HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-10-04, Page 4,� � 1"'!-', 11,11. 111. _�;, , ,41"'.., ,;; , . - , .,""", ­ - , , - � 1� l. _!'.��,�`,,,�,, !,�i � "', �� '' , , , 11 - � . � i.. e ,� _ 1� 0 I . � � � " .1 WLj , ,_', ". , " , ,� , '",""', .", � 7��',!,,',,-,-,��,'�,',��,4�����;����,�,"�,-�������,���,:i�i�',���,�.',,,'.:,,.ii',I�!��"�,�.'���,�;,,, � "' - , , , V.111�1:i. i ? �`­ � . ��'� ?, .1 " 11""''VI "!;, i�, "l, I . �.;.i,);,��.�,;�,��%,���,���,:�,'i�'.'��-!,;�','�:-',, � 1,,',','�,:"',"_�,�.'1,1 .0,��J:�,�!,'�,�i� � *! ,,A ,, , ''I , . ", ij� � 1,�,,,,-' � '' i � �." .��­. .�;, 1. I','. ­`,!, o- 1, "I "I . , , . , % , 4,i�, , V,:;,,,,��!, ,� I � ��u ,��, -1�"­ - 1. , �!"",",��,,�'��4�"'4"1�'l,"'�;�,:.::"�,��i�,�,.",..� 1'1.�, -11 I . ,�,_ �,� ,� *1 .,�., I k_ � :��,,,�,,�.���,-,,,��l�.-.���,�,�.::, ii ­;'77J �` t, �,,f'��,��":'­ 'i I �. .. I �; " ,,- _� ��_,,�-,�I',�v ',',��! , I ��,,,,:, ,�% `� '!! I :,�.-j ,,,.i ,1 �. -_" �:,�; � . I .1 I . ", ,� 1; , , � ��", " ­ , :"I " �.iii � _!� . � �, - I . -,:��: 11 , I _1 ­ I , 1. I , 1. .� I � , I I ­ ,�?i",��,,���,,�l������,,����': , 1�7�4'',� � � , � . `.j� '': : 1 7, I .. ''. 1. ,,, . ;�:',,"�,, ." �' ;'I, 7 I �) : .1 � I ,". , I .i.._, _.`� �, * �, -i i � �` ___ -1 i, . I I I , ­ .. ��'.­­' - 111.1:11 1. I 1 1'0141'0�.' , ,., " voft�` �'.�`�- '_ � I. 1,��­ � 7, 3 : , "I � � . ;1 �� 11 i* � ,il �: 6', ITIMP"i .-_.11-...-i, - ,­ 111.111,"'.- ,­ _.... 111-1-1 ..... .. . lil., ­­­ � ­_­ ­.'' ­ ,­­ ............ ... .. ­ -11.11 ... .-.,____.'-.1 .... .,_--11-!11- � --"M ­ '1111. ­.­ ­­.- ',;--.1;-1. ...-. �,, ;� 4;7`7W, � . j.. __ -, L � �, I .1, � � -, ­ I ��11 I - . � T" _---_11-- I'll, -_.--.1-___..----- -1-1- I'll'.111,�.�,�,,�1.11�.,�.11�.."', . .,��­,,,­,­ ,, -1�­ -­ , ­:�i:­­­­­­ ...... �­-­-n-,­,1--­­­-_-- I -1 I", -1. 1. �. n, ; ,; ;� ­,�J,,_ ;I- ',�i " 'i'� T�­:",":, 7' � : . " . � . �, ­.T��, -""'-�',�"�7,,""�"'"-'!', .. .. ... � ­ -11 �, __ ­�111111 . ; 7Ti � .11.1111, � ­,�', ,�� 1. ., 1, i!� ".,��-,�PO ��,�.- . � . : "', , �, ,, - I �, . I'. ­­ ­., !� ,4', �Tmj ........ . �,-,'�'-­�!F­ � .. ".. 111 -11-1-1 ...',�­, ­ I 4 ­­ A, �, ;,11 q- -,i�,"--,��,,�l--.-��,---,.,—:�-'-",-[",:!,-�� I F ... � _ 2 � I I , t ,p ,�"",�,., I -11 I I � , �,,__� ,�� ­, —, . , 41`16, ; � � �_ ; 11, � ; i , �, . I I , I I .15 ; , I I . - - , � , . � �,�, : " 7 ��, 1. 11, 11 . 1 MIT 1,01'.1 U�'.�Q . , Yo� 41,1�V*A, 40,Alfty,��,;j,�Piimo,� I 11 ... , 1010, a pxt� .. , , '11111 � , - , 7 11, I t -A ' — � I' .., 'I' I,. " , I � — ;1 1, I ;; 1, I ��`, ��4.""", � , L I I.im. . . ",a , 1,, � , , 'hoat 01104 a b M._#,t,W- , 44.�, out. � ato, ft'' - r, % ye� , 11 I . I I.' . : � � � . �,� i!,i� �j:"' 7 .., I _ . ��:' D! , . - pg I � , � I ­;,�, i-; , ,0-, I 11 in 041,14 � � .11 , , �, " , ,4'.l 7-77 . -77, � :;,77 , �' , �Ilwq:rl ., �' i , , 4". ; . �,I�i � [__'L - �_ ,�":.� ii". � hi 60;:04. pw �'A I � -: ,i, ,. -',�" -. q qu tbv . -,, I T q� , ""i �� i - 03 �j�_ - w4p .g. pon for_ 11 �1 - .1 , ''. ,��.,,� �. _ . 7 ,�. tho -X , I , ovot-vt �,�, ... ��­, " � I "i � q _'4.- ,�p I A , " 4, , W74 �44­ We, ­,Tft 9WRIp- I ­ ,­,�f_ .. I ". VI ,,,­ �: �,',��, 1 -,7_ �11�1 ... 11 -, . 71 jL - , - "I'll , " P � ,��, t.� '"'. '��­,., �� �, �N Y"" Wore reuriilg 44 uv.e lia C! 0 Ark, 1, I thew the'...0110ir Swig, `%JnqQ,_ J sgis A whito and the I er 044- lkor� , A L F , A,(k, .1 , � 11" . ,�,, i.111� I 1, e,,� L ,IQQ* Uiqa: Was. S4, io%.�Ajt ", Ift . .4 L .. I '. . , ),��, ii,� '. i I " m L)V J14 , _:� AV k , _vl: '. L I , -bor , In _0, he. walid" IV " :'� '' L....; I i�,�,,,, ... ...... 1,�­�,, .­­li­,i- . I . V� Dliqd�'-Xvr M . .�* 444, Auumm", I :_ - , � .1 � - I 1, , "t I . .. , _ I �"_'�, ­',' ''L I I "Ill, We Bar4well,.W40 diied in' 1924, four ", I f�� , . � 't, a . frag� ,�M,W,j,L 0, ,� " . . I I , ;; �,4:�",,,, "7" 11.11 " i ­. 19-,' TO I '11`11z"`,� � I I., I * ' ` "'' 'It" � wi� 14. , 0 kAt - � ` - �'g,'_,��,� , - , , ,.rq ,4 . , Un,,Apdk� .kvL 4:kvei . � , I '�:`, W714 , W,�l .. ��, �, lit I,, ,`�, "l, AM I . " ". �� 11 '11:1 �'. 0 d� � �` !o . % -U � fi I U, ,, . _, � d,,,,,,',,'. N,-�'_;",i��;_,I- I , �01* = (__ REV. L,, ��" �;VtV J�,, i!i�� �.� , ��- i . 1 �14 0. L' "'l, " I I ' .. .� 7" , L I" 1" �`, I 11 I � k.q"�";'�d ", 1'e , , �_111 � 1%�� � , years after th ' "had moved to Clin, I , H-10 mini4exed at Pite close, of the ser- 1�,,d,k'14) fte mas sOoLrAod' 11 I � � � . 'a, I , � , " ­ , , � , �,;I� `­,P�W"­f��� � -;,g ," 0�4� 1 . .1 . ' ` - � " -' '4'1�:, � .,� .ij �1 . 1%0 evening OLer4i'40 'Was W.Itt- rf�llt_ !�R.tlqoetp� of J)'ink carmt ' /on L � ol:'J!'i4i�' "4'1%';, " " tit tA - ' ' L and ' I - . _(*n4ere4 , 11 , , "'.." -11 be inserted, at L ' elburst United wk I 0004ere4, 11 I ,; ,.-,i '�'��Lj'.�,_ 7-.. -1 .1, 11 1, V " �� !��!11' 21-111 he married Fran, ­; . :: , ". . ,�,;,L. _ �", "T.. "' , , " ,;�,!�!,'�,,,�,,,,,,--,,.,r�,,-, 'I . , .. , i ­.1ce'. 0 . J ,; 01A`4; k"",,'' , 114 vd new. 10* CaSh' lr�t - -on A year, � ­ I '�'I'J��', -I., ,�; I 1;1�� � _ . . I I % . ,'i;�,%�",,,'-,!,��'i, �­T` IN �,:�,Vi'.' ", 11 ," '_ � ­ ' , _ ". 11-1110 " I .y.:,,1, �� "' , ,;I,, ':,��;'11,�, J o L � I I I , _ �!!�-,�,��;�,,��;iitj� , . e$ . t I . - 17 ,,',,, L . 190" IF C L IN 1-1 _0 , i, 'J"; f, � 4�1��",��­,�;', cies' Elizabeth (Bessiv) Porter, wb)b 1. k ,,,',,Q , C I ,.: , 1. , , ,,. , , I , , tl� 4:. . Church iaantversary. I wMing =Z, , . I -�. �. , ' , �"., �,_, � . I - L !:,(1.1."J�.�m Tl , " . � "� ?, ,, coming Eve,nto. Xtr_—Pi* word; suOnves. TbLem survive ' alem his `e_�r. I . . Sunday morning, Oct. 6t i M�OtD!r trip to L 4� � ­_ �' L ii � ,� , IN . "I i:i AS . , ot ,Wd Fouled, . ,��:��.,�;�������,"li�,.",""L',��;�,!,�, . I I h, ivin.,bo left fop an -vxtended . ­,,:�""�,-'­"�,�.�,�,i ''L �,,.- L ­ , �,;""!,,�,,I,�4 11 � , I I Cept L aughter, Mm Carter, and a grand- I -,� - annual, thaRko#4crJ.ng of the W.M. M lialls, ., And "other AICKINDS.EY'S -,. Seafortk .". 7 � �,�,�,'Io , I . d ' ' ' #T , Vi" .��:�� _ qek - - 4 ....... e , �k4te, Niggara . . ,��'.,�,,�!�,,,� ,,�f��.� "I, , ., . Ist vv , Ross S 'Local 'D th _�' ' 'L � L ,.,i, L, ) � Zno week ........ ....... I.". 1. —, , �Ater arek � istribu- . ' . , �'., "f"�., . �', . "� '. - AravoWg In a navy MIDDLET9NIS ." HeW " - . ril" L. ­�­ " 'L I k"'L L 'Red , b4de 1. ... :* " * .... ­ " . . % Conk . daug and 14�0,t"ijr? $r�,)�.f�,, grandstoh, Marg I � _ . . I , , . , 'L ­� 11' 5 ", " r . � "' � -1 Vii; "" �, ", '�4", !