HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-09-13, Page 4• ee •1 „ ;40 le Classified Ads swill be inserted at new low cash rates: -Far Salo. *tinied, Lost and Found, Coming Events, Etc. -Per word: _ea.. .. . , ist week ‘ ' 1 Cent • 2,dweek % Cent .... lied week %. cwai ......„ ., . lainimum thane, east insertion 215 Gaeta Each figure, initial and ahlanuriettkro. counts sta tams word- ' Card of Thanks, .In Memoriam Notices -1 cent per word Minimum- 50 cents per week. Eneadrieas may be directed to a Bel Number, cage of The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents %d-na, 'Fen eents additional per week will be ohargred if ads in above class are not paid by the 'Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run. Wrath, Marriages and Deaths 41nm-tied free of charge. Auot3On Sales. Entices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application_ Wanted IATANTEDANY " bythe day. TOITJ , Hammitt, Farm Stock For Sale -,- ONE WISHING HELP I -giOR SALE ----23 CH.01CiE YORK -SUCKERS, Apply,. HAROLD S. A. 3- ready to wean. App3y no ALEX Me- se96,e2 DONALD, R -IL t. Seafarth. Plaine 662 r 16, Seaforth. 3796-1 • For Sale -port SALE -A NUMBER OF WOODEN "; barrels and 110 -lb. galvanized pails. Ap- ply CRICH'S BAKERY. 3796-3 VCR APPay SALE -ONE THOUSAND SHARES Greater Malearc;ie Gold Mines, Ltd. ROBERT WINTER, R.R. 1, Belgrave. 3796x1 sALF,--auecoaniCK-DEERING 15-30 tractor. Steel lugs ; in. No. I crandition. E. MOUSSEAU, Kippen. Phone 94 r 3. Hensall. 3796-4 QAXON TREASURE COMBINATION frEAT- "s" er and .cook stove with reservoir, in A-1 shape Large oval, deep firebox. Reasonable for quick ca3a sale. FRANK J. SMALE, Centre Stirt. 3796x1 Property For Sale T_TOUSE FOR SALE -IN EGMONTOVILLE, ii-omed brick' house. allin good repeat.; double garage. Taxes reasonable. Apply to MRS. E. J. DINNIN, Seaforth_ 3796-3 In Memoriam pOR SALE -SEVEN ROC/IVIED COTTAGE "isa Egmondville ; all conveniences ; half acre land ; good' barn and garage. Also UP- ris-ht Heinteman piano, in good condition. Apply -to MRS. CHARLES FINKBEINER. 3796-3 Poultry N-rn loving memory of Lfilie Leslie "1" Rina, who wxassed away Sept., 10. 1910. Nat dead Not lost, She lives , And wil3 3796x1 to those who loved her, but gone before; with us in memory for everrabre. and •Danglibers. Cards of Thanks Air'. PATRICK FLANNERY 'WISHES TO thank sincerely all his neighbors and friends from country and town who were so good to him all tliose long weeks while in Hospital. He also wishes to thank his dif- ferent nurses who were so patient and kind. Births MALL COUNCIL XEEPS RATE DOWN DESPITE INCREASE • Reduce General and Deben- ture Rate to Partially Offset Increases. NEWS Of' " HENSALL BROADFOOT-In Tuckersanith, on Septem- ber 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jlohn Broadfoot, a son. HULLEY-In Scott Memoriall Hospital, Sea- -forth, on September 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Malley, MeKillop, a son. - Deaths 'Hensall net tax rate for 1940 was ille at a meeting of the council .head Monday evening. Increases over which the council had no control amounted to 5.7 mills, made up as follows: School hoard. 10.9 mills to 14.4 mills; county rate, 3.5 mills to 5.2 mills, and municipal subsidy reduced from 1.5 mills to. 1 mill. The fact that the net rate is iri- creased but 4 mills is made possible by 'reductioas which the council has effected in the debenture rate, which is down 1.3 mills, and in the general rate Which is reduced .4 mills. K. Hicks appeare.d as a delegate, from the War Service Committee as regards suitable gifts for these who have enlisted for ectiv.e service, was advised of the motion pas -sed at the last meeting. 