor, always ready to bele oul in' any time of troubae, aaid her passing will be mourned by many., She was a member of St. Paul's An- gann Church. Surviving are her hus- band, Mr. James Priest, who is in yery pato, h.ealthe two sons, James, of. Port Huron and Morrison, at home,, one daughter (Nellie) Mrs., Alpine MacEtvan,. of Hernealte one brother, Robert Morrison, o'f -Woodstock; one sister, MM. Ellen Cranston, of Van- couver, and four grandchildren, Nor- ris, Alpine, Ewan and Mina, 1V1a,CEw- an, ell of this. village. The funeral, wthiclowas imbed, was held from her ,, late eeM.d:ence Monday afternoon, Oct. 7th, at 1 p.m., many attending to pay their last fitting tribute to the de- ceased. Rev. M. A, Hunt, of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, and Rector of St. Paul's Anglican, Churchebere, officiated, preaching the funeral_ ser- mon, choosing for his theme, Romans 14th chapter, verses 7 and. 8: "For none of us livetb,, to himself and no man .dietla.'to himself; • for whether we. live, we 'imolai-to the Lord; w-hether . we die, we die unto the Lord, whether we live therefore or site eve are -the Lord's." Favorite homes, of the de - Ceased were sung, "Nearer My God T : o- Thee'? and, "Safe in t the ATMs of -I ' Jeses." Tee . choir eof St.' Pate's Church conducted ehe'singing, led by the organist,. Miss Ethel Clerk- ..bed - lowing the service the cortege pro- ceeded to: Atwood where burial book place. The pallbearers' were Robert Morrison, Woodstock; Mr. Morrison, of McKillop; /alpine. MacEwan and James A. Peterson, and her two greed -Sons, Norris •end Alpine Mac - Ewan of Haman. Included among the beautiful floraltributes frore members -of the family -and relatives was a lovely basket of dahlias froze Dr. T. G. Smillie: The late Mrs. Priest vras of Irish parentage, a de:tighter of the late- William 'Morri- son and Ann Price Morrison, of Mee Killop, and was born new- Walton December 28, 1860. The W. M. S., of Herman Unites Church observed their annual thenk- offering meeting on Su,ruday morning lasst. A large con:grega,time, was pres- ent when .Mrs. C. Murray, an. out- standing speaker for the United Church in Canada was, the guest 'speaker. She gave a delightful ate _Areal; Which Was w„Fil received by the congregation. The minister, Rev. R. A. Break, presided for the devo- tional period, after which lie intro- duced th.e speaker. For their Morn- ing .eentributtion to the Musical part of the services the choir rendered "0 For a Thousand Tongues to %Mg." For the morning ectlo Mrs. Mande IRedden sing "Clad's- Tome/Iowa' Rev. W. Weir, riersister of ,Carmel Presbyterian Church,' occupied his own rellPit .on Sunday lest. Splendid congregations, were in attendance: For .their anthems the ,choir sang "For a Th-ousand Tengues. to, Sine "When My Heart is OverWhelaied." On Sitinday, Oet: 130E, medal: Minks; giving services wilt* be obverted, and On Sunday, Ode 20tII, cothmenion,will be held. Tbariksgiving services will be. teed - "in the United °berth on StindaY, Oct. 13th, end special messages will be given. Baptegental eertrice will be ob- served at -the meriting service. ••• dick Sammons; of this village, who recently underwent an appreirdiX op- eration at Scott Mernearitte Sleatorilt, improVing nicely; his Many friend@ Will he Pleatied to learn. Miss Margaret llabliirk, who has been seriatiSy et ter lleme her for the at taw Weeks, issiMnring tome iMproveurent 'Miss, 'Mildred. gEncleate ,illthe tio# loria gtiimytic 1*to ft atiefirst' Mies Vetalite litelad#,„ daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Robert attain, VASA taken tti' teabarth hotit1tbI Islet, Week fere emeagehey appendikoperation. 