HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-05-17, Page 5p,r
UA' 17, 1040.
(0Ontintled Prom! Page , 3)
.4010oyetd. A 'delicious' buffet lunche n
area ,nerved, a tier birthday Ca e
gracing the • table, while tulips and
daffodils were •the flowers used, and
re lovely hydrangea was 'tile platform
decoration. The cake. was made by
MTm Earl Kinsman and toed by Mrs.
OG: T. Wren. Miss Murray moved a
vote 'of. thank Tor the reception as
tear+ded ttte-visitors.
,,.. cal -card party and social evening
was held in the Parish hall on Friday
te:vening, May 10, with a good attend_
taarc'e. Honors at cards were won by:
Ladies, first, Irene, O'Sullivan; gent's,
f't, Joseph Stapleton; consolation
prizes went to John Waislia�aa.nd Ter-
esa Atkinson. Agar's orcir•e?;•tra turn-
dehed music. for the latter • part of
the evening.
Louis McGnath, of the 4tih conc•es-
erinn of McKillop, has sold Lis '1.'00 -
acre farm to his nephew, Joseph
Rawlaarld, of Dublin, wh'v intends
moving to the farm in the near fu-
idney Acids
Ob Your Rest
Tiffany people never seem to get a good
nnight's rest. They turn and toss—fie awake
.ermd count sheep. Often they blame it on
nerves" when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons from the
,food. if they are faulty and fail, poisons
.stay in the system and sleeplessness, head.
ache, backache often follow. If you don't
sleep well, try Dodd's Kidney Pills—for
half a century the favorite remedy. 103
odds Kidney Pills
tame. Mr. T" owland hag been. jazittter
_o3 $tr -1'at•dire-GitnareklDahlin ----f r
number of yea,rs and wast. very faith -
tut to has 4lutdes and thprough in his
work, and in this capacity ahould
make a• success of farming.
Mtn•. Thomas Feeney, who was con-
valescing at her daughter's. Thome,.
Mrs, Jos. Lissslcir R.N., of Kitchener,'
has returned to her home on the and
concession of McKillop. The many
friends of hers. Feeney are glad to
lcar:ow slhe is` mudh improved' iar
Mises Evelytn Melady, of London, at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. Timotthy
Maloney, cif Dublin, and visited at
her 'home There.
A very sucoes'stul• sale of •furniture
was held at the home of M.ns. Gerald
Doyle to I•iibbert oat Tuesday.
Rev. Thomas McQuaid, of Scarboro
Bluffs, visited at the home of hi spar-
ents, 1V]r. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid
on Sunday, Mather's Day. Father
McQuaid assisted. at both Masses,
giving an appropriate sermon, and
sang High: Masis at 10.30.
Recent visitors: Frank Moylan, of
Scarboro Bluffs; Loretto Holland,
Kitdheiner; .Chaiilies 'Malone, Delhi ;
Basil Lane, Toronto.
Rev. W. A. Cameron, A.D., secre-
tary of the Board of Missions of the
Presbyte'ri'an Church' in Canada, tail-
ed on Rev. F. G. Fowler and Mrs.
Fowler on Saturdaay.
Mrs. Matilda 'Agnes Roes Newbery,
of• Toronto, died 'at..thle Home, for In-
curables on Sunday, after a lingering
illness. Mrs. Newbery was bone: in
Bluevale over 70 years ago, daughter
of the late Wm. Rase, and leaves her
husband, Gus Newbery, a daughter,
I)or'is', .and two sones,, sack and Gor-
nes. Tavener attended the London
Conference. Brandy W.M.S. en Tues-
day. .
The Presbyterian Y.P.S. me.t in the
Now ...operated' -by
We invite inspection of bur stock of
SEAFORTH — Tuesdays and Saturdays
- or any time by appointment.
'See DR. F. HARBURN ='Phone 105
PHONE 41 — EXETER .. — BOX 150
Your car will go far and our low prices will meet you
more than- halfway. A wide choice of excellent
values awaits your inspection, and terms have been
made ever .so easy. We've removed most of f the
reasons why you can't drive , a better car. And
if you don't think we are ready to decd — we -dare
you to come in and let us prove it. There's no
better time than now — no better place. than here.
BUY van ?a/din
7 eirafa'S-';dir.rt.r ,•.. .`r. r-.A?ctiiii alaii..`'4.'Yl.:' 3i�. '., 'v'•.