0. Twitchell appeared asking . permission to remove the fence at the rear of his property, same granted; alse asked permission to Purchase 10 feet formerly belong- ing to his propertY. Robison and Hensall public school will hold their Herton: Thateweesell 10 feet, the pm - annual scihoo fair on Tuesday, Sept. den off the old link property farmer - 17th, ly belonging tb Let 10, 'Petty's Sur- Hensall Senior Institute will cmaa- vey, tar the sum of $10, 0. Twitche'l ' mence its fall, program with a peti- te pay all transfer fees and right -of - luck smeller and s.eciel evenini to he way to be granted 'for' both lots. Car - held. at the home of Dr. and. Mrs. D. med. Robison and Moir: That all 0. Steer on Friday evening, Sept. 13, weed cutting done Gll private proper - 6.30 p.m. All members are cord- ty he charged against the property 91 WRIGFIT-In Seaforth, on Welleday. Sept. llth, Charles Werldht, of MoKialonin his 68th year. 11OULLETS-I BUY ,AND SELL CHOICE • pullets and young Leghorn hens, arid j DR A moTD DES 'other poultry. art best market prices. Call or write. GEORGE WALKER, Hensel'. Phone • • 1 1LEiil 119. Satisfactory culling. 3894x6 I Notices ' ' • , E0()stroR' • , • SciiptUre leset n, 14t1i chapter .or St. Joh;' was road by Misi Minple Reid, . Mts. Hudson p.ea;erted the t ,ipic, "Facine •tike Future Task in India,' Follawing the ,husiness period the hymn, "Oh Flar a .Cher Walk With G. d" was sung, and the closing hymn 'Oh, Jesus, a Have Piomised" was followed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- eon. Th.e Sunday school rally day seta vh:e will he observed on Sunday morn -Mgt. Sept. 15th, in Hensall Unit- ed Church. Mr. Robert Passmore, divinity student, will be the guest speaker for the day. Mr. Bensea Stoneman, of Chiselhurst, will he the guest soloist for the evening eervice. Mrs. J. R. Stewart is a patient at Sectt Memorial Hos9ita1, Seaforth, where she .expeetsto undergo. an .eperatiga on Friday morning. Hurondale W. I. Meets Mrs. Stanley Mitchell was hostess at ,her home for the Hunandale W. 1. with a splendid attendance of mem- SUDDENLY • Thompson, Hensall. For latest quota- Widely Known Hensall Man r_RAIN-I AM BUYING GRAIN FOR GEO. Mans and information phone 655 r 2. We carry a stock of bags and will also do your Was Candidate At trucking. W. M. SPROAT, Tile Yard. • 3790-tf s' ' 1937 Election. Lost and.Found , Dr. Alexander Mole Nvidely ktiown 1 c.idene Of Hensall and Ind epend.en Hal-01..lern LOST -A FOX HOUND, ABOUT candidate in Huron at the last pro Aleeet 9.9111, between Seaforth and Brige-4 vincial election, was found dead in Exe-osreen. °Pelee:. ' 3796xl bed a;t his ate.sidence south of Hen- ATTACK TUE CAUSE oil ,Rheu matins. USE SelatiCso ILAIInba2°"" 'THEIR so-WAi acmes nerconisostnorei"". McKINDSEY'S— Seaforth miDDLgToFs. Hensall as he talked to a greet many of them. Empire Day of Prayer was fittingly obsetved in the three local churches on Sunday last with special pra-yers cffered for the peaoe of the nations, and special discourses were delivered in .all the churches. The United Ohurch quartette, composed .of MEE+. M. G. Drysdale, Mrs. George Hess, Mies Kathryn Drysdale and Miss Ruth Hess, sang a pleasing selection., "Ev- ery Prayer Will Find An All9Weir." At the morning service the Misses bers and guest'present. The roll Shirley Fairbairn, Mary Goodwin, call was responded to wath. "My im- pression ef our King and Queen." Mrs. James Kirklan.d, loCal leader •of the Department Corking School, held re- cently at Crediten, gave a demonstra- tion. Miss Jean McQueen gave a splendid