HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-09-27, Page 5r • i• sr - .•.4 • o. • I • • * 1Vl t,' al(t . MM. d'.. X LoWit 4id lVIr. and 1V1a 1. Joe Eckert' visited the airplonts at Gide oli± P It Albert last Sunday." • • Mr. awl .l�itra. 'George S. , Quick and 'son, Jimmie of Kitchener, avant Sunday with Mr.;Mrs. Frank J. Smale, • Mr. John Me and Mr. Michael treat, 'attended' lid, of Seaforbby eQuatdr of Dem' ire Gere - monies in -Jt' Mic l +' tj� etteedral rondo, on Sun lay evenen,g for their nephew, Rev. Thomas McQuaid, who is leaving for the 'china Mission fields. • Mrs. H. W. Hart and ,Mrs, J. R. Dunlop visited Kincardine friends last week. • Mtas Mary Holmes, University of Western Qnterio, London, spent the reek -end at the 'home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes. o Mrs. H. Whittaker and little son, are visiting with London friends. • Mr, and Mrs. Fred Burchill, of • Brussel•s, were guests at the hole of 'the Misses Brine on Wednesday. Mr. `Mr. and Mrs. Burchill are moving to - Perth where "Mr. Burchill has been for some time, and where he has ex- tensive business connections. - o, Mr. and. Mrs. George Black, o};, Toronto, were guests this week at the +h•ame of his mother, Mrs.. William Black, in 'uckersmith. e Mrs. W. J. Faulkner; of Sarnia, end Mies Helen Fiekbein'er, of-• Kit- chener, spent the week=end at the 'home of their mathee, Mrs. Charles J'inkbeiner. . • MI-, Orville Elliott, of 'Egmbnd- ville, spent the week -end with friends in Goderich. "'- from _ se'ed•, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs. Al- e Fred E. Willis, C.A.S.F., of the lan;-•special for non-members, Mrs. J. Elgin Regim+ent,4sang a very accept- Daymen, S. S. No. 10, Stanley, won ab:•e •solo. in First Presbyterian Church the -prize .of $2' fat greatest improve- ; Sunday morning. ' ment in school grounds. , Sch'aol chit - eon• Mrs., R. A. Walter and Catherine dreu's 'exhibits (prizes of Iris were Aril', of Dundas, are guests of Mr. r''cna1'ed=byi 111r's..W.`Hau.gh)—Zinn''as, and Mrs.. Jas. E. Willis. Nora Eyre, Jack McDonald, Joyce r Foley, Edna Pap'ple, Be's'sie Dutot, F. Taylor; Petunias, Billy Lane, Douglas 1 McBeath, , ,Audrey ' Baird, Blanche Zaphe. Marigolds, Ruth Scott, Hugh The Tuckeesenith Ladies' Club will Zar.fe, Melvin Graham,• Stuart Wilson, hold its October meeting at the home Ken Scott. of Mrs. S. H. Whitmore on Wednes A despatch' from Flint, Michigan, to daY. Oct. 2nd. Th'e topic is "Hi•s•bor- the Ontario pleas,. dated Sept. 25th, foal Research,", under the' conyethor- s'ay's: "A familiar figure was sudden - ship of Mrs" Elmer Townsend. Roll, ly removed from dow'ntervn Flint ear- -call is to be answered• by giving the 'ly today when John Swan ;McQueen name of your farm and some histori- succumbed to a heart attack., He was nal f .oro not 1aley•'ii,i,kuefll r�fele, lk(rse Allan, Mrs Heeln' l! , 'Mile, *N•e•.V,'alre. son. Anconal ,rite ,r,, Mee. 011014 maaz.. Mrs. Ptotherdn' ham, "Nara ..Ar' McQ11ierp'xrrk A 14a1'a} p ,, ., Tigl• Ohhap >al. (0041. tior a $),. tan 0.04 mss, , lilobb 'ngbanl, Staoleeeree collection' Of Pah 1&er 1�I'rs. Stackhouse, Mrs. 'Mc( eel; ep:P named Dahlia, Mrs. Steekhonlse, Nlxs.' 'qV°LrHatugh, Mrs. H. Aiken'head; Snap rjre,'gorn, Mrs: Chapman, 11rs, Allan, Mr's-% Scott; 6 Zinnias, Mr's. Allan, Mrs. ',(}. Graham, Mrs. W. Haugh; 8 1k Lei Petunias, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. T.HarSebtt, Mrs. C. Haugh; display of Glade, Mae R. Allan, • Mrs. W. Haugh; . 6 Glads, Mrs, Allan, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs. McQueen; 1 named Glad, Mrs. Allan,, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs. T. 'Chapman; table bouquet, Mrs. Allan; Mrs. 