HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1940-05-17, Page 2I „
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' EAFORTH, Friday, M� y 1't,
,M1J��r ;,
The War Ras Come
t In
,Y� M1
19v� though England declared
` : a :
against Gormally as far back as
.eptemb° of last, year, during the
I ,
�lrvening months there has been
r `
alir�4r t of a disposition in Canada
' enquire "What war?" whG'I1 war
sucha goono, kid;' thougl*
The interruption endedf +a disc Jim meow, slkfar•intg at her oV ler Dom.
�N , .
��y8'yy�)/i�i4ent{iioned., l�(� /� /�
There �,.7 �® *h disposition to-
ay. The war has Colne Upon' tku in
its might; In all Its horror, and
in all its savage e-ruelty. Germany
over -rile Denmark and Norway;
� invaded Belgium and Holland
notice byr the Icasuabo lists in
Tuesdcwsr ypsa,'pdns+ that Pte,. David
the possibility is, that before
w .. ,:
.this reaches the eyes of our readers,
` _.
Peden and Switzerland may have
' . __
been. Invaded as well.
You tb the club,,
trablie to -Daanys,_ vast delight. He ,Cathy," JIM, wuparb orae
9 Geranany is successful in all
,% '
�e Invasions, will that satisfy her
drealm? Hardly? Even. we II3 Canada
, ;1 I• '
not immune, because If Germany
her, 'hrel'„us, fasavna;£ed.. Meranw.hnle
Janet,has returned ;some from
is successful in,, -Europe, the Blain,
� for winning the war will be the
any: •trroaxblo, Jiru,” She :said, softly.
here as usual, making a, nuisance of "'Sia tarou'ble," said Jim, ° ••it's'
!ol"SSession of Canada.
IMake no mistake nabou't . that. Do
the front, namely: Knox, Jno-
ot imagine for a moment that the
. ' .
meted States will. be able to save us, .
J `
even if she were so inclined. In the
. I
event of Germany' being successful
in Europe, the United States, while
people of that country may nom
waich 2nd.a pair of socks each.
I't possible to -day, will final
Wit: she have all that she c
e _ 'by db to save herself.
,time, it was the old Forbersf barn) on
Main Street, south of the Commercial
It is not a pleasant prospect to con-
"Cathy as, a mother, .She was, omdy - . Anne caught- her breatrh, Janet
template axed although it is not by
y means an impossible' one, there
11 .
is more than a probability that such .
at Jim.- broke a date with
an orphan, When she, was, fifteen, Pom
e1.vents will never ,come to • pass,. But .
shop, although' I dtou'bt if Jennie
Leigh has thougdat of him in
�P.f any event we must look for very
Makw'eII automobile, last Week.dWpos-
ion, and.da ngerou>; times ahead. N
y ;
Germany is prepared for war as
aeQh'ng Bere,dci--1 "L,o,v+e doesn't
m' other country has ever been pre- .
as ired, .and, possibly,, . as no other
country could be prepared, Wishful
:Irr 11.
blinking and hoping isnot going ,tar ...
.prevent Germany from winning im-
n °
punt initial -successes, or ,. even
fmni over -running all the Scanda=-
Pian 'couaitries and holding thein, for;.:
a time. .,
Hut if this war develops into -a
Janet• draw a rang breath as
'War of exhaustion, the Allied, hope .
." -
�xd firm belief i.si that Germany win
F ,
b e the first -to become exhausted. It -
dtldmft you, dads it?" she asked
. . is the winning of the last battle that
r�, :
. counts, and' the Allied natiai 'are
zn'y fo114s and it snowed all that there's a ..go,od girl, and ,see if you
week and everybody was blue.
°Ding -forward .to ,that battle with
Anne her
�vmy confidence. Ahd, let it ,be said
K ...
and remembered, the Allies will be
I 1;imp%telt'
and . fatally prepared in
ry branch+ of .the service when -
that day comes. a
L. Dornan, e, W. Stmelfan' John • Leck_,
There were team' on her Cheeks.
•_,�, s ..