paper on "Safety Begins At Home." Mrs. ,Denson Stoneman fav- ored with two very fine solos and Mrs. Sohn Bolton directed commun- ity singing. -A chapter' of the iaboa, 'Autobiography -of a Woman Sky Pil- ot,' was given by Mrs.. Earl Mitchell and mulch enjoyed. Fifty caths ot- Heesallaand. WilliantRayrnend Clarke, jam will be made this month by this son of Mr., and Mrs. Nelson, Clarke, Institute for the Red °MS'S. Refresh- of Woodham The charming bride ments were served and the meeting wore a floor -length pawn, of blue closed with the National Anthem. sheer crepe with tucked, bolero jack- et, finger-tip veil and 'accessories itt white, and She carried a Colonial bouquet of erhite asters and rose- buds. She *as attended by her Pa- ter, Miss Leman Martin, wearing a floor-lengthi gown of pink organza ov- er taffeta, and also careied a Colonia,1 houquet .aster" and poses. Mr. ,Aenold Ford, Exeter, was the grooms- man. Later. a reception was held at the home of the 'bride's parents, some thirty-five guests •being present. Mrs: Martin receiv.ed in a gown of crepe I Suez and was'assisted by Mrs. Clarke Ruth Broolc and Goldie Cross contri- buted a delightful number, "Thanks Be To God." ;ding ;trip to Niagara Fall, ither -brtrie donning for travelling a why 011ie enSeRAle.. ,,,Thery will creside& at WoOd- Complimenting Miss Gertrude Mar- tin, a bride of Saturday last, .some *tie hundred neighbors pacr.triends met at her bottle on Thursday eonn- lug last and honored her with a mis- cellaneous shower. The gifts were presented in a lovely' basket decorat- ed in pink and white, Audrey MacKaY and Bernice McClinchey% doting the honors. A program consieting of solos, readings and musical numbers was a highlight of the evening. Re- freshments were servedt Clarke - Martin St. Andrew's United Church Parson- age, Kipepn, on Saturday, Sept. 7th, at 11 a.m., wag the setting for a lovely autumn wedding, when Rev. E. F. Chandler officiated for the mar- riage of Gertrude Jane, daughter of Ma and Mrs. Williara Martin, of Fahner Flnkbeiner Standards of various lovely colored, gladioli and asters against a back- -ground -of ---ferns decorated, Zion. Evan- gelical Chtirch, Greaten, for a lovely autumn wedding ma Saturday, Sept. 7th, when Norma Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Finkbeiner,....was united in marriage to Mr. Harold H. Fahner, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Feltner, of Crediton. Rev.. A. E. Pletch officiated. Mrs. Freeman Morlock was at the console for the wedding music, and the soloist, Mrs. Guidon Mot -lock,- sang in splendid voice, "At Dawning." Given in mar- riage by her father, the attractive bride ,was gowned in floor -length white silk embroidered net over white taffeta, with draped bodioe and short puffed sleeves. Her finger-tip veil, worn in halo fashion, was. held in place with .gardendas, and 9116- wore - a pearl necklace, the gift of the groom; and carried a shower bouquet cf Queen Mary roses. 1V11 -s. Howard Heist, f Fenwick, sister of -the bride, was matron of 'honor, wearing a pink silk net gown made in bouffant style ially invited to be present and bring their donation,s. Mr. Albert Dinnin has been trans- ferred from the staff of 'the Beak of holders •en the collector's roll. Car- ried. Correspondence read: W. R. Mountain, Department of Public Wel- fare, Red Cross Society, Departmena Mentre,al, Clinteri, to the- Hensa ; of Municipal Affairs, Navy League 'of braraah. wearing black sheer. Both wore cor- Canada, County Treasurer, K. I. Mc- Lean. Mrs-. E. Stapleton; same filed. Bills and Aceounts: J. Henderson, relief, greceries. $25.80;. W. 0. Good- win, relief, clothing, $3.00; T. 