HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-08-02, Page 4• EXVOSITOR, S. assitted Ads will be inserted at new low cash rats: Sale, Wanted, Lost and Found, Coming Events, Etc. -Per word: 1st week 1' Cent 2nd week % Cent 3rd week % Cent Minimum charge, first insertion 25 Ceuta latch figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Gard of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices -1 cent pew word. Hid iM11)31, 60 cents per week, Enquiries may be direolied to a_,Rox blunder, care- of The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional per week wW be charged if ads in above clots are not paid by the Saturday night in the week in which the ad was run. Birth, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sale, Nlatrieets to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on 'application,. Farm Stock For Sale Fan SALE -REGISTERED YORK HOG. Apply Ito ROY LAWSON, 2 miles west of Seatenth en Highway. Phone...66,7 r 16. 3790x1 Popular Stallions The Clydesdale Stallion FAVORITE AGAIN 24337 Enrolment No. 1961 Will stand at his own stable at Brucefield for the season_ Fifteen dollars to insure, payable February 1, 1941. ROBERT D. MURDOCH. Proprietor. PETER KILPATRICK, Manager. 3780 -ti' Imported Clydesdale Stallion SOLWAY RESOURCE leip. [28173] (23029) Enrolment Nio. 3744 Form 1 Will strand for the improvement of stock this season. as 603.10W41 M.0031draY Morning -Will leave his own stable at' Brumfield and, go to the 2nd Concession, theta :south and east to Alex. Sinclair's, for anon; then east to the. Town Line and north no 'the 9th Concession to Win. Patrick's. fqr night. Tucerley-East 114 patties and north to the 7th Concession to 04:eine Bros., for noon; then to Robert Dole's, 7th Concession, for night. Wednesday -To Gernmell's Corner end north ho A.' & J. Braadfoot's, for noon; then to his own stable. Thomday-At his -men- stable. Priebe - Wet to the second Concession of Stanley and north in John H. ItecEwares, for noon: then to his own stable foe night. Saturday -at his own stable. Terms -to insure a foal, $15'.00, payable Februery,,,e, 1941. D. MURDOCH, Proprietor. and Manager. 37/30 -ti The •Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion I TORRS MAGNATE . • Imp. [26882] (22371) Enrolment No. '301;9 , First Class, Form 1 Grade A, Premium No. 27 leave his own stable, Lot 4, Concession 3, Halbert, and proceed to 31: Nadia's. for anon: then to D. O'Reilly's, Beer:I.:weed. for nightTuesday.-:To J. Mc- Carthy's. Lot 33. Concession 2, Logan. for noon: thence to his own stable for night. Wednesday -TO Cecil Ralph's, Lot 10, Con- cession 3, Logan, for noun: thence by way of Geuld'e School House to his own stable for night."Thursday-To 'Dune. Coleuhoun'e, Lot 3, Calfeessien 8, Hit,bert< for noene_thence to George Wallege's, Lot 11, Concession 11, Crpmarty, where he will remain from 8 to 6 p.m..; thence to John. Burclhill's, Lot 10, Concession 5, Hibbert, for :night. Friday -- To James Morris, Lot 25, Concession 5, 'Rib- bert. for noon; thence to his own stable. where he will remain , until the ,,following Monday morning. Terms -To insure a lfoal $15.00, to be paid the -1st of January. '1941, „.. ROBERT -BUR,CHILL, Proprietor & Manager. R.R. 2, Dublin. Telephon 19 r 13. Dublin. 