HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-08-23, Page 5So
SP 23, ).940
NA Elam,
Death' of Hiram Blanchard
Mr, iVlelvin Blanchard, of McKillop
Township, received weed; on Moad'ay
of • the ,death of his brother, Hiram
Ewa Blanchard, of Sturgeon Falls.
'the late - Mr. Blanchard was born near
Winthrop and was in, his 73rd year
aid was the son of the late Mr. and
Mfrs. Hiram ' Blanchard. Ile was unit-
ed in marriage , to Margaret Connor
forty-seven years ago, and for thirty-
five years they had lived in Sturgeon
Valls. He is survived by his willow,
two sons, Harold of Kilburn, and
Stanley of Sault Ste. Marie, and one
daughter, Miss Mabel Blanohard,
of Brooklyn, N. Y. Thre brothers al-
so survive, William R., of Nelson,
B. C., Melvin of McKillop Township,
and Harry, of Vancouver; also two
•sisters, Mrs. Lucy Pett'hick ---Of Sea -
forth, and Mrs. Mabel Johnes, Augus-
ta, G. Interment was made in
Union Cemetery, Sturgeon Falls, Rev.
R. Crosby conducting the funeral ser-
Leaves Seaforth for Stratford:
Daily 8.25 a.m. and 5,15 p.m.
Leaves Seaforth for Goderich:
Daily except Sunday and hod., 1.05
p.m. and 7.40 p.m.
Sun. and hal., 1.05 p.m. and 9.20 p.m.
Connection at Stratford for Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
Tavistock, Woodstock, Brantford.
4igents — Queen's Hotel, Commercial
Hotel, Dick House
anada' ► , a
1. Col. J. L. Ralston amnio inced
that 30,000 single. Met. of ;mound 21
will. be called early' in October for'
thirty days military training.
2. Thirty-nine ;military training
centres are being prepared across the
Dominion. '
3. A total of 300,000 men will be
trained during the ensuing year as
part of the non -permanent active
militia Units.
4. Construction cost of the camps
will be about $9,000,000.
5. .Ordersin-council passed ampli-
fying the powers of David C. Dick,
wool, administrator.
6. J. S. Duncan, deputy minister
of National Defence for Air, announc-
ed that by the .end of the present
year, the British Commonwealth Air
Training plan, so far as conSt4uctien
of buildings and airdromes is,• con-
cerned., will have reached the, objec-
tive originally set for the end of 1941.
7. The Canadian Govern'mont is 'to
spend close to $1,000,000 to strength-
en Newfoundland's land and sea air-.
plane bases at Gander lake and Bot -
wood, announced Hou. C. G. Power,
Minister of National Defence for Air.
These bases have been guarded by
Canadian troops since the beginning.
of the wars
S. Contracts- awarded by the De-
partment of Munitions and Supply
during the past week number 1,753
and total $8,067,620.
Dead and Disabled Animals
Witt ehai d ilndes1 to hstlwltoit3 apt'
our wo it, -^Bartley. t
"tn g'l,ving advice, seek to help, not
to please, your friend," Soon.
Praising what is lost 'makes the re-
membrance dear. --Shakespeare.
To please all, winds your own busi-
Sorrows remembered] sweeten the
present joy.
Experience joined to common sense
is a providence.
Wtell arrantgedf tilme is the' surest
mark of a well -arranged mind.
The secret of education lies in re-
specting the pupil.
There is -nothing to be diene in 'life
without earnestness. ,
Ri nacr acquires strength as it goes.
There is n' bitterness like self re,-
Reap the harvest of today; trust
tomerr'O'w as little as may be.
He travels the fastest who, travels
The best source of wealth is econ-
o myt.—Cicero.
Coca or bad fortune depends some-
times upon the choice we make of
our friends.
The plausible has sometimes great-
er .power than the truth, and more
reference over the multitude.
He who loves goodness' harbors an-
gels, reveres reverence, and lives
with God.
.. A rule of social' conduct: Agree to
duffer, resolve' to love, unite to serve.
Of joys departed, not to return,
how painful the remembrance.—Rob-
ert Blair,
Do not pray for tastes equal to
your powers. Pray for powers equal
to your tastes.—P. Brooks.
No man cell ever enol with being
superior who will ,not begin with be-
ing inferior.
Many individuals have, like uncut
diamonds., shining. qualities beneath a
rough exterior.
. Gur greatest•rlor'y is;'•not in never
ralrirg,, but in r using every time wa
fall. '
ront-tii .ine •
-. eo,n'yax,glltrzn 4reeAleb OW
"That air 2kai4 wtaraing's just
chronic!" said Mrs, Ragg, who keeps
the n'ew'spaper (shop at the. corner.