'Welsh, Teller, weed $2.00; K. I. McLean, law rests $12,00; Huron Expositaa print- ing. '$1.86; 0. Geiger, cutting weeds, $7.S0; Hensall Hydro, $5.62; J. Smil- lie, tile, $3,50; J. E. McEwen, 'tat- ting weeds, 80.c; T. Kyle, salary. $5P, F. G. Bonthron, pestage. $5.00; W. Coleman, cutting weeds, $2. Total, 4129.28. Horton and Moir: That the accounts as read be paid. Carried. Cameron and Horton: That the tea: t rate be struck as follows: For coin- _ ty, 5.2; village, 12.5; Library, 0:5; de - Mr. and Mrs. George Walker have sages of Talisman roses.' The home moved into the house recently: occu- rt)cilcic.l'hy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc.Neugh- , 1 b: idol table ' was ; centered with, the Of gladioli and lerksmir, while the Mr. -and Mrs, N. E. Cook and ranee Wedding cake and vases of roses in ily enjoyed a visit to' the, C.N.E. at •Seveial thades. added to the effective - To i ont o last week. „ 'nese, `Serving were the Mieses Mabel Mr. and Mrs. William. Simpson and W'rltrrian. and Helen Moir, of Hen - little son, Billy, of Detroit, are va- sail; .Dorothy Miller, of Stela, and cationing for a week with the form- Jessle }-ledgert of Exeter. Mr. and fie.( • tan an w : , p y _ . sall at noon. on Thuned.ay. LOST -A FRATERNITY PIN OF BLUE • Dr. Moir had been in, good health a-4 "and EXPOSITOR OFFICE. and had been in Hen,sell in. the morn - Auction Sales AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD F1J3tN1SH- titgs Street, West, Seaforth, Frid,ay, Senlember 13th, 2 o'clock, consisting of the following artidles Single bed, double bed; mattresses : ; soninirs ; 2 dress - en; 2 washstands : cedar ehe,t Singer sew- ing nrechine dining room. •table: buffet: 2 sofas dI,Oherl ruolyziard; k itch cri table: drepleaf table; range ; 'rocking chairs ; small table. ;hall cnirror : 3 toilet sets tin- ser.'cr; garden • tools ; much walnut sofa ; ;sofa ; Chair: electric rangette: irozO.rig board. and ether ;articles too Turner - nus to "menton. Terms -Cash. ISABEL A. • ..BALLANTYIVE. Peoprietre.zs ; .. Harold ,,,I ask - son, Auotionee.r. •3796-2 benture, 3.0; school, 14.4; .relief, 0.4, or a total rate of 36,0 n s e su charming with lovely bouquets SEPTEMBER I& -U40 Coming to Hensall C. R. WILKINSON, R.O. OPTFIALI610 QPTICIAN • Wingham will be at W. 0. Goodwin% store cor- exy let and 3rd Tuesdays in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and torose that have not been • properly fitted are specially mean. mended to consult me. Haus: ii a.ra. to 6 p.m. Rhone Hemsall 16 for aPPOinlanent. 2577 er's grandmother, Mrs. R. Boethron, and mother, Mrs. L. Simpson. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt, of By- ron, accompanied by the iormer s i-ncther, Mrs. Alice Joynt, of this vil- lage, are enjoying a motor taip to Tot onto, Brockville, Cornwall and other places. Miss Myrtle Peart is 'spending a , iag l•e atives in London . week viat one mill provincial subsidy, or a td- Mr. and Mrs. George T. Mickle, of , tal taxable rate of 35 mills. Carried. Robison and Moir: That Bylaws 5 Ridgetown, are the guests of Mr. and . • . IV(ts E L Mickle and 'family. .' i Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth,• who" were sent for owing te-th'e"iliness Of ' the latter's Mather. . Mrs. L. Simpsen, have ieturned to their home in De- troit. . .. . Miss Mona Redden is visiting wish her sister, Mrs. Whitn.ey Carter, 9.1 • Clinton. • Mrs. G. V. Laug-bton, who has been - speeding a week or so with ter pa s:- e.nts, Mr. and MIS, Charles McDopell 1 Ina returred to her home in • Toronto..1 Edward Little, Hensall motorcycle