� _ 1. I. , 1�., S. W Uensal . Church. Mrs. 'Pointor,tbe, . 0,�f,,2,�= ,)j�,,�­,"��-,,�� . 1. 3rd week ............ M- ............ % Cent , Ith fox fur. They . .ill . .. .... �� � t�T,:. " _ I Joyce and, Aubr Hiles Oarter.,Three tor, an&';1-,,_ ,i4.11­�.:��,� 1; I , I .C..,, oMpany Qffi, C. Murray, of ToMitto, will be the b1ne' iensembic vd '. ft I - ., I ..�. � t �, . Miwmum oharve. ir.t insertion .... 6& -Cents %�-S-tel'a - a1r.10 suryLi'V"c: L " " - ­� , , will resiqo on� the, gwom's farm W L , ' I L Mrs- "AM. ElS_ . I.. � -_ ::, ,, ]�)ach fiffoxe, daitial and I C " - "" 1�'Pc" ' ' � I - , ,� 'L. � ... :,. . �,".­,�'­ �­­10:1. .1. . abbrsnaiMon counts as one word. . ley,, oit Sti, Marys-; Mrs,. J. Tamblyn, � iaf§-- ,ake Part. . -rat Tudior- wiII be 'hos- Tuckeremith,., Attend -b* -the- wedding . T ' fonoi '�.,'.�, I T4 - Menwriam Notices—I coat per word. Minimum. 50 cents ,.,,.� Miss Marg4 - he I w,"L ctiong Ilwye . �k.s, lit per, week. _. , "L���i;::�, ,,��',,�� , pn Its of Lond,esboro, -and Mrs, E. Medd, of , _ k_ - �� I . `eo�',�iitay, be directed to a Box Nuutber, care of JU Huron lbalositor. �or 10 carts , - tess at ,her home Friday evening for from ,this district were Mr, and Mrs. come to us in the -Xj).' i - Bigl;&tt�i , �11 .. � . , fo " , r, , , -,--27 b � � � I . I " ��;' ' of - �;hr - .9 the Mifi§fon I I ,", 'Li, ,!",- ��;,_­ � L A t!ID Gbaliham, now 'the last surviving from this district . meetin of . a 1 1940, regarding knitting: � � l� .' . , - _ _ , ill be charged if ads in aWve closs as; not paid by 11 Sililova the sup,Per Thom s Stavin, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ,%�Ptcm or I 1� ,_' ' " , Ire . Bami Slavin, Jr. . I tle . ,;n . ddi* aal per week wi the a family- of tw,alve. T e late Mr. d!4W 9 ,le. Sla,Kin and Will . 11 "' 11 .' ,L' : y Mglxt in the week in which the ad was run. Hiles was an- limDrary life member went back to,:�,�'chool on Wednesday U'L Do not Make wris to. mitto and L , J I . 1 ! '. '�, L I es and Deaths Inserted free of charge. . Londosbcwo. Unilted Church. Sin nAqht when tU Cliji_ W. 0. T. * Names Off icers ,. ". . .. gloves are urgpptly needed. Tfte Rea- .'- , , , , , , I , __,_ ... . I I � . ..... i�t,��� , .., ' sales, w,otices to creditom. Etc. -Rates on appliewbi of ce .j* attended an oil Hold Trousseau Tea . ", , . . ,. , I , ­�the, 'Joe 1. - , _ � ., 'i, . . 'al. distributor, t her �homp on all branch in a few days will reach . . . . . . , ,,,6,,� _',,�,L ,'� ''L".. � . going to Clinton be� had attended oil- to swnsored ))p Miss Jean Murray ton s A,� �� I . _. Thursday afternoda for the Sepi �,"�,­,,'4� ' k -1 I �'11.�o � � first anniversary. We lack 1:00 �0'1,. "I""', , r -,:.L. ' - `,'a The 16Mi home of Kra. Walliace. its. L ,! . ld� d t un , '�',�S%�;,L;­;' . t-ario Street Un4ted Qhurcb. A slhort Ross Scott '*.Vefie an he S . I . ­ ;,'A",�,"�I. ., _. I Help Winted Wanted I ' 'ce was hei I ',L.� her .meeting of the W,C.T.U., witen. -a to make up th� t-otaZ '�'K` ,� 1� �:,; . I - CID., at. Mlfichell� They learned ' A.' Haugh,, e6.iqt of Drucedoldi, was the pairs of sock, - Private funeial serva I at Oil _ !,,. 1�_ � , ,��,,,;,� - I there was a splendid Attendance. Mrs, L ,�­O_, L I . . — . I , , L how niZderni spWar,e entered int& the I . -tea. of I OR pairs sincei. we 9 L . - L_� , I." J petting for U delightful,. trouwe,%U .1 . rp, nized and � . .,j�A,� I ,i0l C. L. JInks Presided for the devo- (listributed our fli-st wool. WUI - the , j, A_N'l'ED­GlRL FOR G:131�� HOUS W',&NTED-- P=O S WISHING TO DON- t,die ihome, of Mr. and Mrs. Carter at , � �, , , " ��,�,,,,� � W . App�!y to Do IL t'�� or toys for the furni- 2 p.m. on Thursday, tollowed by a man . ' arranged by., Mrq. John, M ,�) wcirk x 229, EXPOSITOR ate wed ufacture oif,a, modem motor oil. . cNaughton6 . _'_i,;,e", � O.r *0 3799-1 1 ture attcdon the Lions Hallowe'ea Frolic, ' Ma '. loomed the diftlers and 'lori I" . ladies Please wovk hard in. this, di- �.,k,,,',�,.,!`,,��­ , ,W , od and, Mrs. E. McQueen of Ki�pen. 6Emd Mm. � _ .1,0_ . .,.— pl�se uckiify R� EL A. McMASTER L or J. public servi,ce In, Ontario Sti,zet opened a dio . cu ­ '� rection. so' that we can reaoh the I � _ a �1� . Scott w read the Scripture lessoxf Wallace ,Haugh � "� ��'J .6 $,R.13�-,NL . rollo`�W'ng in hionor %of Mf Anm McNaughton, �� ,,.,�� ,-,,, TO HARVEST G. M 9 cted by Rev. _�tsiou on the desirable " Iss - " ,,,';�,,k M -EN WANTED - MEN ULLMN, Seaforth. 379 -3 1 � the singi�ig of the theme song, Miss 0 1 �.`Af;�fl L"; ' , ­u�,�m vara a3W work in warehouse. Any I G. G. Burton. Interment was made Points 'in a 900d oil% He then. Intro- populor bride -elect of eaAy Ootab�er, magnificent objective of i,000 pairs. ,1,p4l! Murray and Mrs. McQueen led in Whose wedding to Claren,ce'Smillie, Please measure your socks carefully- I �__.� ,,,�,, inte�c�ted leave name and adare s at � ____ - -ine distri -an- _ ' - - in LTuion Cemetery,, Blyth. Tli.a pa,l- duced Mr- J.,.B. Ra s, at m �jl�"�,�:,".`­ ,., .pue ' -, i actory. . I -in turn introduced R. P. , , - in old Canada Furniture F Thisf portion of the devo- I - (I ,�, . Wgreh�Dpg,, - bearers we,,,- Samuel Kemp, Harry ager, who prayer.� of Hicna&H, will be of wide Interest. The Inspection Committee has found V_%,',�,'.,� ,_ ", " . .. 3"199-1 For Sale I , tional period was L closed with 'prayer . -d others a , . 17 1 � Steep, ,John Tyledd, Clinton, formicr White, the compan?s endilneer who One -hundred and, fifty guests were Wine socks too long an . . . . ! I'll � ____ -.------.-- .- 7=7 i OR SALE-M.CORMICK.-DEFIRING 15-30 neighbors, and Fraink Campbell, Flek deu'Onstratcd�W a series of interest- by Mrs. Jinks. Miss Murray acted present for the ovent. The 'door at- little short, They must be exactly, 16 , !:. � . '. F $ Steel luips; in No. 1 condiitic�n- Barkwell and Milton Hooper, nephews. . " for the remainder of the program. L" ,� I Tenders Wanted . i a -raclar. Ing experin�ts the make-up of pres- tendaut was Misis Gnace Sdhilbe, Of inches. Seanten'-s long stockings. are .. . I . � NIOUSSEAU, KiLppen�, Phone Q4 r, 5, I 11 ent ,day oijj.