HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-07-26, Page 5• rt
k '1!-'
t JULY S; lice
�ZG SOOxd .GoesJn
•Cleaned and oiled, the machine guns go into a'British bomber
before' it sets out over Germany. They are the bomber's sting and
will pour a deadly hail of bullets into any attacking aircraft. s
Mr, G.. B. Woods; ,of Toronto, is
renewing acquaintances in this vicin-
Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott and Rte.
Harold) Ellitott, in company with Mrs.
Massop and Mrs. W. Elliott, motored
to Stratford Sunday.
son Bil-
.rn and o
and.Mrs. L Che
a)ld Miss I3eetty of Landon,' in
company with Mrs. L. Beatty . and
de—tighter, Edith, spent unday at
Grand, Bend. •
Mr, and Mrs. C. Ward, of Forest,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. C.
Pilgrim, •
Littre Jane' Rutherford, of Hamil-
ton, is the guest of her cousin, Mary
Elizabetli, .Beatty. •
Mr. and Mns. Harvey McGee, of
Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs vis -
Leaves Seaforth for Stratford:
Daily! 8.25 a.m. and 5.15 p.m.
Leaves Seaforth for Goderich:
Daily except Sunday and hol.s 1.05
p.m. and 7.40 p.m.
Sun. and hal., 1.05 p.m. and 9.20p.m.
Connection at Stratford for Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
Tavistock, Woodstock, Brantford.
Agents — Queen's Hotel, Commercial
Hotel, Dick House
pll".aFen liecillitk W& el W
the. .$040110410, * P 40/1 •4o
wa0 Fuotu sllaag., dIl " !biz'. nmol tad:
thein tees 01 01 t Phuter
n :rte! n!g - Ji ,, - ,.0 .xeoixax-
tioml by! "B'arlsara gC!alwnell. Keat1s
Keyes 'gave a redt'ng;, Mona. Reid
planed a Wane slti1o; 1.'van 140O1y'mont;
ga.ve tun interesting„ reading; a duet
was sting by -Man's 'and 'Doris. Reid
' allowed with a reeding. by Margaret
Meheir. Faun small. girls songs the
hymn, "Jesus Lovers Me." The boys
and girls were divided, evenly into
two groups. Each 'side is •to take
turns getting u$ the program. Mary
McOlymeut had an interesting con
teat. A (half hour was spent playing
ga'rp!es. The meeting ,was brought 'to.
a ellose by singing "God Save the
King" and • .saying the Benediction.
ited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G.
H. Beatty last week.
Mr and Mes Billy Austin and
friends. of Seaforth, called. on the
former's mother, Mrs. Alison.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Elbiott and son,
Pte. Harold, in connpany .with Mrs..
J. Mossop, of Varna, and Mrs. W, El-
liott; of Brucefield, motored to S•trat-
tale Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. R.. Laythath and son,
Billy, 'and i\iiss Gladys Beatty, of
:andon, in• can y- with Mrs. L.
Beatty and; Edith, spent `Sun ay at
the Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward 'and f iiiy, of
Forest„visited at the tonne of Mr, C.
Pilgi iii on Sunday. - -
Mrs. Stewart Beattie is spending
a few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. McBride.- of •Hay.
Little Jane Rutherford, of Hamil-
ton, is visiting her cousin, Mary Eliz-
abeth Beatty.
Mr. and Mrs. H, McGee and Mr. and
4Irrr. Gibbs, c, -f ..Auburn, spent an eve
.ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. H. Beatty last week.
Mr. G. B. Woods, of Toronto, is
spending a few days With relatives.
The secn•nd meeting of the Misd,ion
Band was held in the church on Fri-
day, July 19th.. There were nineteen
pis -sere including one visitor, . The
meeting was ,opened by singing "God
Sees the Little Sparrow Fall." The
minute's. :of the bast meeting were read
and adopted. 'The Beatitudes were
read -together. -The- president led in.
14/5 to
There are no spectators in
this war ... ur¢° r¢ all in it.
No- freedom .. no happiness ... no contentment
is possible °for any one of us until- this evil
thing ' . . this worship of brute force is wiped
forever from the face ofthe earth. Not every-
one is privileged to wear the King's uniform,
but we can all make some contribution" to our
common cause—We We can all buy WAR SAVINGS
,CERTIFICATES this month . . . next month . . •
every month, as -long as the war lasts.
The opportunity to buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES
is the privilege of all Canadians the privilege of
helping to win the war. ,
War Savings. Certificates are sold as follows
For a $ 5 Certificate you pay $ 4
For a '$ 10 Certificateyou pay $ 8
For a $ 25 Certificate you pay $2Q
For a $ 50 Certificate you pay $40
For a 8100 Certificate you pay $80
Apply tit any Bark, Post Office• or other Authorized
Dealer. •
War Sav'-'e. "tamps cost 25c each and are sold every-
where. 16 stumps entitle you to one $5 Certificate.