ridea, and his passenger, James M. Parkins, of' Zurich, were taken• to St. Joseph's Hospital, • London, on•Sun- day afternoon for treatment .after the - ing. Returning- hone he bad gone to and 6 be eiaen is and. tea n- 1110. dawn and when his wife wenteo, ing. Carried. Cameron and Horton: call him found that he had passed On_ That Bylaws -5 and 6 be given third • Dr. Moir was active in many 'fielf.s, an.d final reading and finally passed. are. only recently appeared befoee.the .Carried. Heaton:and Robison: That Huron County .Council to offer his We now adjourn. Carried.—James A. 7'livate sanatorium as a haven; for Paterson, Clerk. evacuated British children. Harvest' Thanksgiving services will Dr. Moir was born •in Hay Town- be heldi this coming Sunday, Sept. 15, ship 66 years ago, the•son of the late gt St. Paul's Anglicau Church. Spe- Mr. and Mrs. George Moir, and had tial guest speaker for the morning -lived, in that cotanamity all his life service Will be Rev. Mr. Johnston,' of with ,the exception. of about 10 years London, and for the evening, Rev: M. Spent in. Western Canada. He took B. Parker, sof ;Broughdale, a former courses at Goderich High. ,§.91-1001. 'rector. Special music will feature Goderi•cart Model School, Hariaoard both services. Collegiate Institute. Toronto, Denver Arnold Circle Meets Mass Jean McQueen was hostess at cycle was in cellision with a car on ber home Monday evening for the highway at the eth concession Arnold Circle et Carmel Church, the ' cf London bruises and injury to his right The topic, "A, Day With Our Mission- leg and right hand .Parkins had bob aries Throughout the Glad Tidings!' was taken by Miss Beryl Pfaff, Miss legs bruised and elbow, abrasions and, possible fracture of the right hand. Margaret Bell, Miss Irene Hoggertle T i on NO. 4 highway, ebere °he also Normal Soh•ool, Manitoba University, Mrs. Clarke left for;an extended Wed - AUCTION SALE 0E, HOUSEHOLD FURN- and after- taking his anedicaa training " iture .S; tuAay, Sept. llth. at 2 p.m.: Nordheimer -player piairL0'; 100 music roils said there he has p.ractised his protessidn seat.: mahrgrny bedroom suite, springs and continuously foe thirty years, special- ma:rtreis ; iron bed, springs and mattress: izimg radium during, the :'Iast .20 waShstandl ; 2 ..solid oak chairs up. For the last eight years • he holstered irn leather; 2 mahogany:rockers : 1 oak, rocker; 1 oak' table: 2 mahogany tables ; has conducted. a well kno:vvat private tablie : 6 chairs sewing in.-?.cihine ; hospital erre mile south of Hensall Wilton rug': Bru,sels earpet; number of pic- tures : mantel chock ; books; curtains ; blinds and cu-rtain be4ri_rorn dishes: Moffat steel iange heater congoleurn rug kitcrnm with a lace bodice, and Miss Elva: Wuerth, of Detroit, was bridesmaid, gowned in figured blue organza over taffeta.. Both wore shoulder veils with ooronets of flowers and carried Colonial bow:wets of briarcliffe and blue cornflow,ers.' Mr. Clarence Fah - nee. brother' of thie groom, was groomethan, and the ushers were Mr. Elvin Finkbeiner and Mr. HowardHist. Later a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents„ Mrs. Finkbeiner receiving in a gown of navy embroidered georgette, and was_ assisted by Mrg. Albert Fahner, wearing navy blue Sheer. Both wore shou1derettes sweetheart roses and fern. Mr. and Mrs. Fallarner 'left by 'meter •for -•an extended: trip to_ Mut37 koka Lakes, Ottawa and the Thou- sand Island, 'the bride travelling ire a cherry real ,bouele neat, navy dress and accessories to match. They will reside on the groom's farm, north of Creditone upon their return. • Since it appeals