,. ,
Bible Circulation
. At the one hundred and twenty
fourth annual meeting of the Ameri-
can Bible" Society, held recently in
new York., it was disclosed ,that
there dbeen 'a five per cent. in-
,rease iBiible circulation in 1939,
1. ,When 7,370,903 volumes of the Scrip-
. tures were distributed. '
�toxi7shing asp . that.-r,eeord_is it
'disclosed that the, increase •was
I': , ,kited to five per cent. only because
--- ,of the fact that the society's budget-
zry limitations prevented greater -
I)roduction of Bibles and greater ae�
. vi, in disposing of thein. ,
z Two new tranalatznng for seeaons
1- China were eon0Mpiete&d ' 1AA' j year
V % C 1'ma- drought .tovi+ee as many
bibles and •twicee As many New Test-
as in g7, axed at the er!( of
October theVO were thirty=five thou -
d ordei ',. oir books unfilled. .
ill ` is' tine estimation of the Society
. 't Wn64te1"S of� the 2,000;000,000 ,
��e in .the world might hear the
"+ a mead towc%y in •the language
mel t d. ,
'r f , g`o'o%, k the wo . J.d fo _day one
� .{,J r:z y� . erhA�, ssj that• the Bible
' ° ' g rtten (hotrk,- kather °than
k ` if ':
't a ('
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"Hi, JIM!" exolaimi,ed' a ,small pip., mother was away'. Cotb•V paid extra
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Town $all to farewell to Dr.
to 'b
Smunth, turbo lit bD Sahm^day, to to
out of things when her wealthier
sucha goono, kid;' thougl*
The interruption endedf +a disc Jim meow, slkfar•intg at her oV ler Dom.
'or�dn I.
, . We. ,have read much about Old
Londbn -since the begiuning of the -
war. About the evacuation of . hes' ,
chfidxen • to the country districts;
about -her sand bagged streets, build-
uildings and monuments; about the re-
moval,cf her treasures to places of
aafekegping; about her air alarm -s,
and her blackouts), and. it all seemed
to make wear more real and to bring
,out our pity forthe residents of that
old, city, who had to live under those
war conditions..
l3 ult it, is not all war in Old Lon-
don. There is a custom over there,
strange to us in Canadian cities.
They do not keep, the grass in their
great parks and public playgrounds
cut by machinery, Instead they pas-
ture sheep upon them, and the sheep
snake a pretty thorough job of it too.
So among the busy workers in
London now, an English newspaper
correspondent says the shepherd
may be seen following- his calling as
he does in the country districts of
England or on the hills and vales of
For the shepherd and his dog and
'his flock have returned for the sum-
, mer months. to Hyde Park and Ken-
sington Gardens, those immense op-
en places and breathing spots so
numerously patronized and enjoyed
by the people of than city of many
millions. .
And what, a soothing effect that
peaceful Wountry scene of shepherd
and dog and sheep must. have on the -
war torn nerves of those people ilii
OId London. ,
0 .
Yonne Drivers `
The New, York Times. is resppons •
•,ible for the statement that studies
of accidents show that the young car
driver, desepite his fast reactions and '
good co-ordination, doe's not measure
up, nearly as well as, he might. or
could to the .demands of traffic. prob-
'Still further, the paper says that
the record for. drivers under twex iy-
five'years of age is five times as bad
. as that for the age group with the
best reco d, which is from forty to
fifty years ,of age.
Aird we would say that that situa-
tion may be applied -to .Ontario as -
well. Automobile accidents record-
ed, .you may have noticed,. usually,
and,in- fact In a majority of cases,
mention. one ' or both drivers of `Elle
cars as being young boys, or young
Such drivers are too often SO' cook
sure of'theirfast reactions and good
coordinating poweirs' that they be-
lierve that any speed in any traffic on
any kind of road or highway, isper--
fectly' safe—�an'd• it isn't. I,
Unfortunately, again in too many .
eases, before experience has taught
that lesson thoroughly enough, acci-
dents have happened and continue to
happen every day of the week and
particularly over the summer .week-
, end. .
In theory, the young driver should ..
be; 'by far,,the most- proficient, but in
practise it does ri'o't always work out
that way. Experience in car driving
is just as necessary to ensure safety
and ••success as it is in any profes-
sion, business, or other line of ern
deavor. -
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pw'm ,�itltnw. Plrke� Ftrotm __1-
TWIWWrW„ oi7Ear-iirF4ftr and -
":MiaN 44Meow Apo. • .
r. ars. _ - �_ - -
�'i-__ _N•- tar. paeh sm� #fi
qT 14
May 21, 99 5
'From The Huron Expositor
11 -. .
ou �'�y rev,e�ing 'a lease nanaber
"Hi, JIM!" exolaimi,ed' a ,small pip., mother was away'. Cotb•V paid extra
of the citiwena, of Dayfit{elyd and sur-
voice from the direction of the folr tQvils sea viceu hard gem klb�jae�i.
