HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-06-21, Page 817, round • a iea With 9,, egutiful Water Glass • All for 40c 116Y HORNE NUT SPREAD am_ RIOANIPP BUTTER—Jar. AVIA; GUEST CHICKEN SOUP Ver tin a • LONDON HOUSE TEA half pound JELLY POWDER 6 packages •• HERSHEY'S PURE COCOA 10c, BLUE 'ROSE ,RICE 3 lbe. PETER PAN CATSUP bottle 7URNIP SEED Lb. AYLM,ER IRISH STEW ' tin HARRY HORNE JELL() MILK -2 packages JUNKET TABLETS 2 packages IsIONSUCH SILVER CREAM jar SHINOLA. FLOOR WAX 1-1b. tin LUX SOAP 2 cakes EARBOL CARBOLIC SOAP cake WASHING SODA package 331G FIVE CLEANSER tn FLUSH° TOILET FLUSH eau iliA,STER'S TURKEY STARTER -a -Cwt, 10c 35c 25c 19c, 29c 25c 10c 30c 15c 15c NEWS .OF TIM TOWN Announcemetit,--A-Mr. and 'MPS.... Sol Williams, Gorier -10h St. East, Seaforth, announce they engagement of their daughter, Madeleine Anne, to Wilfred Louis Hauck, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hauck, Waterboro, the marriage to take place June 29.th. 25c 25 c, 25c ilc 4c 7c 5c 22c $3,25 A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 Windstorm Rates Are Lower NEW LOW RATES NOW IN EFFECT With a Company over 100 years old. No Premium Note Required. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 • Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF 4 INSURANCE Plan For .Ladies, Day.—Mrs. E. C. Boswell will be iu charge of bridge at the Gott Club on Thursday, while Mise Peg Grieve will look after golf which will feature a. hididen hole emir - petition. The bridge prizes last week were wen by Mrs. R. M. Rinses ax.' Mrs. T. Swan Smith. Stewart - McNay.—A pretty wed- ding took plata on Wednesday, June 19th, at 4 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs . John McNay, McKillop, when their daughter, Anne, was' unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Alexander Fitz- gerald Stewart, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mee. Harry Stewart, Seaforth. Rev. H. V. Workman performed the ceoemany in the presence of the im- mediate relatives. The bride wore a gown of French blue silk net over taffeta with small blue taffeta hat 'with vela and carried Johanna Hill roses. Mrs,- James A. Stewart played the wedding music, and during the signing of the register Mr. James A. Stewart yang "Until." Following the wedding eel/lemony a buffet luncheon was served. Mrs, McNay, mother of the bride, ware .navy sheer and car- ried piiik r•oises, while Mrs; Harry Stewart, the groom's mother, wore Acadia blue with corsage of pink ros- es. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart left on a trip to Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec and on their return. Will reside in To- ronto. o o 0.0 o o o o o o o o o 0 . 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 40 FU N E RA L ,DIRECTORS 0 A --- 0 A Main Street, Seaforth .' 0 "A Charles Holmes' residence, A O. Godericib Street East. Phone 0 O No. 308. 0 O Ambulance Service 0 .0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 - rent, ' 0 0 •Night calls—Phone 308 0 O Day calls—Phon•e 119 0 40 Charges moderate. .0 0 - 1247 0 4t> <> <>,<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> 0 0 0 0 0 A A A 0 0 0 A - H. C. BOX 0 FUNERAL SERVICE A Licensed Embalmer 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed O with adjustable racket oper- O ated spring or rent. A Night Calls Day Calls A O Phone 175 Phone 43 A 0 12-3.7 A 0 0 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 0 0 Churches 140 Strawberry Festival Tag HIJOON'EXPOSITOB• On Grounds of St. James' Church, Seaforth Under auspices of Sodality Girls IN AID QF RED CROSS -- on -- THURSDAY, JUNE 27th .from 4 to 6.30 p.m. MUSIC BY PUPILS of ST. JOSEPH'S .CONV-ENT. (In