that more Child War Guests will soon be coming to Canada from Great Britain, it has been thought wise to register the names of those in Hensell and surrounding district who are willing to open their homes to such guests. Those will- ing to do so are invited to give the following information to their Clergyman or to thetMunicipal CI'erk at Hensel! or ,Zurich: YOUR NAME ADDRESS' Sea and Age of Child or Children desired HENSALL WAR SERVICE COMMITTEE REV. W. WEIR, B.A., DR. A. R. CAMPBELL, War Guest Committee. Chairman. • loth were able to leave the hospital operates a faani. . end Mies Sally. Manson, followed by . , •aeter treatineet Traffic Officer I. eln- I. Surviving him is his Wife, Whom a piano solo by Miss Margaret Dou- al • . ' ' . table; saver saore odd Piece' of ch,fla he 1:n:eerier] ha Virden, Man., a bro- g • h b ess was discussed on investigated and -learned" that the motorcycle was southb.ound as a car • thee, B.,o6ert, anal a -sister, Mrs. Celin af thelateeting. The Scripture lessen, driven by H. L. Sharp, of Loncloa, step ladder : tree pruner ; scythe ; shovel: gar - r E Prprier..- John Str eet • • a number of hymns 1;vere sung. At to the Gth concession. Occupants et • -; • is late tesidende on Monday after - and glassware : t ray ; sealers p sr boiler • was northbound and turning left on- rn on. Terms csri MRS WILLI A:VI Funeral sereices be ;held ..rom Bell; prayer, Miss Violet Hyde, and den tools awl other article. toe numerous to McGill. John 23:17, was ta• ken by Mrs. Roy Had J acluon , A uctien eer. the rar escaped -injaty."' Dr. H. G. Popular Stallions 3193-2 Boon - at 2 p.m.. with interment in lieneal1 Union Cemetery. The Clydesdale Stallion FAVORITE AGAIN 24337 Enrolment No. 1961 Will stand at his own stable at Brucefieid for the season. Fifteen dollars to insure, Payable February 1, 1941. ROBERT D. muenoefe Proprietor. PETER KILPATRICK', Manager. 3780-tf ` Imported Clydesdale Stallion SOLWAY RESOURCE Imp. 1281731 (23029) Enrolment No. 3744 ' Form 1 Widi stand for the improvement af stock ' this season, as follcrws: Monday Morneing-Will leave his own stable at Brucefielrl and go to the 2nd Cetacession, then south and east to Alex. Sinclair's, for noon ; then east to the Town Line and north the 9th COrecitisSii0T1 to Wm. Patrick's, for night. Tnesday-East 1% miles and north to the 7th' Concession to Coyne Bros.. far noon; then to Robert °Mg's, Tth Oancession, for rrigivt. Wednesday -To Gemmel's Corner "and north to A. & Brandfoot's, for noon; then to his own stable. Thursday -At his own stable. Friday - West to the second Concession of Stanley and north to John H. MicEnesures, for Wolcm; then to his own stable for night SatusdaY-at his own stable. Terms-fo insure a foal, 815.00, ,payable February 1, 1941. R. 13. MURDOCH, Pmerietter and Manager. 8780-tf the conclusion of the Lord's ay weiners, coffee and toasted marsh - Mrs. W. Wiikinsen and two (laugh- wallows were enjoyed. taro Joeeelaine and Flore-noet Mr. and The publishers on a number of oc- Mrs. Gorden Wilkinson, and Mr. and, casions;rerently have been in receipt Mrs. George Green, all of Stratford, cf a number., of interesting cornmuni- visited over the week -end with Mrs. cations ane items of news from Hen - W. Sangster and family. 'Fall, but sine& the writers -did not sign The congregation in conjunction their names, it was not possible to With the 'choir of St. -Paul's Anglican publiah them. Such items are always Church, attended a joint service in Trivitt Memorial Mural in Exeter on Sunday morning .last. The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion TORRS MAGNATE Imp. i268821 (22371) Enrolment; No. 301.0 First Class, Form 1 Grade A,,-Premiom No. 27 Nfosiday..