HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-09-27, Page 8S;i tr Sre eC Cir! WRAPPE.RS OF CRi,SCO, AY AND GHIPSO 1-T+ he better slhorte &nee I10„ 234. 3 Zee Men' CATSUP -8 -oz. bottle . pe. FRlir U i►$'S, COCOA—With 1-5 251c itch •' . Three; ail for 4 R SALT BACON Wand 1$.0 4u411tlE,R VEGETABLE SOUP 25c 3 colas 'for L SUPER SIJ DS—W ith'one glass 2 3 c Plane; eaeib NAT,IONAI,, SOAP FLAKES C g� 5 -lb. box 35 .GENES TISSUE nrt5C 2 pkgs. LL ei a_ 4 BARS COMFORT SOAP—With 2 Swirl Glass Tumblers; all for WONDERFUL SOAIS GRANULES -2 lbs. ' URPENTINE Bottle 25c 19c 25c MASTER'S RED HEAD Q�rD=-,ry LAYINGt. MASH—Cw.. $2r 5,0 CHASE & SANBORN V. P. COFFEE—Pound Regular or Drip Grind. MAGIC COFFEE pound 't.li;ICHMAN'SYEAST 4 for 52c" 44c 16c A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 SECOND WAR LOAN Being Announced CANADA NEEDS YOUR MONEY ,! YOU CAN HELP WIN THE WAR BY. INVESTING IN THE SECOND WAR- LOAN For information and applications — See -- WATSON WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 • Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE O 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 'c> S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O , FUNERAL DIRECTORS O 0 O 0 Main Street, Seaforth . O 0 Charles, Holmes' residence, 0 - O Cadence, Street East. Phone 0 0 No. 308. O Ambulance Sersice O O Adjustable- !hospital bed for O O• -rent. O 0 Night calls—Phone 308 O O . Day ;calls -=Phone 119 :0 O Charges moderate. • O O •. ': 12-37.- O O SJO�0"000006 000000000000 O O O O 0 E. C. BOX - FUNERAL SERVICE 0 • Licensed Embalmer O , Ambulance Service 0 Hospital Bed O with adjustable rachet Oper- atedspring for rent. 0 Night Calla Day Calls•- ' 0 Phone 1.75 Phone 43 0 iS-37 0 0'0000000000 400000000000 J. A. BURKE 0 O Funeral Service O 0 Dublin : Ont. O 0 Night.or day calls: 'Phone 43 r 10 0 .O O O 00000000000 ses7 is THE SECOND DIVISION COURT County of Huron -- Office in the Dominion Bank Bnild- ing, Seaford'. Office torus: Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday. 1.30 p.m. to 5 0.'m. Saturday evening., 7.30 p.m. to 0 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES the ram:hese of 'the insurance business of Kaye & Meir, and the addition of their eo•ipanies to our previous facili- ties enables us to give unexcelled -service in, a1L,iiries,_.._. _ SEAFORTH ONTARIO 10-f7 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE -- SEAFORTH ONT. OFFICERS: Wm. Krrneii,rtt. L'ondesboro - Pres. °4V IL, Archibald, Seaforth - Vic+ -Pres. Merl A. Reid., Seaferth - See-Treas. . "`a Wor HOaAltal"Abe, Wi.ti 'Meet.-- The regular iieetiijg of the Wemeen's- Hrae itel Aid. to Scott Memorial Hos- pital win be held on Theree dy, Oct. 33rd, at 3.30 p.m. in the Carnegie Lib - nay. Anpouncement,—Mr. and Mrs. John McNtughton announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Sarah Elsie. Alm,' to Mr. Joseph Clarence Smillie; son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie, the marriage to take place early,•in October. Mrs. Sproat Wins.. --Next Tuesday Mrs. F. S. Brugger will be in, charge of golf and 'on Thursday Mrs. Earl Bell will be la charge of bridge. At the bridge 'hent Wednesday evening prizes were won by Mrs. Ross J. Sproat, 1st; Mrs. J. A. Munn, 2nd, and Mrs. F. G. Forrester, oonsolatien. — w Ministerial Association Will Meet. --The Seaforth and District Minister- ial Association will held its first meeting for the autumn term on Mon- day at 2 p.m., Sept. 29th, in the par - rah hall of the Anglican Church. Papers will be given by Revs. Hugh Jack and W. A. Bremner. . Scott - Walters. -A quiet wedding took place on Fri -day afternoon at 3 o'clock at First Presbyterian Manse, Seaforth, when Audrey Gladys Alber- ta, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott F. Walters, of McKillop, was united in marriage to.Corpo'ral Arnold James Scott, of Camp 'Borden, second SOD of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Scott, of McKillop. Rev. Hugh Jack offici- ated, The bride was attired in sbl- dier blue crepe dress with black ac- cessories and carried a bouquet of gladi•oi•u. $he was attended by !her sister. 