Y gathered at the
Janet Phdlli'pls' finds' herself left
¢tier pqa ch "Game a A d r "
get me privileges. ,
"You beitV, caned Jrim:,"Shes
Town $all to farewell to Dr.
to 'b
Smunth, turbo lit bD Sahm^day, to to
out of things when her wealthier
sucha goono, kid;' thougl*
The interruption endedf +a disc Jim meow, slkfar•intg at her oV ler Dom.
&e Medd&-d lloslw4al (tarps at the
Mem,do' in Bay Oity come, home
from theirndshiing sclhool& and .
ag-,ieealbl'e tc4is36n. Anne detected ny's ,geldlem, head.
relief in, Jim's face a.* -if he was "Come
'm,d Mr- Loris Thompson address••
colleges. lrisodlla Leigh — at
giad ,on, Sonny, ddwle for beta„"'
of an; encu&e to leap UP from th(e, warned Cathy.
ed Dr. SmAth, prod Mr. Bailey, on be-
of a ue.^ 1, dzems, presented
the moment interested in Janet's
old faiend Gordon Keys—,is
table and from The disturbing topic "Want me to CaV y you .over araol
Miss, Helen
ith a Iaansuc-'
anrg' )herself disragre"ble. Jim
of SandeWs. put you in,your crib, sonny?" snag,.
He gat dmwn om;• all, fours and 'gestted Jlmw gently.
notice byr the Icasuabo lists in
Tuesdcwsr ypsa,'pdns+ that Pte,. David
Plhilltpa, Janet's br othhEw, hag just
nret redheadted, w,eal4by, Ham
when with some ass>i,sltan,oe Danny Da4ay snuggled,' his cheek agaaaast
mouhted, his,
Chald'es Wefu, of Oredib'on is Siven
Sftdersr through P>auvPered Brow-
s+teed proceeded to Jana- ,`Yes,, pteasle."
buck and, cavort around the, dining "I ll 14gve down
among theg nat, vae front,
A hwnfte new organ been
Ord WighL Jim is swbbfng ag :
You tb the club,,
trablie to -Daanys,_ vast delight. He ,Cathy," JIM, wuparb orae
installed aha the new Melvdli'e CAnsrra�rt,
golf poo for the summer and of-
fem W give Wdes Senders --
was lydceouguhin:g with laughter. and Annie saw the .Qlg Cathy'&
Jim rhbd about
'line 14KNew Aad Society
slaps, ,Al'though 111.0„ dden'•t -%ke
run, out of breath violet ueyneas before) Sebe remembered
'wben Danny's mother .,care to the to veil thetas
wa ,of May 8th a vers
her, 'hrel'„us, fasavna;£ed.. Meranw.hnle
Janet,has returned ;some from
with :deer short, Maces,
rescue. 1ashesr "I dou t want da put you to
I 'donut need. to ask if my son, is
e meeting
taloa me g rose he4,d in Walker's
Hh,ill, 030. on ,bedug a pres,enta-
her sister Bernice&. ap'a,rtment,
any: •trroaxblo, Jiru,” She :said, softly.
here as usual, making a, nuisance of "'Sia tarou'ble," said Jim, ° ••it's'
,tutu th trio s01&er 'b�iys leaving for
wondering If, after all; love .
• means l4def land monley every-
himssl'f, Y,ow can hear him down right on. t1ile 'way.ta thee office"
the ,block," said Cathy Wood in"I
the front, namely: Knox, Jno-
)Shed oogmplains, of thheiT
.4 JI
foagot', JIM." interrupted
inter Janet
low s4rr ed vaace, Janet
Nesbitt and H+aasy Smith, of the 33rd
B•attral,ionr, and Gunner Lyire Hill. Dr.
hack of, .funds to her mothea,
as he tt, t ,the
Jim pick'ad up Danary a'n,d' swung "You're sup,pbsed to take me too the
HaH Womdt wasunfteohedrand Miss
Pointing out Mins. Leigih's and.
' "How sdlre bias got on!"
him high into the air. "Tell your ,dance, tbnd,guht,'+ "
old lady, Sonny, that the thing
Alice Swan and Mit Gerbie Gruiavger
made the Presentations of a wrist;
"It depends; on wheat you want out
only Jim stopped, sQr'ar+t "The heck 11
we'd like bobter is twins, just like am'! What's ,happened to that lice
waich 2nd.a pair of socks each.
of life," said Anne. "She was never
you.,, friends oP yovas? We never at to,
Janet was ' glazing curiously at be able to, step for' him
had, another fire. This
'the lelast :an love wraith Henry. She
prund this
Cattxy. Pt was strange to thank of pdaroe."