-Wil4 leave his .own stable, Lot 4, Concession 8, Hilbert, and proceedto M. Marlene far neon; then to D. J. O'Reilly's, Beeehrwolod, for night. TueSday-To .7. Mc- Carthy's, Lot 83, Caneetion 2, Logan, for noon; thenee 110 hila own stable for night, Virednesdny-rfo lboilph's, Lot 10, Coil. cession 11, Logan, for ftoon: thence by way of Gopilcra Seaford House to his own stable for Meta. Taatsday-To Dune. Calawheveo. Lot a Conceadaaatiabert. for neon; Sunrise to Gecirge 11/141i0dds, Lot LI, COT1CeOBIOM 11, 'Clamart", erit4-e• axe 01.1. sin from. 9 to 1),Srb.r.1,01 to. .1ightr, 'reftilirs, Lot le, eii )1.:41mt.l.,....tio 'Vett. Preface - nit -Lee-25,aliireation eke; AtiVinelai 146 i4 awn taable, the following "I 're ai f•Ofd $16.0a, to be Dad' 1041. Receives Appointment Dr. Ross P. Dougall, of Petrolia, who offered bis services in, the second great war; has been notified that his application has, been accepted. Dr. Dougall will be in charge of the new military hospital at Chatham being elected in cortanlectiou with the -Gov - welcome, but as evidence of good faith the writer must sign his 'or her nameto ensure publication. The name if the writer 80 desires, will not be disclosed. Harvest Thanksgiving services will beheld in. St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday, Sept. 15th. Special speak- ers: At 11 a.m.. Rev. C. F. Johnsen, rector .of St. George's Church, Lon- don; at 7 p.m., Rev. M. 13, Parker, lector of St. Luke's Church, London. ernment training scheme. Held Supper Meeting Dr. Dougall has a distinguished mil- Miss Kay"Drysdale was hostess last itary career. During 1917-18 hie serv- Friday evening for the Mission Circle ed with the 18th Battalion in France for their supper meeting. Miss Gol- for twenty months and received his .0.1e Cross acted fol- the devotional honorable discharge es a Lieutenant. .period; Miss Mary Goodwin read the Bern Hensall, a son of Mr. ,and IVIrs. Dougall, he ,spent the "Anglo ntismr.z. roxi#4400 & mataker. ffig. 2.,,,tuisilln, TASiiiire 19 r fa, larbffe. • . • 137844f . .,, Scripture, and Miss Ruth Brook led in prayer. Mise Irene Douglass pres- greater part of ibia life here, and en- enter] the topic from the study book, listedbere. During his pre-med days 'Freedom" dealing with Indian life at the University of Western. On- tario, 1922-25, he Was second iri com- mand of the Medical °dm:peaty of the Canadian Officers Training Carpi/. He was officer coTnroandling `D' Company of the Hurnrs Regiment fram 1925 to 1930. His present job is a C.A.S.F. in the city. At their next meeting at which Mee Margaret, Tudor will be hostess, they are inviting. a number ot junior girls; to be their guebts. "Breathe On Me, Breath of Gad," "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee" and "Jesus Calls Us O'er the TuOsult.:" appointment to the R.C.A_M.C. With were the hymns sung.' the rank of Captain. He will be in Miss Jean Murray very ably and In complete charge of thie new 30 -bed a leasing mariner took the topic hospital. study on "Terilperence Study Course" Since going ;to Pebrolia from. Hen- at the W.M.S. September meeting, sell where he was a very popular held in the United ;Church Thursday physician for a number of years„he afternoon last. Mrs. W. B. Cross, has taken an, aetive part in civil fit- the president, presided. -fairs. ,11e is a pact President ot the Mr. G. C. et,ty atten,ded the C.N.E. Petrelia Lions Club, past president of 04. Toronto last week. the Lawn Bowling- Club, past ;district Mr. Harold Williard has 'accepted a deputy of the Knights of Pythias and position as baker on the staff of aPAaunebsupporter of Pert:mils sport-' Case's balreehop. ing ttabs. •Dr. bougall wisil leave 'for The W.M.S. of Carmel Church met 'hie new position on. September 20th. en Thursday afternoon last for their Ms wife, the . former I*. Marian September meeting Mrs, C. S. Ilud- Brown, a gradtiate in medicine from the University of Western; On.tario, will math:Me to reside in Petrolta and will eatry ti -.,the practise. • • • ,. r '.