HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-08-23, Page 4fr
IT us 23,i
',Ads will be inserted at new iow cash rates:
ro sop-.Waed URA and Found, Coming' Events, Etc -Per s wow;
1st week l' Cent
treil week % Cent
Srd week % Cast
edentimum cheese. fest insertion 25 Oen.*
Each figure, inithe and .abbreviation counts so ooze word,
Peva `or Thanks, In Memoriam Notices -1 cent per word. Minimeese 60 cents per week.
geekeileefee may be di:meted to a Box Number. care of Ties Huron Exporritor, for 11 cents
1.304 leen% additional per week will be charged if ads ko. above clam bre net Paid he the
Satorday night in the week in Wilber the ad was rum
learreagee and Deaths inserted free of charge. '
- Auction Sales, Notices to Crediton, Ete.-Rates on applicarbion,
For Sale Farm Stock For Sale •
issONEY FOR SALD-GLOVER 10c, AM- aloe SALE -50 AlelliES, PART OF LOT 26.
ber Se. ?a your own containers. Also Concession 2, Towtnethepof Hibbert ; 25
comb honey in smell sections. WALLACE exwai in crop and 25 acme in. grease Also
ROSS. Sleuth Main Street flame 135-.1. • 5-ruomed frame house with ell modern con -
3793 -2 Veniencee. hard and tacet waterin house and
, automatic pump ; bank bann and small frame
berm being the residence of the late Janies
' Cronin on John Streelt, Dublin. For further
Used Cars For Sale I Particullees apply So AIRS, JAMES CRONIN,
I Dublin. 3792-2
j: with low mileage 1904 La Salle Ceach,
1940 Mercury Sedan. These cars are in ex-
(*Kent condition. Write W. R. SMITH, 197
Central Ave., London, or Phone Metealfe ,
2872o. 3793-i : WANTED AT ONGE---THREE i PERFEC-
ian toil heaters. Apply in writing to
, Property For Sale I 3793-1
ha rel boy's-. bicycle, in good oar:dittoes.
Airily in writing only to Box 220, Exposi-
TOR OFFICE. i $793-2
by the late Martha I. Hinchley on John •
-Street Seaforth. 'Apply E. D. BELL, Sea-
• forth, or Dr. H. FOWLER, Clinton.
'Auction Sales
4" eture.-The undersigned auctioneer has
been iestrueted to offer tier sale by public
auciion on John Street. teeter, on Saturday,
Aug -est 31st, at -two o'clock p.m., the follow-
ing: Chesterfield suite: odd Chwiterfield ; 8 -
piece reed suite; eak dining • room suite ; eel:
evelnut, diners; Vinson & Riech piano vytili
beneh ; music cabinet; 2 floor lamps bridge
lamp; table lamp; 2 ephelstered conches;
easy chair; 3 rocking *air; 1 leather; hall
seat; centre table ; 2 library tables; writing
desk; number of picture; arsi deapesatee
curtains; breakfast •suite (cream and greenl
kitchen cabinet; a numbe.s ofkitchen chairs:
cupboard; large k when ;able ; high
chair; clock; two ' porch cheers and gild -
high chair; clock 2 porch chaies and g1iel2
er •. fernery ; 2 oak bedroom suites ; 5 -Piece
bedroom suite 'apricot teem black trem ; 3 -
piece hedecrom suite in white; 2 beds and
springs ; le odd bed; bed springs; 4 feather,
made mattresses ; 4 mattresses 11 spring
2 eels:ten toilet sets 2 Gengeleum
rum 910:2 feet ; 2' quilt boxes ; trunk ; Beach
electric embination range with %rater front ei
4 -burner Perfectiom coal oil stove; Vaxwell
electeric veashin-z machine; '2 square zinc
tubs and' stand: Daisy churn ; cream separ-
ator; 3 Oat oil lamps and lantern ; about
six dozen erult gene; some graniteware ; Peke
•end pare ; 2 garden ecuftlers ; rout pulper;
cutting, box ; hoes. rakes, forks and other
reticles 47::, numerous te meetion. Terms --
Cash. E. LINDENFIELD, Proprietor; Frank
Coates, Clark; Frank Teeter, Auctioneer.
570 St. Clement, Montreal, Gan. Would
you like to work? FAMILEX offers you a
clientele and protection in your territory I
000 Dealers from Halifax to Vancouver.
Geo T. Micikle & Sons. Elevators at
Brecefield, Kipper! end Heeised. Highest
market prices. Bags on hand at all times.
Information can be obtained at Clarke &
Moore's Gam and 02 Station, Seaforth. Tele-
phone 146: SAM CHESNEY.
Let's Gut Our Outlay
In Death and
(By C. M. Campbell in Saturday
Accidents 'cost the people of Cau-
ad•a 0,0,00 lives annuallywhile the
monetary oost is, probably, not less
than $200,00.0,000 and may be more.
The death rate is higher than that of
tuberculosis while the dollar loss far
exceeds that of our railway problem.