'McQueen, Mrs. W. Haugh; 6 Pink -Asters, Mrs. Allan, Mrs. Fotheringhean; 6 Puieple Asters, Mrs. Fotheringhlam; 6 !:ted Astiers, .Mrs, Haugh, 'Mrs. Allam 6 White As- ters, 'Mrs. Fothelningham, Mrs. Allan; collection of Asters; Mrs. Feeh•ering- ham, Mrs. Allan; 6 Perennials, Mrs. Haugh, Mrs.,. Allan; • Roses, Mrs. O'i3rven, Mrs. Allan, Mrs. C. Haugh; ?entrees, Mrs. C, .H:augb, Mis.._O'Briien;.. 6 Annuals from seed, Mrs, W. Haugh, Mrs. Fother•ingham, Mrs.' McQueen, best novelty in cut flowers, Mrs. H. Aikenthead, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs. Al- lan; potted plant novelty, Mrs. Allan, Mr's, McQueen; house plant in bloom, 'Mrs. Haugh, Mrs. Elliott; Rex Be- gonia, Mrs. T. Baird, Anna Aiken - Mr; h.cad; .Tuberous Begonia, s.tack- S Stack- house, Mrs. Ellnott; Gloxinia, Mrs, Elliott; display 'of Marigolds, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs. Fatheri'ngham, Mrs. C. Haugh; 'special•donated by Mrs. Mon- teith for Beat collection of Annuals TUCKERSMITH t ,ectr'ic e sox` Now on Display in our Window Long Fall evenings are here and, you • well: vrish perfect radio reception. ' Come in and amine our display of the New Models, BOSHART al ectri SEAFORTH - ONTARIO Electric Appliances, Radios, Stoves, Bulbs, White Sewing Machines. - treld an Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mhs. Thomas H. Erwin having s'p'ent the past three months with his brother, A. E. Erwin, left Flint, Mich. • on Wednesday 'for Mr. and Mrs'. Mulien; who spent. two wee'ks' ;holidays here, left far their Lome in Detroit on Sunday. Miss Ann Drouin, of Detroit teach- ing staff, spent the -weed.-end in her cottage there. Mr, and Mre. Charles Wills, of Landon, spent the we'ek-eiid in their beautiful cottage here, ' Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Westlake attended the Seafarth Fair on Fri- day. Dr. and Mrs. Alexander, of . London, e5pent Sunday at their cettage• an Hills Crescent. Mr. Lewis' Thomson, , who , spent some time in. the ,hospital in Toron- to for treatm'e,nt, has arrived home feeling better. Mr. • John Pease is taking treat- ments in. a London ' hospital this week. ' Mrs. F,3dward.s� was in Kitchener on Friday last 'visiting friends. act about it. best known to hurndreds of people in Miss Fox, of Toronto, is the guest 'Misses Elizabeth and Erma Broad- rats. industrial • city as "Uncle," this of 'Miss A. M. Sterling at. present, foot visited with Itis. Elmer Towns because he was this relation to Jras. The local Red Crass Committee is cad last week. H. (Tip) O'Neil, former Flint City putting on an exhibition of Red Crass Miss Genevieve'Waike••, or London, Oc-n'mits•sioner and Mayor, and who week i%1 .the building at the Fair this is visiting with M:, anti Itis. F: was defeated tor the United States week, - Tow'nsend this week. Congress last week by a n rrrow mar -Union player service was held in 1Irua from this v'e'•r'ity attended gin. John McQueen. was ,..the son of the presbyterial Church on Wednes Seaforth Fair on Friday last, the late James McQueen, of the Lon- d•uy ,evening of this week. don road at Brucefield„ His mdthher' • ":aa Elizabeth Swan, the daughter of .......� BRUCEFIELD ; Dr. Swan, pioneer physician at Bruce - field for over • 60 years. John Mc - Mr. and Mrs. A. \'Vhe•eler and son, Queen operated the homestead on of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hal- which he was born„October 20, 1856. stead and son, of Stratford, spent the Ile sold the farm' in; 1917 t'b loin. his -week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T . H. nephew, who vias' at .that tiMe sports -Wheeler: editor of The Flvnt Daily Journal. He The United Church will hold their, , has 1'ived• 'with the O'Neil family here anniversary on Sun+day. Oct. 20th, ever since. Mr. O'Neil was on The and the fowl sapper will, be held the Lcnd•on Free Press staff in 1906. Johil following week, Watch for bills. !