,time, it was the old Forbersf barn) on
Main Street, south of the Commercial
s'uPp'Pos,ed to be quite wild about
a young' In'an wbp ' worked in her
"Cathy as, a mother, .She was, omdy - . Anne caught- her breatrh, Janet
H'orheL Samn!e of the windows in the
.father's butoh'Er sthop. I think he's
twenty. Sometimes, Cathy )caked glanced at her defiantly, theca
Like ,a melie, ehildr. She bad' been left "Goadan;
Cpaamrelgne xd'brary where ,crackedi by
sti4+1 working in sumelbodq's butcher
at Jim.- broke a date with
an orphan, When she, was, fifteen, Pom
the; heat-
Mr. George Bell, loe�ai agent for ;the
shop, although' I dtou'bt if Jennie
Leigh has thougdat of him in
me Priscilla, if, ,
She ' had', she said, slept on you went to. .
park know, but ' 3!,ou needbIt take its
Makw'eII automobile, last Week.dWpos-
"Them you are," murttered Janet,
benches and washed, dnsuhes in. cheap thhe dance. I'll live without it.,,
resbauraants before
of two machines, one to George
aeQh'ng Bere,dci--1 "L,o,v+e doesn't
she secured, a. Am. departed carrying' Dannyeel'
place in the chorus. of a third rate whose sma'l'l
Royton, Weut End TAickersmmibh, and
the mt7aer tlo Mr. J. Detweiler, merrch_
lastt. In a year or sac it, doesn't mat-
ter whlethea Yo'u-m,arried for love•or
head was drogpim�
roadsh6w. T'ivq , company made with, fatigue. However, before Jim
amt of K'ipppen',
no•t, • lxecause if you did, , by the, all
brief sttands on wham the profes, %eft to drive Ca,tthy over to,the nigh$
sign labels% the 'tank
Mr. James Robb ,bas received ;the
,dare thrill has gone out -like a 14ght."
circuit, club he came out upon the, Bawer
"You remember lbh,e th+eatiadeal ,back
contract for lhyi'n>tg a hardwood door
inn um of fi,I V hF90 resr ees, in God-
•thrill didn't go out," said-
porch which was sepa'rerterl
coul' 0 drn.• the -play "Lightning?" from his own merely by the laar,dimg
with a catch in her,
asked C4vthy. '°Tlve ones who gat of the rear' staircase, and called out
Mr_ Wm- Sproat fts ,purchased a
Janet• draw a rang breath as
married in, Peoria and it rained? to' Janet:
Somerthing like that' happened to "I'll be -back
now brick and toe machrdvre,
she had, been gran.'bed a reprieve. ` It
in timmo to doll up
Danny's father and me. He was a the dan'Ge, Jan
The following namxes of graduates
from :the sehfnoticed
rbh Coilegthe
dtldmft you, dads it?" she asked
.for old throng, 0
chorus man and neither of us had dear. Get mp ' white, flannels. out,
i'wbet were, naaffi d at ,the Nott
list of
zn'y fo114s and it snowed all that there's a ..go,od girl, and ,see if you
week and everybody was blue.
es to
successful cs3nrdsdabea at the Tarom+toter'smandeJanetnolung&d�
Anne her
It can, locate a decvmt shirt for me.
was anyt'hfimg for a ehazvge" JIM'Phillips, that
U cksho arty examdnatapns': Jadam S.
Drclusa FI'orence Knight, Mary cow_
Thanks for •being you,,, she
same evaen$il,
They were married' and, t'he' com- stood outsdde orae of the "wade
. ,
an,, J. F Doherty, James'Dickson, R.
pony trhrem� a weddin Supper
g pper Fnen'ch doors, opening off the emu-
L. Dornan, e, W. Stmelfan' John • Leck_,
There were team' on her Cheeks.
on ;the stage after the show, Darn try Club I'"auruge onto a screened
wars a good kid, ,but be not
a•e, Brassel's'' A„Jb4p*zn•, Stanley; A.
Something Iias, struck ''at her emo-
was veranda. Tram his 'point sof vautage,
strong and, he was, never much pf a -he could, observe
SuTerus, Zurich; oar. actilvre service, A.
rblotnal, roots,, thought 'Anne and had
w'it'hout being ob-
danoar. ' When b,usdnes,s grew wm,, serve'd'.
