HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-05-17, Page 6• -fi iprov Fastu es Means MoreB ee, Milk Ii`adluily' Herod and Weekly Star) Last. October the War Agricultural £ittee ordered a farmer of North_ ) tgn, England, to plow up sixty Itteees of grassland and prepare it for gain crops this year. The order was Vet obeyed with the result that Aim! of of $100 was imposed at the March sessions of Court. This was in spite of the plea,, of the fanner that severe winter weber prevent_ eco the use. of a tractor, and in tiny ease a good crop could not be ex- pected without a summer fallow dur- ing.1940. 'there was no question of disloy- alty or desire to defy the Government order—only • a strongly implanted be.. lief on the part of the farmer that the best -course to follow was to leave the laud in grass in order to get the greatest production for war effort. He NI' as hacking -his own forty years of farming experience even to the ex- tent of risking prosecution,. About the same time objections were raised in the House of Commons against certain cases where valuable pasture, worth $250 •an acre for fattening stock, were ordered to be plowed up. Permanent Pastures These incidents are related, not for any bearing they may have on war- time policy, but to illustrate the strong faith that British farmers have in their pastures. Blessed with some of the best soil in the world and with a climate that provides plenty of moisture every month in the year, stgekmen have taken full advantage of the natural gracing lands and through many tcen•turies have . im- proved on the ordinary growth of grass, reaching the standard of near-. ly one co* per acre. There are mea- dows that have been kept productive for a hundred years and it is not un - PILES With a impel of 50 7tesra ase a meat natio- rar treatment for rake or laemoatiwiali, yoat ea n Pooatavcly depend as Ar. Chases Ointment usual to find permanent pastures of twenty or thirty years duration, Lit- tle wonder thee British agriculture should be so firmly based on live .kook or that so many, different breeds of cattle amd. .sheep !should be de- veloped. Canada has not won any parts ax„ fake for luxuriant pastures exc pt for limited areas in. the Maritim s and along the Pacific. coast. In the central provinces the extrein�es of. climate make it difficult to maintain tjre satisfactory �ggmowtah of grass and. clover. :Winter killing makes fre- quent . reseeding necessary. Spring growth is slow, the peak of produc- tion is reached before.. July, after which the supply is very uncertain; ft is , perhaps for the reason that Pas- ture cannot be relied upon that so little effort is made to Improve -them - 3t rte all too true that neglect of pas- ture IS the weak link in farm- man.. agement- .' There is, however, no need to de- spair if results fall short of those ob- tained; gay, in parts of the English midland& A few faithful workers have ,been experimenting for the past quarter of a century, both, in regard to soils and fertilizer, and !have in recent years achieved results that are remarkable. They have found that there are grasses that are more or Less resistant to drought, that fertil- izer win_,; eye Mi ereaalcd growth a'�d' twit elGve!r is ` 1a great restorative , f cid lig fibre to the soil anid ,adding alla.Ruehereeded nitrogen—la any Seeding maixtume it is imperative that a legtiMe be included, either al- falfa, orethe better! -known red clover or Welke. This is -thee key to all im- provement tit hay or pastnee fields. Fifty -l=ive. Per Gent Grass At a number of seed fairs held the past few months in t itnrio, the gospel' of better pastures bas been plainly set forth by an exhibit from the JJOntario Agricultural College. The professors do not consider it desti- able at the present time; to step up the acreage of grassland, seeing that 55 Per cent o$ tiie farm landin On- tario is ,now la hay or pasture. 