The Huron Expositor, 1940-09-06, Page 4I,, Y1' ' :I I 'j, ; 1 't ,, 1 Y .1��,-'; I I.
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e Mzs. Lfle Ctat ,
,,iy „. , . ". r of 01il.sellturst 'w'h,oY*w l4 Polufod oral, nlouxiv#lle, QJliebOri
r. 1.1 • II. _ '• Qt KliLgsvillbhegrAll ''rAl
I '. v,,, tl , i .. . r. I .. '
N a� , r e�' .. app. endiallia , at, tt Memorial I h (dean),
9S - �,�� .� • -Hospital, Seaforth, onedwesday of ] atlolattiacti y C
r Doli-t�iey r11� +q!9!%
-, t.. t� �l r» . bast week;; %s d1{uprair#u'g udcelY. r , ,Weer, v
ll,, ' .; rw SO . �-� • 1 r . "},i I. ..1. `f daught(or..a far. -d+ 1V1ra. D. G. St&aVi ."I :etelZiGti
r r, Mr. Bert RiheY, w:ho has been ser
a 4 I •t. "r i vise at the home bf. 'her grandAL
,,;�:� ,;iqusl ilt iA S.cott Memlol iii Has itai, a biAg
3 , df
i n-11
t., 11 % �� r/j SeaYolth, with blood poisoning, caul- mother, 14L . Blazzier, pf Lonayn..19
1 I
1 „ r ya a � i� ��,.: ea from an injury to a fingei, has i^e- Th: ufA
A I1 Semaor Imsbitute rvtll•Fq,f�4�S w Y le 1119 rted at new low Cash rates : . i, -i, �� �' � � ���{, covered sufficiently to return to chis coinmenee its fall rogram with a� Pot1> wav warwM �trm wsrut van
.. •• , ♦. �. k: 'tt home. uek swppes and social evening at tpz_ Y'S��p
t` }lir + l '+ o>}+';' a e� 'War►ted, Lost orad Found, Coming ,Eveata; Etc. -Per word: , �' e.. '\, � - I "'"���
h ,a1 , ,k 1 tat week" ^..........:.. 1 CemC . i .. �. will
I� cd aCrphe home of Mrs. C. evening, Sept. D.
as 6.30. .on
mem MCKIN a a
t .` ,i. s !,} I t �: invite and are MIDDLE�ON'S Hen all
reit'1+i : 2nd week . '.. ..m...........•.....% cen I Cook rth'is coming Friday evening, bets are gori]da11y
is eels Cent ' V �I t I + �! I I - asked to bring ]their danablons.
I e ,flP'�` 11 Minimum charge, first idLsartion .... a5 Celli$ ' )�1I 1! ' ill 11 I ; i P Sept. 6th'.
! Y,) I oCe word " ,, iii '^ ' 1 • I I"� ^1 Miss Marie Bell, Qf London, is vis Miss Gwen (joaper sluccessEullY
i 't"4..i Each figume dmitia0 and abbravialt%n counts as
)' �'' 'C . .' �,, iting With her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Passed 3n fihre followiag' sulbjeois at
,n , Camp 48 Thaztka, In, Memoriam Notices -1 cant per ward. Mdlo,imum, 50 Dents Per week. � � •' lI tl ; i ,i Int - t'• i. • the-exaIn$ilatlOmla of Henlsall COntlnwa- .'' R E Er ISE RV ICE
AT `, 01 .'Ongi tries may be diTeabed to a Box Nu'mlier, care of The Hinson ExvmibcY�,• for 10 teats \ ' i- _ W. G. Bell.
f SM1,h f4T tinctim.
l (r(• der? cenm additional Der week will'ixe charged if ads Sen above mess we not paid b2 the ` r ,_, il' l —1 .