McMaiaom' asud E- Rivers.
Mr. C, I, J, IWOn, of WnnniPeg, Uas
a fierce desire to gather Janet 'Into
her ate, and
he • would und�oubte•dly • have been He •+tried to; fasten' has gaze else_
been appointed) manager• b fthe Code-
prgtec't does from
ev amu' v hRih 'meniaced, her..
]et out, excerpt that by 'tllhart time avhere but h,e was.. niable to- turn
Gathy was expectinr a
g:.a-baby' it from
rich branch.of t]ae. Sterling Bank in,
succession Mr. Andrew. P~,
. •
"How about -a iirtt,le food '
and the the 'scfntailartian fg -- pe'rskd4 -Or
ri:anager felt sorry for bath of therm. Miss HW,n-sawdem. Ho, vVwd Leigh ,
,to who
resigniedron his new duties
for the
Man the house,?- Jim,
"I worked• up to the • last two wwm �daoijng t only, with, Miss S;in_
we needed moaex-
as in �speCtnm of vreigbt�s sand meas-
'open the fmOt dborted
for thbechasplt'al bill,” h As a rule Howard dd
Messrs. Beattie Bros. have now
was astonashedf to find that
;dark "Heavens," sirs cried,
not choose.-
plaamed. Of course the oomlpany to carry 'his •zud,enests too far' "ere
moved, the'sttoek-.rrf ,tl;e-Variety Store
sffarting,to her feet, ,"we shhould all
.had tb go 4o th,e next s'ftnid. Ruth Hetcheote _Vias• concef bbd. It
Danny cried when he left
to -their fine new Premises in the red
me, was no part of 'his intention to let
Maybe Ole' had; a Munch. But he went•' bpr hiair, -
block, one 'dada' south of the Comlmer-
..However,, no betrayed an ap-
es,caple eutimely, However. '
because his jobb looked, like the engrasoIng"
eula:I HoteL' .
Mr. A. ` W. Archllba]d, a son Mr.
lietitrs although there, was, a de-
pic salad
most Cori 'currWA affair might
,important ,thong an earth to us. right ' be, he usu'4117 gave some thought to
and Mrs. Andrew Archf'ba1d, 'Was re_
and a plate' of
,cold roast beef 'and' baked potatoes
then. He wrote me every' day' to Ruth's pride, but not this, cIl
hurry' and get well.. He said 'h a,*as Jim, ;looking
,cgntly a guest at a 'luncheb3i held haat
Dufferiaa School', Toronto', where he
wvclai Jabe,t ,;h,ad scooped; out , and
teas' 'cd and then,
ot1' with a frown oula-
dying to see hQs' son. I dddmlt know mot 'bear the etrickep, Ippk ori �Rnrt'hs
was presented with a wrist wat'eh by
set back in, their
+shelle at the last . minute to brown
he was actually dying u.nut I got face.
the telogua'm, "Howard,
the staff and a cam pas° by Inspector
wfibh papriita 'and cheese. Jim esu_
tib 'run:. 'a'n'd get me `w
"You see': he caught a heavy cold. drink,"
G. H. Arm'strcm&
ably, ate as if 11as long, gaunt body
murmured, Miss Helen • S
He should' have; been' in, the -hospital +dteq's who 11ad' -again
were ho]low, but not on 'this occa-
strolled out ora.
hlmsel•P. But he went on dancing to the veranda •between dances, ' "
�+ .From 7"he., Hayrora` Expositor-,
s"O 'every
I met Howard's newest gar;•
, ...'A
ndglht in order to send• "m,e the cbamp'agn:e cocktail, if you can find
money. He such
may 23, 9890 ,
friend this afternoon," he announced
went on even after he, 'a thing •in ,th,esss,"
was, deldrious� He was, t Par she ,
reed. to, went "If
Mr. Vii: J. D Cook, o[;;Goderich,
Passed +hris, ser•'and int,,Mtedda,te law
`Ilelen'Samders?" fnqurnred' Janet.
on laaa'guiciiy. not, any
a cartwheel when, he fainted. T11ey (Continued em Page 3)
carrged'' him' 'off. It
•exam'Aneumaut osgoo,deHalllastweel
Net,. brother nodded. Anne looked
was, pneumonia ,
and he.-hadm,',t a chance."
at hum'quickly. Jim wad red clear
six' malvbhs CaUli . a
y had 'been
tfLmf,sfuli9:, class
ing coat first ire a class of over faa>iy.
down inside the collar of his short
g 'in flue floor show at thE, S
Tihe flax m111 at Shdpka, owned by
Messa•a1a Swelter, weer dest'rayed by
blue shirt.