�v. �L I A letter was rear by Miss Murray Mppe,, who a]0, d,irected the, guests also in great d6mAnd. Wool hits, ar- '. . I -.--., � , I . I , ___ ___ - Hensall. - I . 37964 explaining the temperance study .11, .. - WANTED -FOR THE REDEC-I "Modern hio�_coiiapressibon.motors," . uppitairs-whecre tbley. wdre, repeived rived for these. Please plan for this I _ " ­ ..... " � . igs, McNaugh r. work. We appreciate the co-o-pera- � TE =_T,:.�Is of 'I' ,,nu ; RL:Ld 'Unti:teld Church I -- '----- ---- - Mr. White explained, "are smaller,] course to be take�, in Sunday schools by the bride -elect, M to 'We are look- �;� ,au'a'),"arium. ToJer� 11) b� in by ak�wber.' ZILTRICH ,, I . � 1, ' Poultry , lighter, yet .nlore, powerful than the, during October. Miss Irene Douglas The ehina and silyerware was dl!s- tion, of all our, ladies. ", I'll I., aolih. Sealed Wnliel'3 to MRS. ROY COW- . . I c 'en , gMeS g forward to a good season's work �, favored with a, delightful plana solo W __ autoniolill of a few year% �a ,ed ,­ 1, � ARD, R -R. No. 1. Woodharn. . Asmus - Denomme . ­ � . by M. 19 1, Smillie, of At- in I. ., ­., � PULLETS -I BUY� AND S19LL CHOICE , ago- . .1 which was much enjoyed. is"' . ''!:: 1 3799-1 p A 'Pretty weddling was, solemnized L wo6fl; brqde's lrouT:,"u, Mrs. - R. j. and a united effort to do our bit to, . . . i�: I .� lletN and you,nig Leghorn hens, and all "In thtepe ,3p%,otors,. any cdl has a The following officers were 'ap- McNaughboni, of Lofidon; lirrea room, defeat Hitler. , -t I L I , , at best"i6sarket prices. Call or at 'the ,R. C. Churich, Drysdale,� .on pointed as beads of the departments Miss Mary MeLachl.an, of Gla. L I" -.----- _____ __ olhet podltry � .�, write- GEORGE WALKER, Heinsall- Phone Saturday, when Rev. 0. A. Martin double duty to perform.' It must lub- . 'L,�,�_- . Property 'For Sale 119. Ssti.f"ry culling. �894x,15 ri�cate And co6il I for the coming year: ' Evange Carmel Y. P. S. Elects .t , . .7 &_ performed! the ceremony Which united, I . every moving,part of an -i Ch �stian ' , Stewa-rd 1's't'c bedroom furnishIings, Mlos Cilivistena ,, I I I .., - hip, Mrs. J. McNaughton, of Kippen. Later a buf- �. rl 9 1. — ., I "!'L __ in marriage Miss- .Veronica Celina the engine. But .that's 'not all. It .11 . The Y.P.S. of Carmel Presbyterian �. ,, - Passmore, Mrs. C. L. Jinks, Hensall; . 1 .FOR $AIE —77ROO�" HOUSE ON -1 ...... - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max ' . ..., 1. (toria Street: Apply to J. Al. McMILLANU, De,- must Perform. these d,utiee without fet luncheon was se"ed Ili the. din- Chureh met Monday evenIng for their , 3798 9. Births . M7ing UP `t& motor with any im- Mrs. Johns .and liss Hartnell, Ex&- ing room athiactive, with pink amid first fall meeting- I ..... ,�. Seaffartil. __ , crame, ,%Vst of Blake, and Warren S. Clo, I , when officero were �. ---. . - , ' de& ,. . ter-, press, Missf`H. Sutherland, Mrs. white streamers andi iattractiv6ly ar- electe I d. The President Miss, Irene I ". . I - - .''."7 .. FOR SALE -IN E0MONDVILLE. BELL -At Mys. R. J. Paterson's Private Asiatua, of Detradt. Mr. and Mrs. pur' Maude Hedden; A-uti-Narcoties. and I AC I HOUSLed'h�ri k hou_ie, all in good rca)air; . Hospital. Mnwmll, Orr Friday, September 29, Asmis ,kvill reside in Detroit: "By that I mean: the explosion. ranged with stmdards, of pink and, Hoggartfi acted and the minister, ReV. - 11 S,roo Ic � chambers munt be 'kept Medical 'Temperance, Mrs. J. Elder; white gladioli,, whi%e ther tabbe Waw W, '"Teir gave the opening prayer. 1. I double -,urage. Taxeti rewon-a-ble. Apply to to Mr. and Mirs. Hamiold BeIL of Bay Tov,w-n- Wl_�_­n one of the small children at free f rom I 1, " Ohl I Aip. a daughter. ha�d ca Travellers' Aid, Mrs. Cook, Exciter; ,lovely . L ��.. �'. - MRS. I- J. DINNIN, Seaforth. McLEAN-At Kipi on I SeVternber Ast, to 15"i rbon,; the piston rings must s. Victor Fee, Mensall; Temper- . with, color schemeo of pink amd Mi" Irep,--Hoggarth_and Miss Violet I ,�, 1. 3796-G thp homie of Mr. Henry Schilbe i not be glued into their grooves with Mr whdto, pink "ers andi centered with Hyde were appointed delegatps, to at- . �.� '7 . Mr. mid Mrs. Ferne McLean, a daughter-- eonCil.lsa0n, H�ay, accidentally fell-' in-, ance in Sunday , Schools, Miss Jean I ". Eileen Rose ,Arme. . to it pail, of boiling water a feew days i sticky s,ludge; tibe modem high spced a three-tier wedding cake. Pouring tend the Provincial Rally of'the Pres - I —.------- ___ . ��� . 11 . I . HILLEBREK=-In Scoft Memorial Hospi terr' I hearings must not be covrod,d, by Murray; Medal contest, Mirs. Christie t,,, i,n the ,f,t,W,,,, were Mrs. J'as byterian Church iti Hamilton. Than"- . '.-'�.L . . Agqnts Wanted . tal,'Seaiforth. on September 29th, t� Ml- ago, it was ibly scalded and :;vasi I ' soic'n'tIfic Smillde, Hernisall; Mns. R. Allan, of* giring 'week-erid. 'A number of the � , . 4� __ and PAws. Irvin BW,ebreoh-t� R.R. 4, M,tr,.' luslied to Cldinton hosvital.� D.1uh,s,hi,rnifuI aeidp. and, the. -oil passages and, Mrs. Abbott, Exeter; . i.. . UTE C114, Lis abM , I are entertained for its recoNnery, niust n4)t become clogged.' . .temperance , instructions in ,day Birucefteld; Mrs. Solln Nott and Mrs. members will also attend the-Hurion ­' I schools, Mrs. Ethel Craw, Segtfbrth; John W,t,,,, of kgmand-ville. I " . . T&AUN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH RO . . . �. of $00 families. )V,n.t-- thazy. RAW- . .1 - - Mr MAllet, of Strathroy, .has pur- "Even, before the high compression Little White Ribboners, Mrs. George Ing were Mrs. 1. W. Me Selrv.-, Presbyterial to be hield in - Knox .. "L I 'S, Depr -SA-J, Montreal, Can- motor was introduced, the entire oil Naughton,, of Church, ,Godeneh, Monday; Oct. 21st- � . , . LEIGH - NI -363 * ' cliac-erl the business and equipment , , �11 ada. 1 3799-1 . Hess.. Mrs. -E.. McQueen Vvlbdtby; Miss Jean WaUqij., R.N., of Officers elected , are: President, . I- Deaths ., iridustry bee ' coiasci a of these 1. __ of fh�e Zurich Creamery and gets L Pos_ ame I IOU I . the treasurer's report. on motion of Sti, . � ARE YOU THE'MAN? I — . iequiremeaits and the Sun, Oil Comr M aitford, and the Misses Esither and Miss Irene Hoggarth; 'vice-president, . I'll, -1sessian ne�t week. Mr. S. M. Ander- I .rs, McQueen and -Mrs. Jinks, Misr, Z,diia Mae Daymau of Hippeii. . WATKINS D-EAUER �BETWEIEN 25 AND I JACKSON-lu Rgmondvi,ti on , Thursday, � 1 any iastructcd. its engineering.., de- . . . . . I .1y October ard, Mhrg.