1 Miss Phyllis Case, OE Exeter, is the tiara schlaol: Eng. -Lit., ding: UDinP•,
Saturday night in the week wlr;dh Nhe ad was rum guest of Her aunt, Mrs. 'C. M. Hed Anc. Hist., Geon, Amt, Froncll and OLD, DISABLi;D OR DEAD
^ -:`Beath, Marriages and Deaths inserted free od charge. I ,. ,l `•° den. G`Omm'erclal. Gwen'S name, was omit
F Auotiom salm, xotices to Creditors, Eta -Rates ori amali I- Mr. and Mrs. James A: Paterson ter from the mesiulps of the examine- HORSES OR CATTLE
),, '" �\ ,z left on Saturday for `ioronto w,het'e tions i{n last week's edition of this removed promptly and efficiently®
C"� For Sale Births � i�' l' 'r � %�� +)moi they will tale in the Exhibition: Paper.
,� I `) ` t -- Hensall public and continuation Simply phone"COLLECT"'to
I. 1 / �' t �. Grandson Hurt in .Crash
K,t-[OR SALE—FUR COATS: FOR SALE AND WESTAWAY—In 1ldartin Hwpital. HaTRiiton, I' (' d _ 9ph'0019 Opened ,OIL TUeSday Of th1S
fr,r! 1" - on dis,Way at Good,win's Storm, Hensall, on Seiptember 5th, to Mir. and i11is. C. P. I ,' '�
t� on Friday and SaturAlay this week. Never Weltsw"aY (nee Rusalie Patnick), a daugh- I I � � . r j � I �Th�rlee motorists were injured oil
week with the same staff of print:- WILLIAM STONE, SONS 41, 1
its, hlistary have fur coats been said at, such .ter—Mary R112albeth, ;I, !, �' { Sunday last on their way from Lon- Pals and assistants ou the j'ob, with 'LOOTED
nl4yrfjlr 1',OW price, You may .tatade in your pres- PECHICK—In ,Scott Memorial. H�pitad, Sea- �I * _ S ,� the exception of Miss Mellveniia, of
�, r, erNt fur coat ar have it remodelled at factory' forth, on Auguste 3Dth, to Mr. and Mrs, :•I \ dgII -to Winds'(? -r, when their car struck PHONE Yi . INGERSOLt.
-i North BkLy, who will be the asci;stout PHONE 219 - MITCHELL
i 3793-i Harald Pethick, McK JLap a, eon j i , a guard rail �n the middle road nine
prices. b ^ t on the stafY of the oanhinnlatian scholol
~.r �` miles weslt of Tilbury, 'tore -out a post
1H s'`
I ; '1 to take the place of Miss Kilpatrick.
— .---- -- ] • �w
{ and after "crossing to the south side
�.k�, Lost and Found. - . ,-a,14 � ^ � � ' e
of the highway landed nose down in Mr. Fred' Saialtaoombe, of the Nosy
�](r�lt®� %� {, Ltr'��L `, Korner restaurant, donated the
YV{Y/ Vel •
r 's Lois Cox
K has.
Nr T,OST—A FRATERNITY PIN OF BLUE -r :a c�1 1 {�i_r a ditch Injured were Miss
µ of Toronto, reportedly the driver. of Proceeds from hot doge o
�..-_: .... aln4 gild. ,R�,a;+ard. _ -Funder please re- , 'r .�.,/�qni, t �f• - - - -
.� Cross mTh1' was in cosset
_.- fGontim+ued from Page 1) the car, with possible 'skull. injuxy, a '._t
.-, b k d Y i'al 1 c rations 'tionwrth ]the frolic hold last Fiiday
{ broken, -n,Dse an ac a e
F}ft, anniversary is Rev. F. A. Gilbert, con her sister, Catherine Cox, of Windsor, evennng oponsared by Hensall, Zur-
^;I:' vPtrer: Messrs. Silas Johnston,R. Mc- �•' cuts on the left arm and. suffering ich and, Kippen War S'ervnce Colplm'it- MONUMENT WORKS
Help Wanted � -t 1- tee.