Every year 'a population the size of
Prince Rupert, Portage la Prairie,
Port Colborne, or Springhill is wiped
out of existence, That, however. is
only part of the story for, because
thd...fatalitY is generally that of a
breadwinner„ -a still larger population
left dependent on savings, .charity
or oempensation.. Nor is that all, for
those injured as a result of accidents
eould permauently fill a city the size
of Ottawa while, with their depend-
ents, they would require an area anti
equipment cia the order of Winnipeg
or -Vancouver.
Taxation is increasing by leaps and
boUnds; we are told we mest work,
.... save,' and .eeonoinize as never be-
fore. Here is an opportunity to save
lives, to reduce' injurie,s greatly and
save large sums of money. This is
where we can all do our bit. Here
is a policy that has little dependence
on any government for its success.
Governmentsshould see, to it that
there ,are proper safeguards, that
there is regular inepection and that
violation of its regulations are prose-
cuted- The responsibility in the
main, however, is up to each citizen
-the must, literally, Watch his step.
In 1937, a normal year, there were
6,242 violent death, excluding suici-
des. The causes,. are shown in the
following table:
Accidental poisoning
Falls, crusting and landslide_
Injuries by anitnal •
Excessive cold •
Excessive heat
Other cause.
Jarvis Rbreet, Seaford. Reasonable
prices, e791x3
with George H. Mott, Auctioneer, for
the past two years, I me prepared during
his illness to coredesales in this district.
GORDON M. GRANT, Amer:neer. Persons
havine sales wdl receive prompt atteritien
by phoning Eilibtes house, 203 ,Olinton, or
GORDON M... GRANT. Code...rich, Phone 142.
-A Thompson, Hensa111. For latest quota-
tions and information phone 655 r 2. We
carry a stock of bags and will also do. your
trucking. W. M. SPROAT Yard.
MORTGAGE SALE Township off Tuckersmith
powers contained in a cerrein mortgage,
produeed at the time of sale,
there ,wel he offered for wale be pebtic auc-
tion eneFridayi the 30th da e of August, 1940,
at the lune elef tlhree o'clock in the after-
noon at the Commercial Hotel, ie the Town
of Seam*, by Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
the feilawthe Property, namely:
All that certain parrce4er tract of teed and
premises, situate, lying and being in the
Township of Tuckersanittee in the County of
Huron, eels being composed of Lot Number
Three (3) in the Third (3rd) Concessi)n,
Huron Road Survey, of • the said Township
, of Teckersrnith, and containing by admeas-
urement one hundred acres ref land be the
earne mere or less.
Upor this property there is said te be
ereebiff a two stoeey seven -roamed freme
house, with weal and cistern, drive shed,
large bank barn and other imerovements.
TERMS -Ten pee cent casth at time of
sale and the balance in dere, days.
For further particulate ateleiv te
. H,• G., WEIR,
Soldeiter AT- Mortgagee.
Tenders Wanted
Township of Tuckersmith
Jeckson erain from the Outlet of the
(tile portion for • approximately 100 rad.%
Tenders te be by -
1st -A lume mine
2n4ee,1y the eod.
3rd -By the rday. •
Work te be ' etme to the Satisfactien eta
arreceeval of the Ciouneil, and to • be •• com-
menced and completed as soon as Possible.
Any further ireformation required may be
secured .,from the Reeve. S. H. Whitraore.
Tenders will he received until 5 p.m., Sat-
urday, August 31, 1940.
Clerk, Pre Tem.
Popular Stallions
The Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 1961
• Will stand at his own stable at Brucefield'
. for the semen. Fifteen dollen!' te insure,
Payable February 1, 1941.
• ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor.
Imported Clydesdale Stallion
rade [28173] (23029)
, Eneelmeret No. 3744 . Form 1
wee stand for the improvement of stock
this season, as &Cows:
, Monday Morning -Will leave hie own stable
at Brueefleld aed go to the 2nd Goncesseion,
then south and ease to Alex. Siinclair's, for
moe; then east/to the Town Line and north
to the 945Condessfon to Wm. Patrick's, for
night Tuesday -East miles and north to
• the 7th Oneression to Coyne Bros., for noon;
Shen ea Robert trade's, 715 Concession; for
night Wednesday -To Gemmelle Career eh&
north to A. le' J. Broadfooes, for noon; then
to hie own stable.Thursday-At his own
etable. Fridey - • West to' the second
Concession of Stanley and north to John FL
MeEwane, for Men th'en to his ...even stable
foe might Setturday-at hes own stable.
Terms -to insure a foal, $15.00, ;reliable
February 1, 1941. .,
. R. 13:`MIJR000H.
Peeprietor anel .11,1m -sager.
A 2780-51
The Pure Brea Imported Clydesdale Stallion
Imp. [268821 (22371)
Enrolment No. 1.019 Firet Class, ,Ferm 1
Grade A. Premium No. 27
delienday.--Willl 'leave his own stabile, Lot 4,
Coneedion 3, litibbert, and Proceed to M.