"Seems old! Hitler 'likes getting his.
'planate knocked dowNn!"
We Smalltown people treat the ter-
ror that lee by night and by day
with contempt, as we think it de-
serves. 1
"If some of us is• killed," went on
Mrs. Ragg, turning her powerful eye
on a waiting eustomer who had, as
she put it afterveards, a sort of ner-
vous look, "which ain't more likely
than on the roads any day; it's no
worse ,than what, our boys got in
France. I've me shelter and we goes
to it. But when I hears them things
came over I just says to meself: 'A•h,
,me beauties, there's some that'll not
get back,' "
The official name for the air raid
wa,rndng is ,the siren. Smalltown peo-
ple of the refined sort call it the
sireen. I have heard it called the
syringe! To 'most of , us it is the
hooter. Officialdom gave it am occa-
sional practice in the months of;: the.
sitting war, to accustom us to. the
"warbling note" of the warning, the
sustained note" of -the raiders past.
Now, in the hitting war, there are
still one -or two people who find it'
hard to tell the difference between
these varieties of sound. Having
missed the first hooter, they are seen
conscientiously trotting to take cover
as the seat of the world comes out!
The banshee's wail some have cull-
ed it! But most of us think of that
strident instrument -a& --a watchful
friend. "Be careful," it" says, "don't
give the Germans a chancel" In a
moment the busy street is empty ex=
'cept ' for the Air' Raid Wardens, in
their dark blue overall uniforms and
their tin hats—our friends' in shop
and drawing room and office—but
now "local authority' stern in enforc-
ing the rule to take dater! Then the
"all clear" and w e °are out. again.
"I take 'my knitting out with me
in my shopping bag," said one wo-
man, "in case of meeting a raid.' I
was caught at, the .grocer's the other
day. Mr. Grits is a Warden. He push-
ed us all, into the cellar with the
'chests of 'tea. • There I sat, doing
nothing,' when I'•could•have turned the
heel of my sock."
The inevitable "stranger in these
parts" took cover in a Smalltown pub-
lic shelter thio, week. He politely
asked the other inmates' if it were
the town's first •raid!
"Hitler's men call this place Hell s
corner," he was told. "We says to
him; --let them ?onr;e!"
Wartime life in Smalltown is at
once simpler and fuller than life in
peace time. We are all busy, often
doing odd theses at odd hours. We
have learned to adapt. ourselves. Peo-
Reg "hi s le
Has All -Steel Turret Top; New
paint job. Upholstery spotless. Motor
'completely reconditioned.•
This is a Special DeLuxe job with
gear shift on• steering column. Up-
holstery and paint is spotless; in fact
runs and looks •like new.
Another DeLuxe Model, with Trunk
andAll-Steel Top. Tires and motor
are perfect. Come in and try this
This is a DeLuxe Model with Trunk.
Has a Steel Turret • Top. If you want
2 good '36 Coach, come in and drive.
this one.
New Huron Grey paint job. You
really have to see and drive" this ca.
to appreciate the care it has had. •
Trudy an outstanding little car for
a party wanting a business coupe.
"29 FORD (Model A) COACH
'27 FORD (Model T) COACH
And Many Others to Choose, From.
Buy Now ' Before Prices Go Higher. Yon Will Save Money At
plea ^whose• daily exisienees seenalad
hollow- a course ae 'ordered as. that of
the sun, now, like the Shark of L,eWie,
Carroll's poem, "frequently breaisfaet
at five o'clock tea and dine on. the
following day."
"If an air raid warning sounds be-
fore church " time," anniouneed the
vicar from•. the pulpit, "we wilt start
ourseiv-iee fifteen minutes after the
all clear.""
If we have grown- more adaptable,,
have learned 'to eat, sleep, pray, at
Unwonted hours, we have also grown
more neighborly. We have learned
the -value of team work. A group of
neighbors will combine to buy, a stir -
nip pump- and learn• how to use it.
Mr. Brown's garden hose, Mr. White's
long ladder, Mrs. Black's first-aid
chest, are ready for general service.
Miss Grey 'can leave her Spaniel --
,who is a bit -of a coward when the
bangs go off—with tike Green family
when she' is needed for air raid duty.
We share other things as well. We
feel a special glow of pride when the
son of Mrs. Scarlet, up the road, gets
the 'Military* Medal-. We are sorry,
and proud too, when little Joe Pink
is not one of those to oom'e, back..
The, Prime Minister told us during
the French battles that • we ought `o
be proud if we shad,! to shape some
dangers with men at the front. We
are prouderstill today, for now we
are the front! Seamen, airmen, so!!-
diers, civilians, are all part of- the
garrison that holds our island fort.