5 • , 1. e r e s ,,..F$40!41 nerrele TIOT r4111,411.8t 'for direction 'of Mies Irene Douglas, the superinteodent, really turn out some fine wqi-k anchare to be congratulat- ed. The topic for tbe evening, "Free- dom," was taken. by Miss Irene Doug- las and) witch terujoryed. Miss Mary Clark Will be hosteseat her home for the November meeting. "When I Survey the Wonch.ous Cross"- and "Unto the Hills" were the hymns _ sung." " A large. number of interested. base- ball fans from Hensall and district attended the ball game at ,dlagersville Saturday ,afternoon betwen Hensall an.d Hagersville in. the seotand -mund of, the interanediaee 'B' 0.B.A. senee finals. Cliff Watson drove_ his bus, which was paelred with- fans', others going in their OW31 'cars. ' Mr. E. L. MiCkle, Billy and Betty, Eleanor Cook ami Billy Campbell were in Ridgetown reoentlY. attending the Fair held there. The October meeting of the W.M.S. of Ileastall United Churela was held in the eehoor room of the church Thursday •afternoon, Oct. ard, with a splendid attendance of same twenty- five members', the presridente Mrs. W. B: Cross, :presiding. "Whet a Fellow- ship, Whet, a . Joy Divine" was. the opening thyme, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Discussion regard- ing the MISSIGTh Circle rally VG be held in the o'herch on Oct. 18th, took piece. The W.M.S. wiil1 entertain ov- er 100 delegates' to suptpere table com- mittees appointed being Mes. A. Spen- cer,. Mrs. E. 'McQueenearid Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. Thegroup .teas Will be 'pastor:Med' for oansideration at the 'Neveinber 'meeting. Miss .,A: Cobalt „was appointed a 'delegate to attend :the tikM of__the . South .. Section of Herein •Presibeterial to be held .in 'Rees ..01terdh, Thursday, Oct. also attending tram this maxillary are J. Elder, .111e1): McQueen,. Mrs, Serere- oe:r, Mrs. Ballantyne, Mies 'Jean' „Mur-, ray and others,. The visiting com- mittee, Airs. Cross and. Mre. Ballan- tyne, reported 'having made thirteen calls on the :sick and s'hut-i'ns during. ,the, month Of Serptember. The Baby 'Band graduating ekercises Will be presented 'next menthe Mrs. E. L. Miekle le superintendent, and it mom - lam to be an enjoyable event. Mrs. A. Spencer Sheeted -the- latter partion of the program. The Scripture les- son, 13th- chapter of let Corinthians, was read, by 'Mrs. j. -Walker; prayer followed by Mts. A. Limmie; hyme, eIn the Harvest Work There is Wort To Do" was along.Miss A. Consitt gave a pleasing reading, "A. Fence or An Ambulance," a request number; Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill presented. the study, "Moving, Millions,'" which was much eirjoyed. Mrst Maude 'Hedden rendered a solo with Miss Irene Doug- las eccompameing at the .piano. The closing linen; eWorkFor the Niett is Comieg" was Sung: 'followed by the National Anthem. Huron Presbyterial Hold 111 McKINDSE178 Seaforth MIDOLEtON'S en, Chiselheitet an,d. Hensall were ra- premsrenteda. itabn, Georigetowt., eelleving at the O.N.R, while the ag- •ent, Mr. A. Caste, is away for eit two weeks' vaeation. The October"uteeting of the -Wohele Class, which was te have beep- tivld thits Friday giving, --kgs • been poet: retied until Friday, Oet. 1.8tle War Service Committee Meets The Was Service Cemmittee of Zur- ich end Hensel' met in the Town Halt for their October meeting, the presi- dent, Dr. A. v., Canipbell, presiding. The minutes -were approved' by Elgin Rowcliffe, of Hay Toweehip, and Reeve R. E. Shaddeolt, of Hensalla W. B. Crose, manager of the Bank of Montreal and treasurer, gave a re- port of the frolic theld tere recently. Rev. E. F. Cbandler, of Kippen, and W. d. Goodwin, of Henault, moved that $50 be doruated to Hensall 'Red Cross and $50 to the Zurich organiza- tion, part of the proceeds reified- by ,the frolic. Mr. E. L. Mickle,' 'chair- man- of ;the War Savings Stamp,Com- Mittee, presented a SIPlentlid report. A vote of thanks was eitendea te the Exeber-Hensall breach of the Can- adian Legion in connection with the raising of their funds for the Red Cross and their loyal seaport. Mr, H. T. Edwards, of Goderich, manager of the Childrene ehelter was pres- ent and explained coneernieg the guest ohilteren from England, 'Ross 'MacKay, 'chairman of the shipping department; teispussied the boxes :for soldiers "overseas. .cigarettes will be sent this manth to. the ,boys on 'active service , 'overseas. _ Discussion took place regarding the financing of Ilur-• on County Flying Tmining School it Goderiole • • Merlin - Lawson .Convention The W.11.8.