•MC•Queen was for 30 years -•a member reeknd of the Brucefield Presbyterian, Sas- - lvl:- sicn Board, always active in the work and Jean, Lon on, with Mr. and Mrs. in Exeter.Lone .on, H. Zapfe is bpending.....a few of the church. Since com?ng to Flint J ,M. Miller; Clarence Norris, Toron- •days ,with Mr. and Mrs', J. Kaiser in.' be •h'ss . been a member of the First to with 'his T'aren•ts. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Henson, We are sorry to report -that Pxcsbyterian Church -here. While fail- w Norms: Mr, and Mr's. Fred 'Cong- ' "Mr. Kaiser bras been ill and hope he .ing somewhat oP late, he was down- den, Hamilton, with, Mr. and Mrs. O. will soba be hatter, i town every day and this sud'de'n death W Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Robert VI's. J. Batterbury and Eleanor, of came as a distinct shock to. his many Sa, a,ier; Pte. John Drown, Camp Bor- 'Burlington, spent the week end with Eric^ds. Tip O'Neil his nephew, who .den, with his mother, Mrs. T. Drown: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, i was. raised to manh'oo•d with the late ibfr. and Mrs. Ross McLellan and The Brucefiei'd •R0d Cross have' Mr. ,McQueen .at Brucefie'ld, leaves family, Stratford, with Rev. and Mrs.. •sh'ipped the following: 6•• suits, 380 n'e'e; this midnight with the .'e'nsile Aldswot•th; W. Bain, Sebringville, 'gauze compresses., 261 gauze' mouth I on the way to.t-he home of Mrs. Frank with Mr: and Mrs. A. Jeffery; Mr. ga-wuze, 84 pairs, socks, 3 helmets, . 3 'iron at Clinton, wdd'ere the funeral I and Mrs. T„ inlet -Snell add Mr. and sweaters, 1 scarf.' Mrs. A. Davidsonnet, ' w"ill •be held Saturday at one o'clock. i Mrs; 'N'eeeem Baket, Fullartoh, with -donated 2 sweaters. 4 pales socks, 2 Beside's Mr. O'Neil, 'he leaves' one bio ; Mr, and Mee. A. •N'orri.S; Mr.•and Mrs. emirs' woollen ,mitts, 1. pair child's' and two sisters,. William . Mc- Wilfred•Ratz, Hamilton, with Mr..and `pal Queen, of Vancouver; ' Mrs. •Bessie „Mrs. J. Sad''! r; Mrs. J.' Hilton and 'Stoektin'gs. , O'Neil, of Regime ' and Mrs. James Flower Show Winners family, London,. 'wit.h. Mr, and, Mrs. Following is the list of prize win Vi siker, Clinton; els several nieces Walter O'Brien, -hers of the 'newer. , Sow Yield re -and nephews in the Clinton es, Swan,ld c. teenb1y in. $rucefi'eid:, Bouquet of area and in. the West. James Swan, ire Bruceth k1, •is a Cousin of the d'e- DUBLIN ceased." STAFFA .Qw kR' tip @n g + U k0 4 a$ (73er# TO �r t0t»dl. tf lafittl, fy' > gr .gi>nee�r Ar* as 4O. examiilt •tie ares r 1449,41170444,64.9"11 Vip• clvozuei 9tl dattW 3?a'tae.'Bport r re1Q ollat'ion thet 4 eit1.1R9G +' autbiorized fire, 004 to levty ,'It the ratepayers effected any aeeoltnits that are now, owing the towbi► . for lane ',gravel, . Mat4, Pam+l's+)' $'.r"adang, extreare.• ;Ii;Ce, fentae-viewing "IOU a fte tartbddden to •tt 1k to your award and t1e, ,dr1 agreements, All companions about anythtung yoI1 see each levies to ibe: -, de upon the'cur- lids 'Bari ti4 esgadetr. You are forbidden rent tax roll y'fesolution the coon- to taltli; Politics. You are forblidd'e, 40 ell 1n'struetea thef4kroad superintend- enter any part of 'tlbe •bulk11-3 ,g w^,hei e one and 'rate'pa91 1? at an weed -cut- you have not been ex+preasly told to ting on tea ,towq tip roads must he" go. You are it rbidden tb write let - completed by Seipte.21st and that all ters or to keep a diary, . For- . weed cutting aente,ilats for,1940 must irdddeu, towhistle (it appears that' be 'presented to 0 e Rod StiperinMier ler hats a horror of 'this).. You are tendent not later 'khan O&. 5th, or farfyl'dden to'speak to'the Fuiehrer an" payment will not be authorized by teas .