case of rain, will be held In the School) ADMISSION 25 CENTS diener. The happy Couple left by motor for the New Englaud• States, the bride eravelling in rose binge jer- sey with chocolate brown accessories and jacket of lynx -dyed fox. She wore a corsage of orchids taken from her bridal bouquet. The groom's gift to the bride was a rhinestone bracelet and the bride's gift to the groom, gold cuff links and studs. Ther bridee- mai,de received bracelets and the groomsman and ushers manicure kits. The gift to the soloist was an en- amel and gold compact. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Fox, Miss Ruth Fox and Carol Ann and Mr. and Mrs:. Robert McGregor, of Findlay, okio; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —Union War -Time Prayer Meeting on Friday in First Presbyterian Church at 7.30 p.m. St .Thomas: Church,: Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford.) -11 aan., Rev. W: J. Ea- clestOre 7 p.m., the Rector. St. Mary's Church, Dublin: 9.30 a.m., Rev. W. J: Eccleston. Northside United Church: Rev. H. V: Warns:man 1VIinister.-10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "An Encounter With Deity"; 7 pen., "A Cloud of Wit- n•esses," Thar -Way, 7.45 p.m., Prayer Meeting. MeKillOp Chargee -Duffs, 10 a.m ; Bethel, 11.1' a.m.; Cavan, 2.30 p.m.; Holy Comm.:minion at Dtiffs and Bethel, —R. W. Craw, Minister. First Presbyterian Church—Sunday School at 10 a.m.; morning subject, "Law and Liberty"; evening subject, "A Viefibrions Outlook"; mid week meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. — Rev. Htigh Jack, Minister Egmendrville Church—Morning sub- ject, The Religion of Jesus"; even- „na subject, "A Jloyful Personality.”— Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Minister. 000000000000 ' o , o o J.' A. BURKE 0 O Funeral Service 0 0 Dublin ): Ont. 0 .0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 o o o o 0 o 0 o o 0 o o 3757-tf THE SECOND DIVISION COU RT County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Bnild- th. Sessorte. Office hours: Taw - any, Thursday and gaturday, 1.30 pan. to 5 v.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 Dan. ..to 9 p.m - E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies - Seaforth ANNOUNCES ate purchase of doe insurance business elf TAlass & Meir, and the addition of their dateeentes to our previous &Leib'- . &re, enables us to give unexcelled service in all lines. • SEAFORTH ONTARIO ..10-47 TILE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE a SEAFORTH, ONT. orriagns: thim-mlopiatty ILA. 5, Seaforth - Pres. Wont MVOs, rzithgeoboro Vice -Fog Menton A, Redd, SearfOrth - See,Treas. }floZS:- iaist Ittlel, Liondesboro;' George ftiendhardit 'Bredhagen. Sanate 'Con- Gott,ateh;, DrOadfunt, 'Seardit1tt;Ii.46/Eattder Mothving, Is' NOW, *ink' MAGregkb%R�fl Ointelk itainteet. MOO*, "litraltati.; ' MOW. fgenfOrth; "" Atat UAL 4, gott. •Ie Jackson - Ball.—A pretty wedding took place on Saturdiay, June 15th, at 12 o'clock noon, when Sadie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ball, Huron Road, Tucksersmithe Was united in marriage to Stanley M. Jackson., of Tackersimith, son of Mrs. Jackson and the late John Jackson. Rev, G. G. Burton performed the ceremony. The bride Was gowned in a pretty frock of dusky rose crepe with xnatching bat and white accessorries, and can, rind white Killarney roses. Miss Dorothy Reinke, of Hamilton, esras.the bridesmaid and oboae a beige crepe dress with turf tan hat and matching accessories, and carried a corsage of butterfly itieseet" Little Miss Eleanor Ardath JoYee., Erickson, of- Detroit, niece of the bride, acted as flower - girl and "Were. aquamarine and car- ried a colonial' nosegay