"Pris,cUl'a'•says that Helen' is the
Prettiest i
Iocall night club. The salary was not • IL
larggee, but s'he did not Have to 0
go .
Em om Saturday, May 10. The mull RTI rami VuO worst snob to work until eight , du t'hee ev,animg
coffAai!nedr over $80'0' w,onph ,of fmdeih- that evser''lived," remarked Janet. and She was finished' shortly after
ed flax. The machineiY eras worth `She's+ a •spoiled brat w'I1o� needs' toolve. She hlad a room in the flat
$1,000 and the total )lass wig be a good going over with a bundle of acroso. tbe, hall: with an old German
abozut $3,00 &ticks." muttered ' A -1n, but he stili couple. Graudmba Bauer w'as, glad to No Winter in B. C.,
• Among the very latest of the diet net meet Anne's eye. keep an eye' low 15arnny wheel his
grade , 7010 Queen's Ave., '
a'bes' of Stratford Btrsdri'e•� College, I .
who bas secured a sitaatiton is v. W. victoria, B.C.; Apri'1 27,19410_
Livingsrtbne, asr Istenagrra,pher an_ The Editor, Th'e Huron Expositor:
bookkeeper with Mr. D. D. W &soh, r.. , Dear' Sir: F,ncl,osed irlerewith is -
egg dealer of Seafarb 0 postal .n,orte of 1.50 form renewal
The pailvate banla]xa� farm of weir + Phil 08if , of 4 .. to Your paper, for 1'940, y
b Logan has been dhonotved and will r I feet very, sorry for you pegpy;e tis
be hter°eagter caaried on by Mr. Robt. T.�� s�� Ontario that Qalave been, snowed unxjer
I�fgam • LcaZ 'Meadows 1 90-1,png, but bople you fare getting lain"
A very sanious ;accident oresrrred Aft. �� again now. We thad •nor mow here all
an the farm of Mr. Gavin, Y3an ibon, ... 6 winter, andhh,ere, hlas. been, flowers of
10th cancessaon, HuRett, on Wednag_ some, kind in bloom_ in the gardens,
day morning fast. >5`otir ryoung .men - -CEDAR RAIL'S" . goin'g back �o tQae bush and caning brew every month thrrnrg!hout Ube'
wets engaged in taking down a bash, a cedar tree dour and, in time, s eat winter. TuldPs are in, full blooms mrow
namely, Gavin 'Hanxilbon, Jr-, S. Lim If a anon wants a lesson in regard, P - amdl the roses) wi;a bo coming out in
tl,e, R. Cole and Mr. ,Bal•L ' They bad. `o -the 'progress of ,the world, he ting some anew rands- iih,ey were out g
art Ui
of faslviom .., about front weeks.
. e'.Pecunety, they fihoalgut, bat one I sboul•d 7u'st thi— about cedar rails, for The straight mail fence was iia'am_ We erne just a little sQvou�t of oarso_
. • r'ope,'br•oke, and a hea°vy,ptick of tim. a shromt while.' Take, for instance, to ed, ft fell into _disrepair and t'he lice There for the ys' The
mtiguht, whlen the Oecaai' Past few ado
ter Pell on,the men rola° were armabis an arose to get oil COMP-6,nzes refuse 'to son an
to crit of the way. Messrs. Haim- g far the morning fire. It cattle ba:d' ,aan, 1pritarting habit of push- y -
Responsible For .Alam ?'hinge some kindIiw ng ing at aver whenever to the filling' stations at the new low .
n1ton, Little a.nd Cole ware supposed wafs quite easy, to wank out into the carne albnrg. It sprawledtal0ng a$ er res the Government doss .Put in_
0D ,be fatally imjur-e& backyralld' prick u the bucksaw and a unrtidy, stragglln way, lurching rPDssi'bhe ba bony a
. , p g t 'to, effe'd, so it is 'iiia
Besides the Victorian Era the Mr. James, F'owlie, Bayfield, leas srcrarwny, oral;, and, after a few seconds ri ht or' left as the frost de,edd, gas ori tike ;&lour) at the
� ,� , ' R1 g ° gallon of ,
passing, of which is so~ bitterly la� °0tled the erection of a inm,e anew of pu�hting and pulling v;{ltih the saw h'eanng fromv the earth in the spring- Present time. •
63acltsmit'Ir s'h'op, to achieve .a black of cedar, tirme. A haldehearted attempt w a Yourls 'truly,
rented by "some old people, and like- Mr: James Jarrott, Sr•` of Hills- With a. slit' -g ]dke motion this mtad e to 'put it back Intro service by J. W. BERRY.