vpilei an and E. Bryans, 'and Miss _ ��,.. from shock, and Allan Douglas, son (Formerly W. E• Chapman)
�' WANTED -GIRL" FOR GENERAL HOUSE Simpson, Miss M. Smillie, Mrs: A. ii ' of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, of Hyde We believer that Mna. Lucille Fil- r
.. ARMS r y�� �; 1
wank in xamit•Wn Apply to Box, 223, 'McCall and Mrs. W. Davidson. This --�" Park, and grandson of Mrs. John shie, of Toronto, a fo'rm'er Heil -sail Now operated by
rr t., EXPOSITOR Of'FICE. 3795x1 committee has endeavored to learn 1 Johnston of Hensall, and owner of resident, has been emtgaged as: Arinci-
i.v W N ETA ETA D -EXPERIENCED v1AID Fox the addresses of all people who were --n. the car, who suffered facial latera- pal ,of- Th,6dford continuation school.
OM1.;. . general house'•w�ark, ;n Goderich. Apply formerly interested in Duff's Church -''' -,< IL' tions and chest' bruises. They were M s. Filshie a ,f6lrriie principal R,YDE
r was r cipal P
'.I !p Box 222, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. and the former Methodist Chwrch. In- 1 of 'the eointa i oh school here. We invite Inspection of our M
3795-1 .1 7 Ci ,L ej (_Jrr[) • removed to Metropolitan Hospital,
vitatibns have been sent to these and - r . e Windsor, by ambdalecwill be Iliostess O stock of Cemetery Memorials
The General Council of the United' 7 ,
... _ -- to all former ministers whose ad- e- ' Miss Kay I)Iys hlroh meets+ at Winnipeg Wednes SEAFORTH _ Tuesdays and
Poultry dresses could' be found. Tt,'is expect- —r , for the Mission Circle supped, mreet day, Sept. 11th. Holton Preslbytery` Saturdays, or any time by, ap-
1j __ - ed that many qid ftiends. of the Wal " ; has' ,two commissioners, Mr. C. S.
_ ' ` . ing at h+er home Friday evening, Sept. pointment.
r1.t PULLETS -I BUY AND SELL CHOICE Howard, o•f Exeter, ,;an'd Rev. R. A.
ir,r ton tommunuty will take this oppor- CLroE.V 6th,• -at 6 p.m. See --
dna young Le.•ghorn hens, dna all tuni'ty to renew olid friendships in the .w I^'"` � �barge >oon'gnegatians attended. �divine Brook, of He'ns+ail. 11'Lr. Brook will DR. F. —Phone )a5
ry::: nthe'r poultry, at.be9t anarket price. Ca -11 or di'striro#, With grateful hearts for past " leave for Winnipeg on Monday, Sept.
•v'rite. GEORGE WALKER,. Henasall. Phone worship in Hensall United ChuYch on P -hone 41 EXETER Box08
119. Satisfactory' cull rale. 3894x6 blessings .this congregation looks' for- Sunday morning and 'evening last. 9th, #br a weak or" tem days. His put
be taken by Mr. Rob+
ward to the. final quarter of the first PRELUDE TO • "THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN" •
Rev. R. A. Brook the minister, oc- p divinity student. 11
. century of its 'history with the trust cupied his own pulpit and his splen- 1'
it work will
Cards of Tlia�iks that Ih1ff's Church Rill continue to Cartoon from Lon d'qn Daily SkertAh:. Passmore,
. Joywt,' sorra of Mr. T. C. „
sm'ore, a
did and timely messages"'were listelt- r Carey
. be a strong influence in. the life of , ed to with rapt attention. For their Joyn•t, of this village was the guest ,
lYl 4IRS. the•'co'mmunity. y ',� morning contribution to, the musiGaT soloist at James Street United 1 ']
express their appreeia,Uon of the dnany with the f•ormer,'s mother, rs. J. B.1 Mr. and. M'rs'. 'George Ellilott. 'part ,of the services the choir sang Church, Exeter, on Sunday morning .t`•
acts of kindncss shown (them on the occasion" MCLPan Mr. and Mrs:. James -Ferguson°, ••r
of „ last, choosing fb,r hiss selections twwo. y 5
1 ..