-ot babel - - of the bustiness Mnce its -Miss Hannah Murray; secretary, Jas. I - -jacks... son. maniagai Murray was appointed to select -a dele- . . . , ;.� . ,�,�i year3. Nv��th ctx). neadled immediate five years a ' partment. to forget all kmwn. methods , Campbell; assistant, Alvin, Bell; pian- . .1, . In mearl�y Rural Ri,)u4e to supWay eltnbli.lhed dauivhter od tffie lute Geo-rge E. Jaekson. opey-ing, . go, has not - they gate to attend ,the convention to be. Mrs. Anne Berry let on Thursday . �.. yday 'ti cided where ibe will locate. ndsor wh ist, Miss Helen Dick; assdstant� Miss - !" d,mnaad for E,er Nwe3s, er, including MORRISOk4-In Seaforth. on Mond -ay, ,Q ' ;ept- 0 of ,refining motor ofis. Then 1,� ­ � -oice;, F -act�, Baking Powder, Toilet fre- 3Dth. Eli-zabehh Jame SiBery, bedeved Ife started, all over again discovering a Ifeld in Toronto in October. The irtc`m'ing for Wi ere, she will 1:11 �S; � ,xta -, I Tvledi&nes, My 'S�y, 1 . w -(j, , J Margaret Dougall; -worship convener, I- . ! 'Of William Morols� in her 79th year. Ili ,ress is being made & the base- � paro,ticris, Olean.,erp, - , with visit for two weeks vnth lier.,pon ,Ed . "L MixKrAized Stuk, H-ag and Poultry Tonics, I Inter L of the new ,butcher shop and � mcilhod that Would produce an ,oi, ,meeting came to a conclusion ward� wh(o, is maliAger ,of the Gu. ' I Miss Sally Manson.; Fellowship, Misa -1 . . which -would be,_free�ftowlng In large the singing of "A Better Day is Com- ax - .1 72, year re,putatilon., 10,000 Dealers. Must be , I refrigeration Plant being erected by I ing" and closing prayer by Mrs. Lam- antee Trust Co. of that. city. While Beryl. Pfaff; Service, James Mustard-, . . i ". szll fi�d wi�ffi a rm3onable incorne at start 1 , - Delchert. The plant When rult was Mercury I Social, Milss Jean McQueen, Mrs. Met- _. , 1 ­ 'Pful George I m1e. A delicious lunch, was erved vh,ere she wilil endoy a wild duck din- ". . F��l .1 exp­rience'b�-L � . Sc.�',Iing experience �Iade Motor oil -an dil which is re, 8 I—— . I u,niir�c­arv. - Cr,,dit furnisfied, ri.glht mrities. , I.-Pleted. will .accommodate over 7�00 L I by Miss Murray,. and Mrs. Lindsay. neT shot by dier son. who is a MeTn_ I in Moir, Allan, Davidson; contest . " . flve�d not by, direct flame,, but by the . . . 0 ?_1 I ',Mr: e irnmE�11�atcily. THE J.�� R_ WATKINS LCONSTANCE - � customers wlsiliin�g to rent Joc4er I Grandmothers Entertain' bi�r of a club who have 11ei larg,.-, captain -s-, Harry Dougall ' Gerald . . 11 . COIMTANY, Moatreail. Que- Dept. O -S-15. .1 '­ . I sit(�ain� or.va,por, "of mercury. duck pond neax Agnberotlittrg. ..� 1 37994 ", space. I . Mrs. William Etberington. was hos- Some I Campbell, Lois MacLareia, Margaret . I . , , "This proee j,7 6Z best be under- Bell. Installation �Df these officers. �_,­­ The Constance United ,Church will Mr. Arebie MacKinnon has return- s eight members -of tilie'caub met at the, . . . �, I I :: hold theitr fall anniversary on Spa- i ed to. Guel,,'L wherre he will continue stood! by comparing it to the double- I tess at -her home recently for the . . . . I Hurondale Women's Institute at clubhouse, this -week and betwelen, is expected to takie place Wednesday, , � �11. Lost and Found 1: daY, Oct. 13th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 his studle-F at the OIAL.C. hoflier cooking pot in every kitc,lien. v,rhich the grandmothers of the 'com- t(hem they shtoit 60 duckv. I I Oct. '16th, with, Rev. E. Taerkbiefta, . � I.. �__ . � 6.m., with Rev. ,J. W. . Johnson, of , 1. � I This pot cooks without seorching nity were entertained as guest%, � ' of the Lutheran Church, Zurich, of- ,, 4 L 1. I I ST -Al BLACK 60LLIE DOG, WHITE ardwicih, as ,guest ,speaker. T -h e Bingo Profitable.. .food and the, Mercury Process, re -fines mu Red,Cross Notes Ibciating. Rev. W. Weir, minister, of - . ' . V Lop,n,d brow I n marks on face and feet- An- chodr will W assis-,ed by: Mrs. A. E. The bingo held. ,at the Town'Hall oil without excess ,heat. Cons,equent- and who also, provided'the delightful I I Carmel . Church, Presided for'the elie�- . L 1. :� 6�er.; bg "Begaver.", Anyione knowimg wthere- Menzies, Of Lomdes,boro, an -d Mr. 'Jas,. on Saturday evening realized over 13-,. Sunoco Mercury Made 041 is a program. The roll call was respond- Concerning Jaip Making- Will the'don of oMeers. 1. � 1F. about5 of thig dog. Phone 844 r 23, Seaflarth. ; ed to with "My grand -mother's maid- ladies Pleasie note carefully P4ragraPh , The ladies of St. Paul's Anglicetzi .. �1' 8799-1 � T - Sc,Dtt; of Roxboro. They' -will sing $1-00 fan -the loca.1 branch of the Red v1bclly�dIst1I,led'Pura lubrIcanV'.,. en name," - Mrs. Gordo4, Belton. pres, , No. ,12 under the Oerjeral Direc * -4 ... - . , � . "', a duet on- Sunday evening. Cross- Canvassers are'now. busy with - Mr' White illustra,ted,.his talk Willi lions Church are holddng a Main Street .� -1, i . I . .. ad. MIm. B�irt Feriis, of pro- the coun-try-wide canvass for this so- a s ,ies f a ' ente"d the motto; Mrs. Alice Cudmore for Jam Making, ue Y Miss Ed- cafeteria supPer Ttiresday �veriing, '��.. , — !, Mr. an er , O pir cdcal. beets proving iss- d b ! . - ­ '! 4 1 . � vr,st. Alta., arij, visiting Mm. Ferris'! ciety, The amount set to b-- raised thp Neanliness and lubricating value led with a paper ,on "Grandmothers," ith L. E1110t, of t -he Do,miiiion Depart- Oct, 29tb� in the basement 'of thi ­ ,,�; , I followed by MTs. Stewart McQueen� 1. 1; For Rent lmother, Mrs. HL,nT-y Tayloir, and Mr. in- this community is $1,500.00 of Mercury Made Oil. Ment Of Agriculture, which says.- cliurch, ­ I— L �_ I and Mrs. Earl Law- Mr. and Mrs. ATthur.Aillericih spent M'i. Downs and Mrs. Sohn Bolton J,ay a round of wax,ed pape' � , . , . son and other rel-' - - r overtop Mrs. R. J. Moore will be, ho'steaff I .1 . . F'OR REmr-NODIum SIZED , FRAME ative,s. . I the week -end �with relatives- he -­ - reading interesting sketches ,along of jam after it has cololed, 'aiid then for the Hensall Senior Institute for. ' " L . L ,�. Bath, furnsce, 1. M-118. Leo Stephen-ston is spending a.1 New -telephone directories ,,Ie-' . I that line. Mrs. Ben William& gave, & presis cover firmly into -place. This is their October meeting on, Wednesday ,� I 1, ,__ house, uear Collegiate- Lnrwted HENSALL '� deligulitfu history of their farm. Con-. important to. ens re a perfect sical. ' 'evening, Oct. Oth, and will be agri- I '1� I hardwood flzxon.