1939 Ford De: Luxe Coach—A'
real beauty that 'gives real
o ny>everytrtay4r'.O
1939 Plymouth De Luxe ,Coach,
A nice clean car and Sae
tires look like $ 7
new $7 f, 5.00
1939 Ford Coach—Also R ti G.
•which Means your mont•y"
cheerfully refunded if the car i.
is. not satisfactory, It i5 a
bargain: $675.00
1937 Plymouth De Luxe Seda'v
with beater. The• original
tines' are like
--- stew
1937' Ford De Luxe Sedan with
heater. This car is tested to
give 24 miles per gallon and
is. guaranteed to run 1,000
miles without adding oil.
R..& �. $595.00
1936 Ford' be Luxe Tudor with
trunk wad
1935 Ford De Luxe Fordor. A
very oboice, clean car with
beater •
1934 Terraplane 4 -Door Sedan,
c, in A -i condition $3 7735,,00
wad ,good tires... 'SPP �JJ !J
1934 Ford De Lune Coaoh.•—
Not R. G. $2.90.0'0
t934 Chevrolet Master Coach-
Very carefully cared for by a
local farmer.
Priced now
1933 Chevrolet Coach—A nic3
Iletin littlo car. • (Penn 10
It. & G.. al U
1932 Ford Coach. 1 $75.00
A real nice one, �8�d
1933 Ford Coupe—A $275,00
nice Snappy car
1931 Ford Coach —Guaranteed .
mileaae only 32,0000. This
runs itliiko new$105100
carks and
anti your, money back if not
1930 Studebaker Coupe --Real
good condition and nearly
new tires,
Ford Coach:...
1928 Chevrolet
Coach $50.00
1927 Chevrolet Coach $50.00
1938 Ford 2 -Ton Truck, short
wlheellenee; looks like new ;
guaranteed 'like new ani"
priced at only One -Half the
original cost.
1937 Ford and 1937 Fargo Long
Trucks—•R. Sc G. $395 0tf1tJ
Your choice• for.. 'D J
1935 Long Ford Truck and 1936
G.M.C. Long Truck $250.00
Your choice for.. L iJ utJ
and several .cheaper Trucks.
3 Fordson Tractors, in good
wen -king obntdition.
$375,00 frPom
d ' $40 „.$1.5
New Ford'•Tractor Plow and Cull:ivator, used as demonstrator, actu-
ally has daneless than 3 days YOU CAN SAVE $200kON THIS OUTFIT
newes a guarantee.
See Sandy Elliott
Ford. Dealer m EXETE
el lesehrooz i tan Su t�yyettt':ki... *_
tiloW lzreia'e3 ala i!,,M•i 4Featnu JpL.
lloittrr grave, an; adid rese on the 'double
topic, •'Lde• and Alulbakiom,"
• Miss azle't Holman, of b'ordwdQh, is
egend1ng some weeks with Mfes
Miss Hazed Stamper le a vieltor
with Mrs. Braddock, of Gorrle.
Oharles F.. Johnston had the mis-
fortune to be, steeptped upon by a
.horse, .venir•ls broke -a bone au his
foot. It Ms put ire a oast.
Miss Isabel McKinnon, of Waterloo,
and Miss Ruby Duff, of Womien'ar Col
lege Hospital, Toronto, anent the
weelc_entd at their homes• in Blue-.
Mrs, Campbell Tavener was the
speaker at 'the Mother's Day 'service
in Brow-ntaw'n Church Sunday.
At the Mother's Day service in the
Presbyterian Church Rev. F. G. Fow-
ler preached on lessons from the 'life
of Moses. Ilene Isabel McKinney, a
Sunday sohool pupil, was presented
whith a oertificate for reciting the
primary catechism.
James Peacock, Mortis Townsihap,
has bought George Mather's house in
the Village. Mr, ,.Mathers has •not had
good health of late anti intends- to re-
side with this son, Wilbert, •at Dublin.
Georgie Donaldson:, Mrs. Hutchinson
and, Miss Sanderson &:peat the woek-
enci at their summer Thome here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chits, Hetherington
attended the ceremonies in Ctonvoca-
ti.on Hall, Toronto, on Friday, wthen
their son, Carman, graduated in vet-
erinary' science. Car man's, sisters,
Mrs. Gallaher, Bluevale, and Mrs.
Thompson, Teeswater, also attended.