• cotiventien of the SOuth Settion cif Haien Prelsbytterlal was bold in; Rays "Church onj Thursday, Oct. 100h. The worship peeled for the Morning session wets •tonffilletede the Elirmiville organization; the ad- dress of welcome was given; liY.'111re. Maar of Thames Road, and' the re- spense by Mile Penrose, "Exeter. The, treasurer's repeat wos giten by Miss Mary'Milne, Myth, and reParte from the verieteen• Medea indlUding 'Baby Handle Greups were !impel:40d. Contributing to the mast- eal •portion f tent ,pregralst were, Mrs. Falconbridge andr,e1ers, Thriler in a voreal dad; Mita Page of Foreter gave the clesieg prayer'. For the afternoon, Eressidn• Centralia presided for the "Weithip period. Dr. M. V. Floreeter, til Henan, Cbilio, an outstanding speaker; formerly of LMrdesboro, was the 'guest sPeaker. A pageant; "NC Other Plan,'" preterit- e -El by Rent Cikele, was an added fea- ture. Mao jean Murray of '11eittss,11 gave a SoPlatidid addreat in het' im eally - pleasing and ',nide.; Manner, eiliailtit tor vher theore"fertMer- Om& sellittret Organizatien eon - tinkled' .41W ithialcal'1purtion-oli, the :ft, matoitte, .Seatorth,",gave )611,t, einsiting„ troor. *1.4ki • eehtralleo Credittin, Min/ 1,431aMeltgt, Mid Matt; tf,, bao. .4,41'304 GreenWity, 111114- g •,,r• g4011140Ett Empress Avenue United Church, London, was the setting for a charra- ing fall wedding when Alice. E. Law - sen became the bride tof Verne Mar- tin, of the •R.C.A.F.,. ,Trenten, Rev. 3.. A. Ag,new -afficietinge - The-oherch 'or- ganist, Mise Hazel Teeter, .presided at the console for thewedding music. The 'church was 'attractive' With . tall • standards of vari-coloned gladioli and fern, and .guest pews marked with white satin bows. Given) in marriage '' by Mr. Wilson. Carlisle,' of Hensalle , the. charming bride looked. smart in. a graceful floor length gown of white •sbeeteafashiened on Princess her white -tulle .veil falling; the hera 'of the garment was c,aught -with' a wreath of orange 'blossoms and her flowers were OWeetheart roses. Her ettendante Mies Martha Carlisle, .of London, formerly taf Homan, Wee gowned in, floor length .blue net lice With. lettere !jacket, 'and carried a bou- quet a yelliew .roses. Later lollawilig a reception Mr. and Mrs. Martin left by airplane for Windsor, and other points, points, the bride travelling in a naves , blue ensemble. , Council . eeti The 'regular .meeting of the village • . council tiae held Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the council chamber with all metabers present except Council- lor D. Robison! Minutes of tie pie - rims Meetings were r,encl, and adopt- . 'ed on traction by Moir and Horton. le Kyle repelled' 're the water tronble at the met' of H. -McMillan's- store. also that there wee water in the fur- nace RI the hall, arid, that teerei was need of a RAW flag. Reeve Stidc17 -dick reported re the gifts for the s.oe- diers. gengertin and Moir: That we Mieeltasre' the itanal wreath from the le LegibCarried. Correa:pc/lade/tee was read as follows: Country Treasurer, ,etelief Officer, Dept. of Municipal Af- fairsDept. of 'Highwayls, Atternev General, PrtiyanciaI Pence, Previnciel Poppy COmmittee, ..DEpt. of Public' Welfare, IX 111. Helines, . Fire mor - serene same considered arid filed. Bine • andaceo-tints: 0.• Gaiger, teaming oit streets!: 80e; Bonthebn & Drysdale," supplies, hall,$28.64; T. Huddeleten. labcir, 'Streets, V.:tee; T. Kyle, salary', , .$55.001O'Hensal1 Heft°, Hale, $5.78; -4. tend -moan, relief, groceries, e25.$0; W. 0. Gootheirt, relief, 'clothing,..$2.00.; K.. Hicks, relief, school • supplies, $120; T. WelsO, relief, woed, $2.00. Total; i124.60: Cameron, and 'Neer ': That the billa and' accounts' arg reel; be paid. Carried. The Clerk report- ed .registering 309 gums and titles, and Constable T. registering 23 revolver, Moir ,.;and Hortoes. That we noW adjetteii tarried.jatitee Peterson, *C1erk..1 • 0.,n1n.g 9 erisall '1• t-R.oPTWILHAIL-Nult%ToSPT°:4' AUR '' - WilOgh#114 . ' '' - will be at Nv: O. Goodwinrs store CVr-t ) ery lat and 3r4. Tuesdays' in thee mantb, for the Purpose of .testing' eyes easided• tfilfttiter tblt Iratial4e'''. hlilotftbleeeftiult': etlsee' properly fitted ore Specially reCom- mended to conmilit me. gaiirs: 19, am. to 4 13.113, A1.01:1* Irensall lfi; for appointnient. 3677 FREE SE ItV•I,C1B • . OLD;;DISAO,!..ED . Dr:AD . HORSES 0•11t' tAtTLE tb1•--- • • • •,,„. .• • $ithArphonesitOt.ILECTirko. itlit14444 STONE 'SONS • ,.,-1,144111-0 • • ... Mat it • iNGERS0141 .10)11004,44...: efr b d ;9 - as ▪ a. •