3Vhat they do - recoxptm.end is that fertilizer be applied to old meadows according to the needs as indicated in soil' test or where a new seeding is necessary that a mixture of grass and legumes, be used. There is a certain , magic about Yonne ne graet that must be apparent to every one' who handles live stock. One has only. to note 'the lack of thrift in cattle at the elose of -winter —the 'rougih patchy hide very oi,`ten supplemented by traces of ringworm and line. Turned en grass in early May the transformation begins. Old hair is shed, the sew coat appears sleek and glossy, there are rapid gains in flesh; a look of contentment in, the eye and a general air of well being. The cost of production for milk and meat can be lowered most economic- ally by improving pasture, claims Dr. O. McConkey of the Ontario Agricul- tural College. -Pasture grass is the • rre e • tcritzeica JUSY L1m. cheapest feed crop and enables milk to be produced a half or a third cheaper in summer time than in win- ter. Digestion experiniewts show that grass in its, ,early stages is 83 per cent digestible, while in the later hay stage it i.0 only 52 per eent util- ized. Between Juane .20 and 'Judy 20 it bA5 been noted' -in teats that the digestible. protein dropped from: 65 to 47 per cent. Dr. McCorllleey' makes some signifi- cant ignifi cant ioomparisons of cost between pasture grass _and some of the fodder crops. A ton of digestible nutrient —and that is ,the part which counts —from a good mixture of alfalfa, red clover, alsuIee and timothy costs $5.66; a ton from. blue !grass 87.57; from al- falfa hay $11.85; from corn silage $19.16, and frown oat hay $36.51. • Vitamins For Milk Eight of the essential vitamins are contained in; pasture grass, vitamins that are favorable to, milk production, reproduction. and general good !health. It is the vitamin A in spring grass that gives the yellow color to but- ter.. The high ,nutritional value of geese is responsible for the remark- able crange in appearance of anim- als why. the dry, fodders are replac- ed_ by pasture in ..,spring,: as meted goteayOUVe 1is 111e0 eara to Pa/ fine get ► »r _ •� r �vpill /0 .. a .. :"v. SyT+.`'' "� r�_, �r (�-!r dr _ ,J,.�"�,•, 1.�' .�J. YC t i r i` I ..• tet t; of r., ra PL�DED ALAI en former extra priced gas buyers - - = voted by a big majority that ``NU•BLUE SUNOCO G ee, ncr T WE WANT A GASOU fi 1/ ANTI -KNOCK Y POWER . 1 MILEAGE Y 'PICKUP J ALL AROUND f' PERFORMANCE ` 1 3'I,�' ro• S Lir E,9 tti by 14 S users ol preAkauLL sokles a t __. � xilto ,���oco e�� to ,� f ,►' d e8a'A • eg1jle� hof n od��e ped 9a f et °rm S° des • r• ;f .•;. . OAST FALL an independent research organs.' nation asked over 1400 motorists from Florida to Canada to test Nu -Blue Su ioeo against extra -priced gasolines. These motorists voted 9 to 1 that Nm -Blue Sunoco equalled or excelled the extra -priced gasolines in road performance.- - \wears Jusr RECENT,LYa new survey was. made among former premium gasoline man° by another indepen- dent'and unbiased research authority. After noting the performance of Nu -Burg SUNOCO in their ears— these motorists who formerly used extra -priced gam, lines voted by a big majority that NU BLUE S OCO gives them what they want'ii teStitt t g 1; ; ' For host result* „use Nu -Woe Sunoco flirt sfreneth. Ion' drfurs it with other) gaaouneg, ELLS AT REGULAR CAS PRICE right, '$ea10 t . W. ,j� Hartley, Dublin .;lir mple,, Brucefield Jr McCully, ruse field - 1.' - .- There fp not mixture that cam Said to be, smiltaable for all sole. all case, 'however, it is necessary have legnmee--alfalfa;, red clover alsiife ei: ee they hold Vie secret *roil. fent/4Y. On dairy and mix farms in Ontario the maximum p duction is obtained fi m.-a,..seeding six pounds alfalfa, three pounds. re clover, two pounds alsike and 11 pounds timothy. This is for ordia soil conditions wrbere alfalfa can depended upon to grow. pn low' Ian it is advisable to reduce the alfa and add two to fpur pounds of .m dow fescue. A light a>Fnplication of mama spread{ on the new seeding or tb hay stubble during the fall has be found a good pnaotice: Close gra ing of aftermath• increases the Bang of winter killing. • Run-down pastures where there still a good) .bottom and some whi may be improved with+) ,plowing by- appl`Ying ew_ell=i'otted. ma ire supplemented by a fertilizer. alternative .method which will found more satisfactory on poo stan•'dg is to plow and crop for on or two years. Weeds will be exterm by a .