• Fletcher, of Arva, attended the injur- ecialater taking them to the • hospital. Register 200 Guns Clerk James A. Paterson has bean very busy lately registering gums and rifles, of which there seems to be no Shortage' around 'Hensel). Already. about 200 have been registered; Mr. Paterson advises all who have any :ides or guns to register them at once in order to avoid any trouble. An -alarming explosion in Hensall on. Ttiesday • evening immediately brought to mind bombings, but on in- vestigation turned out to. be only Mr. Busbie, Hensall blacksmith, bleating a cement block at Mickle'e Mill. --Honor Newly -Weds Hensel]. Teem' Hall on Wednesday evening of last week' was the setting for a receptio-n, tendered to Mr. and Mrs. .0ordan Triebner, the former Miss Ruby Dalrymple, a, recent bridal couple. The hall was packed for the occasion and during the course' of the evening they 'Were made the re- cipiente, of a lovely studio couch, Mr. Roy Campbell doing the honors.' Danc- ing was enjoyed to the strains of the Murdock orchestra with Mr.' William Hayter acting. aa floor manager. Mr. and Mile. Frank Henderson, of Sioux City, Iowa, enjoyed a delight - POI visit last week with. Mrs. Robert MacLaren, MrS. C. Dougall and daugh- ter, Miss Casale, and Mr, William Douga.11. Mr. Henderson is a nephew of the above mumed and is a son of the late Christina Dougall. It is some, 10 years since -Mr. Henderson- paid a visit to 'Jewell and the motored -some 1150 miles to :make 'this visit. Mr. Ivan Xlpfer, sen of . Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer, of this village, has returned 'from' Montreal where he ;went to enlist it the Navy, and ,he empects to receive a call 'when need- ed. Ivan hitch -hiked all the way there and back and certainly enjoyed ev- ery minute ot the triP. He found the motorists vefy kind to him in ex- tending bhe hoSPitalitY of' their eara, while in Montreal 'he saw .hie arrival son, -president, in the chair. "1 To of- a guest ship from England with tire Hills WUI Lift WIN; Eyes," was hundrecla of igatest children, And 'lie the opening hymn, followed with noted many interesting items ;regard - prayer by Mie. H. Workman, The ing the chlkiren al0 they came ashorm .4: RTH FALL FAIR Thursday and Friday SEPTEMBER 19-20 • 30 and 225Class wo Trials of Speed ei :or Purses of$75.00 Every Heat a Race ! • Bigger and Better Entries • Bigger and Better Attractions • • Com- plete New' Grandstand Programme • Tests of Speedwith $150.00 in Purses • Foot and Bicycle Races • Children's. Public Speaking Competition • Midway • Fun For Everybody • Seaforth Iliglhlanders Band ADMISSION: Adults 25c Children 15C Autos and Carriages 25c SCHOOL CHILDREN IN PARADE — FREE Admission to Exhibition Hall — Thursday Evening, September 19th — 10c air Night atice CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH, FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER2Oth MUSIC BY AN OUTSTANDING ORCHESTRA! Come with the Crowd and enjoy a Real Night's Fun ADMISSION 35 CENTS ' • Seaforth Agricultural Society HUMPHREY SNELL, .Preahlent MRS. J. A.. KERR, Secretary SEE BILLS AND 131ft IIISTS. FOR COMPLETE AorrnAcTioNs • ( , • . • -