•wise rejoiced'in by some youn eo- green', last week hhuarutle& out to Kip- black w* reduced in. turn to flat bra'cdng .1.
p and wiilh two stnandst of barb- •
pee, :Goad Queen Victoria was re- pen 1,80D bushels of Data ,and goo strirps end' ,t'hues,e yielded to 'the '&thin, ed' wive strung along, but this was F.XpreSSeS Thanks
.. ...- _, bUshels of wheat arid, he received 34c draper-ildke+ s+trrips, tlbat virtually pan- d'elindtely not a success.
spons�ible 'for man other causes, $1.Do pox buethei' resrPed o bey. ro $- .....
y a gebxl iBFe ---Ala an added astsuT Thin sores the atra191A wd•re fence, Ottawa, April 26, 19
events: A?a'• James Swan; of Brucefield, .s arncs they, were pilled aro the oVenr door and even here the radix came into The Editor, The Harron Expos 40
bavmtvg a very do.'pranrodioits barn: put where thole, tan y fro fitZic;
Arid anon therm was the inven- op on this g Face b their and I -re as, posts, an , of the wire up bear Sir: On behalf of the Dlrec_ .
g 'paremHseg••'op� Albert St, drying wai+ied a °)heap: odor+,'..'t'hraugh.. and d�qs ceautmer strand' of barbed wire. 'tars of GaaladRan Legion
tion of the safety pin. When Queen � old Bruce'ftd football, club re„ 'ou:t 'the k1toben. But 'time proq,� that ever, this ram- vices ave. d, ta,War Ser-
orgaq.n�i�.z1'ed 1aSrt 'day ermy� with, ,What sball we do for kiuwdling Plifte1 form' of fea¢uoian, desire to take this appor-
-Victoria was'a baby a coli was sent tine foliownaig afffed : Captain, Dom,. when -the cedar radii has. gone? Slomme- deral tot 'being a suege g °ked a great �o r � a �Ip��ouT deep gratitude
out through the whole of England Immo Dallne; subtraptaln, Andrew Scott; show it a r emtd*A-ed by your
g > ppdars' that hive codas rail We came to buy waveu wire. Trow •mrewspaP'er dtua,lug the
:areCe� n
for ad pin 'that would hold her ba!b. �aretaACy' John Balser;' treasilrer, nvaTkm an sera, anal than as' tW,s day Proud the were of tQrat fence, and, how dam Service t�aanpaign,,
y Rabea+t Beattie a age e8 outs ";pelta iaalba.a madiera dti'ftentdy we scythed the weed :' loty' Z11ra ' t swcca
clothes upon her, wlt�iout attacking T+ .�wa'snns have, camumenced t eo one', the, cedar rail becomes, a van- the fence, ,amid• indigavamily demaxlbt pal, d which ,hhe aa�
♦ ea'•e,coa� of a new addition, ,to the rest- ishi g symlboL that our mrerighibors don gn r 44 ieved can be attributed to
or attaching any of the -••tender skin«, dlence of Mr. Jahih ]�ReM4lIax1, M.P., an Piomeerts there'were who entered wit modem , e e This no s mleasure to this generous
And an old jeweler .whose name is igre' publdcw?tlah was' ae
the old. b4eMdcbaen gran d btdlet ,))surd first aixdl cleared the 'land 'The railer ware plied up be+hiuud the 'Press r corftdi'.by the
now unknown, 'solved the prtibl'em Mr. Edward Sahafgr., of W11agreen, and billed) %--taudl In due .courlse, of, baro. Thhreehtng :dhy ,used' same; but and .at 1 alb thrautg�oq� a
A y d us gent tax j ggetr_
else bought out MO i0t'el at Blake theme' °they fenced it w4th dlhle o'ldrfasrh- far the mosut amt 'tittle came to the ate the tremendous ihel,t �vh N&
by taking a piece of wire and cut- and intends moving imrhn it in a short Boned, e1nakeL4rm,,1 .pence. 5pra'w�ling hornse 1 the Harm of 'cedar. T+hxough newspap'ersl havech Ithe