(hoed ono* and mann used with, this; Will give a good sta to the grass and clover the folio s�p'riaag. There is nothing quite so convin rums as figures indicating gain, tha have been; secured over a peri�ode years by improved pasture practic Again quoting staff of the On- tario Agricultural College, .a seven - acre fiehdi of old blue grass was plow ed, fertilized and reseeded. In' one Year it produced 15,385 •pounds more milk than it !did' before treatment. Middlesex county Chas'considerable areas of clay loam that have . been de- voted to beef ' grazing for, quite a number of years. It was not until 1933 that the farmers realized that their pastures could he improved by tlje applicat�ie 'Of fertilizer. • In co- t ' action with Prof. N. J. Thomas of he Ldepartment of Chemistry at the Ontario Agricultural College 100 -acre farm was` selected' and divided into we fields of 50 aeres each. Western teers were turned `into. these fields n the spring and their weights tak- en monthly duriti�g the summer.: Re- cords, of previous years showed that. n:e steer required fully four acres of asture which indicated that only 12 mad be carried on the 50 -acre aree. that was to be left without fertilizer: How many •steers would the fertil- zed, field carry? Sixty per cent more the unfertilized. The owner of e grazing land Iaugh�ed incredulous - but was finally persuaded) to allow - 8 head to he placed on the fertiliz- d 50 acres. In that first year the mrprovem-ent in the herbage was so asked that the 18 !steers were un- ble to,keep it dawn, and much good ed went to waste. The fertilized area could- have carried more steers during the flush of June and later. That was in 1933: During the fol- lowing five years the fertilized area wed consistent gains over the un- Pertilized. The annual average of of turned ofi was 1,616 p9nuids ore than that on the untreated por- In the spritng , of 1938 the area-fer- lized in 1933 recesved-a further -ape cation of 4_12-6 at the rate of 300 Po per acre and carried 19 stirs compared with 12 on the unfer- Irized. le 1939 the • numbers wore and 12, respectively. At the end- of the first sseason it noticed that' clover was coming fast aid in the years since the +)portions has incr ed to 60 per On the untreated 50 - acres e is little less but grass and that lier thin. be. )L>L to or of ed ro- of ve ary be d. lfa Ba- re e en z- er is bite ut n - An be poor rm re' rt wwg c - t 0 e e t t a 0 rp ti than th ly 1 e m a fe sho be ti p11 as ti 18 was in pn cent t�1��,,� .her rat Pasture can be improved, by means of fertilizer and clover, plus good management. ,Make Your Next Meat Order Pork . Butcher shops and meat depart- 1smite of grocery stores are now dis- playing a large variety of smoked pork products at reasonable prices. Why not snake' your next meat order a whole or half ham, or a cured pork shoulder? They can be purchased either boned or with the bone still in 0,e meat end, of course, the price of the boned perk is higher because ev- ery ounce is solid meat. There to 'coneiderabie difference, too, between • the price of hams and shoulders r as Jilts.farmer' are very choice. From the variety of .smoked' pro- ducts on the market a housewife can choose the cut to suit her purse,! and the size to shit her needs. The Con- sumer Section, Marketing Service, re- commends the following methods for cooking hams and smoked .shoulders: Baked Ham Wipe ham. Place in covered roast_ ins pan.' Add 1% cups boiling water. Cover. Bake in oven at 300 deg. P. allowing -20-25 Minutes for each pound of ham. Remove froin Oven. Peel off rind. . Score the tat. Rub dry mustard into fat. Then cover fat well with mixture of dry bread or cracker cruihbs, and brown sugar, in proportion of one-third crumbs to two thirds sugar. Stick whole cloves 'lilt° surface—about 1% Inches apart, Bake in hot often about 30 minutes, or until surface is ,slightly browned. 