Mi's. Tavener addressed the Wo-
men's In•sttitute on. the subject, "Bor-
rowing and Lending of Books."' The
Instituue delivered to the Red Cross
30. suits pyjamas, 18 pneumonia jack-
ets, 18 T-binders, 6 ice bag oovers•, 38
Leers of socks and 2 dozen children's
garments. '
The Motther's Day service in the
United .ChuTrth was 1•aigely attended.
Superintendent W. J. Johnston. me-
nded, Secretary George Hetrheriagtan
gave a report Of the school work
since the New Year.. Rev. Campbell.
Tani' en gave an address and thane
w.a's -&•pedal •musito.• Six children were
baptized: Helen and Dor.ald Elliott,
Alan Lardner, Cathe'r•ine •Melisoa '
Johnston, Elva Joan Turvey and Mur-
ray _Barnard* Johnston.
Mr. Harry Adams, Mr, John Adams
and Mists Lillian Adams were Sunday
guests at the home .of Mr. William
The W.M,S. met Thursday after-
noon, May 9th, in -the se'ho•oi room of,
Ole church, The meeting was opened
by .
the. singing of Hymn 177, Mrs.
Lindsay presiding. A report of the
convention bel•d• in Seaton:le -was giv-
en by'""Mrs: Britton, Mrs,. G. 'Addison
gave an address on• the ".Continuing
Task.." The offering was received, af-
ter which Mrs. Lindsay closed the
meeting •with prayer. Lunch Was
served by the group in charge.
Mr. arid • 14frs. W. ileMilla'n • and -
daughter, Marion, Miss Doris Laweean
and Mr. Lawrence Taylor, of London.,
viitsted ilr. end Mrs.,, Hervey Taylor
and Mrs, Henry Taylor on Sunday.
Mr. Taylor has enlisted in the second.
division and leaves shortly far over-
seas. ' '
Miss •Jean Anderson, of London,
,spent the week -end with, her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ander-
theszl0 o
mea»o. On.
Mother 'Teed. To.:
ae made ...of ;' ►p'
pastor, Zfev,
bradigh , a :Hilal`
Religtom That
Mils:" Maude Pillars, of Lance, is
visdhang with befre mathaT, Mrs. H.
• Mr. and mii liver Jaques, and
4:luahiter, D meat the week-
end , with the banner's parents, Mr.
and Ma's. W. Jaffa' o, of Zion.
MT. and Bare. T. Coward, of Use
borne, vaaitited amt Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs A. Pers
Anniversary Service Tp Be Held
The Young People of St. Andrew's
United Church, / wen, are holldiag
theiir animal anniversary •ora, Sunday,
Slaty 11, at 11 aan. and 7.30 p.m. The
guest epealrer at both services- will
be Rev. Menziee+, of Lontdes'boa•o. Spe-
cial minelic is being prepared by -the
choir ;and vvti1 i be . •atssulsteil by 'mss..
(Rev.) Menzies, of Londestiona '
Miss Metry Westlake, or Exeter,
spent the week -end with Misys Irma•
Mr. E. Taylor, of the village, •w'ho
has been emTploryed wlt1t the furniture
factory• in Stiratfoad, hes been trans-
ferred to M�.ntreaL
Next Sunday the Young People's
anmliversrary Services will be Ibeld at
St. Andrew's Church. Rev. A. E.
Mena:lei -wiilrl preach at botch services
and Mrs. M•enaxies will be the "soloist
for bae day. A happy dory of warehip
is tamdticri+pated. •
Anniversary. service will be -'held at
Hlilslsgeeem on Sunday evening, June
5th. The Rev. R. A. Brook, of Herissall
well be the ,specie&; prexuihsr.
. On Wednesday of this week' the
Klippen East Women's Insttitute" en-
teartainied the 'ladles from, Zurich in
the scrh:otitl. ronin of SL Andatew's
Charoh. •
The 1i/father's Day service, last-Sun-
ast-Sun_d'ay at St. Andrew's Church was "well
attended. Me ver's'es used are as
Myabomte lis.Idittlie, but warni warmenol gh
W.lieen skies at sorrow are snowing;
It haids .me from the tempest
When: the winads.of Despair are !slow_
Its rafters eontte from, the Woods of
Its walls from the a li.arry of 'P.ray ,
'And not one ieoho, on stormy days,
Can trouble arty s4n}lness there -
'The flloor is bare, but the joists are
W tla 'caiith- from The h•cavenly hill;
My lamp is love .and the whale year
through •
It burns uanqu'enehable stilt_
Mr. WM. Britton attended tae Lon-
dtri Conference Branch Meeting of
the W.M.S. *held in Loddon on, Tues-.
day .and, Wednesday. •
Lave` are sorry to learn that Mr.