- Avply to McCONNELL & I I I I � 11, RAYS. � 3798-3, week 'with Mrs. Justin. Sinclair and by the Bell Co. haveLbee,n distribut- � I 0 1 U. . �1� -7 " , .1 hcr fri-eindis 'at Brigden. � ed to the subscribers of the Hay Ladie'.Q! � If ,you are needing some I tributinj to the, musical' portion of The South Huron Womeu's Insti- cultural night. The mil call wil,14 be I "'r I SNA.Ll, PROPERTY ABOUT- 1�_- Mills I " the program .Was a vocal solo, by Mrs. tUtes are ad - _ . . Mr. and .Mrs. Ross McGregor and , Munieipal Telep(holle System. I nicq! Mannelettes for pyjamas and. . vised :that extra,cans are answered yn .- . fh. SU4 ,exchange of seeds . , from Town of Seafarth. - wkh several two children, we're In Clifford on Mon- It is reported, that Awo or tbi;eo. gowns, Goodwinis, have it. C. Frayne. Red Cross,. reports1rom now available and may lye rocureA ' U . �, I acres of Iand, for rental. Apply EL D. I P and bulbs. Mr. W. L. Whyte, . of, I ; . � �: BEL4 Seaditorth. 8797-3, day attending the funeral of a cousin, new houses, will be eoi;istTueted in .11, L this active organization were pres- , at the C.N.R. depoi at Ilensall... I ­ � . 1. I (0ontiatuod from Page 1) � ented by Mrs. , R. Kestle. Seventy � . . I . . Se.aforth, Will lile the guest speaker, . . . '11"11 . .'' I I and also visilting Mr. and, Mrs. T. 'the village in the nei,-4,r, future' Build- MacArthur, Notma, Greene, S. 'S. 1,1jars of jam have.. been - made and will I 1. .. I ___ — . I ii" 1. 11 . . I .�, SAL - ­­­ : ing operations have been bri k here Tuckersmith; .jElaine Beer, Hensall, ;hor,tly be forwarded to - 11 the Red I 11 , "L ­ I . � , I I . . 11 . I i uch,s , I �'. . Mr. and -Mrs. Jack Perguston, Mr.:the past summer and m woik is p, S.;. Claudette Blowes, Hensall P. - . L I ____ - - -_ - . ,f,%, Farras For Sale and ".,, Wilbert Jewitt and Mrs. still to be done before the new homes S.; Marian TrIelifier, S.S. -2., Hay� Cross headquarters at Toronto. Priz 'L I. - 11 . es for tbe you,niest grandmother was - 0 "'I'- f .--. I O' I ir I . I �,�' I , George Leitch attended th,e, Teeswa- are ieady for ccupancy. Margaret and; Audrey Campbell, S.S. captured by Mrs. Albert altering . . _. . .. __ 't . . I 'on. . ARM FOR SALF,-120 ACRES MILE t. e r Fair on- Wednesday. ay; -Heleln Noakes ,7and Mabel - ire , L , : %, F ast of Walton, Lots 4 a -ad 6, i9th - _____ __ � 2, H ;; - 'at I I 0 � I -;: � - I elest, Mrs. Ben WilliamF I 11, Con . Fairbairn, Hensall P. S.;� i . ., 5" Knitting and quilting bees, are the . � ' I ­ � fie3`511D Tlbw�nship -of Grey. Largb bank Marjorie; grandmother, ,Mrs, Kidd; greatest, I.. . � I I . � *1. 1. bam, frame house. excii graveft pit AV- order of the day for the Red cros-. BLAkP1 '. I r ire 11 � .L�: . rdY to Box 228, EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Sea- Mr . s. Mat A . Cudmore, S. S. 1, Us!borne; recitA- I number of grand-phildrein, 'Mrs. AlIce! I 11 �� . " . I imistriong quilted three - at i tions,' junior, Ma!bel Selves, S.S. 10, Cudmore. A buffet lunch I . , 0 � C 1 ' . � - ,�` I forth. I - .. b 0 '90198�d her home; Mrs. Frank. Riley two, =d J Mr. and Mrs'. Rudy Oesch were Usborne; Bobby Bell, S.S. 1, Tucker- served. - elon wIls , q, 0 . . I ,I 11 - FAR14� FOR SALF-EXCELLENT FARM, Mrs. Joseph Riley two. visited by Mr. Oe'sch's brothcT from smith; Manan Madge, S.S. 1, Tucker -1 . 'Pr O'tober, 1. I, . be"M14 Lot 16, 0-cesi 4. M�KMbi�.! L Who Can Beat This? British Columbia. smit-h; junior recitations: Keith Vol-' Dr. ,and Mrs. 1. G. Sutillie and MI. I 'ther parti appl3r � ' , I I F,)r fur iculars to W. A. ' g.;hoff e ; and Mirs. George Hess spent Sunday . . , Mrs. Eli r and Mr. and Mrs, land, Bernice Dilling, Lorr-e Ford, S. . I - WRIGHT. Sr., or ELMER' D. BM -L, 'Sea- � The -line noith.,6f blie village quilt- with relatives in Toronto. . : V 0 ! , . .�. . forth, . � I 11 � 1 379973 ed eight guilts in � two weeks and have Yuell, of Full ' arton, called on, relatives S: 1, Tuckersimitli,;., Pearl McCloud, � The Misses" Margaret and Georgia e ention I I . I I ,.. ,on Sunday. � S.S. 1, U .L.- L - "I 4, 1 . __ �_ jthr:;e�e more almio,st -ready. . .-Mr. and ,Mrs. � 1. .,&borne � . I � Murra�r, of London, . are guests 'ofl - ". , , ­�:- 6 it () 12 � ,� , , - John N�cEwen, of ' ' L . ­ I He'nsall, called on friends, � Senior recitations' Velma Fergu- , Miss. Jean .Murray and their sister, � . . � .. ""! I - - . 'I scin, S.S. 1, Usbo7rne; Gerald Wurm, � I . I .. . I _. ,�, . . Notices' Mrs. Elmore M�8ride , and .Mlss S,S. ],.Us � borne; Bernice Jinks, Elean- Mrs. T. Lindsay. . I . L . L I I . ­ I I I I � .. . I .1 . �­. ­ . BRVCEF19. Ll 1) . Beatrice Manson ptre appointed dele- I . . I Sir. and Mrs. James Miller, of To- . W e-ek ",.. I , I I I . . � 0 . . . " ­ UBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, EM. XAIL- I- . or Cook,, Billy Campbell Doris Buch- ronto, spent the week-eIid_,.Vh,e guests, . I . I . . . - ; " .. R ed postpaid in PlailL sealed W"rapper. I . Mr. J. A. O'Neill,. of Flint, Mich.., I gites to the Presbyterial at ,Winthro.P � anar, June Kennedy, l-BillY Mickle,!.of Mr. and, Mrs. ,C., L. Jinks. . . - I ­ . 'L - . I. . � � 1. � � ,,, SO% lei�s than retabl. Write for razil-ordej on Monday, Oct. 7bi at'9.30 a.m. I Heiisall Public School; 'Instrm'entals � I I 11 I � , L,;. , ca'Llozue. ­NbV-AUBBER CO., . Box 91, . i Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Stratford, has- 'l- . . . . I ­ � ,visited friends in the village iast week I Mr.,and, Mrs. E. Faber and family Norma Knight, S.S..2 and In Qandda ". . . . . . � Ha=iltcm, Gilt. end before returning to bis -tome on' , Hay; Billy and t4i. u,nitied Stat". the, week,of: October 6t1i t 12th ' . 