'Ham Cooked in Water Wipe off ,ham. Place fan targe ket- tle. Cover with cold water. Bring water to boiling point. Keep water at simmering temperature, just below boiling, allowing 25 minutes. for ''each pound of ham. Take, Ilam from wa- ter. Remove +skin. Finish ae "Baked Ham!! "One cureof brown sugar mrd one cup vinegar, added to the water in which ham le dooked,egives an eax- cerlent flavor to the !heat. Shoulders may be cooked by the same methods as han-is. If either -the ham or shoulder 40 boned and enoasr ed in ceIiophane wrapper, the meat may be boiled or baked in the Wi;ap- �r. In ,place ,of trseng demi) ,and wager mixture the hair may glazed with a mixture of 2 teaspoons =retard; Is eup vinegar, 14 cup "tsugar''atad 1 cup ham tock. .after .iatnov1ng rind from reeked. ihaarr., put iti a hart oven and bast with wbtteie unlit. Wen gid Ir; ray HOTEL A . Locate. as Wide ":; at nallea , et. rr. Esip,,AParldngiF pS OsiWoidelsh;Hifillialari tel y thee.. m 31.1/6 ' ; Rates Osallo : ®]ttw h Meek now *L* M Ogg • Close to . the Univerelte. Parlia'men t r allAiraus; Maple Leat Gardens, Thsate es' Hospitals,' Wholesale Houses, and the Fashionable Shopphie District tw �. RSB, ranee... ed. There Ms never way difficulty .fie using every ,bifi • eiJf Rooked, smacked pork, 'for it snakes the finest m • course Served but; and is dencione served either hot or cold in imam ways for isinchecia or sets ti LEGAL ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John. EL Best arrester, Sandbar, lo%taay FabIts 8eafoxth, - Ontario 12-381 MCCONNEL L & HAS. Barristers). yes Etc rat:Ids D. McConnell -,}L Geta Haya ' SSFAFORT}1, own TedeidoThe 174 K. L MCLEAN Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Ioysit« Block - Mensall, Ont. VETERINARY A. R. CANDMET14 Veterinarian ariaaa Haman. - Ont. Phones 113 P m rix 29/1 ' mime MEDICAL SEA'ORTR CLINIC DR. E. A. McMASTER;,.IN.g. Graduate of University of Toronto J. D. COLQUHOUN, M.D., .C.M. Graduate of, Daiiieoensle Uuiveisity. Halifax The Clinic is dully equipped complete and modem X-ray and " other up.to-date diagnostic and the equipment. "Dr. . Margaret S. Campbell, MJp.. L.A.B.P., Specialist la diseases In in- fants amici chi n•, will be at tater Clinic last Tliureday Int every; mantle from 3 to G Pm. Dr. h:..3. R. Fenster, Specialist f diseases or the ear, eye, nose and throat, vT}I3 'be at the Clinic the first Tum int every sazrpntba from 3 to S pm. • Free WeI ..Baby Mae win be ' lyd on tthet.'second and /get Thursday,Ins every month from 1 to 2 p.m. - JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., MD. Physician. and Surgeon - IN DRB K. ROSS' OFFLCPS Phone 5 -VII Seaford* MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician, and Surgeon •.- Suecessr to Dr. W. C. Spzaait -Seafoeth Phone tl@_W DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, Univenetty ay' Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal. seri and Aura} Institute, Moorefieid's Eye and Golden, Square Throat loos pital, Landrut,. Eng At COMMERCIAL MOTEL, SEAFOa.TH, THIRD WED- NESDAY in each month, from 2 .p.m, to 4.30 pro.; oleo at Seaford]. tic first Tuesday, of coot: month 63 Waterloo Street South, Stratford. Margaret E. Campbell, M.D. LONDON; ONTARIO. Graduate Taranto L7nieereity Licentiate of .Annerioan Board et Pediatrics Diseases -of Children! At S+eafertir Clinic least Thursday • afternoon each umiak s>r ' AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON . Specialist by Farm 'and Meturedrobli • Sera. Licensed into Huron and! Firth Conn -- tine: Pricey sable; eaiis�tiaa T6ar on, etc., write or phone Harald J'aekaou, 12 on 466, Seaforthg lt. R. 1, Isuceeht tY6&+ HAROLD DALE -LIcefsed Auctioneer Specialist in farm and household Wes. Fries rreasosiable, _ For datesand informant* write Harold Daley, Ile•ferth, a tet at The ExPesitori' 12•-t'3 .. , ,.. .• . • ?: res