Things that seemed rather useless ra
the long months of sitting still are
now of immense importance. The mnn
in the 'searchlight posts, who combed
the sky night after night, in the long
cruel winter, the anti -craft gunners,
the listeners and observers, "the crews
oI, the barrage balloons, all these are
manning the front line.
We, too, everyday men and women
of Smalltown, members of First Aid
Detachments, bicycle messengers.
auxiliary fire fighters, telephonists at
report posts—'have all our part in the
game. There is an alertness about
us now, an exhilaration. We hold
our heads higher, walk with 'a lighter
step. ' .
"Seems old .Hitler likes getting his
'planes knocked down," • said Mrs.
Ragg.' We are all helping to knock
them! s'
With the 'honor of sharing the d n-.
ger, the interestof sharing the bat-
tle, we ordinary people gqt quite of-
ten. the pride of se'eirfg'virctory.
Yesterday two of us, Smalltown
citizens, using an hour's leisure to
walk our dogs on the high ground
above the town, heard a rattle of gun
fire. Above us a bomber was dodg-
ing,,now -in, now. out, of low-flying
fleecclouds, two little 'planes at its
Now the big 'plane was driven out
into the open sky. The spitfires were
at 'it, darting. like silver bees ill"the
intense July blueness. Then the Ger-
man was smelting . . . -was drop-
ping . . . falling, in• a slow, spiral
dive. '
Something like an immense white
leaf, broke away and drifted slowly
slowly ' . . . with the wind,
downwards. The pilot in his .para, -
The instinct 4o save life is . still,
thank God, more deeply rooted in
most of us than' the instinct to kill.
Two minutes ago the pilot of the
bomber was the '"enemy." Now he
was just a fellow man, hanging be-
tween sky and earth, between death
and life.
We held our breath and wished
him a safe landing!' .
When New York
'Blacked Out
(Condensed from Collier's in Reader's
• Digest)
00 June.4, New' York's police com-
missioner ordered the city darkened.
Advertising signs were shut off, tall',
buildings blacked. Citizens lowered
their wind Ow shade's.
A steel net, stretched acrgss the
harbor narrows, closed the.'port. Anti -
craft -guns ,were manned. The sub,
ways. it was announced, would serve
as air-raid shelters. The police es-
tablished 90 first-aid units; 500 physi-
cians were mobilized and wealthy cit-
izens volunteered their homes as em-
ergency hospitals,
That wa.s June 4. -191$.
Until June Sod• the war had been
far away. But 'on that' morning 12
seamen shuffled into the barge office
'at the Battery and announced that
their schooner, the Edward H. Cole,
had been sunk by a German submar-
ine only 45 miles Hoff the American
coast, '
At first their story was not taken
seriously. Then the crew of a second
vessel came in with a similar story.
Alarm .'spread. Before night, three
other crews reported the sinking of
their ships by a German submarine.
Captain Holbrook of the schooner
Hattie Dunn reported that on Satur-
day morning, May 25th, his ship was
20 miles off Maryland's Winter Shoals
when suddenly a gun, boomed across
the water. The German submarine
U-151 came alongside. A boarding
party placed time bombs in the Hat-
tie Dunn and . ordered her crew to
row to the waiting. -submarine.
Before sundown the U-151 sank two
other schooners and had 23 prisoners.
For eight hays these 'American sea-
men ;.lived aboard the U-151. They
saw her cut two cahles 60 miles east
of Sandy Hook and lay mine field's
Rear Cape May and Cape Hen'lopen.
On June 2, the U-151 sank two more
ships. The survivors', along with the
23 prisoners, were loaded into life-
boats. One boatload was picked up
by the S. S: Santiago and taken to
New York.' The. others vere found
about 2-5 Miles sautbeas't of Bagnegat.
Otl;. June 4, hien 28 "bedraggled,
exhausted and ta.misbe•d" survivors of
the S. S. Carolina. • landed in a life-
boat at Atlantic City, a thousand
Shein'erat, 'gathered there in eohven-
tion, wept and cheered' et their arriv-
al, waded into the Surf to help the
survivors ashore. ' A collection of
Pure ' Lia
It is impossible to buy Pure: Line
day from the mills -40 per .,cent e�
procurable. , The price fo r half li .eu towel
nearly double' our price for old stock Pure
If you're wise you'll stock up while Qu"•','x;axt.
17 -inch wide colored border Towelling ikatts.
20C Zc
Priced at
Fine Linen Crash Breakfast Cloths in'colored and-
striped patterns and borders; '54 inches square an+
54 x 70. and Priced at. I•2� 2.25
Pure Linen Damask. Table Cloths, imported from
Ireland. Smooth, satin finish in lovely patterns.