'Miss Erma Wafters, who wore a moss green crepe dress withe black accessories, and carried a bouquet .of snapdragons. They groom was at:teend- ed by. Corporal Willian. Campbell, of Camp Bonde•n.' Corporal and Mrs.• Scott left later on a wedding trip to Guelph. Sermon Subjects For Next, Sunday. —St. Thomas' C•huroh: Rector. Rev. Dr. Hurford. -11 a.m., "Our Belief in God"; '7 p.m,, "St. Paul At Athens." Sunday School. at 1e a:m. ' St. Mary's, Dublin -3 p.m., "Our Be- lief in G-od"; Sunday School at 2.30 p -.m, Northside United Church: Rev. H. V. Workman, Minster -10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m„ Rev. W. A. Bremner. speaker for Ontario Tem- peranee Federation; 7 p.m., Rev. R A. Brook, of Hensall. Thursday, 7.45 'p.m„ Prayer Service. Anniversary service -Sunday, Oct. '20. conducted by Rev. Professor A, S. Orton, M.A.. D.D., of. Emmanuel College, Tordiitie ,McKillop ,Charge --65th an'niues'da-t-y of Winthrop Cavan Chure'h; services' at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Preacher, Rev. Arnold A. Matthews, B.A., B.D„ of Sarnia. --R. W. Craw, Minister. First Presbyterf,an Chunch—Morn-1 ing service at 11 a.m., Rally Day ser- vice when church and Sunday school meet together; ohiid-ren take part, in ,service; service of Baptism at tins service. Eventing service at 7 p.m., subject, "No Ccandenvnation." 1Viid- week service, ;Thursday et 8' p.m.ri Y &ung People's Society, Tuesday, Oct. las—Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Smith - Lane. --A ;quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on, Saturdia t morning at seven o'clock in 'St.' Pat- rick's Catholic Church, Taranto, when Margaret Helen, :d'augh'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lane, of the Mill Road, Tuckees,ralitlh was united, in marriage to Norman Keith Smith, of Toronto. Rev. Father ,Muidoo'n offiiciated. 'Phe bride ware a becoming gown of dusky rose crepe with felt hat of similar shade and oo-ra'age of red roses. Miss Elizabeth Lane, sister of the bride, was bridesrmaid; wearing. air force blue crepe, "wehat oe navy felt. Her corsage was of pink rues. and baby's breath. Brian Hennesey, of Toronto, was groomsman,. The wedding break- fast was - served at the residence of a relative, Mrs. E. -Cronin, in Sunnyside, followed by a reception. The bride's mother, Mrs. T. Lane and Mrs. J. ,Srrrith,-•mot,her of •the bridegroom, re- ceived the guestts. Mn and Mrs. Smith .left later en a trip to Niagara Falls. On their return they will +resi'd'e at 150 Howland Avenue, Toronto. W4 ' M. Auxiliary Thankoffering Meets.—Mrs, B. S. Scott, of Lon!clon, Ont., .was the guest Speaker at the anneal 'tthankoffering meeting of the W. M. Auxiliary held 'at the Sunday, morning service in Northside United Church. Mins. Scott told of the dif- fieulties' encountered by the mission- aries working in. West China,where five United Church mission: stations rb.ave been bombed. She s+palae of the continued pa'o'gress • bf. the . United 'Church in Canada, whish has 350 mis- sionaries in India, China and Japan, and 170 home missionaries working in Canada, and compared this organ- ization to a`livin'g, growing tree. Mis- stionani'es, th'e speaker -geed, are the best exp'onemtsr of world peace and brothemh'oodt•' Metal and scrap Iran Shipped from. Canada • to Japan are being made into bombs by the Jap- anee'e, to destroy our Canadian, anis- skm buildings and, kill bur ad -Pe n - tries, More gifts, and gireater sacri- fice ane needed for this cause and, 'al- so to win the war. "Tire Communists sacrifice; Why cannot we?" she ask- ed. Former Seaforth Merchant .Dies in Calgary, -Me Calgary Heralds of Sep- tember 12th makes