4 M 1 rented the property formerly., occu- ' - 0 . � ,,::L . — .. ,; . .10nday. � . of Rensall visited with the latter's, Betty Mickle, Hensall P. S.; arion p I e d. by M r. ,a nd m r s. Hailal d . H . anson,, . . IS4 being Observed as PiTe .Preveiition! Week. The Dominion Fir. . e . . Pre7 . .1 I ,,, . I l;iarehts. - - ' , : .1 GreAe, Beverl6y ' And- Marguerite . vlention , Association in Co­oPeration with Provincial Firte � � I 11� . RAIN --4 AM BUYII�G GRAIN F6k_GEO.1 . I . �'�.L 11 G' Thomi Hensafil. For latest I tits , Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler and Wedding belrs�wcre ringing on,Sat- I moving in on Monday pf 'this week,, Mar�all_s, . I I i , 1, - tivins and information phone. q` " I Mrs. Jamieson spent the week -end in I I Mcore'and Eleanor Cook, trio; violin a:,d ,local li'live- (' ,hiefs amid athers, ii.9 c, . I . 61>5 r 2' We I . . 0 -operating :with tivic organizations �, I caR77 a stock � of bt4p and will, also do your Stratford-, - � , urdAy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. olos, Urant Triebuer., S.S. 2, Ray; I is ,getting nicely: settledl. Mrs. I in the futh�pTance, of the aims of Fire prevell,tdon. - q I . I .� ..� .., . trucking Maxime Dennome, when their daugh- '9 . Devlin is an aunt of Mrs. Roy. Mac- - . I . - W. M. SPROAT, Tile Yard. I United Church anniversary services ter,'Veranne, was, married. . ingi Pat"., McDonell. Laren. I � . � , AbOUt 350 P-c-ple are burned to death an'd a much, larger number I . , . .1. Lenore Normfli�on, Hensall P. S.;4 - . _. L . - 3790-tl -ill be held on Sunday, -.Oct. 20th, Rally day service was M.rs. R. Spears, of Calgary,. Alta., are injured by fire in,0anada every- year. The mcord-ed loss, Of prop- . 1;�'. - Blal . ve Church " 'held in- the Gordon Moir, Wanda Tuckey, S. S. 1, was a week -end guest with Mr. and . 1� L � . . UYING GRAIN FOR GEO. T. MICKLE & and the fowl supper on Thursday eve. . ertY by fire in Canada duAng the past 20 years, 1920 to 1940, exceed- . ".�: I B . ,oil' Sunday morning. Usborne; junior speaking- Janeth Ir words, at our Piresent burning rate, approxi- ", . Son`. Ele-bitora att Hcnaall, KiiiPpen -and nir-9, the 21tb. I , I .Mrs. James A. Paterson. ed $726 000^,O. In obli't . BM,Cefield. H`Whest market PrBeeG Miss Beatrice Manson gave a reading miately'one buman."life is- sacri4ced, and $110,000 worth of property . '!"'., -id- B-3! Y'rs MjcDbnal,cl and Miss. McCash, I ,-:�ImPson, S. S. 10, Usborne. winners Mr. and Mrs. Austin Baker and in- I is destroyed every day in, the, yeaf. . .. !.,; on haTid and grain tei at Clarkel. Gas & ' ,, � and .a splendid addres by Rev. P t- f; th b e Joseph, 'Of - _.. I of Hensall ff, c 0 4 jou I I speaking contest will fant son, Stratford, spent t . . 41,-4 . Oil Station. ftDne 146. .SAM CHESNEY I spent a few -days with erg, followed with a quartette sing- appear before tbe co � Unty council at Sunday with Mrr: amd Mrs. Ro,b,erti .1 It '_ ­ �1: I I 3796;1 the'r sister, Mrs, M� ' McKenzie. ' ,;..�, — - link "Love Lifted Me," Mr. and Mrs. Goderich in November. Judges - werb . w . . . 1 . , ;r. Lee Kipfer, of St. Thom,as, E. Stelck, the Misses Norma , I 11"', ) NOTICE . . Hay and Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, director of Hen- Baker and' family, -of Ray To*nsliip, , , i.. 1, ­ , I . , � [spent 'ftnday at -his home here. ,:nd With Mrs. 'Wm. Luker., � I ' . ilj,�-. TO THE . RESIDEN-M OF TfJ4CKERSXITH:1 I Beatrice -Mianson, taking part. sall United Church choir; Miss Irete � Mr. and ' I L . I �_ I We extend to Mrs. David McIntosh' . _ r . "_.; , Douglass kild Miss McIlvenna, assist- Mrs, C. S. -Hudson were. I . I I .,L, . The closing date for obtainfing sbDvik in our sincerest' sympathy in her sad Blonde - McGrath visited by meitibers of their family NT FIRES ' .. , 41' the Huron CaantY Flying Training School bereavement. . ants at 11,011siall Continuation 'school, . I � - - I I . .:, . . Limited is Oetp,ber 71b. Anyone deshing to , ' from London, on Sunday last._ I I 11 , . __ '. % I�Vi stock.'c�fl E.' P. CFjESNEY. W. ILI Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish speat A Pretty wedding was solemnized Accompanists were the Misses G . "I . r1t,1 The Executive of the Young Peo- These Simple,, Suggesti L ARCM13ALD or S. ff- WJHTMORE� 'Airiday in London. in St. Patrick'G Glaureb, Lammie,* Florencie elsh, Miss Camp- ons, if Followed b- Everyone .L L , . '. , �, Dubldn, ou _ Wk ple's .Society' of the United �Churchl . .1 � L. Y ­-_._.­_-____ .. , 37 . 99-1 Mrs. E. Forrest, of London, spent Monday, ino-ning at, 9.940 O'clock w1ben bell, Jean. Triebia and Marian 6 . . . �15-� .. _ - er reen. met in the'vestry -on Monday eve,ji-!, in the Family, Will Make Your Home - ;7 �:,2�, L - — . . �,��_ . .: a fcW daY4 n the village. Anne Cecilili "McGrath, dwighter of The event was greatly- enjoyed. I ing. Platils were made to .hold 9 soc- I . �. I I � I . �,�Yj`. . Fumpral services for the late John Mr. and Mrs * Jbhu MeG.-ath, beeamel The'Sun,day E�6h-ool rally day gee- I&I on Mond4y evening, Oct. 7th when I - .11 I . . I - . � ­ I .1 Safe From Fire ' -: 1. 5y�� � . the bvide- of Wamer A�. Blonde, son I vjL'Ie hcld�­ in the 4111ditonum of Ca.r- I . .. Ni'! . Auction Sales * McQueen, formerly of the London I Rev. Brook will give an jllu-frited'� 11 I . I ",!�, . I Road at Brucefteld, who dded. at Flint, Of Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Blonde, of: mel Presbyterian Church On Sunday I address On "Win-DiPeg," with a short dl�. - 1 --Put lighted, matches and -smokes out beiftre You -throw them ",f�l , Chatham. Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes,'D.D., I morning last 'Was largely attended, program foll, Xe I .J..!�� I AUCTION SALE OF HOU,SEHOLD. BF- Micibigazi, Sept. 24th, were ,held from -Performed ,the ceremony and � sang the I the midister, Rev. W. Weiri­taking as owing. The subject, ,away. JeP matches where small children. baiinot reach-tbe* Nevier � )i � .. f -t3, ut the re3idvi ,of M�,., Charles the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank b smoke Ili the garage, barn, ,or attic, nor 'Inlibed. . I I - Fiinkbeiner, Isain Street r r- Wdlsion 1. tat . Ctinton, . I 1. .. . . 4rmic,ndville. Sata , 'q LLL', ��, ,�r ,.two "Christian Missions," will e taken! 