•ha 'first speaks to .you. (This the council., Bylaw; No. 11, 1039, was . as bioavily und�er•lilmed.) Wtit,eq.ever given' a third and+ final reading and wYou meet the ,b`uehrer you must bow passed in open council. This bylaw yalir .til— . •" fixed the rates•• -of taxation for 1940 . These instructions 'were contained as. follows: County, 5,4 mills; gen- in the book of rules which 1 had to eral tax rate, 1 mill; general school follow implicitly when I was a ser- rate, 2,42 mill's. The Treasurer xe- Sant in Beroh•tesgadeni But I est- Ported s*Ported receipts for August,amounting caped from Germany. to $183,29 and the balance of cash at Only a trusted friend of Hitler or Sept. 1, 1940, $3,742-41. Accounts- one..-of.._.th'e staff a;ould coon -attempt were paid as. follows: Road superin to assassinate him within the wa11s tenden't's voucher, $326.24; relief and Of Berahtesgad,en. The whole estate administration, $15.50; miscellaneous, is ranged with three concentric car; $84.24. Council' adjourned to meet on cl'es o'f anti-aircraft guns. Every el)" October 12th at 1 p.m.—A. W. Mor- proaeh is heavily mined. Every door gan, Clerk. tato the house is fitted with an "elec- tric eye" which., it anyone tries to enter unobserved, immediately sounds an alarm and automatically locks ev- ery door. The door to Hitler's' pri- -vale study is. fittteth with an "eye" which can detect if a visitor is carry- ing any steel or iron abject—not-that any visitor is likely to be, far nearly every one who oom'es to Berchtes- ,gad'en is thoroughly searched befcire being allowed to meet Hitler. Hitler' -always works, at an eno.r- miaus desk. A battery- of buttons - decorates one corner, One button is a brilliant scarlet in color. Hit- ler has only to touch, it to flood every mem except the study with ,cloud's of thar gas. • And the instant it is. touched an alarm bell sounds in a barracks which stands some five hundred yards away, and a htiiid'ted picked Blade Guards armed with sorb - machine guns and' hand grenades ad - vanes on th'e house Fironl Hitler's private suite a lift drops 300 feet through solid rock to six rooms forming a luxury Sat, which is also the last word in air- raid shelters. One room is stocked with enough canned food to last fear week, Sept. 19th. Strgpg, bnigh`i• and persons' far at least three months. 'Much of Hitter's time is spent 40 inert early taking bast cast a cloud of 'th•e map room. He has a mania for sorrow over the whole communityr ;maps. Each wall' in this loom is lin- ty '1'e to the • parents the light has ed w1tb, drawers containing maps, o£ g out of the home and to ;them e' ry pa's of +the warld•. There are ane other m'em'bers of the family the •'s.nvey maps of London which show - deepest sympathy of all is extended. irddvidual houses. Hitler likes to The funeral service was conducted' by stand an front 'ef a large map of .the her minister, Rev, Charles McLean, of• Dundee Street Centre Chu'rc'h, assist- ed by.the deceased's uncle, Mr. Shel- don Coleman, of Leonard, Michigan. Rev. McLean paid very 'high tribute to her life and fine character. The Three men are on duty there night floral tributes by.- the Family, rale and day. A dineet privates linQ,•runs fives, fryends anti " societies were from Berchtesgaden' to Berlin ; ,anti many and most beautiful. She is survived by 'her p.ar nts and two b -o- Munich. There is no possibility of r anyone ever tapping it, for when Hit- ler s'pea•ks his words are "scrambled" —.jumbled Into a m'ean'ingless gibber= is'h by an 'electrical device. At the receiving end ,a similar gadget trans- lates n. 648 Hamilton Road. Matisi.e has gone Tiflis line gs alwahsbacSpttio' crus pen and is to 'her long home, young in years, and linked with a pl dome