the foliating re- ference to the death of William Pick- ard, for mane years, one of the prom- inent merchants end residents, of Seas forth: "William- Pickaad, veto wars 90 yeas ,old -mn Tuesday, died We'dmres- dra r aftorwaon at !the bone of his daughter, Mrs, .0. L. Ohesst ee, 936 :Malt Avenue .1neeebhevent:- He had 'beets reotehg lit the afteetiotal, and- c+illapsed ao be Aided for nate. In spite Of stele age, ru r. fi'iekarrd'' had been "arc- tti: e1r ,Inter .: , d tee the en+ in, iiioi1 iii' i 1, and ' *MOM 1ie'tq+s+"fnxiot+lln DIRECTORS: iK'11iLiam4 Kitox, Lairdemboro; George • nitardt, 8frod lager; '.Ja 'lee Con- nolly, Go'derdreb,, Al+et Vroadfoot, R., ' s r G eg r?a9aviRt`' i..a '� a ,...,w.• �t-A1elander, lend . 2, 1114$1an, R.R, 6, Sear till ;,, . A.rciaibald, R.R. 4, yy>,. a�itr, 'lit 11Y s + • won 13aking Sale in MacTavish's Store on /. FRIDAY, SEPT. 27th From 3 to 6 p.m. Under the auspices of the C.W.L. of St. James' Church, closely. He was born in Exeter, Ont., rind carried on a mercantile business at Seaforth, Ont., for 25 years prior to earning to Calgary te, 1910. He. eccco�� tined the dry- goods business in, C Igary under the name of William Pickard & San, on Eighth Ave. West. Mr. Pickard was a member of Ores - Cent Heights United Church. His wife, Mrs. Emma C. Pickard, died 'here eight years ago. He is survived- by three daughters: Mins. A. A. Lind- ner, Victoria, B.C.; Mrs. R. D. Mur- ray, Innisfail, and Mrs. Chesney, of Calgary; 12 grandrethi'ldren and five Home Baking SALE AFTERNOON TEA APRON SALE in M'acTAVISH'S STORE on TUESDAY, OCT.' 1st sfrom 3 to 6.30 p.m. Donations of Baking to be in before 3 p.m. Under auspices of Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church, EVERYONE WELCOME — Silver Collection — C.W.L. DANCE ST. COLUMBAN Friday, 1September 27. MOONLIGHT SERENADERS Lunch served ADMISSION - 35 CENTS The Green Front De- partment Store , will remain open Wednes- day afternoons, com- mencing October lst. M. BURKE, Manager. "Alberta Coal" "Deep Seem Drumheller Coal" "MONARCH" 4x10 LUMP Car leaving Mines October 8th • Price: $10.80 off car, haul your own Price: $11.40, delivered in town. We have fiiist quality Pennsylvania 'Anthracite, Stove or Nut size, while supply lasts: $13.60 per fon, haul your own; $14.20 p'er ton delivered in linens All business --Cash. . Coal -prices are moving u'p at all Mines, J. H. Scott PHONE 336 Radio Repairing ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. FOR SALE Also several Used Radios for sale. All orders. of $5.00 or over will be delivered free of Charge.. BERT MCSPADDEN WALTON 3798-3 SIXTY-FIFTH_ • ANNIVERSARY CAVAN CHURCH Winthrop Sunday, Sept. 29th $eraices at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. REV, ARNOLD MATTHEWS, B.A., B.D., of Sarnia, Guest Speaker ' Everyone Welcome R. W.' CRAW Minister FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed prompilie and efficiently, mp*Y''p io•e tsC0101; c14'tai WILLIAM StO E SONS IJMITEb : wore 91, ' • INGEt LL PHONE, 219 '- ''MITCHELL MIR ()MOB or MIA L.411.01414114.11014/ - „ t • SEPTEMB R nig t nd ,''aria sex'v- i:ces wili.b . 1140, ate eitdel4"at funeral bonne at 3,3tt "�; . ak I? 'da: aftornooTt. Rev, P. H 8J ac area Rey. F. W. Locke wild gj cj+ate, anti 'jntern4ynlent wird be iw t + tw xd' Cemetemy'," • Young Peopl,Ws Union Meets. --Oe Monday evening, Sept. 23rd, the Young Peapi,elet Ualiou of Norttusede United' 'Chrome opened ..for the fall meetings, Mr er hn: SI vene, presided over the meeting; which was opened by singing "Pe}ith Of Our 'athieas,'' after which the- Lord Prayer was repeated itt un+ipon.. The,, minutes of the. last mee:tiglg were read, by the secretary, Jean S'male, and the roll was called. err, Lawrence - Taylor had charge of, the program which: he opened with' the poem, 'RA Plea For Strength." Hymn No, 223, "Precious Name," was' sung awl Rev. Mr. Work- man led in