and fhe soloist ,
othanletho ehArnof sent andAftoraldbou Miss Margaret us, of Lurtch, Lo-doz, spent hh'a week -end with his Beneath the Crass;' ce was Mrs. beautiful numbers wrhaeh he sang"in
n for the evening serve "
,. VARNA with her grand- mctther. ;Airs. Margaret FergustolL ekeellent voice, "Out of the Deep„
quell arae nta5e who l'uanea cars. spent the week end Maude He'dden, who sang, "The Brok-
3795=i mother, Mrs. H. Ricker: Mr. James Oamehon, son and daugh- said "The Old ,Rugged Cross." Mr. '
a . r r1 en Heart." Miss Greta Laramie pre-
- Mr. and Mrs. Layth'ern, of London, Mrs, William Horsey and Mi•s's. Ir- ter, of Tldron;to, having spent the sided at the console. W. R,,Gouldin-g, church organist, Was
a` NOt1Ces (and little son-, Billy, in company with ma Ferguson attended a , trou•sseau days in their 'summer ,home south of Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren an'd at the console. 1 � ^�f •�
$' .. :hiss Beatty, spent 'the week -end at tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. the village, I -eft for their home in little son, Donald, were guests on M•rs Harvey NicEwan and daugh
[AVE YOUR GRAIN TESTED AT the home -of Mrs. L. Beatty and Earl, of Zion, on Tuesday in lion or of Toronto on Monday. Sunday. with Rev. W. A. Young, Mrs. tel', Kathyr>b; and Miss ,lda McEwen, ,
�.1 Clarke & •Nacre's Goa and ail sbartion. daughter. their daughter, Miss Edith Earl, bride- Mr. and Mrs. Charles .,Mustard, of - all of Tor+antO, were Sunday guests
Young and family.
Bag always on hand. Geo: T: Mickle &Sons Holiday visitors at the Ihlome of elect of this month,. Tet:gnto, spent the "hlolildays in "their Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taman, of Tia- With Mrs. Alma Berry o•n their way
pay hiThsst market smites, with elevators at
Paugufte:d, xa�irem and liensau. SArI CHEs-, _l'Ir. G. Beatty, Sr., were; Mr• slid 1I r. and Mrs. Edga> Butt spent the cottage on the Riyer Hill: rontro, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid to Chesley to visit with the parents
st: NEl. phone 146. 37s5a }its. R. J. Wo;od's and'.�ittle son; Bob- week -end in Toronto and attended the The undon prayer service, is, held of the late Mr. McEwan, whom many
of London, w'ete week -end guests with
by, acgompa•nied by Mays.. W. O. Woods C.N.E. on Monday. 'in the Presbyrterim- Church on Fri- here will recall, as he was a ve;y J�
OTICE, RE HYDRO -OWING TO CO3.- ' Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Allan. here
slpruction work by the FLE.P.C., on. the 'of Listowel; Mrs. Woods will remain Mr. Lloyd Workman, of , Oshawa, day evening, Mr. and M,rs.l William Parke, ac- popular manager of tllse Sperling Bali. ' ^`'"'
hon ,tension l rack Hydro power Wirt be off with her brother, .fir. Beatty; Mrs. 'spent the week -end with his mother, . Rev, Currie left on Monday for. two c'ompam by Mrs. .John ' Johnston here some years; ago. .�
from 1.30 p n- to 4.3.0 p.m. on Sunday, Sep- Medcalf anld'daughte•r, Miss. Mary, in Mrs. T. Workman, and brother Or- ive[>hs' holidays at his panesntt's�"home• .and•daughter,�Margaret, spent Sunday' E Q
. . tem'ber Ssh, TAE SEAFORTH PUBLIC company with Mr.' Bolton. of. L "lion; Alle, _ at Lambeth. ' a, .Death of Mrs. Burton Keys .