in Hitler s stu- belbved by all whe knew her- dy and his bed'noom- Berchtesgaden is Hitler's. real home but he bee another, retreat. which few visitors see. I entered it only once. le is within view, of Berchtes'g'adsn�--- a building of steel and glass on. the summit of 6;000 foot. Mount Keehlstelin. Hitler ascends to it in. an elevator, whose whose shaft has been quarried out of the ''heart of the'mountain. Of its two rooms, orae is a small kitchen, the other an en'orm'ous sitting room with walls of glass. The furniture iso. simple --a desk, two or three divans and a large telescope. It is to this room that Hitler goe to brood. No telephone connects b with the out- side world. t believe only two far- HID (Gondanaed ht`Magazinte frt au article by Paulliee Kohler WALTON TO ••••.. WTlriompson with Mr. and• Mrs. Lyle Worden, 'having spent the summer in the West; Mr. arid Mrs. William C'howen. Mitchell, • with Mr. and Mrs. R. Vivian; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris' and Mr. and Mrs William. Jeffery, in Exeter: Mi.. and Mrs. Cap-, el Temltrlem'"an and Betty with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs'.. H. Tem.pd'eman Mr: 'and Mrs. M. Hod:gert and Lillian 1YEESWATER FAP' OCT. 1 and 2,1940 "Canada's Largest Rural Fair” —SOME OF THE ATTRACTIONS-'' 'One of the Finest Horse Shows in' Western Ontario Sensational Racing Events Three Bands, including the Famous Strathroy Trumpet Band : ighland Dancing Competitions, spon- sored by Elgin & Middlesex Caledonian Society Freak Vetficles Twins Similarity. Contest Comedy Acrobats 'Grandstand Accommodation for over 1,000 People J. J. REID, President ALEX. B. McKAGUE, Sec.-Treas. and Managing Director BUS TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.25 aim. and '5.15 p.m. Leaves Seaforte for Goderich: • Daily except Srrin4lay and 'tial., 1.05 p.es. and 7.40 p.m. - Sun and had., 1.05 pm. and 9.20 p.m. Connection at Stratford ,for Taranto, HannlIton, Buffalo, 'Pavie:ook, Wldodstock, Brantford. Agents -- Queen's Hotel. Commercial Botel, Dick House STRACOACH LINES RICH SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS (Formerly W. E. Chapman) Now operated by , CUNNINGHAM & 1RY1M We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery, Mefiorfals SEAFORTH ..• Tuesdays and Saturdays, 'or any. time by, ap- pointment. p-pointment. • see— •' DR. F. HARBURN--Phone 105. Phone' 41 EXETER Box 160 , CONSTANCE The Conatarvoe United Church in- tends, 'holding their anniversary serv- ices on Sunday, Oct. 13th,,, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. W. Johms'on, of Fordivich,,. will deliver the message. The choir will render special music. Mr, Hiram Proctor, New. Liskeard, is visiting" his aunt, Mrs'. Henry Tay- lor and oot'her relatives, also, Mrs, Wm. Clarke and Mr. and, Mrs', Ephriam Clark and •other friends. Mr. ,Latnes .Medd left last'w'eek for the West' where he intends purchas- ing a carload of cattle. .• Mr. and Mrs,. Jack Ferguson visited Mr, and. Mrs, Lorne Dale, of Seafarth, on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, George Leitch and Mr. M i, • A thighly respected citizen in the ei' ars have ever• visited this hide - person, of Philip Kenny celebrated his Besides this they -have 'the. Junior Red eighty-second .birthday on September Cross of U.S.S. No, 3, St. Calum'ban, out—Unity .Mitfrord and Odunt Gann. .20th surrounded by a group of rela- which •did t'h.e following: Pillow ca$ - Death of Hugh Shannon The funeral of Hugh Sbaniaon, Wal- ton resident, who died on Saturday in a Kitchener hospital- after being tak- en suddenly till• while motoring tthrcugh that city, was held from 'his residence at Walt* on Monday. He was a man ,sligbtly�over middle'age, was well and aVorably known th'.rougthaut the district. He -is sur- vived by hiss' wife and.by one daugh- ter by a former marriage. ®® h ' McKILLOP Death of IVJai`•sie Coleman • Maisie Coleman, Only daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Artl}lr N. 