prayer. John. Stevens read the Scripture lesson, Luke 24. Dr. ne ursows, gave an imapiTing ad,- dr•ess "on Dr. Woodside, Moderator of the United Church at the opening of 'the Contuse' held in Wimn:ipeg' early this %trainer. The meeting was brought to a' chose by singing a hymn and repeatrLng the M'1zpah benediction 4m unison. Brack - DiaPer,—Standands of glad- iold decorated the home of Mr. and Mrs_ William C . Wrigk t, Ingheatr Ave., Toronto, for the marriage toil Satur- day, Sept. 21st, of Miss. Mary' Ellen Diaper,' daughter, of Mr. Horace J. Diaper, to Mr, George Stewart Black, Toronto, eon of Mrs, Black and the late William Black, of Seaforth. Rev. • W. A. Hunniseee officiated. Given in marriage be herr father, the bride wore a tailored suit of nigger ;,brown, with hunter's green accessories• and co'rsage of Talis'nian roses. Mrs. Har- ry Scott, 'her sds.ter's matron of hon- or, wore a teal 'blue suit with black accessolries and corsage of Rapture noses. Mr. Thoraas Htoustoo' Reeve was groomsman„ After the reception Mr; Black and rhes bridle left for West- ern Ontario, end will live in Taranto on their return. - eeP y Barbara Kirkmen Auxiliary Meets. —The September meeting of the Bar- bara Kirkmian Auxiliary of First Presbyterian` Ohnu'eh, was ,held on Tues -day night. The business part of the meeting was conducted by tine president, Moss' Ross; Mrs. James F. Scott convener of the Lillian Simp- son Group, that had charge of the program, occupied the chair. As, the auxiliary is anxious that the subscrip- tion list for the - Glad Tidings should be substantially increased this year, it was decided to have a "Glad' Tid- ings" program. Mrs. Scott gave a general outline of. the paper's work.. Mies Ross, the current events; Mrs. J. A. M•unia, an artiole on; "Miseeon'ary Work in War Time"; Miss McLean, the 1Tfe of b-n'e of ,the toms mission; pioneers; Mrs. Beaton, a 'story, and Mrs. Swale, a poem. The Scripture reading was•takes by Mrs: G. D. Fer- guson and the prayers by Mrs. Char- ters, Miss Ross and Mrs. Geddes. Miss Doris Ferguson sang very sweetly, "The Love of tiae Mothers of Men." The auxil'iery expects to hold an ap- ron bazaar and sale of home-made cooking on Tu'eeday -next. The thank - offering fn'eeti.n,g rail' be !veld in Octo- ber. Brother Dies in Rochester, N. Y.— The Rochester Democrat. and Chron- icle makes the following reference to the death' of James Wallace,. brother of Mr. Samuel Wallace, Mrs, Andrew - Archibald and, Miss' Agnes Wallace, of town, .and a former, resident of Tuokersin'itlh: ,"Entered into rest Sunday evening, Sept. 15, 1940, James Wallace, . formerly of 659 Flower City Park. He is survived by wife, Net- tie D. Wallace; daughter, Olive W. - C'htapmaii: three brothers;' Arthur F., Rochester; Samuel 5„ Setafarth, Ont., Andrew M. Sacramento, Calif.; 'four sisters, Mra. Andrew Archibald and Miss Agnes Wallace; Seaforth, Ont.; Mrs. James F. Stuart, Los' Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. V. R. Beshgeto'or, Al- ma. Mires Friends may call at Siske & Handy Parlors,, 105 Lake Ave., where services will be held Wednes- day afternoon at -2 lo'elock. Interment Riverside." Mr. Wallace had been in failing -health ail summer but the end came suddenly. He brad been an em- ployee of the Epetma,n Kodak Co. in Rochester, N.Y:, for about 40 .years, first as toolmaker and d'raf'tsman and later as business ianoreased chiefly as draftsman. He was, in his seventy- first year. Death of Mrs. Charles Warman.. --- A resident of Seaforth„ Mrs. Charles Wiasnlan•' died at her 'Brame on West 'W'illiam Street on, Friday, Sept. 20Th. She was a daughter of the late John Cameron; been iyr: Tuekersmith in 1867, and wiznsa,i•rried 45 years ago. They settled an the London Road, near Brucefleld, .where- they resided until 1937 when they retired to 'Sea- forth.Mrs. Wa5'eran. was a member of First Presbyterian Chur`ah ansa a life member of the `Women's' Mission- ary Society. Surviving are hes' hus- band and an ad'opte'd son, Lawrence .Warman; two brothers!, James and Peter Cameron in. Tuckersmvtth, and a sister, Mrs. E. O. Roberts, Cbn- naeau.t, Ohio. The funeral took, place on Monday to Malitilndbaank ceme- tery. Rev. Hugih, Jack offielated.' The lnallbearere were ' Messina. AlexMc- Nab, William Etty, Ja'mes' Boyes, Sam •McPherson, ' W.il•1r1hm Cameron and James Aikenhead, anti• the flower - bearers wene Messrs.. Lorne Lemon, .R,oss . McNab, Bibiiie Boys, Will Mc- P-h'erson, Jack Cameron and Elmer Cam'eron. These' who attended from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs, Louie Diegal, Waterloo; -Mra: Fred Seattack, Kitchener; Mrs. Simasugerr, SebrLng- vil.le; Mr. and Mrs. Jahn' Elligsion, Monkton; Mrsa Etty and soli., Wil- liam, Mrs. L. Rate, MIT. Lerman and son, Lorene, Mr. and eines-Brunner and Mrs. Vosper, .,lbf Mitchell. LOCAL BRIEFS , • Lieut. W. alb'eon'. White, Carling ,He+ightte, London, iiiititutthe week -end 11 at the nr.e of his Mather, Um. M. White. • glee Ins Drat ..s nt the ' 'een- et tj, in Toroot • Town; Clerk TX. I#. Wlieon and Abs. W111'somr amts Sp:eishvg two weeks holidays in Detroft.. - • Mrs, 1t'. M. idekeied, 01, VorentO !est the week -end at tree' ht MO, .rat E'g4noutivi.kle. • Mrs, Ja+utes Keq're heti reterne 1 tq 'her name' after speted4ig a few weeks with, her Scale i'n Buffalo, • Mrs, Arthur Mason, 01 Saska- •to'on', wito hate been.' visiting Lor $he past few months at the Nolte' of her Mother, Mrs. Robe,4^t Charts ee Milt Road, left last week for h n home in the West. • Mrs, George Ismael', of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell. • Mr. and Mrs, Dawson Reid, of Guelph, were week -end guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. F. •Reid. • Mr.`and. DOS, D. M. Beattie and two daughters,, of Louden, were the week -end guests .of Mr. John Beattie and Mr. and Mrs 3. A. Stewart. • Mrs, William' Deem. tae returned) from Toronto, where she spent sev- eral weeks. • Miss Jean McKinnon, .of the staff of the Bank of Montreal,' Toronto, is the ggues't of Mrs. Johii Ho11 . . Mrs. Holland has received "word, s m her husband that he had a:rriveii safely in England. He 1s' with, the, R.C.E. • Mrs. Woods, of Toronto, and Mrs. H.' Speare, of • London, were week -end guests, at the home of Mrs. L. T;.De- Lacey. • Mr. Ian'MacTavish, R.C.A.F., To- routta, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs John Mae Tavist. • Mr. Peter Smli•th, of Windsor, was a 'week -end guest at 'tihe home of his brother, Mr. C. M. Smpth, • Dr: and 'Mrs. J. 'A. Gorwil'I are on a holiday ,motor trip bo North Bay, Ottawa and other, points.. During his absence 'his 'practise is being Looked after by Dr. Rider, of Loa -don. • Mr• Ken McCartney, R.C.A.F., of` Moose Jaw, who is now training at St. Th'omas, was ' a week -end guest at the home of his, uncle, Mr. John Beattie. • Lieut. B. J. Duncan, of London, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.,. J. Dun-. can. e • Rev. W. D. McDo•najd, of Toron- to, a former minister of gmondvil'Ie United Church, was a guest this week at the home of Mrs. Donald McKen- zie. -. • Mr. Ronald McKay, of , Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of his mother, Mrs. "Hugh- McKay. • • Mr. "Iona S'iils, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sills,. • Mr. Aubrey Carter, University of Toronto staff, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. No1'- man Canter, Huron Highway west. • Mr. and Mrs; Milton Stewart and, Mrs. Coleman were in London on Srat- urday attending the-, funeral of Mrs.. Stewart's niece, the late Maisie Cole- man. • Mr. Hugh McLaughlin; of Stan- ley Township, has purchtned the resi- den•ce of Mrs, Charles Finkbeiner,. in E:gmondviile.. • Mrs. H. E. Smite, . Helen and Donald spent the week -end at her home in Milverton, • Mrs. E. Geddes and Mis's Mary spent last