Nagle's, ifer noon; then to D. .1. O'Reilly's,
Peiderw.dod. for Mehl. Tuesday --To J. me-
Cartased, Lot 33, Oorreession 2, Logen, for
noon ; theme to his own efieble for eight.
wattmeter -aro Cecil Ralph's, Lot 10, Oen-
eeetelon 3, Liman, for Mon thetere by WO
of Goiters School House to his Men stable
foto eight. 'Ilitu.relay---,To Dune, Oriletereases,
Lert 8, tioneelseicm 8, Hibbert, for nose ; thence
to Games Wallace% Lot 11. concession 11,
Otieneutte„ where he will remain from 3 to
Out theme to John Surthioire, Lot lo,
,Crimiemeicli 6, 4-410bert, for , night. Friday -
'Bo jartice,Morris, Lot 26, ratteceision 9. Hib-
bert. ilive•areorte etheifee to his own stable,
woman until the fogoewing
feel $16.06, to be 'pail
eiephon /11 r
7iuckersrnith remfests thet any person
having . laniowiledge of the nameunit and
number of any eaklier froth the Township
enlisted and accepted for service overt:Ms,
kindly hand this infeineateen to the Clerk
at an early date. , I
D. F. MeGREG-OR„ clerk.
Cards of Thanks
;press his sineere appreciation of the
many expressions of semeethe eatlended to
hen during his recent sad ,bereavenvent ; 'also
to thenic these who sent spielltuall and floral
bouquets. ,•
KLINKHAleeMER-In Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, Seaforth, on Augast .19t5, to Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Klinkhammer, Dublin, a son.
SCOTT -In Scott Mereoreal Hospital, Sea -
forth, no Aueust. 21s1, to Me. and Mrs.
Robert M. Scott MeKillop, 'a ion.
,...._... ...
- Deaths
DEEM- In Seater*. on Tuesday. August 20,
William Deem,' in his 84t3 year. .
Mrs. I. Jarrott and Miss Vera Cul-
bert are visiting 'at the home of the
Toerter's son, Dr. Gilbert Jarrett, of
Stratford. "
Wednesday visitors at the home Of
Mr. and Mrs. William Homey were:
Mr. and 'Mrs. Mac Gamble and Tom-
my and Mr. Hedley. of Gamis; Mr.
Elmore Gackstetter and •Miss Esther
Price,. Mr. Lambert Witmer, of Dash-
wood, and Mies /Reta Oke and Mies
,Mary Weetlake, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. William. Partorus and
Bol.),e; of Cromarty, yisited on Sun-
day' with the former's brother, Mr.
'arm Mrs.. Archie Pareons.
:vir. a ad Mrs. Santuel Popp and
family spent Sunday with Mrs.
Repp's Meter, Mr. and ,Mrs. Chris:
Gingerieh, of neer Blake. •
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and
Derotley spent the week -end with the
le:Tiler's parents, Mre and Mrs. Wes-
ley Jaques, of near Elimville.
Prrs. W. Alexandea and daughters
spenti' Saturday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. William Westlake, of
Usborne, visited with Mx. and Mrs.
Wililam Horney on Sunday.
Mr. and MM. 'Norman Alexander,
newly-weds, returned home from
their honeymoon one day 1/asit week
and were greeted in the evening bY
a merry chivari.
Mrs. Wager, of Zurich, and Mrs.
Cook, of London, visited one day last
week with Mr. and MTS. Warren
sieoli of all the fatalities it is a lair
assumption to say that industrial in-
juries represent the same proportion
.cif the total .injuries. If, therefore,
all Canada, were on a compensation
basis the cost would be six times
that ot the cost of industry, or $120,-
000000; and if full-time compensa-
tion were paid the total would rise to
$180,000,000. Even this; does not take
into account the waiting Period be-
fore oompensatien starts, the loss
caused by the disorganization that
occurs when an accident, happens, or
the damage done to equipment more
ar less voreoked when an 'aocident
occurs. The National Safety Coun-
cil of the United States is authority
for the etatemeat that in that coun-
try, "The calculable costs of acci-
dents during 1939 totalled $3,300-,000a
000." Assuming a ,eirollar per capita
charge for Canada our bill would
•amount to ever $250,000,000. What-
ever the exact, figure is it represents
a major Canadian: problem the even
partial solution of which will not
only relieve Lumen suffeeing but will
appreciably ease the financial strain.
Does anybpdy know any phase of
Canada's activities where individual
care, if applied, would pay better
returne? It is tirde to overhaul and
apply the brakes. We cannot -afford
this loss..
.By the ordinary processee of evolu-
tion it will take ages, and the lose, of
untold lives. and -treasure before the
reckless , and careless strain, reepon-
sible. for ate bulk of our accidents, is
eliminated from the human race.
There le, \ however,. no reason why
education cannot speed up this Prd-
cess. The departments of education,
therefore, in all Canadian provinces
lay.e outlined lessons in accident pre-
vention to be taught to the, children.
Thus in Quebec a lesson a week is de-
voted to such subjects as how, when,
and where to cross the street, bicycle
safety, falls, burns, cuts, 'poisons, fire
,prevention, thin ice; farm Safety,
sunnier sports, swimming, life sav-
ing ahd other similar topic.
Couises in first aid and hygiene are
supplied, There is still room for Finch
more work along these lines.in Can-
adian schools with the object of
buirding up a race that will instinct-
ively stop, look, and listen.