Every ddliar you invest in War Savings Certificates
's an investment in security . ; . for you . . - for.
your children.
Euy them regularly every month. It le your continuing
Serve by saving
every month ,
this space donated by The Huron Expositor
No trace of the 'thieves who •stole
the cured meat supply from the farm
of Mr. Alfred Melick, north of the vil-
lage the other night, .has been found.
Mr. Melick had the meat stored ir1,
the granary and the thieves got, away
with a considerable quantity.
-The pavement through the village,
being part of Highway No, 84, has re-
ceived a coat of asphalt and stone.
Mr. Norman Gascho, who has been
a patient at Byron Sanatorium, has
retur-ne(e to cls In'ome nere'mucll im-
proved in health. -
a. and Mrs. Ward • Fritz and Mr,
and Mrs. A. J. Kalbfleisch are enjoy-
ing a motor trip this: week to Ottawa
and other points of interest.
The annual picnic of the scholars
and teachers of the Lutheran Sunday
school was held at Grand Bend on
Wednesday afternoon.
The Late Mrs. William S. Ruby.
A life-long resident of this commun-
ity pass'ed..away on. Sunday in the
person of Mary Prang.. wife of Wil-
liam S. Ruby, in her .69th year. De-
ceased Thad, been in pocr health for
..ome months and had bt•-n confined
to bed for many week.. ;esides'her
husband. a son tied. daugeen survive,
Emery and Donalld, both of Kitchen-
er, besides a iarother, Mr. Louis
Prang, and a sister, Mrs, Marin,
\Vurm, both of ''/.uric.t. The ftineral
was held on Tuesday, interment tak-
ing place at. the Evangelical ceme-
tery, Bronson Line. Rev. C. B. !Heck-
t'ndlorn conducted, the services.
CLINTON .b.. ,®
Honor Paid David Cantelon
The most Largely . attended funeral
in the recollection of Clinton resi-
cle,n•ts was that of ,i,David Gantelon,
noted- pro duce dealer `Rreld Sunday af-
ternoon. Local and county ' police
were aseusted by m!embens of the fire
company in t-egulati:g automobile
traffic at the. residence,_ T 4agla.n Ste
and at all intersections, as the more
than a resile -long line of cars moved
slowly away to the peace of burial in
Clinton cemetery. Tihe funeral ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. A. Lane
Of 'Wesley Willis United Church,. at
the residence and' graveside, and fol-
lowing the latter service,- the Orange
Order burial service was conducted '
by the grand master , of Western On-
tario lodges, Jose,plh Carson, .of Lon-
don. Apptloximately- 100 members of
Clinton! and nedghborin'g lodges sur-
rounded the grave. The honorary,
pallbearers were George H. Elliott,
Clinton; Wilmot.' Fla:eke, Godemich,
and Arthur Irwin, Bayfield, past coun-
ty wardens; Edward Floody, Sr., Ed-
ward Flood'y, Jr., Toronto; Col. H. T.
Rance, 'G. D. McTaggart and J. P.
Sheppard, •Clinton. Active, pallbear-
ers: . W. S. R. Holmes, N. W.. Tre;
warthe, William Walker, Mervyn
Hanley, W. H. Hellyar, William Fal-
coner, Edward Morrison and - 3. A.
Sutter. Flower bearers were M. J.
Schnen1 als., JamtEs Turner, • Thomas
Deeves, Percy' • Livermore, Norman•
Livermore, Percy Glidd!on, Lioyd
Stewart, Eddie Elliott, Orval Lobb
and Jennies, Elliott. -
Mr. and Mrs. H. Chesney and Mr.
Ivan Forsyth spent the week -end in
Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mrs:
T. J. Hobi:n,. and also called; on Mr.
C'hesneyfs two brothers,
One of Brussels well known busi-
ness men passed away Sunday night
in, the person of Frank Stretto,n, in
-his 71st year. Born, in Brus•seis, the
sen of Captain! James Stretton and
Jane McCracken, he had• conducted a
jewelry business.- in town fir years.
He had not been in the best of health
for some time, 'having suffered a (heart
'disease. He leaves his' wife, •former-
ly Annie McQual+rrie, Grey} Township;
one eon, Herbert, ;at Camp Borden;
one granddaughter, Geraldine , in
Brussels; .one brother, William, in the.
West, -
Mrs. Thomas Young,, wtlo• spent the
past few weelos with. Mr. and Mrs.