Week with relatives in Bay- field. • Mrs. L. T. DeLacey Was ;in To- ronto this week. • Mr!. and Mrs. Bolger have, mov- ed here.from Wir.'nipeg and 'will spend the winter at the Royal A�part- merits. • Mie -s Alice Daly spent the week- end in Toronto. • Mr. Douglas Stewart was in Loa- -den on Sunday conducting services in Elmwood Church. • Mr, Van Bell, �nho joined the' R.C.A.F. some time- ago. was called to Toronto this week. , • Miss Alice Devereux, of Tama - to, spent the week -end at the home; of her Mother, Mrs. F. Devereux, '• 'Mr. A. Zimmerman has moved in- to the residence on' John' Street; re- cently vacated by Mis..Williatn Deli' ereux. • M'r. and' Mrs. 'Tames F. Scott entertained the m'emberS of the Sea - forth Junior Institete at their home, Thornton Hall, on Monday evening. •' Miss Jackson is seriously ill at her home in E,gm,ondville. • Miss S. I. McLean was, in Strat- ford over the week -end being called there 'owing to the , sudd'en death of her -cousin, the late T. J. Kyle, well known hardware merchant of that city. • Mee. A. R. Sampson, of Toronto, • RtiTheatre :Safortli NOW -SHOWING WEAVER BROS, AND EL'ViRY "JEEPERS CREEPERS" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST BELOVED STORIES " PINOCCHIO" Becomes a Masterpiece of Ageless Screen Entertainment! NEXT THURSDAY, I'RIDAY, SATURDAY. "GOUCHO SERENADE" with GENE. AUTRY SMILEY BURNETTE_ A REAL WESTERN Corning • "THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTR,E DAME" e, and Mi -ss Janette Wilson:, of London, were guests at the Bene of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. C. Greig on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stewart, of Toronto, 'and Miss' Mary Stewart, Of Kincardine, were week -end guess of Mr. and Mrs. H'aray Stewart. • Mr. R.' Re McKindsey 'has in- stalled a new Neon electric sign in front of his drag store on Main Street and has also i.ntstalled a new lighting system in the store:. - • Mr. Joe Eekart, who is engaged in t'he' construction of the airport at Picton, spent the week -end with his family here.. • Miss Mary Johnston has takeh a position -on the staff of the local branch of the Dominion Bank. • • -Mr. Charles Dickson, of Lion'doue spent the week -end with: his father, 112x:. Thomas Dickson. •;-Mayor J. T. 'Cluff,'1VIrs. Cluffn Miss Jan'e't, Mr. Scott Cluff and Miss Janet Score were in Galt for the week -end.. IVlist Scott remained to visit. friends. • Miss H. L. McLean, of Toronto, speip4, the week -end at the 'home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mc- Lean, • Miss Gladys Thompson;. Miss Au'ra' Graham and' Mrs. E. T. -Kellam, of .Niagara Falls, wereweek-end guests: at the home of Mrs. J. B. Thompson. ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON PAGE 5 You Have An Opportunity T ![}I TIC ESTMEN ICMake A And Also Have A Voice in the Conduct of Huron Coun'ty's Own Airp�rt AT SKY HARBOR For information and particulars apply to: SEAFORTH TUCKERSMITH McK1LLOP Reeve J. H. Scott ReeVeS..H. Whitmore , Reeve R, N..Dorrance M. A. Reid - Edwin P. Chesney ' 1-I'ENSALL H. C. Smith Reev,eR,. E. Shaddick MEN'S SUITS. and OVERCOATS CLEANED 00 and PRESSE® • PRESSED :ONLY • Having taken over the Dry Cleaning and Pressing business of the late SydneyDurigey, I solicit the continued patronage of his many customers. You are- assured of the same careful attention to detail, the same speedy, service. 4, Are your clothes readyand new looking? They cat be—and at a very small cost too. Cleaning and Pressing Service not only keeps you looking ' your best, but actually saves you money by giving your clothes long- er life! Ladies' Dresses $ 1 RANGE FROM 50c' Because some dresses require considerable time to be properly cleaned, we eeconiniend early attention. 25'c to 500 and CLEANING PLANT Art '1110 CM,I:C0. C AL --HOTEL WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVREDt PHONE 242-W, SEAFORTH • , r