UTILITY C0911ll SSI0N. 3795-1 the guests of Mr, and MI's., Douglas,
�(t. and tics. 5. R'athwell, of ick Mr. and Mrs. l�onman Alexander Mr. McGinnis and Mi s Henderson of Hyde Park. MIs. Eryooh Parker, who lives With TO Survive the
M'' >... RAIN IAM BUYING GRAIN FOR GE,O. now; Mr. and �Irs'. Barber, F,: Osh- and,,.1�Iis$. Isabelle Alexander attend entered 'in their duties as. t0aahers
Mr. and Mrs: Wilson Allan, Mr, and her Sion and da'oghber-in}-law, Mr. and ,', stmggfe ag'Rgi:•
CT Thompson, Hensall. For latest quota- ed �lhe CN.E, last week. of the public school on Tuesday marn-
`'t •' tions and information' phone 655 r 2. We , awa. � s • 'Clarence McLean, of 'London, iug. ..,. : Mrs. Glen Tamara and; Mr, and Mrs. Mss;. Haiibld. Parker, near Hensall, ro- tUre, SCie11CC'} i
'� carry a stock of bags. and will also do your Mrs. J. Ferguson, . of Sudbu , •, and ,�7 • Clarence :Reid mobared, to., Tees�water ceived the sad word. that her daugh- s ,
11 .trucking. W. M SPROAT, Tile Yard, little Iron and little Lorna H of. SPeJi�• the �r'eeli-end, with his sister., One of the'oldest'gioneers passed; womens 111forky
3790-tf + on' Sunday and visited with Mr. Reed's ter -in-law, M•rs_ Burtdn: Keys, was in- .,
. I Goderich, are guests at the h e o� Mr�^and Mrs. Allan Johrnson. away at Hamilton, •on Saturday last ,, international � r
gu paresis, Ms. and Mrs, Robert. Reid. sbantly, ]tilled by the C.P.R., train at
Mr. -and' Mrs. Ai, El_li'ott. Miss Beth Edworthy, who spent in the person. of John; Woods, in his Mr. Carey Joynt was .guest soloist Parham, some' twelve "'
e hoiiue C1deslc w g .i miles from trade, industries
fin_,, - r Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McAsb_ cut the past week with her cousin, Miss 91st year. He had been 'a resident of t ngston_ Mrs. Keys was walking
AllCtlOri Sales Sunday morning las at James Street Ki
e week -esti at Bayfield.^' yiail%'Ierguson, i eturned to h r h , Tb n. h p since tell' child- must all throw in
. 1 th United Church, Exeter, rendering two across the tracks, ,that were close to
1n,3t. Thomas on Monday. hood, latter 'spending same year's in 'their, lot to ether. -'The Z
AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FUIWISH- Mrs• Wel'sh', of Ripley, in comf4 +yr delightful solos, her home to' go lb'the church of which 1 �' -'
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ropp spent the tilt vii.lage, He is survived by one } The Women.?s Associa n of Hen- she was
i'nm Goderich Street, West, S,eaforth. ! w-ith h'er grandson, George Elliott, of kw organist to select some war-t�m� Exhibi#loll Shows
Friday, September Lath„ 2 o'clock, consisting I Toronto, spent Monday with ,thy :for- week -end with relatives near Milver- son, Nesbitt, of Toronto; -two daugth
I. A. .tgss,._u14rs. Alex Sparks, of Londlon; salt Unat'ed Chinch wish to express. ,hymns bllart were to be used to sing : owanadac�-iip®eeeeeetes a
, of the �Yomowing. arltveles: Single bed, double I _
:f� bed; rnalbtr�sm:.PilJows; springs; 2 ictal-' net's- daughter, Mrs. G..ii. I3ea.t)fy!"I ton. ... _.— .