This is a subject to which the uni-
versities Might be expected to devote
considerable a ttention. Inquiries,
however, brought sucth'replies as the
'following: . "In reply to your letter.
I have to say. that :this University
does not , regularly give, any course
. accident prevention, first aid, or
kindred subjects." In, some universi-
ties .if students wish to organize a
group and take a course from the
St. John's Ambulance Association
they are given faxilities_te do so. The
universities, however, are strangely
indifferent to this phase of modern
life. Their graduates.; other than
(lectors, 'entering Canadian life as
leaders or potential leaders; are quite
out of touch with the entire Situa-
than. In mining engineering, for ex-
ample, a profession oonneeted With
an industry where .accident preven-
tion is of mastanding importance, the
young 'graduate is on a par with a
laborer as far as the subject is con-
cerned. In fact he is generally well -
behind the laborer for in up-to-date
Mining organizations, as has been
thown above', accident prevention is
an ess.eatial phase of the ;operation
and it is seen to that th,e employees
are trained to believe in safety and
in as many cases as possible-, are
familiar with first aid procedure, o• It
has been found that a man with a
first aid training le safety conscious
and is selddm ,hurt.
The-hily press, the magazine
press, and, the radio have giVen much
space and time to the object of con-
vincing t he ,citizen that Much harm
can be done in One thoughtless mo-
ment. However, the. man who be-
lieves' In taking a chance in. matters
where his safety is concerned, or who
thinksthat, if he is going to die a
violent aeath; kvere is nothing he can
do about it, still aboundin Canada.
It iS Possible, however, other reasons'
.being in.effeetive, that if he can be
made to realize that every accident
ha.ndioaps our war effort to jest that
extent 'he will think twice before he
again places h4mself in a ' position
where he may fall down on the job.
In short, the figures for all Canada
show little .teduction in the 71oss of
life and money -from accidents. Where
however, effort has been made it has
often been brilliantly successful. Re-
doubled energy Sihould be applied In
all directions to the work of reducing
the accident told.
• 94.2
' 46
Patriotic Frolic
At Herman Y;
Sponsored by Heneall, -Zurich and
Kippen War Service Committee
Music'by Geo. Little's 6 -Piece Band
of Goderich.
The outstanding feature of the
bove is the heavy death rate from
falls an.d crashes. Eliminating fatal-
ities of this sort due to auto. railway
and industrial accidents, there are
still about 1,500 Canadians killed an-
nually. .and large number seriously
injured, beeause, of erdinary,domestic
falls. These are of infinite variety.
We fall on the stairs or steps b•ecause
they are wet or icy; we fall from
ineecure or ?defective ladders, scaf-
folds, and stagings; from makeshift
bencher, boxes. cbairs, and tables :
and we fall into. unguarded excava-
tions, pits; and openings of all .soeta.
We even slip or fall from th.e 'Orel
becauseof smooth or slipp-ery Thome;
we tumble over fixedqbjects and we
tumble over loose objects. To fall.
down is, literally, s� common as to
make that statement' -a . familiar
figure of speech. indicating failure.
Auto Accidents
Some steps have been taken to re-
duoe the Motor-vehible accident rate.
which isresponsible for Over 1,20.0
lives ann.ualle. The record showl,
liewever,that the deaths per 10,000
registeredmotor vehicles,, which
averaged 10.45 for the five-year per-
iod ended 1932. averaged 10.41' for
the following five-year period. Not
rouch improvenient here. With the
added speed of meter -vehicles it
might, however, have been worse had
net effort been made to check ,igft
.accident rate„ It has been shown,
however, that there are cities, w.here
extended periods have been passed
without fatalities. Winnipeg has a
.record, of 227 days without a fatality.
In Ober averds it, is quite possible
to reduce greatlythe accident rate
them ispo reason why 1Vinnipeg, dr
Winnipeg, peOple, shauld he; an ex,
aeptiam. ••
Industrial 'Accidents
A similar situation exists in regard
to industrial accidents. ,Fcrr the past
five „ years ,fatalities in industry,
averaging 1,106 per year, 'have in-
creased slIghtly yet there , are not
ladkiros • evidences to .show that , a
greatly improved record is possible.
Take the case of the naines. Some
important mines have cut their
fatality rate in three in the past
decade; some important mines have,
in fact, had no fatalities at all in the
past decade. There lias been a great
reduction in coal mine explosions
with their resulting long lists of fatal-
ities. 'Ontario has reduced its •fatal-
ity rate eve -third in the last .decade
vvihile lost -time ' injuries have also
Shown a reduction. International
Nickel, which in 1935 lost 9.67 shifts
per 100.0 shifts worked, gradeally
reduced this leas until In 1939 it stood
at 3:59. For the last tyro ream the
Sullivan mine has averaged, 3.42
shifts lost per 1,000 worked.' Some
of these excellent records have given
rise to statements to the effect that
the risk beS been taken out of min-
ing. This is nonsense: The work-
man. underground 'labors under the
disadvantages, among other things, of
bad •light, a bad roof, and the .need
for the handling of large quantities
Of dangerous explosives. Better cap
lamps, hard hats, safer explosives,
and other safety devices havedemon-
strated that • these things' bring re-
sults. It is quite true that some
mines have a better record than Same,
surface industries. This shows, ..not
that mining is safer, but that con-
tinued care, will reduce accidents in
any in,destry. In some industries the
comPelisation, , .assessment rate has
been cut in ,taro. Taking industry as
a whole, however, there bas been no
drop in the accident rate and there.