'Coleman, passed away at that:home of her par- ents, 967 Hackett Street, London, in h'er•l7th year after an illness of five mouths'•• -duration.' In spite of medi- cal ai.d and kind nursing could 'do, she passed away an Thursday • of bast 1ovi'ng 'she was a general favorite and Third Reich delivering .lectures on the greatness' of Germany and the way her frontiers must spread and reread. ' One of the most important rooms 'hou'ses the telephorde switchboard. tilers, Rass'el. sapoewchere in En'glarrd and Bill, of ' Hamilton. Interment took place in the London Memoral Park Cemetery on- Saturday after- noon from the Evans Funeral Home, ST, COLUMBAN The following is a list of the sew- ing and ,knitting done by the War Service Unit 'whic'h is affiliated with the Red Cross' in Seaforth: Pyjam- as, 40 pairs; gauze hankies, 42; khaki !hankies, 62; abdominal' bakidages, 12; pnuemoni'a jackets, 6; hospital gowns 2; d'octier's gown' and cap, 1; surgi- cal towels, 24; pillow eases 12; re- fugee dre'se,es' 2; quilts, 1. KnStting- 59 pairs 'socks, 23 pairs wristlets. This is work drone by the ladies in the St. Columban district. They also donated 1 ,pair. of woollen blankets. fives and frier:de He' is a native of es, 12; towels, 9: gauze hankies, 12: Logan•'Towes'hip, and' was married to khaki 'hankies, 24;' face cloths, 2; Mise Catherine Krauskope 53 years • scarfs, 1. They also made and d'o')at- ago. They celebrated their . golden anniversary three years •ago. They have six children living; Mrs, Daniel Burns, Staffa; Mrs. Mark Atkin, De- troit; Mrs. Jelin Cook, Youngstowni, Ohio; Joseph and Fergus, 'Detroit, and Leo of Geraldton, Ont. Visitors: Joseph Carpenter, Chat- ham Vocational School, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter; Raymond Redmond and Miss- 101ive Johnson, St. Augustine, with Mrs.. Teresa Redmond; Pte. Walter Brem- ner and Mrs Bremner, St. Thomas, at the home of Leo Krauskopf; Miss and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt visited r• Vera Feeney' Toronto, withher mo - and Mrs. Lawson in Stratford on the', • Mrs. Kathleen. Feeney; Pte. Sunday. Clarence O'Reilly, St. Thomas, with The Lawson clan spent aunday at Mr. and Mrs: William O'Reilly; Ken - the home of Mi -..and Mrs. Roy Law ny Burns, W'in•dsoi•, with Mr., and son, Huron Road, it being the 25th Mi,s Dan Burns; Miss Anna Kraus- anr:iversary,of their marriage. kopf, London,, wibh Mr. and Mrs. Mr's. T. P'o'liard received word on Nicholas- Krabskapf; Mr', nand Mrs. Monday evening of the death of Mr. Mark Atkin, Detroit, with -Mr. and Pollard. Mr. Pollard hes been ill for a number of years and,. passed away in the hospibal"'1n Londo-n. Mr. Pol- lard lived nearly all his life in and around Co'ns't'an'ce. The funeral was held on Thursday to Constance ceme- tery. The sympathy of the commun- ity goes out to litre. Pbllard and Ifriends- Mrs. William Clark is. i.n. Clinton Public Hospital, where she underwent an operation on her foot. Her many friends -w'ish her a speedy recovery. HAYFIELD Mrs. Robert' Watson and son, Ed- ward, ' left hush Friday for their home in Fatielight, Sask., :after a` visit with her mother, Mrs. Edwards, the past three 'menthe. • Mies Whittaker, 'of Toronto, is vis- iting With 1VTrs. Gairdner this Week. Miss., Doris Fea,thei'8on„ of London, is Visiting her parent:a, Mr. and Mrs. E: Featherston this hw'eek, ' 'MASS, Betty, Ga414d41'er havl$rii spent the Jholid+ays with +hier nI'otller here -lett to attend college in Toronto again tris week.' The-temival Hayfield Fall Fair was 