of pink and white flowers. Mr. ,Arthirr Jackson, eni of Tuckersth, was,Othe groomsman. Mies .Ethel Jackson played soft music during the wedding and while the register was being signed Followtog the- ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to immediaterelatives, by Miss Eleanor Sprung and Miss Max - Me Ball. Mrsi. Jackson chose for her going -away costume a grey tweed suit with navy accessories and also wore a ha.ndssome silver fox scarf, the gift of the groom. After a trip through Eastern Canada, Mr. and Mrs). Jackson Will , reside on the ,groone's farm in Tuckersmith. VINIMINIIMIN161111MINIIMMIr H.F.L. Football Brussels v., Seaforth LIONS PARK SEAFORTH Monday, June 24th AT 6 P.M. Brussels heads the League, but Seaforth is only three points be- hind. A win will put the locals in second place. ADMISSION: GENTS, 20c LADIES & CHILDREN, 15c Peiten, of Cleveland Olio; and Mrs W. G. McIntosh and daughters, Misses Marjorie and Eleanor, af To- ono;- Mr' H. Barry, of Steatford; Mrs. Jean Haigh and ilatighteraMies Mary; of Seaforth: KT. Bruce David - on, of Dresden, ad s Mrs, G. T. Turn- , hell and daughtetr, Mies Mabel, of Seaforth. -(ME. 21, 1940 where Dr. Stapleton i attending the az, ue4lainleivolEaitzof the Canadiall M•edie • Mr. and Mi' a Harry Stewart . of Egnioativille, and M. and Mre. Mel. -Clarke were 111 Elmvale and Oainp Borden over the week -end • Miss Jean Frost. is spending a week in Flint Michigan. • Mr. Gordon 'Willis, of Detroit, spent •,the Week -end at the home of his .rather, Mr. W. G. Willis. • me Anideew Caader, of Hielessoni, was in town on Monday calling on old friends, • Me and Mrs. John Novak, Toranto, were weekeend guests at the home of Mr. ad Mrs. John Finlayson • me and Mrs. H. E. Smith and family were in Milverton over the weak -end atteediag the 47th mini-. versary of the wedding of Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman. • Mr. Jack Frost, of London, spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Frost. • Mrs. F. W. Wigg and Mr. Alastair Wigg were in Durham over the week- end. • Mrs. Margaret Hutton, of Kin- cerdine, was a recent guest at the nomof her d,aughter, Mrs:. Joseph Grumnaett.. . • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling spent the week -end, at Port Carling. • Mrs, John Muir is visiting her daughter in Sudbury. • Mr. W. M. Hart has said his resi- dence on Chalk Street to Mr. Charles Reeves. • MrGeorge Daly, 45f Toronto, is spending a few holidays at the home of his parents, •Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly. • Mrs. Ernest Geddes, Miss Mary and Mr. Stewart Geddes spent the week -end with friends in Belgrave. Mos. J. A. Stewart is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Ri•cnards, in Stratford, • Mise Joan McMiaster, of Moulton College, Toronto, is spending the holi- days atthe home of her father, Dr. E. A. MeMlasiter. • Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late W. J. Rintoul on Friday Oast. were: Rev. and Mrs. Rinitoun of Toronto; Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Riutoul, Sarnia; Dr. and Mrs. R. Cassels, of Romeo, Mich.; Mrs. Cassels and -son, Meaford; Mrs. H. Neil and Mrs. James Nell, Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. Worrell,Mise Margaret Dornine Mrs. A. Gee, Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Hornier, Hamilton; Mr. James Lowry aaa,d, Mr. Duncan MePthedirdn, Rockwood, and Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter, Burlington. • Dr. and Mrs. J. A.: Gorwill spent last week in Toronto. • Mr. James Scent, Harvard 'Uni- versity, Boston, is sipending the holi- days at the hope of. his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • • Mr. Loyd