Is room for muoh improvement.
Recent guests at the home of Mr.
ahd Mr. Robert Rogerson, Conetance,
were; Mr. and Mr.e. R.' Stanby, To-
ronto; Mrs. (Dr.) Ascher, Baltimore,
Ohio; Mrs. Graham and Mr. Elliott,
Anyone not .having a :conveyance
to the community pierie In Goderich
on August 29th, plea", phone Mns. E.
Mrs. William Jewitt and Joyee
spent the week -end with Miss Lillian
Adams, Londesboro.
The deputy registrar -*fishes to
thank the voluntary help in the re-
eent registmtioa.
MTlie ViriniftT61. Britten, Helen Brit-
toie.and Archie Itegterth are even&
Week at the UMW,. Of Mr. and
Mrs. Andre* Itateltle, Of Trenton.
;WW1 after leabar
• Mra. E. Ntamp011gall. of VITaUaoe,
wau,s recant gacratA at the bean()
of Mrs. W. Luker, her sisteein-law.
Miss Maris Miller ra.nd Mr. Fd%
of Windsgr, and Miss Mary Pyhus, of
London, were guests Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. 0. L. Auks, Miss Miller and
Mies Pybue remaining to spend a
week camping at Bayfield.
and •Mm W. 0. Goodwin, Mrs.
Maulkinegn, Miss Mary Goodwill and
Mina , Elva McQueen •left ou Stmdair
for Kintall where they expect to re-
main this week camping.
Mies Mildred 'Forrest, Reg,N., after
spending her val6atien with friends at
Port Elgin, spent a few days at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Forrest. On Sunday las,t she
return,;sdi to her duties in Grove's
Memorial Hospital, Fergus.
The attendance at the United
Church Sunday (morning was splen-
did, despite intense heat Rev. R. A.
Brock occupied his own pulpit deliv-
ering a •splendial diecourse. A pleas-
ing duet, "Jesus, the Saviour For Me"
was rendered by Mrs. Maude lledden
and Mrs. Gecrrge Hess. Mise Helen,
Dick very ably presided at the con-
sole of the organ The bee.utifal
basket of levels gladiolus contribut-
ed by Mi.s.s Florence Welsh, were
much, admired.
Mr?. Isaac Nicholson, of Iron
Ridge, in the Algoma ,district, was
hostess at her home for the Ladies'
Aid for their August meeting. At the
co.nclusion of the meeting the test-
ees Who just reeently celebrated her
86th birthday, was honored with a
birthday celebration, and was pres-
ented with many lovely gifts, lovely
bouquets of flowers and other gifts.
Ice cream and cake were served and
a birthday cake tastily decorated in
pink arid white and topped by fout
white candles, each representing One
spore Years, and eix pink candles to
frepresent the six odd years, was al -
sq Mrs. ' Nicholson, well
known to Many laelisall residtents,
and sisteriin-law of Mrs. W. Luker, is
•still Very active, and in mite ste her
,ears she attends all local activities,
particularly those connected with the
church and the Ladies' Aid. She does
beautiful needlework and several of
'heir quits were displayed at the
Ladies' Aid meeting. This will be of
interest to Mrs. Nicholgoit's Hensall
frienne, as she has visited here on
numerous occasions since she left
here setae. years age.
,Dr. and Mrs. Charles, of Toronto,
were .recent guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Westcott - Robbins
The bummer home of Rev. Arthar
Page at Wigwassin Island, Muskoka,
was the' setting for a charming wed-
ding when the marriage of Elsie Mar-
garet Robbins, youngeat daughter of
Mrs, Frank Gunning s.nd the late
Richard Robbins, and ,.Roylance Ar-
thur Westcott, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Vdward Westcotte was solemnized,
Rev. Arthur -Page being the officiat-
ing minister. The attractive bride
•was gowned in olive green with white
and tart accessories and liTdr-floivers
were white and pink gladioli. They
were unattended. Following a" wed-
ding dinner with Rev. and Mrs. Page,
they left for NprtiD. Bay and other
peints through Northern Cassie.
The bride is a •former
Triebner - Dalrymple
was donated $25.00 to build a fence
and a further $25:00 when the ground
has been_ properly levelled and re-
seeded. The Road Superintendent
reported, gravelling operations com-
pleted and 1% miles of road recon-
structed. He was authorized to pro-
ceedwith widenin,g of certain of the
narrow ro.ade and to commence cut -
Oak roadside weeds as 80011 as har-
vest has been taompleted, so that no
labor may be drawn from the hare
vest fields for this, purpose. Treas-
urer reported that receipts for July
amounted to 268.78, aird Cash balance
as at August let, $4,873.42. The fol-
lowing accounts were presented for
payment and orders were drawn or
the Treasurer for same: Road super-
intendent's vouoh,er, $1,131.20; relief
voucher and administration $15.50;
other expenditure, $127:50. Council
adjoarned to meet on September 14th
at 1 p.m. -A, W. Morgan, Clerk.
rhe Coat „
In regard to the. Cost of accidents
certain definite information is
available. Workmen's compepeatieo
boards exist In all preVinees exeept
Prince Edward Island and theY Pay.