'- en ; 2 waslhstands : cedar chest; singer, sew- I Dr. Harvey Redd and Mrs. Reid.and Quite a number, .attended; the Red and Mrs. T. Z... Wia,�tw, of Toronto,
their thanks through the. medium of at a 'funeral of a freed .across the
ins machine: dining room ]table; buf%t.:, 2 i'tro daughters have returned to To- Cross Frolic in Hensall' on Friday ev- land one brother, matt'hew, -of Forgus; thus paper -to the girls who so; faith- `cored, and she had only one ni6re staP .
;' fully helped to sell candy from the "`'s
y ft). take Itlor safely when+ s;he - was
sofas ; loitchen chairs : , cupt�o. ,. ;' kit `er` - Ionto after spending a month the'r ming last. The funeral was, held on Hernia,- candy teeth Freda night at the Red
-']table; dropleaf table; range, ,rocking chairs; Y g struck. Shia was t -he time ,_ _�_ r,
a i Mr. Earl' Sproat has returned home from ,the, Beattie Funeral Chapel _ at
;, '- small tattled : matt! dairror; a toilet sets; lin- coitage in Bayfield.' - Cross fliolic. and there were no eyewitnesses. She `!'`
weum; scalers: dishes; garden tools, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Belattie and. after visiting in Toronto and. attend- .Clinton., with interment in the familF Mr. and Mrs.'James Broadfoot, of
other articles 'too numerous- to mention. TN a'n'd' Mrs. Billy McA's[h spent a ing' the Exhibition, Master Bill re- pilot in Bayfield' . cesmete•ry, had taken this wane train daily far
y Seaforth, visited Mrs. Broad and roan mond to visit her Bick''mmtheT
Terms -Cash. ISABEL A. BALLANTYNE. turned with thin after holidaying in, Master Billy Johnston. having speylt �'
Proprietres9fi Harold Jackson Auctioneer. few days in camp at Bayfield.,': • son, James, of the Parr • Line, Zurich, a -
3796-2 the city the past two months with his aunt, t M rTisan w]ilo ,has since sled
o ;' s •n'c pa t
Lane Oorporal G. V. Raymond, •e8 an Sunday last. away. It is presumed that her mind'
the' R.C.O.C., London',. and Mrs. Ray Mr. and. Mrs. Gordan fowler with firs• Malcolm Toms leflt far his home
M'r: and Mrs•. George Middleton and vow intept upon Tier work anti a �<.11 s�.
mond spent, Saturday' at the hlomme .of spend next ,week here) after holiday- in Windsor Ion • Mouday. cl ildren, of Detroit, and Dr. and Mrs. ' "....N
; . .
i1;g'at Poirllt Au Bahil. lir: and Mrs.. Walter Jahasb. : of he `fo 'at the time she did net see
she g g r
U� oNoSA Saturday,
FURN- Mr. G: Beatty, Sr., . ;. Charles, of Toronto,, week=end or hear the approaclidn train. She
A September h4fh;. �i> d or, called an friends 1n the oil-, /,'
�,.,, deddner•player beano: 100 music corals dna -- `•jaggy oh Monday. guests with. Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Mid- was i�n 'her 3M year and was. the � :•� I ,
I'll--,"- - - �:...a�ho8�•n`y bedroom suite, springs 'and TUCKERSMITH dl•etan.' form•err Miss Lila McNaughton, daugh- t
DUBLIN' Mr. and Mns. Guest, of Toronto, Mrs, Devine and family of five chil- 'ter 'of Mr. McNaughton and the late , 0
mattress; iron bed, &brings and mattress : . and" 6•or and daughter, spent the weleli
Y, vra�hstand: pillows'; 2 s+alid oak chairs up-, dren; lof Lon'd,OiY, have Iinoved into the
hc3stered m aeat7ier: 2 ma4roggalny roeked•s; h So LONG AS THERE -ARE HOMES ers'd wi•bh her sister, Mrs.. Malcolm Mrs. M.eNarighton, of Morrison. Shp Livestock,,breeders, farmers, faoetl
-Recent visitors: Mrs. William Dev- Swan residence owned by Mr. Alex. is mourned .b_ ,her husband, a former with problems will to see;'
L - oak rocker :