2-flehwre rubbish, waste 04pers s.nd all, unnecieiss�_combi ' .. ,� ect E�n o Hs a , , .1, I da7. October ryffi, at 1.3o p.r,,- _p, Saturday, Sept, . I'll, ,:,, . . ece Service." Margaret Emid. � . , .. I : L",� I nuptial',bigib mass. Rev. F. J. O'Dr;ow- 1 his subi ', " listing Fo� b d n on Oct. 146. It was decided to , in. I tible materials. Provide, Metal ash and tras pane. Bum, 14gfi`1 4 4 Krodh1ler diesterfiedd suite: oak dining rA*m 98tb. The Rev. Andrew ,Ldne officl- ski, of St. Colliniban, -was .present in Ji6an Love' fr.duce a recreational. depArtment f .41 rubbish � 1`,'�.' L , I 01*te, ,buff,A, tahle Imnd �halr.4­, "I,itchen ated. . The remains ,were laid to'rest I the sanctuary. The bride, . given, in I' favored with a v1deal duet and Paula i . . 'only in' 'a ftietY C-OveVed brick or mk i . .. , �',,,�� �: table; f4upb�Yatd amid cirairs. Findlay I convener, Carey Joynt and, How , ­ �,Ouei� heater-, ewztric rang Quebec in the McQueen, family plot in Baird's! marriage by brer father, wore a floor Hanson sang "ChildreWs' , ard , . alibeineratior. Wateb.-the are. , , . ,.,;��., . Joy." , A 3-Examble all stoves, furnaces and simokpi piVes.%D �mlak4- suire . 4 K, , ; a . 1, , range, Otte. lieftth dress' tiong service was held at the evening I Love b6ing''appointed. Th� Mizp,a,h t4ey are safe and, well away from wolodwork ow other bgruable.mA. . 41 b6kL,tP2&-, 3 Ire3sers, 2 dre-slirm tameq� CiPmeteM The Pallbearers were Jno. of White triplie' sheer. i benediction closed the meeting. ' , �_ 1��%,,,�'L I I sv4oks Ond, T42%ty`O-She; -, raxlio: dle-*ic I -mpg, McKnight, John Deshl, 1 I Herfinger-tip, veil of Fr;etuch tulle wa's service when hymnd written and com- I teria.19. Have needed repa,irs made at-onee,, ' I I I I ��'­ 1, LL e�ctr�e '#= and Fjoaster, r'Oewmg 'chalm, er, Wesley Stackhouse, - thur mu. hield, in, place by a lbeart-vitaped4 balo. posed by Isaac Watta wore sung, �nd, Miss Goldle Cross is attending Al- . : I I- 14 _- - ___ .1hit7,h_jW,r-p_ha,1,T .rh,idt aro %1b1&,: lhr6elum l ma College, St. Thomas, .. . +'VOlue th-eoadvioe of your fille chief. whp-sayg, t ! 4 ,1'1,�' Queen and James McDonald. The Sba wore a dinglie strand 'of p6awls, the w1itWs )J1,ei­WAtorY Wafg given- by ' -0; , rug%` 2 6lock-- �Ind liest refieoPyr; dishes, .. Mr Kenneth Passmore, son of mt. 8110 caused by dirty of c%-fe�&Ve c.blulnes'p. I ,,;�,,�",.L k' ' ' Lhe minister. I tl .� �, vtChenw-vi 901rdmi tiough amd tools. ooppdr casket was completely C , the gift of the bridegroom and, car- - 1. . ed regularly and have, al) dtfectt, r Rave the Yehi 11 - - I , i overed and and -if;;. John. Passmore of this vil- epalred. - - . 1.,'�V-,. -t,o'-3�,�,'--tub,'gh&,Tkume'rous other artieleg, fled a shower lyouquet of.' Chiselhurst Holds Anniversary ' I . .. also i surrounded by floral Offerings, ny bite r(m- - . 5�,-Estap� the danger of, in � 1111V,11�1� (M-tft of lumber. As ovmer has sold house, ma- w lagf-, .hao enlist6d'- for' a�tive service, flammable liquid fiyes and explosions .01! " es. Hei attendant was. her 91s.- Chiselhurst 11M.1ted Church was the by kedping'.vD giasoline,in the botim . V,ii,�, �,'�' , all Furntrture- will be slald witthout re3erve_ i coming with the 6�mains from Flint. and left -recently for the Air Training , DO di -Y ckiaiiiing with, 8af&,hq- � I I ��:.�� Tft-�` MRS. C. FIN.XDEnilull, rw� The late Mr. W. Mm. Edward. Conlin, setting -,on SUX&Y for the annual School at Gaft. 6VI � ­.�� McQueen had resided I of Granton, I I .uldd or send the, work to the cleahop.., 14 or start firce With kerosene. . ,,.�.,�.,."', , ,, pr?,&*�; Oardoin C,Tantv Auch9pincer. bl at gowilled i , b blush taffet.t with a Congregational arm-lVersary. *Tfid wetv , , W VeW 1�'1'111�., 379ftl 1 with - s nepi J. H. O'Neill Mr. W. McLean, ,accompanied by 6 -Notify We elftbric cowpo7i�'Oc iledtVical, trouble, and the gas I ,�t7'v,� � . I . , . I -e �. 16i""'i I . I I Flint for the past 24 years., Mr. turban of Pale blue net and adeessor- �her being ide* th.",�ichurch was filled ,company of gas lealft. Replace 4'bl6wnP r,'p � Mr. StrickeT, Of Hamilton., paid a fly- ' fuses Wlth Dew ones -not %� ­. , , O'Neill accOnivanied the remains here leg to match. Her noi were Tal- to overfloWing fiq)r -Wth afternoon and 08nnies. Avoid hontle,made wiring jobs. ."', -,� '.. . - i I ink visit with, Mr. and MrW J. pass- Don't look for gas leaks "­;", . for burial. Besides bis nephew and I isman, rOget;,. 'The best man, w -as Ed- evening services. ' The church was � .. � 1�. . Aj"?7/ "', k6y',�, ; � Jorg , the Tbe bridVa mother . th profuslons Of- gladioli, I � . beautiful wit more on Sunday last. . with a miatch.. � I 04"'., ,, ; .. Notice to Credi latter"s two ditighters­Mrs. Jack *alrd COM -1171, . . 7-Wa6b everyone7ij, the fahjlty to be careful bf fir% to w,atch I . �� "Ai$f, , - Lawirefice and M,�,s. Mack 'McCrandall Vlore a dress Of black velvet with various 6hades of asters -arid dahlias 812vin - Shelton ' I � 'stoves, firettilaces, elLa'etric- itons, and, all other p,ossIble , I -�r .�� � . � ,,4i�i', .. fir. c 0 .�,��,;, NOTICE TO CREDITORS I and also Mm. John F. OUS, 0 black acceissories, silver fox far and and autumn 1�a#es. ­ _ . I 0 au es, q.nd . .Ie�,,�2. Porte I -every day'to renic" old rags, Papers and, otbw ttibblab,( I . '�,, �� : . I I . . � - "14 �,.Lj;­ : M The guest speakdt, Rev. H. V., the 1101310 of'Mrs. Richard Shbiton, 8--FirePriDof your home as faT ae Possible by ftre"safe, roci ,_",.­.��, TBE ESTATE OF JOHN SCOTT Flilint, he JeZv'es one,brothe a corrsage of -red rosse. The wedding ,�,��, �', M I*— havhW clikirub a0ft§t the VA. V , aincouver; two sfaters; Mrs. Bessie !%,'1i',i1;; r' Will" 0 11nueld wa, Played by MM. Mar"gwq Workman,- of , Northside Vnited Arthur Street, Goderich, Nvaa. the , fire stoppling In bollow walls. and o'ttluoins, to StOP the spread, of ftbig' ­,�', , . � 14: � A , , ­', ,,�,,o tat* Of -T-Dhin Sdc`tt4 late of the Town- OWeill, of Regina, and Mrs. Isibella DevOlvgux of Seaforth. At the offei� Church, Seaforth,, delivered two splen- scenie of a lovely autumn wedding an and a JTOII-Oombii(l�tlblo basement ci$ling. . . 1. . ,; j , h' Of 0ACK410PI r1flVMdr. dee4��ed, *Ito torY My%. Leo" F`6rtuine did and timely ftesgag4s, which,we're, Saturday, I . I , . 1, 1- I I 1 = 6,ft or stout %he 31st dsy Of July, 1938. , Walker, of Clinton, also several niec- � Of Seafor", . SOt 28th at 3 p.m., when 9 -Inquire of your. fll,6 chi ' '�,, � 1.