Ontannually about $20,000,000. .0ona-
pensationi is paid on a basis of two-
thirds the average wage received and
It Mealy does not start until after
a week's disability. Generally, agri-
culture is outside the scope of com-
pensation 'act% Inasmuch as Indus -
Arial f.atalities average aboUt one -
The polling booths in the village
were busy places ' on registration
days this week and the residents of
the community turned out in large
numbers to register.
Mr. and Mrs.. Ross H. Johnston,
newly married couple, entertained
their many friends on Monday eve-
ning to a social evening. •
Elmore Thiel, -Or the Ztirich
Road between Hensall and this vil-
lage, 'has .purchased the dwelling pro-
perty in town, el the late Helen Sreen-
an and intends, moving to -the village
next spring. The premisesare at
present occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Gentles.
The play, "Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs," will be presented at
the hall here on Friday 'evening, Oct.
aath, by the -young people of the"edin-
munity. The eroceeds will be donat-
ed to the Red Cross.
Mr. Elgin Snider, an of Mrs. Ma-
bel Snider, cif town, has purchased a
bakery at Sarnia and has taken pos-
• Mrs. E. Vallett,' of Flint, Mich., is
visiting at the -home •ot Mise Anua
hese for a few weeks.
Miss Isabel Mansion, of Detroit,
visited relatives north of Zurich dur-
ing the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Swarz, of Detroit.
spent, the week -end at the home of
the ,lattees mother, lVIra. A. FUSS.
Their daughter, Daniels's-Wilt-remain
here for her holidays.
Mr. Louis Prang has greatly im-
troved his residence by the addition
of a glass enclosed front porch.
Quite a number of residents' apernt
tae past weekattheir cottages at
Grand Bend.
There will be a Sunday morning
service at Cavan Church on August
25tb, at 11 a.m.,- with, Rev. J. C. Mit-
ten., of Inwood, as gueet speaker, un-
der the auspices of the Yung Pee -
p108 Societe.
The municipal canteen of Usborne
Township met on August 10th with
all the members present. Minutes ' of
July 1.3th were read and adopted. No-
tice was received from the Depart-
ment of Public Welfare that no fttr-
ther relief wIU be ;subsidized for
heads of familiee, 45 or under, having
twadependente; filed. A commuldea-
tion was presented by the Reeve
taom the 1VIriniSter of Labour for Ote
tali° asking co-operationin forward-
ing to the Department the Barnes of
faamers desiring help froth the cities
for the removal of this harveSt. The
Reeve .appointed each councillor and
the Clerk te 046%4 any applicatirme
thr help, each to forward any apl4ca-
tion to the Agrichltural Re-
presentathe at Clinton, The Cleik
reperted that •tifegift fountain'pens
or soldters-in the C.A.S.F. who have
enliSted front Usborne Township, are
now on order freini R. E. PooleyS Mr.
Johoi' Emery ',interviewed the council
regilesting a donation for the Eden
+Cemetery Board for improvement of
the fence attli .gratinds. The board
The Late Mrs. George Denomme
Josephine Etue, wife of George Den-
onsme, passed away at her home near
Drysdale last Friday in her 77thyear.
Deceased had been a resident of the
community all her life and was high
ly esteemed by all w.ho knew her.
Mer husband and •a number of sons
and daughters, survive. Interment
took place in the Drysdale cemetery
on Saturday, Rev. 0. A. Martin con-
ducting the s.ervices.
ll$100- •
thelt OM utg .
ritlern a slteler ecrreets Ogre ikeediseer
McKINDSE'Y'S Seafortli
Anyone 'havingleft legal papers in
the care of the lite G. j, Suth•erland,
may have same by getting in touch
personally with Miss H. Sutherland at
Hensall, or by calling Phone No. 5.
(continued ..from page I)
Ray, of Zurich, were week -end visi-
tors with their parents, Mr. and
-Airs. Peter Schwalm.
During the electrical .starm. on Sun-
day the chimney on Mr. T; J'. Sher-.
ritt's house was struck by lightning
and knocked off. Much damage was
also reported In different sections.
Mrs. E. Marshall and members of
her family from London were recent
visitors. ‘,
"C"•• Squadron of the First Hussars
ha's been organized at Exeter. Mem-
are training two night a week
under the •direction .0f. Capt. Daly,
Lieut. M. V. Milliken and Lieut. Sane
Rennie, of Hensalia
The C.N.R. station' presents a very
attractive appearance, the exterior
having been newly painted a mineral
brown, Mr. E. R. Sbaddick elotng the
Lainanie, Miss M. Hunter,
Misses Amy and Greta LaArnmie and
Beryl Pfaff have returned frem
pleasant .week's Vacation opent camp-
ing at Bayfield,
Mies Annie Gilchriet; of Toronto, is
iFiiting relatives and friendas in Hen -
sail and district.