Hoggarth, R.C.A.F., St. Thai:nese-spent the week -end at the home of his father, Mr. Henry Hog- • Miss Alva ,Elford, M.A., of Bryn Mawr, P,emazylverna, is spencang the holidays with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. James Elford, in Egmondiville. • Mr. HoWard Purdy; of Toronto, Was a week -end guest at the /tame -of Mrs. W. E. K:ersitake. • Mr. Elmer Beattie, R.C.A.F., St. Thomialaespent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Th, s. • Mr. land Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and family, of Kincardine, were the week end •guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hart. • Mis's Mary Dodds, London, was the weekend gueStT of Miss Jeen Scott,- Harpurhey. • Mr. J. F. McMann and .gr.andsson, BilIy Sic,ott, iof Chicago, are visiting relatives in town and vicinity. • Mies Margaret Thompeon, of Al- lentown, Penneylvanria, is spending :the holidays at the home of her father, Mr. W. T. Thompsena • Mrs. T. G. Shfilinglave, -Mese-Geo. Israel and: Mr. and Mrs. Hargreaves, of Torlonte, were week-ex:id, gu.esta: at the home of Mr. arnd Mrs. J. D. Gem - melt in Tuckersimith. • Mrs. Harry Stewart was in To- ro-nto last week.- .• Mrs. D. H. Wilson :entertained on Wednesday 'afternoon for Miss Edith Fe,rguelon, brideeelect -.of this, week, when the neighbors presented her with a sliver entree dish, a cold meat fork and a cup and saucer. 1V.Iiiss Em- ily Cresswell read the addiress and Mrs. Wileon made the presentation. A pleasant afterntion was spent. •S Mr. and Mrs. Edgar -Laweela of Auburn, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wililam :Sclater, • The Women's Institute will hold afterneon .tea and a home baking sale on Saturday, June 29th, in aid of the Red Cross 'refugee wink. • Mise Gretna Ross spent last week in Tiorante. • Mrs. Kenneth McQualg, of Big- gar, Sask., le .visiting at the biome of her father, M•r. John A. Walsers. • Mks • Margaret MCKellar, of Palmerston Col,leglate staff, spent the week -end at 'the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. • Mr. Dinedale, M.L.A., Brandin, Manitoba, was the guest of Captain and Mrs,. J. Dougall this week. , • The dossing exercises in conneca tion with 'the kindergarten will be held on Wednesday tmerning next. Visitors are welcofne and all. est are are requested to conte at 9.30. ' • Mlles Loretto Faulkner was In Kitchener last week. • Mrs. J. C. Reinke andLthise Doro- thy, a Hamilton, were Mb week -end .Death of Mrs. Charlotte Langton._ The death occurred in the Private Patient's Pavilion, Toranto_ of Mre. Pharlotte A. Lan g, ten, w 110 was for- merly Miss pluukett, of Varna, on Monday, June 1701. Mrs. Langton was twice married, her first husband being Mr. 'Boss' Deitrich, who was employed with the John Dorsey car- riage shape bene for many years. The remains rested at the funeral Chapel of A. W. Miles, 30 St. Clair Avenue, West Tomato, where a service was ' held on Wednesday evening. lister - meet was'readse on Thursday in Mait- landbank cemetery here. • -ea Northside W. M. S. Meets. — The Regular meeting of the W. M. Society of Northside United Church was held on Thursday, June 12th, with thirty members answering the rtal call. Mrs. IR., Lawssosn took the devotional period in the absence of the preen dept, Mrs,, 11. V. Warkman, wase was unable to be present on account of fitness, ,The meeting opened by the singing of a hymn and ,prayer. The secretary ..aed treasurer gave •the us- ual reports and Mrs. C.X. Kahle, tem- perance secretary, gave a tereperiance sreading, entitte,d, "The Truth About Alcohol." Mrs. Robt. Archibald gave Sas short talk onnthe new book for study for the next few months, "The Stewardship Lite." The bale of quilts was forwarded to Mrs. 