Milton .Yeung, near Cromarty, has re-
turned to the blame of • her daughter,
Mns. William I}und!ars, McKillop.
Mrs. Joe Hamilton, of Brussels, vis-
ited with Mrs. Hugh Fulton.
Mrs. 'Peter McTaggiart 'was a visitor
at Blyth.
Mr. 'and Mrs. John Smlalld!on, of
Welland,,' were ithe guests, Of Mrs.
Rayl Carter.
'Mr. lan!d! 'Mrs. Bert Dennison 'and
Audrey, of Preston, were the guests
of Mr. e ' d Mrs. W. C. Bennett.
Perspiring Feet -
Many folks who suffer embarrass-
ment from perspiring feet will find a
fo•1mra:ldlehyde solution, bo'bh restful
for the feet and beneficial • as , well
Add two ,tablespoons • of forsnalde-
hyd!e to a pail of warm water and
soak. the - feet once or twice daily
There will be no more odor and the
sweating will be redo eed to normal
This is an, old country remedy that
never fails to bring relief.
Cost ' Less and Are
Boshart Electric
Small Down Payment °
Strawberry Rice
% cop .rice
1 cup strawberries
2 cups milk
1/2 Cup sugar
% cup whiilpdng cream..
Cook mice in milk in double boiler.
Cut berries in •(half. Sprinkle with
one-quarter cup sugar and allow to
stand. When rice is cold fold in
whipped ereatn and one-etiarte4• cttp
sugar: Turn into a serving dish and
chill. When (serving use strawber-
ries as a .sauce.
Black Cherry Roll ,
1 cup flour.
1/2 cup milk . -
1/4 cup shortening
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4. teaspoon salt
11/2 cups pitted cherries
1 cup sugar. '
Make dough as for baking powder
biscuits. Sift- flour with baking pow-
der 'and .welt:' Rub in shortening and
add mi•Ik. 'Root dough to 1/4 -inch
thielin+ess. Spread with pitted cher-
ries and sprinkle sugar , over. Roll
up like a jelly- roll and place in a
baking 'dish. It may then be left in
thhe refrigerator and put in to bake
1/ hour before dinner.
Strawberry Tapioca. Cream
4 cups strawberries
1 cup sugar
1t/� cup quick tapioca,
14 teaspoon salt .
3 cups bailing water.
%- cup heavy cream.
Wash, hlui and crush berries. Add
sugar and let stand 30 minutes or
danger. Cdok tondo= and salt• with
boiling water 15.,mtnutes. Add strart--
berriies' (reserving one cup). Cool.
Whip- cream and" fold into tapioca:
mixture. -Pile in sherbet' glasees and
Chill: Top with strawberries when
To Support Vines
Good vine holders for wall posts
trellises, etc.. can be made easily and
cheaply by using medivan or large
size safety pips. Bend each pin riear
the spring • coil. .They " can then be
fastened to the wall or post by a. sin-
gle nail or sere* inserted through
the spring. The pins open and• close
readily and will be found very useful
when training vines to follow a de-
sired pattern. The vines can be re-
leased at any time simply by opening
the pin. ,
Als lie tbtnket'h in his 'heart, so is
Ltntitatilan forms lour manners, our
opinions, our vlemyl lfivea.
Saks Books
are the best Counter
Check Books made in
Canada. They cost no
more than ordinary
books and always give
We are agents and
will be pleased to quote
you on any style or
quantity required.
See Your Holme Printer first
Rale b
playds�ug tegettl e ' toz,i Iote fork
".Mother, '1 Wiebi t were two 11:41Q
• His wloth,er said.: ' "My sin yl}4
wept to •'be •tw!o?"... '
"Se I can play • together," replied
the little fellow,
• •
Elevator Operator: "What floor?"
Passenger: "Seven and an eightlh.".
'Elevator Operator: "Trying to, be
comical,= eh?" "
Eassienger: "No; that's where you
stopped . last time when I said `sev-
' The little girl was Taken by her
mother to see the flood -lighting of a
beautiful monument. After admiring
this sight the little girl was told' that
it was time to ge home. Very .re-
luctantly she replied: "I'm not go-
ing home yet, Mother. 1, have only
.seen .the light; I'm waiting to see the
flood ! "
Spain, front all reports, ,is keeping
right in step with modern seientific
progress. For ins'tan.ee, in Spain you
can now buy a sweater made out of'
skimm ere, milt.
One can imagine a customer: walk-
ing into a clothing store in Madrid.
"I'd like to see a sweater," he .re-
"Yes, sir," bows ,the assistant.
"What size, Tease?" '
The customer scratcrhes his head.
"I'm not sure," he replies, "but I
think I take a size fourteen quarts
and one pint!"