� I � I." �. i Sang "O Saluiar!W' .,and. during the much enjoyed Ughter, Nselia Elizabeth, be sumor g(�bfing t,be. ' ef, when,, buying a fire oxti 6 ...... .: ai* lhrriift TkiatMed,910 svod in to the und�w. es and nopfilews. by ' thV Oongregatlo,a. -her da .. was right kind. nigulsher, to ". .. " - tighad Ort '16r' ­td . 849ning of 41he -register "on This Dav The guest Don't dresitate to ask Your firenilen . 11, �, .r�4ft*tH6,29th dA3r Of seoteffi_. ., sololit :*As Mr. , Carey linited Jxi marriage 160 Mr. Peed,erieli whien;ver you have questif)1lis ,on fire I . " � ��,'' 1,1'.� bor L1940� Ttt1l'4i*A1etilkts of their ew-sms. _ The Late V�ilfiam Hiles 0 Beautiful 'Mother." The wedding Joynt, of Hensall.- The cbWAr was lan- Stew -aft 9-14,Vln, son of _,William Slay- � pr"Ientlot'a, �!, ,,, �', , I I ,� 111,�.'l�li',�"- tMmedwuft &t4r 'the god IdA rneatMaed � 10--RemeMbeir aliwa".- where tbe W�[IVOst fire alaM, bo3r'.-l§-, and i'4,�.:­�'111 I da6e thd dowfk.,16f Hit— said ,��staw I will -be breatflast was served at the Rieke der the direction oi Mr.:4, T. Wren. in of Tuckersmith, find'"'the late Mrs. bbW 6 send am 11',�.'.­"-,:, � I ., "01botAl .MW*A * e par W11HIM Mles, well knbw,n n8sildent . alatm. It belepbonl6g, be, gire the addri Is, elleiarly, I ,-;,il� ...''. . if 1. - h ($6 enuffled .**,, of H01180, Mitchell, to the Imme-diate SPecial soloilats in- the anthems were SlaVih. f-ev. D. 4. Lane, of Knox U-Rlder0tOQd. Use a nerigb,bialIg Phone rathct,,tban, one. �fil th b 1�: I � � .f*aid dftm� t'd aa" of -vh%A 1,0114e.9bOW V101111tX for (#xty-six famiNes of the bride and biMegmog6 Mesfirs. Iftarry 0orton and Carey Presbyterlan'Churob officlated.... . 0 urn$ng .. ., " �Z� = _ Given ;,�Wflding. ' ' ,., 1, " I I . Ic I I ,. .. . . shaUll thoh, hia#* ltotke� tia ,loynt, of arch I �, � 0 , yeard and of*eUnton for twenty years In tW aftern,fon a meeption w4g Wen-dift ilnilbA Ch In marriage by AIr'litiothe'r, Itichard. , %�� , R , . Wid . i I , , * of all ,bWe!'_"kT "4Ae uftdm- dled' TdeOday - lat the IbOMic Of his at the ihome, or the, bridVe W � chair. Mr.'Bensoii 9toftenism, pre4ld,. Shelton, the 1OVeW Bhd6 was becom- ' &o 11-ExPlal"n '1�0' eveM" 111 th'e bOU-se Wbot *1 d0 40 case of ftre,, �. -- , 11,��,;, �.��,' L ,WWI ow 66 i". *,. i - 1i th* oorsb.b of daughli&. Miv li6raiiiin 'cartor - . pjf&tg, , to put out fim 1,AcIlotlillng by vl 11-1111. ; 411ft I , 64164. ftti, , No. i Am ilftllo� for both wrt-PPI-4 161a, rug or bl=,!Ket� What � " I. 1 11*6 lliftao I 11 (&* - - wf*re the,molna. Wette decorated wftlI ed very ably at' InglY giowqed in. flocr-leftgth. �Wfiite to d* Wl*n grehiye, catobes fire la,the l4bWen . , . � �, �, �, " . . .1 �1, �. '. `*t , , 1*` �"-"�,4 ' , '6&v',dJAAbdW or Iiiad Oink a6d white StrcUmeM itid betautf- serv,wds, 90eicial d6t%98: taken dAir- sabn, ,her tdUlle and lac ',veil falling ' , . `�' _' bigbwst' +V�6W)�:fti, - -berter he , - I— ; .."i, ,,, �-, � .1 ,,, - , ,. t . . ..:, �, 'O�Wl_o­`,I,i­� ,,�.'­­ � .0 I ILD18'4" 7"' "'" , ,f , '0,' , ­ , -S , :­,�,�:,,'!� I— %, I t �14:1�11 1'r� ? . 1% - 'i've afe and IW4l)1IWtY ft*M n100d '&�strUW " � ", 44 . spelit 00 000t 06W ft104tbs­Of h1s fall� fill fall 11ovim. Mr. add M�rs, JilAond.6 -Ing tb&, day werO V01,7­41heral V16 -V 11 " '.., �­'.' , ,�*, .1 ��:� �, - I i.7 19atlW her tulle -and face. V-01,_� faIllik . keeol,ng 00 pltllcil�lft , oil ft.r.6 "Pre,veno,on always in mx,'bk ,fito b. , _ ' 'J"'."I", �441*1&01�4, - . , .' 'W',".,C'�,;".��4���,��'�t',���,'�,"'.'';.,�f, .. .. I , . _, �, . "'ii"�',6�",j '­�I'­ ��:"� . " :; . I . 16 etbee,ta- tied T,alismai�',',roges. Her Attetidat � mind wrid nevor � ,,i . ,., . ,� " -4111 . .1 �. I. .1 �. , � 0 takftg it. chanc� w.1 firt� � ­ .1 . I `��:�,�,��'Vi, ,��,�,�! i � , Jeaft M6ore, -of ,BbtV,1,�,,�� , .� .,:'.. " �,l '�,�. , � i,�;z �� giv, Ift—b"RX X110 wid 1ii`41tsr 88th year left On 4 WMOt tHii f6 Quebec, ,8t. 9ftdf,,AUk - and *41j�,`-Ut)r I I .:i " � '' � , , . _ � r,,. ,. ,;, , I , �� AL, , dftd" � , t I �",""';�,'�"�",�t�;�';,'i'�',,4'L'I�L'��:,�'�t""�!4;, 9�,�,,�:i I I 0 . �,,��'Vi�,�,i,�'���,'�,�.",�,,I `,-�;V��'. I �1. I �, I *" � t0VM Uftr 1'0u�dftbvr$� On thei Aane, de' 19�4,upft. Slid Ottawa. - por, tifts. I.." I I . I -M""'- 1- ­"JD' - ` ��r .. .. . . . �'�,,�0 , . 0I 1, � . ...... _,:"4, .1� I Of No, , r I . . � . ' _� . '' ,Ili ��,��,,, - � � 180Y 1� '1�011 IM ffiti L triaV6#j* fho " W, de I- VMS k;!Ji� � MW ­­r'""'k, ­,' 2t4 �� , �,'��'�"' _,�,,,,��"'�� " _ *0" - I r ' ". 6 11 . .,I"11�41k,.�'�, �'. ", , I I-:"" I . ..... 4 , ., , 9 talo ed AM a vt&4, �bwf'ch , giry , " . , I ,� "r,*" ", - '11,11 I ll� - '�"tm , , Y" -1 � ­ I � i!, . . , , L, _. 4 W fi�el I sl:ayt weailfig .61 066)[1-161ii1th LW. . , " � � I ldt6 - - I govm of I . ,� � ." �i,,,;.�X­"- ! , , DtiCU' �t M.''',, � .... ... I..." "' , " " I , ". I ­ " * 14$�Undxk- - blue' satin. Cli.Arles Sho�foji,, ,bro. � . . I . P - � , __ 0 I . WlMaW ' U1 , :�" Alfil V10Y 'ftlt Of Oxford k,f,-T vHth a4ee$_ wero 'el.l. tiftendJ4,1 �jt ,� ,,',7777�iii " A . , '' , ­ I � . , ........ �,,,L�'.�,�rl,­,,. ;� " � � V , 90911'sh natibuavity. Re r,& ,��s, on kb * . �'],,�,, 11.'L,' __ 11 ­ 1C , 17 - bkok , _ Mr. - " , I ,WOM � 1­1�1­ "'i'�1:­1 :".,��, ­% �, '_ ,L ��, . . I , . 1. EfflV* idt I � id " . of . �""I�'�'L��"t$,",;�"".�'.,!,�� ,i! ��i,,, `11�, �� "" I 1�- ",:: I . M �efr ),etilrb tbeV Will M� ini, tagi W�iu %i6. JA14. , Ike+ - X th',W the�brlde w.:a0­grobnlsm1 �, � I ,,, �,�, 1� ,, , 1'.� , ,. '�, � , �,� _ ,, �) ,,�, � ,,­­ .,� ,, 4�� � r� 11 I,, . : ,. .. , s Itt � i i ' ''. t. , I I . I 1-1 I—, `_ ­ 1 , 1111.4 �� L;, I . -1 . . trnt. A_grook, � I .. FlAt CjilltF, TO�VN OP OFEAFORTH "I I 1* AO ft, , , , r. 1k,10 - � i � Tf*., o isa , 2�1"*,,� ��,�r'��. �-1,1,1 . ',�,Xl �,,-, Ig � .,R, ',I ­ N�., ,Jg k ,� . I1, , , "a. I I '3,,,0`��l i-- ';i� 4, I TO4 '0d4W`­ I& educlitltn- I- tif-a t)tlbf!,, side bo* lift' C11410t Later a rfte0tlOh *01 held to gom '�. , ,� " I I "n I - -i.,�_'O "! I � 1,�`, ',,�� ... ... �;�. " �, , ­',.1�1,0!;?,',�,�',:_ ''. 'i"".. 11 � A '. . i. 801te 66, - '110 e .11, -1 11-1 _ " L. ­ ­­ .. � . `1�' . ­ I .. , � ! ",�:."� -�"� '""'�f;­ %�,:"�',�'' , �."�.;_ , , .. ­ I I I I r: . I �. - t ­ ''.. - I , . � �,.; I" - I . . I., . I . ;,_,�!',,�,,,f!"�r�i�%' , I - I _ ,,,,;,`I,, , , " '-'i, ,��",.` ,,Ir�,�, ", ,, �,P,l 1. I � . . - , '. _ __­ . .1 � : � 1. . I I . 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