'Col- clough, Blyth, sappier secretary this month. Mrs, John Ftinlayson; leader of Circle No. 6, to-ok charge of the program, Stewardebip." Three Bible readings were given, fol- lowed by a few minutes of silent prayer 'and flowers placed in 'memory of the late • 1Virs. Woad, a member of Circle No. 6. Mrs. J. B. Thomson gave the prayer, Miss Jean Peewee Van and .11/les. Hinchley Also, taking part. Nineteen -roily has been set as stewardship year. It presents e challenge, to all Protestantism OD the North American continent to devote the year to the study of bhis phase of Christian endeavor. Through this channel. the n'eart, of personal and world problems will be reached. Jesus taught that a sense of. stewardship is necessary to the peace and hap- piness of the good steward. Stew- ardebsin is love in action. To under- stand Christian stewardship we must understand the attitude of Jesua to- ward the -whole of life. After sing- ing "God Save the King" the meeting closdd Lvith. the Miznah benediction. NOTICE MRS. RUSS BRODERICK is teaching Tap, Toe, Ballet and Stair Dancing at the home of H. J. Trapnell, Seaforth, on Saturday afternoons. Anyone interested, please Phone 309. PRICE 35c A LESSON Kreider -. McIntosh. — Eastmineter peeseetertian march, Detroit, beauti- fully decorated) with white peonies and White gladioli, Inade a pretty set- ting on, Saturday, June 15th,, at 6.30 pm, when Marguerite Elizabeth, el- der daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art, McIntosh, of Detroit, was united marriage by Dr. Carl E. Kircher; to Norman Edwin, eon of. Mr. arid Mrs.' Ednarand Kreider, also Of Detroit. The bride, looking charming in a white :Chiffon and chanaiNy :lace Olen with train, entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of Mendelssohns' wedding march played by Miss Mary Hurt. The bride wore a cihantilly lace cap withi and orange blossoms with finger tip +ell and lace mitts to match. She carried a bou- quet of white gardieniati and orchids. The matron of home, Leona .Neilson, and tieblidesmalide, Mary Haigh, and June Nadentloff wore lime green chif- fon with tight -flitting. bodice and Ghia (rod 'sleeves. They carried bouquets lof yellow :daisies with head dreas of the same. Gwendolyn McInto,sh, sis- ter of the bride, made a avinateente &Unbar :bridesmaid In peach net and Lace ever peach talterte. Her bouquet wag yeilliovr daisies and larkspur. Howlanild K.reider, brother of the grooan, wee groomsman, and the ush- ers were Elbert Nellen, Eric Deitrich and* Dick Palowski. During the core - stony Mabel Turnbull sang' "I Love Wu Truly" and "0 Promise Me." Ina, anedlately after the ceremony the guests were reCeivect by thebride's another, Wearing ashes of Mesa chif- fon and lace With Corsage of wine earnations and the &ohm'; another ii cornfloyier Mee arfth corsage o pink oatratin. Later the .Wedding reeentfon Wee heid at Parkhurst, nhere ahoul 00 gueoft aht down b) GardenParty at St Columban Church WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, VALUABLE CASH PRIZES Gala • CarclenPa,rty Wednesday, June 26th Sponsored by the Kippen East Women's Institute FULL COURSE STRAWBERRY SUPPER SERVED FROM - 5:30 ON Admission: Adults 25c, Chil- dren 15e; under sentiol age, Free •OUTDOOR JITNEY DANCING frexn9tidil M u oc k's Orchestra We extend a cordial invitation to one and, to join us for a happy evening! AU -Proceeds for War Work Papple - Pryce.—A pretty June -wed- ding was, solemnized at' 2.311 t'cock on Saturday, June 15th, at the United Church Manaise, McKillop, when Rev R. W. 