Robert Lawscn is at present quite'
il•1, suffering from bronchial pneu-
monia. His many friends' hope for a
speedy 'recovery.
Miss Ali.ce,Davicl'son, of California,
who is'. bonne an vacation, is nursing
for --a few. clays.
A •reception ••was held in thte For,
resters'' Hall lase* Friday evening in
honor et Mr. and Mrs; Ray Finch:-
inch+Mr. Lorne Lawson rearl the address.
They. were pret,,entcd• .with a studio-.
coo ch. •
Mr. Henry- Adams. John and Lil-
lian, • or I:ondc'sboroa visined at the
home of Mr,.anil. .air's, Chas. Dexter;
on Sunday.
• ,Vlio can boat. titin'.- Mrs; •William
Clail `alas had• a rine tomato on her
vines, and others °coon to ripen.
Rev. Menzies' hold Mother's Day
antrl a baptismal service dn. Su•niclay
last. The mothers assisted in the
r'ervire of song • and Mrs, Andrew
Re ekie sarhr a Polo,. "The Proipise
Merle To Mather.” .air, and Mrs, LVm.
,Jewitt had their baby. John Francis
'Denier ,Te.wit baptized.
Mr, anal Mr,. ilaaritt and family and
'Mr. marl Mts. lt'flliam Trwitt visited
t'he'ir aunt, Miss Alice Jewitt, of
The meeting of the W.A. was held
in the school mom of the church on
Thursday with the president, Mrs. E.
Adams, in the chair. • Prayer was of-
fered by Idi's. Wm. Britton and the
minutes read and adapted. Follow-
ing the business clis•cussion., Myst. A.
Dexter took charge of Group 1 which
was. followed by a hymin and prayer
-by Mrs. Robert 'Rogerson. Mrs'. E.
Maras read the* Scripture lesson froth
the 14th clurpter tiff St. John and ext
plained it in a very capable mintier.
Miss Viola Dexter gave a splendid
reading, "Take. tip Thy Cross." Tho
meeting closed with a hymn' and the
Mizpah ben'edidtion.
-The funeral of Mrs. Nora Maloney,
a ..hitgbly 'respected pioneer of •.tlhis,
district, • who died- on 'reesday, - was
6REAT 016
An event of ineeresit took place ,re-
cently at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs, J. M. Miller, Staffs., when their
youngest (laughter Ada, was united
in rnearr•ia,ge to Mr. Gordon Hogarth,
,Son .of Mr. And Min,. R. Hogarth, of
.Cromarty. Rev, J. Ja.miesson. officiat-
ed, The bride wore a pretty frock
of Heaven blue eheer crepe with
corsage of white earna+,tioms and sweet
Peas.." Misty Ll1lian Hodgert, of Lon-
don, niece of the bride, 'Was brides-
maid in• rose crepe with piiaik, carve -
.tions. Mr. Arohtiie Hogarth, of Iron -
den, brother of the bridegroom, was
best main., Miss Dorothy SIO'Cardy,
niece of the beide, p'laye'd the wed-
ding muusic. Felloyt^isiTg the wedding
•ddmnusr Mr. ta.nd Mrs. Hbgarthi 1•ett on
a trip to Hamilton, ,the bride don-
nd.nig a black Suit with rir.atelhdng ae-
cessodet They will reside onr the
fatal in Stalfs.
• Take a look into
the future, yourself.
Think of those bigger, finer bogs youlll
send to market weeks earlier—if yam
feed Roe B aby Pig Starter during wean-
ing days. This farra-proven Starter for
healthy pigs i s filled with vitamins, pro -
Seine add minerals—beverything your
baby pigs need to have those long -
stretch frames and extra pounds of
profitable pork later on. See your Roe
Feed dealer today and start your pigs
[11 U II'L-
Sinag.eAI!tti , yam
or,. fOrdiasea, Vaffbt Q'Prtanter4•
:Father Thome, M'c oat oeeu
bo k planie ala'ia St. - Patxa:cle'4, +*l tre!}'S',
Dmbtan. The plallbeanella 'were arolere
gleans*, Dan. Williams, .Jaynes Shex,,
Joseph Nagle, John Miran an.d L�orrae
Phe Tann al ap eting 'of St. Pajaiek's
Altar. Soeiet'Y "•wa,s herd riec;emkly, Miss
Molly O'Connell presiding; whale Dr.