2 Yards' Square
2 Yards by 212 Yards
Wabasso Sheets and Sheeting
Excellent Quality Unbleached Wabasso
Sheeting; 2' yards wide 49C Ya.
21/4 Yards wide, as above '
Wabasso Pure White
Bleached Sheeting, 72 inches wide - . -
Fine Quality Wabasso Bed Sheets,..
full textured and deep hemstitched ends.
59c yil
69c Ya
3.95 Pr
Wabasso Pillow Slips
and Pillow Tubing -
Long wearing quality Wabasso Pillow Tubing,
42 inches wide.. • !airi
Special. at 39C
Special purchase of fine Wabasso ' Cotton Pillow
Slips, 42 inch size with wide hem. „
Special 9C Pair
Flannelette 'Blankets
72x84 Flannelette Blankets,
149 pair
Singly Whipped Blankets 72x90 . - - 2.69' Pai
$1,0112 was taken up,in a large Ameri-
can flag passed along the beach. '
A Slate of near hysteria resulted.
Ne tl York 'feared that the submarines
might be accompanied by a mother
ship carrying, planes. Rumors were
rampant: There were secret bases•
all along the coast. A schooner was
Dr pa stocking a U-boat.-- with provi-
sions 40 miles offshore. A floating
U-boat repair dock was spotted in
mid-Atlantic. A, substance like mus-
tard gas, coming in from the sea,
overcame six persons and killed a
brood of chickens near Charleston,
South Carolina. Every floating ob-
ject was' a periscope. Many persons
were arrested, accused of communi-
cating with the submarines, from our
shores. -
An officer from one German ,sub-
ma.rine was reported seen ft •a New
York restaurant by one of his vic-
tims. Survivors of a sunken fishing
schooner landed at. Nantucket said.
one German officer had ticket stubs
for a New York. theater, dated only
two days previous. In Ocean City,
New Jersey, a beach walker was shot
and killed as a spy by coast guards-
men, having been seen, it Was said,
signaling out to sea with powerful
electric torches.,
took of in hydrolwran,es to sink the
.raider. Their bombs failed -to ex-
plode. As a' last resort, sandbags
were dropped. The Ti -156, finding
the planes harmless, opened fire -on
them. After an hour and a half the
L' -boat headed south on the surface,
The IT -156 sank 29 vessels in ail.
She captured, and armed a trawler
whioh, 'in lou -n, seek six fishing
schooners.- On- the h•enseward voyage
'however, she bit a North Sea mine—
the 'only raider that failed to reach
home safely.
Four other submarines appeared
along the coast during the summer..
Altogether they sank or seriously
damaged 10 vessel's, including a 10,-
000 -ton tanker and the iT,S.S. T,icoe-
deroga„ with 237 men aboard. T'he
LT.S.S. San Diego and the U.S.S. Min-
,ntesota were sunk by mines, the for-
mer just off Fire Island.
Rumors w-e.re largely baseless. But
one fact cannot be denied: during,
the summer and early fall of 1918
there were six raids by U-boats 'off
the coast of the United States.
The first. raider, the IT -151, not only
sank 22 vessels and laid five mine
fields. but accomplished, the spectacu-
lar feat of transferring a cargo of 80
tons of copper from the steamship
Vindeggen at sea. The next raider,
the U-156, cathed a sensation When
she came up only three mikes off
Cape Cod, one Sunday morning int
Ju1_y, and opened fire. Before, the
eyes of hundred's of 'startled vacation-
ist.s she quickly set a; tug ablaze and -
sank four bargee with a total- of 41
persons aboard. all -of whom were
rescued. Fra+gtnents 'of the shell's ev-
yen reached -the shone:
Four student aviato+ris from the
nearby Chatham Naval Air Station
- Washington had been warned in
advance of all this by the British
Ad,miraity, w.hicih• reported on May
let that it had been in.l'armled by "re-
liable agents" that the U-151 ,bled
left Germany on April 10th for U.S.
raid. So precise was the information
that the Admiralty even knew the
U-boat's route and speed. Naval
bases- were warned, and, *then the
raiders struck. destroyers, blimps and
planes set out, in pursuit.'"•. Yet, de-
spite, elabdrate .preparations, tete
Navy did not sink or seriously dam
age one - U-boat during that entire
summer. ,
That was 1918.
Painetraking effort has' paid mere
dividends than any other one !nar.'e-
mrnt 4•n. the woe'nit
A arsemtm will Melte more *pps
tunitie s than he fibdee---ESIeon.
Fear ilt cantagio'us;' .'be 'da 8tt Ifts
others if you wogs nee be bi'a;'tie , tat.
yourself. r -
Sorrow to the mete fry all
Aetrrit'y- Witt e'leari a +d+tfl l