3782:41 Cards Of Thanks MRS. JAMES NELSON, MRS. ROY NEL- sun and daughter wish to thank their friends and neighbors for many acts of kindness and sympathy in their recent be- reavement; for flawerts and the loan of ears; also Rev. Mr, Jack -for his kindness during Nelson's Notices reRAIN-I AM BUYING GRAIN' FOR GEO. Thompson, Hen:tall. For latest quota- tions and information ethane 655 r 2. We carry a stock of bags and will' also do your trucking. W. M. SPROAT, Tile Yard. 3790-tf VOUNG BOAR FOR SERVICE, ON LOT "L '17, Go 'tress ion 1, MeKilliop. Purchased from Orval Free, Dungannon. Will still keep the old one "Highland Jay" for -some time. FRANK NOLAN, IL R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 144 r 21, 3790-1, B4F/A F0_11. SALE -DOUBLE saanono boo lumber if=to ehal.SiLabou".5 26. -(cal D. G. STEER, Hen- ault 3790x1 PR OCIaM.A.TION ! - • TownofSeaforth CIVIC HOLIDAY Monday, August 5th I hereby, proclisim, that Monday,' August 5, 1940, be Civic Holiday for the Town of Sea - forth, and request that the citizens observe the same by closing their places of bus iness for that day. John J. Cluff, Mayor "GOD SAVE THE KING" TWP. OF TUCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List gape -aeries FOR SALE -SUITABLE von '"''tielildbut or gasulating purposes. Will sell by Jag 'or trunk iced. ApplyJOHN BOSHAIRT & SONS, Seaforth. -, 8790-2 T-TONEY FOR SALE -CLOVER HONEY, -`" in a88, 1aized containers: also comb honey in email, medium and -.large sections. WAL- LACE ROSS, North Main Street, Seadorth. Phone 133-J. • 6390-2 VOTERS' LIST, 1940. MUNICIPALITY OF TUCKERSIVIITH, COUNTY OF IICRON MOTICE IS HE BY GIVEN: THAT I "` -have complied with Section 8 of the, Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in no office at Tuckersmith art the day IA July, 1940, the 'Bet of ,e_a,-persons entitled to ode in the said municipn ify reuricirel- eltietions And that such list remains there fo,- inspeotion, and I hereby call upon dn. voters to lake immediate proceeding's to have any errors or eornissions coreetted according' to law, the last day.. for appeal being' the '7th day of August, 1940. , DATED' the 1541 day of July, 1940. D. P. IVIoGR,EGOR; Township 'Clerk, Tucker -smith., 3783-3 POR SALE--CROSLEY ELECTRIC RE- ' frigenator„ six-foot box, brand new. Pric- ed law for quick' sale, Never been used. DALY'C GARAGE, Phone 102, Seaforth. 3780-t1 Wanted WANTED -MAN TO GRADE EGGS. PER - TV ference given person Who can buy Pool - try- Good working, conditions to responsible person. Apply 'Box 217, EXPOSITOR OF- FICE, stating wages and ,experience. 3790-1 • MEN AND WOMEN WANTED A FEW SCHOOL TEACHERS, MALE OR "ce" FEMALE to Make $25.00 weekly, selling our FAMILEX PROBUCTS which are actual Ilirtaisebbld necessities,, guaranteed quality: wanted in sweaty home. Write; • FAMILEX PRODUCTS CO.; 570 St Clement. Montreal. 3790-1 MACHINISTS - PLANER, SHAPER, -1-m• lathe, horizontal and vertical boring mill hands, maintenance and tool room fitters. Goof rates and steady emtnloy-ment offered. • Apply, experienced men only, at O'l'IS FEN- SOM ELEVATOR CO„ Victoria • St. North, Banal/eon. 3790x1 Auction Sales MORTGAGE :SALE OF' REAL ESTATE TNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POW- s.' efts of Sale contained in •a certain court - sage Wbrk,11 , will he produced at the time of sale, there will be loff dred for sale- by public auetion, on the premises -wOrniROP ,Cine ae6lie wonst electalle storms of the seasene passed over the burg last Thuredax ,flight, July 25th. A large uunctber cattle, thorsea trees' and hou.ees Jaere struck. Mr. William. Somerville's barn' was a complete lose.' The telephone cable -was struck and Piet ell the lines out of order. Our linesman, Jack Kellar, is a very busy' man. Whale climbing a pole a cot ple of *eks ago he slipped and: sad, dowa theapele causing a. pair of very sore ,tarrilais, . Mr. Reginald Pryce is attending seramer school at London. He has been engaged to teach at No. 6 school, east of the village. Miss yarn Heist has been re-en- gaged to teach 5.5 No. 10, McKillop. Mrs. William Scarf eta of London, visited relatives last week, wita.Mr. and Mrs: Willis Duadas, Mrs. George Little and Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little, Mr. and Mrs: P. Little and her brothers, Mr. Charles Little and Mr. John' Little. Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. John Little, Jr. , Mrs. Fergus Bul•lard, of Kintore, and sister, Mrs. Dee Haring and son, Billie, of Buffalo, called on Mrs. Eat- on last week. Jack, who had been visiting here, returned with them. The haying season is over and has been a long. lieaVy one. The wheat coop will' be pretty well cut this week and is a good' 'sample. Gordon' Betties had an appendix -Operation in Scott 'Meniorial Hospital on -Sunday. We wish yOu 'a speedy recovery, Gordon. ' STAFFA, on MONDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1940, at 2,30 to'clesik shasio, the following lands: Lots 13 and 20 in the Village of Staffs., containing tWo-fifths of an, acre, being part of Lot Number 16 in the 9th Ooncesaion of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Aylergwo,nth's Survey. On the property is said to .be situate e two -stoney fnarme house, with hard and soft water, furnacet nearly new; kitchen, summer kitchen; a frame stabl0 aboult 20 x 30 feet, Inciluding dritsmsted. TERMS OF SALE -The property win ,be Pott up subject to a reserved bid. Ten per -cent. of the purchase money shall be paid Ion the day of sale and the balance thirty skies therelaftter. For further particulars apply to J. W. MORLEY, ' Solicitor foe Mortgagee, Exeter, Ontario, Frank Taylor, Auetioneer, Exeter, Ontario. 8789-3 Births BOLTON -In MeKillon, on Jelly 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bolton. a daughter. Deaths BLACK-In nickel -smith. on Saturday, July 27th, William Black, in his 7.2nd year. HENSALL -FOR ATTACK TIRO u13"" :CAM S'E--10F , . Rhouinstisas, USE- SOW* tumbef!,!..0* RU ...NI ACAPS 'THEIRT......................_ McKINDSEY'S - Seaford MIDDLETON'S, - little daughter, of Toronto, are vaca- tioeing here. Mr. William, Foster,' who has been confined to his home for the past three weeks with a 'heart condition, is improving and is able to be up and around, although, still very Weak. t During the recent severe electrical storm here Harold Bell, of Hwy Town- ship, had a valuable horse killed by lightning. ,Much damage also was re- ported from this district. Mr. Thomas Dickson is confined to the home 'recuperating from a ser- ious fall waioh he suffered recently. Although no bones were fractured, he suffered' greatly from shock a he is advanced in years'. A familiar figure on the streets, he is mach missed. The exterior 'of the Town Halapre- seats an attractive appearance, &ey- ing been freshly painted by Mr. Fred Kennings. Judy, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sthaddick, is spending her holidays with relatives at Bayfield. Mrs. Marie Bart and family are leaving for Toronto the first week in Augest where they wilt take up resi- dence, Jacqueline Redden, little daughter 'a of Mr. and' Mrs. Vernon Hedde-n, had her tonsils removed last week at Dr. Anyone 'having left legal papers in the care of the 'late G. J. Sutherland, may have same by -getting in touch personalty -with Miss fl. Sutherland at Hensall, or by calling Phone No. 5. Announcement Mi',' and Mrs. Wilson Allan, of Hen - sail, wish to announce the engage- ment of their only 'daughter, Iva Mar- garet, of London, to Clarence E. Reid of London, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Teeswater, the wedding to take place the middle of August. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes, Claud- ette and Sandra,'are camping -at the'i'r ,summer cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gould, of Clinton,' spent tiler' week -end with. the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Walk- er. Mr. Harold Bonthron, of the staff of • Benthron & Drysdale is enjoying his vacation camping at eand Bend. The Misses Enid Parkins and Edna Satin,dercoce are this -week vacation- ing at Grand Bend. The Arnold Circle ' of Carmel _0.11nrch, enicired a delightful picnic to Tun:Thalia Grove en -Wednesday af- ternoon. Sports were a feature of the afternoon, followed' by a delicious supper. Miss Mary Hamilton, of Lendon, is the' guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case. 