ting a groove the Whole length of it, time. u�rg ae it )dad, 'the old rail fence took The years Me pll'e weroda all beexr am publHoimirag
Mr- A- C, 'Pan Egmond, •of Ir3gmuond.- ' up a gteat deal of room -At harbor- as it ddd we down__—and �e 'purposes of tbre tcamRya+lgn. In its
and then putting a smaller pointe started o 0iat,g about for news, colufmts', Nor a> elft w,e
lr vi]Qe, said one of his drrivdrvg horses ed vedrs gaud! ,s bone pfieffi, snakesr and antofdrer ,all Peavee to be sacrificed, the favorable e,ddtarisl ca met
wire In the groove. the atht� day for $190: berms" bu+ah�si--and i,n,'tdmre it was con.. Vler,e' was only one and r�,t a ,th lch mom$
And there•was a'safety pin: Never d Trine residence of Mr. 9H3dwamd Arm- sRdiered' out of gashiloay. 'Farmers with Ust two strarggliog creation ire sarch• an, "luvortant factor
ftmW, Shnburn, 'loan' bUrnued to the fie7da and) fi'eld's of unused dnndt would ed am, the °)earl;' ' �a't sttart- in making the obje'otives of tIlire a'p-
again wal3 the Queen pricked b a gran4md on satn 109 and Petwed out Peal known, to the genter,a
y rdW 'w�Y,+ght Isar t, yet sell, excited about •the was't'e. -taken ,half wr<iy th ough•the high on the way , For all of tihls, the Directors oi'
pin, but if history is Honest it would The •nlYttu �voallem M&ilg has been uP byi t�h+e rail fence aCnd tihen, tlhey to the riven Thds.r iioo, was. el
rented to Mr. P. Purvis, of Tetef ilt. would build a skmaight' aadl fences. It UpI-+andl ,in; tturh bemino 'kindd eared Cab,,ardian Legion •War. Services,, . in- -
, Wein that the good Queen became ter, for • a terve or years. ,book a gr*6$ reial of Eabom W aprdece•, V4*11e do, we go f earporated, we are veli Muth lnddbt-
.fairly Proficient in her later years ''� h1Qn'e'? alt. h'a to y+ri'u • and o'n• tlhtelr behalf w e
''�Viz3,L'FAt s+ptf6tting titre hottti0dt' slag but list resnrdtul, were comisddorr+ed wtoa•ttn mails with) sawn; be, "usecD up�tt, Pat-Ih•. ha march 'Plteasu�a,e '
in jAbbin her household, family, rel- In ' cer, of Lircetuar, Ddu lrbs Et tfem,cOd Vkh 'wtlrer--and.,.tw'e "e`Ios't cvarinest ^thanks for o annoying otir
tita'i!itirng that mesh , >v tore process the knack Of splItblmg ,tails. AAy man assrl•Sta)Irce - your inrvaluabiaA
y„ tuned %y a atick bwnaing aana The TbAlsr left ober i
atives .Yid overniriment advisers, I r
g , Mfitdamg a new Donee were pl'Ied' conn tet'1 ybtr thtt4b a r7edatr:.t`ai'l ,bdoWt Nstiian rar oepQ fopf War P
not With'pins' wztlt sonaethin/��r, Iust y.�vt�a� i��t,,y.,�yyr..'„� opt 'up y°�.u�,by,p,ey�au ryr„�ykdadady:�wtyuo�r�'yrreu�itle nnl�s� It, bel mea:e:
9 U tY$iir °i0'' It�t t'.onii ia�a �'Y �1'c�dilr�t'',�JQF 1�r31C+W y,�','d 'YIIlI,+`b' 'd'�'''hl 49U.tYLw ,tl.VW-e'a'L P,'r -'Gn' Q, fttlii ,.- t��
o V' iftfill, acid whxeh eat tiles 'even lip nbw br�viaag fir., If�evea. pr�x�r»• AkWi 'ib ,tihre frx- , �iig 1aPl°�r we Hare dtutehtldng d ih HvAry ' ,” are are
'� '
I 'I
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Poore ar leigs�, pe�neju �.
at dds"O i, . Iftit r ,A olrirxia, i~d►. ;.
040 ��C �+.. � , Ti7MC nllbl diti >Y.. biy'but xOt 'd1 * � I �bwl;
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