. "I dislike beating about the bush,"
growled the golfer who had driven in -
h., rah..
to t o rough.
"Lore; h•e!•e," said the captain to
the newly—appointed: sergeant, "there
are men coming„into came night af-
ter night after 'Lights Out' has been
sounded& It's got to step!"
A few days later he asked the, ser-
geant whether things had improved',
"Oh, ye -s sir," was the reply. "The
last man in. blows the bugle now!"
Iliietle James,, agecl. four,_ was at the
piano and doing• his best to reach the
keys at the same time he operated
the pedals: -jest as he had seen his
mother do. After many efforts ,, he
cried out in disgust: "1 can play the
keys all tight, 'but I can't reach the
"My husband is the efficiency ex-
pert in a large office." .
"What 'd!oee,.'an efficiency expert'
do?" •
."Well, if we women .,did ,it they
w'oultl call it nagging."
A cannibal, walking through t the
jungle; .with a pretty black girl, was
met••by a missionary, who wished him
ihts time of day and .then asked-
Aren't you going to introduce me.. to
the lardy-?"
"Thates rho lady,"- replied the canni-
bal, "'That's my iuneh."
"You have such 'lovely horses. Why
dont you ride them?"
"Well, it's like this: at one end my
horses bite; •at the other end they
kick, and in the. middle they are too
An .enthusiastic gardener was vera
proud of his crop of monster. red cur-
rants. Se:veral ,af his garderi•e•r .friends.
after admiring the fruit, advised shim
to send an exhibit to the local horti-
cultural show. After considering the
matter he took ehe advice of his
friends and 'sent a fine plate of the
On judging being completed and
the awards announced, the -entrant
was greatly disappointed 'to know
that :his red currants had only secur-
ed third prize. He found out after-
wards that a mistake .hadl been made.
They had been pltaced, in the tomato
Seaforth, Ontario
We may be as good as we please
if we please to be good.
Good humor, is the health of the
soul, sadness its• poison:
Virtue itself oftten -offends" when
coupled with bad mannerat
It is no kint1•n,e.se to lend money to
a professional bomro•we,r.
It is 'one 'thing to be tempted, an-
other thing to fall—Shakespeare.
Triflers- not even in trifles'+ean ex
A suhnry disposition gilds the edges
of life's• blackest clouds.
Some regard a supernatural ,faith
as the essence of all unreason.
Tb be ignorant of their ignorance
is the mala!d'y of the ignorant.
With faithfulness comes the spirit
not of fear but of a sound mind."'
Small service 15 true service while
it lastsc•—Wordsworth.
Habit is, as it were, a second na-
Humility, iikhe darknhess,
heavenly eights,—Thoreau.
In conjunction wi.
Lice its Club Circular
ome to This Stf:c
On Thursday
Friday and Saturda
It's A Genuine
To love is everything; love is God.
-Leon G!ozland
reveals the
No mann wee, ever great without 'd1-
vine inspiration.
Believe that sfosy false that ought
not to be tiros.—Sherttdan.
Ideals are the worlds, masters.—J.
G. Holland
• Love is a
full of anxxibus
Brevity is a great praise of eloqu-
ence --Cicero.
Great is the advantage of patience:
Joyou.sn'eshs is Nature's garb +bf
Xindn+ese, the poetry Of the 'heart.
Chance, is a. •nscknram•e for Provi=
Who gives a trifle meanly, is mean-
er than the trifle_ Lavaterr-.
The best of prophets of the future
is the past --Byron.
No man is so great as mankdnd.—
T.he'adbre Parker, •
Jealousy lives upon doubts --Roche-
foueauld. .,
-Be thou the rainbow to the sttorms
of life. --.Byron.
Nature, like man, sometimes weeps.
for gladness.—BeaconsQ'ret!d;
God is always inviting ,our aaaspt,
once of His•
• Glixellnegs must have some •ed!ge to.
it, else, et is none. ;
It iS one thing to -be tempted; aa-
other Hying to flail
In temperance there is ever e1eiaa-
1tini st and elegance..
Geier counts ',the seconds; .happ1
nese forgets the hours.
(Formerly W. E.. Chapman)
Now operated by '
We invite inspection of our
stock 'of Cemetery ,Memorials
SEAFORTH, — Tuesdays and
Saturdays, or any time by ap-
pointment. '
DR, F. HARMAN—Phone 105
Phone 41 EXETER Box 150'
'.Dead and Disabled Animals
Regarding Car Parkin
Victoria Park will be lighted and available for
parking on Saturday nights for the balance of the
Summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome to use
these parking facilities and avoid congestion on,
Main Street. -
Police will supervise as far as possible, but
motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the
municipality will not be responsible for any missing
articles. '
F. S. Sill