4 u! 4 Mrs. Philip Kenty. Mrs. Katharine Benninger is mov- ing 'this week to her residence on Matilda Street. ea$6.00, :. Muss Those M +Quaid, R.N., of Chris- tie Street Hospital, has returned to Toronto. Miss Irene McQuaid, Mrs. Vincent Lane, Florence McQuaid, Nora Mc- Quaid, Wilfred McQuaid, John Mc- Quaid, Martin McQuaid and Louis Coyne attended the departure cere- monies• in' Toronto orn Sunday for Rev. Themes. McQuaid, wlho is. leaving for the China. Missions. CROMARTY IJSI3OItNE The municipal council of Usborteer Township met on September 14th with all the members present. Minutes' Of August 10th were adapted as read. Communications were received from the Department of Public Welfare, re- questing that municipalities attempt to curtail administration costs :n municipal relief, Filed. Notice that, effective August 22nd, the Province -will cease its prevailing form of con: tributions to fully employable persons on relief, male or female, either heads of famdlie5 or •ableebadied de- pendents. Filed, Request ; was .also received from the Navy League of Canada for . financial assistance I'd their "patriotic work, necessitated' by the wax. Connell decided that ,action would be impossible•• ow'ieg to exist- ing legislation forbidding such easdet- ance. A . drainage petition was pres- ented to the counil re'questi'ng drain - o; 40111111111 • Rev. Peter Jamieson 'preached an enlightening sermon from 'Revela- tions, 2nd chapter, the, first of a s'er- les of 'sermons he intends' to preach from the Book of Revelati'on's. Mrs. H'el•e'n. Strinson visited at the home of Mr. John MQCulloch and daughter, Miss • 1.ila McCull'ocih. Mr. arid. Mrs. Sttewtart Robertson and family, of Lielowel, visited' et •the ho'n'e of Mrs. Robertson and son, John. Mrs. John Brits and son', Prank, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoskopf, bf SebringViliie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar and other rel- atives. • Mr. and Mrs. Houghton and' family spent a day with Mr. and Mrs, A. R'hod'e, of Mitchell, Mr. and' Mrs'. John Young and fam- ily, o.f Granton, visited' wlbh Miss M B. Currie. Mrs. Colin MacDau'glad, orf Harris - ten, visited with Mos'. Quanre on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs, E. Lloyd Miller, of Stratford, spent W'edn'esday aftermmen with M.ns. 5, Miller. 1 This season's styles are most at- tractive ttractive and again our buying connec- tion enables us to show, Cloths and Fur Trimmings that are superior in appearance . and weareng qualities. These come in Black, Green, Browp, Wine, in an extensive range of fine Boucle and - Novelty -Coatings, richly trimmed with Persian Lamb, Mink, Squirrel, Muskrat, Opossum, etc. You are invited to visit our Coat Depart- ment and see these outstanding values, Girls' Coats . - 750 to J6.° Women's Coats 17.50 to 4;00 • IMPORTANT SHOVING DOMESTIC and IMPORTED BOTANY Wool Sweaters ii Imported and Domestic Sweaters, made from finest botany wools, in plain knit and embroidered style pull- overs. SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS, '.. $129 to $1.98 LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS $1.95 to $2.25- CARDIdANS $1: to $3.9 THIS STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS - Starting October 2nd. S"fEWART ROS. locato.r5 of the battery pick up the throbbingof its motors. Like giant's ears, the looatars are trained Toward the sound. If it is night the locators transmit their findings to' P'oworful searchiigirlbs, with which fey are closely syn'ehtronized, ]immediately a blinding, bluish ray of light, 800,000; 000 candlepower of i•t, knifes through 'the darlcness'to pick up• the marnude: in the sky and divulge its location to 1,he height and range finders on the around. .A crew of four