'Craw united in marriage Olive Ann, younger naughtier of Mr. and Mrs._ Thomas Pryce, Winthrop, and Earl Walker Papple, son of Mr. and. Mrs. David Papple, of the Mill Road, Tuckersmith. The bride looked love- ly in a floOr-length gown, of white sheer with, sweetheart neckline, vel- vet bows ali,d %full skirt, and: wearing hat, shoes. andie,leees.. Her enly orn- ament Was a, gold locket. She carried a banquet ef Lupins flowers. Miss Myrtle Papple, sister of -the groom, was b:rid,esmiaid and wore a gown, of dusky pink sheer • with' hat to matob', and carried a. bouquet of -mixed flow- ers. Mr. ,Oliver Pryce, twin ,brother Of the bride„attended the groom. Fol- lowing the ceremony 'a, buffet lunch- eon was heldi, at -the bride's) home and was attended by the immediate. ram - Mess of thee bridle and groom. The bride's table was centred with, the wedding,care land was decorated with pink ansdl White anid.•silver with sprays 'of green myrtle and pink andwhite flowees. Seirving were girl Weeds) crf •the bride, Misses, Margaret Habkirk, Ruth Pethick, Kathleen Shannon and Bseatrices Pryce, assisted by Mrs. Ella Arrestrong-darbert. The young cota ple left amid showers ef confetti and rice far a broneymnion trit! to Grims- by, Niagara Falls and Brantford. For, .travelling the ,bride wore a dress of dusky rose georgette with white coat and White accessories. Upon -their re - tune they will reside en .the ,grobm's farm on the Mill Road. Those from a distance attending were Mrs. Mary Pringle and, Wilma and Mr. Robert Papple, from Brantford, - Grand Bend EVERY NIGHT From Saturday, June 22nd, till Labor Day, dancing to WILLIS TIPPING AND HIS CASCADE MUSIC Nickel Dancing Vt. Amateurs — Look! CONTEST MONDAY, JUNE -24th Special Cash Prizes for this— night—.1st prize, $10.00; 2nd, $5.0. COIMIE ALONG-aWIN. A PRIZE! And Enter in Final Contest FREE SERVICE ° 01.D, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. !Empty phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS MAUD PHONE 21 Nif2110 MOP LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs': Ballitigall of nbontreal, was a guest at the borne or Mrs. P. Ander- son, • Mrs. Robert Coates, Of London, i nis tenhet'.guest air Mr. and Mrs, Williarn A • Mr, and Mile Frank Botta:Ms, Miss: Frances Bottoms, 'Else Alberta Coleeand Mr. James ClUff, Of Wood- stock, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. A. F. Cluff. • Mrs. Grades Willis, of Detrolt, and Mrs. Harry Watson, of Goderich, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Bechely. • Mae Haiviet Murray is visiting with Brussels, friends. • Mrs. G. T. Turnbull, Mpg Mabel Turnbull, Mrs. H. Barry, Mrs. Jean Halgh, Missi Mary and Mr. Bruce DeVidslcvn, attended the Kre?iderilifc- Intasth w‘tliding in Detroit over the week -end. • miss M. Shea, of Detroit, *as theI recent gueirt -Of Mrs. It -Bolton. • Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Schtnitten- dorf, of BMW°, and Mr. and Mrs. Lafferty, of Brarnifcaid, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Devereatix. • Mrs. Heartaird Burgess has return- ed to her home in Pant, Michigan, af- ter 'Brilendling a week with Mrs. Hayne of Simooe, ankh With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rethert Prost, in town. • Mrs, F, Beattie and sou, Dr. Howard Betattie, Whe have been the guests of 'Mrs. 3-attnee Beattie, have returned to their hence la Ottawa. ' • Mr. C. Rath has leased the resi- dence of Dr, ttan On Centre Street, recently vacated by Arr. W. 11., shim • Miss Helen Anient, of Windsor, spent the vreek,end at the home of her varenta, Mr. 'and Mira. William AMMO. , • NI; M,eW Stith ant ,ktro, Stranleten are in Tette*? Wei 'week Regept Theatre ..Seaforth NOW SHOWING. 