Mre. Eric Kennedy and children.,
Roes and June, left on Thursday of
tbis week for Toronto to attend the
Exhibition and from there they will
metor totFenelon Falls, where they
will be guests of Ir. and Mrs. Oliver
Geiger, the fornmer's brother," who is
manager of the Bank of Montreal
Mrs: William Shirray, of Detroit, is
a guest at the home of Mr. Dave
Shirmy, Albert and. Miss Tana Shit --
Ittiss Edith Foster, *rho has been
visiting with'relatives in Hensel', has
returned to her .home. In Tonawanda,
New York.
' Mrs. A, Elcruten was visited over
the week -end by her daughter, Miss
Joyce, of Toronto. •
iThe Hensel} Board of Edueation
has decided: to open the public and
eontinimtion schools .on.. September
3rd, pvicling they do: not recehre
any vesard to the cottrary from the
Department of Edneation, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeth and GWeill
were week -end guests with Mrs. R.
Bopth•ron and Mrs: L. Simpson. Mra.
Vdth and Owen are remaining here
a navy 'ensemble with white acces-
sories. Guests were present frons
London, Grand Bend, Teeswater, Kin-
cardine, Seaforth, Cromarty, Lack -
now, Auburn and Hensall. Mr. awl
Mrs.. Reid will reside ia Loneltm. The
bride received many lovely and Use-
ful .gifts.
Keep this date in mind, Friday ev-
ening, August 30th, for the big Pat-
riotic Frolic, sponsored by Hensel},
Zurich and Kippen War Service Com-
mittee, with open: air dancing, miutie
furnished by Geo. Little's Six -piece
band of Goderich. Bin:go, wheel of
fortune and othe'r games of skill are
the highlights and attractions of the
evening. Ten prizes will be give -lie -
:Way to holders of kicky tickets.The
proceeds of this frolic will -be used
for sending parcels to Soldiers on in
tive service overseas. dome and help,
a worthy cause by your presence and:
risMnags einnie Redd bas returned from
visiting 'friends at St, Thomas and
Freddie Robison •celebrated his lOtis
birthday on Thursday last by enter-
taining a, number of his friends. They
had a Very delightful time and Fred-
die received some nice gift*. teunch
was perved..
While pesisting a neighbor to draw
in, Mr. Harvey Jacobi had the mis-
fortune to have his hand caught in
thesling rope, cruahing three of his
fingers: He received medical atten-
tion by one of the local doctors. Al-
though the ,suffered, rmireh from shook
at. the time, be is feeling.better and
his fingers are hearing nicely.
Mrs... David Burley, of Almonte,
Mich., and Mrs. Sperling, of Mon-
tana, were visitors this week with
Mr. and Mrs....T. J. Sherritt
• The home of Mrs. Peter lVfunn ware
ths setting on' Saturday afternoon
last .for a delightful concert arranged
be Aileen Munri, Mrs. Muiin,a grand-
daughter, June Kennedy, • Shirley -
Wolff and Helen Noakes.' Twenty in-
vited guests were present: A pro-
gram was enjoyed ()Desisting of songs
and readings, followed with a short
play, "Hiring a Maid," June Kennedy,
Helen Noakes and Shirley WOIff tak-
ing the leading rOlee.' Aileen Munn
was chairman: Lemonade and coOk- .
ies were served and each guest con-
tributed so much money for adm,t-
tense feS• to the concert, Which wits
siipposed to be • used „ for icestreart
slid candy to be divided amongst the
crowd, but they decided to contribute
tee proceeds, which amounted to n,
nice little sum, to the Red Cross, and
which amount was given over to Mr.
W. R. Da:Odeon by Aileen Munn and
which showed a very fine ' spirit •
amongst the children. A
Mrs. Fisher; of Toronto, is a guest
with Miss Fayme Logan.
The congregational -. and '''Sundayi
school picnic of St. Paul's 'Anglican
Church will , be hold it Turnbull's.
Grove on Wednesday afternoon, Aug.
A .quiet. but charming wedding of
wide', interest was solemnized at
Hensall United ChUrcli Manse on Sat-
urday, August 17th, at 10 a.m., when
Rev. R. A. Brook united. in, reartiage
Ruby Marceline Dairy.m.ple, daughter
of • Mr. and 'Mrs, George Dalrymple,'
of Hensel], to David Franklin Trieb-
ner, son el' Mr. and Mrs. John Trieb-
ner, of Hay. The charming bride was
attractive 103i a• .floenslength gown of
terquoise blue sheer with bolero
jacket of honeycomb smacking ,with
bandeau of pale blue velvet flowers
in her. hair, and carried 'a 'bouquet' of
white aster, snapdragons and fern.
Miss 'Loretta Bell, of Hensall, •the
bride's 'attendent,.wore a lovedy floor
length gown Of pink sheer, .and her
floWerS were white asters, •snapdragon
and fern. Mr. Gordon Triebner, bro-
ther of the groom, Was groomsman.