Istoulkes acted as ohatrmata. The+ ser
metary_6reasurer, Mrs. J. V. Fianna,
aarbwitted the financial statement,
whdoh 'showed a 'satisfactory 'Warman
A cheque of $200 was presented' to
Di latex kes for the De oration Fund.
The elieetio i of officers .,
for the 'cur
Tent year took place 'with the rot -
towing reeult: President, Mrs. XJ! Me-
C'oirne t; vdoer+pme(sidents, MTs'. John
Meagher,. Mrs, , Wm. Lance, Mrs. Dan
VitiJ]aams . aeoretar'•y-treasure", Men. T.
J. Molyneux: The retiring president,
Miss O'Connell, thanked the officers
ands other members for their co-op=
enation and assistance during the past
year.. •
Gerald Jordan, Who ae °the victim
of ,it—and—run motor accident aaud
'been confined to Victoria. I atep'i-
ital, London, since las August, re-
ext'u fined to his home here on Sundlay,
and is able to walk with the aid -of
ca+tutohes. •
Miss Vera Feeney has retuineld to
Toronto after epeniinga week with
her mother, Mrs. Kathleen .Feeney'.
Recent visitors: Mr. an+d. Urn Jas.
Hartley, Toronto, with Mr. and 'Mrs.
R''in; 3. Handley; hlriank Krauslkopf,
'Toronto, with ;his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis. Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Heffernan, -London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Dillon; Father Jos.
Feleney, London, with ads brothers
and saasterrs here; Miss Amtnie Ma-
loney, Loaueljoa, M.rs., Ray Henoocfr, i
Toronto, Mrs. Dominic Flynn, Clinton,
Mrs. M. McAuley, Stratford, Mr's.
Roland Kennedy, Seekonk, Mr. and.
Mrs. J. V. Ryan, Stratford,\ Mr. and
Mrsa Leo Holland, Windsor, John .Ma-
lon,ey, Buffalo, Fergus Maloney, New- _
ark, N.J.AAlbert Jordan, Detroit, all.
attending the funeral of Mrs. N. Mar;
coney; Miss Frafrges Campbell has re-
turned; to Meer thtime in Mount Carmel!
after .spending two weeks with her
aunt, Miss Ella J. Dillon; Mr. and
Mns. D. McConnell in London; Miss
Ella. J. Dillon and .Frank Cummings
in Mount Carmel; Mr. and Mrs_ Ed-
ward ,McGrath, Ilderton, with Air.
Frank McConnell; Miss Marion Dill,
London; Missh,'reresa Delaney, Gode-
rieh; Joseph Carpenter, Chatham,, at
their respective" homes; Mac Robert-
son in Guelph.
Krauskopt Bros. have purchased
the Meagher garage and are ''making
extensive repairs on the building.
..1.11:1M150. /1111•1111211100
HOUSECP EAN:ING TIME., lit$ dv. wow
6ilEED aP NEW pt RTA1.MS , OR•.F1.49,0 O
mSELECT101'I IS. LARGEST ANO --70041#0.
F rur yard *We,.all
terns .and shad
tavAnitIO yard-. .,.'
FLOO1 Phi:
1 yard wide
Yard wide •
We yard wide
,e2 yards wide ,
Gold Seal Congoleum Rugg.
3 x 9 fit $2.65 7%z x 9 tit. 61
4rfZz9fL. 9-x 9 ft (x9
6 x 9 fti __ $525 . 9 x 101/e ft. $,2s�
li 9 x 12 ft. $10.50
The regulii.r monthly meeting o1
the counoi,l Of the Township of 'Hay
was held in the Town Hall, Zilrich,
on Monday, May 13th, witch all mem-
bers present. The minutes of the
April l.st and April- 2nd meetings
wore read and adopted. After dis-
posing of the communications, the
folitlwing__r'esolu:tibnis' were passedi:—
'Fhat Bylaw No. n.1940, proviidng for
aSpn.intment.s of. assessor • land fixing
remuneration for 1940, be read three
times and finally passed. That 1940
assessment roll be received from the
assese,or and that a• Court of Rervission,
to consider appeals be held on Mon-
day, June 10, 1940, at two o'clock in
the afternoon, That the ;tax collec-
tor . return. the. 1939 collectdrr's rtoltl as
at May I'3, 1940, and that alT- taxes'
remaining unpaid b+i returned to the
County Trr'as'ul•e,r. fain entry on tax
arrears account • against tire lands af-
fected • respee tivP]y, and that the tbx
bol lector be paid ills 'sabr.ry. 71hat
accounts covering paynien'ts.for town.