'Mr. -and' Mrs. Garnet Cudmore and 1ft and lire.W. R. Horton and. daughters, Vito have been vacation - ins -diem agetiiie. past week Or efa Waned to their 'home in Dettioit, on Sat day They were accompanied home by little Gwen Voth, attractive timeyeatrsold 'daughter of Mr. and alra Gus Vbth, o Detroit, who had been visiting with her great grandmother, Mrs. R. Rauthrog, and grandaaother, Mrs. L. Simpson, for the past six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of To- ronto, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook and also with relatives in Daebefood. Mr, Vernon Redden, of St eathate Mee, spent the week -end with his wife and family here, and Mr. Orville Redden, also of St., Catharines, vis- ited with mother, Mrs. C. M. Red- den, over the weekend, ' Mr. and Mrs. William: Harding and Mr.'s. Ida. Harding, of London, were week -end guests with Mr, and Mrs. &Oty, McLaren, Mrs. Ida Harding re- maining for a week. Mr. Owen Geiger and family were visited Over the week -end by his bro- ther, Jacob 4eiger, of Detroit, and members of his family. Whs. Constance Man'gnall and Mr. Kttrateth Mangnall, of Beadily -Hie, wereguests Sunday of Mr. William Fee and sisters, Misses Sarah and Mani, and gilts° with Miss H. Suther- land. Miss Florence Welsh has returned home from a delightf01 vacation spent with .friends at Montreal and Ottawa. The 'Misses Mildred: Hackney and Edith Dick are enjoying a vacation at Grand Bend. , Ma and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and daugh- ter, Sheila, of Delhi, spent the week- end with the fOrMer'e, mother, Mrs. Pfaff, and sisters. Beryl and Alice, Sheila remaining for an extended vis- it; Me Leonard Sparks, evhaelias been spending the past mouth or so visit- ing his 'father, Mr.. Alex Sparks, of the village, who was in very poor heaiith 'for 4i time, returned to his home in Dodsland, Sask., op Tuesday of this week by motor. . • Mr. and Mtg. Frank Kelland and Fletcher's Hospital, Exeter. Large congregations were present at the local churches Sunday despite the great heat wave. Rev. Re Hicks, of London, was the guest speaker at the Morning service MI Hensel' Unit- ed' Church, speaking, in the interests of the Temperance cause. Dr. I. G. Spill contributed a well -rendered solo, "King David's Lament." The ev- ening service in Carmel Presbyterian Church was conducted by Rev. ' W. Weir, who .occupied his own' 'pulpit. Miss tiVfargaret Dougall sang very 'pleasingly "The Lord' is" My, Slam}, herd." At St. Paul's Church Rev-. M. A. Hunt preached' very acceptably. a, Services will be held only in the morning in Carmel Church during the 'mann of August and" will be conduct- ed by Rev. D. C. Hill, of Oaven Pres- hyt e Ian Church, Exeter. The pastor, P ev. W. Weir, together with Mrs. Weir, .Will vacation for a month's; holiday. Mr. -Robert Passmore, divinity stu- dent, will be the special- speaker at the United Church this coming Sun- day morning, August 4th, the evea- ing service baying .been withileawn dutiag August. Miss, Irene Pope, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr: and Mee James A. Paterson over the week -end. Mr. 'and Mrs. Tedi Taman, of. Lis- towel, were week -end guests at the horns of Mr., and Mrs. Charles Mc- CR.' WILKINSON,. R.0; • OPTRALMIC OPTICIAN Wnigham will bekat W. O. Goodwin's store ev- ery let and ard Tuesdays in las month, toy the purpose of teak)* eyes And. fliting glasses. Ellteoult oases' and thesis that have not been properly fitted are specially riecom. mended to consult me. 