Later MT. and Mrs. Triebner left for
an extended trip to ltiorthein Ontario,
the bride travelling in. a dusky, rose
ensemble arid.' white accessories: Mr.
and Mrs. Tilehniet: willreside on the
groom's fine farm on Highway No. 4,
Reid - Allan
A lovely midsummer wedding was
Selemnized at Hensatl United Church
Mans on Saturday afternoon, 'Aug.
17th, at 3.30 p.m., wthen Rev. R. A.
Brook officiaftedi for the marriage of
Iva Margaret Allan, of London, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wildon
o/ Hensel}, and' Oarence E. Reid
of London., son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Reid, of Teesrwater. For her•
ding the lovely young bride thosea
floor-Ilength __gown of white sheer,
bolero smock jacket, 'ebott. puffed
sleeves, sinart white hat with veil,
elbow length white net gloves and
white .accessories, and carried a bou-
quet of sweetheart roses. Her at-
tendatat, Mitre Peggy Schwalm, of
London, wore a smart • costume of
floor-lenigth blue organdy, picture hat
with pink satin ribbons, and her
flowers were pink and bltie ,larkspur,
sweet peas and, ferns.' Mr. John Reid
of Heneall, brother of the groom; was
best Mani Later 5. reception was
held at the home of the bride's par-
ents, forty guests beteg present. The
bride's =Aber received in a gown. of
eggshell sheer crepe, wearing a chr-
sage of oink rose 'buds. She • was
assisted by the groom's mother !wear-
ing a dress of powdered blue crepe
with eoreage of rose. buds.' Pink And
white streamers and bouquetsof dif-
ferent shadeof .gladiolus were used
with much effect for the hom•e decora-
tions, while the wedding cake graced
the centre of the bridal table, vases
of, pars and softly-sibaded lamps com-
pleting the table decorations. The
toast to, the bride was Proposed by
MT. Arthur Nicholson, of Seaforth,
uncle of the bride, add replied to by
the grooni.,-Serving were the Misses
Evelyn La*son, London; Nellie Hark-
ness, I'eesearaterr Beryl Wilson, Au-
burn; Dorothy Tamen, Seaforthe An-
nie Celenstine, London, and Agnes
Applefonslienisall. For their Wedding
trip they motored to Toronto and
Niagara, Falls, the bride travelling in
Receive New Books
New becks have been received at
the Hensall PubliC Library as fol-
lows: Fiction -How'• Green Was My
Valley, 'Llewellyn; Their Orrn Coun-
try, Hobart; The Morning Is With
Us, Gaspell; This. Side' of Glory, Bris-
tow; The World is Like This, Norris;
Suddena-Gold Luker, Strange.; Wan-
dering Dogies, Tuttle; Dead Men's
Trail; •Birney; The D. A. Holds a,Canse-
dle„ Garden; There is Always Loves
Loring; Too, Young Too Marry, Bann-
ing; Pups and Pies, Bailer; Dead or
Alive, Brand; Sons of the Saddle,
Paine; Knights of the Range, Grey;
Kingdom of the Cactus, Seltzer; ,The
Four of Hearts, Queen; ToMorroW's
'Proinise, Bailey; Marigold, Hill; The
Millionaire Tramp, St. John -Cooper;
The Bird 'in the Tree, Gondge; (ance
Beyond tfhe Reef, Holtaa; Death
Wears a White Coat, Dubois; Hotel
Hostess, Baldwin; Other, Gods, Buck;
Mystery House, Neerig; The , Red
Lamp, Rinehart; The Man in Tower
Ten, Rinehart; Storm Over Eden.
'Miller; Mysterious Rancho', Gregory;
Freedom of the Range, Crane; ltifur-
der• of misq tretty Sleane,
Non-Fictfon-The Old Log School
House, Huron Old Boys in Pioneer
Days, Greene; Ballads of a Chuck -
aka; Service; Pajama of a M1084011,
Ilantlerson; Soak ' of Marvels, The
Occident, Hallpurtoas His Story of
.Life Adventures, Halliburton; Can-
ada, 'Europe and Hitler, Kirkconnel;
Thinking % Aloud. in Wartime, Wattle-
enhead; Forty Years, a potintry
Preacher, Gilbert. •
juvenile Fiction. - The Sleeping
Beauty', Aladdin and. the Wonderful
Lamp, Ali Baba 'and the 'Fort
Thieves, Ansu; The Land of Oz, Thie
Road to Oz, Little Dorothy and Tote
of Oz, Baum; Mysterious, Sally, Ger-
vaise; The Dare Club, Plunkets
Maida' s Little Weise, Maida's Little
School, Snow; Keide's Children,.
Spyri; Girls of the BibleSnyder ;
Crossing Canada, Straoh; Story ef
Baby, Sandy, Denton; Little, Lauri' of
Finland, Bailey; First Term, Worst
Terns De Foubert; Elinor in the
Fifth; Darch; Joan, Betty and the
PSeoaGuhl st, n1-1; shTthere; ThemysterySinsteorf Stheigu
Brass Bound Trunk, Keene.
(Formerly W. E. Chapman)
Now operated fly
W Re inspeptIon of our
sto of Comet:47 Memorial. -
RtTH - Tuesday!) and
Saturdaya, or any thrte by OW
DR. F. HARBURN-Phone 105
Phone 41 EXETER BOX 150