men mans the range finder. ' Training its powerful lenses on the airplane, it quickly registers the 'height of the plane on' gauges. This knowledge is electrically trans - mined to a "predictor;' bhe iterTe MODERN A -A GUNS centre of th'e battery. This instru meat, an innocent looking 'box, curate .'WINTHROP PROTECT CANADA w,itil dials and gauges, takes 11e he4.ght of the ptane and quickly trana- •• The W. M. S. and W. A. of Cavan Crhurrdlx, Winthrop, wtil'1 'meet , at the haute of Mrs. Hugh Alexander • on Wednesday, oc4t. 2frd. The roll call will -be an "Faith." . 1 forms jt, with help of such denomin- ei, angle of travel lnd • an a gee ion 1 that will determine the range and Night and day, in fair weather and I angle of fire. Thick cables carry this foul, Without even the break in nebn- information eo the. A -A gun proper. otony that attack would bring, item_ i Theee the shell leavesthe the gun intruder. h e ing men of Canada's forces keel) e,igit I predictor lass determined, its angle at strategic points along the •Domin End trajectory so that it will explQoe Tili t ON EASTERN COAST' angle as elevation g inti ion's muzzlesn coast line. battery a �'n- at the precise spot where shell and ing of ara,stal battery guns sweep the sea approaches; fiyiug plan& cross each others path in the boats Of the R.C,A.F. petrel the skies: sity, iauarohe.s' of the Ca,n•a'd•ian Navy, small I Taking, for instance, 3.7 guns such and large, dart back and 1'orth, 4n , as are used in, this battery and ex - and ten'sivel' at other ,spots along the and out (ll_inl•ets and ports', constant- •, coast, each gun, with 1te crew' of sev- ly od the 'loo•k-out for enemy reamed - I en or eight men, will send twelve ers• t death -dealing shells into the sky ee- Important among Canada's coastal • ell' minute- Thee, allows.only live defences in this war .of aerial Combat sreonds in which to pass the heavy are the modern anti-aircraft bate°les j shell sting, .from the munition cup - which' dot the hills a,nid cliffs of the ; Atlantic seaboard, Skillfully camouflaged and rem'c•te from well -trodden highways, the lo- cation o•f Canada's A -A guns and bat- teries are virtually unknown to all but th'os'e who man them. Modern in every respect, • these sand -bagged n'eStrs of anti-aircraft'•'' gun's are the country's bulwark against invasion by air. , ' • Today's A -A. batteries, such as pro- tect the Dominion's coast, are ' the mathem.aticiian's'dream come true. To the dayeman they are as mystifying as "Superman." A typical 'battery has five import-' en't components, closely co-ordinated into a unit that hears airplanes be- fore they tett be seen, sees them be- fore they are Within striking distance, gauges their height,, the range of fire, and pelte lead and steal at them, 8r- will burst ,,the shells so that they wi 1 nt the spot where the plane is going tri be 'when the shells arrive. Of eourse it's net all ae easy as that, but theoretically that's how it'w'al'ke. Suppose an, enemy plane is winging Its way toward Canada's coast, While it le • still *ell out se. sea, the sound hoard to the gun, to open the breach, insert the shell, close tae breach and • fire. To do it means practice and speed, two vital requirement's in ti1,i.e war. The bays 'et the coastal 'anti- aircraft, 'batteries have plenty o'' both. They are ready, A certain sportsman wase ,playing over ,a. golf course in Scotland and playing very badly - "Dear dear!" he rema1ked at last, "there canna' be worse players than ' myself." "Weel, %vee'!, maybe there 'are worse players." commented the cad -- die consolingly, "but they drnno pay.- CANADIAN lay" \RED C,ittOSS Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. 011111.11 t0# lig WOW lw mow BOY WAR 'SAVINGS STAMPS ti • eat