4ENE AUTRY • SMILEY BURNETTE "SOUTH OF THE BORDER" The Western you've all been waiting fort Also "MARCH -OF TIME" MON., TUES., WED. NEXT THUR., FRI., SAT. MAROC INTERNATIONAL presents REBECCA starring ' LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN fONTAINE Directed by ALFRED HITCHCOCK Produced by DAVID O. SELZNICK who mode "GONE WITH THE WIND" Released thns UNITED ARTISTS .452'431., ei;v4igiNeN.,i0 Screeki'r,!, b p ovi.ot A COLUNO'A Added Attraction "THE SINGING DUDE" in technicolor. •.Coming -7 -"THE .AMAZING MR. WILLIAMS" guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stew- art. • Mr. Thomas Sills left this week to join the R.C.A.F. at London, and Mr. Basil Duncan has secured, a com- mission as Lieutenant in the Elgin Regiment also: training at Lomdon.. • Miss Helen Pierce, of Toronto, was a, guest at the home, of Mrs. H. R. Scott this week. • Mr. Joseph C -lark, of Toronto, a nephew of Mr. J. C. Greig, of town, has been appointed public -relations offioer for the R.C.A.F., according to an announcement this week. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Wea, johns,: Mr. How ard, Johns, IVIls.s, Marion Miners and Mr. William Johns attended the wed- ding of Mr. Harold Johns, son ,of Dr. Fred Jelms,..ia Hamilton oia: Saturday. Corp. W., H. Dickey, of Niagara -on - the -Lake:; spent the week -end at his home here. A large number from this:c•ongrez gation attended Thames Road anni- versary sereic,e,s last Sunday, there being no preaching service in this church. Miss:es, Dorothy Johns -'and Ina Ford, Meseta% Grant Ratcliff, of Gran- ton, and Newman Baker, from near Rannoch, spent the week -end eet Owen Sound -and Lions Head. The Y. P. U. paid a visit to the County Home at Clinton last -Friday night. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Wm. _Douglas spent Sanday in Marlette, Mich. Miss Sean • Dalrymple, of Stratford, and Miss Grace Dalrymple spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Dal- yrmele - Mr. C. Cornish, of the R.C.A.F., spent the weekend with Mr. and Miss. J. K. Carnish. Don't forget the Red Cross Dermal- stration shower and supper to be held in the SI S. room on Fri -day, June 21st Come and help the un- fortunate, as you would wish - to be helped. - Miss Rhea Rouatt, of Lox1don, spent a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. O'Brien. • , • Mrs. semtesen and Mrs:. 3. Moody visited with Mrs. Forrest in Landon. Mr. James Swan, Miss MAE. Swan, Mrs. Ham and Wesley spent Satur- day in Hamilton. ,., • Miss Ellen Scott, of London, visia ed, her home here on Sun -day. • South End ••••=iPI CASH GROCERY Opposite Public' Library JUNE 20 - 22 Aylmer Tomatoes 2 26 -oz. Tins.. 25c FIRST GRADE Creamery Butter 113 25c Walker's Sodas 2 lbs.19c Lard 2 lbs. 180, JEWEL OR WHITE CLOVER Shortening 2 lbs. 27�. Habitant Pea Soup 2 15 -oz. Tins ..1,5c Habitant Veg. Soup 2 15 -oz. Tins 17c LYNN VALLEY Sweet Mixed Pickles 27 -oz. Jar ..20c ORANGES 1 dozen GRAPEFRUIT 7 'for, TOMATOES 2 pounds - NEW CABBAGE 4 for 20c 26c 21c 25c Berries, Head Lettuce, Carrots, Beans PHONE 91 --- PROMPT DELIVERY — oskart Elect I SE &FOR.TH t cb Announces the opening of Show Rooms In the store formerly occupied by T. G. Scott, Main Street, Seaforth, where a full line of Electrical Appliances wil: be on display. WE ARE AGENTS FOR AND HAVE ON DISPLAY , Norge Electric Refrigerators SEE THE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY White Electric °BeForest 'and Sewing Machines , Other Radios Locomotive Washers ----Sunbeam Electric Shavers G. E. Appliances and Full Line ofG. E. Electric Light Bulbs A Complete Line of Radio Tubes and Batteries carried ,In stock Boshart Electric ENOS BOSHART P,honeo 75 - Seaforth DOMINION PAY IN SEAFORTH Motorcycle Races * Football Carnival * Midway * Dance See Posters For Particulars