'Boers: le a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone Hensall 11 for appointment, • 1177 -- -, ria, of Lama, Officiating. Burial was in Exeter -cm:0*MM Miss Stella Robson., of Toronto, is the guest of her eister, Mns, Harry Arnold, MiSs Hattie Sutherland has return- ed from a pleasant week's vacation speneat Grand Bend, 'the -guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. NiCholls, at their summer cottage, ' "Temple - more." ete°11mir the from this district who are 110W teeHeinnStaelndl WPEttatnineg alptiazrec7el's serving overseaS. -They are asking the public to contribute articles for i these parcels, donations to be in 'be-: Saturday, Augeet 10111, and to be left at Kyle's Store, Kipp,en; Goodwin'e- Store, Hensel': Oesch's Store, Zur- ich. The following is a list of suit- able. articles:' Cigarette lighters. and flints, cigarette tobacco and papers, cigarettes, plain chocolate, chewing gum, soap, Paper handkerchiefs, khaki handkerchiefs, writing tablets, email, brilliantine, tin- opener and•corkscrew. shaving cream or sticks, safety raz- ors, malted milk tablets, dental cream or powder, -playing cards, tobacco pouches,, shaving brushes, ink in Safe- ty case, pencils or pens', steel mir- rors, combs, tobacco, meat metes, tube mustard, canoed' fish all kinds, Oxo cubes, biscilite, fruit cake in tire members of their family from Res- R selciale, were Sunday guests with Mr. mall, Game polish, 'hard. candies, salt - 'and Mrs. 'C. S. Hudson. ed peanut -c, canned fruit: or vege- Blakeweeor evaporated, shelled nuts, as- Winter,ttabes, canned -soups, canned milk, M'president 'of ' tiVilier. GEneraateeMr. Wilson Berry„, Trust Co., of Toroeto, and Mr.' L. A. s.orted (packages), olives, pickles,. Landrieu, K.C., well ltnown Toronto sauces, 'honey, maple syrup, cans of g. lawyer, of the legal tarn of Kilmer, pork end beans, fish pastes, prepared' 'Landrieu, Rumball, Gordon & Beatty cra9iffseei a Pre'Pall6c1 'mem' cheese, elleam"' of Toronto, had: lunch -eon on, Sunpy (packages), figs (packages), Berra Of this village. They' were on , toilet their way to .attend 'a directors' meet- i . mbatteries,le toWels, bottle opener, short- breandflashlight batteries, socks, sugar, small flashlights" with with Mr. -Berry's mother, Mrs,. Anne ing 'of the,Trust Co. -held in Windsor, on Monday, ear wr which M; Landrieu is ' articles of 'too greatweight to carry_ Troops on the move do not wish- on an J. Wilson Berry is gen-. , . .among It is better -to eefood which can he nd small articlesdistributed ticles -of e'ral manager, A large number from Hensal] and a man's friends andefinieh'ed at one • a . district attended the funeral of the sitting.- -Beme men do not get anyl late Mrs. Pages:tea si Lekee-f ,-Ormettly parcels and their pals always share Miss Catherine' O'Brien, who passed their good fortune: What is suitable away on' Wednesday etening last for men in' England will not always quite suddenly at the home of ,her be suitable for men in active- service, daughter, MtS:'Lavaanatralfodgina, of - o but the. Weave aistea articles are Suit- Bidaulph Township, near Lucan, in able now. • Men in barrecki alwaysc her 80th year. The funeral was held fare well for food,- but alsalways from the home of" her daughter on welcome a change of diet. It is the Friday afternoon with Rev. Mr. Hate "touch from home" that counts. A t't urniture At I 1 I aching OW rices.-! 4 Walker's fi'urnitiire Store Offers Unheard of Bargains in allt,ines of House Furnishings. SELLING OUT After Thirty -Three Years in Business in Seaforth we are Selling Out. Our Entire Stock is Offered at Clearing out Prices. 'Everything in the,, tare iU s t Go ! a' CO -1 -LET --ELY'- Take Advantage of This Opportunity to Get Some New Furniture, Mat- tresses -and Springs, You Have Our VVonderful Stock to Choose From. Lamps Galore Cedar Chests Studio Couches Novelties ure Bedroom Suites Springs Mattresses DiningroomSuites 3 Breakfast Room Suites One Piano Good as New Ur,.,:141.3 X 'ill, „ eelett. .„, 4- „