ship roads. Hay telephone system. re-.
lief snit general accounts be paid, as
Per tioueh'er•s:
Township Road's—Pay ROi1 "-No.' 2,
,$114.75; Hiiro nExpos1b)r,•advertieing,
x:;,•1(3: 'rineere Advocate. $320;. Zurich
Harald, ald, $3:75; Johnston &"Kalbfleisch,
acct., $7,tid; Geo. Heaas, acct.., 75e; M.
G. De'1'iz, operating glacier, $36.05; M.
G. lkritz, gaos.line and oil,• $63.40; M.
G. Deirz, repairs' to grader, $5.40....,
Bay Telephone System—•Workmen's
f'arnlieni a.titln. tieyes•amtent, $1.11; H.,
l;. H+•es, 1 rn'ontli salary, $175; Na-
tional Revel:esh, tax an tolls, $32.47;
Norr!l ecu El Petrie Co., material,.
$16e.11i BOi T Iephone CO., tilts,
I:s heeny to ' :4lerrh, $90.85; T. H.
Iloffma:in, 1 mom 11' • s.i1ary, $191.66;
lir it Teltepltene_ Co., tolls, March to
Ilene r -- L. lI+•ndricic. rent. $5.00.
General -sat cottnt.5='lurich Hydro..
ntal! lights. $4,54; Municipal World',
statutes, etc,., -$5.45: Gestetner Co.,
ri;'pplies, $19.40; Tri'asirrer' Hensa.11
Seed. and Spying Fair. $25; Alexander
Drain, witness fees, $40.90; C. L.
Smith, minting and advert.i•sing ac-
count, $105.55: W. S. J'ohnstcn, .sal-
ary, tax collector, $150; Schilbe &
• gon, coal fol- hall, $8.18; Dr. P. J.
O'l)wy-e•r, veneva l, $51: Queen Alex-
ander, Sa.n.,• refills, $12:, T. H. Hoff-
man, ambulance' ser•viee, $10;' Whit-
lier' & Co., supplies, $23.77; Provin-
cial Treasurer, hall license, $3.00;
Johnston & Iialbfbeisch, aoot., 50c.
Thee council adjourned to meet
agta.in, on, Monday, June 10th,, at. 1.30
o'cliock in the a:tem:t on. as 'a Court
of Revistitbn and for regular meeting.
—A. F. Hese, •Clerk.
Curtain Materials
Cotton Nets ... - f WC to 59c
Silk 'Nets 30c to 65C
Shadow Cloth
..50c to 69c
B91; „SIAM
25c to 50c
Printeci Homespun
Made of heavy Printed Homespun. Ail finished,
ready to hang
Frilled or P€ahl
99c to $3.75
All persons in the Municipality owning
dogs must purchase 1940 Licenses for same
on or before Monday, May 20, 1940. Lie•
enses will be issued- from the Treasurer's
Office in the Town Hall.
'After that date summonses through
the Court will be issued to owners of dogs
not having licenses.
Dead and Disabled Animals
oir the cominon troubles in. a.
water reservoir is the presence of
algae- Algae ere crytogarnous plants.,
that is ones which 'haven* true flew-
ers but which propagate by means of
or a single cell, or one which, has no
roat stern or leaf; neaweed is an ex,
ample. They rive the water a nasty
striell end a fishy taste; theta may be
rot rid of by toteng through the wag.
ter a, bag Iriniaining sulphate of cop-
yist.. In ail eases It is better to be
fore:evened by having the water, at
intervals examined microscopically
so as te anticipate' the trouble and
Mice tate neceesary preotaationitabefore
the growth hoe reaelted large beiityilds,
will come to your home every day through
Ara international Daily Newspnper
IR cumuli; lior you the assricl's clean, constructive doings. Tise bremeliser
deem not canton while or sensation; neither does it name vainta
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